path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/install/migration.md
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-# Transition to TensorFlow 1.0
-The APIs in TensorFlow 1.0 have changed in ways that are not all backwards
-compatible. That is, TensorFlow programs that worked on TensorFlow 0.n won't
-necessarily work on TensorFlow 1.0. We have made this API changes to ensure an
-internally-consistent API, and do not plan to make backwards-breaking changes
-throughout the 1.N lifecycle.
-This guide walks you through the major changes in the API and how to
-automatically upgrade your programs for TensorFlow 1.0. This guide not
-only steps you through the changes but also explains why we've made them.
-## How to upgrade
-If you would like to automatically port your code to 1.0, you can try our
-`tf_upgrade.py` script. While this script handles many cases, manual changes
-are sometimes necessary.
- Get this script from our
-[GitHub tree](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/tools/compatibility).
-To convert a single 0.n TensorFlow source file to 1.0, enter a
-command of the following format:
-$ <b>python tf_upgrade.py --infile</b> <i>InputFile</i> <b>--outfile</b> <i>OutputFile</i>
-For example, the following command converts a 0.n TensorFlow
-program named `test.py` to a 1.0 TensorFlow program named `test_1.0.py`:
-$ <b>python tf_upgrade.py --infile test.py --outfile test_1.0.py</b>
-The `tf_upgrade.py` script also generates a file named `report.txt`, which
-details all the changes it performed and makes additional suggestions about
-changes you might need to make manually.
-To upgrade a whole directory of 0.n TensorFlow programs to 1.0,
-enter a command having the following format:
-$ <b>python tf_upgrade.py --intree</b> <i>InputDir</i> <b>--outtree</b> <i>OutputDir</i>
-For example, the following command converts all the 0.n TensorFlow programs
-in the `/home/user/cool` directory, creating their 1.0 equivalents in
-the `/home/user/cool_1.0` directory:
-$ <b>python tf_upgrade.py --intree /home/user/cool --outtree /home/user/cool_1.0</b>
-### Limitations
-There are a few things to watch out for. Specifically:
- * You must manually fix any instances of `tf.reverse()`.
- The `tf_upgrade.py` script will warn you about `tf.reverse()` in
- stdout and in the `report.txt` file.
- * On reordered arguments, `tf_upgrade.py` tries to minimally reformat
- your code, so it cannot automatically change the actual argument order.
- Instead, `tf_upgrade.py` makes your function invocations order-independent
- by introducing keyword arguments.
- * Constructions like `tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables()`
- will likely not work. We recommend deleting those lines and replacing
- them with lines such as the following:
- <pre class="prettyprint">
- with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True):
- ...
- </pre>
- * Analogously to `tf.pack` and `tf.unpack`, we're renamed
- `TensorArray.pack` and `TensorArray.unpack` to
- `TensorArray.stack` and `TensorArray.unstack`. However, `TensorArray.pack`
- and `TensorArray.unpack` cannot be detected lexically since they are
- indirectly related to the `tf` namespace e.g.
- `foo = tf.TensorArray(); foo.unpack()`
-## Upgrading your code manually
-Instead of running `tf_upgrade.py`, you may manually upgrade your code.
-The remainder of this document provides a comprehensive list of
-all backward incompatible changes made in TensorFlow 1.0.
-### Variables
-Variable functions have been made more consistent and less confusing.
- * should be renamed to `tf.GLOBAL_VARIABLES`
-* `tf.all_variables`
- * should be renamed to `tf.global_variables`
-* `tf.initialize_all_variables`
- * should be renamed to `tf.global_variables_initializer`
-* `tf.initialize_local_variables`
- * should be renamed to `tf.local_variables_initializer`
-* `tf.initialize_variables`
- * should be renamed to `tf.variables_initializer`
-### Summary functions
-Summary functions have been consolidated under the `tf.summary` namespace.
-* `tf.audio_summary`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.audio`
-* `tf.contrib.deprecated.histogram_summary`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.histogram`
-* `tf.contrib.deprecated.scalar_summary`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.scalar`
-* `tf.histogram_summary`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.histogram`
-* `tf.image_summary`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.image`
-* `tf.merge_all_summaries`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.merge_all`
-* `tf.merge_summary`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.merge`
-* `tf.scalar_summary`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.scalar`
-* `tf.train.SummaryWriter`
- * should be renamed to `tf.summary.FileWriter`
-### Numeric differences
-Integer division and `tf.floordiv` now uses flooring semantics. This is to
-make the results of `np.divide` and `np.mod` consistent with `tf.divide` and
-`tf.mod`, respectively. In addition we have changed the rounding algorithm
-used by `tf.round` to match NumPy.
-* `tf.div`
- * The semantics of `tf.divide` division have been changed to match Python
-semantics completely. That is, `/` in Python 3 and future division mode in
-Python 2 will produce floating point numbers always, `//` will produce floored
-division. However, even `tf.div` will produce floored integer division.
-To force C-style truncation semantics, you must use `tf.truncatediv`.
- * Consider changing your code to use `tf.divide`, which follows Python semantics for promotion.
-* `tf.mod`
- * The semantics of `tf.mod` have been changed to match Python semantics. In
-particular, flooring semantics are used for integers. If you wish to have
-C-style truncation mod (remainders), you can use `tf.truncatemod`
-The old and new behavior of division can be summarized with this table:
-| Expr | TF 0.11 (py2) | TF 0.11 (py3) | TF 1.0 (py2) | TF 1.0 (py3) |
-| tf.div(3,4) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
-| tf.div(-3,4) | 0 | 0 | -1 | -1 |
-| tf.mod(-3,4) | -3 | -3 | 1 | 1 |
-| -3/4 | 0 | -0.75 | -1 | -0.75 |
-| -3/4tf.divide(-3,4) | N/A | N/A | -0.75 | -1 |
-The old and new behavior of rounding can be summarized with this table:
-| Input | Python | NumPy | C++ round() | TensorFlow 0.11(floor(x+.5)) | TensorFlow 1.0 |
-| -3.5 | -4 | -4 | -4 | -3 | -4 |
-| -2.5 | -2 | -2 | -3 | -2 | -2 |
-| -1.5 | -2 | -2 | -2 | -1 | -2 |
-| -0.5 | 0 | 0 | -1 | 0 | 0 |
-| 0.5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
-| 1.5 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
-| 2.5 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
-| 3.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
-### NumPy matching names
-Many functions have been renamed to match NumPy. This was done to make the
-transition between NumPy and TensorFlow as easy as possible. There are still
-numerous cases where functions do not match, so this is far from a hard and
-fast rule, but we have removed several commonly noticed inconsistencies.
-* `tf.inv`
- * should be renamed to `tf.reciprocal`
- * This was done to avoid confusion with NumPy's matrix inverse `np.inv`
-* `tf.list_diff`
- * should be renamed to `tf.setdiff1d`
-* `tf.listdiff`
- * should be renamed to `tf.setdiff1d`
-* `tf.mul`
- * should be renamed to `tf.multiply`
-* `tf.neg`
- * should be renamed to `tf.negative`
-* `tf.select`
- * should be renamed to `tf.where`
- * `tf.where` now takes 3 arguments or 1 argument, just like `np.where`
-* `tf.sub`
- * should be renamed to `tf.subtract`
-### NumPy matching arguments
-Arguments for certain TensorFlow 1.0 methods now match arguments in certain
-NumPy methods. To achieve this, TensorFlow 1.0 has changed keyword arguments
-and reordered some arguments. Notably, TensorFlow 1.0 now uses `axis` rather
-than `dimension`. TensorFlow 1.0 aims to keep the tensor argument first on
-operations that modify Tensors. (see the `tf.concat` change).
-* `tf.argmax`
- * keyword argument `dimension` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.argmin`
- * keyword argument `dimension` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.concat`
- * keyword argument `concat_dim` should be renamed to `axis`
- * arguments have been reordered to `tf.concat(values, axis, name='concat')`.
-* `tf.count_nonzero`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.expand_dims`
- * keyword argument `dim` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_all`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_any`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_join`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_logsumexp`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_max`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_mean`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_min`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_prod`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reduce_sum`
- * keyword argument `reduction_indices` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.reverse`
- * `tf.reverse` used to take a 1D `bool` tensor to control which dimensions were reversed. Now we use a Tensor of axis indices.
- * For example `tf.reverse(a, [True, False, True])` now must be `tf.reverse(a, [0, 2])`
-* `tf.reverse_sequence`
- * keyword argument `batch_dim` should be renamed to `batch_axis`
- * keyword argument `seq_dim` should be renamed to `seq_axis`
-* `tf.sparse_concat`
- * keyword argument `concat_dim` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.sparse_reduce_sum`
- * keyword argument `reduction_axes` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.sparse_reduce_sum_sparse`
- * keyword argument `reduction_axes` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.sparse_split`
- * keyword argument `split_dim` should be renamed to `axis`
- * arguments have been reordered to `tf.sparse_split(keyword_required=KeywordRequired(), sp_input=None, num_split=None, axis=None, name=None, split_dim=None)`.
-* `tf.split`
- * keyword argument `split_dim` should be renamed to `axis`
- * keyword argument `num_split` should be renamed to `num_or_size_splits`
- * arguments have been reordered to `tf.split(value, num_or_size_splits, axis=0, num=None, name='split')`.
-* `tf.squeeze`
- * keyword argument `squeeze_dims` should be renamed to `axis`
-* `tf.svd`
- * arguments have been reordered to `tf.svd(tensor, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True, name=None)`.
-### Simplified math variants
-Batched versions of math operations have been removed. Now the functionality is
-contained in the non-batched versions. Similarly,`tf.complex_abs` has had its
-functionality moved to `tf.abs`
-* `tf.batch_band_part`
- * should be renamed to `tf.band_part`
-* `tf.batch_cholesky`
- * should be renamed to `tf.cholesky`
-* `tf.batch_cholesky_solve`
- * should be renamed to `tf.cholesky_solve`
-* `tf.batch_fft`
- * should be renamed to `tf.fft`
-* `tf.batch_fft3d`
- * should be renamed to `tf.fft3d`
-* `tf.batch_ifft`
- * should be renamed to `tf.ifft`
-* `tf.batch_ifft2d`
- * should be renamed to `tf.ifft2d`
-* `tf.batch_ifft3d`
- * should be renamed to `tf.ifft3d`
-* `tf.batch_matmul`
- * should be renamed to `tf.matmul`
-* `tf.batch_matrix_determinant`
- * should be renamed to `tf.matrix_determinant`
-* `tf.batch_matrix_diag`
- * should be renamed to `tf.matrix_diag`
-* `tf.batch_matrix_inverse`
- * should be renamed to `tf.matrix_inverse`
-* `tf.batch_matrix_solve`
- * should be renamed to `tf.matrix_solve`
-* `tf.batch_matrix_solve_ls`
- * should be renamed to `tf.matrix_solve_ls`
-* `tf.batch_matrix_transpose`
- * should be renamed to `tf.matrix_transpose`
-* `tf.batch_matrix_triangular_solve`
- * should be renamed to `tf.matrix_triangular_solve`
-* `tf.batch_self_adjoint_eig`
- * should be renamed to `tf.self_adjoint_eig`
-* `tf.batch_self_adjoint_eigvals`
- * should be renamed to `tf.self_adjoint_eigvals`
-* `tf.batch_set_diag`
- * should be renamed to `tf.set_diag`
-* `tf.batch_svd`
- * should be renamed to `tf.svd`
-* `tf.complex_abs`
- * should be renamed to `tf.abs`
-### Misc Changes
-Several other changes have been made, including the following:
-* `tf.image.per_image_whitening`
- * should be renamed to `tf.image.per_image_standardization`
-* `tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits`
- * arguments have been reordered to `tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(_sentinel=None, labels=None, logits=None, name=None)`.
-* `tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits`
- * arguments have been reordered to `tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(_sentinel=None, labels=None, logits=None, dim=-1, name=None)`.
-* `tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits`
- * arguments have been reordered to `tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(_sentinel=None, labels=None, logits=None, name=None)`.
-* `tf.ones_initializer`
- * should be changed to a function call i.e. `tf.ones_initializer()`
-* `tf.pack`
- * should be renamed to `tf.stack`
-* `tf.round`
- * The semantics of `tf.round` now match Banker's rounding.
-* `tf.unpack`
- * should be renamed to `tf.unstack`
-* `tf.zeros_initializer`
- * should be changed to a function call i.e. `tf.zeros_initializer()`