path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/guide/using_tpu.md
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+# Using TPUs
+This document walks through the principal TensorFlow APIs necessary to make
+effective use of a [Cloud TPU](https://cloud.google.com/tpu/), and highlights
+the differences between regular TensorFlow usage, and usage on a TPU.
+This doc is aimed at users who:
+* Are familiar with TensorFlow's `Estimator` and `Dataset` APIs
+* Have maybe [tried out a Cloud TPU](https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/quickstart)
+ using an existing model.
+* Have, perhaps, skimmed the code of an example TPU model
+ [[1]](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/official/mnist/mnist_tpu.py)
+ [[2]](https://github.com/tensorflow/tpu/tree/master/models).
+* Are interested in porting an existing `Estimator` model to
+ run on Cloud TPUs
+## TPUEstimator
+@{tf.estimator.Estimator$Estimators} are TensorFlow's model-level abstraction.
+Standard `Estimators` can drive models on CPU and GPUs. You must use
+@{tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator} to drive a model on TPUs.
+Refer to TensorFlow's Getting Started section for an introduction to the basics
+of using a @{$premade_estimators$pre-made `Estimator`}, and
+@{$custom_estimators$custom `Estimator`s}.
+The `TPUEstimator` class differs somewhat from the `Estimator` class.
+The simplest way to maintain a model that can be run both on CPU/GPU or on a
+Cloud TPU is to define the model's inference phase (from inputs to predictions)
+outside of the `model_fn`. Then maintain separate implementations of the
+`Estimator` setup and `model_fn`, both wrapping this inference step. For an
+example of this pattern compare the `mnist.py` and `mnist_tpu.py` implementation in
+### Running a `TPUEstimator` locally
+To create a standard `Estimator` you call the constructor, and pass it a
+`model_fn`, for example:
+my_estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator(
+ model_fn=my_model_fn)
+The changes required to use a @{tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator} on your local
+machine are relatively minor. The constructor requires two additional arguments.
+You should set the `use_tpu` argument to `False`, and pass a
+@{tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig} as the `config` argument, as shown below:
+``` python
+my_tpu_estimator = tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator(
+ model_fn=my_model_fn,
+ config=tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig()
+ use_tpu=False)
+Just this simple change will allow you to run a `TPUEstimator` locally.
+The majority of example TPU models can be run in this local mode,
+by setting the command line flags as follows:
+$> python mnist_tpu.py --use_tpu=false --master=''
+Note: This `use_tpu=False` argument is useful for trying out the `TPUEstimator`
+API. It is not meant to be a complete TPU compatibility test. Successfully
+running a model locally in a `TPUEstimator` does not guarantee that it will
+work on a TPU.
+### Building a `tpu.RunConfig`
+While the default `RunConfig` is sufficient for local training, these settings
+cannot be ignored in real usage.
+A more typical setup for a `RunConfig`, that can be switched to use a Cloud
+TPU, might be as follows:
+``` python
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+class FLAGS(object):
+ use_tpu=False
+ tpu_name=None
+ # Use a local temporary path for the `model_dir`
+ model_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ # Number of training steps to run on the Cloud TPU before returning control.
+ iterations = 50
+ # A single Cloud TPU has 8 shards.
+ num_shards = 8
+if FLAGS.use_tpu:
+ my_project_name = subprocess.check_output([
+ 'gcloud','config','get-value','project'])
+ my_zone = subprocess.check_output([
+ 'gcloud','config','get-value','compute/zone'])
+ cluster_resolver = tf.contrib.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(
+ tpu_names=[FLAGS.tpu_name],
+ zone=my_zone,
+ project=my_project)
+ master = tpu_cluster_resolver.get_master()
+ master = ''
+my_tpu_run_config = tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig(
+ master=master,
+ evaluation_master=master,
+ model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir,
+ session_config=tf.ConfigProto(
+ allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=True),
+ tpu_config=tf.contrib.tpu.TPUConfig(FLAGS.iterations,
+ FLAGS.num_shards),
+Then you must pass the @{tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig} to the constructor:
+``` python
+my_tpu_estimator = tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator(
+ model_fn=my_model_fn,
+ config = my_tpu_run_config,
+ use_tpu=FLAGS.use_tpu)
+Typically the `FLAGS` would be set by command line arguments. To switch from
+training locally to training on a cloud TPU you would need to:
+* Set `FLAGS.use_tpu` to `True`
+* Set `FLAGS.tpu_name` so the `tf.contrib.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver` can find it
+* Set `FLAGS.model_dir` to a Google Cloud Storage bucket url (`gs://`).
+## Optimizer
+When training on a cloud TPU you **must** wrap the optimizer in a
+@{tf.contrib.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer}, which uses an `allreduce` to aggregate
+gradients and broadcast the result to each shard (each TPU core).
+The `CrossShardOptimizer` is not compatible with local training. So, to have
+the same code run both locally and on a Cloud TPU, add lines like the following:
+``` python
+optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
+if FLAGS.use_tpu:
+ optimizer = tf.contrib.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer)
+If you prefer to avoid a global `FLAGS` variable in your model code, one
+approach is to set the optimizer as one of the `Estimator`'s params,
+as follows:
+``` python
+my_tpu_estimator = tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator(
+ model_fn=my_model_fn,
+ config = my_tpu_run_config,
+ use_tpu=FLAGS.use_tpu,
+ params={'optimizer':optimizer})
+## Model Function
+This section details the changes you must make to the model function
+(`model_fn()`) to make it `TPUEstimator` compatible.
+### Static shapes
+During regular usage TensorFlow attempts to determine the shapes of each
+`tf.Tensor` during graph construction. During execution any unknown shape
+dimensions are determined dynamically,
+see @{$guide/tensors#shape$Tensor Shapes} for more details.
+To run on Cloud TPUs TensorFlow models are compiled using @{$xla$XLA}.
+XLA uses a similar system for determining shapes at compile time. XLA requires
+that all tensor dimensions be statically defined at compile time. All shapes
+must evaluate to a constant, and not depend on external data, or stateful
+operations like variables or a random number generator.
+### Summaries
+Remove any use of `tf.summary` from your model.
+@{$summaries_and_tensorboard$TensorBoard summaries} are a great way see inside
+your model. A minimal set of basic summaries are automatically recorded by the
+`TPUEstimator`, to `event` files in the `model_dir`. Custom summaries, however,
+are currently unsupported when training on a Cloud TPU. So while the
+`TPUEstimator` will still run locally with summaries, it will fail if used on a
+### Metrics
+Build your evaluation metrics dictionary in a stand-alone `metric_fn`.
+<!-- TODO(markdaoust) link to guide/metrics when it exists -->
+Evaluation metrics are an essential part of training a model. These are fully
+supported on Cloud TPUs, but with a slightly different syntax.
+A standard @{tf.metrics} returns two tensors. The first returns the running
+average of the metric value, while the second updates the running average and
+returns the value for this batch:
+running_average, current_batch = tf.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions)
+In a standard `Estimator` you create a dictionary of these pairs, and return it
+as part of the `EstimatorSpec`.
+my_metrics = {'accuracy': tf.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions)}
+return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(
+ ...
+ eval_metric_ops=my_metrics
+In a `TPUEstimator` you instead pass a function (which returns a metrics
+dictionary) and a list of argument tensors, as shown below:
+def my_metric_fn(labels, predictions):
+ return {'accuracy': tf.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions)}
+return tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec(
+ ...
+ eval_metrics=(my_metric_fn, [labels, predictions])
+### Use `TPUEstimatorSpec`
+`TPUEstimatorSpec` do not support hooks, and require function wrappers for
+some fields.
+An `Estimator`'s `model_fn` must return an `EstimatorSpec`. An `EstimatorSpec`
+is a simple structure of named fields containing all the `tf.Tensors` of the
+model that the `Estimator` may need to interact with.
+`TPUEstimators` use a @{tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec}. There are a few
+differences between it and a standard @{tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec}:
+* The `eval_metric_ops` must be wrapped into a `metrics_fn`, this field is
+ renamed `eval_metrics` ([see above](#metrics)).
+* The @{tf.train.SessionRunHook$hooks} are unsupported, so these fields are
+ omitted.
+* The @{tf.train.Scaffold$`scaffold`}, if used, must also be wrapped in a
+ function. This field is renamed to `scaffold_fn`.
+`Scaffold` and `Hooks` are for advanced usage, and can typically be omitted.
+## Input functions
+Input functions work mainly unchanged as they run on the host computer, not the
+Cloud TPU itself. This section explains the two necessary adjustments.
+### Params argument
+<!-- TODO(markdaoust) link to input_fn doc when it exists -->
+The `input_fn` for a standard `Estimator` _can_ include a
+`params` argument; the `input_fn` for a `TPUEstimator` *must* include a
+`params` argument. This is necessary to allow the estimator to set the batch
+size for each replica of the input stream. So the minimum signature for an
+`input_fn` for a `TPUEstimator` is:
+def my_input_fn(params):
+ pass
+Where `params['batch-size']` will contain the batch size.
+### Static shapes and batch size
+The input pipeline generated by your `input_fn` is run on CPU. So it is mostly
+free from the strict static shape requirements imposed by the XLA/TPU environment.
+The one requirement is that the batches of data fed from your input pipeline to
+the TPU have a static shape, as determined by the standard TensorFlow shape
+inference algorithm. Intermediate tensors are free to have a dynamic shapes.
+If shape inference has failed, but the shape is known it is possible to
+impose the correct shape using `tf.set_shape()`.
+In the example below the shape
+inference algorithm fails, but it is correctly using `set_shape`:
+>>> x = tf.zeros(tf.constant([1,2,3])+1)
+>>> x.shape
+TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(None), Dimension(None)])
+>>> x.set_shape([2,3,4])
+In many cases the batch size is the only unknown dimension.
+A typical input pipeline, using `tf.data`, will usually produce batches of a
+fixed size. The last batch of a finite `Dataset`, however, is typically smaller,
+containing just the remaining elements. Since a `Dataset` does not know its own
+length or finiteness, the standard @{tf.data.Dataset.batch$`batch`} method
+cannot determine if all batches will have a fixed size batch on its own:
+>>> params = {'batch_size':32}
+>>> ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors([0, 1, 2])
+>>> ds = ds.repeat().batch(params['batch-size'])
+>>> ds
+<BatchDataset shapes: (?, 3), types: tf.int32>
+The most straightforward fix is to
+@{tf.data.Dataset.apply$apply} @{tf.contrib.data.batch_and_drop_remainder}
+as follows:
+>>> params = {'batch_size':32}
+>>> ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors([0, 1, 2])
+>>> ds = ds.repeat().apply(
+... tf.contrib.data.batch_and_drop_remainder(params['batch-size']))
+>>> ds
+ <_RestructuredDataset shapes: (32, 3), types: tf.int32>
+The one downside to this approach is that, as the name implies, this batching
+method throws out any fractional batch at the end of the dataset. This is fine
+for an infinitely repeating dataset being used for training, but could be a
+problem if you want to train for an exact number of epochs.
+To do an exact 1-epoch of _evaluation_ you can work around this by manually
+padding the length of the batches, and setting the padding entries to have zero
+weight when creating your `tf.metrics`.
+## Datasets
+Efficient use of the `tf.data.Dataset` API is critical when using a Cloud
+TPU, as it is impossible to use the Cloud TPU's unless you can feed it data
+quickly enough. See @{$datasets_performance} for details on dataset performance.
+For all but the simplest experimentation (using
+@{tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices} or other in-graph data) you will need to
+store all data files read by the `TPUEstimator`'s `Dataset` in Google Cloud
+Storage Buckets.
+<!--TODO(markdaoust): link to the `TFRecord` doc when it exists.-->
+For most use-cases, we recommend converting your data into `TFRecord`
+format and using a @{tf.data.TFRecordDataset} to read it. This, however, is not
+a hard requirement and you can use other dataset readers
+(`FixedLengthRecordDataset` or `TextLineDataset`) if you prefer.
+Small datasets can be loaded entirely into memory using
+Regardless of the data format used, it is strongly recommended that you
+@{$performance_guide#use_large_files$use large files}, on the order of
+100MB. This is especially important in this networked setting as the overhead
+of opening a file is significantly higher.
+It is also important, regardless of the type of reader used, to enable buffering
+using the `buffer_size` argument to the constructor. This argument is specified
+in bytes. A minimum of a few MB (`buffer_size=8*1024*1024`) is recommended so
+that data is available when needed.
+The TPU-demos repo includes
+[a script](https://github.com/tensorflow/tpu/blob/master/tools/datasets/imagenet_to_gcs.py)
+for downloading the imagenet dataset and converting it to an appropriate format.
+This together with the imagenet
+included in the repo demonstrate all of these best-practices.
+## What Next
+For details on how to actually set up and run a Cloud TPU see:
+ * [Google Cloud TPU Documentation](https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/)
+This document is by no means exhaustive. The best source of more detail on how
+to make a Cloud TPU compatible model are the example models published in:
+ * The [TPU Demos Repository.](https://github.com/tensorflow/tpu)
+For more information about tuning TensorFlow code for performance see:
+ * The @{$performance$Performance Section.}