path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/guide/tensorboard_histograms.md
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+# TensorBoard Histogram Dashboard
+The TensorBoard Histogram Dashboard displays how the distribution of some
+`Tensor` in your TensorFlow graph has changed over time. It does this by showing
+many histograms visualizations of your tensor at different points in time.
+## A Basic Example
+Let's start with a simple case: a normally-distributed variable, where the mean
+shifts over time.
+TensorFlow has an op
+which is perfect for this purpose. As is usually the case with TensorBoard, we
+will ingest data using a summary op; in this case,
+For a primer on how summaries work, please see the general
+[TensorBoard tutorial](https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/summaries_and_tensorboard).
+Here is a code snippet that will generate some histogram summaries containing
+normally distributed data, where the mean of the distribution increases over
+import tensorflow as tf
+k = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
+# Make a normal distribution, with a shifting mean
+mean_moving_normal = tf.random_normal(shape=[1000], mean=(5*k), stddev=1)
+# Record that distribution into a histogram summary
+tf.summary.histogram("normal/moving_mean", mean_moving_normal)
+# Setup a session and summary writer
+sess = tf.Session()
+writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("/tmp/histogram_example")
+summaries = tf.summary.merge_all()
+# Setup a loop and write the summaries to disk
+N = 400
+for step in range(N):
+ k_val = step/float(N)
+ summ = sess.run(summaries, feed_dict={k: k_val})
+ writer.add_summary(summ, global_step=step)
+Once that code runs, we can load the data into TensorBoard via the command line:
+tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/histogram_example
+Once TensorBoard is running, load it in Chrome or Firefox and navigate to the
+Histogram Dashboard. Then we can see a histogram visualization for our normally
+distributed data.
+`tf.summary.histogram` takes an arbitrarily sized and shaped Tensor, and
+compresses it into a histogram data structure consisting of many bins with
+widths and counts. For example, let's say we want to organize the numbers
+`[0.5, 1.1, 1.3, 2.2, 2.9, 2.99]` into bins. We could make three bins:
+* a bin
+containing everything from 0 to 1 (it would contain one element, 0.5),
+* a bin
+containing everything from 1-2 (it would contain two elements, 1.1 and 1.3),
+* a bin containing everything from 2-3 (it would contain three elements: 2.2,
+2.9 and 2.99).
+TensorFlow uses a similar approach to create bins, but unlike in our example, it
+doesn't create integer bins. For large, sparse datasets, that might result in
+many thousands of bins.
+Instead, [the bins are exponentially distributed, with many bins close to 0 and
+comparatively few bins for very large numbers.](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/c8b59c046895fa5b6d79f73e0b5817330fcfbfc1/tensorflow/core/lib/histogram/histogram.cc#L28)
+However, visualizing exponentially-distributed bins is tricky; if height is used
+to encode count, then wider bins take more space, even if they have the same
+number of elements. Conversely, encoding count in the area makes height
+comparisons impossible. Instead, the histograms [resample the data](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/17c47804b86e340203d451125a721310033710f1/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf_backend/backend.ts#L400)
+into uniform bins. This can lead to unfortunate artifacts in some cases.
+Each slice in the histogram visualizer displays a single histogram.
+The slices are organized by step;
+older slices (e.g. step 0) are further "back" and darker, while newer slices
+(e.g. step 400) are close to the foreground, and lighter in color.
+The y-axis on the right shows the step number.
+You can mouse over the histogram to see tooltips with some more detailed
+information. For example, in the following image we can see that the histogram
+at timestep 176 has a bin centered at 2.25 with 177 elements in that bin.
+Also, you may note that the histogram slices are not always evenly spaced in
+step count or time. This is because TensorBoard uses
+[reservoir sampling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reservoir_sampling) to keep a
+subset of all the histograms, to save on memory. Reservoir sampling guarantees
+that every sample has an equal likelihood of being included, but because it is
+a randomized algorithm, the samples chosen don't occur at even steps.
+## Overlay Mode
+There is a control on the left of the dashboard that allows you to toggle the
+histogram mode from "offset" to "overlay":
+In "offset" mode, the visualization rotates 45 degrees, so that the individual
+histogram slices are no longer spread out in time, but instead are all plotted
+on the same y-axis.
+Now, each slice is a separate line on the chart, and the y-axis shows the item
+count within each bucket. Darker lines are older, earlier steps, and lighter
+lines are more recent, later steps. Once again, you can mouse over the chart to
+see some additional information.
+In general, the overlay visualization is useful if you want to directly compare
+the counts of different histograms.
+## Multimodal Distributions
+The Histogram Dashboard is great for visualizing multimodal
+distributions. Let's construct a simple bimodal distribution by concatenating
+the outputs from two different normal distributions. The code will look like
+import tensorflow as tf
+k = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
+# Make a normal distribution, with a shifting mean
+mean_moving_normal = tf.random_normal(shape=[1000], mean=(5*k), stddev=1)
+# Record that distribution into a histogram summary
+tf.summary.histogram("normal/moving_mean", mean_moving_normal)
+# Make a normal distribution with shrinking variance
+variance_shrinking_normal = tf.random_normal(shape=[1000], mean=0, stddev=1-(k))
+# Record that distribution too
+tf.summary.histogram("normal/shrinking_variance", variance_shrinking_normal)
+# Let's combine both of those distributions into one dataset
+normal_combined = tf.concat([mean_moving_normal, variance_shrinking_normal], 0)
+# We add another histogram summary to record the combined distribution
+tf.summary.histogram("normal/bimodal", normal_combined)
+summaries = tf.summary.merge_all()
+# Setup a session and summary writer
+sess = tf.Session()
+writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("/tmp/histogram_example")
+# Setup a loop and write the summaries to disk
+N = 400
+for step in range(N):
+ k_val = step/float(N)
+ summ = sess.run(summaries, feed_dict={k: k_val})
+ writer.add_summary(summ, global_step=step)
+You already remember our "moving mean" normal distribution from the example
+above. Now we also have a "shrinking variance" distribution. Side-by-side, they
+look like this:
+When we concatenate them, we get a chart that clearly reveals the divergent,
+bimodal structure:
+## Some more distributions
+Just for fun, let's generate and visualize a few more distributions, and then
+combine them all into one chart. Here's the code we'll use:
+import tensorflow as tf
+k = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
+# Make a normal distribution, with a shifting mean
+mean_moving_normal = tf.random_normal(shape=[1000], mean=(5*k), stddev=1)
+# Record that distribution into a histogram summary
+tf.summary.histogram("normal/moving_mean", mean_moving_normal)
+# Make a normal distribution with shrinking variance
+variance_shrinking_normal = tf.random_normal(shape=[1000], mean=0, stddev=1-(k))
+# Record that distribution too
+tf.summary.histogram("normal/shrinking_variance", variance_shrinking_normal)
+# Let's combine both of those distributions into one dataset
+normal_combined = tf.concat([mean_moving_normal, variance_shrinking_normal], 0)
+# We add another histogram summary to record the combined distribution
+tf.summary.histogram("normal/bimodal", normal_combined)
+# Add a gamma distribution
+gamma = tf.random_gamma(shape=[1000], alpha=k)
+tf.summary.histogram("gamma", gamma)
+# And a poisson distribution
+poisson = tf.random_poisson(shape=[1000], lam=k)
+tf.summary.histogram("poisson", poisson)
+# And a uniform distribution
+uniform = tf.random_uniform(shape=[1000], maxval=k*10)
+tf.summary.histogram("uniform", uniform)
+# Finally, combine everything together!
+all_distributions = [mean_moving_normal, variance_shrinking_normal,
+ gamma, poisson, uniform]
+all_combined = tf.concat(all_distributions, 0)
+tf.summary.histogram("all_combined", all_combined)
+summaries = tf.summary.merge_all()
+# Setup a session and summary writer
+sess = tf.Session()
+writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("/tmp/histogram_example")
+# Setup a loop and write the summaries to disk
+N = 400
+for step in range(N):
+ k_val = step/float(N)
+ summ = sess.run(summaries, feed_dict={k: k_val})
+ writer.add_summary(summ, global_step=step)
+### Gamma Distribution
+### Uniform Distribution
+### Poisson Distribution
+The poisson distribution is defined over the integers. So, all of the values
+being generated are perfect integers. The histogram compression moves the data
+into floating-point bins, causing the visualization to show little
+bumps over the integer values rather than perfect spikes.
+### All Together Now
+Finally, we can concatenate all of the data into one funny-looking curve.