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-# Graphs and Sessions
-TensorFlow uses a **dataflow graph** to represent your computation in terms of
-the dependencies between individual operations. This leads to a low-level
-programming model in which you first define the dataflow graph, then create a
-TensorFlow **session** to run parts of the graph across a set of local and
-remote devices.
-This guide will be most useful if you intend to use the low-level programming
-model directly. Higher-level APIs such as `tf.estimator.Estimator` and Keras
-hide the details of graphs and sessions from the end user, but this guide may
-also be useful if you want to understand how these APIs are implemented.
-## Why dataflow graphs?
-[Dataflow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dataflow_programming) is a common
-programming model for parallel computing. In a dataflow graph, the nodes
-represent units of computation, and the edges represent the data consumed or
-produced by a computation. For example, in a TensorFlow graph, the `tf.matmul`
-operation would correspond to a single node with two incoming edges (the
-matrices to be multiplied) and one outgoing edge (the result of the
-<!-- TODO(barryr): Add a diagram to illustrate the `tf.matmul` graph. -->
-Dataflow has several advantages that TensorFlow leverages when executing your
-* **Parallelism.** By using explicit edges to represent dependencies between
- operations, it is easy for the system to identify operations that can execute
- in parallel.
-* **Distributed execution.** By using explicit edges to represent the values
- that flow between operations, it is possible for TensorFlow to partition your
- program across multiple devices (CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs) attached to different
- machines. TensorFlow inserts the necessary communication and coordination
- between devices.
-* **Compilation.** TensorFlow's [XLA compiler](../performance/xla/index.md) can
- use the information in your dataflow graph to generate faster code, for
- example, by fusing together adjacent operations.
-* **Portability.** The dataflow graph is a language-independent representation
- of the code in your model. You can build a dataflow graph in Python, store it
- in a [SavedModel](../guide/saved_model.md), and restore it in a C++ program for
- low-latency inference.
-## What is a `tf.Graph`?
-A `tf.Graph` contains two relevant kinds of information:
-* **Graph structure.** The nodes and edges of the graph, indicating how
- individual operations are composed together, but not prescribing how they
- should be used. The graph structure is like assembly code: inspecting it can
- convey some useful information, but it does not contain all of the useful
- context that source code conveys.
-* **Graph collections.** TensorFlow provides a general mechanism for storing
- collections of metadata in a `tf.Graph`. The `tf.add_to_collection` function
- enables you to associate a list of objects with a key (where `tf.GraphKeys`
- defines some of the standard keys), and `tf.get_collection` enables you to
- look up all objects associated with a key. Many parts of the TensorFlow
- library use this facility: for example, when you create a `tf.Variable`, it
- is added by default to collections representing "global variables" and
- "trainable variables". When you later come to create a `tf.train.Saver` or
- `tf.train.Optimizer`, the variables in these collections are used as the
- default arguments.
-## Building a `tf.Graph`
-Most TensorFlow programs start with a dataflow graph construction phase. In this
-phase, you invoke TensorFlow API functions that construct new `tf.Operation`
-(node) and `tf.Tensor` (edge) objects and add them to a `tf.Graph`
-instance. TensorFlow provides a **default graph** that is an implicit argument
-to all API functions in the same context. For example:
-* Calling `tf.constant(42.0)` creates a single `tf.Operation` that produces the
- value `42.0`, adds it to the default graph, and returns a `tf.Tensor` that
- represents the value of the constant.
-* Calling `tf.matmul(x, y)` creates a single `tf.Operation` that multiplies
- the values of `tf.Tensor` objects `x` and `y`, adds it to the default graph,
- and returns a `tf.Tensor` that represents the result of the multiplication.
-* Executing `v = tf.Variable(0)` adds to the graph a `tf.Operation` that will
- store a writeable tensor value that persists between `tf.Session.run` calls.
- The `tf.Variable` object wraps this operation, and can be used [like a
- tensor](#tensor-like_objects), which will read the current value of the
- stored value. The `tf.Variable` object also has methods such as
- `tf.Variable.assign` and `tf.Variable.assign_add` that
- create `tf.Operation` objects that, when executed, update the stored value.
- (See [Variables](../guide/variables.md) for more information about variables.)
-* Calling `tf.train.Optimizer.minimize` will add operations and tensors to the
- default graph that calculates gradients, and return a `tf.Operation` that,
- when run, will apply those gradients to a set of variables.
-Most programs rely solely on the default graph. However,
-see [Dealing with multiple graphs](#programming_with_multiple_graphs) for more
-advanced use cases. High-level APIs such as the `tf.estimator.Estimator` API
-manage the default graph on your behalf, and--for example--may create different
-graphs for training and evaluation.
-Note: Calling most functions in the TensorFlow API merely adds operations
-and tensors to the default graph, but **does not** perform the actual
-computation. Instead, you compose these functions until you have a `tf.Tensor`
-or `tf.Operation` that represents the overall computation--such as performing
-one step of gradient descent--and then pass that object to a `tf.Session` to
-perform the computation. See the section "Executing a graph in a `tf.Session`"
-for more details.
-## Naming operations
-A `tf.Graph` object defines a **namespace** for the `tf.Operation` objects it
-contains. TensorFlow automatically chooses a unique name for each operation in
-your graph, but giving operations descriptive names can make your program easier
-to read and debug. The TensorFlow API provides two ways to override the name of
-an operation:
-* Each API function that creates a new `tf.Operation` or returns a new
- `tf.Tensor` accepts an optional `name` argument. For example,
- `tf.constant(42.0, name="answer")` creates a new `tf.Operation` named
- `"answer"` and returns a `tf.Tensor` named `"answer:0"`. If the default graph
- already contains an operation named `"answer"`, then TensorFlow would append
- `"_1"`, `"_2"`, and so on to the name, in order to make it unique.
-* The `tf.name_scope` function makes it possible to add a **name scope** prefix
- to all operations created in a particular context. The current name scope
- prefix is a `"/"`-delimited list of the names of all active `tf.name_scope`
- context managers. If a name scope has already been used in the current
- context, TensorFlow appends `"_1"`, `"_2"`, and so on. For example:
- ```python
- c_0 = tf.constant(0, name="c") # => operation named "c"
- # Already-used names will be "uniquified".
- c_1 = tf.constant(2, name="c") # => operation named "c_1"
- # Name scopes add a prefix to all operations created in the same context.
- with tf.name_scope("outer"):
- c_2 = tf.constant(2, name="c") # => operation named "outer/c"
- # Name scopes nest like paths in a hierarchical file system.
- with tf.name_scope("inner"):
- c_3 = tf.constant(3, name="c") # => operation named "outer/inner/c"
- # Exiting a name scope context will return to the previous prefix.
- c_4 = tf.constant(4, name="c") # => operation named "outer/c_1"
- # Already-used name scopes will be "uniquified".
- with tf.name_scope("inner"):
- c_5 = tf.constant(5, name="c") # => operation named "outer/inner_1/c"
- ```
-The graph visualizer uses name scopes to group operations and reduce the visual
-complexity of a graph. See [Visualizing your graph](#visualizing-your-graph) for
-more information.
-Note that `tf.Tensor` objects are implicitly named after the `tf.Operation`
-that produces the tensor as output. A tensor name has the form `"<OP_NAME>:<i>"`
-* `"<OP_NAME>"` is the name of the operation that produces it.
-* `"<i>"` is an integer representing the index of that tensor among the
- operation's outputs.
-## Placing operations on different devices
-If you want your TensorFlow program to use multiple different devices, the
-`tf.device` function provides a convenient way to request that all operations
-created in a particular context are placed on the same device (or type of
-A **device specification** has the following form:
-* `<JOB_NAME>` is an alpha-numeric string that does not start with a number.
-* `<DEVICE_TYPE>` is a registered device type (such as `GPU` or `CPU`).
-* `<TASK_INDEX>` is a non-negative integer representing the index of the task
- in the job named `<JOB_NAME>`. See `tf.train.ClusterSpec` for an explanation
- of jobs and tasks.
-* `<DEVICE_INDEX>` is a non-negative integer representing the index of the
- device, for example, to distinguish between different GPU devices used in the
- same process.
-You do not need to specify every part of a device specification. For example,
-if you are running in a single-machine configuration with a single GPU, you
-might use `tf.device` to pin some operations to the CPU and GPU:
-# Operations created outside either context will run on the "best possible"
-# device. For example, if you have a GPU and a CPU available, and the operation
-# has a GPU implementation, TensorFlow will choose the GPU.
-weights = tf.random_normal(...)
-with tf.device("/device:CPU:0"):
- # Operations created in this context will be pinned to the CPU.
- img = tf.decode_jpeg(tf.read_file("img.jpg"))
-with tf.device("/device:GPU:0"):
- # Operations created in this context will be pinned to the GPU.
- result = tf.matmul(weights, img)
-If you are deploying TensorFlow in a [typical distributed configuration](../deploy/distributed.md),
-you might specify the job name and task ID to place variables on
-a task in the parameter server job (`"/job:ps"`), and the other operations on
-task in the worker job (`"/job:worker"`):
-with tf.device("/job:ps/task:0"):
- weights_1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([784, 100]))
- biases_1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeroes([100]))
-with tf.device("/job:ps/task:1"):
- weights_2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([100, 10]))
- biases_2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeroes([10]))
-with tf.device("/job:worker"):
- layer_1 = tf.matmul(train_batch, weights_1) + biases_1
- layer_2 = tf.matmul(train_batch, weights_2) + biases_2
-`tf.device` gives you a lot of flexibility to choose placements for individual
-operations or broad regions of a TensorFlow graph. In many cases, there are
-simple heuristics that work well. For example, the
-`tf.train.replica_device_setter` API can be used with `tf.device` to place
-operations for **data-parallel distributed training**. For example, the
-following code fragment shows how `tf.train.replica_device_setter` applies
-different placement policies to `tf.Variable` objects and other operations:
-with tf.device(tf.train.replica_device_setter(ps_tasks=3)):
- # tf.Variable objects are, by default, placed on tasks in "/job:ps" in a
- # round-robin fashion.
- w_0 = tf.Variable(...) # placed on "/job:ps/task:0"
- b_0 = tf.Variable(...) # placed on "/job:ps/task:1"
- w_1 = tf.Variable(...) # placed on "/job:ps/task:2"
- b_1 = tf.Variable(...) # placed on "/job:ps/task:0"
- input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # placed on "/job:worker"
- layer_0 = tf.matmul(input_data, w_0) + b_0 # placed on "/job:worker"
- layer_1 = tf.matmul(layer_0, w_1) + b_1 # placed on "/job:worker"
-## Tensor-like objects
-Many TensorFlow operations take one or more `tf.Tensor` objects as arguments.
-For example, `tf.matmul` takes two `tf.Tensor` objects, and `tf.add_n` takes
-a list of `n` `tf.Tensor` objects. For convenience, these functions will accept
-a **tensor-like object** in place of a `tf.Tensor`, and implicitly convert it
-to a `tf.Tensor` using the `tf.convert_to_tensor` method. Tensor-like objects
-include elements of the following types:
-* `tf.Tensor`
-* `tf.Variable`
-* [`numpy.ndarray`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.ndarray.html)
-* `list` (and lists of tensor-like objects)
-* Scalar Python types: `bool`, `float`, `int`, `str`
-You can register additional tensor-like types using
-Note: By default, TensorFlow will create a new `tf.Tensor` each time you use
-the same tensor-like object. If the tensor-like object is large (e.g. a
-`numpy.ndarray` containing a set of training examples) and you use it multiple
-times, you may run out of memory. To avoid this, manually call
-`tf.convert_to_tensor` on the tensor-like object once and use the returned
-`tf.Tensor` instead.
-## Executing a graph in a `tf.Session`
-TensorFlow uses the `tf.Session` class to represent a connection between the
-client program---typically a Python program, although a similar interface is
-available in other languages---and the C++ runtime. A `tf.Session` object
-provides access to devices in the local machine, and remote devices using the
-distributed TensorFlow runtime. It also caches information about your
-`tf.Graph` so that you can efficiently run the same computation multiple times.
-### Creating a `tf.Session`
-If you are using the low-level TensorFlow API, you can create a `tf.Session`
-for the current default graph as follows:
-# Create a default in-process session.
-with tf.Session() as sess:
- # ...
-# Create a remote session.
-with tf.Session("grpc://example.org:2222"):
- # ...
-Since a `tf.Session` owns physical resources (such as GPUs and
-network connections), it is typically used as a context manager (in a `with`
-block) that automatically closes the session when you exit the block. It is
-also possible to create a session without using a `with` block, but you should
-explicitly call `tf.Session.close` when you are finished with it to free the
-Note: Higher-level APIs such as `tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession` or
-`tf.estimator.Estimator` will create and manage a `tf.Session` for you. These
-APIs accept optional `target` and `config` arguments (either directly, or as
-part of a `tf.estimator.RunConfig` object), with the same meaning as
-described below.
-`tf.Session.__init__` accepts three optional arguments:
-* **`target`.** If this argument is left empty (the default), the session will
- only use devices in the local machine. However, you may also specify a
- `grpc://` URL to specify the address of a TensorFlow server, which gives the
- session access to all devices on machines that this server controls. See
- `tf.train.Server` for details of how to create a TensorFlow
- server. For example, in the common **between-graph replication**
- configuration, the `tf.Session` connects to a `tf.train.Server` in the same
- process as the client. The [distributed TensorFlow](../deploy/distributed.md)
- deployment guide describes other common scenarios.
-* **`graph`.** By default, a new `tf.Session` will be bound to---and only able
- to run operations in---the current default graph. If you are using multiple
- graphs in your program (see [Programming with multiple
- graphs](#programming_with_multiple_graphs) for more details), you can specify
- an explicit `tf.Graph` when you construct the session.
-* **`config`.** This argument allows you to specify a `tf.ConfigProto` that
- controls the behavior of the session. For example, some of the configuration
- options include:
- * `allow_soft_placement`. Set this to `True` to enable a "soft" device
- placement algorithm, which ignores `tf.device` annotations that attempt
- to place CPU-only operations on a GPU device, and places them on the CPU
- instead.
- * `cluster_def`. When using distributed TensorFlow, this option allows you
- to specify what machines to use in the computation, and provide a mapping
- between job names, task indices, and network addresses. See
- `tf.train.ClusterSpec.as_cluster_def` for details.
- * `graph_options.optimizer_options`. Provides control over the optimizations
- that TensorFlow performs on your graph before executing it.
- * `gpu_options.allow_growth`. Set this to `True` to change the GPU memory
- allocator so that it gradually increases the amount of memory allocated,
- rather than allocating most of the memory at startup.
-### Using `tf.Session.run` to execute operations
-The `tf.Session.run` method is the main mechanism for running a `tf.Operation`
-or evaluating a `tf.Tensor`. You can pass one or more `tf.Operation` or
-`tf.Tensor` objects to `tf.Session.run`, and TensorFlow will execute the
-operations that are needed to compute the result.
-`tf.Session.run` requires you to specify a list of **fetches**, which determine
-the return values, and may be a `tf.Operation`, a `tf.Tensor`, or
-a [tensor-like type](#tensor-like_objects) such as `tf.Variable`. These fetches
-determine what **subgraph** of the overall `tf.Graph` must be executed to
-produce the result: this is the subgraph that contains all operations named in
-the fetch list, plus all operations whose outputs are used to compute the value
-of the fetches. For example, the following code fragment shows how different
-arguments to `tf.Session.run` cause different subgraphs to be executed:
-x = tf.constant([[37.0, -23.0], [1.0, 4.0]])
-w = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2, 2]))
-y = tf.matmul(x, w)
-output = tf.nn.softmax(y)
-init_op = w.initializer
-with tf.Session() as sess:
- # Run the initializer on `w`.
- sess.run(init_op)
- # Evaluate `output`. `sess.run(output)` will return a NumPy array containing
- # the result of the computation.
- print(sess.run(output))
- # Evaluate `y` and `output`. Note that `y` will only be computed once, and its
- # result used both to return `y_val` and as an input to the `tf.nn.softmax()`
- # op. Both `y_val` and `output_val` will be NumPy arrays.
- y_val, output_val = sess.run([y, output])
-`tf.Session.run` also optionally takes a dictionary of **feeds**, which is a
-mapping from `tf.Tensor` objects (typically `tf.placeholder` tensors) to
-values (typically Python scalars, lists, or NumPy arrays) that will be
-substituted for those tensors in the execution. For example:
-# Define a placeholder that expects a vector of three floating-point values,
-# and a computation that depends on it.
-x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[3])
-y = tf.square(x)
-with tf.Session() as sess:
- # Feeding a value changes the result that is returned when you evaluate `y`.
- print(sess.run(y, {x: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]})) # => "[1.0, 4.0, 9.0]"
- print(sess.run(y, {x: [0.0, 0.0, 5.0]})) # => "[0.0, 0.0, 25.0]"
- # Raises `tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError`, because you must feed a value for
- # a `tf.placeholder()` when evaluating a tensor that depends on it.
- sess.run(y)
- # Raises `ValueError`, because the shape of `37.0` does not match the shape
- # of placeholder `x`.
- sess.run(y, {x: 37.0})
-`tf.Session.run` also accepts an optional `options` argument that enables you
-to specify options about the call, and an optional `run_metadata` argument that
-enables you to collect metadata about the execution. For example, you can use
-these options together to collect tracing information about the execution:
-y = tf.matmul([[37.0, -23.0], [1.0, 4.0]], tf.random_uniform([2, 2]))
-with tf.Session() as sess:
- # Define options for the `sess.run()` call.
- options = tf.RunOptions()
- options.output_partition_graphs = True
- options.trace_level = tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE
- # Define a container for the returned metadata.
- metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
- sess.run(y, options=options, run_metadata=metadata)
- # Print the subgraphs that executed on each device.
- print(metadata.partition_graphs)
- # Print the timings of each operation that executed.
- print(metadata.step_stats)
-## Visualizing your graph
-TensorFlow includes tools that can help you to understand the code in a graph.
-The **graph visualizer** is a component of TensorBoard that renders the
-structure of your graph visually in a browser. The easiest way to create a
-visualization is to pass a `tf.Graph` when creating the
-# Build your graph.
-x = tf.constant([[37.0, -23.0], [1.0, 4.0]])
-w = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2, 2]))
-y = tf.matmul(x, w)
-# ...
-loss = ...
-train_op = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.01).minimize(loss)
-with tf.Session() as sess:
- # `sess.graph` provides access to the graph used in a `tf.Session`.
- writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("/tmp/log/...", sess.graph)
- # Perform your computation...
- for i in range(1000):
- sess.run(train_op)
- # ...
- writer.close()
-Note: If you are using a `tf.estimator.Estimator`, the graph (and any
-summaries) will be logged automatically to the `model_dir` that you specified
-when creating the estimator.
-You can then open the log in `tensorboard`, navigate to the "Graph" tab, and
-see a high-level visualization of your graph's structure. Note that a typical
-TensorFlow graph---especially training graphs with automatically computed
-gradients---has too many nodes to visualize at once. The graph visualizer makes
-use of name scopes to group related operations into "super" nodes. You can
-click on the orange "+" button on any of these super nodes to expand the
-subgraph inside.
-For more information about visualizing your TensorFlow application with
-TensorBoard, see the [TensorBoard guide](./summaries_and_tensorboard.md).
-## Programming with multiple graphs
-Note: When training a model, a common way of organizing your code is to use one
-graph for training your model, and a separate graph for evaluating or performing
-inference with a trained model. In many cases, the inference graph will be
-different from the training graph: for example, techniques like dropout and
-batch normalization use different operations in each case. Furthermore, by
-default utilities like `tf.train.Saver` use the names of `tf.Variable` objects
-(which have names based on an underlying `tf.Operation`) to identify each
-variable in a saved checkpoint. When programming this way, you can either use
-completely separate Python processes to build and execute the graphs, or you can
-use multiple graphs in the same process. This section describes how to use
-multiple graphs in the same process.
-As noted above, TensorFlow provides a "default graph" that is implicitly passed
-to all API functions in the same context. For many applications, a single graph
-is sufficient. However, TensorFlow also provides methods for manipulating
-the default graph, which can be useful in more advanced use cases. For example:
-* A `tf.Graph` defines the namespace for `tf.Operation` objects: each
- operation in a single graph must have a unique name. TensorFlow will
- "uniquify" the names of operations by appending `"_1"`, `"_2"`, and so on to
- their names if the requested name is already taken. Using multiple explicitly
- created graphs gives you more control over what name is given to each
- operation.
-* The default graph stores information about every `tf.Operation` and
- `tf.Tensor` that was ever added to it. If your program creates a large number
- of unconnected subgraphs, it may be more efficient to use a different
- `tf.Graph` to build each subgraph, so that unrelated state can be garbage
- collected.
-You can install a different `tf.Graph` as the default graph, using the
-`tf.Graph.as_default` context manager:
-g_1 = tf.Graph()
-with g_1.as_default():
- # Operations created in this scope will be added to `g_1`.
- c = tf.constant("Node in g_1")
- # Sessions created in this scope will run operations from `g_1`.
- sess_1 = tf.Session()
-g_2 = tf.Graph()
-with g_2.as_default():
- # Operations created in this scope will be added to `g_2`.
- d = tf.constant("Node in g_2")
-# Alternatively, you can pass a graph when constructing a `tf.Session`:
-# `sess_2` will run operations from `g_2`.
-sess_2 = tf.Session(graph=g_2)
-assert c.graph is g_1
-assert sess_1.graph is g_1
-assert d.graph is g_2
-assert sess_2.graph is g_2
-To inspect the current default graph, call `tf.get_default_graph`, which
-returns a `tf.Graph` object:
-# Print all of the operations in the default graph.
-g = tf.get_default_graph()