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-# Frequently Asked Questions
-This document provides answers to some of the frequently asked questions about
-TensorFlow. If you have a question that is not covered here, you might find an
-answer on one of the TensorFlow [community resources](../about/index.md).
-## Features and Compatibility
-#### Can I run distributed training on multiple computers?
-Yes! TensorFlow gained
-[support for distributed computation](../deploy/distributed.md) in
-version 0.8. TensorFlow now supports multiple devices (CPUs and GPUs) in one or
-more computers.
-#### Does TensorFlow work with Python 3?
-As of the 0.6.0 release timeframe (Early December 2015), we do support Python
-## Building a TensorFlow graph
-See also the
-[API documentation on building graphs](../api_guides/python/framework.md).
-#### Why does `c = tf.matmul(a, b)` not execute the matrix multiplication immediately?
-In the TensorFlow Python API, `a`, `b`, and `c` are
-`tf.Tensor` objects. A `Tensor` object is
-a symbolic handle to the result of an operation, but does not actually hold the
-values of the operation's output. Instead, TensorFlow encourages users to build
-up complicated expressions (such as entire neural networks and its gradients) as
-a dataflow graph. You then offload the computation of the entire dataflow graph
-(or a subgraph of it) to a TensorFlow
-`tf.Session`, which is able to execute the
-whole computation much more efficiently than executing the operations
-#### How are devices named?
-The supported device names are `"/device:CPU:0"` (or `"/cpu:0"`) for the CPU
-device, and `"/device:GPU:i"` (or `"/gpu:i"`) for the *i*th GPU device.
-#### How do I place operations on a particular device?
-To place a group of operations on a device, create them within a
-`tf.device` context. See
-the how-to documentation on
-[using GPUs with TensorFlow](../guide/using_gpu.md) for details of how
-TensorFlow assigns operations to devices, and the
-[CIFAR-10 tutorial](../tutorials/images/deep_cnn.md) for an example model that
-uses multiple GPUs.
-## Running a TensorFlow computation
-See also the
-[API documentation on running graphs](../api_guides/python/client.md).
-#### What's the deal with feeding and placeholders?
-Feeding is a mechanism in the TensorFlow Session API that allows you to
-substitute different values for one or more tensors at run time. The `feed_dict`
-argument to `tf.Session.run` is a
-dictionary that maps `tf.Tensor` objects to
-numpy arrays (and some other types), which will be used as the values of those
-tensors in the execution of a step.
-#### What is the difference between `Session.run()` and `Tensor.eval()`?
-If `t` is a `tf.Tensor` object,
-`tf.Tensor.eval` is shorthand for
-`tf.Session.run`, where `sess` is the
-current `tf.get_default_session`. The
-two following snippets of code are equivalent:
-# Using `Session.run()`.
-sess = tf.Session()
-c = tf.constant(5.0)
-# Using `Tensor.eval()`.
-c = tf.constant(5.0)
-with tf.Session():
- print(c.eval())
-In the second example, the session acts as a
-[context manager](https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/compound_stmts.html#with),
-which has the effect of installing it as the default session for the lifetime of
-the `with` block. The context manager approach can lead to more concise code for
-simple use cases (like unit tests); if your code deals with multiple graphs and
-sessions, it may be more straightforward to make explicit calls to
-#### Do Sessions have a lifetime? What about intermediate tensors?
-Sessions can own resources, such as
-`tf.QueueBase`, and
-`tf.ReaderBase`. These resources can sometimes use
-a significant amount of memory, and can be released when the session is closed by calling
-The intermediate tensors that are created as part of a call to
-[`Session.run()`](../api_guides/python/client.md) will be freed at or before the
-end of the call.
-#### Does the runtime parallelize parts of graph execution?
-The TensorFlow runtime parallelizes graph execution across many different
-* The individual ops have parallel implementations, using multiple cores in a
- CPU, or multiple threads in a GPU.
-* Independent nodes in a TensorFlow graph can run in parallel on multiple
- devices, which makes it possible to speed up
- [CIFAR-10 training using multiple GPUs](../tutorials/images/deep_cnn.md).
-* The Session API allows multiple concurrent steps (i.e. calls to
- `tf.Session.run` in parallel). This
- enables the runtime to get higher throughput, if a single step does not use
- all of the resources in your computer.
-#### Which client languages are supported in TensorFlow?
-TensorFlow is designed to support multiple client languages.
-Currently, the best-supported client language is [Python](../api_docs/python/index.md). Experimental interfaces for
-executing and constructing graphs are also available for
-[C++](../api_docs/cc/index.md), [Java](../api_docs/java/reference/org/tensorflow/package-summary.html) and [Go](https://godoc.org/github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tensorflow/go).
-TensorFlow also has a
-[C-based client API](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/c/c_api.h)
-to help build support for more client languages. We invite contributions of new
-language bindings.
-Bindings for various other languages (such as [C#](https://github.com/migueldeicaza/TensorFlowSharp), [Julia](https://github.com/malmaud/TensorFlow.jl), [Ruby](https://github.com/somaticio/tensorflow.rb) and [Scala](https://github.com/eaplatanios/tensorflow_scala)) created and supported by the open source community build on top of the C API supported by the TensorFlow maintainers.
-#### Does TensorFlow make use of all the devices (GPUs and CPUs) available on my machine?
-TensorFlow supports multiple GPUs and CPUs. See the how-to documentation on
-[using GPUs with TensorFlow](../guide/using_gpu.md) for details of how
-TensorFlow assigns operations to devices, and the
-[CIFAR-10 tutorial](../tutorials/images/deep_cnn.md) for an example model that
-uses multiple GPUs.
-Note that TensorFlow only uses GPU devices with a compute capability greater
-than 3.5.
-#### Why does `Session.run()` hang when using a reader or a queue?
-The `tf.ReaderBase` and
-`tf.QueueBase` classes provide special operations that
-can *block* until input (or free space in a bounded queue) becomes
-available. These operations allow you to build sophisticated
-[input pipelines](../api_guides/python/reading_data.md), at the cost of making the
-TensorFlow computation somewhat more complicated. See the how-to documentation
-[using `QueueRunner` objects to drive queues and readers](../api_guides/python/reading_data.md#creating_threads_to_prefetch_using_queuerunner_objects)
-for more information on how to use them.
-## Variables
-See also the how-to documentation on [variables](../guide/variables.md) and
-[the API documentation for variables](../api_guides/python/state_ops.md).
-#### What is the lifetime of a variable?
-A variable is created when you first run the
-operation for that variable in a session. It is destroyed when that
-#### How do variables behave when they are concurrently accessed?
-Variables allow concurrent read and write operations. The value read from a
-variable may change if it is concurrently updated. By default, concurrent
-assignment operations to a variable are allowed to run with no mutual exclusion.
-To acquire a lock when assigning to a variable, pass `use_locking=True` to
-## Tensor shapes
-See also the
-#### How can I determine the shape of a tensor in Python?
-In TensorFlow, a tensor has both a static (inferred) shape and a dynamic (true)
-shape. The static shape can be read using the
-method: this shape is inferred from the operations that were used to create the
-tensor, and may be partially complete (the static-shape may contain `None`). If
-the static shape is not fully defined, the dynamic shape of a `tf.Tensor`, `t`
-can be determined using `tf.shape(t)`.
-#### What is the difference between `x.set_shape()` and `x = tf.reshape(x)`?
-The `tf.Tensor.set_shape` method updates
-the static shape of a `Tensor` object, and it is typically used to provide
-additional shape information when this cannot be inferred directly. It does not
-change the dynamic shape of the tensor.
-The `tf.reshape` operation creates
-a new tensor with a different dynamic shape.
-#### How do I build a graph that works with variable batch sizes?
-It is often useful to build a graph that works with variable batch sizes
-so that the same code can be used for (mini-)batch training, and
-single-instance inference. The resulting graph can be
-When building a variable-size graph, the most important thing to remember is not
-to encode the batch size as a Python constant, but instead to use a symbolic
-`Tensor` to represent it. The following tips may be useful:
-* Use [`batch_size = tf.shape(input)[0]`](../api_docs/python/array_ops.md#shape)
- to extract the batch dimension from a `Tensor` called `input`, and store it in
- a `Tensor` called `batch_size`.
-* Use `tf.reduce_mean` instead
- of `tf.reduce_sum(...) / batch_size`.
-## TensorBoard
-#### How can I visualize a TensorFlow graph?
-See the [graph visualization tutorial](../guide/graph_viz.md).
-#### What is the simplest way to send data to TensorBoard?
-Add summary ops to your TensorFlow graph, and write
-these summaries to a log directory. Then, start TensorBoard using
- python tensorflow/tensorboard/tensorboard.py --logdir=path/to/log-directory
-For more details, see the
-[Summaries and TensorBoard tutorial](../guide/summaries_and_tensorboard.md).
-#### Every time I launch TensorBoard, I get a network security popup!
-You can change TensorBoard to serve on localhost rather than '' by
-the flag --host=localhost. This should quiet any security warnings.
-## Extending TensorFlow
-See the how-to documentation for
-[adding a new operation to TensorFlow](../extend/adding_an_op.md).
-#### My data is in a custom format. How do I read it using TensorFlow?
-There are three main options for dealing with data in a custom format.
-The easiest option is to write parsing code in Python that transforms the data
-into a numpy array. Then, use `tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices` to
-create an input pipeline from the in-memory data.
-If your data doesn't fit in memory, try doing the parsing in the Dataset
-pipeline. Start with an appropriate file reader, like
-`tf.data.TextLineDataset`. Then convert the dataset by mapping
-`tf.data.Dataset.map` appropriate operations over it.
-Prefer predefined TensorFlow operations such as `tf.decode_raw`,
-`tf.decode_csv`, `tf.parse_example`, or `tf.image.decode_png`.
-If your data is not easily parsable with the built-in TensorFlow operations,
-consider converting it, offline, to a format that is easily parsable, such
-as `tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter` format.
-The most efficient method to customize the parsing behavior is to
-[add a new op written in C++](../extend/adding_an_op.md) that parses your
-data format. The [guide to handling new data formats](../extend/new_data_formats.md) has
-more information about the steps for doing this.
-## Miscellaneous
-#### What is TensorFlow's coding style convention?
-The TensorFlow Python API adheres to the
-[PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) conventions.<sup>*</sup> In
-particular, we use `CamelCase` names for classes, and `snake_case` names for
-functions, methods, and properties. We also adhere to the
-[Google Python style guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html).
-The TensorFlow C++ code base adheres to the
-[Google C++ style guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html).
-(<sup>*</sup> With one exception: we use 2-space indentation instead of 4-space