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-# Estimators
-This document introduces `tf.estimator`--a high-level TensorFlow
-API that greatly simplifies machine learning programming. Estimators encapsulate
-the following actions:
-* training
-* evaluation
-* prediction
-* export for serving
-You may either use the pre-made Estimators we provide or write your
-own custom Estimators. All Estimators--whether pre-made or custom--are
-classes based on the `tf.estimator.Estimator` class.
-For a quick example try [Estimator tutorials]](../tutorials/estimators/linear).
-To see each sub-topic in depth, see the [Estimator guides](premade_estimators).
-Note: TensorFlow also includes a deprecated `Estimator` class at
-`tf.contrib.learn.Estimator`, which you should not use.
-## Advantages of Estimators
-Estimators provide the following benefits:
-* You can run Estimator-based models on a local host or on a
- distributed multi-server environment without changing your model.
- Furthermore, you can run Estimator-based models on CPUs, GPUs,
- or TPUs without recoding your model.
-* Estimators simplify sharing implementations between model developers.
-* You can develop a state of the art model with high-level intuitive code.
- In short, it is generally much easier to create models with Estimators
- than with the low-level TensorFlow APIs.
-* Estimators are themselves built on `tf.keras.layers`, which
- simplifies customization.
-* Estimators build the graph for you.
-* Estimators provide a safe distributed training loop that controls how and
- when to:
- * build the graph
- * initialize variables
- * load data
- * handle exceptions
- * create checkpoint files and recover from failures
- * save summaries for TensorBoard
-When writing an application with Estimators, you must separate the data input
-pipeline from the model. This separation simplifies experiments with
-different data sets.
-## Pre-made Estimators
-Pre-made Estimators enable you to work at a much higher conceptual level
-than the base TensorFlow APIs. You no longer have to worry about creating
-the computational graph or sessions since Estimators handle all
-the "plumbing" for you. That is, pre-made Estimators create and manage
-`tf.Graph` and `tf.Session` objects for you. Furthermore,
-pre-made Estimators let you experiment with different model architectures by
-making only minimal code changes. `tf.estimator.DNNClassifier`,
-for example, is a pre-made Estimator class that trains classification models
-based on dense, feed-forward neural networks.
-### Structure of a pre-made Estimators program
-A TensorFlow program relying on a pre-made Estimator typically consists
-of the following four steps:
-1. **Write one or more dataset importing functions.** For example, you might
- create one function to import the training set and another function to
- import the test set. Each dataset importing function must return two
- objects:
- * a dictionary in which the keys are feature names and the
- values are Tensors (or SparseTensors) containing the corresponding
- feature data
- * a Tensor containing one or more labels
- For example, the following code illustrates the basic skeleton for
- an input function:
- def input_fn(dataset):
- ... # manipulate dataset, extracting the feature dict and the label
- return feature_dict, label
- (See [Importing Data](../guide/datasets.md) for full details.)
-2. **Define the feature columns.** Each `tf.feature_column`
- identifies a feature name, its type, and any input pre-processing.
- For example, the following snippet creates three feature
- columns that hold integer or floating-point data. The first two
- feature columns simply identify the feature's name and type. The
- third feature column also specifies a lambda the program will invoke
- to scale the raw data:
- # Define three numeric feature columns.
- population = tf.feature_column.numeric_column('population')
- crime_rate = tf.feature_column.numeric_column('crime_rate')
- median_education = tf.feature_column.numeric_column('median_education',
- normalizer_fn=lambda x: x - global_education_mean)
-3. **Instantiate the relevant pre-made Estimator.** For example, here's
- a sample instantiation of a pre-made Estimator named `LinearClassifier`:
- # Instantiate an estimator, passing the feature columns.
- estimator = tf.estimator.LinearClassifier(
- feature_columns=[population, crime_rate, median_education],
- )
-4. **Call a training, evaluation, or inference method.**
- For example, all Estimators provide a `train` method, which trains a model.
- # my_training_set is the function created in Step 1
- estimator.train(input_fn=my_training_set, steps=2000)
-### Benefits of pre-made Estimators
-Pre-made Estimators encode best practices, providing the following benefits:
-* Best practices for determining where different parts of the computational
- graph should run, implementing strategies on a single machine or on a
- cluster.
-* Best practices for event (summary) writing and universally useful
- summaries.
-If you don't use pre-made Estimators, you must implement the preceding
-features yourself.
-## Custom Estimators
-The heart of every Estimator--whether pre-made or custom--is its
-**model function**, which is a method that builds graphs for training,
-evaluation, and prediction. When you are using a pre-made Estimator,
-someone else has already implemented the model function. When relying
-on a custom Estimator, you must write the model function yourself. A
-[companion document](../guide/custom_estimators.md)
-explains how to write the model function.
-## Recommended workflow
-We recommend the following workflow:
-1. Assuming a suitable pre-made Estimator exists, use it to build your
- first model and use its results to establish a baseline.
-2. Build and test your overall pipeline, including the integrity and
- reliability of your data with this pre-made Estimator.
-3. If suitable alternative pre-made Estimators are available, run
- experiments to determine which pre-made Estimator produces the
- best results.
-4. Possibly, further improve your model by building your own custom Estimator.
-## Creating Estimators from Keras models
-You can convert existing Keras models to Estimators. Doing so enables your Keras
-model to access Estimator's strengths, such as distributed training. Call
-`tf.keras.estimator.model_to_estimator` as in the
-following sample:
-# Instantiate a Keras inception v3 model.
-keras_inception_v3 = tf.keras.applications.inception_v3.InceptionV3(weights=None)
-# Compile model with the optimizer, loss, and metrics you'd like to train with.
-keras_inception_v3.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.0001, momentum=0.9),
- loss='categorical_crossentropy',
- metric='accuracy')
-# Create an Estimator from the compiled Keras model. Note the initial model
-# state of the keras model is preserved in the created Estimator.
-est_inception_v3 = tf.keras.estimator.model_to_estimator(keras_model=keras_inception_v3)
-# Treat the derived Estimator as you would with any other Estimator.
-# First, recover the input name(s) of Keras model, so we can use them as the
-# feature column name(s) of the Estimator input function:
-keras_inception_v3.input_names # print out: ['input_1']
-# Once we have the input name(s), we can create the input function, for example,
-# for input(s) in the format of numpy ndarray:
-train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(
- x={"input_1": train_data},
- y=train_labels,
- num_epochs=1,
- shuffle=False)
-# To train, we call Estimator's train function:
-est_inception_v3.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=2000)
-Note that the names of feature columns and labels of a keras estimator come from
-the corresponding compiled keras model. For example, the input key names for
-`train_input_fn` above can be obtained from `keras_inception_v3.input_names`,
-and similarly, the predicted output names can be obtained from
-For more details, please refer to the documentation for