path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/guide/embedding.md
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+# Embeddings
+This document introduces the concept of embeddings, gives a simple example of
+how to train an embedding in TensorFlow, and explains how to view embeddings
+with the TensorBoard Embedding Projector
+([live example](http://projector.tensorflow.org)). The first two parts target
+newcomers to machine learning or TensorFlow, and the Embedding Projector how-to
+is for users at all levels.
+An alternative tutorial on these concepts is available in the
+[Embeddings section of Machine Learning Crash Course](https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/embeddings/video-lecture).
+An **embedding** is a mapping from discrete objects, such as words, to vectors
+of real numbers. For example, a 300-dimensional embedding for English words
+could include:
+blue: (0.01359, 0.00075997, 0.24608, ..., -0.2524, 1.0048, 0.06259)
+blues: (0.01396, 0.11887, -0.48963, ..., 0.033483, -0.10007, 0.1158)
+orange: (-0.24776, -0.12359, 0.20986, ..., 0.079717, 0.23865, -0.014213)
+oranges: (-0.35609, 0.21854, 0.080944, ..., -0.35413, 0.38511, -0.070976)
+The individual dimensions in these vectors typically have no inherent meaning.
+Instead, it's the overall patterns of location and distance between vectors
+that machine learning takes advantage of.
+Embeddings are important for input to machine learning. Classifiers, and neural
+networks more generally, work on vectors of real numbers. They train best on
+dense vectors, where all values contribute to define an object. However, many
+important inputs to machine learning, such as words of text, do not have a
+natural vector representation. Embedding functions are the standard and
+effective way to transform such discrete input objects into useful
+continuous vectors.
+Embeddings are also valuable as outputs of machine learning. Because embeddings
+map objects to vectors, applications can use similarity in vector space (for
+instance, Euclidean distance or the angle between vectors) as a robust and
+flexible measure of object similarity. One common use is to find nearest
+neighbors. Using the same word embeddings as above, for instance, here are the
+three nearest neighbors for each word and the corresponding angles:
+blue: (red, 47.6°), (yellow, 51.9°), (purple, 52.4°)
+blues: (jazz, 53.3°), (folk, 59.1°), (bluegrass, 60.6°)
+orange: (yellow, 53.5°), (colored, 58.0°), (bright, 59.9°)
+oranges: (apples, 45.3°), (lemons, 48.3°), (mangoes, 50.4°)
+This would tell an application that apples and oranges are in some way more
+similar (45.3° apart) than lemons and oranges (48.3° apart).
+## Embeddings in TensorFlow
+To create word embeddings in TensorFlow, we first split the text into words
+and then assign an integer to every word in the vocabulary. Let us assume that
+this has already been done, and that `word_ids` is a vector of these integers.
+For example, the sentence “I have a cat.” could be split into
+`[“I”, “have”, “a”, “cat”, “.”]` and then the corresponding `word_ids` tensor
+would have shape `[5]` and consist of 5 integers. To map these word ids
+to vectors, we need to create the embedding variable and use the
+`tf.nn.embedding_lookup` function as follows:
+word_embeddings = tf.get_variable(“word_embeddings”,
+ [vocabulary_size, embedding_size])
+embedded_word_ids = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(word_embeddings, word_ids)
+After this, the tensor `embedded_word_ids` will have shape `[5, embedding_size]`
+in our example and contain the embeddings (dense vectors) for each of the 5
+words. At the end of training, `word_embeddings` will contain the embeddings
+for all words in the vocabulary.
+Embeddings can be trained in many network types, and with various loss
+functions and data sets. For example, one could use a recurrent neural network
+to predict the next word from the previous one given a large corpus of
+sentences, or one could train two networks to do multi-lingual translation.
+These methods are described in the @{$word2vec$Vector Representations of Words}
+## Visualizing Embeddings
+TensorBoard includes the **Embedding Projector**, a tool that lets you
+interactively visualize embeddings. This tool can read embeddings from your
+model and render them in two or three dimensions.
+The Embedding Projector has three panels:
+- *Data panel* on the top left, where you can choose the run, the embedding
+ variable and data columns to color and label points by.
+- *Projections panel* on the bottom left, where you can choose the type of
+ projection.
+- *Inspector panel* on the right side, where you can search for particular
+ points and see a list of nearest neighbors.
+### Projections
+The Embedding Projector provides three ways to reduce the dimensionality of a
+data set.
+- *[t-SNE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-distributed_stochastic_neighbor_embedding)*:
+ a nonlinear nondeterministic algorithm (T-distributed stochastic neighbor
+ embedding) that tries to preserve local neighborhoods in the data, often at
+ the expense of distorting global structure. You can choose whether to compute
+ two- or three-dimensional projections.
+- *[PCA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis)*:
+ a linear deterministic algorithm (principal component analysis) that tries to
+ capture as much of the data variability in as few dimensions as possible. PCA
+ tends to highlight large-scale structure in the data, but can distort local
+ neighborhoods. The Embedding Projector computes the top 10 principal
+ components, from which you can choose two or three to view.
+- *Custom*: a linear projection onto horizontal and vertical axes that you
+ specify using labels in the data. You define the horizontal axis, for
+ instance, by giving text patterns for "Left" and "Right". The Embedding
+ Projector finds all points whose label matches the "Left" pattern and
+ computes the centroid of that set; similarly for "Right". The line passing
+ through these two centroids defines the horizontal axis. The vertical axis is
+ likewise computed from the centroids for points matching the "Up" and "Down"
+ text patterns.
+Further useful articles are
+[How to Use t-SNE Effectively](https://distill.pub/2016/misread-tsne/) and
+[Principal Component Analysis Explained Visually](http://setosa.io/ev/principal-component-analysis/).
+### Exploration
+You can explore visually by zooming, rotating, and panning using natural
+click-and-drag gestures. Hovering your mouse over a point will show any
+[metadata](#metadata) for that point. You can also inspect nearest-neighbor
+subsets. Clicking on a point causes the right pane to list the nearest
+neighbors, along with distances to the current point. The nearest-neighbor
+points are also highlighted in the projection.
+It is sometimes useful to restrict the view to a subset of points and perform
+projections only on those points. To do so, you can select points in multiple
+- After clicking on a point, its nearest neighbors are also selected.
+- After a search, the points matching the query are selected.
+- Enabling selection, clicking on a point and dragging defines a selection
+ sphere.
+Then click the "Isolate *nnn* points" button at the top of the Inspector pane
+on the right hand side. The following image shows 101 points selected and ready
+for the user to click "Isolate 101 points":
+![Selection of nearest neighbors](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/embedding-nearest-points.png "Selection of nearest neighbors")
+*Selection of the nearest neighbors of “important” in a word embedding dataset.*
+Advanced tip: filtering with custom projection can be powerful. Below, we
+filtered the 100 nearest neighbors of “politics” and projected them onto the
+“worst” - “best” vector as an x axis. The y axis is random. As a result, one
+finds on the right side “ideas”, “science”, “perspective”, “journalism” but on
+the left “crisis”, “violence” and “conflict”.
+<table width="100%;">
+ <tr>
+ <td style="width: 30%;">
+ <img src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/embedding-custom-controls.png" alt="Custom controls panel" title="Custom controls panel" />
+ </td>
+ <td style="width: 70%;">
+ <img src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/embedding-custom-projection.png" alt="Custom projection" title="Custom projection" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="width: 30%;">
+ Custom projection controls.
+ </td>
+ <td style="width: 70%;">
+ Custom projection of neighbors of "politics" onto "best" - "worst" vector.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+To share your findings, you can use the bookmark panel in the bottom right
+corner and save the current state (including computed coordinates of any
+projection) as a small file. The Projector can then be pointed to a set of one
+or more of these files, producing the panel below. Other users can then walk
+through a sequence of bookmarks.
+<img src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/embedding-bookmark.png" alt="Bookmark panel" style="width:300px;">
+### Metadata
+If you are working with an embedding, you'll probably want to attach
+labels/images to the data points. You can do this by generating a metadata file
+containing the labels for each point and clicking "Load data" in the data panel
+of the Embedding Projector.
+The metadata can be either labels or images, which are
+stored in a separate file. For labels, the format should
+be a [TSV file](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tab-separated_values)
+(tab characters shown in red) whose first line contains column headers
+(shown in bold) and subsequent lines contain the metadata values. For example:
+<b>Word<span style="color:#800;">\t</span>Frequency</b><br/>
+ Airplane<span style="color:#800;">\t</span>345<br/>
+ Car<span style="color:#800;">\t</span>241<br/>
+ ...
+The order of lines in the metadata file is assumed to match the order of
+vectors in the embedding variable, except for the header. Consequently, the
+(i+1)-th line in the metadata file corresponds to the i-th row of the embedding
+variable. If the TSV metadata file has only a single column, then we don’t
+expect a header row, and assume each row is the label of the embedding. We
+include this exception because it matches the commonly-used "vocab file"
+To use images as metadata, you must produce a single
+[sprite image](https://www.google.com/webhp#q=what+is+a+sprite+image),
+consisting of small thumbnails, one for each vector in the embedding. The
+sprite should store thumbnails in row-first order: the first data point placed
+in the top left and the last data point in the bottom right, though the last
+row doesn't have to be filled, as shown below.
+<table style="border: none;">
+<tr style="background-color: transparent;">
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black">0</td>
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black">1</td>
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black">2</td>
+<tr style="background-color: transparent;">
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black">3</td>
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black">4</td>
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black">5</td>
+<tr style="background-color: transparent;">
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black">6</td>
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black">7</td>
+ <td style="border: 1px solid black"></td>
+Follow [this link](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/embedding-mnist.mp4)
+to see a fun example of thumbnail images in the Embedding Projector.
+## Mini-FAQ
+**Is "embedding" an action or a thing?**
+Both. People talk about embedding words in a vector space (action) and about
+producing word embeddings (things). Common to both is the notion of embedding
+as a mapping from discrete objects to vectors. Creating or applying that
+mapping is an action, but the mapping itself is a thing.
+**Are embeddings high-dimensional or low-dimensional?**
+It depends. A 300-dimensional vector space of words and phrases, for instance,
+is often called low-dimensional (and dense) when compared to the millions of
+words and phrases it can contain. But mathematically it is high-dimensional,
+displaying many properties that are dramatically different from what our human
+intuition has learned about 2- and 3-dimensional spaces.
+**Is an embedding the same as an embedding layer?**
+No. An *embedding layer* is a part of neural network, but an *embedding* is a more
+general concept.