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-# TensorFlow Debugger
-<!-- [comment]: TODO(barryr): Links to and from sections on "Graphs" & "Monitoring Learning". -->
-`tfdbg` is a specialized debugger for TensorFlow. It lets you view the internal
-structure and states of running TensorFlow graphs during training and inference,
-which is difficult to debug with general-purpose debuggers such as Python's `pdb`
-due to TensorFlow's computation-graph paradigm.
-This guide focuses on the command-line interface (CLI) of `tfdbg`. For guide on
-how to use the graphical user interface (GUI) of tfdbg, i.e., the
-**TensorBoard Debugger Plugin**, please visit
-[its README](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/blob/master/tensorboard/plugins/debugger/README.md).
-Note: The TensorFlow debugger uses a
-[curses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curses_\(programming_library\))-based text
-user interface. On Mac OS X, the `ncurses` library is required and can be
-installed with `brew install ncurses`. On Windows, curses isn't as
-well supported, so a [readline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Readline)-based
-interface can be used with tfdbg by installing `pyreadline` with `pip`. If you
-use Anaconda3, you can install it with a command such as
-`"C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Scripts\pip.exe" install pyreadline`. Unofficial
-Windows curses packages can be downloaded
-[here](https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#curses), then subsequently
-installed using `pip install <your_version>.whl`, however curses on Windows may
-not work as reliably as curses on Linux or Mac.
-This tutorial demonstrates how to use the **tfdbg** CLI to debug the appearance
-of [`nan`s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN)
-and [`inf`s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity), a frequently-encountered
-type of bug in TensorFlow model development.
-The following example is for users who use the low-level
-[`Session`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/Session) API of
-TensorFlow. Later sections of this document describe how to use **tfdbg**
-with higher-level APIs of TensorFlow, including `tf.estimator`,
-`tf.keras` / `keras` and `tf.contrib.slim`.
-To *observe* such an issue, run the following command without the debugger (the
-source code can be found
-python -m tensorflow.python.debug.examples.debug_mnist
-This code trains a simple neural network for MNIST digit image recognition.
-Notice that the accuracy increases slightly after the first training step, but
-then gets stuck at a low (near-chance) level:
-Accuracy at step 0: 0.1113
-Accuracy at step 1: 0.3183
-Accuracy at step 2: 0.098
-Accuracy at step 3: 0.098
-Accuracy at step 4: 0.098
-Wondering what might have gone wrong, you suspect that certain nodes in the
-training graph generated bad numeric values such as `inf`s and `nan`s, because
-this is a common cause of this type of training failure.
-Let's use tfdbg to debug this issue and pinpoint the exact graph node where this
-numeric problem first surfaced.
-## Wrapping TensorFlow Sessions with tfdbg
-To add support for tfdbg in our example, all that is needed is to add the
-following lines of code and wrap the Session object with a debugger wrapper.
-This code is already added in
-so you can activate tfdbg CLI with the `--debug` flag at the command line.
-# Let your BUILD target depend on "//tensorflow/python/debug:debug_py"
-# (You don't need to worry about the BUILD dependency if you are using a pip
-# install of open-source TensorFlow.)
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess)
-This wrapper has the same interface as Session, so enabling debugging requires
-no other changes to the code. The wrapper provides additional features,
-* Bringing up a CLI before and after `Session.run()` calls, to let you
-control the execution and inspect the graph's internal state.
-* Allowing you to register special `filters` for tensor values, to facilitate
-the diagnosis of issues.
-In this example, we have already registered a tensor filter called
-which simply determines if there are any `nan` or `inf` values in any
-intermediate tensors (tensors that are neither inputs or outputs of the
-`Session.run()` call, but are in the path leading from the inputs to the
-outputs). This filter is for `nan`s and `inf`s is a common enough use case that
-we ship it with the
-Note: You can also write your own custom filters. See `tfdbg.DebugDumpDir.find`
-for additional information.
-## Debugging Model Training with tfdbg
-Let's try training the model again, but with the `--debug` flag added this time:
-python -m tensorflow.python.debug.examples.debug_mnist --debug
-The debug wrapper session will prompt you when it is about to execute the first
-`Session.run()` call, with information regarding the fetched tensor and feed
-dictionaries displayed on the screen.
-![tfdbg run-start UI](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/tfdbg_screenshot_run_start.png)
-This is what we refer to as the *run-start CLI*. It lists the feeds and fetches
-to the current `Session.run` call, before executing anything.
-If the screen size is too small to display the content of the message in its
-entirety, you can resize it.
-Use the **PageUp** / **PageDown** / **Home** / **End** keys to navigate the
-screen output. On most keyboards lacking those keys **Fn + Up** /
-**Fn + Down** / **Fn + Right** / **Fn + Left** will work.
-Enter the `run` command (or just `r`) at the command prompt:
-tfdbg> run
-The `run` command causes tfdbg to execute until the end of the next
-`Session.run()` call, which calculates the model's accuracy using a test data
-set. tfdbg augments the runtime Graph to dump all intermediate tensors.
-After the run ends, tfdbg displays all the dumped tensors values in the
-*run-end CLI*. For example:
-![tfdbg run-end UI: accuracy](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/tfdbg_screenshot_run_end_accuracy.png)
-This list of tensors can also be obtained by running the command `lt` after you
-executed `run`.
-### tfdbg CLI Frequently-Used Commands
-Try the following commands at the `tfdbg>` prompt (referencing the code at
-| Command | Syntax or Option | Explanation | Example |
-|:-------------------|:---------------- |:------------ |:------------------------- |
-| **`lt`** | | **List dumped tensors.** | `lt` |
-| | `-n <name_pattern>` | List dumped tensors with names matching given regular-expression pattern. | `lt -n Softmax.*` |
-| | `-t <op_pattern>` | List dumped tensors with op types matching given regular-expression pattern. | `lt -t MatMul` |
-| | `-f <filter_name>` | List only the tensors that pass a registered tensor filter. | `lt -f has_inf_or_nan` |
-| | `-f <filter_name> -fenn <regex>` | List only the tensors that pass a registered tensor filter, excluding nodes with names matching the regular expression. | `lt -f has_inf_or_nan` `-fenn .*Sqrt.*` |
-| | `-s <sort_key>` | Sort the output by given `sort_key`, whose possible values are `timestamp` (default), `dump_size`, `op_type` and `tensor_name`. | `lt -s dump_size` |
-| | `-r` | Sort in reverse order. | `lt -r -s dump_size` |
-| **`pt`** | | **Print value of a dumped tensor.** | |
-| | `pt <tensor>` | Print tensor value. | `pt hidden/Relu:0` |
-| | `pt <tensor>[slicing]` | Print a subarray of tensor, using [numpy](http://www.numpy.org/)-style array slicing. | `pt hidden/Relu:0[0:50,:]` |
-| | `-a` | Print the entirety of a large tensor, without using ellipses. (May take a long time for large tensors.) | `pt -a hidden/Relu:0[0:50,:]` |
-| | `-r <range>` | Highlight elements falling into specified numerical range. Multiple ranges can be used in conjunction. | `pt hidden/Relu:0 -a -r [[-inf,-1],[1,inf]]` |
-| | `-n <number>` | Print dump corresponding to specified 0-based dump number. Required for tensors with multiple dumps. | `pt -n 0 hidden/Relu:0` |
-| | `-s` | Include a summary of the numeric values of the tensor (applicable only to non-empty tensors with Boolean and numeric types such as `int*` and `float*`.) | `pt -s hidden/Relu:0[0:50,:]` |
-| | `-w` | Write the value of the tensor (possibly sliced) to a Numpy file using [`numpy.save()`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/generated/numpy.save.html) | `pt -s hidden/Relu:0 -w /tmp/relu.npy` |
-| **`@[coordinates]`** | | Navigate to specified element in `pt` output. | `@[10,0]` or `@10,0` |
-| **`/regex`** | | [less](https://linux.die.net/man/1/less)-style search for given regular expression. | `/inf` |
-| **`/`** | | Scroll to the next line with matches to the searched regex (if any). | `/` |
-| **`pf`** | | **Print a value in the feed_dict to `Session.run`.** | |
-| | `pf <feed_tensor_name>` | Print the value of the feed. Also note that the `pf` command has the `-a`, `-r` and `-s` flags (not listed below), which have the same syntax and semantics as the identically-named flags of `pt`. | `pf input_xs:0` |
-| **eval** | | **Evaluate arbitrary Python and numpy expression.** | |
-| | `eval <expression>` | Evaluate a Python / numpy expression, with numpy available as `np` and debug tensor names enclosed in backticks. | ``eval "np.matmul((`output/Identity:0` / `Softmax:0`).T, `Softmax:0`)"`` |
-| | `-a` | Print a large-sized evaluation result in its entirety, i.e., without using ellipses. | ``eval -a 'np.sum(`Softmax:0`, axis=1)'`` |
-| | `-w` | Write the result of the evaluation to a Numpy file using [`numpy.save()`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/generated/numpy.save.html) | ``eval -a 'np.sum(`Softmax:0`, axis=1)' -w /tmp/softmax_sum.npy`` |
-| **`ni`** | | **Display node information.** | |
-| | `-a` | Include node attributes in the output. | `ni -a hidden/Relu` |
-| | `-d` | List the debug dumps available from the node. | `ni -d hidden/Relu` |
-| | `-t` | Display the Python stack trace of the node's creation. | `ni -t hidden/Relu` |
-| **`li`** | | **List inputs to node** | |
-| | `-r` | List the inputs to node, recursively (the input tree.) | `li -r hidden/Relu:0` |
-| | `-d <max_depth>` | Limit recursion depth under the `-r` mode. | `li -r -d 3 hidden/Relu:0` |
-| | `-c` | Include control inputs. | `li -c -r hidden/Relu:0` |
-| | `-t` | Show op types of input nodes. | `li -t -r hidden/Relu:0` |
-| **`lo`** | | **List output recipients of node** | |
-| | `-r` | List the output recipients of node, recursively (the output tree.) | `lo -r hidden/Relu:0` |
-| | `-d <max_depth>` | Limit recursion depth under the `-r` mode. | `lo -r -d 3 hidden/Relu:0` |
-| | `-c` | Include recipients via control edges. | `lo -c -r hidden/Relu:0` |
-| | `-t` | Show op types of recipient nodes. | `lo -t -r hidden/Relu:0` |
-| **`ls`** | | **List Python source files involved in node creation.** | |
-| | `-p <path_pattern>` | Limit output to source files matching given regular-expression path pattern. | `ls -p .*debug_mnist.*` |
-| | `-n` | Limit output to node names matching given regular-expression pattern. | `ls -n Softmax.*` |
-| **`ps`** | | **Print Python source file.** | |
-| | `ps <file_path>` | Print given Python source file source.py, with the lines annotated with the nodes created at each of them (if any). | `ps /path/to/source.py` |
-| | `-t` | Perform annotation with respect to Tensors, instead of the default, nodes. | `ps -t /path/to/source.py` |
-| | `-b <line_number>` | Annotate source.py beginning at given line. | `ps -b 30 /path/to/source.py` |
-| | `-m <max_elements>` | Limit the number of elements in the annotation for each line. | `ps -m 100 /path/to/source.py` |
-| **`run`** | | **Proceed to the next Session.run()** | `run` |
-| | `-n` | Execute through the next `Session.run` without debugging, and drop to CLI right before the run after that. | `run -n` |
-| | `-t <T>` | Execute `Session.run` `T - 1` times without debugging, followed by a run with debugging. Then drop to CLI right after the debugged run. | `run -t 10` |
-| | `-f <filter_name>` | Continue executing `Session.run` until any intermediate tensor triggers the specified Tensor filter (causes the filter to return `True`). | `run -f has_inf_or_nan` |
-| | `-f <filter_name> -fenn <regex>` | Continue executing `Session.run` until any intermediate tensor whose node names doesn't match the regular expression triggers the specified Tensor filter (causes the filter to return `True`). | `run -f has_inf_or_nan -fenn .*Sqrt.*` |
-| | `--node_name_filter <pattern>` | Execute the next `Session.run`, watching only nodes with names matching the given regular-expression pattern. | `run --node_name_filter Softmax.*` |
-| | `--op_type_filter <pattern>` | Execute the next `Session.run`, watching only nodes with op types matching the given regular-expression pattern. | `run --op_type_filter Variable.*` |
-| | `--tensor_dtype_filter <pattern>` | Execute the next `Session.run`, dumping only Tensors with data types (`dtype`s) matching the given regular-expression pattern. | `run --tensor_dtype_filter int.*` |
-| | `-p` | Execute the next `Session.run` call in profiling mode. | `run -p` |
-| **`ri`** | | **Display information about the run the current run, including fetches and feeds.** | `ri` |
-| **`config`** | | **Set or show persistent TFDBG UI configuration.** | |
-| | `set` | Set the value of a config item: {`graph_recursion_depth`, `mouse_mode`}. | `config set graph_recursion_depth 3` |
-| | `show` | Show current persistent UI configuration. | `config show` |
-| **`version`** | | **Print the version of TensorFlow and its key dependencies.** | `version` |
-| **`help`** | | **Print general help information** | `help` |
-| | `help <command>` | Print help for given command. | `help lt` |
-Note that each time you enter a command, a new screen output
-will appear. This is somewhat analogous to web pages in a browser. You can
-navigate between these screens by clicking the `<--` and
-`-->` text arrows near the top-left corner of the CLI.
-### Other Features of the tfdbg CLI
-In addition to the commands listed above, the tfdbg CLI provides the following
-additional features:
-* To navigate through previous tfdbg commands, type in a few characters
- followed by the Up or Down arrow keys. tfdbg will show you the history of
- commands that started with those characters.
-* To navigate through the history of screen outputs, do either of the
- following:
- * Use the `prev` and `next` commands.
- * Click underlined `<--` and `-->` links near the top left corner of the
- screen.
-* Tab completion of commands and some command arguments.
-* To redirect the screen output to a file instead of the screen, end the
- command with bash-style redirection. For example, the following command
- redirects the output of the pt command to the `/tmp/xent_value_slices.txt`
- file:
- ```none
- tfdbg> pt cross_entropy/Log:0[:, 0:10] > /tmp/xent_value_slices.txt
- ```
-### Finding `nan`s and `inf`s
-In this first `Session.run()` call, there happen to be no problematic numerical
-values. You can move on to the next run by using the command `run` or its
-shorthand `r`.
-> TIP: If you enter `run` or `r` repeatedly, you will be able to move through
-> the `Session.run()` calls in a sequential manner.
-> You can also use the `-t` flag to move ahead a number of `Session.run()` calls
-> at a time, for example:
-> ```
-> tfdbg> run -t 10
-> ```
-Instead of entering `run` repeatedly and manually searching for `nan`s and
-`inf`s in the run-end UI after every `Session.run()` call (for example, by using
-the `pt` command shown in the table above) , you can use the following
-command to let the debugger repeatedly execute `Session.run()` calls without
-stopping at the run-start or run-end prompt, until the first `nan` or `inf`
-value shows up in the graph. This is analogous to *conditional breakpoints* in
-some procedural-language debuggers:
-tfdbg> run -f has_inf_or_nan
-> NOTE: The preceding command works properly because a tensor filter called
-> `has_inf_or_nan` has been registered for you when the wrapped session is
-> created. This filter detects `nan`s and `inf`s (as explained previously).
-> If you have registered any other filters, you can
-> use "run -f" to have tfdbg run until any tensor triggers that filter (cause
-> the filter to return True).
-> ``` python
-> def my_filter_callable(datum, tensor):
-> # A filter that detects zero-valued scalars.
-> return len(tensor.shape) == 0 and tensor == 0.0
-> sess.add_tensor_filter('my_filter', my_filter_callable)
-> ```
-> Then at the tfdbg run-start prompt run until your filter is triggered:
-> ```
-> tfdbg> run -f my_filter
-> ```
-See [this API document](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tfdbg/DebugDumpDir#find)
-for more information on the expected signature and return value of the predicate
-`Callable` used with `add_tensor_filter()`.
-![tfdbg run-end UI: infs and nans](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/tfdbg_screenshot_run_end_inf_nan.png)
-As the screen display indicates on the first line, the `has_inf_or_nan` filter is first triggered
-during the fourth `Session.run()` call: an
-[Adam optimizer](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/AdamOptimizer)
-forward-backward training pass on the graph. In this run, 36 (out of the total
-95) intermediate tensors contain `nan` or `inf` values. These tensors are listed
-in chronological order, with their timestamps displayed on the left. At the top
-of the list, you can see the first tensor in which the bad numerical values
-first surfaced: `cross_entropy/Log:0`.
-To view the value of the tensor, click the underlined tensor name
-`cross_entropy/Log:0` or enter the equivalent command:
-tfdbg> pt cross_entropy/Log:0
-Scroll down a little and you will notice some scattered `inf` values. If the
-instances of `inf` and `nan` are difficult to spot by eye, you can use the
-following command to perform a regex search and highlight the output:
-tfdbg> /inf
-Or, alternatively:
-tfdbg> /(inf|nan)
-You can also use the `-s` or `--numeric_summary` command to get a quick summary
-of the types of numeric values in the tensor:
-``` none
-tfdbg> pt -s cross_entropy/Log:0
-From the summary, you can see that several of the 1000 elements of the
-`cross_entropy/Log:0` tensor are `-inf`s (negative infinities).
-Why did these infinities appear? To further debug, display more information
-about the node `cross_entropy/Log` by clicking the underlined `node_info` menu
-item on the top or entering the equivalent node_info (`ni`) command:
-tfdbg> ni cross_entropy/Log
-![tfdbg run-end UI: infs and nans](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/tfdbg_screenshot_run_end_node_info.png)
-You can see that this node has the op type `Log`
-and that its input is the node `Softmax`. Run the following command to
-take a closer look at the input tensor:
-tfdbg> pt Softmax:0
-Examine the values in the input tensor, searching for zeros:
-tfdbg> /0\.000
-Indeed, there are zeros. Now it is clear that the origin of the bad numerical
-values is the node `cross_entropy/Log` taking logs of zeros. To find out the
-culprit line in the Python source code, use the `-t` flag of the `ni` command
-to show the traceback of the node's construction:
-tfdbg> ni -t cross_entropy/Log
-If you click "node_info" at the top of the screen, tfdbg automatically shows the
-traceback of the node's construction.
-From the traceback, you can see that the op is constructed at the following
-diff = y_ * tf.log(y)
-**tfdbg** has a feature that makes it easy to trace Tensors and ops back to
-lines in Python source files. It can annotate lines of a Python file with
-the ops or Tensors created by them. To use this feature,
-simply click the underlined line numbers in the stack trace output of the
-`ni -t <op_name>` commands, or use the `ps` (or `print_source`) command such as:
-`ps /path/to/source.py`. For example, the following screenshot shows the output
-of a `ps` command.
-![tfdbg run-end UI: annotated Python source file](https://www.tensorflow.org/images/tfdbg_screenshot_run_end_annotated_source.png)
-### Fixing the problem
-To fix the problem, edit `debug_mnist.py`, changing the original line:
-diff = -(y_ * tf.log(y))
-to the built-in, numerically-stable implementation of softmax cross-entropy:
-diff = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(labels=y_, logits=logits)
-Rerun with the `--debug` flag as follows:
-python -m tensorflow.python.debug.examples.debug_mnist --debug
-At the `tfdbg>` prompt, enter the following command:
-run -f has_inf_or_nan`
-Confirm that no tensors are flagged as containing `nan` or `inf` values, and
-accuracy now continues to rise rather than getting stuck. Success!
-## Debugging TensorFlow Estimators
-This section explains how to debug TensorFlow programs that use the `Estimator`
-APIs. Part of the convenience provided by these APIs is that
-they manage `Session`s internally. This makes the `LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession`
-described in the preceding sections inapplicable. Fortunately, you can still
-debug them by using special `hook`s provided by `tfdbg`.
-`tfdbg` can debug the
-`tf.estimator.Estimator.evaluate` and
-methods of tf-learn `Estimator`s. To debug `Estimator.train()`,
-create a `LocalCLIDebugHook` and supply it in the `hooks` argument. For example:
-# First, let your BUILD target depend on "//tensorflow/python/debug:debug_py"
-# (You don't need to worry about the BUILD dependency if you are using a pip
-# install of open-source TensorFlow.)
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-# Create a LocalCLIDebugHook and use it as a monitor when calling fit().
-hooks = [tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugHook()]
-# To debug `train`:
- steps=1000,
- hooks=hooks)
-Similarly, to debug `Estimator.evaluate()` and `Estimator.predict()`, assign
-hooks to the `hooks` parameter, as in the following example:
-# To debug `evaluate`:
-accuracy_score = classifier.evaluate(eval_input_fn,
- hooks=hooks)["accuracy"]
-# To debug `predict`:
-predict_results = classifier.predict(predict_input_fn, hooks=hooks)
-contains a full example of how to use the tfdbg with `Estimator`s.
-To run this example, do:
-python -m tensorflow.python.debug.examples.debug_tflearn_iris --debug
-The `LocalCLIDebugHook` also allows you to configure a `watch_fn` that can be
-used to flexibly specify what `Tensor`s to watch on different `Session.run()`
-calls, as a function of the `fetches` and `feed_dict` and other states. See
-for more details.
-## Debugging Keras Models with TFDBG
-To use TFDBG with
-let the Keras backend use a TFDBG-wrapped Session object. For example, to use
-the CLI wrapper:
-``` python
-import tensorflow as tf
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-# Define your keras model, called "model".
-# Calls to `fit()`, 'evaluate()` and `predict()` methods will break into the
-With minor modification, the preceding code example also works for the
-[non-TensorFlow version of Keras](https://keras.io/) running against a
-TensorFlow backend. You just need to replace `tf.keras.backend` with
-## Debugging tf-slim with TFDBG
-TFDBG supports debugging of training and evaluation with
-As detailed below, training and evaluation require slightly different debugging
-### Debugging training in tf-slim
-To debug the training process, provide `LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession` to the
-`session_wrapper` argument of `slim.learning.train()`. For example:
-``` python
-import tensorflow as tf
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-# ... Code that creates the graph and the train_op ...
- train_op,
- logdir,
- number_of_steps=10,
- session_wrapper=tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession)
-### Debugging evaluation in tf-slim
-To debug the evaluation process, provide `LocalCLIDebugHook` to the
-`hooks` argument of `slim.evaluation.evaluate_once()`. For example:
-``` python
-import tensorflow as tf
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-# ... Code that creates the graph and the eval and final ops ...
- '',
- checkpoint_path,
- logdir,
- eval_op=my_eval_op,
- final_op=my_value_op,
- hooks=[tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugHook()])
-## Offline Debugging of Remotely-Running Sessions
-Often, your model is running on a remote machine or a process that you don't
-have terminal access to. To perform model debugging in such cases, you can use
-the `offline_analyzer` binary of `tfdbg` (described below). It operates on
-dumped data directories. This can be done to both the lower-level `Session` API
-and the higher-level `Estimator` API.
-### Debugging Remote tf.Sessions
-If you interact directly with the `tf.Session` API in `python`, you can
-configure the `RunOptions` proto that you call your `Session.run()` method
-with, by using the method `tfdbg.watch_graph`.
-This will cause the intermediate tensors and runtime graphs to be dumped to a
-shared storage location of your choice when the `Session.run()` call occurs
-(at the cost of slower performance). For example:
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-# ... Code where your session and graph are set up...
-run_options = tf.RunOptions()
- run_options,
- session.graph,
- debug_urls=["file:///shared/storage/location/tfdbg_dumps_1"])
-# Be sure to specify different directories for different run() calls.
-session.run(fetches, feed_dict=feeds, options=run_options)
-Later, in an environment that you have terminal access to (for example, a local
-computer that can access the shared storage location specified in the code
-above), you can load and inspect the data in the dump directory on the shared
-storage by using the `offline_analyzer` binary of `tfdbg`. For example:
-python -m tensorflow.python.debug.cli.offline_analyzer \
- --dump_dir=/shared/storage/location/tfdbg_dumps_1
-The `Session` wrapper `DumpingDebugWrapperSession` offers an easier and more
-flexible way to generate file-system dumps that can be analyzed offline.
-To use it, simply wrap your session in a `tf_debug.DumpingDebugWrapperSession`.
-For example:
-# Let your BUILD target depend on "//tensorflow/python/debug:debug_py
-# (You don't need to worry about the BUILD dependency if you are using a pip
-# install of open-source TensorFlow.)
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-sess = tf_debug.DumpingDebugWrapperSession(
- sess, "/shared/storage/location/tfdbg_dumps_1/", watch_fn=my_watch_fn)
-The `watch_fn` argument accepts a `Callable` that allows you to configure what
-`tensor`s to watch on different `Session.run()` calls, as a function of the
-`fetches` and `feed_dict` to the `run()` call and other states.
-### C++ and other languages
-If your model code is written in C++ or other languages, you can also
-modify the `debug_options` field of `RunOptions` to generate debug dumps that
-can be inspected offline. See
-[the proto definition](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/protobuf/debug.proto)
-for more details.
-### Debugging Remotely-Running Estimators
-If your remote TensorFlow server runs `Estimator`s,
-you can use the non-interactive `DumpingDebugHook`. For example:
-# Let your BUILD target depend on "//tensorflow/python/debug:debug_py
-# (You don't need to worry about the BUILD dependency if you are using a pip
-# install of open-source TensorFlow.)
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-hooks = [tf_debug.DumpingDebugHook("/shared/storage/location/tfdbg_dumps_1")]
-Then this `hook` can be used in the same way as the `LocalCLIDebugHook` examples
-described earlier in this document.
-As the training, evaluation or prediction happens with `Estimator`,
-tfdbg creates directories having the following name pattern:
-Each directory corresponds to a `Session.run()` call that underlies
-the `fit()` or `evaluate()` call. You can load these directories and inspect
-them in a command-line interface in an offline manner using the
-`offline_analyzer` offered by tfdbg. For example:
-python -m tensorflow.python.debug.cli.offline_analyzer \
- --dump_dir="/shared/storage/location/tfdbg_dumps_1/run_<epoch_timestamp_microsec>_<uuid>"
-## Frequently Asked Questions
-**Q**: _Do the timestamps on the left side of the `lt` output reflect actual
- performance in a non-debugging session?_
-**A**: No. The debugger inserts additional special-purpose debug nodes to the
- graph to record the values of intermediate tensors. These nodes
- slow down the graph execution. If you are interested in profiling your
- model, check out
- 1. The profiling mode of tfdbg: `tfdbg> run -p`.
- 2. [tfprof](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/core/profiler)
- and other profiling tools for TensorFlow.
-**Q**: _How do I link tfdbg against my `Session` in Bazel? Why do I see an
- error such as "ImportError: cannot import name debug"?_
-**A**: In your BUILD rule, declare dependencies:
- `"//tensorflow:tensorflow_py"` and `"//tensorflow/python/debug:debug_py"`.
- The first is the dependency that you include to use TensorFlow even
- without debugger support; the second enables the debugger.
- Then, In your Python file, add:
-from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
-# Then wrap your TensorFlow Session with the local-CLI wrapper.
-sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess)
-**Q**: _Does tfdbg help debug runtime errors such as shape mismatches?_
-**A**: Yes. tfdbg intercepts errors generated by ops during runtime and presents
- the errors with some debug instructions to the user in the CLI.
- See examples:
-# Debugging shape mismatch during matrix multiplication.
-python -m tensorflow.python.debug.examples.debug_errors \
- --error shape_mismatch --debug
-# Debugging uninitialized variable.
-python -m tensorflow.python.debug.examples.debug_errors \
- --error uninitialized_variable --debug
-**Q**: _How can I let my tfdbg-wrapped Sessions or Hooks run the debug mode
-only from the main thread?_
-This is a common use case, in which the `Session` object is used from multiple
-threads concurrently. Typically, the child threads take care of background tasks
-such as running enqueue operations. Often, you want to debug only the main
-thread (or less frequently, only one of the child threads). You can use the
-`thread_name_filter` keyword argument of `LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession` to
-achieve this type of thread-selective debugging. For example, to debug from the
-main thread only, construct a wrapped `Session` as follows:
-sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess, thread_name_filter="MainThread$")
-The above example relies on the fact that main threads in Python have the
-default name `MainThread`.
-**Q**: _The model I am debugging is very large. The data dumped by tfdbg
-fills up the free space of my disk. What can I do?_
-You might encounter this problem in any of the following situations:
-* models with many intermediate tensors
-* very large intermediate tensors
-* many `tf.while_loop` iterations
-There are three possible workarounds or solutions:
-* The constructors of `LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession` and `LocalCLIDebugHook`
- provide a keyword argument, `dump_root`, to specify the path
- to which tfdbg dumps the debug data. You can use it to let tfdbg dump the
- debug data on a disk with larger free space. For example:
-# For LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession
-sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(dump_root="/with/lots/of/space")
-# For LocalCLIDebugHook
-hooks = [tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugHook(dump_root="/with/lots/of/space")]
- Make sure that the directory pointed to by dump_root is empty or nonexistent.
- `tfdbg` cleans up the dump directories before exiting.
-* Reduce the batch size used during the runs.
-* Use the filtering options of tfdbg's `run` command to watch only specific
- nodes in the graph. For example:
- ```
- tfdbg> run --node_name_filter .*hidden.*
- tfdbg> run --op_type_filter Variable.*
- tfdbg> run --tensor_dtype_filter int.*
- ```
- The first command above watches only nodes whose name match the
- regular-expression pattern `.*hidden.*`. The second command watches only
- operations whose name match the pattern `Variable.*`. The third one watches
- only the tensors whose dtype match the pattern `int.*` (e.g., `int32`).
-**Q**: _Why can't I select text in the tfdbg CLI?_
-**A**: This is because the tfdbg CLI enables mouse events in the terminal by
- default. This [mouse-mask](https://linux.die.net/man/3/mousemask) mode
- overrides default terminal interactions, including text selection. You
- can re-enable text selection by using the command `mouse off` or
- `m off`.
-**Q**: _Why does the tfdbg CLI show no dumped tensors when I debug code like the following?_
-``` python
-a = tf.ones([10], name="a")
-b = tf.add(a, a, name="b")
-sess = tf.Session()
-sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess)
-**A**: The reason why you see no data dumped is because every node in the
- executed TensorFlow graph is constant-folded by the TensorFlow runtime.
- In this example, `a` is a constant tensor; therefore, the fetched
- tensor `b` is effectively also a constant tensor. TensorFlow's graph
- optimization folds the graph that contains `a` and `b` into a single
- node to speed up future runs of the graph, which is why `tfdbg` does
- not generate any intermediate tensor dumps. However, if `a` were a
- `tf.Variable`, as in the following example:
-``` python
-import numpy as np
-a = tf.Variable(np.ones(10), name="a")
-b = tf.add(a, a, name="b")
-sess = tf.Session()
-sess = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession(sess)
-the constant-folding would not occur and `tfdbg` should show the intermediate
-tensor dumps.
-**Q**: I am debugging a model that generates unwanted infinities or NaNs. But
- there are some nodes in my model that are known to generate infinities
- or NaNs in their output tensors even under completely normal conditions.
- How can I skip those nodes during my `run -f has_inf_or_nan` actions?
-**A**: Use the `--filter_exclude_node_names` (`-fenn` for short) flag. For
- example, if you known you have a node with name matching the regular
- expression `.*Sqrt.*` that generates infinities or NaNs regardless
- of whether the model is behaving correctly, you can exclude the nodes
- from the infinity/NaN-finding runs with the command
- `run -f has_inf_or_nan -fenn .*Sqrt.*`.
-**Q**: Is there a GUI for tfdbg?
-**A**: Yes, the **TensorBoard Debugger Plugin** is the GUI of tfdbg.
- It offers features such as inspection of the computation graph,
- real-time visualization of tensor values, continuation to tensor
- and conditional breakpoints, and tying tensors to their
- graph-construction source code, all in the browser environment.
- To get started, please visit
- [its README](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/blob/master/tensorboard/plugins/debugger/README.md).