path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/guide/checkpoints.md
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-# Checkpoints
-This document examines how to save and restore TensorFlow models built with
-Estimators. TensorFlow provides two model formats:
-* checkpoints, which is a format dependent on the code that created
- the model.
-* SavedModel, which is a format independent of the code that created
- the model.
-This document focuses on checkpoints. For details on `SavedModel`, see the
-[Saving and Restoring](../guide/saved_model.md) guide.
-## Sample code
-This document relies on the same
-[Iris classification example](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/samples/core/get_started/premade_estimator.py) detailed in [Getting Started with TensorFlow](../guide/premade_estimators.md).
-To download and access the example, invoke the following two commands:
-git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/models/
-cd models/samples/core/get_started
-Most of the code snippets in this document are minor variations
-on `premade_estimator.py`.
-## Saving partially-trained models
-Estimators automatically write the following to disk:
-* **checkpoints**, which are versions of the model created during training.
-* **event files**, which contain information that
- [TensorBoard](https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/glossary/#TensorBoard)
- uses to create visualizations.
-To specify the top-level directory in which the Estimator stores its
-information, assign a value to the optional `model_dir` argument of *any*
-`Estimator`'s constructor.
-Taking `DNNClassifier` as an example,
-the following code sets the `model_dir`
-argument to the `models/iris` directory:
-classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(
- feature_columns=my_feature_columns,
- hidden_units=[10, 10],
- n_classes=3,
- model_dir='models/iris')
-Suppose you call the Estimator's `train` method. For example:
- input_fn=lambda:train_input_fn(train_x, train_y, batch_size=100),
- steps=200)
-As suggested by the following diagrams, the first call to `train`
-adds checkpoints and other files to the `model_dir` directory:
-<div style="width:80%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="../images/first_train_calls.png">
-<div style="text-align: center">
-The first call to train().
-To see the objects in the created `model_dir` directory on a
-UNIX-based system, just call `ls` as follows:
-$ ls -1 models/iris
-The preceding `ls` command shows that the Estimator created checkpoints
-at steps 1 (the start of training) and 200 (the end of training).
-### Default checkpoint directory
-If you don't specify `model_dir` in an Estimator's constructor, the Estimator
-writes checkpoint files to a temporary directory chosen by Python's
-function. For example, the following Estimator constructor does *not* specify
-the `model_dir` argument:
-classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(
- feature_columns=my_feature_columns,
- hidden_units=[10, 10],
- n_classes=3)
-The `tempfile.mkdtemp` function picks a secure, temporary directory
-appropriate for your operating system. For example, a typical temporary
-directory on macOS might be something like the following:
-### Checkpointing Frequency
-By default, the Estimator saves
-in the `model_dir` according to the following schedule:
-* Writes a checkpoint every 10 minutes (600 seconds).
-* Writes a checkpoint when the `train` method starts (first iteration)
- and completes (final iteration).
-* Retains only the 5 most recent checkpoints in the directory.
-You may alter the default schedule by taking the following steps:
-1. Create a `tf.estimator.RunConfig` object that defines the
- desired schedule.
-2. When instantiating the Estimator, pass that `RunConfig` object to the
- Estimator's `config` argument.
-For example, the following code changes the checkpointing schedule to every
-20 minutes and retains the 10 most recent checkpoints:
-my_checkpointing_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(
- save_checkpoints_secs = 20*60, # Save checkpoints every 20 minutes.
- keep_checkpoint_max = 10, # Retain the 10 most recent checkpoints.
-classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(
- feature_columns=my_feature_columns,
- hidden_units=[10, 10],
- n_classes=3,
- model_dir='models/iris',
- config=my_checkpointing_config)
-## Restoring your model
-The first time you call an Estimator's `train` method, TensorFlow saves a
-checkpoint to the `model_dir`. Each subsequent call to the Estimator's
-`train`, `evaluate`, or `predict` method causes the following:
-1. The Estimator builds the model's
- [graph](https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/glossary/#graph)
- by running the `model_fn()`. (For details on the `model_fn()`, see
- [Creating Custom Estimators.](../guide/custom_estimators.md))
-2. The Estimator initializes the weights of the new model from the data
- stored in the most recent checkpoint.
-In other words, as the following illustration suggests, once checkpoints
-exist, TensorFlow rebuilds the model each time you call `train()`,
-`evaluate()`, or `predict()`.
-<div style="width:80%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="../images/subsequent_calls.png">
-<div style="text-align: center">
-Subsequent calls to train(), evaluate(), or predict()
-### Avoiding a bad restoration
-Restoring a model's state from a checkpoint only works if the model
-and checkpoint are compatible. For example, suppose you trained a
-`DNNClassifier` Estimator containing two hidden layers,
-each having 10 nodes:
-classifier = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(
- feature_columns=feature_columns,
- hidden_units=[10, 10],
- n_classes=3,
- model_dir='models/iris')
- input_fn=lambda:train_input_fn(train_x, train_y, batch_size=100),
- steps=200)
-After training (and, therefore, after creating checkpoints in `models/iris`),
-imagine that you changed the number of neurons in each hidden layer from 10 to
-20 and then attempted to retrain the model:
-``` python
-classifier2 = tf.estimator.DNNClassifier(
- feature_columns=my_feature_columns,
- hidden_units=[20, 20], # Change the number of neurons in the model.
- n_classes=3,
- model_dir='models/iris')
- input_fn=lambda:train_input_fn(train_x, train_y, batch_size=100),
- steps=200)
-Since the state in the checkpoint is incompatible with the model described
-in `classifier2`, retraining fails with the following error:
-InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): tensor_name =
-dnn/hiddenlayer_1/bias/t_0/Adagrad; shape in shape_and_slice spec [10]
-does not match the shape stored in checkpoint: [20]
-To run experiments in which you train and compare slightly different
-versions of a model, save a copy of the code that created each
-`model_dir`, possibly by creating a separate git branch for each version.
-This separation will keep your checkpoints recoverable.
-## Summary
-Checkpoints provide an easy automatic mechanism for saving and restoring
-models created by Estimators.
-See the [Saving and Restoring](../guide/saved_model.md) guide for details about:
-* Saving and restoring models using low-level TensorFlow APIs.
-* Exporting and importing models in the SavedModel format, which is a
- language-neutral, recoverable, serialization format.