path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/extend/new_data_formats.md
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-# Reading custom file and record formats
-* Some familiarity with C++.
-* Must have
- [downloaded TensorFlow source](../install/install_sources.md), and be
- able to build it.
-We divide the task of supporting a file format into two pieces:
-* File formats: We use a reader `tf.data.Dataset` to read raw *records* (which
- are typically represented by scalar string tensors, but can have more
- structure) from a file.
-* Record formats: We use decoder or parsing ops to turn a string record
- into tensors usable by TensorFlow.
-For example, to re-implement `tf.contrib.data.make_csv_dataset` function, we
-could use `tf.data.TextLineDataset` to extract the records, and then
-use `tf.data.Dataset.map` and `tf.decode_csv` to parses the CSV records from
-each line of text in the dataset.
-## Writing a `Dataset` for a file format
-A `tf.data.Dataset` represents a sequence of *elements*, which can be the
-individual records in a file. There are several examples of "reader" datasets
-that are already built into TensorFlow:
-* `tf.data.TFRecordDataset`
- ([source in `kernels/data/reader_dataset_ops.cc`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/kernels/data/reader_dataset_ops.cc))
-* `tf.data.FixedLengthRecordDataset`
- ([source in `kernels/data/reader_dataset_ops.cc`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/kernels/data/reader_dataset_ops.cc))
-* `tf.data.TextLineDataset`
- ([source in `kernels/data/reader_dataset_ops.cc`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/kernels/data/reader_dataset_ops.cc))
-Each of these implementations comprises three related classes:
-* A `tensorflow::DatasetOpKernel` subclass (e.g. `TextLineDatasetOp`), which
- tells TensorFlow how to construct a dataset object from the inputs to and
- attrs of an op, in its `MakeDataset()` method.
-* A `tensorflow::GraphDatasetBase` subclass (e.g. `TextLineDatasetOp::Dataset`),
- which represents the *immutable* definition of the dataset itself, and tells
- TensorFlow how to construct an iterator object over that dataset, in its
- `MakeIteratorInternal()` method.
-* A `tensorflow::DatasetIterator<Dataset>` subclass (e.g.
- `TextLineDatasetOp::Dataset::Iterator`), which represents the *mutable* state
- of an iterator over a particular dataset, and tells TensorFlow how to get the
- next element from the iterator, in its `GetNextInternal()` method.
-The most important method is the `GetNextInternal()` method, since it defines
-how to actually read records from the file and represent them as one or more
-`Tensor` objects.
-To create a new reader dataset called (for example) `MyReaderDataset`, you will
-need to:
-1. In C++, define subclasses of `tensorflow::DatasetOpKernel`,
- `tensorflow::GraphDatasetBase`, and `tensorflow::DatasetIterator<Dataset>`
- that implement the reading logic.
-2. In C++, register a new reader op and kernel with the name
- `"MyReaderDataset"`.
-3. In Python, define a subclass of `tf.data.Dataset` called `MyReaderDataset`.
-You can put all the C++ code in a single file, such as
-`my_reader_dataset_op.cc`. It will help if you are
-familiar with [the adding an op how-to](../extend/adding_an_op.md). The following skeleton
-can be used as a starting point for your implementation:
-#include "tensorflow/core/framework/common_shape_fns.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/framework/dataset.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/framework/shape_inference.h"
-namespace myproject {
-namespace {
-using ::tensorflow::DT_STRING;
-using ::tensorflow::PartialTensorShape;
-using ::tensorflow::Status;
-class MyReaderDatasetOp : public tensorflow::DatasetOpKernel {
- public:
- MyReaderDatasetOp(tensorflow::OpKernelConstruction* ctx)
- : DatasetOpKernel(ctx) {
- // Parse and validate any attrs that define the dataset using
- // `ctx->GetAttr()`, and store them in member variables.
- }
- void MakeDataset(tensorflow::OpKernelContext* ctx,
- tensorflow::DatasetBase** output) override {
- // Parse and validate any input tensors 0that define the dataset using
- // `ctx->input()` or the utility function
- // `ParseScalarArgument<T>(ctx, &arg)`.
- // Create the dataset object, passing any (already-validated) arguments from
- // attrs or input tensors.
- *output = new Dataset(ctx);
- }
- private:
- class Dataset : public tensorflow::GraphDatasetBase {
- public:
- Dataset(tensorflow::OpKernelContext* ctx) : GraphDatasetBase(ctx) {}
- std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::IteratorBase> MakeIteratorInternal(
- const string& prefix) const override {
- return std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::IteratorBase>(new Iterator(
- {this, tensorflow::strings::StrCat(prefix, "::MyReader")}));
- }
- // Record structure: Each record is represented by a scalar string tensor.
- //
- // Dataset elements can have a fixed number of components of different
- // types and shapes; replace the following two methods to customize this
- // aspect of the dataset.
- const tensorflow::DataTypeVector& output_dtypes() const override {
- static auto* const dtypes = new tensorflow::DataTypeVector({DT_STRING});
- return *dtypes;
- }
- const std::vector<PartialTensorShape>& output_shapes() const override {
- static std::vector<PartialTensorShape>* shapes =
- new std::vector<PartialTensorShape>({{}});
- return *shapes;
- }
- string DebugString() const override { return "MyReaderDatasetOp::Dataset"; }
- protected:
- // Optional: Implementation of `GraphDef` serialization for this dataset.
- //
- // Implement this method if you want to be able to save and restore
- // instances of this dataset (and any iterators over it).
- Status AsGraphDefInternal(DatasetGraphDefBuilder* b,
- tensorflow::Node** output) const override {
- // Construct nodes to represent any of the input tensors from this
- // object's member variables using `b->AddScalar()` and `b->AddVector()`.
- std::vector<tensorflow::Node*> input_tensors;
- TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(b->AddDataset(this, input_tensors, output));
- return Status::OK();
- }
- private:
- class Iterator : public tensorflow::DatasetIterator<Dataset> {
- public:
- explicit Iterator(const Params& params)
- : DatasetIterator<Dataset>(params), i_(0) {}
- // Implementation of the reading logic.
- //
- // The example implementation in this file yields the string "MyReader!"
- // ten times. In general there are three cases:
- //
- // 1. If an element is successfully read, store it as one or more tensors
- // in `*out_tensors`, set `*end_of_sequence = false` and return
- // `Status::OK()`.
- // 2. If the end of input is reached, set `*end_of_sequence = true` and
- // return `Status::OK()`.
- // 3. If an error occurs, return an error status using one of the helper
- // functions from "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h".
- Status GetNextInternal(tensorflow::IteratorContext* ctx,
- std::vector<tensorflow::Tensor>* out_tensors,
- bool* end_of_sequence) override {
- // NOTE: `GetNextInternal()` may be called concurrently, so it is
- // recommended that you protect the iterator state with a mutex.
- tensorflow::mutex_lock l(mu_);
- if (i_ < 10) {
- // Create a scalar string tensor and add it to the output.
- tensorflow::Tensor record_tensor(ctx->allocator({}), DT_STRING, {});
- record_tensor.scalar<string>()() = "MyReader!";
- out_tensors->emplace_back(std::move(record_tensor));
- ++i_;
- *end_of_sequence = false;
- } else {
- *end_of_sequence = true;
- }
- return Status::OK();
- }
- protected:
- // Optional: Implementation of iterator state serialization for this
- // iterator.
- //
- // Implement these two methods if you want to be able to save and restore
- // instances of this iterator.
- Status SaveInternal(tensorflow::IteratorStateWriter* writer) override {
- tensorflow::mutex_lock l(mu_);
- TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(writer->WriteScalar(full_name("i"), i_));
- return Status::OK();
- }
- Status RestoreInternal(tensorflow::IteratorContext* ctx,
- tensorflow::IteratorStateReader* reader) override {
- tensorflow::mutex_lock l(mu_);
- TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(reader->ReadScalar(full_name("i"), &i_));
- return Status::OK();
- }
- private:
- tensorflow::mutex mu_;
- int64 i_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
- };
- };
-// Register the op definition for MyReaderDataset.
-// Dataset ops always have a single output, of type `variant`, which represents
-// the constructed `Dataset` object.
-// Add any attrs and input tensors that define the dataset here.
- .Output("handle: variant")
- .SetIsStateful()
- .SetShapeFn(tensorflow::shape_inference::ScalarShape);
-// Register the kernel implementation for MyReaderDataset.
- MyReaderDatasetOp);
-} // namespace
-} // namespace myproject
-The last step is to build the C++ code and add a Python wrapper. The easiest way
-to do this is by [compiling a dynamic
-library](../extend/adding_an_op.md#build_the_op_library) (e.g. called `"my_reader_dataset_op.so"`), and adding a Python class
-that subclasses `tf.data.Dataset` to wrap it. An example Python program is
-given here:
-import tensorflow as tf
-# Assumes the file is in the current working directory.
-my_reader_dataset_module = tf.load_op_library("./my_reader_dataset_op.so")
-class MyReaderDataset(tf.data.Dataset):
- def __init__(self):
- super(MyReaderDataset, self).__init__()
- # Create any input attrs or tensors as members of this class.
- def _as_variant_tensor(self):
- # Actually construct the graph node for the dataset op.
- #
- # This method will be invoked when you create an iterator on this dataset
- # or a dataset derived from it.
- return my_reader_dataset_module.my_reader_dataset()
- # The following properties define the structure of each element: a scalar
- # `tf.string` tensor. Change these properties to match the `output_dtypes()`
- # and `output_shapes()` methods of `MyReaderDataset::Dataset` if you modify
- # the structure of each element.
- @property
- def output_types(self):
- return tf.string
- @property
- def output_shapes(self):
- return tf.TensorShape([])
- @property
- def output_classes(self):
- return tf.Tensor
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Create a MyReaderDataset and print its elements.
- with tf.Session() as sess:
- iterator = MyReaderDataset().make_one_shot_iterator()
- next_element = iterator.get_next()
- try:
- while True:
- print(sess.run(next_element)) # Prints "MyReader!" ten times.
- except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
- pass
-You can see some examples of `Dataset` wrapper classes in
-## Writing an Op for a record format
-Generally this is an ordinary op that takes a scalar string record as input, and
-so follow [the instructions to add an Op](../extend/adding_an_op.md).
-You may optionally take a scalar string key as input, and include that in error
-messages reporting improperly formatted data. That way users can more easily
-track down where the bad data came from.
-Examples of Ops useful for decoding records:
-* `tf.parse_single_example` (and `tf.parse_example`)
-* `tf.decode_csv`
-* `tf.decode_raw`
-Note that it can be useful to use multiple Ops to decode a particular record
-format. For example, you may have an image saved as a string in
-[a `tf.train.Example` protocol buffer](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/example/example.proto).
-Depending on the format of that image, you might take the corresponding output
-from a `tf.parse_single_example` op and call `tf.image.decode_jpeg`,
-`tf.image.decode_png`, or `tf.decode_raw`. It is common to take the output
-of `tf.decode_raw` and use `tf.slice` and `tf.reshape` to extract pieces.