path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/community/roadmap.md
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-# Roadmap
-**Last updated: Apr 27, 2018**
-TensorFlow is a rapidly moving, community supported project. This document is intended
-to provide guidance about priorities and focus areas of the core set of TensorFlow
-developers and about functionality that can be expected in the upcoming releases of
-TensorFlow. Many of these areas are driven by community use cases, and we welcome
-to TensorFlow.
-The features below do not have concrete release dates. However, the majority can be
-expected in the next one to two releases.
-### APIs
-#### High Level APIs:
-* Easy multi-GPU and TPU utilization with Estimators
-* Easy-to-use high-level pre-made estimators for Gradient Boosted Trees, Time Series, and other models
-#### Eager Execution:
-* Efficient utilization of multiple GPUs
-* Distributed training support (multi-machine)
-* Performance improvements
-* Simpler export to a GraphDef/SavedModel
-#### Keras API:
-* Better integration with tf.data (ability to call `model.fit` with data tensors)
-* Full support for Eager Execution (both Eager support for the regular Keras API, and ability
-to create Keras models Eager- style via Model subclassing)
-* Better distribution/multi-GPU support and TPU support (including a smoother model-to-estimator workflow)
-#### Official Models:
-* A set of
-across image recognition, speech, object detection, and
- translation that demonstrate best practices and serve as a starting point for
- high-performance model development.
-#### Contrib:
-* Deprecate parts of tf.contrib where preferred implementations exist outside of tf.contrib.
-* As much as possible, move large projects inside tf.contrib to separate repositories.
-* The tf.contrib module will eventually be discontinued in its current form, experimental development will in future happen in other repositories.
-#### Probabilistic Reasoning and Statistical Analysis:
-* Rich set of tools for probabilistic and statistical analysis in tf.distributions
- and tf.probability. These include new samplers, layers, optimizers, losses, and structured models
-* Statistical tools for hypothesis testing, convergence diagnostics, and sample statistics
-* Edward 2.0: High-level API for probabilistic programming
-### Platforms
-#### TensorFlow Lite:
-* Increase coverage of supported ops in TensorFlow Lite
-* Easier conversion of a trained TensorFlow graph for use on TensorFlow Lite
-* Support for GPU acceleration in TensorFlow Lite (iOS and Android)
-* Support for hardware accelerators via Android NeuralNets API
-* Improve CPU performance by quantization and other network optimizations (eg. pruning, distillation)
-* Increase support for devices beyond Android and iOS (eg. RPi, Cortex-M)
-#### TensorFlow.js:
-* Continue to expand support for importing TensorFlow SavedModels and Keras models into browser with unified APIs supporting retraining in browser
-* Improve inference and training performance in both browser and Node.js environments
-* Widen the collection of pre-built models in [tfjs-models](https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models),
- including but not limited to audio- and speech-oriented models
-* Release tfjs-data API for efficient data input pipelines
-* Integration with [TF-Hub](https://www.tensorflow.org/hub/)
-#### TensorFlow with Swift:
-* Establish open source project including documentation, open design, and code availability.
-* Continue implementing and refining implementation and design through 2018.
-* Aim for implementation to be solid enough for general use later in 2018.
-### Performance
-#### Distributed TensorFlow:
-* Optimize Multi-GPU support for a variety of GPU topologies
-* Improve mechanisms for distributing computations on several machines
-#### GPU Optimizations:
-* Simplify mixed precision API with initial example model and guide.
-* Finalize TensorRT API and move to core.
-* CUDA 9.2 and NCCL 2.x default in TensorFlow builds.
-* Optimizations for DGX-2.
-* Remove support for CUDA less than 8.x and cuDNN less than 6.x.
-#### CPU Optimizations
-* Int8 support for SkyLake via MKL
-* Dynamic loading of SIMD-optimized kernels
-* MKL for Linux and Windows
-### End-to-end ML systems:
-#### TensorFlow Hub:
-* Expand support for module-types in TF Hub with TF Eager integration, Keras layers integration, and TensorFlow.js integration
-* Accept variable-sized image input
-* Improve multi-GPU estimator support
-* Document and improve TPU integration
-#### TensorFlow Extended:
-* Open source more of the TensorFlow Extended platform to facilitate adoption of TensorFlow in production settings.
-* Release TFX libraries for Data Validation
-### Documentation and Resources:
-* Update documentation, tutorials and Getting Started guides on all features and APIs
-* Update [Youtube Tensorflow channel](https://youtube.com/tensorflow) weekly with new content:
-Coding TensorFlow - where we teach folks coding with tensorflow
-TensorFlow Meets - where we highlight community contributions
-Ask TensorFlow - where we answer community questions
-Guest and Showcase videos
-* Update [Official TensorFlow blog](https://blog.tensorflow.org) with regular articles from Google team and the Community
-### Community and Partner Engagement
-#### Special Interest Groups:
-* Mobilize the community to work together in focused domains
-* [tf-distribute](https://groups.google.com/a/tensorflow.org/forum/#!forum/tf-distribute): build and packaging of TensorFlow
-* SIG TensorBoard, SIG Rust, and more to be identified and launched
-#### Community:
-* Incorporate public feedback on significant design decisions via a Request-for-Comment (RFC) process
-* Formalize process for external contributions to land in TensorFlow and associated projects
-* Grow global TensorFlow communities and user groups
-* Collaborate with partners to co-develop and publish research papers
-* Process to enable external contributions to tutorials, documentation, and blogs showcasing best practice use-cases of TensorFlow and high-impact applications