path: root/tensorflow/core/util/sparse/README.md
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+Sparse Tensors are stored as two dense tensors and a shape:
+* `indices`: a `brain::Tensor` storing a matrix, typically `int64`
+* `values`: a `brain::Tensor` storing a vector with values of type T.
+* `shape`: a `TensorShape` storing the bounds of the underlying tensor
+* `order`: (optional) a `gtl::InlinedVector<int64,8>` with the dimensions
+ along which the indices are ordered.
+ ix = indices.matrix<int64>()
+ vals = values.vec<T>()
+The shape of `ix` is `N x NDIMS`, and each row corresponds to the
+index of a single element of the sparse tensor.
+The length of `vals` must be `N`, and `vals(i)` corresponds to the
+value with index `ix(i,:)`.
+Shape must be a `TensorShape` with `dims() == NDIMS`.
+The shape is the full shape of the dense tensor these indices
+To be specific, the representation (pseudocode) is:
+ tensor[ix[i,:]] == vals[i] for i = 0, ..., N-1
+Indices need not be provided in order. For example, the following
+index matrix is ordered according to dimension order `{0, 1, 2}`.
+ [0 0 1]
+ [0 1 1]
+ [2 0 2]
+However, you can provide an unordered version:
+ [2 0 2]
+ [0 0 1]
+ [0 1 1]
+If the SparseTensor is constructed without a provided order, then a
+the default order is `{-1, ..., -1}`. Certain operations will fail or crash
+when the order is not provided.
+Resorting the SparseTensor in-place (which resorts the underlying index and
+values tensors in-place) will update the order. The cost of reordering the
+matrix is `O(N*log(N))`, and requires `O(N)` additional temporary space to store
+a reordering index. If the default order is not specified and reordering is not
+performed, the following will happen:
+* `group()` will **raise an assertion failure**
+* `IndicesValid()` will **raise an assertion failure**
+To update the internal index ordering after construction, call
+`Reorder<T>()` via, e.g., `Reorder<T>({0,1,2})`.
+After this step, all the above methods should work correctly.
+The method `IndicesValid()` checks to make sure:
+* `0 <= ix(i, d) < shape.dim_size(d)`
+* indices do not repeat
+* indices are in order
+### group({grouping dims})
+* provides an iterator that groups entries according to
+ dimensions you care about
+* may require a sort if your data isn't presorted in a way that's
+ compatible with grouping_dims
+* for each group, returns the group index (values of the group
+ dims for this iteration), the subset of indices in this group,
+ and the subset of values in this group. these are lazy outputs
+ so to read them individually, copy them as per the example
+ below.
+#### **NOTE**
+`group({dim0, ..., dimk})` will **raise an assertion failure** if the
+order of the SparseTensor does not match the dimensions you wish to group by.
+You must either have your indices in the correct order and construct the
+SparseTensor with
+ order = {dim0, ..., dimk, ...}
+or call
+ Reorder<T>({dim0, .., dimk, ...})
+to sort the SparseTensor before grouping.
+Example of grouping:
+ Tensor indices(DT_INT64, TensorShape({N, NDIMS});
+ Tensor values(DT_STRING, TensorShape({N});
+ TensorShape shape({dim0,...});
+ SparseTensor sp(indices, vals, shape);
+ sp.Reorder<string>({1, 2, 0, 3, ...}); // Must provide NDIMS dims.
+ // group according to dims 1 and 2
+ for (const auto& g : sp.group({1, 2})) {
+ cout << "vals of ix[:, 1,2] for this group: "
+ << g.group()[0] << ", " << g.group()[1];
+ cout << "full indices of group:\n" << g.indices();
+ cout << "values of group:\n" << g.values();
+ TTypes<int64>::UnalignedMatrix g_ix = g.indices();
+ TTypes<string>::UnalignedVec g_v = g.values();
+ ASSERT(g_ix.dimension(0) == g_v.size()); // number of elements match.
+ }
+Converts sparse tensor to dense. You must provide a pointer to the
+dense tensor (preallocated). `ToDense()` will optionally
+preinitialize the tensor with zeros.
+Shape checking is performed, as is boundary checking.
+ Tensor indices(DT_INT64, TensorShape({N, NDIMS});
+ Tensor values(DT_STRING, TensorShape({N});
+ TensorShape shape({dim0,...});
+ SparseTensor sp(indices, vals, shape);
+ ASSERT(sp.IndicesValid()); // checks ordering & index bounds.
+ Tensor dense(DT_STRING, shape);
+ // initialize other indices to zero. copy.
+ ASSERT(sp.ToDense<string>(&dense, true));
+Concatenates multiple SparseTensors and returns a new SparseTensor.
+This concatenation is with respect to the "dense" versions of these
+SparseTensors. Concatenation is performed along dimension order[0]
+of all tensors. As a result, shape[order[0]] may differ across
+the inputs, but shape[d] for d != order[0] must match across all inputs.
+We call order[0] the **primary dimension**.
+* The inputs' ranks must all match.
+* The inputs' order[0] must all match.
+* The inputs' shapes must all match except for dimension order[0].
+* The inputs' values must all be of the same type.
+If any of these are false, concat will die with an assertion failure.
+Concatenate two sparse matrices along columns.
+Matrix 1:
+ [0 0 1]
+ [2 0 0]
+ [3 0 4]
+Matrix 2:
+ [0 0 0 0 0]
+ [0 1 0 0 0]
+ [2 0 0 1 0]
+Concatenated Matrix:
+ [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
+ [2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+ [3 0 4 2 0 0 1 0]
+Expected input shapes, orders, and `nnz()`:
+ shape_1 = TensorShape({3, 3})
+ shape_2 = TensorShape({3, 8})
+ order_1 = {1, 0} // primary order is 1, columns
+ order_2 = {1, 0} // primary order is 1, must match
+ nnz_1 = 4
+ nnz_2 = 3
+Output shapes and orders:
+ conc_shape = TensorShape({3, 11}) // primary dim increased, others same
+ conc_order = {1, 0} // Orders match along all inputs
+ conc_nnz = 7 // Sum of nonzeros of inputs
+Coding Example:
+ Tensor ix1(DT_INT64, TensorShape({N1, 3});
+ Tensor vals1(DT_STRING, TensorShape({N1, 3});
+ Tensor ix2(DT_INT64, TensorShape({N2, 3});
+ Tensor vals2(DT_STRING, TensorShape({N2, 3});
+ Tensor ix3(DT_INT64, TensorShape({N3, 3});
+ Tensor vals3(DT_STRING, TensorShape({N3, 3});
+ SparseTensor st1(ix1, vals1, TensorShape({10, 20, 5}), {1, 0, 2});
+ SparseTensor st2(ix2, vals2, TensorShape({10, 10, 5}), {1, 0, 2});
+ // For kicks, st3 indices are out of order, but order[0] matches so we
+ // can still concatenate along this dimension.
+ SparseTensor st3(ix3, vals3, TensorShape({10, 30, 5}), {1, 2, 0});
+ SparseTensor conc = SparseTensor::Concat<string>({st1, st2, st3});
+ Tensor ix_conc = conc.indices();
+ Tensor vals_conc = conc.values();
+ EXPECT_EQ(conc.nnz(), st1.nnz() + st2.nnz() + st3.nnz());
+ EXPECT_EQ(conc.Shape(), TensorShape({10, 60, 5}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(conc.Order(), {-1, -1, -1});
+ // Reorder st3 so all input tensors have the exact same orders.
+ st3.Reorder<string>({1, 0, 2});
+ SparseTensor conc2 = SparseTensor::Concat<string>({st1, st2, st3});
+ EXPECT_EQ(conc2.Order(), {1, 0, 2});
+ // All indices' orders matched, so output is in order.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(conc2.IndicesValid());