path: root/tensorflow/core/lib/random/random_distributions.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/lib/random/random_distributions.h')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/lib/random/random_distributions.h b/tensorflow/core/lib/random/random_distributions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..caafcde513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/lib/random/random_distributions.h
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+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/random/philox_random.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace random {
+// Helper function to convert a 32-bit integer to a float between [0..1).
+PHILOX_DEVICE_INLINE float Uint32ToFloat(uint32 x);
+// Helper function to convert two 32-bit integers to a double between [0..1).
+PHILOX_DEVICE_INLINE double Uint64ToDouble(uint32 x0, uint32 x1);
+// A class that generates uniform distribution random numbers from the
+// underlying random integer generator.
+// Arguments:
+// Generator: a generator type that returns a number of uint32 upon each
+// each invocation. It needs to define kResultElementCount for the
+// sample count for each invocation, and ResultType for actual
+// returned sample type.
+// RealType: the data type of the real numberes that will be returned by the
+// distribution. This could be either float or double for now.
+// This class is meant to be implemented through specialization. The default
+// is not defined by design.
+template <class Generator, typename RealType>
+class UniformDistribution;
+template <class Generator>
+class UniformDistribution<Generator, float> {
+ public:
+ // The number of elements that will be returned.
+ static const int kResultElementCount = Generator::kResultElementCount;
+ // Indicate that this distribution may take variable number of samples
+ // during the runtime.
+ static const bool kVariableSamplesPerOutput = false;
+ typedef Array<float, kResultElementCount> ResultType;
+ typedef float ResultElementType;
+ ResultType operator()(Generator* gen) {
+ typename Generator::ResultType sample = (*gen)();
+ ResultType result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kResultElementCount; ++i) {
+ result[i] = Uint32ToFloat(sample[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <class Generator>
+class UniformDistribution<Generator, double> {
+ public:
+ // The number of elements that will be returned.
+ static const int kResultElementCount = Generator::kResultElementCount / 2;
+ // Indicate that this distribution may take variable number of samples
+ // during the runtime.
+ static const bool kVariableSamplesPerOutput = false;
+ typedef Array<double, kResultElementCount> ResultType;
+ typedef double ResultElementType;
+ ResultType operator()(Generator* gen) {
+ typename Generator::ResultType sample = (*gen)();
+ ResultType result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kResultElementCount; ++i) {
+ result[i] = Uint64ToDouble(sample[2 * i], sample[2 * i + 1]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// A class that adapts the underlying native multiple samples to return a single
+// sample at a time.
+template <class Generator>
+class SingleSampleAdapter {
+ public:
+ // The number of elements that will be returned.
+ static const int kResultElementCount = 1;
+ // The number of elements that will be returned by the underlying generator.
+ static const int kNativeElementCount = Generator::kResultElementCount;
+ typedef typename Generator::ResultElementType ResultType;
+ typedef typename Generator::ResultElementType ResultElementType;
+ explicit SingleSampleAdapter(Generator* gen)
+ : generator_(gen), used_result_index_(Generator::kResultElementCount) {}
+ ResultType operator()() {
+ if (used_result_index_ == Generator::kResultElementCount) {
+ unused_results_ = (*generator_)();
+ used_result_index_ = 0;
+ }
+ return unused_results_[used_result_index_++];
+ }
+ private:
+ Generator* generator_;
+ typename Generator::ResultType unused_results_;
+ int used_result_index_;
+// A class that generates unit normal distribution random numbers from the
+// underlying random integer generator.
+// Arguments:
+// Generator: a generator type that returns a number of uint32 upon each
+// each invocation. It needs to define kResultElementCount for the
+// sample count for each invocation, and ResultType for actual
+// returned sample type.
+// RealType: the data type of the real numberes that will be returned by the
+// distribution. This could be either float or double for now.
+// This class is meant to be implemented through specialization. The default
+// is not defined by design.
+template <class Generator, typename RealType>
+class NormalDistribution;
+void BoxMullerFloat(uint32 x0, uint32 x1, float* f0, float* f1);
+void BoxMullerDouble(uint32 x0, uint32 x1, uint32 x2, uint32 x3, double* d0,
+ double* d1);
+template <class Generator>
+class NormalDistribution<Generator, float> {
+ public:
+ // The number of elements that will be returned.
+ static const int kResultElementCount = Generator::kResultElementCount;
+ // Indicate that this distribution may take variable number of samples
+ // during the runtime.
+ static const bool kVariableSamplesPerOutput = false;
+ typedef Array<float, kResultElementCount> ResultType;
+ typedef float ResultElementType;
+ ResultType operator()(Generator* gen) {
+ typename Generator::ResultType sample = (*gen)();
+ ResultType result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kResultElementCount; i += 2) {
+ BoxMullerFloat(sample[i], sample[i + 1], &result[i], &result[i + 1]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+template <class Generator>
+class NormalDistribution<Generator, double> {
+ public:
+ // The number of elements that will be returned.
+ static const int kResultElementCount = Generator::kResultElementCount / 2;
+ // Indicate that this distribution may take variable number of samples
+ // during the runtime.
+ static const bool kVariableSamplesPerOutput = false;
+ typedef Array<double, kResultElementCount> ResultType;
+ typedef double ResultElementType;
+ ResultType operator()(Generator* gen) {
+ typename Generator::ResultType sample = (*gen)();
+ ResultType result;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kResultElementCount; i += 2) {
+ const int i2 = 2 * i;
+ BoxMullerDouble(sample[i2], sample[i2 + 1], sample[i2 + 2],
+ sample[i2 + 3], &result[i], &result[i + 1]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+// A class that returns standard normal distribution between
+// [-kTruncateValue, kTruncateValue].
+// Arguments:
+// Generator: a generator type that returns a number of uint32 upon each
+// each invocation. It needs to define kResultElementCount for the
+// sample count for each invocation, and ResultType for actual
+// returned sample type.
+// RealType: the data type of the real numberes that will be returned by the
+// distribution. This could be either float or double for now.
+// This class is meant to be implemented through specialization. The default
+// is not defined by design.
+template <class SingleSampleGenerator, typename RealType>
+class TruncatedNormalDistribution;
+// Partial specialization for float.
+template <class SingleSampleGenerator>
+class TruncatedNormalDistribution<SingleSampleGenerator, float> {
+ public:
+ // The number of elements that will be returned.
+ static const int kResultElementCount =
+ SingleSampleGenerator::kNativeElementCount;
+ // Indicate that this distribution may take variable number of samples
+ // during the runtime.
+ static const bool kVariableSamplesPerOutput = true;
+ // The threshold where the normal distribution is truncated.
+ const float kTruncateValue = 2.0f;
+ typedef Array<float, kResultElementCount> ResultType;
+ typedef float ResultElementType;
+ ResultType operator()(SingleSampleGenerator* gen) {
+ ResultType results;
+ int index = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ // Repeatedly take samples from the normal distribution, until we have
+ // the desired number of elements that fall within the pre-defined cutoff
+ // threshold.
+ const uint32 x0 = (*gen)();
+ const uint32 x1 = (*gen)();
+ float f[2];
+ BoxMullerFloat(x0, x1, &f[0], &f[1]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ if (fabs(f[i]) < kTruncateValue) {
+ results[index++] = f[i];
+ if (index >= kResultElementCount) {
+ return results;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Partial specialization for double.
+template <class SingleSampleGenerator>
+class TruncatedNormalDistribution<SingleSampleGenerator, double> {
+ public:
+ // The number of elements that will be returned.
+ static const int kResultElementCount =
+ (SingleSampleGenerator::kNativeElementCount > 1)
+ ? SingleSampleGenerator::kNativeElementCount / 2
+ : 1;
+ // Indicate that this distribution may take variable number of samples
+ // during the runtime.
+ static const bool kVariableSamplesPerOutput = true;
+ typedef Array<double, kResultElementCount> ResultType;
+ typedef double ResultElementType;
+ const double kTruncateValue = 2.0;
+ ResultType operator()(SingleSampleGenerator* gen) {
+ ResultType results;
+ int index = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ const uint32 x0 = (*gen)();
+ const uint32 x1 = (*gen)();
+ const uint32 x2 = (*gen)();
+ const uint32 x3 = (*gen)();
+ double d[2];
+ BoxMullerDouble(x0, x1, x2, x3, &d[0], &d[1]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ if (fabs(d[i]) < kTruncateValue) {
+ results[index++] = d[i];
+ if (index >= kResultElementCount) {
+ return results;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Helper function to convert two 32-bit uniform integers to two floats
+// under the unit normal distribution.
+void BoxMullerFloat(uint32 x0, uint32 x1, float* f0, float* f1) {
+ // This function implements the Box-Muller transform:
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box%E2%80%93Muller_transform#Basic_form
+ // Do not send a really small number to log().
+ // We cannot mark "epsilon" as "static const" because NVCC would complain
+ const float epsilon = 1.0e-7f;
+ float u1 = Uint32ToFloat(x0);
+ if (u1 < epsilon) {
+ u1 = epsilon;
+ }
+ const float v1 = 2.0f * M_PI * Uint32ToFloat(x1);
+ const float u2 = sqrt(-2.0f * log(u1));
+#if defined(__linux)
+ sincosf(v1, f0, f1);
+ *f0 = sinf(v1);
+ *f1 = cosf(v1);
+ *f0 *= u2;
+ *f1 *= u2;
+// Helper function to convert four 32-bit uniform integers to two doubles
+// under the unit normal distribution.
+void BoxMullerDouble(uint32 x0, uint32 x1, uint32 x2, uint32 x3, double* d0,
+ double* d1) {
+ // This function implements the Box-Muller transform:
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box%E2%80%93Muller_transform#Basic_form
+ // Do not send a really small number to log().
+ // We cannot mark "epsilon" as "static const" because NVCC would complain
+ const double epsilon = 1.0e-7;
+ double u1 = Uint64ToDouble(x0, x1);
+ if (u1 < epsilon) {
+ u1 = epsilon;
+ }
+ const double v1 = 2 * M_PI * Uint64ToDouble(x2, x3);
+ const double u2 = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1));
+#if defined(__linux)
+ sincos(v1, d0, d1);
+ *d0 = sin(v1);
+ *d1 = cos(v1);
+ *d0 *= u2;
+ *d1 *= u2;
+// Helper function to convert an 32-bit integer to a float between [0..1).
+PHILOX_DEVICE_INLINE float Uint32ToFloat(uint32 x) {
+ // IEEE754 floats are formatted as follows (MSB first):
+ // sign(1) exponent(8) mantissa(23)
+ // Conceptually construct the following:
+ // sign == 0
+ // exponent == 127 -- an excess 127 representation of a zero exponent
+ // mantissa == 23 random bits
+ const uint32 man = x & 0x7fffffu; // 23 bit mantissa
+ const uint32 exp = static_cast<uint32>(127);
+ const uint32 val = (exp << 23) | man;
+ // Assumes that endian-ness is same for float and uint32.
+ float result;
+ memcpy(&result, &val, sizeof(val));
+ return result - 1.0f;
+// Helper function to convert two 32-bit integers to a double between [0..1).
+PHILOX_DEVICE_INLINE double Uint64ToDouble(uint32 x0, uint32 x1) {
+ // IEEE754 doubles are formatted as follows (MSB first):
+ // sign(1) exponent(11) mantissa(52)
+ // Conceptually construct the following:
+ // sign == 0
+ // exponent == 1023 -- an excess 1023 representation of a zero exponent
+ // mantissa == 52 random bits
+ const uint32 mhi = x0 & 0xfffffu; // upper 20 bits of mantissa
+ const uint32 mlo = x1; // lower 32 bits of mantissa
+ const uint64 man = (static_cast<uint64>(mhi) << 32) | mlo; // mantissa
+ const uint64 exp = static_cast<uint64>(1023);
+ const uint64 val = (exp << 52) | man;
+ // Assumes that endian-ness is same for double and uint64.
+ double result;
+ memcpy(&result, &val, sizeof(val));
+ return result - 1.0;
+} // namespace random
+} // namespace tensorflow