path: root/tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op_gpu.cu.cc
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op_gpu.cu.cc b/tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op_gpu.cu.cc
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index 7249c8c66c..0000000000
--- a/tensorflow/core/kernels/dynamic_partition_op_gpu.cu.cc
+++ /dev/null
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-/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-// The algorithm for dynamic partition has the following steps:
-// 1. Let N be the size of partitions. We initialize a new vector indices_in
-// with the values 0, 1, 2, ..., N-1.
-// 2. We apply cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairs to the key - value pairs given
-// by partitions and indices_in. This will result in two new vectors
-// partitions_out and indices_out, with partitions_out sorted.
-// 3. The first dimension of outputs[i] is equal to the length of the interval
-// of i-values in partitions_out. We determine it in two steps:
-// - compute the starting and ending point of each interval,
-// - subtract the starting and ending points to find the length.
-// The result is placed in partition_count.
-// 4. Because partition_count is on the GPU, we bring it asynchronously to
-// the CPU. Then we can allocate the output tensors.
-// 5. Finally, we use indices_out and the gather functor to collect the output.
-// This works, because for each interval of i-values, indices_out points
-// to the slices which should form output[i].
-#define EIGEN_USE_GPU
-#include "external/cub_archive/cub/device/device_radix_sort.cuh"
-#include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_event_mgr.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/framework/register_types.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/kernels/bounds_check.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/kernels/fill_functor.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/kernels/gather_functor_gpu.cu.h"
-#include "tensorflow/core/util/cuda_kernel_helper.h"
-namespace tensorflow {
-typedef Eigen::GpuDevice GPUDevice;
-namespace {
-template <typename T>
-__global__ void RangeInitKernel(const T start, const T delta, const int32 size,
- T* out) {
- CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, size) { out[i] = start + i * delta; }
-__global__ void FindEndpointsKernel(const int32* partitions, int32 size,
- int32 nump, int32* start, int32* end) {
- CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, size) {
- int32 current = ldg(partitions + i);
- if (FastBoundsCheck(current, nump)) {
- if (i == 0)
- start[current] = i;
- else {
- int32 before = ldg(partitions + i - 1);
- if (before != current) start[current] = i;
- }
- if (i == size - 1)
- end[current] = i + 1;
- else {
- int32 after = ldg(partitions + i + 1);
- if (after != current) end[current] = i + 1;
- }
- }
- }
-// We create a local version of subtract, because the tf.subtract kernel
-// is not defined for int32. We use it to compute the length of an interval
-// by subtracting the endpoints.
-__global__ void IntervalLengthKernel(int32* start, int32 size, int32* end) {
- CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, size) {
- int32 start_point = ldg(start + i);
- end[i] = end[i] - start_point;
- }
-// Initialize out with range start, start + delta, start + 2 * delta, ...
-// This is needed because tf.range has no GPU implementation.
-template <typename T>
-void RangeInit(const GPUDevice& d, const T start, const T delta,
- const int32 size, typename TTypes<T>::Flat out) {
- CudaLaunchConfig config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(size, d);
- RangeInitKernel<
- T><<<config.block_count, config.thread_per_block, 0, d.stream()>>>(
- start, delta, size, out.data());
-// Partitions is a sorted vector of N non-negative integer numbers.
-// This function computes the starting and ending points of each interval
-// of values.
-void ComputeIntervals(const GPUDevice& d, Tensor* partitions, int32 N,
- int32 nump, int32* start_ptr, int32* end_ptr) {
- CudaLaunchConfig config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(N, d);
- FindEndpointsKernel<<<config.block_count, config.thread_per_block, 0,
- d.stream()>>>(partitions->flat<int32>().data(), N, nump,
- start_ptr, end_ptr);
-// Subtract the ending points of each interval to obtain the interval length.
-void ComputeItvLength(const GPUDevice& d, int32 num, int32* start_ptr,
- int32* end_ptr) {
- CudaLaunchConfig config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(num, d);
- IntervalLengthKernel<<<config.block_count, config.thread_per_block, 0,
- d.stream()>>>(start_ptr, num, end_ptr);
-template <typename T>
-void CallGatherKernel(const GPUDevice& d, const T* params, const int32* indices,
- T* out, int64 gather_dim_size, int64 indices_size,
- int64 slice_size, int64 out_size) {
- CudaLaunchConfig config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(out_size, d);
- GatherOpKernel<
- T, int32,
- true><<<config.block_count, config.thread_per_block, 0, d.stream()>>>(
- params, indices, out, gather_dim_size, indices_size, slice_size,
- out_size);
-} // namespace
-// The current implementation has memory cost on GPU
-// I + P + max(3N + R, O + N), where:
-// I - the size of the input
-// N - the size of the partitions tensor
-// R - the temporary storage used by cub::RadixSort, about 2N
-// P - the number of partitions
-// O - the size of the output
-// So roughly the cost is I + P + max(5N, O + N).
-template <typename T>
-class DynamicPartitionOpGPU : public AsyncOpKernel {
- public:
- explicit DynamicPartitionOpGPU(OpKernelConstruction* c) : AsyncOpKernel(c) {
- OP_REQUIRES_OK(c, c->GetAttr("num_partitions", &num_partitions_));
- OP_REQUIRES(c, num_partitions_ >= 1,
- errors::InvalidArgument("num_partitions must be at least 1"));
- }
- void AllocateTempSpace(OpKernelContext* c, int32 N, Tensor* indices_in,
- Tensor* partitions_out, Tensor* indices_out,
- DoneCallback done) {
- int32 M = std::max(N, num_partitions_);
- // indices_in will be made slightly larger to accomodate
- // later computations.
- c, c->allocate_temp(DT_INT32, TensorShape({M}), indices_in), done);
- c, c->allocate_temp(DT_INT32, TensorShape({N}), partitions_out), done);
- c, c->allocate_temp(DT_INT32, TensorShape({N}), indices_out), done);
- }
- void AllocateOutputs(OpKernelContext* c, const Tensor* data,
- const Tensor* partitions, const Tensor* partition_count,
- OpOutputList* Tout, DoneCallback done) {
- auto e_part_count = partition_count->flat<int32>();
- // Allocate output tensors of the right size
- OP_REQUIRES_OK_ASYNC(c, c->output_list("outputs", Tout), done);
- for (int p = 0; p < num_partitions_; p++) {
- TensorShape shape;
- shape.AddDim(e_part_count(p));
- for (int i = partitions->dims(); i < data->dims(); i++) {
- shape.AddDim(data->dim_size(i));
- }
- Tensor* out;
- OP_REQUIRES_OK_ASYNC(c, Tout->allocate(p, shape, &out), done);
- }
- }
- void ComputeAsync(OpKernelContext* c, DoneCallback done) {
- const Tensor& data = c->input(0);
- const Tensor& partitions = c->input(1);
- c, TensorShapeUtils::StartsWith(data.shape(), partitions.shape()),
- errors::InvalidArgument("data.shape must start with partitions.shape, ",
- "got data.shape = ", data.shape().DebugString(),
- ", partitions.shape = ",
- partitions.shape().DebugString()),
- done);
- Tensor partition_count;
- // We must handle the case of empty partitions separately,
- // because kernels don't work with 0-sized tensors.
- if (partitions.NumElements() == 0) {
- AllocatorAttributes alloc_attr;
- alloc_attr.set_on_host(true);
- c, c->allocate_temp(DT_INT32, TensorShape({num_partitions_}),
- &partition_count, alloc_attr),
- done);
- auto e_part_count = partition_count.flat<int32>();
- for (int i = 0; i < num_partitions_; i++) e_part_count(i) = 0;
- OpOutputList outputs;
- this->AllocateOutputs(c, &data, &partitions, &partition_count, &outputs,
- done);
- if (c->status().ok()) done();
- return;
- }
- // Prepare for counting.
- c, c->allocate_temp(DT_INT32, TensorShape({num_partitions_}),
- &partition_count),
- done);
- Tensor indices_out;
- // Count how many times each partition index occurs.
- // Also sort the info in partitions and output it in indices_out,
- // in preparation for the next step.
- this->CountAndSortParts(c, &partitions, &partition_count, &indices_out,
- done);
- if (!c->status().ok()) return;
- // In order to allocate the output tensor we have to move partition_count
- // to CPU.
- auto* stream = c->op_device_context()->stream();
- OP_REQUIRES_ASYNC(c, stream, errors::Internal("No GPU stream available."),
- done);
- Tensor cpu_tensor;
- AllocatorAttributes alloc_attr;
- alloc_attr.set_on_host(true);
- alloc_attr.set_gpu_compatible(true);
- c, c->allocate_temp(partition_count.dtype(), partition_count.shape(),
- &cpu_tensor, alloc_attr),
- done);
- perftools::gputools::DeviceMemoryBase wrapped(
- partition_count.flat<int32>().data(), num_partitions_ * sizeof(int32));
- const bool status =
- stream
- ->ThenMemcpy(cpu_tensor.flat<int32>().data(), wrapped,
- num_partitions_ * sizeof(int32))
- .ok();
- c, status,
- errors::Internal("Failed to launch copy from device to host."), done);
- // Keep a reference to partition_count so that the buffer
- // is not deallocated at the end of the function, before
- // memcpy is completed.
- TensorReference partition_ref(partition_count);
- auto wrapped_callback = [this, c, &data, &partitions, indices_out,
- partition_ref, cpu_tensor, done]() {
- OpOutputList outputs;
- this->AllocateOutputs(c, &data, &partitions, &cpu_tensor, &outputs, done);
- if (!c->status().ok()) {
- partition_ref.Unref();
- return;
- }
- int32 N = partitions.NumElements();
- int64 slice_size = data.NumElements() / N;
- this->GatherSlices(c, &data, &indices_out, N, slice_size, outputs);
- partition_ref.Unref();
- done();
- };
- c->device()->tensorflow_gpu_device_info()->event_mgr->ThenExecute(
- stream, wrapped_callback);
- }
- protected:
- void RadixSort(OpKernelContext* c, const Tensor* partitions,
- Tensor* indices_in, Tensor* partitions_out,
- Tensor* indices_out, DoneCallback done) {
- int32 N = partitions->NumElements();
- const GPUDevice& device = c->eigen_device<GPUDevice>();
- const cudaStream_t& cu_stream = GetCudaStream(c);
- // Initialize the indices_in tensor using the Range GPU kernel.
- RangeInit(device, 0, 1, N, indices_in->flat<int32>());
- // Obtain the pointers to inner buffers.
- const int32* partitions_ptr = partitions->flat<int32>().data();
- int32* partitions_out_ptr = partitions_out->flat<int32>().data();
- int32* indices_in_ptr = indices_in->flat<int32>().data();
- int32* indices_out_ptr = indices_out->flat<int32>().data();
- // Determine temporary device storage requirements.
- Tensor cub_temp_storage;
- size_t temp_storage_bytes = 0;
- cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairs(
- NULL, temp_storage_bytes, partitions_ptr, partitions_out_ptr,
- indices_in_ptr, indices_out_ptr, N, 0, sizeof(int32) * 8, cu_stream);
- // Allocate temporary storage.
- c, c->allocate_temp(
- DT_INT8, TensorShape({static_cast<int64>(temp_storage_bytes)}),
- &cub_temp_storage),
- done);
- // Radix-sort the partition information.
- cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairs(
- cub_temp_storage.flat<int8>().data(), temp_storage_bytes,
- partitions_ptr, partitions_out_ptr, indices_in_ptr, indices_out_ptr, N,
- 0, sizeof(int32) * 8, cu_stream);
- } // At this point cub_temp_storage will be marked for deallocation.
- void CountAndSortParts(OpKernelContext* c, const Tensor* partitions,
- Tensor* partition_count, Tensor* indices_out,
- DoneCallback done) {
- const GPUDevice& device = c->eigen_device<GPUDevice>();
- int32 N = partitions->NumElements();
- Tensor indices_in;
- Tensor partitions_out;
- // Allocate memory for Radix-Sort.
- this->AllocateTempSpace(c, N, &indices_in, &partitions_out, indices_out,
- done);
- if (!c->status().ok()) return;
- this->RadixSort(c, partitions, &indices_in, &partitions_out, indices_out,
- done);
- if (!c->status().ok()) return;
- // We still need a little bit of additional memory. However,
- // we can reuse the indices_in tensor. We could also use atomic
- // operations and no additional memory, but this approach seems faster.
- // Zero-out the allocated memory.
- functor::SetZeroFunctor<GPUDevice, int32> zero_functor;
- zero_functor(device, partition_count->flat<int32>());
- zero_functor(device, indices_in.flat<int32>());
- // Obtain the pointers to inner buffers.
- int32* start_ptr = indices_in.flat<int32>().data();
- int32* end_ptr = partition_count->flat<int32>().data();
- // Obtain the starting and ending points of each interval.
- ComputeIntervals(device, &partitions_out, N, num_partitions_, start_ptr,
- end_ptr);
- // Subtract to compute the number of appearances of each id.
- ComputeItvLength(device, num_partitions_, start_ptr, end_ptr);
- } // At this point indices_in and partitions_out will be marked
- // for deallocation.
- void GatherSlices(OpKernelContext* c, const Tensor* data,
- const Tensor* indices, int32 N, int64 slice_size,
- OpOutputList& outs) {
- const GPUDevice& device = c->eigen_device<GPUDevice>();
- const int32* ind_base = indices->flat<int32>().data();
- const T* data_base = data->flat<T>().data();
- for (int p = 0; p < num_partitions_; p++) {
- int32 indices_size = outs[p]->dim_size(0);
- int64 out_size = outs[p]->NumElements();
- T* out_base = outs[p]->flat<T>().data();
- if (out_size > 0)
- CallGatherKernel<T>(device, data_base, ind_base, out_base, N,
- indices_size, slice_size, out_size);
- ind_base += indices_size;
- }
- }
- int num_partitions_;
- Name("DynamicPartition").Device(DEVICE_GPU).TypeConstraint<T>("T"), \
- DynamicPartitionOpGPU<T>)
-} // namespace tensorflow
-#endif // GOOGLE_CUDA