path: root/tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_optimizer_merge_test.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_optimizer_merge_test.cc')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_optimizer_merge_test.cc b/tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_optimizer_merge_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da3b01955c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_optimizer_merge_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#ifdef INTEL_MKL
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_optimizer_merge.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/testlib.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/kernels/ops_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/random/simple_philox.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/str_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/stringprintf.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/protobuf.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/test.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/test_benchmark.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace {
+class OptimizerMergeTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+ OptimizerMergeTest() : graph_(OpRegistry::Global()) {}
+ static void InitGraph(const string& s, Graph* graph) {
+ GraphDef graph_def;
+ auto parser = protobuf::TextFormat::Parser();
+ CHECK(parser.MergeFromString(s, &graph_def)) << s;
+ GraphConstructorOptions opts;
+ TF_CHECK_OK(ConvertGraphDefToGraph(opts, graph_def, graph));
+ }
+ void InitGraph(const string& s) {
+ InitGraph(s, &graph_);
+ original_ = CanonicalGraphString(&graph_);
+ }
+ static bool IncludeNode(const Node* n) { return n->IsOp(); }
+ static string EdgeId(const Node* n, int index) {
+ if (index == 0) {
+ return n->name();
+ } else if (index == Graph::kControlSlot) {
+ return strings::StrCat(n->name(), ":control");
+ } else {
+ return strings::StrCat(n->name(), ":", index);
+ }
+ }
+ string CanonicalGraphString(Graph* g) {
+ std::vector<string> nodes;
+ std::vector<string> edges;
+ for (const Node* n : g->nodes()) {
+ if (IncludeNode(n)) {
+ nodes.push_back(strings::StrCat(n->name(), "(", n->type_string(), ")"));
+ }
+ }
+ for (const Edge* e : g->edges()) {
+ if (IncludeNode(e->src()) && IncludeNode(e->dst())) {
+ edges.push_back(strings::StrCat(EdgeId(e->src(), e->src_output()), "->",
+ EdgeId(e->dst(), e->dst_input())));
+ }
+ }
+ // Canonicalize
+ std::sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
+ std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());
+ return strings::StrCat(str_util::Join(nodes, ";"), "|",
+ str_util::Join(edges, ";"));
+ }
+ string DoNodeMerge() {
+ string before = CanonicalGraphString(&graph_);
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Before node merge optimize: " << before;
+ std::unique_ptr<Graph>* ug = new std::unique_ptr<Graph>(&graph_);
+ OptimizeNodeMerge(ug);
+ string result = CanonicalGraphString(&graph_);
+ LOG(ERROR) << "After node merge optimize: " << result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ const string& OriginalGraph() const { return original_; }
+ Graph graph_;
+ string original_;
+REGISTER_OP("Input").Output("o: float").SetIsStateful();
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Basic) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Mul' attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B'] }"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Mul' attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B'] }");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(Mul);D(Mul)|"
+ "A->C;A->D;B->C:1;B->D:1");
+// Test set 1: Conv2D + AddBias
+// C=Conv2D(A,B); E=BiasAdd(C,D); Z=Sub(E,Y)
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Conv2DWithBias_Positive) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Conv2D'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " attr { key: 'use_cudnn_on_gpu' value { b: false } }"
+ " attr { key: 'strides' value { list: {i: 1, i:1, i:1, i:1} } }"
+ " attr { key: 'padding' value { s: 'SAME' } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'BiasAdd'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " input: ['C', 'D'] }"
+ "node { name: 'Y' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'Z' op: 'Sub'"
+ " attr {key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['E', 'Y']}");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);D(Input);E(Conv2DWithBias);Y(Input);Z(Sub)|"
+ "A->E;B->E:1;D->E:2;E->Z;Y->Z:1");
+// Graph contains only Conv2D, no AddBias.
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Conv2DWithBias_Negative_NoAddBias) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Conv2D'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " attr { key: 'use_cudnn_on_gpu' value { b: false } }"
+ " attr { key: 'strides' value { list: {i: 1, i:1, i:1, i:1} } }"
+ " attr { key: 'padding' value { s: 'SAME' } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(Conv2D)|"
+ "A->C;B->C:1");
+// Conv2D output does not go to BiasAdd.
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Conv2DWithBias_Negative_Dataflow1) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Conv2D'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " attr { key: 'use_cudnn_on_gpu' value { b: false } }"
+ " attr { key: 'strides' value { list: {i: 1, i:1, i:1, i:1} } }"
+ " attr { key: 'padding' value { s: 'SAME' } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'F' op: 'BiasAdd'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " input: ['D', 'E'] }"); // Output of Conv2D does not go to BiasAdd.
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(Conv2D);D(Input);E(Input);F(BiasAdd)|"
+ "A->C;B->C:1;D->F;E->F:1");
+// Conv2D has two outgoing edges: BiasAdd and some other dummy node (Add).
+// Merge should not be done in such case.
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Conv2DWithBias_Negative_Dataflow2) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Conv2D'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " attr { key: 'use_cudnn_on_gpu' value { b: false } }"
+ " attr { key: 'strides' value { list: {i: 1, i:1, i:1, i:1} } }"
+ " attr { key: 'padding' value { s: 'SAME' } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'F' op: 'BiasAdd'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " input: ['D', 'E'] }" // Conv2D has two outputs.
+ // No merge should happen.
+ "node { name: 'G' op: 'Add'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['C', 'E'] }");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(Conv2D);D(Input);E(Input);F(BiasAdd);G(Add)|"
+ "A->C;B->C:1;C->G;D->F;E->F:1;E->G:1");
+// data_format attribute value mismatch. Merge should not be done
+// in such case.
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Conv2DWithBias_Negative_AttrMismatch) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Conv2D'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " attr { key: 'use_cudnn_on_gpu' value { b: false } }"
+ " attr { key: 'strides' value { list: {i: 1, i:1, i:1, i:1} } }"
+ " attr { key: 'padding' value { s: 'SAME' } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'BiasAdd'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NHCW' } }"
+ " input: ['C', 'D'] }");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(Conv2D);D(Input);E(BiasAdd)|"
+ "A->C;B->C:1;C->E;D->E:1");
+// Test set 2: Conv2D..BiasAddGrad -> Conv2DWithBiasBackpropBias rewrite tests
+// C=Conv2D(A,B); D=Sub(C,A); F=BiasAddGrad(D)
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Conv2DBackprop_Positive) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Conv2D'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " attr { key: 'use_cudnn_on_gpu' value { b: false } }"
+ " attr { key: 'strides' value { list: {i: 1, i:1, i:1, i:1} } }"
+ " attr { key: 'padding' value { s: 'SAME' } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Sub'"
+ " attr {key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['C', 'A']}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'BiasAddGrad'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " input: ['D'] }");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(Conv2D);D(Sub);E(Conv2DWithBiasBackpropBias)|"
+ "A->C;A->D:1;B->C:1;C->D;D->E");
+// No Conv2D in the context for BiasAddGrad. No rewrite should happen.
+// C=Add(A,B); D=Sub(C,A); F=BiasAddGrad(D,E)
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Conv2DBackprop_Negative_NoConv2D) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Add'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Sub'"
+ " attr {key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['C', 'A']}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'BiasAddGrad'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " input: ['D'] }");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(Add);D(Sub);E(BiasAddGrad)|"
+ "A->C;A->D:1;B->C:1;C->D;D->E");
+// No Conv2D in the context for BiasAddGrad, but MatMul in context.
+// Rewrite should happen, but name of BiasAddGrad does not change.
+// C=MatMul(A,B); D=Sub(C,A); F=BiasAddGrad(D,E)
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, Conv2DBackprop_Negative_NoConv2D_MatMul) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'MatMul'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }"
+ " attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Sub'"
+ " attr {key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['C', 'A']}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'BiasAddGrad'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " input: ['D'] }");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(MatMul);D(Sub);E(BiasAddGrad)|"
+ "A->C;A->D:1;B->C:1;C->D;D->E");
+// Test set 3: MatMul..BiasAddGrad -> BiasAddGrad rewrite tests
+// C=MatMul(A,B); D=Sub(C,A); F=BiasAddGrad(D,E)
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, MatMulBiasAddGrad_Positive) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'MatMul'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'transpose_a' value { b: false } }"
+ " attr { key: 'transpose_b' value { b: false } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Sub'"
+ " attr {key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['C', 'A']}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'BiasAddGrad'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " input: ['D'] }");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(MatMul);D(Sub);E(BiasAddGrad)|"
+ "A->C;A->D:1;B->C:1;C->D;D->E");
+// No MatMul in the context for BiasAddGrad. No rewrite should happen.
+// C=Add(A,B); D=Sub(C,A); F=BiasAddGrad(D,E)
+TEST_F(OptimizerMergeTest, MatMulBiasAddGrad_Negative_NoMatMul) {
+ InitGraph(
+ "node { name: 'A' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'B' op: 'Input'}"
+ "node { name: 'C' op: 'Add'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['A', 'B']}"
+ "node { name: 'D' op: 'Sub'"
+ " attr {key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " input: ['C', 'A']}"
+ "node { name: 'E' op: 'BiasAddGrad'"
+ " attr { key: 'T' value { type: DT_FLOAT } }"
+ " attr { key: 'data_format' value { s: 'NCHW' } }"
+ " input: ['D'] }");
+ EXPECT_EQ(DoNodeMerge(),
+ "A(Input);B(Input);C(Add);D(Sub);E(BiasAddGrad)|"
+ "A->C;A->D:1;B->C:1;C->D;D->E");
+static void BM_NodeMerge(int iters, int op_nodes) {
+ testing::StopTiming();
+ string s;
+ for (int in = 0; in < 10; in++) {
+ s += strings::Printf("node { name: 'in%04d' op: 'Input'}", in);
+ }
+ random::PhiloxRandom philox(301, 17);
+ random::SimplePhilox rnd(&philox);
+ for (int op = 0; op < op_nodes; op++) {
+ s += strings::Printf(
+ "node { name: 'op%04d' op: 'Mul' attr { key: 'T' value { "
+ "type: DT_FLOAT } } input: ['in%04d', 'in%04d' ] }",
+ op, rnd.Uniform(10), rnd.Uniform(10));
+ }
+ bool first = true;
+ while (iters > 0) {
+ Graph* graph = new Graph(OpRegistry::Global());
+ OptimizerMergeTest::InitGraph(s, graph);
+ int N = graph->num_node_ids();
+ if (first) {
+ testing::SetLabel(strings::StrCat("Per graph node. Nodes: ", N));
+ first = false;
+ }
+ {
+ testing::StartTiming();
+ std::unique_ptr<Graph> ug(graph);
+ OptimizeNodeMerge(&ug);
+ testing::StopTiming();
+ }
+ iters -= N; // Our benchmark units are individual graph nodes,
+ // not whole graphs
+ // delete graph;
+ }
+} // namespace
+} // namespace tensorflow
+#endif /* INTEL_MKL */