path: root/tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h b/tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..030e471bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h
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+// A Graph describes a set of computations that are to be
+// performed, as well as the dependencies between those
+// compuations. The basic model is a DAG (directed acyclic graph) with
+// * internal nodes representing computational operations to be performed;
+// * edges represent dependencies, indicating the target may only be
+// executed once the source has completed; and
+// * predefined "source" (start) and "sink" (finish) nodes -- the source
+// should be the only node that doesn't depend on anything, and the sink
+// should be the only node that nothing depends on.
+// Note: Node ids are intended to be relatively dense in the
+// 0..max_id range, but there may be gaps since ids won't be reused.
+// Note: Some dependencies between operations are due to one operation
+// consuming the output of another. In fact operations can produce
+// multiple outputs and consume multiple inputs, and some
+// optimizations will care about which specific outputs are connected
+// to which specific inputs. We therefore represent data dependency
+// between output O of layer A and input I of layer B using
+// "input index" and "output index" labels per edge.
+#include <functional>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/edgeset.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/arena.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/refcount.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/iterator_range.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/port.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/public/status.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+class Edge;
+class EdgeSetTest;
+class Graph;
+class Node;
+class NeighborIter; // Declared below
+class NodeIter; // Declared below
+class Node {
+ public:
+ string DebugString() const;
+ int id() const { return id_; }
+ int cost_id() const { return cost_id_; }
+ const string& name() const { return props_->node_def_.name(); }
+ const string& type_string() const { return props_->node_def_.op(); }
+ const NodeDef& def() const { return props_->node_def_; }
+ const OpDef& op_def() const { return *props_->op_def_; }
+ // input and output types
+ int num_inputs() const { return props_->input_types_.size(); }
+ DataType input_type(int i) const { return props_->input_types_[i]; }
+ const DataTypeVector& input_types() const { return props_->input_types_; }
+ int num_outputs() const { return props_->output_types_.size(); }
+ DataType output_type(int o) const { return props_->output_types_[o]; }
+ const DataTypeVector& output_types() const { return props_->output_types_; }
+ // This gives the device the runtime has assigned this node to. If
+ // you want the device the user requested, use def().device() instead.
+ // TODO(josh11b): Validate that the assigned_device, if not empty:
+ // fully specifies a device, and satisfies def().device().
+ // TODO(josh11b): Move device_name outside of Node into a NodeId->DeviceName
+ // map.
+ string assigned_device_name() const { return assigned_device_name_; }
+ void set_assigned_device_name(const string& device_name) {
+ assigned_device_name_ = device_name;
+ }
+ // Get the neighboring nodes via edges either in or out of this node.
+ gtl::iterator_range<NeighborIter> in_nodes() const;
+ gtl::iterator_range<NeighborIter> out_nodes() const;
+ const EdgeSet& in_edges() const { return in_edges_; }
+ const EdgeSet& out_edges() const { return out_edges_; }
+ // Node type helpers.
+ bool IsSource() const { return id() == 0; }
+ bool IsSink() const { return id() == 1; }
+ // Anything other than the special Source & Sink nodes.
+ bool IsOp() const { return id() > 1; }
+ private:
+ friend class Graph;
+ Node();
+ ~Node();
+ class Properties : public core::RefCounted {
+ public:
+ Properties(const OpDef* op_def, const NodeDef& node_def,
+ const DataTypeSlice inputs, const DataTypeSlice outputs);
+ const OpDef* op_def_; // not owned
+ const NodeDef node_def_;
+ const DataTypeVector input_types_;
+ const DataTypeVector output_types_;
+ private:
+ // Destructor invoked when last reference goes away via Unref()
+ virtual ~Properties();
+ };
+ Properties* properties() const { return props_; }
+ // Initialize() adopts a reference to props, and so is suitable if props was
+ // just allocated or you call props->Ref() to increment the reference
+ // count for a props being held by another Node.
+ void Initialize(int id, int cost_id, Properties* props);
+ // Releases memory from props_, in addition to restoring *this to its
+ // uninitialized state.
+ void Clear();
+ int id_; // -1 until Initialize() is called
+ int cost_id_; // -1 if there is no corresponding cost accounting node
+ EdgeSet in_edges_;
+ EdgeSet out_edges_;
+ Properties* props_;
+ // Name of device assigned to perform this computation.
+ string assigned_device_name_;
+class Edge {
+ public:
+ Node* src() const { return src_; }
+ Node* dst() const { return dst_; }
+ int id() const { return id_; }
+ // Return the number of the source output that produces the data
+ // carried by this edge. The special value kControlSlot is used
+ // for control dependencies.
+ int src_output() const { return src_output_; }
+ // Return the number of the destination input that consumes the data
+ // carried by this edge. The special value kControlSlot is used
+ // for control dependencies.
+ int dst_input() const { return dst_input_; }
+ // Return true iff this is an edge that indicates a control-flow
+ // (as opposed to a data-flow) dependency.
+ bool IsControlEdge() const;
+ private:
+ Edge() {}
+ friend class EdgeSetTest;
+ friend class Graph;
+ Node* src_;
+ Node* dst_;
+ int id_;
+ int src_output_;
+ int dst_input_;
+// Thread compatible but not thread safe.
+class Graph {
+ public:
+ // Constructs a graph with a single SOURCE (always id kSourceId) and a
+ // single SINK (always id kSinkId) node, and an edge from SOURCE->SINK.
+ //
+ // The graph can hold ops found in registry.
+ explicit Graph(const OpRegistryInterface* registry);
+ ~Graph();
+ static const int kControlSlot = -1;
+ // Adds a new node to this graph, and returns it. Infers the Op and
+ // input/output types for the node. *this owns the returned instance.
+ // Returns nullptr and sets *status on error.
+ Node* AddNode(const NodeDef& node_def, Status* status);
+ // Copies *node, which may belong to another graph, to a new node,
+ // which is returned. Does not copy any edges. *this owns the
+ // returned instance.
+ Node* CopyNode(Node* node);
+ // Remove a node from this graph, including all edges from or to it.
+ // *node should not be accessed after calling this function.
+ // REQUIRES: node->IsOp()
+ void RemoveNode(Node* node);
+ // Add an edge that connects the xth output of "source" to the yth input
+ // of "dest".
+ const Edge* AddEdge(Node* source, int x, Node* dest, int y);
+ // Add a control-edge (no data flows along this edge) that
+ // connects "source" to "dest".
+ const Edge* AddControlEdge(Node* source, Node* dest) {
+ return AddEdge(source, kControlSlot, dest, kControlSlot);
+ }
+ // Removes edge from the graph.
+ // REQUIRES: The edge must exist.
+ void RemoveEdge(const Edge* edge);
+ // Returns one more than the maximum id assigned to any node.
+ int num_node_ids() const { return nodes_.size(); }
+ // Serialize to a GraphDef.
+ void ToGraphDef(GraphDef* graph_def) const;
+ // Generate new node name with the specified prefix that is unique
+ // across this graph.
+ string NewName(StringPiece prefix);
+ // Access to the list of all nodes. Example usage:
+ // for (Node* node : graph.nodes()) { ... }
+ gtl::iterator_range<NodeIter> nodes() const;
+ // Returns the node associated with an id, or nullptr if no node
+ // with that id (the node with that id was removed and the id has
+ // not yet been re-used). *this owns the returned instance.
+ // REQUIRES: 0 <= id < num_node_ids().
+ Node* FindNodeId(int id) const { return nodes_[id]; }
+ // Returns one more than the maximum id assigned to any edge.
+ int num_edge_ids() const { return edges_.size(); }
+ // Returns the Edge associated with an id, or nullptr if no edge
+ // with that id (the node with that id was removed and the id has
+ // not yet been re-used). *this owns the returned instance.
+ // REQUIRES: 0 <= id < num_node_ids().
+ const Edge* FindEdgeId(int id) const { return edges_[id]; }
+ // Access to the set of all edges. Example usage:
+ // for (const Edge* e : graph.edges()) { ... }
+ const EdgeSet& edges() const { return edge_set_; }
+ // The pre-defined nodes.
+ enum { kSourceId = 0, kSinkId = 1 };
+ Node* source_node() const { return FindNodeId(kSourceId); }
+ Node* sink_node() const { return FindNodeId(kSinkId); }
+ const OpRegistryInterface* op_registry() const { return ops_; }
+ // TODO(josh11b): uint64 hash() const;
+ private:
+ bool IsValidNode(Node* node) const;
+ // If cost_node is non-null, then cost accounting (in CostModel)
+ // will be associated with that node rather than the new one being
+ // created.
+ Node* AllocateNode(Node::Properties* props, const Node* cost_node);
+ void ReleaseNode(Node* node);
+ // Registry of all known ops. Not owned.
+ const OpRegistryInterface* const ops_;
+ // Allocator which will give us good locality.
+ core::Arena arena_;
+ // Map from node ids to allocated nodes. nodes_[id] may be nullptr if
+ // the node with that id was removed from the graph.
+ std::vector<Node*> nodes_;
+ // Map from edge ids to allocated edges. edges_[id] may be nullptr if
+ // the edge with that id was removed from the graph.
+ std::vector<Edge*> edges_;
+ // For ease of iteration, we currently just keep a set of all live
+ // edges. May want to optimize by removing this copy.
+ EdgeSet edge_set_;
+ // Allocated but free nodes and edges.
+ std::vector<Node*> free_nodes_;
+ std::vector<Edge*> free_edges_;
+ // For generating unique names.
+ int name_counter_ = 0;
+// TODO(josh11b): We may want to support keeping an index on various
+// node/edge attributes in a graph, particularly node names.
+// Helper routines
+inline bool IsSwitch(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "Switch" || node->type_string() == "RefSwitch";
+inline bool IsMerge(const Node* node) { return node->type_string() == "Merge"; }
+inline bool IsEnter(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "Enter" || node->type_string() == "RefEnter";
+inline bool IsExit(const Node* node) { return node->type_string() == "Exit"; }
+inline bool IsNextIteration(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "NextIteration";
+inline bool IsLoopCond(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "LoopCond";
+inline bool IsControlTrigger(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "ControlTrigger";
+inline bool IsSend(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "_Send" || node->type_string() == "_HostSend";
+inline bool IsRecv(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "_Recv" || node->type_string() == "_HostRecv";
+// True for Nodes that mediate the transfer of values between processes.
+inline bool IsTransferNode(const Node* n) { return IsSend(n) || IsRecv(n); }
+inline bool IsConstant(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "Const" || node->type_string() == "HostConst";
+inline bool IsVariable(const Node* node) {
+ return node->type_string() == "Variable";
+inline bool IsIdentity(const Node* node) {
+ return (node->type_string() == "Identity" ||
+ node->type_string() == "RefIdentity");
+// Returns true iff 'n' is a control flow node.
+inline bool IsControlFlow(const Node* n) {
+ return IsSwitch(n) || IsMerge(n) || IsEnter(n) || IsExit(n) ||
+ IsNextIteration(n);
+inline bool IsHostMemoryPreserving(const Node* node) {
+ return IsIdentity(node) || IsControlFlow(node);
+// Iterator for stepping through the nodes of a graph.
+class NodeIter {
+ public:
+ NodeIter(const Graph* graph, int id);
+ bool operator==(const NodeIter& rhs);
+ bool operator!=(const NodeIter& rhs);
+ void operator++();
+ Node* operator*();
+ Node* operator->();
+ private:
+ // Invariant: id_ == graph_->num_node_ids() || graph_->FindId(id_) != nullptr
+ const Graph* graph_;
+ int id_;
+// Iterator for stepping through the neighbors of a node.
+class NeighborIter {
+ public:
+ NeighborIter(EdgeSet::const_iterator iter, bool incoming);
+ bool operator==(const NeighborIter& rhs);
+ bool operator!=(const NeighborIter& rhs);
+ void operator++();
+ Node* operator*();
+ Node* operator->();
+ private:
+ EdgeSet::const_iterator iter_;
+ bool incoming_;
+inline NodeIter::NodeIter(const Graph* graph, int id)
+ : graph_(graph), id_(id) {}
+inline bool NodeIter::operator==(const NodeIter& rhs) {
+ DCHECK(graph_ == rhs.graph_);
+ return id_ == rhs.id_;
+inline bool NodeIter::operator!=(const NodeIter& rhs) {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+inline void NodeIter::operator++() {
+ while (1) {
+ DCHECK_LE(id_, graph_->num_node_ids());
+ ++id_;
+ if (id_ >= graph_->num_node_ids() || graph_->FindNodeId(id_) != nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+inline Node* NodeIter::operator*() { return graph_->FindNodeId(id_); }
+inline Node* NodeIter::operator->() { return graph_->FindNodeId(id_); }
+inline NeighborIter::NeighborIter(EdgeSet::const_iterator iter, bool incoming)
+ : iter_(iter), incoming_(incoming) {}
+inline bool NeighborIter::operator==(const NeighborIter& rhs) {
+ return iter_ == rhs.iter_ && incoming_ == rhs.incoming_;
+inline bool NeighborIter::operator!=(const NeighborIter& rhs) {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+inline void NeighborIter::operator++() { ++iter_; }
+inline Node* NeighborIter::operator*() {
+ const Edge* e = *iter_;
+ return incoming_ ? e->src() : e->dst();
+inline Node* NeighborIter::operator->() {
+ const Edge* e = *iter_;
+ return incoming_ ? e->src() : e->dst();
+inline bool Edge::IsControlEdge() const {
+ // Note that if either src_output_ or dst_input_ is kControlSlot,
+ // so is the other one (AddEdge checks this).
+ return src_output_ == Graph::kControlSlot;
+} // namespace tensorflow