path: root/tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/test/tf_trt_integration_test.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/test/tf_trt_integration_test.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/test/tf_trt_integration_test.py b/tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/test/tf_trt_integration_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c41f90d0..0000000000
--- a/tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/test/tf_trt_integration_test.py
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-# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ==============================================================================
-"""Script to test TF-TensorRT integration."""
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-from collections import namedtuple
-import itertools
-import warnings
-import numpy as np
-import six
-from tensorflow.contrib import tensorrt as trt
-from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb2
-from tensorflow.core.protobuf import rewriter_config_pb2
-from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
-from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
-from tensorflow.python.framework import importer
-from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
-from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util
-from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
-from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
-from tensorflow.python.ops import nn
-from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops
-from tensorflow.python.platform import test
-INPUT_NAME = "input"
-OUTPUT_NAME = "output"
-INPUT_DIMS = [100, 24, 24, 2]
-MODE_FP32 = "FP32"
-MODE_FP16 = "FP16"
-if six.PY2:
- to_bytes = lambda s: s
- to_string = lambda s: s
- to_bytes = lambda s: s.encode("utf-8", errors="surrogateescape")
- to_string = lambda s: s.decode("utf-8")
-# TODO(aaroey): test graph with different dtypes.
-def GetSingleEngineGraphDef(dtype=dtypes.float32):
- """Create a graph containing single segment."""
- g = ops.Graph()
- with g.as_default():
- inp = array_ops.placeholder(
- dtype=dtype, shape=[None] + INPUT_DIMS[1:], name=INPUT_NAME)
- with g.device("/GPU:0"):
- conv_filter = constant_op.constant(
- [[[[1., 0.5, 4., 6., 0.5, 1.], [1., 0.5, 1., 1., 0.5, 1.]]]],
- name="weights",
- dtype=dtype)
- conv = nn.conv2d(
- input=inp,
- filter=conv_filter,
- strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],
- padding="SAME",
- name="conv")
- bias = constant_op.constant(
- [4., 1.5, 2., 3., 5., 7.], name="bias", dtype=dtype)
- added = nn.bias_add(conv, bias, name="bias_add")
- relu = nn.relu(added, "relu")
- identity = array_ops.identity(relu, "identity")
- pool = nn_ops.max_pool(
- identity, [1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], "VALID", name="max_pool")
- array_ops.squeeze(pool, name=OUTPUT_NAME)
- return g.as_graph_def()
-# TODO(aaroey): test graph with different dtypes.
-def GetMultiEngineGraphDef(dtype=dtypes.float32):
- """Create a graph containing multiple segment."""
- g = ops.Graph()
- with g.as_default():
- inp = array_ops.placeholder(
- dtype=dtype, shape=[None] + INPUT_DIMS[1:], name=INPUT_NAME)
- with g.device("/GPU:0"):
- conv_filter = constant_op.constant(
- [[[[1., 0.5, 4., 6., 0.5, 1.], [1., 0.5, 1., 1., 0.5, 1.]]]],
- name="weights",
- dtype=dtype)
- conv = nn.conv2d(
- input=inp,
- filter=conv_filter,
- strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],
- padding="SAME",
- name="conv")
- c1 = constant_op.constant(
- np.random.randn(INPUT_DIMS[0], 12, 12, 6), dtype=dtype)
- p = conv * c1
- c2 = constant_op.constant(
- np.random.randn(INPUT_DIMS[0], 12, 12, 6), dtype=dtype)
- q = conv / c2
- edge = math_ops.sin(q)
- edge /= edge
- r = edge + edge
- p -= edge
- q *= edge
- s = p + q
- s -= r
- array_ops.squeeze(s, name=OUTPUT_NAME)
- return g.as_graph_def()
-TestGraph = namedtuple("TestGraph",
- ["gdef", "num_expected_engines", "expected_output_dims"])
- "SingleEngineGraph":
- TestGraph(
- gdef=GetSingleEngineGraphDef(),
- num_expected_engines=1,
- expected_output_dims=(100, 6, 6, 6)),
- "MultiEngineGraph":
- TestGraph(
- gdef=GetMultiEngineGraphDef(),
- num_expected_engines=2,
- expected_output_dims=(100, 12, 12, 6)),
- # TODO(aaroey): add a large complex graph to test.
-class TfTrtIntegrationTest(test_util.TensorFlowTestCase):
- """Class to test Tensorflow-TensorRT integration."""
- def setUp(self):
- """Setup method."""
- super(TfTrtIntegrationTest, self).setUp()
- warnings.simplefilter("always")
- self._input = np.random.random_sample(INPUT_DIMS)
- def _GetConfigProto(self,
- use_optimizer,
- precision_mode=None,
- is_dynamic_op=None):
- if use_optimizer:
- rewriter_cfg = rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig()
- rewriter_cfg.optimizers.extend(["constfold", "layout"])
- custom_op = rewriter_cfg.custom_optimizers.add()
- custom_op.name = "TensorRTOptimizer"
- custom_op.parameter_map["minimum_segment_size"].i = 3
- custom_op.parameter_map["max_batch_size"].i = self._input.shape[0]
- custom_op.parameter_map["is_dynamic_op"].b = is_dynamic_op
- custom_op.parameter_map["max_workspace_size_bytes"].i = 1 << 25
- custom_op.parameter_map["precision_mode"].s = to_bytes(precision_mode)
- graph_options = config_pb2.GraphOptions(rewrite_options=rewriter_cfg)
- else:
- graph_options = config_pb2.GraphOptions()
- gpu_options = config_pb2.GPUOptions()
- if trt.trt_convert.get_linked_tensorrt_version()[0] == 3:
- gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.50
- config = config_pb2.ConfigProto(
- gpu_options=gpu_options, graph_options=graph_options)
- return config
- def _RunGraph(self, graph_key, gdef, input_data, config, num_runs=2):
- """Run given graphdef multiple times."""
- g = ops.Graph()
- with g.as_default():
- inp, out = importer.import_graph_def(
- graph_def=gdef, return_elements=[INPUT_NAME, OUTPUT_NAME], name="")
- inp = inp.outputs[0]
- out = out.outputs[0]
- with self.test_session(
- graph=g, config=config, use_gpu=True, force_gpu=True) as sess:
- val = None
- # Defaults to 2 runs to verify result across multiple runs is same.
- for _ in range(num_runs):
- new_val = sess.run(out, {inp: input_data})
- self.assertEquals(TEST_GRAPHS[graph_key].expected_output_dims,
- new_val.shape)
- if val is not None:
- self.assertAllEqual(new_val, val)
- val = new_val
- return val
- # Use real data that is representative of the inference dataset
- # for calibration. For this test script it is random data.
- def _RunCalibration(self, graph_key, gdef, input_data, config):
- """Run calibration on given graph."""
- return self._RunGraph(graph_key, gdef, input_data, config, 30)
- def _GetTrtGraph(self, gdef, precision_mode, is_dynamic_op):
- """Return trt converted graph."""
- return trt.create_inference_graph(
- input_graph_def=gdef,
- outputs=[OUTPUT_NAME],
- max_batch_size=self._input.shape[0],
- max_workspace_size_bytes=1 << 25,
- precision_mode=precision_mode,
- minimum_segment_size=2,
- is_dynamic_op=is_dynamic_op)
- def _VerifyGraphDef(self,
- graph_key,
- gdef,
- precision_mode=None,
- is_calibrated=None,
- dynamic_engine=None):
- num_engines = 0
- for n in gdef.node:
- if n.op == "TRTEngineOp":
- num_engines += 1
- self.assertNotEqual("", n.attr["serialized_segment"].s)
- self.assertNotEqual("", n.attr["segment_funcdef_name"].s)
- self.assertEquals(n.attr["precision_mode"].s, precision_mode)
- self.assertEquals(n.attr["static_engine"].b, not dynamic_engine)
- if precision_mode == MODE_INT8 and is_calibrated:
- self.assertNotEqual("", n.attr["calibration_data"].s)
- else:
- self.assertEquals("", n.attr["calibration_data"].s)
- if precision_mode is None:
- self.assertEquals(num_engines, 0)
- else:
- self.assertEquals(num_engines,
- TEST_GRAPHS[graph_key].num_expected_engines)
- def _RunTest(self, graph_key, use_optimizer, precision_mode,
- dynamic_infer_engine, dynamic_calib_engine):
- assert precision_mode in [MODE_FP32, MODE_FP16, MODE_INT8]
- input_gdef = TEST_GRAPHS[graph_key].gdef
- self._VerifyGraphDef(graph_key, input_gdef)
- # Get reference result without running trt.
- config_no_trt = self._GetConfigProto(False)
- print("Running original graph w/o trt, config:\n%s" % str(config_no_trt))
- ref_result = self._RunGraph(graph_key, input_gdef, self._input,
- config_no_trt)
- # Run calibration if necessary.
- if precision_mode == MODE_INT8:
- calib_config = self._GetConfigProto(use_optimizer, precision_mode,
- dynamic_calib_engine)
- print("Running calibration graph, config:\n%s" % str(calib_config))
- if use_optimizer:
- self.assertTrue(False)
- # TODO(aaroey): uncomment this and get infer_gdef when this mode is
- # supported.
- # result = self._RunCalibration(graph_key, input_gdef, self._input,
- # calib_config)
- else:
- calib_gdef = self._GetTrtGraph(input_gdef, precision_mode,
- dynamic_calib_engine)
- self._VerifyGraphDef(graph_key, calib_gdef, precision_mode, False,
- dynamic_calib_engine)
- result = self._RunCalibration(graph_key, calib_gdef, self._input,
- calib_config)
- infer_gdef = trt.calib_graph_to_infer_graph(calib_gdef)
- self._VerifyGraphDef(graph_key, infer_gdef, precision_mode, True,
- dynamic_calib_engine)
- self.assertAllClose(ref_result, result, rtol=1.e-03)
- else:
- infer_gdef = input_gdef
- # Run inference.
- infer_config = self._GetConfigProto(use_optimizer, precision_mode,
- dynamic_infer_engine)
- print("Running final inference graph, config:\n%s" % str(infer_config))
- if use_optimizer:
- result = self._RunGraph(graph_key, infer_gdef, self._input, infer_config)
- else:
- trt_infer_gdef = self._GetTrtGraph(infer_gdef, precision_mode,
- dynamic_infer_engine)
- self._VerifyGraphDef(graph_key, trt_infer_gdef, precision_mode, True,
- dynamic_infer_engine)
- result = self._RunGraph(graph_key, trt_infer_gdef, self._input,
- infer_config)
- self.assertAllClose(ref_result, result, rtol=1.e-03)
- def testIdempotence(self):
- # Test that applying tensorrt optimizer or offline conversion tools multiple
- # times to the same graph will result in same graph.
- # TODO(aaroey): implement this.
- pass
-def GetTests():
- def _GetTest(g, u, p, i, c):
- def _Test(self):
- print("Running test with parameters: graph_key=%s, use_optimizer=%s, "
- "precision_mode=%s, dynamic_infer_engine=%s, "
- "dynamic_calib_engine=%s" % (g, u, p, i, c))
- self._RunTest(g, u, p, i, c)
- return _Test
- use_optimizer_options = [False, True]
- precision_mode_options = [MODE_FP32, MODE_FP16, MODE_INT8]
- dynamic_infer_engine_options = [False, True]
- dynamic_calib_engine_options = [False, True]
- for (graph_key, use_optimizer, precision_mode,
- dynamic_infer_engine, dynamic_calib_engine) in itertools.product(
- TEST_GRAPHS, use_optimizer_options, precision_mode_options,
- dynamic_infer_engine_options, dynamic_calib_engine_options):
- if precision_mode == MODE_INT8:
- if not dynamic_calib_engine and dynamic_infer_engine:
- # TODO(aaroey): test this case, the conversion from static calibration
- # engine to dynamic inference engine should be a noop.
- continue
- if use_optimizer:
- # TODO(aaroey): if use_optimizer is True we need to get the inference
- # graphdef using custom python wrapper class, which is not currently
- # supported yet.
- continue
- if not dynamic_calib_engine:
- # TODO(aaroey): construction of static calibration engine is not
- # supported yet.
- continue
- if dynamic_calib_engine and not dynamic_infer_engine:
- # TODO(aaroey): construction of static inference engine using dynamic
- # calibration engine is not supported yet.
- continue
- else: # In non int8 mode.
- if dynamic_calib_engine:
- # dynamic_calib_engine doesn't affect non-int8 modes, so just let
- # related tests run once on dynamic_calib_engine=False.
- continue
- yield _GetTest(graph_key, use_optimizer, precision_mode,
- dynamic_infer_engine, dynamic_calib_engine)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- for index, t in enumerate(GetTests()):
- setattr(TfTrtIntegrationTest, "testTfTRT_" + str(index), t)
- test.main()