path: root/tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/convert/convert_nodes.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/convert/convert_nodes.cc')
1 files changed, 1601 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/convert/convert_nodes.cc b/tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/convert/convert_nodes.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4003ba056d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/convert/convert_nodes.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1601 @@
+/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/convert/convert_nodes.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/node_def_builder.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.pb.h" // NOLINT
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/algorithm.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/strcat.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/tensor_coding.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/contrib/tensorrt/log/trt_logger.h"
+#include "tensorrt/include/NvInfer.h"
+// Check if the types are equal. Cast to int first so that failure log message
+// would work!
+#define CHECK_EQ_TYPE(val1, val2) CHECK_EQ((int)val1, (int)val2)
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace tensorrt {
+namespace convert {
+namespace {
+inline tensorflow::Status ConvertDType(tensorflow::DataType tf_dtype,
+ nvinfer1::DataType* trt_dtype) {
+ switch (tf_dtype) {
+ case tensorflow::DataType::DT_FLOAT:
+ *trt_dtype = nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT;
+ break;
+ case tensorflow::DataType::DT_INT8:
+ *trt_dtype = nvinfer1::DataType::kINT8;
+ break;
+ case tensorflow::DataType::DT_HALF:
+ *trt_dtype = nvinfer1::DataType::kHALF;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument("Unsupported data type");
+ }
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+inline nvinfer1::Dims GetTensorShape(const tensorflow::Tensor& tensor) {
+ nvinfer1::Dims dims;
+ dims.nbDims = tensor.dims();
+ for (int i = 0; i < dims.nbDims; i++) {
+ dims.d[i] = tensor.dim_size(i);
+ }
+ return dims;
+inline int64_t GetShapeSize(nvinfer1::Dims shape) {
+ // Returns total number of elements in shape
+ int64_t count = 1;
+ for (int d = 0; d < shape.nbDims; ++d) {
+ count *= shape.d[d];
+ }
+ return count;
+static std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> CreateSamePadding(
+ const nvinfer1::DimsHW& stride, const nvinfer1::DimsHW& kernel,
+ const std::vector<int64_t>& input_dims) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> padding(input_dims.size());
+ CHECK_EQ((size_t)stride.nbDims, input_dims.size()); // TODO(jie): N+C? NC+?
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < input_dims.size(); ++i) {
+ // Formula to calculate the padding
+ int p = ((input_dims[i] - 1) / stride.d[i]) * stride.d[i] + kernel.d[i] -
+ input_dims[i];
+ p = (p > 0) ? p : 0;
+ // Right precedence padding, like in TensorFlow
+ int left = p / 2;
+ int right = p - left;
+ VLOG(2) << "PADDING_" << i << " pre: " << left << ", post: " << right
+ << "paras: " << input_dims[i] << ", " << stride.d[i] << ", "
+ << "kernel: " << kernel.d[i];
+ padding[i] = {left, right};
+ }
+ return padding;
+class TRT_ShapedWeights {
+ public:
+ TRT_ShapedWeights(tensorflow::DataType type, const void* values,
+ nvinfer1::Dims shape)
+ : shape_(shape), type_(type), values_(values), empty_weight_flag_(false) {
+ // Note: this->shape.type[] is not used
+ }
+ explicit TRT_ShapedWeights(tensorflow::DataType type)
+ : shape_(), type_(type), values_(nullptr), empty_weight_flag_(true) {}
+ TRT_ShapedWeights(const TRT_ShapedWeights& rhs)
+ : shape_(rhs.shape_),
+ type_(rhs.type_),
+ values_(rhs.values_),
+ empty_weight_flag_(rhs.empty_weight_flag_) {}
+ int64_t count() const {
+ int64_t c = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < shape_.nbDims; i++) c *= shape_.d[i];
+ return c;
+ }
+ nvinfer1::Weights GetWeightsForTRT() const {
+ nvinfer1::DataType trt_type(nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT);
+ TF_CHECK_OK(ConvertDType(type_, &trt_type));
+ if (empty_weight_flag_) return nvinfer1::Weights{trt_type, nullptr, 0};
+ // Note: this->shape.type[] is not used
+ return nvinfer1::Weights{trt_type, GetValues(), GetShapeSize(shape_)};
+ }
+ const void* GetValues() const { return values_; }
+ void SetValues(const void* values) { values_ = values; }
+ size_t size_bytes() const {
+ int type_size = tensorflow::DataTypeSize(this->type_);
+ return this->count() * type_size;
+ }
+ // Default converter
+ operator nvinfer1::Weights() const { return GetWeightsForTRT(); }
+ nvinfer1::Dims shape_;
+ tensorflow::DataType type_;
+ private:
+ const void* values_;
+ bool empty_weight_flag_;
+class TRT_TensorOrWeights {
+ public:
+ explicit TRT_TensorOrWeights(nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor)
+ : tensor_(tensor), weights_(DT_FLOAT), variant_(TRT_NODE_TENSOR) {}
+ explicit TRT_TensorOrWeights(const TRT_ShapedWeights& weights)
+ : tensor_(nullptr), weights_(weights), variant_(TRT_NODE_WEIGHTS) {}
+ TRT_TensorOrWeights(const TRT_TensorOrWeights& rhs)
+ : tensor_(rhs.tensor_), weights_(rhs.weights_), variant_(rhs.variant_) {}
+ ~TRT_TensorOrWeights() {}
+ bool is_tensor() const { return variant_ == TRT_NODE_TENSOR; }
+ bool is_weights() const { return variant_ == TRT_NODE_WEIGHTS; }
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor() {
+ CHECK_EQ(is_tensor(), true);
+ return tensor_;
+ }
+ const nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor() const {
+ CHECK_EQ(is_tensor(), true);
+ return tensor_;
+ }
+ TRT_ShapedWeights& weights() {
+ CHECK_EQ(is_weights(), true);
+ return weights_;
+ }
+ const TRT_ShapedWeights& weights() const {
+ CHECK_EQ(is_weights(), true);
+ return weights_;
+ }
+ nvinfer1::Dims shape() const {
+ if (is_tensor()) {
+ return tensor()->getDimensions();
+ } else {
+ return weights().shape_;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor_;
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights_;
+ enum { TRT_NODE_TENSOR, TRT_NODE_WEIGHTS } variant_;
+class TFAttrs {
+ public:
+ explicit TFAttrs(const tensorflow::NodeDef& tf_node) {
+ for (const auto& attr : tf_node.attr()) {
+ attrs_.insert({attr.first, &attr.second});
+ }
+ }
+ bool count(string key) const { return attrs_.count(key); }
+ tensorflow::AttrValue const* at(string key) const {
+ if (!attrs_.count(key)) {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Attribute not found: " << key;
+ }
+ return attrs_.at(key);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ T get(string key) const;
+ template <typename T>
+ T get(string key, const T& default_value) const {
+ return attrs_.count(key) ? this->get<T>(key) : default_value;
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef std::map<string, tensorflow::AttrValue const*> AttrMap;
+ AttrMap attrs_;
+template <>
+string TFAttrs::get<string>(string key) const {
+ return this->at(key)->s();
+template <>
+std::vector<int> TFAttrs::get<std::vector<int>>(string key) const {
+ auto attr = this->at(key)->list().i();
+ return std::vector<int>(attr.begin(), attr.end());
+template <>
+nvinfer1::Dims TFAttrs::get<nvinfer1::Dims>(string key) const {
+ auto values = this->get<std::vector<int>>(key);
+ nvinfer1::Dims dims;
+ dims.nbDims = values.size();
+ std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), dims.d);
+ // Note: No dimension type information is included
+ return dims;
+template <>
+nvinfer1::DataType TFAttrs::get<nvinfer1::DataType>(string key) const {
+ nvinfer1::DataType trt_dtype(nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT);
+ TF_CHECK_OK(ConvertDType(this->at(key)->type(), &trt_dtype));
+ return trt_dtype;
+template <>
+tensorflow::DataType TFAttrs::get<tensorflow::DataType>(string key) const {
+ return this->at(key)->type();
+template <typename T>
+void Reorder4(nvinfer1::DimsNCHW shape, const T* idata,
+ nvinfer1::DimsNCHW istrides, T* odata,
+ nvinfer1::DimsNCHW ostrides) {
+ for (int n = 0; n < shape.n(); ++n) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < shape.c(); ++c) {
+ for (int h = 0; h < shape.h(); ++h) {
+ for (int w = 0; w < shape.w(); ++w) {
+ odata[n * ostrides.n() + c * ostrides.c() + h * ostrides.h() +
+ w * ostrides.w()] = idata[n * istrides.n() + c * istrides.c() +
+ h * istrides.h() + w * istrides.w()];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ReorderRSCKToKCRS(const TRT_ShapedWeights& iweights,
+ TRT_ShapedWeights* oweights) {
+ CHECK_EQ(iweights.type_, oweights->type_);
+ CHECK_EQ(iweights.size_bytes(), oweights->size_bytes());
+ int r = iweights.shape_.d[0];
+ int s = iweights.shape_.d[1];
+ int c = iweights.shape_.d[2];
+ int k = iweights.shape_.d[3];
+ oweights->shape_.d[0] = k;
+ oweights->shape_.d[1] = c;
+ oweights->shape_.d[2] = r;
+ oweights->shape_.d[3] = s;
+ nvinfer1::DimsNCHW istrides = {1, k, s * k * c, c * k};
+ nvinfer1::DimsNCHW ostrides = {c * r * s, r * s, s, 1};
+ switch (iweights.type_) {
+ case tensorflow::DataType::DT_FLOAT:
+ Reorder4({k, c, r, s}, static_cast<float const*>(iweights.GetValues()),
+ istrides,
+ static_cast<float*>(const_cast<void*>(oweights->GetValues())),
+ ostrides);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!broke!!!!!!!!!!!!";
+ }
+struct InferDeleter {
+ template <typename T>
+ void operator()(T* obj) const {
+ if (obj) {
+ obj->destroy();
+ }
+ }
+template <typename T>
+inline std::shared_ptr<T> infer_object(T* obj) {
+ return std::shared_ptr<T>(obj, InferDeleter());
+// Logger for GIE info/warning/errors
+class Converter;
+using OpConverter =
+ std::function<tensorflow::Status(Converter&, const tensorflow::NodeDef&,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const&,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>*)>;
+class Converter {
+ std::unordered_map<string, TRT_TensorOrWeights> trt_tensors_;
+ std::unordered_map<string, OpConverter> op_registry_;
+ nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition* trt_network_;
+ std::list<std::vector<uint8_t>> temp_bufs_;
+ void register_op_converters();
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> get_inputs(
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def) {
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> inputs;
+ for (const auto& input_name : node_def.input()) {
+ VLOG(2) << "Retrieve input: " << input_name;
+ inputs.push_back(trt_tensors_.at(input_name));
+ }
+ return inputs;
+ }
+ public:
+ explicit Converter(nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition* trt_network)
+ : trt_network_(trt_network) {
+ this->register_op_converters();
+ }
+ TRT_ShapedWeights get_temp_weights(tensorflow::DataType type,
+ nvinfer1::Dims shape) {
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights(type, nullptr, shape);
+ // TODO(jie): check weights size_bytes. 0 means type error
+ temp_bufs_.push_back(std::vector<uint8_t>(weights.size_bytes()));
+ weights.SetValues(temp_bufs_.back().data());
+ return weights;
+ }
+ TRT_ShapedWeights get_temp_weights_like(const TRT_ShapedWeights& weights) {
+ return this->get_temp_weights(weights.type_, weights.shape_);
+ }
+ tensorflow::Status convert_node(const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def) {
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> inputs = this->get_inputs(node_def);
+ string op = node_def.op();
+ if (!op_registry_.count(op)) {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "No converter registered for op: " + op);
+ }
+ OpConverter op_converter = op_registry_.at(op);
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> outputs;
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(op_converter(*this, node_def, inputs, &outputs));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
+ TRT_TensorOrWeights output = outputs.at(i);
+ // TODO(jie): tf protobuf seems to be omitting the :0 suffix
+ string output_name = node_def.name();
+ if (i != 0) output_name = output_name + ":" + std::to_string(i);
+ if (output.is_tensor()) {
+ output.tensor()->setName(output_name.c_str());
+ }
+ VLOG(2) << "Write out tensor: " << output_name;
+ if (!trt_tensors_.insert({output_name, output}).second) {
+ return tensorflow::errors::AlreadyExists(
+ "Output tensor already exists for op: " + op);
+ }
+ }
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+ }
+ nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition* network() { return trt_network_; }
+ TRT_TensorOrWeights get_tensor(string name) {
+ if (!trt_tensors_.count(name)) {
+ return TRT_TensorOrWeights(nullptr);
+ }
+ return trt_tensors_.at(name);
+ }
+ bool insert_input_tensor(string name, nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor) {
+ return trt_tensors_.insert({name, TRT_TensorOrWeights(tensor)}).second;
+ }
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* TransposeTensor(nvinfer1::ITensor* input_tensor,
+ std::vector<int> order) {
+ auto dims = input_tensor->getDimensions();
+ // TODO(jie): change the return to status and properly exit
+ if (order.size() - 1 != size_t(dims.nbDims))
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Dimension does not match, fail gracefully";
+ nvinfer1::IShuffleLayer* layer = this->network()->addShuffle(*input_tensor);
+ nvinfer1::Permutation permutation;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < dims.nbDims; ++i) {
+ permutation.order[i] = order[i + 1] - 1;
+ }
+ layer->setFirstTranspose(permutation);
+ nvinfer1::Dims reshape_dims;
+ reshape_dims.nbDims = dims.nbDims;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < reshape_dims.nbDims; ++i) {
+ reshape_dims.d[i] = 0;
+ reshape_dims.type[i] = dims.type[i];
+ }
+ layer->setReshapeDimensions(reshape_dims);
+ return layer->getOutput(0);
+ }
+// ****************************************************************************
+// Constant folding functions
+// TODO(jie): once optimizer kicks in, we should have done constant folding
+// there.
+struct LambdaFactory {
+ enum class OP_CATEGORY : int { RSQRT = 0, NEG, ADD, MUL, SUB };
+ template <typename T>
+ std::function<T(T)> unary() {
+ switch (op) {
+ return [](T t) -> T { return 1.0 / std::sqrt(t); };
+ }
+ return [](T t) -> T { return -t; };
+ default:
+ VLOG(2) << "Not supported op for unary: " << static_cast<int>(op);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ std::function<T(T, T)> binary() {
+ switch (op) {
+ return [](T l, T r) -> T { return l + r; };
+ return [](T l, T r) -> T { return l - r; };
+ return [](T l, T r) -> T { return l * r; };
+ default:
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Not supported op for binary: " << static_cast<int>(op);
+ }
+ return [](T l, T r) -> T {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported op type ";
+ return l;
+ };
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ std::function<T(T)> broadcast_r(T val) {
+ VLOG(2) << "LAMBDA VAL : " << val;
+ switch (op) {
+ return [val](T l) -> T {
+ VLOG(2) << "LAMBDA VAL : " << val;
+ return l + val;
+ };
+ // Return [val](T l)-> T {return l+val;};
+ return [val](T l) -> T {
+ VLOG(2) << "LAMBDA VAL : " << val;
+ return l - val;
+ };
+ return [val](T l) -> T {
+ VLOG(2) << "LAMBDA VAL : " << val;
+ return l * val;
+ };
+ default:
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Not supported op for binary: " << static_cast<int>(op);
+ }
+ return [val](T l) -> T {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported op type ";
+ return l;
+ };
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ std::function<T(T)> broadcast_l(T val) {
+ VLOG(2) << "LAMBDA VAL : " << val;
+ switch (op) {
+ return [val](T l) -> T {
+ VLOG(2) << "LAMBDA VAL : " << val;
+ return val + l;
+ };
+ return [val](T l) -> T {
+ VLOG(2) << "LAMBDA VAL : " << val;
+ return val - l;
+ };
+ return [val](T l) -> T {
+ VLOG(2) << "LAMBDA VAL : " << val;
+ return val * l;
+ };
+ default:
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Not supported op for binary: " << static_cast<int>(op);
+ }
+ return [val](T l) -> T {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported op type ";
+ return l;
+ };
+ }
+tensorflow::Status UnaryCompute(const TRT_ShapedWeights& iweights,
+ TRT_ShapedWeights* oweights,
+ LambdaFactory unary_op) {
+ CHECK_EQ(iweights.type_, oweights->type_);
+ switch (iweights.type_) {
+ case tensorflow::DataType::DT_FLOAT: {
+ auto inp = static_cast<float const*>(iweights.GetValues());
+ auto oup = static_cast<float*>(const_cast<void*>(oweights->GetValues()));
+ std::transform(inp, inp + iweights.count(), oup, unary_op.unary<float>());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Data type not supported: " +
+ tensorflow::DataTypeString(iweights.type_));
+ }
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status BinaryCompute(const TRT_ShapedWeights& iweights_l,
+ const TRT_ShapedWeights& iweights_r,
+ TRT_ShapedWeights* oweights,
+ LambdaFactory binary_op) {
+ // Assume iweights_l.type == iweight_r.type
+ CHECK_EQ(iweights_l.type_, oweights->type_);
+ CHECK_EQ(iweights_r.type_, oweights->type_);
+ switch (iweights_l.type_) {
+ case tensorflow::DataType::DT_FLOAT: {
+ auto inp_l = static_cast<const float*>(iweights_l.GetValues());
+ auto inp_r = static_cast<const float*>(iweights_r.GetValues());
+ auto oup = static_cast<float*>(const_cast<void*>(oweights->GetValues()));
+ if (iweights_l.count() != iweights_r.count()) {
+ // We only supports broadcast of RankZero
+ if (iweights_l.count() == 1) {
+ VLOG(2) << "I bet it is not working!" << (*inp_l);
+ std::transform(inp_r, inp_r + iweights_r.count(), oup,
+ binary_op.broadcast_l<float>(*inp_l));
+ } else if (iweights_r.count() == 1) {
+ VLOG(2) << "I bet it is not working!" << (*inp_r);
+ std::transform(inp_l, inp_l + iweights_l.count(), oup,
+ binary_op.broadcast_r<float>(*inp_r));
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Binary op with non-rankZero broadcast not supported");
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::transform(inp_l, inp_l + iweights_l.count(), inp_r, oup,
+ binary_op.binary<float>());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Data type not supported: " +
+ tensorflow::DataTypeString(iweights_l.type_));
+ }
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConstantFoldUnary(
+ Converter& ctx, const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights_input = inputs.at(0).weights();
+ // Allocate output weights
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights_output = ctx.get_temp_weights_like(weights_input);
+ // FIXME assume type matches input weights
+ // Get trt type & shape
+ // Maybe this part has to be moved into the block of rsqrt later
+ // Check type consistency
+ CHECK_EQ(weights_input.type_,
+ TFAttrs(node_def).get<tensorflow::DataType>("T"));
+ // Maybe I should do a switch
+ LambdaFactory unary_op;
+ if (node_def.op() == "Rsqrt") {
+ // Compute rsqrt
+ unary_op.op = LambdaFactory::OP_CATEGORY::RSQRT;
+ auto ret = UnaryCompute(weights_input, &weights_output, unary_op);
+ // PAss the output
+ if (ret == tensorflow::Status::OK()) {
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(weights_output));
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented("Binary op not supported: " +
+ node_def.op());
+ }
+// TODO(jie,ben) broadcast is needed yet not implemented
+// Let's get the simple stuff working first. Maybe we should fall bakc to TF
+// approach for constant folding
+tensorflow::Status ConstantFoldBinary(
+ Converter& ctx, const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights_input_l = inputs.at(0).weights();
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights_input_r = inputs.at(1).weights();
+ // Check type consistency
+ CHECK_EQ(weights_input_l.type_, weights_input_r.type_);
+ if (weights_input_l.shape_.nbDims != weights_input_r.shape_.nbDims)
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Binary op implicit broadcast not supported: " + node_def.op());
+ // TODO(jie): constant fold should really fall back to TF.
+ int nb_dims = weights_input_l.shape_.nbDims;
+ nvinfer1::Dims output_shape;
+ output_shape.nbDims = nb_dims;
+ VLOG(2) << "nb_dims: " << nb_dims
+ << ", the other: " << weights_input_r.shape_.nbDims;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nb_dims; i++) {
+ if (weights_input_l.shape_.d[i] == weights_input_r.shape_.d[i]) {
+ output_shape.d[i] = weights_input_l.shape_.d[i];
+ } else if (weights_input_l.shape_.d[i] == 1 ||
+ weights_input_r.shape_.d[i] == 1) {
+ output_shape.d[i] =
+ std::max(weights_input_l.shape_.d[i], weights_input_r.shape_.d[i]);
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Binary op with incompatible shape at, " + node_def.op());
+ }
+ VLOG(2) << "left: " << weights_input_l.shape_.d[i]
+ << "right: " << weights_input_r.shape_.d[i]
+ << "output: " << output_shape.d[i];
+ }
+ // FIXME assume type matches input weights
+ // Get trt type & shape
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ // Maybe this part has to be moved into the block of rsqrt later
+ tensorflow::DataType dtype = attrs.get<tensorflow::DataType>("T");
+ // Allocate output weights
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights_output = ctx.get_temp_weights(dtype, output_shape);
+ // Maybe I should do a switch
+ LambdaFactory binary_op;
+ if (node_def.op() == "Sub") {
+ binary_op.op = LambdaFactory::OP_CATEGORY::SUB;
+ } else if (node_def.op() == "Mul") {
+ binary_op.op = LambdaFactory::OP_CATEGORY::MUL;
+ } else if (node_def.op() == "Add") {
+ binary_op.op = LambdaFactory::OP_CATEGORY::ADD;
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented("Binary op not supported: " +
+ node_def.op());
+ }
+ auto ret = BinaryCompute(weights_input_l, weights_input_r, &weights_output,
+ binary_op);
+ // Pass the output
+ if (ret == tensorflow::Status::OK()) {
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(weights_output));
+ }
+ return ret;
+// TODO(jie): broadcast is needed yet not implemented.
+// Only implemented channel wise for the time being
+tensorflow::Status BinaryTensorOpWeight(
+ Converter& ctx, const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ const nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor, TRT_ShapedWeights weights,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ // FIXME assume type matches input weights
+ // Get trt type & shape
+ // Maybe this part has to be moved into the block of rsqrt later
+ // Check type consistency
+ auto dtype = TFAttrs(node_def).get<nvinfer1::DataType>("T");
+ CHECK_EQ_TYPE(tensor->getType(), dtype); // Cast to int for error messages
+ nvinfer1::DataType ttype;
+ TF_CHECK_OK(ConvertDType(weights.type_, &ttype));
+ CHECK_EQ_TYPE(ttype, dtype); // Cast to int for error message
+ // Check scale mode
+ auto dims_w = weights.shape_;
+ auto dims_t = tensor->getDimensions();
+ // Default to channel-wise
+ auto scale_mode = nvinfer1::ScaleMode::kELEMENTWISE;
+ if (weights.count() == 1) {
+ VLOG(2) << "UNIFORM";
+ scale_mode = nvinfer1::ScaleMode::kUNIFORM;
+ } else {
+ // No broadcasting on Batch dimension;
+ assert(dims_w.d[0] == 1);
+ // Broadcasting on Channel dimension only allowed in kUNIFORM
+ assert(dims_w.d[1] == dims_t.d[0]);
+ assert(dims_w.nbDims == dims_t.nbDims);
+ // Default is element;
+ for (int i = 2; i < dims_w.nbDims; i++) {
+ if (dims_w.d[i] != dims_t.d[i - 1]) {
+ scale_mode = nvinfer1::ScaleMode::kCHANNEL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (scale_mode == nvinfer1::ScaleMode::kELEMENTWISE) {
+ scale_mode = nvinfer1::ScaleMode::kELEMENTWISE;
+ for (int i = 2; i < dims_w.nbDims; i++) {
+ if (dims_w.d[i] != 1)
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Weight shape not compatible at, " + node_def.name());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepare weights
+ TRT_ShapedWeights shift_weights(weights.type_);
+ TRT_ShapedWeights scale_weights(weights.type_);
+ TRT_ShapedWeights power_weights(weights.type_);
+ // Maybe I should do a switch
+ if (node_def.op() == "Sub") {
+ TRT_ShapedWeights neg_weights = ctx.get_temp_weights_like(weights);
+ LambdaFactory unary_op;
+ unary_op.op = LambdaFactory::OP_CATEGORY::NEG;
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(UnaryCompute(weights, &neg_weights, unary_op));
+ shift_weights = neg_weights;
+ } else if (node_def.op() == "Mul") {
+ scale_weights = weights;
+ } else if (node_def.op() == "Add") {
+ shift_weights = weights;
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented("Binary op not supported: " +
+ node_def.op());
+ }
+ nvinfer1::IScaleLayer* layer = ctx.network()->addScale(
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor), scale_mode, shift_weights,
+ scale_weights, power_weights);
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output_tensor = layer->getOutput(0);
+ // Pass the output
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(output_tensor));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status BinaryTensorOpTensor(
+ Converter& ctx, const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ const nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor_l, const nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor_r,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ static const std::unordered_map<string, nvinfer1::ElementWiseOperation> ops{
+ {"Add", nvinfer1::ElementWiseOperation::kSUM},
+ {"Mul", nvinfer1::ElementWiseOperation::kPROD},
+ // {"max", nvinfer1::ElementWiseOperation::kMAX},
+ // {"min", nvinfer1::ElementWiseOperation::kMIN},
+ {"Sub", nvinfer1::ElementWiseOperation::kSUB},
+ {"Div", nvinfer1::ElementWiseOperation::kDIV},
+ };
+ // FIXME assume type matches input weights
+ // Get trt type & shape
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ // Maybe this part has to be moved into the block of rsqrt later
+ nvinfer1::DataType dtype = attrs.get<nvinfer1::DataType>("T");
+ // Check type consistency
+ CHECK_EQ_TYPE(tensor_l->getType(), dtype);
+ CHECK_EQ_TYPE(tensor_r->getType(), dtype);
+ auto op_pair = ops.find(node_def.op());
+ if (op_pair == ops.end())
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "binary op: " + node_def.op() +
+ " not supported at: " + node_def.name());
+ nvinfer1::IElementWiseLayer* layer = ctx.network()->addElementWise(
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor_l),
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor_r), op_pair->second);
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output_tensor = layer->getOutput(0);
+ // Pass the output
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(output_tensor));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertPlaceholder(
+ Converter& ctx, const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ VLOG(2) << "Placeholder should have been replace already";
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(", cannot convert Placeholder op");
+ // OK this make sense since we are supposed to replace it with input
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ nvinfer1::DataType dtype = attrs.get<nvinfer1::DataType>("dtype");
+ nvinfer1::Dims dims = attrs.get<nvinfer1::Dims>("shape");
+ dims.nbDims--;
+ for (int i = 0; i < dims.nbDims; i++) dims.d[i] = dims.d[i + 1];
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output =
+ ctx.network()->addInput(node_def.name().c_str(), dtype, dims);
+ if (!output) {
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument("Failed to create Input layer");
+ }
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(output));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertConv2D(Converter& ctx,
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ const std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ nvinfer1::ITensor const* tensor = inputs.at(0).tensor();
+ // TODO(jie): handle NHWC/NCHW transpose;
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights_rsck = inputs.at(1).weights();
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights = ctx.get_temp_weights_like(weights_rsck);
+ ReorderRSCKToKCRS(weights_rsck, &weights);
+ TRT_ShapedWeights biases(weights.type_);
+ int noutput = weights.shape_.d[0];
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW kernel_size;
+ kernel_size.h() = weights.shape_.d[2];
+ kernel_size.w() = weights.shape_.d[3];
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ int h_index = 2;
+ int w_index = 3;
+ auto data_format = attrs.get<string>("data_format");
+ if (data_format == "NHWC") {
+ tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ {0, 3, 1, 2});
+ h_index = 1;
+ w_index = 2;
+ // TODO(jie): transpose it
+ }
+ // TODO(jie): stride. (NHWC/NCHW)
+ auto tf_stride = attrs.get<std::vector<int>>("strides");
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW stride(tf_stride[h_index], tf_stride[w_index]);
+ auto tensor_dim = tensor->getDimensions();
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> padding;
+ // TODO(jie): padding.
+ if (attrs.get<string>("padding") == "SAME") {
+ // This is NCHW tensor with no batch dimension.
+ // 1 -> h
+ // 2 -> w
+ padding = CreateSamePadding(
+ stride, kernel_size,
+ {static_cast<int>(tensor_dim.d[1]), static_cast<int>(tensor_dim.d[2])});
+ } else {
+ padding = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
+ }
+ if (padding[0].first != padding[0].second ||
+ padding[1].first != padding[1].second) {
+ // TODO(jie): handle asymmetric padding
+ VLOG(2) << "Padding!!!: " << padding[0].first << padding[0].second
+ << padding[1].first << padding[1].second;
+ auto dim_before = tensor->getDimensions();
+ VLOG(2) << "TENSOR before: " << dim_before.d[0] << ", " << dim_before.d[1]
+ << dim_before.d[2] << ", " << dim_before.d[3];
+ auto pad_layer = ctx.network()->addPadding(
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW(padding[0].first, padding[1].first),
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW(padding[0].second, padding[1].second));
+ padding = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
+ tensor = pad_layer->getOutput(0);
+ auto dim_after = tensor->getDimensions();
+ VLOG(2) << "TENSOR after: " << dim_after.d[0] << ", " << dim_after.d[1]
+ << dim_after.d[2] << ", " << dim_after.d[3];
+ }
+ nvinfer1::IConvolutionLayer* layer =
+ ctx.network()->addConvolution(*const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ noutput, kernel_size, weights, biases);
+ layer->setStride(stride);
+ layer->setPadding({padding[0].first, padding[1].first});
+ layer->setName(node_def.name().c_str());
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output_tensor = layer->getOutput(0);
+ auto dim_after = output_tensor->getDimensions();
+ VLOG(2) << "TENSOR out: " << dim_after.d[0] << ", " << dim_after.d[1]
+ << dim_after.d[2] << ", " << dim_after.d[3];
+ if (data_format == "NHWC") {
+ // TODO(jie): transpose it back!
+ output_tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(output_tensor, {0, 2, 3, 1});
+ } else {
+ VLOG(2) << "NCHW !!!!";
+ }
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(output_tensor));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertPool(Converter& ctx,
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ nvinfer1::ITensor const* tensor = inputs.at(0).tensor();
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ int h_index = 2;
+ int w_index = 3;
+ auto data_format = attrs.get<string>("data_format");
+ if (data_format == "NHWC") {
+ h_index = 1;
+ w_index = 2;
+ tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ {0, 3, 1, 2});
+ } else {
+ VLOG(2) << "NCHW !!!!";
+ }
+ nvinfer1::PoolingType type;
+ // TODO(jie): support other pooling type
+ if (node_def.op() == "MaxPool")
+ type = nvinfer1::PoolingType::kMAX;
+ else
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented("Only supports Max pool");
+ // TODO(jie): NCHW
+ auto tf_stride = attrs.get<std::vector<int>>("strides");
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW stride(tf_stride[h_index], tf_stride[w_index]);
+ auto tf_kernel = attrs.get<std::vector<int>>("ksize");
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW ksize(tf_kernel[h_index], tf_kernel[w_index]);
+ auto tensor_dim = tensor->getDimensions();
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> padding;
+ // TODO(jie): padding.
+ if (attrs.get<string>("padding") == "SAME") {
+ // This is NCHW tensor with no batch dimension.
+ // 1 -> h
+ // 2 -> w
+ padding = CreateSamePadding(
+ stride, ksize,
+ {static_cast<int>(tensor_dim.d[1]), static_cast<int>(tensor_dim.d[2])});
+ } else if (attrs.get<string>("padding") == "VALID") {
+ // No padding for valid padding here
+ VLOG(2) << "No padding added for VALID padding in pool" << node_def.name();
+ padding = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Current MaxPool cannot support padding other than SAME");
+ }
+ if (padding[0].first != padding[0].second ||
+ padding[1].first != padding[1].second) {
+ // TODO(jie): handle asymmetric padding
+ VLOG(2) << "Padding!!!: " << padding[0].first << padding[0].second
+ << padding[1].first << padding[1].second;
+ auto pad_layer = ctx.network()->addPadding(
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW(padding[0].first, padding[1].first),
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW(padding[0].second, padding[1].second));
+ padding = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
+ tensor = pad_layer->getOutput(0);
+ }
+ nvinfer1::IPoolingLayer* layer = ctx.network()->addPooling(
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor), type, ksize);
+ layer->setStride(stride);
+ layer->setPadding({padding[0].first, padding[1].first});
+ layer->setName(node_def.name().c_str());
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output_tensor = layer->getOutput(0);
+ if (data_format == "NHWC") {
+ // TODO(jie): transpose it back!
+ output_tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(output_tensor, {0, 2, 3, 1});
+ } else {
+ VLOG(2) << "NCHW !!!!";
+ }
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(output_tensor));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertActivation(
+ Converter& ctx, const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ nvinfer1::ITensor const* tensor = inputs.at(0).tensor();
+ nvinfer1::IActivationLayer* layer = ctx.network()->addActivation(
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor), nvinfer1::ActivationType::kRELU);
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output_tensor = layer->getOutput(0);
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(output_tensor));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertScale(Converter& ctx,
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ if (inputs.size() != 2 || !inputs.at(0).is_tensor() ||
+ !inputs.at(1).is_weights())
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Only supports tensor op weight for now, at " + node_def.name());
+ // Implement tensor binaryOp weight [channel wise] for now;
+ nvinfer1::ITensor const* tensor = inputs.at(0).tensor();
+ // TODO(jie): handle NHWC/NCHW transpose;
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights = inputs.at(1).weights();
+ TRT_ShapedWeights empty_weights(weights.type_);
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ // Transpose NHWC
+ auto data_format = attrs.get<string>("data_format");
+ if (data_format == "NHWC") {
+ tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ {0, 3, 1, 2});
+ // TODO(jie): transpose it
+ } else {
+ VLOG(2) << "NCHW !!!!";
+ }
+ nvinfer1::IScaleLayer* layer = ctx.network()->addScale(
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor), nvinfer1::ScaleMode::kCHANNEL,
+ weights, empty_weights, empty_weights);
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output_tensor = layer->getOutput(0);
+ if (data_format == "NHWC") {
+ // TODO(jie): transpose it back!
+ output_tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(output_tensor, {0, 2, 3, 1});
+ } else {
+ VLOG(2) << "NCHW !!!!";
+ }
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(output_tensor));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertConst(Converter& ctx,
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ const auto& weights_tensor = node_def.attr().at("value").tensor();
+ // Get trt type & shape
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ const tensorflow::DataType dtype = attrs.get<tensorflow::DataType>("dtype");
+ // Create shaped weights as output
+ tensorflow::Tensor tensor;
+ if (!tensor.FromProto(weights_tensor))
+ return tensorflow::errors::Internal("Cannot parse weight tensor proto: " +
+ node_def.name());
+ TRT_ShapedWeights weights(dtype);
+ if (!weights_tensor.float_val().empty()) {
+ VLOG(2) << "SCALAR!!!" << node_def.name();
+ nvinfer1::Dims scalar_shape;
+ if (tensor.dims() > 0) {
+ VLOG(2) << "Dimensions: " << tensor.dims();
+ weights = TRT_ShapedWeights(dtype, weights_tensor.float_val().data(),
+ GetTensorShape(tensor));
+ } else {
+ VLOG(2) << "Dimensions: " << tensor.dims();
+ scalar_shape.nbDims = 1;
+ scalar_shape.d[0] = 1;
+ scalar_shape.type[0] = nvinfer1::DimensionType::kSPATIAL;
+ for (int i = 1; i < nvinfer1::Dims::MAX_DIMS; i++) {
+ scalar_shape.d[i] = 0;
+ scalar_shape.type[i] = nvinfer1::DimensionType::kSPATIAL;
+ }
+ weights = TRT_ShapedWeights(dtype, weights_tensor.float_val().data(),
+ scalar_shape);
+ }
+ } else if (!weights_tensor.tensor_content().empty()) {
+ VLOG(2) << "TENSOR!!!" << node_def.name();
+ const auto& content = weights_tensor.tensor_content();
+ weights = ctx.get_temp_weights(dtype, GetTensorShape(tensor));
+ if (content.size() > 0) {
+ const int dtype_size = tensorflow::DataTypeSize(dtype);
+ CHECK_EQ(0, content.size() % dtype_size)
+ << "Tensor content size (" << content.size()
+ << ") is not a multiple of " << dtype_size;
+ port::CopyToArray(
+ content, static_cast<char*>(const_cast<void*>(weights.GetValues())));
+ }
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Not supported constant type, at " + node_def.name());
+ }
+ // Pass the output
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(weights));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertIdentity(
+ Converter& ctx, const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ outputs->push_back(inputs.at(0));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertBinary(Converter& ctx,
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ if (inputs.size() != 2)
+ return tensorflow::errors::FailedPrecondition(
+ "Binary ops require two tensor input, at " + node_def.name());
+ if (inputs.at(0).is_weights() && inputs.at(1).is_weights())
+ return ConstantFoldBinary(ctx, node_def, inputs, outputs);
+ if (inputs.at(0).is_tensor() && inputs.at(1).is_weights())
+ return BinaryTensorOpWeight(ctx, node_def, inputs.at(0).tensor(),
+ inputs.at(1).weights(), outputs);
+ if (inputs.at(0).is_weights() && inputs.at(1).is_tensor())
+ return BinaryTensorOpWeight(ctx, node_def, inputs.at(1).tensor(),
+ inputs.at(0).weights(), outputs);
+ if (inputs.at(0).is_tensor() && inputs.at(1).is_tensor())
+ return BinaryTensorOpTensor(ctx, node_def, inputs.at(0).tensor(),
+ inputs.at(1).tensor(), outputs);
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unknown("Binary op input error, at " +
+ node_def.name());
+tensorflow::Status ConvertUnary(Converter& ctx,
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ if (inputs.size() != 1)
+ return tensorflow::errors::FailedPrecondition(
+ "Unary ops require single tensor input, at " + node_def.name());
+ if (inputs.at(0).is_weights())
+ return ConstantFoldUnary(ctx, node_def, inputs, outputs);
+ else if (inputs.at(0).is_tensor())
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Unary op for tensor not supported, at " + node_def.name());
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unknown("Binary op input error, at " +
+ node_def.name());
+tensorflow::Status ConvertReduce(Converter& ctx,
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ if (inputs.size() != 2 || !inputs.at(0).is_tensor() ||
+ !inputs.at(1).is_weights())
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Input expects tensor and weights, at" + node_def.name());
+ // Implement tensor binaryOp weight [channel wise] for now;
+ nvinfer1::ITensor const* tensor = inputs.at(0).tensor();
+ auto dims = tensor->getDimensions();
+ // Restore implicit batch dimension
+ int nb_dims = dims.nbDims + 1;
+ TRT_ShapedWeights index_list = inputs.at(1).weights();
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ // TODO(jie): handle data type.
+ // Index type here is done through TF type, so I can leverage their
+ // EnumToDataType for my cast
+ auto index_type = attrs.get<tensorflow::DataType>("Tidx");
+ // Only expect to handle INT32 as attributes for now
+ if (index_type != tensorflow::DataType::DT_INT32)
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented("Tidx supports only DT_INT32");
+ auto index_list_data =
+ static_cast<int*>(const_cast<void*>(index_list.GetValues()));
+ // Hack warning: have to fall back to pool layer since reduce is not in public
+ // TRT yet.
+ if (nb_dims != 4)
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "TRT only support reduce on 4 dimensional tensors, at" +
+ node_def.name());
+ if (index_list.count() > 2)
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "TRT cannot support reduce on more than 2 dimensions, at" +
+ node_def.name());
+ std::set<int> idx_set;
+ // We cannot operate on Channel. permutation flag used to transpose tensor
+ int permuted_index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < index_list.count(); i++) {
+ if (index_list_data[i] == 0)
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument("TRT cannot reduce at 0, at" +
+ node_def.name());
+ if (index_list_data[i] == 1) permuted_index = 1;
+ idx_set.emplace(index_list_data[i]);
+ }
+ std::vector<int> permutation_order(nb_dims);
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW pool_kernel;
+ if (permuted_index == 1) {
+ for (int i = 2; i < nb_dims; i++) {
+ if (idx_set.count(i)) {
+ permuted_index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < nb_dims; i++) permutation_order[i] = i;
+ permutation_order[permuted_index] = 1;
+ permutation_order[1] = permuted_index;
+ // Apply permutation before extracting dimension for pool_kernel
+ tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ permutation_order);
+ }
+ // Apply permutation before extracting dimension for pool_kernel
+ pool_kernel.d[0] = (idx_set.count(2) || permuted_index == 2) ? dims.d[1] : 1;
+ pool_kernel.d[1] = (idx_set.count(3) || permuted_index == 3) ? dims.d[2] : 1;
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output_tensor;
+ if (node_def.op() == "Mean") {
+ nvinfer1::IPoolingLayer* layer =
+ ctx.network()->addPooling(*const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ nvinfer1::PoolingType::kAVERAGE, pool_kernel);
+ output_tensor = layer->getOutput(0);
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Op not supported " + node_def.op() + " , at " + node_def.name());
+ }
+ if (permuted_index != -1) {
+ // Apply permutation before extracting dimension for pool_kernel
+ output_tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(
+ const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(output_tensor), permutation_order);
+ }
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+tensorflow::Status ConvertPad(Converter& ctx,
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights> const& inputs,
+ std::vector<TRT_TensorOrWeights>* outputs) {
+ if (inputs.size() != 2 || !inputs.at(0).is_tensor() ||
+ !inputs.at(1).is_weights())
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Input expects tensor and weights, at" + node_def.name());
+ // Implement tensor binaryOp weight [channel wise] for now;
+ nvinfer1::ITensor const* tensor = inputs.at(0).tensor();
+ auto dims = tensor->getDimensions();
+ // Restore implicit batch dimension
+ int nb_dims = dims.nbDims + 1;
+ TRT_ShapedWeights pads = inputs.at(1).weights();
+ TFAttrs attrs(node_def);
+ // Padding type here is done through TF type
+ // so I can leverage their EnumToDataType for my cast
+ auto padding_type = attrs.get<tensorflow::DataType>("Tpaddings");
+ // TODO(jie): handle data type conversion for TRT?
+ if (pads.shape_.d[0] != nb_dims || pads.shape_.d[1] != 2)
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Pad only supports explicit padding on 4 dimensional tensor, at " +
+ node_def.name());
+ // Only expect to handle INT32 as attributes for now
+ if (padding_type != tensorflow::DataType::DT_INT32)
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Tpaddings supports only DT_INT32");
+ auto pad_data = static_cast<int*>(const_cast<void*>(pads.GetValues()));
+ std::vector<int32_t> pad_index;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nb_dims; i++) {
+ if (pad_data[2 * i] != 0 || pad_data[2 * i + 1] != 0)
+ pad_index.push_back(i);
+ }
+ // No padding at all, we should exit
+ if (pad_index.size() == 0) {
+ outputs->push_back(inputs.at(0));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+ }
+ // Only supports padding on less than 2 axis GIE-2579
+ if (pad_index.size() > 2)
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Padding layer does not support padding on > 2");
+ // Padding on batch dimension is not supported
+ if (pad_index[0] == 0)
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Padding layer does not support padding on batch dimension");
+ // Not doing the legit thing here. ignoring padding on dim 1 and 3;
+ // TODO(jie): implement pad as uff parser
+ if (pad_index.size() == 2 && pad_index[0] == 0 && pad_index[1] == 3)
+ return tensorflow::errors::Unimplemented(
+ "Padding layer does not support padding on dimension 1 and 3 yet");
+ bool legit_pad = true;
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW pre_padding(0, 0);
+ nvinfer1::DimsHW post_padding(0, 0);
+ std::vector<int32_t> permuted_pad_index(pad_index);
+ if (pad_index[0] == 1) {
+ legit_pad = false;
+ tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor),
+ {0, 3, 2, 1});
+ permuted_pad_index[0] = 3;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pad_index.size(); i++) {
+ int index = pad_index[i];
+ if (permuted_pad_index[i] == 2) {
+ pre_padding.h() = pad_data[index * 2];
+ post_padding.h() = pad_data[index * 2 + 1];
+ } else if (permuted_pad_index[i] == 3) {
+ pre_padding.w() = pad_data[index * 2];
+ post_padding.w() = pad_data[index * 2 + 1];
+ }
+ }
+ nvinfer1::IPaddingLayer* layer = ctx.network()->addPadding(
+ *const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(tensor), pre_padding, post_padding);
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* output_tensor = layer->getOutput(0);
+ if (!legit_pad)
+ output_tensor = ctx.TransposeTensor(
+ const_cast<nvinfer1::ITensor*>(output_tensor), {0, 3, 2, 1});
+ outputs->push_back(TRT_TensorOrWeights(output_tensor));
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+void Converter::register_op_converters() {
+ // vgg_16 slim implementation
+ op_registry_["Placeholder"] = ConvertPlaceholder;
+ op_registry_["Conv2D"] = ConvertConv2D;
+ op_registry_["Relu"] = ConvertActivation;
+ op_registry_["MaxPool"] = ConvertPool;
+ // This could be really handled as ConvertBinary
+ op_registry_["BiasAdd"] = ConvertScale;
+ op_registry_["Const"] = ConvertConst;
+ // op_registry_["MatMul"] = ConvertFullyConnected; // Not used in vgg
+ // TODO(ben,jie): this is a temp hack.
+ op_registry_["Identity"] = ConvertIdentity; // Identity should be removed
+ // op_registry_["AvgPool"] = ConvertPool;
+ // resnet_50_v1 slim implementation
+ op_registry_["Add"] = ConvertBinary;
+ op_registry_["Mul"] = ConvertBinary;
+ op_registry_["Sub"] = ConvertBinary;
+ op_registry_["Rsqrt"] = ConvertUnary;
+ op_registry_["Mean"] = ConvertReduce;
+ op_registry_["Pad"] = ConvertPad;
+ // TODO(ben,jie): Add more ops
+} // namespace
+tensorflow::Status ConvertSubGraphToTensorRTNodeDef(
+ const tensorflow::Graph& graph, const std::set<int>& subgraph_node_ids,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>& input_inds,
+ const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>& output_inds, size_t max_batch_size,
+ size_t max_workspace_size_bytes,
+ const tensorflow::grappler::GraphProperties& graph_properties,
+ tensorflow::NodeDef* trt_node) {
+ // Visit nodes in reverse topological order and construct the TRT network.
+ // Toposort
+ std::vector<tensorflow::Node*> order_vec;
+ tensorflow::GetPostOrder(graph, &order_vec);
+ // Select just the subgraph
+ std::list<tensorflow::Node*> order;
+ for (tensorflow::Node* node : order_vec) {
+ if (subgraph_node_ids.count(node->id())) {
+ // We want topological order to contstruct the
+ // network layer by layer
+ order.push_front(node);
+ }
+ }
+ // Topological order is needed to build TRT network
+ tensorflow::tensorrt::Logger trt_logger;
+ auto trt_builder = infer_object(nvinfer1::createInferBuilder(trt_logger));
+ if (!trt_builder) {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Internal(
+ "Failed to create TensorRT builder object");
+ }
+ auto trt_network = infer_object(trt_builder->createNetwork());
+ if (!trt_network) {
+ return tensorflow::errors::Internal(
+ "Failed to create TensorRT network object");
+ }
+ // Build the network
+ Converter converter(trt_network.get());
+ std::vector<string> input_names;
+ std::vector<tensorflow::DataType> input_dtypes;
+ for (std::pair<int, int> const& input : input_inds) {
+ int node_id = input.first;
+ int output_idx = input.second;
+ tensorflow::Node* node = graph.FindNodeId(node_id);
+ auto node_name = node->name();
+ input_names.push_back(node_name); // Insert original node name without port
+ // TODO(jie): alternative :)
+ if (!graph_properties.HasOutputProperties(node_name))
+ return tensorflow::errors::Internal("Failed to find input node: " +
+ node_name);
+ auto op_info_vec = graph_properties.GetOutputProperties(node_name);
+ if (static_cast<int>(op_info_vec.size()) < output_idx)
+ return tensorflow::errors::Internal(
+ "Accessing output index of: " + std::to_string(output_idx) +
+ ", at node: " + node_name + " with output entry from shape_map: " +
+ std::to_string(op_info_vec.size()));
+ auto op_info = op_info_vec.at(output_idx);
+ tensorflow::DataType tf_dtype = op_info.dtype();
+ input_dtypes.push_back(tf_dtype);
+ nvinfer1::DataType dtype(nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT);
+ TF_CHECK_OK(ConvertDType(tf_dtype, &dtype));
+ VLOG(2) << "Accessing output index of: " << std::to_string(output_idx)
+ << ", at node: " << node_name
+ << " with output entry from shape_map: "
+ << std::to_string(op_info_vec.size());
+ // TODO(ben,jie): update TRT input format/dimension
+ nvinfer1::DimsCHW input_dim_pseudo_chw;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) input_dim_pseudo_chw.d[i] = 1;
+ for (int i = 1; i < op_info.shape().dim_size(); i++) {
+ VLOG(2) << "dimension: " << i
+ << " , size: " << op_info.shape().dim(i).size();
+ input_dim_pseudo_chw.d[i - 1] = op_info.shape().dim(i).size();
+ }
+ // TODO(ben,jie): proper way to restore input tensor name?
+ auto input_tensor_name = node_name;
+ if (output_idx != 0)
+ input_tensor_name = node_name + ":" + std::to_string(output_idx);
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* input_tensor = converter.network()->addInput(
+ input_tensor_name.c_str(), dtype, input_dim_pseudo_chw);
+ if (!input_tensor)
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Failed to create Input layer");
+ VLOG(2) << "Input tensor name :" << input_tensor_name;
+ if (!converter.insert_input_tensor(input_tensor_name, input_tensor))
+ return tensorflow::errors::AlreadyExists(
+ "Output tensor already exists for op: " + input_tensor_name);
+ }
+ VLOG(2) << "Finished sorting";
+ for (const tensorflow::Node* node : order) {
+ const tensorflow::NodeDef& node_def = node->def();
+ VLOG(2) << "Converting node: " << node_def.name() << " , " << node_def.op();
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(converter.convert_node(node_def));
+ }
+ VLOG(2) << "Finished conversion";
+ // Gather output metadata
+ std::vector<string> output_names;
+ std::vector<tensorflow::DataType> output_dtypes;
+ for (std::pair<int, int> const& output : output_inds) {
+ int node_id = output.first;
+ int output_idx = output.second;
+ tensorflow::Node* node = graph.FindNodeId(node_id);
+ string op_name = node->name();
+ string tensor_name = op_name;
+ if (output_idx != 0)
+ tensor_name = tensor_name + ":" + std::to_string(output_idx);
+ VLOG(2) << "Output tensor name: " << tensor_name;
+ output_names.push_back(tensor_name);
+ auto tensor_or_weights = converter.get_tensor(tensor_name);
+ if (!tensor_or_weights.is_tensor()) {
+ return tensorflow::errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Output node is weights not tensor");
+ }
+ nvinfer1::ITensor* tensor = tensor_or_weights.tensor();
+ if (!tensor) {
+ return tensorflow::errors::NotFound("Output tensor not found: " +
+ tensor_name);
+ }
+ converter.network()->markOutput(*tensor);
+ tensorflow::DataType tf_dtype = node->output_type(output_idx);
+ output_dtypes.push_back(tf_dtype);
+ nvinfer1::DataType trt_dtype = nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT;
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConvertDType(tf_dtype, &trt_dtype));
+ tensor->setType(trt_dtype);
+ }
+ VLOG(2) << "Finished output";
+ // TODO(jie): static_id is not thread safe.
+ static int static_id = 0;
+ // Build the engine
+ trt_builder->setMaxBatchSize(max_batch_size);
+ trt_builder->setMaxWorkspaceSize(max_workspace_size_bytes);
+ VLOG(0) << "Starting build engine " << static_id;
+ // TODO(ben,jie): half2 and int8 mode support
+ string engine_plan_string;
+ {
+ auto trt_engine =
+ infer_object(trt_builder->buildCudaEngine(*converter.network()));
+ VLOG(0) << "Built network";
+ auto engine_plan = infer_object(trt_engine->serialize());
+ VLOG(0) << "Serialized engine";
+ const char* engine_plan_data =
+ static_cast<const char*>(engine_plan->data());
+ engine_plan_string =
+ string(engine_plan_data, engine_plan_data + engine_plan->size());
+ }
+ VLOG(0) << "Finished engine";
+ // Build the TRT op
+ // TODO(sami,ben,jie): proper naming!
+ tensorflow::NodeDefBuilder op_builder(
+ tensorflow::strings::StrCat("my_trt_op", static_id++), "TRTEngineOp");
+ std::vector<tensorflow::NodeDefBuilder::NodeOut> income_edges;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < input_names.size(); ++i) {
+ int output_idx = input_inds.at(i).second;
+ // We wired up the input here already, it is redundant to do it again in
+ // ConvertSubGraphToTensorRT(convert_graph.cc)
+ auto incoming_edge = tensorflow::NodeDefBuilder::NodeOut(
+ input_names.at(i), output_idx, input_dtypes.at(i));
+ income_edges.push_back(incoming_edge);
+ }
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::NodeDefBuilder::NodeOut> input_list(
+ income_edges);
+ op_builder.Input(input_list);
+ VLOG(0) << "Finished op preparation";
+ auto status = op_builder.Attr("serialized_engine", engine_plan_string)
+ .Attr("input_nodes", input_names)
+ .Attr("output_nodes", output_names)
+ .Attr("OutT", output_dtypes)
+ .Finalize(trt_node);
+ VLOG(0) << status.ToString() << " finished op building";
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+} // namespace convert
+} // namespace tensorrt
+} // namespace tensorflow
+#endif // GOOGLE_CUDA