path: root/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/session_bundle.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/session_bundle.cc')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/session_bundle.cc b/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/session_bundle.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8715492af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/session_bundle.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/session_bundle.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "google/protobuf/any.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/manifest.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/io/path.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/meta_graph.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/protobuf/saver.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/public/session_options.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace contrib {
+namespace {
+// Create a session using the given options and load the graph.
+Status CreateSessionFromGraphDef(
+ const tensorflow::SessionOptions& options, const GraphDef& graph,
+ std::unique_ptr<tensorflow::Session>* session) {
+ session->reset(NewSession(options));
+ return (*session)->Create(graph);
+Status GetMetaGraphDefFromExport(const StringPiece export_dir,
+ tensorflow::MetaGraphDef* meta_graph_def) {
+ const string meta_graph_def_path =
+ tensorflow::io::JoinPath(export_dir, kMetaGraphDefFilename);
+ return ReadBinaryProto(Env::Default(), meta_graph_def_path, meta_graph_def);
+// Creates a string tensor.
+Tensor CreateStringTensor(const string& value) {
+ Tensor tensor(DT_STRING, TensorShape({}));
+ tensor.scalar<string>()() = value;
+ return tensor;
+// Adds Assets related tensors (assets_dir and asset files) to the inputs.
+void AddAssetsTensorsToInputs(const StringPiece export_dir,
+ const std::vector<AssetFile>& asset_files,
+ std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>>* inputs) {
+ if (!asset_files.empty()) {
+ for (auto& asset : asset_files) {
+ Tensor assets_file_tensor = CreateStringTensor(tensorflow::io::JoinPath(
+ tensorflow::io::JoinPath(export_dir, kAssetsDirectory),
+ asset.filename()));
+ inputs->push_back(
+ {asset.tensor_binding().tensor_name(), assets_file_tensor});
+ }
+ }
+// Historically, model exporter(exporter.py) takes only saver with
+// sharded=True, and therefore always exports checkpoint in pattern file names.
+// In practice, instead of training from scratch and export directly, we
+// usually want to restore from existing checkpoints and then export directly.
+// To support such case, model exporter now supports reusing saver object
+// restored from existing checkpoint, that may have sharded=False - it will
+// then export checkpoint file in plain file name.
+// This method is to support models exported by both types of saver object.
+// The change is backward-compatible, therefore no changes are needed for
+// existing model exports.
+string GetVariablesFilename(const StringPiece export_dir) {
+ const char kVariablesFilename[] = "export";
+ const char kVariablesFilenamePattern[] = "export-\?\?\?\?\?-of-\?\?\?\?\?";
+ if (Env::Default()->FileExists(
+ tensorflow::io::JoinPath(export_dir, kVariablesFilename))) {
+ return tensorflow::io::JoinPath(export_dir, kVariablesFilename);
+ } else {
+ return tensorflow::io::JoinPath(export_dir, kVariablesFilenamePattern);
+ }
+Status RunRestoreOp(const StringPiece export_dir,
+ const std::vector<AssetFile>& asset_files,
+ const StringPiece restore_op_name,
+ const StringPiece variables_filename_const_op_name,
+ tensorflow::Session* session) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Running restore op for SessionBundle";
+ Tensor variables_tensor = CreateStringTensor(
+ GetVariablesFilename(export_dir));
+ std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs = {
+ {variables_filename_const_op_name.ToString(), variables_tensor}};
+ AddAssetsTensorsToInputs(export_dir, asset_files, &inputs);
+ return session->Run(inputs, {}, {restore_op_name.ToString()}, nullptr);
+Status RunInitOp(const StringPiece export_dir,
+ const std::vector<AssetFile>& asset_files,
+ const StringPiece init_op_name, tensorflow::Session* session) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Running init op for SessionBundle";
+ std::vector<std::pair<string, Tensor>> inputs;
+ AddAssetsTensorsToInputs(export_dir, asset_files, &inputs);
+ return session->Run(inputs, {}, {init_op_name.ToString()}, nullptr);
+} // namespace
+tensorflow::Status LoadSessionBundleFromPath(
+ const tensorflow::SessionOptions& options, const StringPiece export_dir,
+ SessionBundle* bundle) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Attempting to load a SessionBundle from: " << export_dir;
+ GetMetaGraphDefFromExport(export_dir, &(bundle->meta_graph_def)));
+ auto collection_def = bundle->meta_graph_def.collection_def();
+ if (collection_def.find(kGraphKey) != collection_def.end()) {
+ // Use serving graph_def in MetaGraphDef collection_def.
+ if (collection_def[kGraphKey].any_list().value_size() != 1) {
+ return errors::FailedPrecondition(
+ strings::StrCat("Expected exactly one serving GraphDef in : ",
+ bundle->meta_graph_def.DebugString()));
+ }
+ tensorflow::GraphDef graph_def;
+ collection_def[kGraphKey].any_list().value(0).UnpackTo(&graph_def);
+ CreateSessionFromGraphDef(options, graph_def, &bundle->session));
+ } else {
+ // Fallback to use the graph_def in the MetaGraphDef.
+ const tensorflow::GraphDef& graph_def = bundle->meta_graph_def.graph_def();
+ CreateSessionFromGraphDef(options, graph_def, &bundle->session));
+ }
+ std::vector<AssetFile> asset_files;
+ auto any_assets = collection_def[kAssetsKey].any_list().value();
+ for (const auto any_asset : any_assets) {
+ AssetFile asset_file;
+ any_asset.UnpackTo(&asset_file);
+ asset_files.push_back(asset_file);
+ }
+ RunRestoreOp(export_dir, asset_files,
+ bundle->meta_graph_def.saver_def().restore_op_name(),
+ bundle->meta_graph_def.saver_def().filename_tensor_name(),
+ bundle->session.get()));
+ if (collection_def.find(kInitOpKey) != collection_def.end()) {
+ if (collection_def[kInitOpKey].node_list().value_size() != 1) {
+ return errors::FailedPrecondition(
+ strings::StrCat("Expected exactly one serving init op in : ",
+ bundle->meta_graph_def.DebugString()));
+ }
+ return RunInitOp(export_dir, asset_files,
+ collection_def[kInitOpKey].node_list().value(0),
+ bundle->session.get());
+ }
+ LOG(INFO) << "Done loading SessionBundle";
+ return Status::OK();
+} // namespace contrib
+} // namespace tensorflow