path: root/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/README.md
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+# TensorFlow Inference Model Format
+## Overview
+This document describes the data formats and layouts for exporting [TensorFlow]
+(https://www.tensorflow.org/) models for inference.
+These exports have the following properties,
+* Recoverable
+ * given an export the graph can easily be initialized and run
+* Hermetic
+ * an export directory is self-contained to facilitate distribution
+## Directory Structure
+# Directory overview
+ assets/
+ export.meta
+ export-?????-of-?????
+* `00000000` Export version
+ * Format `%08d`
+* `assets` Asset file directory
+ * Holds auxiliary files for the graph (e.g., vocabularies)
+* `export.meta` MetaGraph Definition
+ * Binary [`tensorflow::MetaGraphDef`]
+ (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/core/protobuf/meta_graph.proto)
+* `export-?????-of-?????`
+ * Graph Variables
+ * Outputs from Python [`Saver`]
+ (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/python/training/saver.py)
+ with `sharded=True`.
+## Python exporting code
+The [`Exporter`](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/exporter.py)
+class can be used to export a model in the above format from a Tensorflow python
+## C++ initialization code
+The [`LoadSessionBundleFromPath`]
+function can be used to create a `tensorflow::Session` and initialize it from an
+export. This function takes options and the path to the export and returns a
+bundle of export data including a `tensorflow::Session` which can be run.
+## Signatures
+Graphs used for inference tasks typically have set of inputs and outputs used
+at inference time. We call this a signature.
+### Standard Signatures (standard usage)
+Graphs used for standard inference tasks have standard set of inputs and
+outputs. For example, a graph used for a regression task has an input tensor for
+the data and an output tensor for the regression values. The signature mechanism
+makes it easy to identify the relevant input and output tensors for common graph
+The [`Manifest`](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/manifest.proto)
+contains a `Signature` message which contains the task specific inputs and
+// A Signature specifies the inputs and outputs of commonly used graphs.
+message Signature {
+ oneof type {
+ RegressionSignature regression_signature = 1;
+ ClassificationSignature classification_signature = 2;
+ GenericSignature generic_signature = 3;
+ }
+Standard signature can be set at export time using the `Exporter` API
+# Run an export.
+signature = exporter.classification_signature(input_tensor=input,
+ classes_tensor=output)
+export = exporter.Exporter(saver)
+ default_graph_signature=signature)
+ global_step_tensor,
+ sess)
+These can be recovered at serving time using utilities in [`signature.h`]
+// Get the a classification signature.
+ClassificationSignature signature;
+TF_CHECK_OK(GetClassificationSignature(bundle->meta_graph_def, &signature));
+// Run the graph.
+Tensor input_tensor = GetInputTensor();
+Tensor classes_tensor;
+Tensor scores_tensor;
+TF_CHECK_OK(RunClassification(signature, input_tensor, session,
+ &classes_tensor, &scores_tensor));
+### Generic Signatures (custom or advanced usage)
+Generic Signatures enable fully custom usage of the `tensorflow::Session` API.
+They are recommended for when the standard Signatures do not satisfy a
+particular use-case. A general example of when to use these is for a model
+taking a single input and generating multiple outputs performing different
+// GenericSignature specifies a map from logical name to Tensor name.
+// Typical application of GenericSignature is to use a single GenericSignature
+// that includes all of the Tensor nodes and target names that may be useful at
+// serving, analysis or debugging time. The recommended name for this signature
+// is "generic_bindings".
+message GenericSignature {
+ map<string, TensorBinding> map = 1;
+Generic Signatures can be used to compliment a standard signature, for example
+to support debugging. Here is an example usage including both the standard
+regression signature and a generic signature.
+named_tensor_bindings = {"logical_input_A": v0,
+ "logical_input_B": v1}
+signatures = {
+ "regression": exporter.regression_signature(input_tensor=v0,
+ output_tensor=v1),
+ "generic": exporter.generic_signature(named_tensor_bindings)}
+export = exporter.Exporter(saver)
+ named_graph_signature=signatures)
+ global_step_tensor,
+ sess)
+Generic Signature does not differentiate between input and output tensors. It
+provides full flexibility to specify the input & output tensors you need.
+The benefit is preserving a mapping between names that you specify at export
+time (we call these the logical names), and the actual graph node names that may
+be less stable and/or auto-generated by TensorFlow.
+In [`signature.h`](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle/signature.h),
+note that the generic signature methods BindGenericInputs and BindGenericNames
+are doing simple string to string mapping as a convenience. These methods map
+from the names used at training time to actual names in the graph. Use the bound
+results from those methods, e.g. `vector<pair<string, Tensor>>` and
+`vector<string>` respectively, as inputs to`tensorflow::Session->Run()`. For
+`Session->Run()`, map these into the first two parameters, `inputs` and
+`output_tensor_names` respectively. The next param, `target_node_names` is
+typically null at inference time. The last param outputs is for the results in
+the same order of your `output_tensor_names`.
+## Initialization
+Some graphs many require custom initialization after the variables have been
+restored. Such initialization, done through an arbitrary Op, can be added using
+the `Exporter` API. If set, `LoadSessionBundleFromPath` will automatically run
+the Op when restoring a `Session` following the loading of variables.
+## Assets
+In many cases we have Ops which depend on external files for initialization
+(such as vocabularies). These "assets" are not stored in the graph and are
+needed for both training and inference.
+In order to create hermetic exports these asset files need to be 1) copied to
+each export directory and 2) read when recovering a session from an export base
+Copying assets to the export dir is handled with a callback mechanism.
+The callback function receives two parameters 1) the dictionary of source files
+to desired basename and 2) the export directory. The default callback uses
+`gfile.Copy` to perform the copy.
+The tensors that contains the filepath to be copied and be replaced for
+inference in specified by passing the collection of asset filepath tensor,
+which is usually extracted from the graph by `tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.ASSET_FILEPATHS)`.
+ # Run an export.
+ export = exporter.Exporter(save)
+ export.init(
+ sess.graph.as_graph_def(),
+ asset_collection=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.ASSET_FILEPATHS))
+ export.export(export_path, global_step_tensor, sess)
+Users can use their own callbacks as shown in the following example, with the
+requirement to keep the basename of the original files:
+ def my_custom_copy_callback(files_to_copy, export_dir_path):
+ # Copy all source files (keys) in files_to_copy to export_dir_path
+ # using the corresponging basename (value).
+ ...
+ # Run an export.
+ export = exporter.Exporter(save)
+ export.init(
+ sess.graph.as_graph_def(),
+ asset_collection=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.ASSET_FILEPATHS),
+ asset_callback=my_custom_copy_callback)
+ export.export(export_path, global_step_tensor, sess)
+`AssetFile` binds the name of a tensor in the graph to the name of a file
+within the assets directory. `LoadSessionBundleFromPath` will handle the base
+path and asset directory swap/concatenation such that the tensor is set with
+the fully qualified filename upon return.
+# Notes of exporter usage
+The typical workflow of model exporting is:
+1. Build model graph G
+2. Train variables or load trained variables from checkpoint in session S
+3. [Optional] build inference graph I
+4. Export G
+The Exporter should be used as follows:
+1. The Saver used in Exporter(saver) should be created under the context of G
+2. Exporter.init() should be called under the context of G
+3. Exporter.export() should be called using session S
+4. If I is provided for Exporter.init(), an exact same Saver should be created
+ under I as the saver under G -- in the way that exact same Save/Restore ops
+ are created in both G and S