path: root/tensorflow/contrib/proto/python/kernel_tests/encode_proto_op_test.py
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1 files changed, 6 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/proto/python/kernel_tests/encode_proto_op_test.py b/tensorflow/contrib/proto/python/kernel_tests/encode_proto_op_test.py
index fb33660554..fc5cd25d43 100644
--- a/tensorflow/contrib/proto/python/kernel_tests/encode_proto_op_test.py
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/proto/python/kernel_tests/encode_proto_op_test.py
@@ -13,164 +13,24 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# =============================================================================
-"""Table-driven test for encode_proto op.
+"""Tests for encode_proto op."""
-This test is run once with each of the *.TestCase.pbtxt files
-in the test directory.
-It tests that encode_proto is a lossless inverse of decode_proto
-(for the specified fields).
# Python3 readiness boilerplate
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
-from absl.testing import parameterized
-import numpy as np
-from google.protobuf import text_format
-from tensorflow.contrib.proto.python.kernel_tests import test_base
-from tensorflow.contrib.proto.python.kernel_tests import test_example_pb2
+from tensorflow.contrib.proto.python.kernel_tests import encode_proto_op_test_base as test_base
from tensorflow.contrib.proto.python.ops import decode_proto_op
from tensorflow.contrib.proto.python.ops import encode_proto_op
-from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
-from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
-from tensorflow.python.platform import flags
from tensorflow.python.platform import test
-FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
-flags.DEFINE_string('message_text_file', None,
- 'A file containing a text serialized TestCase protobuf.')
-class EncodeProtoOpTest(test_base.ProtoOpTestBase, parameterized.TestCase):
- def testBadInputs(self):
- # Invalid field name
- with self.test_session():
- with self.assertRaisesOpError('Unknown field: non_existent_field'):
- encode_proto_op.encode_proto(
- sizes=[[1]],
- values=[np.array([[0.0]], dtype=np.int32)],
- message_type='tensorflow.contrib.proto.RepeatedPrimitiveValue',
- field_names=['non_existent_field']).eval()
- # Incorrect types.
- with self.test_session():
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- 'Incompatible type for field double_value.'):
- encode_proto_op.encode_proto(
- sizes=[[1]],
- values=[np.array([[0.0]], dtype=np.int32)],
- message_type='tensorflow.contrib.proto.RepeatedPrimitiveValue',
- field_names=['double_value']).eval()
- # Incorrect shapes of sizes.
- with self.test_session():
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- r'sizes should be batch_size \+ \[len\(field_names\)\]'):
- sizes = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32)
- values = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float64)
- encode_proto_op.encode_proto(
- sizes=sizes,
- values=[values],
- message_type='tensorflow.contrib.proto.RepeatedPrimitiveValue',
- field_names=['double_value']).eval(feed_dict={
- sizes: [[[0, 0]]],
- values: [[0.0]]
- })
- # Inconsistent shapes of values.
- with self.test_session():
- with self.assertRaisesOpError(
- 'Values must match up to the last dimension'):
- sizes = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32)
- values1 = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float64)
- values2 = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32)
- (encode_proto_op.encode_proto(
- sizes=[[1, 1]],
- values=[values1, values2],
- message_type='tensorflow.contrib.proto.RepeatedPrimitiveValue',
- field_names=['double_value', 'int32_value']).eval(feed_dict={
- values1: [[0.0]],
- values2: [[0], [0]]
- }))
- def _testRoundtrip(self, in_bufs, message_type, fields):
- field_names = [f.name for f in fields]
- out_types = [f.dtype for f in fields]
- with self.test_session() as sess:
- sizes, field_tensors = decode_proto_op.decode_proto(
- in_bufs,
- message_type=message_type,
- field_names=field_names,
- output_types=out_types)
- out_tensors = encode_proto_op.encode_proto(
- sizes,
- field_tensors,
- message_type=message_type,
- field_names=field_names)
- out_bufs, = sess.run([out_tensors])
- # Check that the re-encoded tensor has the same shape.
- self.assertEqual(in_bufs.shape, out_bufs.shape)
- # Compare the input and output.
- for in_buf, out_buf in zip(in_bufs.flat, out_bufs.flat):
- in_obj = test_example_pb2.RepeatedPrimitiveValue()
- in_obj.ParseFromString(in_buf)
- out_obj = test_example_pb2.RepeatedPrimitiveValue()
- out_obj.ParseFromString(out_buf)
- # Check that the deserialized objects are identical.
- self.assertEqual(in_obj, out_obj)
- # Check that the input and output serialized messages are identical.
- # If we fail here, there is a difference in the serialized
- # representation but the new serialization still parses. This could
- # be harmless (a change in map ordering?) or it could be bad (e.g.
- # loss of packing in the encoding).
- self.assertEqual(in_buf, out_buf)
- @parameterized.named_parameters(*test_base.ProtoOpTestBase.named_parameters())
- def testRoundtrip(self, case):
- in_bufs = [primitive.SerializeToString() for primitive in case.primitive]
- # np.array silently truncates strings if you don't specify dtype=object.
- in_bufs = np.reshape(np.array(in_bufs, dtype=object), list(case.shape))
- return self._testRoundtrip(
- in_bufs, 'tensorflow.contrib.proto.RepeatedPrimitiveValue', case.field)
- @parameterized.named_parameters(*test_base.ProtoOpTestBase.named_parameters())
- def testRoundtripPacked(self, case):
- # Now try with the packed serialization.
- # We test the packed representations by loading the same test cases
- # using PackedPrimitiveValue instead of RepeatedPrimitiveValue.
- # To do this we rely on the text format being the same for packed and
- # unpacked fields, and reparse the test message using the packed version
- # of the proto.
- in_bufs = [
- # Note: float_format='.17g' is necessary to ensure preservation of
- # doubles and floats in text format.
- text_format.Parse(
- text_format.MessageToString(
- primitive, float_format='.17g'),
- test_example_pb2.PackedPrimitiveValue()).SerializeToString()
- for primitive in case.primitive
- ]
+class EncodeProtoOpTest(test_base.EncodeProtoOpTestBase):
- # np.array silently truncates strings if you don't specify dtype=object.
- in_bufs = np.reshape(np.array(in_bufs, dtype=object), list(case.shape))
- return self._testRoundtrip(
- in_bufs, 'tensorflow.contrib.proto.PackedPrimitiveValue', case.field)
+ def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ super(EncodeProtoOpTest, self).__init__(decode_proto_op, encode_proto_op,
+ methodName)
if __name__ == '__main__':