path: root/tensorflow/contrib/mpi_collectives/kernels/ring.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/contrib/mpi_collectives/kernels/ring.h')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/mpi_collectives/kernels/ring.h b/tensorflow/contrib/mpi_collectives/kernels/ring.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d56d588bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/mpi_collectives/kernels/ring.h
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/shape_inference.h"
+#include "third_party/eigen3/unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_types.h"
+#include "cuda_runtime.h"
+// Needed to avoid header issues with C++-supporting MPI implementations
+#include "third_party/mpi/mpi.h"
+#define TAG_TENSOR 12
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace contrib {
+namespace mpi_collectives {
+using CPUDevice = Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice;
+using GPUDevice = Eigen::GpuDevice;
+// Convert from templated types to values we can pass to MPI.
+template <typename T>
+MPI_Datatype MPIType();
+// Convert from templated types to TensorFlow data types.
+template <typename T>
+DataType TensorFlowDataType();
+ if ((MPI_STATUS) != MPI_SUCCESS) { \
+ return errors::Unknown("MPI operation failed unexpectedly."); \
+ }
+// Copy data from one tensor to another tensor.
+// This uses a custom CUDA stream on GPU, which is necessary to overlay the
+// backpropagation computations with the allreduce.
+template <typename Device>
+void CopyTensorData(void* destination, void* source, size_t size);
+// Add a tensor into another tensor, accumulating in place.
+// This uses a custom CUDA stream on GPU, which is necessary to overlay the
+// backpropagation computations with the allreduce.
+template <typename Device, typename T>
+void AccumulateTensorData(T* destination, T* source, size_t size);
+// We need to get the right stream for doing CUDA memory transfers and
+// operations, which is possibly different from the standard TensorFlow stream.
+cudaStream_t CudaStreamForMPI();
+/* Perform a ring allreduce on the data. Allocate the necessary output tensor
+ * and store it in the output parameter.
+ *
+ * Assumes that all MPI processes are doing an allreduce of the same tensor,
+ * with the same dimensions.
+ *
+ * A ring allreduce is a bandwidth-optimal way to do an allreduce. To do the
+ * allreduce, the nodes involved are arranged in a ring:
+ *
+ * .--0--.
+ * / \
+ * 3 1
+ * \ /
+ * *--2--*
+ *
+ * Each node always sends to the next clockwise node in the ring, and receives
+ * from the previous one.
+ *
+ * The allreduce is done in two parts: a scatter-reduce and an allgather. In
+ * the scatter reduce, a reduction is done, so that each node ends up with a
+ * chunk of the final output tensor which has contributions from all other
+ * nodes. In the allgather, those chunks are distributed among all the nodes,
+ * so that all nodes have the entire output tensor.
+ *
+ * Both of these operations are done by dividing the input tensor into N
+ * evenly sized chunks (where N is the number of nodes in the ring).
+ *
+ * The scatter-reduce is done in N-1 steps. In the ith step, node j will send
+ * the (j - i)th chunk and receive the (j - i - 1)th chunk, adding it in to
+ * its existing data for that chunk. For example, in the first iteration with
+ * the ring depicted above, you will have the following transfers:
+ *
+ * Segment 0: Node 0 --> Node 1
+ * Segment 1: Node 1 --> Node 2
+ * Segment 2: Node 2 --> Node 3
+ * Segment 3: Node 3 --> Node 0
+ *
+ * In the second iteration, you'll have the following transfers:
+ *
+ * Segment 0: Node 1 --> Node 2
+ * Segment 1: Node 2 --> Node 3
+ * Segment 2: Node 3 --> Node 0
+ * Segment 3: Node 0 --> Node 1
+ *
+ * After this iteration, Node 2 has 3 of the four contributions to Segment 0.
+ * The last iteration has the following transfers:
+ *
+ * Segment 0: Node 2 --> Node 3
+ * Segment 1: Node 3 --> Node 0
+ * Segment 2: Node 0 --> Node 1
+ * Segment 3: Node 1 --> Node 2
+ *
+ * After this iteration, Node 3 has the fully accumulated Segment 0; Node 0
+ * has the fully accumulated Segment 1; and so on. The scatter-reduce is
+ * complete.
+ *
+ * Next, the allgather distributes these fully accumululated chunks across all
+ * nodes. Communication proceeds in the same ring, once again in N-1 steps. At
+ * the ith step, node j will send chunk (j - i + 1) and receive chunk (j - i).
+ * For example, at the first iteration, the following transfers will occur:
+ *
+ * Segment 0: Node 3 --> Node 0
+ * Segment 1: Node 0 --> Node 1
+ * Segment 2: Node 1 --> Node 2
+ * Segment 3: Node 2 --> Node 3
+ *
+ * After the first iteration, Node 0 will have a fully accumulated Segment 0
+ * (from Node 3) and Segment 1. In the next iteration, Node 0 will send its
+ * just-received Segment 0 onward to Node 1, and receive Segment 3 from Node 3.
+ * After this has continued for N - 1 iterations, all nodes will have a the
+ * fully accumulated tensor.
+ *
+ * Each node will do (N-1) sends for the scatter-reduce and (N-1) sends for the
+ * allgather. Each send will contain K / N bytes, if there are K bytes in the
+ * original tensor on every node. Thus, each node sends and receives 2K(N - 1)/N
+ * bytes of data, and the performance of the allreduce (assuming no latency in
+ * connections) is constrained by the slowest interconnect between the nodes.
+ *
+ */
+template <typename Device, typename T>
+Status RingAllreduce(OpKernelContext* context, const Tensor* input,
+ Tensor* temp, Tensor* output) {
+ // Acquire MPI size and rank
+ int n, r;
+ T* buffer = (T*)output->tensor_data().data();
+ CopyTensorData<Device>((void*)buffer, (void*)input->tensor_data().data(),
+ output->tensor_data().size());
+ // Calculate segment sizes and segment ends
+ const size_t elements_to_reduce = input->NumElements();
+ const size_t segment_size = elements_to_reduce / n;
+ std::vector<size_t> segment_sizes(n, segment_size);
+ const size_t residual = elements_to_reduce % n;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < residual; ++i) {
+ segment_sizes[i]++;
+ }
+ std::vector<size_t> segment_starts(n);
+ segment_starts[0] = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < segment_starts.size(); ++i) {
+ segment_starts[i] = segment_starts[i - 1] + segment_sizes[i - 1];
+ }
+ assert(segment_starts[n - 1] + segment_sizes[n - 1] == elements_to_reduce);
+ T* segment_recv = (T*)temp->tensor_data().data();
+ // Receive from your left neighbor with wrap-around
+ const size_t recv_from = ((r - 1) + n) % n;
+ // Send to your right neighbor with wrap-around
+ const size_t send_to = (r + 1) % n;
+ MPI_Status recv_status;
+ MPI_Request recv_req;
+ // Now start ring. At every step, for every rank, we iterate through
+ // segments with wraparound and send and recv from our neighbors and reduce
+ // locally. At the i'th iteration, rank r, sends segment (r-i) and receives
+ // segment (r-i-1).
+ for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
+ const size_t send_seg_id = ((r - i) + n) % n;
+ const size_t recv_seg_id = ((r - i - 1) + n) % n;
+ T* segment_send = &(buffer[segment_starts[send_seg_id]]);
+ MPI_REQUIRES_OK(MPI_Irecv(segment_recv, segment_sizes[recv_seg_id],
+ MPIType<T>(), recv_from, TAG_TENSOR,
+ MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_req));
+ MPI_REQUIRES_OK(MPI_Send(segment_send, segment_sizes[send_seg_id],
+ MPIType<T>(), send_to, TAG_TENSOR,
+ T* segment_update = &(buffer[segment_starts[recv_seg_id]]);
+ // Wait for recv to complete before reduction
+ MPI_REQUIRES_OK(MPI_Wait(&recv_req, &recv_status));
+ const size_t recv_seg_size = segment_sizes[recv_seg_id];
+ AccumulateTensorData<Device, T>(segment_update, segment_recv,
+ recv_seg_size);
+ }
+ // Now start pipelined ring allgather. At every step, for every rank, we
+ // iterate through segments with wraparound and send and recv from our
+ // neighbors. At the i'th iteration, rank r, sends segment (r-i+1) and
+ // receives segment (r-i).
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
+ const size_t send_seg_id = ((r - i + 1) + n) % n;
+ const size_t recv_seg_id = ((r - i) + n) % n;
+ // Segment to send - at every iteration we send segment (r-i+1)
+ T* segment_send = &(buffer[segment_starts[send_seg_id]]);
+ // Segment to recv - at every iteration we receive segment (r-i)
+ T* segment_recv = &(buffer[segment_starts[recv_seg_id]]);
+ segment_send, segment_sizes[send_seg_id], MPIType<T>(), send_to,
+ TAG_TENSOR, segment_recv, segment_sizes[recv_seg_id], MPIType<T>(),
+ recv_from, TAG_TENSOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status));
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+// Perform a ring allgather on a Tensor. Other ranks may allgather with a
+// tensor which differs in the first dimension only; all other dimensions must
+// be the same.
+// For more information on the ring allgather, read the documentation for the
+// ring allreduce, which includes a ring allgather.
+template <typename Device, typename T>
+Status RingAllgather(OpKernelContext* context, const Tensor* input,
+ const std::vector<size_t>& sizes, Tensor* output) {
+ // Acquire MPI size and rank
+ int n, r;
+ assert(sizes.size() == n);
+ assert(input->dim_size(0) == sizes[r]);
+ // Compute number of elements in every "row". We can't compute number of
+ // elements in every chunks, because those chunks are variable length.
+ size_t elements_per_row = 1;
+ for (int i = 1; i < input->shape().dims(); i++) {
+ elements_per_row *= input->dim_size(i);
+ }
+ // Copy data from input tensor to correct place in output tensor.
+ std::vector<size_t> segment_starts(n);
+ segment_starts[0] = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+ segment_starts[i] = segment_starts[i - 1] + elements_per_row * sizes[i - 1];
+ }
+ size_t offset = segment_starts[r];
+ // Copy data to the right offset for this rank.
+ T* buffer = (T*)output->tensor_data().data();
+ CopyTensorData<Device>((void*)(buffer + offset),
+ (void*)input->tensor_data().data(),
+ elements_per_row * sizes[r] * sizeof(T));
+ // Receive from your left neighbor with wrap-around
+ const size_t recv_from = ((r - 1) + n) % n;
+ // Send to your right neighbor with wrap-around
+ const size_t send_to = (r + 1) % n;
+ // Perform a ring allgather. At every step, for every rank, we iterate
+ // through segments with wraparound and send and recv from our neighbors.
+ // At the i'th iteration, rank r, sends segment (r-i) and receives segment
+ // (r-1-i).
+ MPI_Status recv_status;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
+ const size_t send_seg_id = ((r - i) + n) % n;
+ const size_t recv_seg_id = ((r - i - 1) + n) % n;
+ // Segment to send - at every iteration we send segment (r-i)
+ size_t offset_send = segment_starts[send_seg_id];
+ size_t rows_send = sizes[send_seg_id];
+ T* segment_send = &(buffer[offset_send]);
+ // Segment to recv - at every iteration we receive segment (r-1-i)
+ size_t offset_recv = segment_starts[recv_seg_id];
+ size_t rows_recv = sizes[recv_seg_id];
+ T* segment_recv = &(buffer[offset_recv]);
+ segment_send, elements_per_row * rows_send, MPIType<T>(), send_to,
+ TAG_TENSOR, segment_recv, elements_per_row * rows_recv, MPIType<T>(),
+ recv_from, TAG_TENSOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_status));
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+} // namespace mpi_collectives
+} // namespace contrib
+} // namespace tensorflow