path: root/tensorflow/contrib/metrics/python/ops/metric_ops.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/metrics/python/ops/metric_ops.py b/tensorflow/contrib/metrics/python/ops/metric_ops.py
index 24692ff12f..3dd1f1a627 100644
--- a/tensorflow/contrib/metrics/python/ops/metric_ops.py
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/metrics/python/ops/metric_ops.py
@@ -1178,154 +1178,6 @@ def streaming_auc(predictions,
-def _compute_dynamic_auc(labels, predictions, curve='ROC'):
- """Computes the apporixmate AUC by a Riemann sum with data-derived thresholds.
- Computes the area under the ROC or PR curve using each prediction as a
- threshold. This could be slow for large batches, but has the advantage of not
- having its results degrade depending on the distribution of predictions.
- Args:
- labels: A `Tensor` of ground truth labels with the same shape as
- `predictions` with values of 0 or 1 and type `int64`.
- predictions: A 1-D `Tensor` of predictions whose values are `float64`.
- curve: The name of the curve to be computed, 'ROC' for the Receiving
- Operating Characteristic or 'PR' for the Precision-Recall curve.
- Returns:
- A scalar `Tensor` containing the area-under-curve value for the input.
- """
- # Count the total number of positive and negative labels in the input.
- size = array_ops.size(predictions)
- total_positive = math_ops.cast(math_ops.reduce_sum(labels), dtypes.int32)
- def continue_computing_dynamic_auc():
- """Continues dynamic auc computation, entered if labels are not all equal.
- Returns:
- A scalar `Tensor` containing the area-under-curve value.
- """
- # Sort the predictions descending, and the corresponding labels as well.
- ordered_predictions, indices = nn.top_k(predictions, k=size)
- ordered_labels = array_ops.gather(labels, indices)
- # Get the counts of the unique ordered predictions.
- _, _, counts = array_ops.unique_with_counts(ordered_predictions)
- # Compute the indices of the split points between different predictions.
- splits = math_ops.cast(
- array_ops.pad(math_ops.cumsum(counts), paddings=[[1, 0]]), dtypes.int32)
- # Count the positives to the left of the split indices.
- positives = math_ops.cast(
- array_ops.pad(math_ops.cumsum(ordered_labels), paddings=[[1, 0]]),
- dtypes.int32)
- true_positives = array_ops.gather(positives, splits)
- if curve == 'ROC':
- # Count the negatives to the left of every split point and the total
- # number of negatives for computing the FPR.
- false_positives = math_ops.subtract(splits, true_positives)
- total_negative = size - total_positive
- x_axis_values = math_ops.truediv(false_positives, total_negative)
- y_axis_values = math_ops.truediv(true_positives, total_positive)
- elif curve == 'PR':
- x_axis_values = math_ops.truediv(true_positives, total_positive)
- # For conformance, set precision to 1 when the number of positive
- # classifications is 0.
- y_axis_values = array_ops.where(
- math_ops.greater(splits, 0),
- math_ops.truediv(true_positives, splits),
- array_ops.ones_like(true_positives, dtype=dtypes.float64))
- # Calculate trapezoid areas.
- heights = math_ops.add(y_axis_values[1:], y_axis_values[:-1]) / 2.0
- widths = math_ops.abs(
- math_ops.subtract(x_axis_values[1:], x_axis_values[:-1]))
- return math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.multiply(heights, widths))
- # If all the labels are the same, AUC isn't well-defined (but raising an
- # exception seems excessive) so we return 0, otherwise we finish computing.
- return control_flow_ops.cond(
- math_ops.logical_or(
- math_ops.equal(total_positive, 0),
- math_ops.equal(total_positive, size)
- ),
- true_fn=lambda: array_ops.constant(0, dtypes.float64),
- false_fn=continue_computing_dynamic_auc)
-def streaming_dynamic_auc(labels,
- predictions,
- curve='ROC',
- metrics_collections=(),
- updates_collections=(),
- name=None):
- """Computes the apporixmate AUC by a Riemann sum with data-derived thresholds.
- USAGE NOTE: this approach requires storing all of the predictions and labels
- for a single evaluation in memory, so it may not be usable when the evaluation
- batch size and/or the number of evaluation steps is very large.
- Computes the area under the ROC or PR curve using each prediction as a
- threshold. This has the advantage of being resilient to the distribution of
- predictions by aggregating across batches, accumulating labels and predictions
- and performing the final calculation using all of the concatenated values.
- Args:
- labels: A `Tensor` of ground truth labels with the same shape as `labels`
- and with values of 0 or 1 whose values are castable to `int64`.
- predictions: A `Tensor` of predictions whose values are castable to
- `float64`. Will be flattened into a 1-D `Tensor`.
- curve: The name of the curve for which to compute AUC, 'ROC' for the
- Receiving Operating Characteristic or 'PR' for the Precision-Recall curve.
- metrics_collections: An optional iterable of collections that `auc` should
- be added to.
- updates_collections: An optional iterable of collections that `update_op`
- should be added to.
- name: An optional name for the variable_scope that contains the metric
- variables.
- Returns:
- auc: A scalar `Tensor` containing the current area-under-curve value.
- update_op: An operation that concatenates the input labels and predictions
- to the accumulated values.
- Raises:
- ValueError: If `labels` and `predictions` have mismatched shapes or if
- `curve` isn't a recognized curve type.
- """
- if curve not in ['PR', 'ROC']:
- raise ValueError('curve must be either ROC or PR, %s unknown' % curve)
- with variable_scope.variable_scope(name, default_name='dynamic_auc'):
- labels.get_shape().assert_is_compatible_with(predictions.get_shape())
- predictions = array_ops.reshape(
- math_ops.cast(predictions, dtypes.float64), [-1])
- labels = array_ops.reshape(math_ops.cast(labels, dtypes.int64), [-1])
- with ops.control_dependencies([
- check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
- labels,
- array_ops.zeros_like(labels, dtypes.int64),
- message='labels must be 0 or 1, at least one is <0'),
- check_ops.assert_less_equal(
- labels,
- array_ops.ones_like(labels, dtypes.int64),
- message='labels must be 0 or 1, at least one is >1')
- ]):
- preds_accum, update_preds = streaming_concat(predictions,
- name='concat_preds')
- labels_accum, update_labels = streaming_concat(labels,
- name='concat_labels')
- update_op = control_flow_ops.group(update_labels, update_preds)
- auc = _compute_dynamic_auc(labels_accum, preds_accum, curve=curve)
- if updates_collections:
- ops.add_to_collections(updates_collections, update_op)
- if metrics_collections:
- ops.add_to_collections(metrics_collections, auc)
- return auc, update_op
def streaming_precision_recall_at_equal_thresholds(predictions,
@@ -3433,7 +3285,6 @@ __all__ = [
- 'streaming_dynamic_auc',