path: root/tensorflow/contrib/lite/g3doc/tfmobile/prepare_models.md
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+book_path: /mobile/_book.yaml
+project_path: /mobile/_project.yaml
+# Preparing models for mobile deployment
+The requirements for storing model information during training are very
+different from when you want to release it as part of a mobile app. This section
+covers the tools involved in converting from a training model to something
+releasable in production.
+## What is up with all the different saved file formats?
+You may find yourself getting very confused by all the different ways that
+TensorFlow can save out graphs. To help, here’s a rundown of some of the
+different components, and what they are used for. The objects are mostly defined
+and serialized as protocol buffers:
+- [NodeDef](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/node_def.proto):
+ Defines a single operation in a model. It has a unique name, a list of the
+ names of other nodes it pulls inputs from, the operation type it implements
+ (for example `Add`, or `Mul`), and any attributes that are needed to control
+ that operation. This is the basic unit of computation for TensorFlow, and all
+ work is done by iterating through a network of these nodes, applying each one
+ in turn. One particular operation type that’s worth knowing about is `Const`,
+ since this holds information about a constant. This may be a single, scalar
+ number or string, but it can also hold an entire multi-dimensional tensor
+ array. The values for a `Const` are stored inside the `NodeDef`, and so large
+ constants can take up a lot of room when serialized.
+- [Checkpoint](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/util/tensor_bundle/tensor_bundle.h). Another
+ way of storing values for a model is by using `Variable` ops. Unlike `Const`
+ ops, these don’t store their content as part of the `NodeDef`, so they take up
+ very little space within the `GraphDef` file. Instead their values are held in
+ RAM while a computation is running, and then saved out to disk as checkpoint
+ files periodically. This typically happens as a neural network is being
+ trained and weights are updated, so it’s a time-critical operation, and it may
+ happen in a distributed fashion across many workers, so the file format has to
+ be both fast and flexible. They are stored as multiple checkpoint files,
+ together with metadata files that describe what’s contained within the
+ checkpoints. When you’re referring to a checkpoint in the API (for example
+ when passing a filename in as a command line argument), you’ll use the common
+ prefix for a set of related files. If you had these files:
+ /tmp/model/model-chkpt-1000.data-00000-of-00002
+ /tmp/model/model-chkpt-1000.data-00001-of-00002
+ /tmp/model/model-chkpt-1000.index
+ /tmp/model/model-chkpt-1000.meta
+ You would refer to them as `/tmp/model/chkpt-1000`.
+- [GraphDef](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto):
+ Has a list of `NodeDefs`, which together define the computational graph to
+ execute. During training, some of these nodes will be `Variables`, and so if
+ you want to have a complete graph you can run, including the weights, you’ll
+ need to call a restore operation to pull those values from
+ checkpoints. Because checkpoint loading has to be flexible to deal with all of
+ the training requirements, this can be tricky to implement on mobile and
+ embedded devices, especially those with no proper file system available like
+ iOS. This is where
+ the
+ [`freeze_graph.py`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph.py) script
+ comes in handy. As mentioned above, `Const` ops store their values as part of
+ the `NodeDef`, so if all the `Variable` weights are converted to `Const` nodes,
+ then we only need a single `GraphDef` file to hold the model architecture and
+ the weights. Freezing the graph handles the process of loading the
+ checkpoints, and then converts all Variables to Consts. You can then load the
+ resulting file in a single call, without having to restore variable values
+ from checkpoints. One thing to watch out for with `GraphDef` files is that
+ sometimes they’re stored in text format for easy inspection. These versions
+ usually have a ‘.pbtxt’ filename suffix, whereas the binary files end with
+ ‘.pb’.
+- [FunctionDefLibrary](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/function.proto):
+ This appears in `GraphDef`, and is effectively a set of sub-graphs, each with
+ information about their input and output nodes. Each sub-graph can then be
+ used as an op in the main graph, allowing easy instantiation of different
+ nodes, in a similar way to how functions encapsulate code in other languages.
+- [MetaGraphDef](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/protobuf/meta_graph.proto):
+ A plain `GraphDef` only has information about the network of computations, but
+ doesn’t have any extra information about the model or how it can be
+ used. `MetaGraphDef` contains a `GraphDef` defining the computation part of
+ the model, but also includes information like ‘signatures’, which are
+ suggestions about which inputs and outputs you may want to call the model
+ with, data on how and where any checkpoint files are saved, and convenience
+ tags for grouping ops together for ease of use.
+- [SavedModel](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/protobuf/saved_model.proto):
+ It’s common to want to have different versions of a graph that rely on a
+ common set of variable checkpoints. For example, you might need a GPU and a
+ CPU version of the same graph, but keep the same weights for both. You might
+ also need some extra files (like label names) as part of your
+ model. The
+ [SavedModel](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/python/saved_model/README.md) format
+ addresses these needs by letting you save multiple versions of the same graph
+ without duplicating variables, and also storing asset files in the same
+ bundle. Under the hood, it uses `MetaGraphDef` and checkpoint files, along
+ with extra metadata files. It’s the format that you’ll want to use if you’re
+ deploying a web API using TensorFlow Serving, for example.
+## How do you get a model you can use on mobile?
+In most situations, training a model with TensorFlow will give you a folder
+containing a `GraphDef` file (usually ending with the `.pb` or `.pbtxt` extension) and
+a set of checkpoint files. What you need for mobile or embedded deployment is a
+single `GraphDef` file that’s been ‘frozen’, or had its variables converted into
+inline constants so everything’s in one file. To handle the conversion, you’ll
+need the `freeze_graph.py` script, that’s held in
+[`tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph.py`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph.py). You’ll run it like this:
+ bazel build tensorflow/python/tools:freeze_graph
+ bazel-bin/tensorflow/python/tools/freeze_graph \
+ --input_graph=/tmp/model/my_graph.pb \
+ --input_checkpoint=/tmp/model/model.ckpt-1000 \
+ --output_graph=/tmp/frozen_graph.pb \
+ --output_node_names=output_node \
+The `input_graph` argument should point to the `GraphDef` file that holds your
+model architecture. It’s possible that your `GraphDef` has been stored in a text
+format on disk, in which case it’s likely to end in `.pbtxt` instead of `.pb`,
+and you should add an extra `--input_binary=false` flag to the command.
+The `input_checkpoint` should be the most recent saved checkpoint. As mentioned
+in the checkpoint section, you need to give the common prefix to the set of
+checkpoints here, rather than a full filename.
+`output_graph` defines where the resulting frozen `GraphDef` will be
+saved. Because it’s likely to contain a lot of weight values that take up a
+large amount of space in text format, it’s always saved as a binary protobuf.
+`output_node_names` is a list of the names of the nodes that you want to extract
+the results of your graph from. This is needed because the freezing process
+needs to understand which parts of the graph are actually needed, and which are
+artifacts of the training process, like summarization ops. Only ops that
+contribute to calculating the given output nodes will be kept. If you know how
+your graph is going to be used, these should just be the names of the nodes you
+pass into `Session::Run()` as your fetch targets. The easiest way to find the
+node names is to inspect the Node objects while building your graph in python.
+Inspecting your graph in TensorBoard is another simple way. You can get some
+suggestions on likely outputs by running the [`summarize_graph` tool](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/README.md#inspecting-graphs).
+Because the output format for TensorFlow has changed over time, there are a
+variety of other less commonly used flags available too, like `input_saver`, but
+hopefully you shouldn’t need these on graphs trained with modern versions of the
+## Using the Graph Transform Tool
+A lot of the things you need to do to efficiently run a model on device are
+available through the [Graph Transform
+Tool](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/README.md). This
+command-line tool takes an input `GraphDef` file, applies the set of rewriting
+rules you request, and then writes out the result as a `GraphDef`. See the
+documentation for more information on how to build and run this tool.
+### Removing training-only nodes
+TensorFlow `GraphDefs` produced by the training code contain all of the
+computation that’s needed for back-propagation and updates of weights, as well
+as the queuing and decoding of inputs, and the saving out of checkpoints. All of
+these nodes are no longer needed during inference, and some of the operations
+like checkpoint saving aren’t even supported on mobile platforms. To create a
+model file that you can load on devices you need to delete those unneeded
+operations by running the `strip_unused_nodes` rule in the Graph Transform Tool.
+The trickiest part of this process is figuring out the names of the nodes you
+want to use as inputs and outputs during inference. You'll need these anyway
+once you start to run inference, but you also need them here so that the
+transform can calculate which nodes are not needed on the inference-only
+path. These may not be obvious from the training code. The easiest way to
+determine the node name is to explore the graph with TensorBoard.
+Remember that mobile applications typically gather their data from sensors and
+have it as arrays in memory, whereas training typically involves loading and
+decoding representations of the data stored on disk. In the case of Inception v3
+for example, there’s a `DecodeJpeg` op at the start of the graph that’s designed
+to take JPEG-encoded data from a file retrieved from disk and turn it into an
+arbitrary-sized image. After that there’s a `BilinearResize` op to scale it to
+the expected size, followed by a couple of other ops that convert the byte data
+into float and scale the value magnitudes it in the way the rest of the graph
+expects. A typical mobile app will skip most of these steps because it’s getting
+its input directly from a live camera, so the input node you will actually
+supply will be the output of the `Mul` node in this case.
+<img src ="../images/inception_input.png" width="300">
+You’ll need to do a similar process of inspection to figure out the correct
+output nodes.
+If you’ve just been given a frozen `GraphDef` file, and are not sure about the
+contents, try using the `summarize_graph` tool to print out information
+about the inputs and outputs it finds from the graph structure. Here’s an
+example with the original Inception v3 file:
+ bazel run tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:summarize_graph --
+ --in_graph=tensorflow_inception_graph.pb
+Once you have an idea of what the input and output nodes are, you can feed them
+into the graph transform tool as the `--input_names` and `--output_names`
+arguments, and call the `strip_unused_nodes` transform, like this:
+ bazel run tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms:transform_graph --
+ --in_graph=tensorflow_inception_graph.pb
+ --out_graph=optimized_inception_graph.pb --inputs='Mul' --outputs='softmax'
+ --transforms='
+ strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,299,299,3")
+ fold_constants(ignore_errors=true)
+ fold_batch_norms
+ fold_old_batch_norms'
+One thing to look out for here is that you need to specify the size and type
+that you want your inputs to be. This is because any values that you’re going to
+be passing in as inputs to inference need to be fed to special `Placeholder` op
+nodes, and the transform may need to create them if they don’t already exist. In
+the case of Inception v3 for example, a `Placeholder` node replaces the old
+`Mul` node that used to output the resized and rescaled image array, since we’re
+going to be doing that processing ourselves before we call TensorFlow. It keeps
+the original name though, which is why we always feed in inputs to `Mul` when we
+run a session with our modified Inception graph.
+After you’ve run this process, you’ll have a graph that only contains the actual
+nodes you need to run your prediction process. This is the point where it
+becomes useful to run metrics on the graph, so it’s worth running
+`summarize_graph` again to understand what’s in your model.
+## What ops should you include on mobile?
+There are hundreds of operations available in TensorFlow, and each one has
+multiple implementations for different data types. On mobile platforms, the size
+of the executable binary that’s produced after compilation is important, because
+app download bundles need to be as small as possible for the best user
+experience. If all of the ops and data types are compiled into the TensorFlow
+library then the total size of the compiled library can be tens of megabytes, so
+by default only a subset of ops and data types are included.
+That means that if you load a model file that’s been trained on a desktop
+machine, you may see the error “No OpKernel was registered to support Op” when
+you load it on mobile. The first thing to try is to make sure you’ve stripped
+out any training-only nodes, since the error will occur at load time even if the
+op is never executed. If you’re still hitting the same problem once that’s done,
+you’ll need to look at adding the op to your built library.
+The criteria for including ops and types fall into several categories:
+- Are they only useful in back-propagation, for gradients? Since mobile is
+ focused on inference, we don’t include these.
+- Are they useful mainly for other training needs, such as checkpoint saving?
+ These we leave out.
+- Do they rely on frameworks that aren’t always available on mobile, such as
+ libjpeg? To avoid extra dependencies we don’t include ops like `DecodeJpeg`.
+- Are there types that aren’t commonly used? We don’t include boolean variants
+ of ops for example, since we don’t see much use of them in typical inference
+ graphs.
+These ops are trimmed by default to optimize for inference on mobile, but it is
+possible to alter some build files to change the default. After alternating the
+build files, you will need to recompile TensorFlow. See below for more details
+on how to do this, and also see <a href="./optimizing.md">optimizing binary size</a>
+for more on reducing your binary size.
+### Locate the implementation
+Operations are broken into two parts. The first is the op definition, which
+declares the signature of the operation, which inputs, outputs, and attributes
+it has. These take up very little space, and so all are included by default. The
+implementations of the op computations are done in kernels, which live in the
+`tensorflow/core/kernels` folder. You need to compile the C++ file containing
+the kernel implementation of the op you need into the library. To figure out
+which file that is, you can search for the operation name in the source
+[Here’s an example search in github](https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=repo%3Atensorflow%2Ftensorflow+extension%3Acc+path%3Atensorflow%2Fcore%2Fkernels+REGISTER+Mul&type=Code&ref=searchresults).
+You’ll see that this search is looking for the `Mul` op implementation, and it
+finds it in `tensorflow/core/kernels/cwise_op_mul_1.cc`. You need to look for
+macros beginning with `REGISTER`, with the op name you care about as one of the
+string arguments.
+In this case, the implementations are actually broken up across multiple `.cc`
+files, so you’d need to include all of them in your build. If you’re more
+comfortable using the command line for code search, here’s a grep command that
+also locates the right files if you run it from the root of your TensorFlow
+`grep 'REGISTER.*"Mul"' tensorflow/core/kernels/*.cc`
+### Add the implementation to the build
+If you’re using Bazel, and building for Android, you’ll want to add the files
+you’ve found to
+[`android_extended_ops_group1`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD#L3565) or
+[`android_extended_ops_group2`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD#L3632) targets. You
+may also need to include any .cc files they depend on in there. If the build
+complains about missing header files, add the .h’s that are needed into
+[`android_extended_ops`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD#L3525) target.
+If you’re using a makefile targeting iOS, Raspberry Pi, etc, go to
+[`tensorflow/contrib/makefile/tf_op_files.txt`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/contrib/makefile/tf_op_files.txt) and
+add the right implementation files there.