path: root/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/python/ops/fisher_blocks.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/python/ops/fisher_blocks.py b/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/python/ops/fisher_blocks.py
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-# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ==============================================================================
-"""FisherBlock definitions.
-This library contains classes for estimating blocks in a model's Fisher
-Information matrix. Suppose one has a model that parameterizes a posterior
-distribution over 'y' given 'x' with parameters 'params', p(y | x, params). Its
-Fisher Information matrix is given by,
- $$F(params) = E[ v(x, y, params) v(x, y, params)^T ]$$
- $$v(x, y, params) = (d / d params) log p(y | x, params)$$
-and the expectation is taken with respect to the data's distribution for 'x' and
-the model's posterior distribution for 'y',
- x ~ p(x)
- y ~ p(y | x, params)
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-import abc
-import enum # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order
-import numpy as np
-import six
-from tensorflow.contrib.kfac.python.ops import fisher_factors
-from tensorflow.contrib.kfac.python.ops import utils
-from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
-from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
-from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
-from tensorflow.python.util import nest
-# For blocks corresponding to convolutional layers, or any type of block where
-# the parameters can be thought of as being replicated in time or space,
-# we want to adjust the scale of the damping by
-# damping /= num_replications ** NORMALIZE_DAMPING_POWER
-# Methods for adjusting damping for FisherBlocks. See
-# compute_pi_adjusted_damping() for details.
-PI_OFF_NAME = "off"
-PI_TRACENORM_NAME = "tracenorm"
-def set_global_constants(normalize_damping_power=None, pi_type=None):
- """Sets various global constants used by the classes in this module."""
- global PI_TYPE
- if normalize_damping_power is not None:
- NORMALIZE_DAMPING_POWER = normalize_damping_power
- if pi_type is not None:
- PI_TYPE = pi_type
-def normalize_damping(damping, num_replications):
- """Normalize damping after adjusting scale by NORMALIZE_DAMPING_POWER."""
- return damping / (num_replications ** NORMALIZE_DAMPING_POWER)
- return damping
-def compute_pi_tracenorm(left_cov, right_cov):
- r"""Computes the scalar constant pi for Tikhonov regularization/damping.
- $$\pi = \sqrt{ (trace(A) / dim(A)) / (trace(B) / dim(B)) }$$
- See section 6.3 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.05671.pdf for details.
- Args:
- left_cov: A LinearOperator object. The left Kronecker factor "covariance".
- right_cov: A LinearOperator object. The right Kronecker factor "covariance".
- Returns:
- The computed scalar constant pi for these Kronecker Factors (as a Tensor).
- """
- # Instead of dividing by the dim of the norm, we multiply by the dim of the
- # other norm. This works out the same in the ratio.
- left_norm = left_cov.trace() * int(right_cov.domain_dimension)
- right_norm = right_cov.trace() * int(left_cov.domain_dimension)
- return math_ops.sqrt(left_norm / right_norm)
-def compute_pi_adjusted_damping(left_cov, right_cov, damping):
- pi = compute_pi_tracenorm(left_cov, right_cov)
- return (damping * pi, damping / pi)
- elif PI_TYPE == PI_OFF_NAME:
- return (damping, damping)
-class PackagedFunc(object):
- """A Python thunk with a stable ID.
- Enables stable names for lambdas.
- """
- def __init__(self, func, func_id):
- """Initializes PackagedFunc.
- Args:
- func: a zero-arg Python function.
- func_id: a hashable, function that produces a hashable, or a list/tuple
- thereof.
- """
- self._func = func
- func_id = func_id if isinstance(func_id, (tuple, list)) else (func_id,)
- self._func_id = func_id
- def __call__(self):
- return self._func()
- @property
- def func_id(self):
- """A hashable identifier for this function."""
- return tuple(elt() if callable(elt) else elt for elt in self._func_id)
-def _package_func(func, func_id):
- return PackagedFunc(func, func_id)
-class FisherBlock(object):
- """Abstract base class for objects modeling approximate Fisher matrix blocks.
- Subclasses must implement register_matpower, multiply_matpower,
- instantiate_factors, tensors_to_compute_grads, and num_registered_towers
- methods.
- """
- def __init__(self, layer_collection):
- self._layer_collection = layer_collection
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- """Creates and registers the component factors of this Fisher block.
- Args:
- grads_list: A list gradients (each a Tensor or tuple of Tensors) with
- respect to the tensors returned by tensors_to_compute_grads() that
- are to be used to estimate the block.
- damping: The damping factor (float or Tensor).
- """
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def register_matpower(self, exp):
- """Registers a matrix power to be computed by the block.
- Args:
- exp: A float representing the power to raise the block by.
- """
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def register_cholesky(self):
- """Registers a Cholesky factor to be computed by the block."""
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def register_cholesky_inverse(self):
- """Registers an inverse Cholesky factor to be computed by the block."""
- pass
- def register_inverse(self):
- """Registers a matrix inverse to be computed by the block."""
- self.register_matpower(-1)
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def multiply_matpower(self, vector, exp):
- """Multiplies the vector by the (damped) matrix-power of the block.
- Args:
- vector: The vector (a Tensor or tuple of Tensors) to be multiplied.
- exp: A float representing the power to raise the block by before
- multiplying it by the vector.
- Returns:
- The vector left-multiplied by the (damped) matrix-power of the block.
- """
- pass
- def multiply_inverse(self, vector):
- """Multiplies the vector by the (damped) inverse of the block.
- Args:
- vector: The vector (a Tensor or tuple of Tensors) to be multiplied.
- Returns:
- The vector left-multiplied by the (damped) inverse of the block.
- """
- return self.multiply_matpower(vector, -1)
- def multiply(self, vector):
- """Multiplies the vector by the (damped) block.
- Args:
- vector: The vector (a Tensor or tuple of Tensors) to be multiplied.
- Returns:
- The vector left-multiplied by the (damped) block.
- """
- return self.multiply_matpower(vector, 1)
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def multiply_cholesky(self, vector, transpose=False):
- """Multiplies the vector by the (damped) Cholesky-factor of the block.
- Args:
- vector: The vector (a Tensor or tuple of Tensors) to be multiplied.
- transpose: Bool. If true the Cholesky factor is transposed before
- multiplying the vector. (Default: False)
- Returns:
- The vector left-multiplied by the (damped) Cholesky-factor of the block.
- """
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def multiply_cholesky_inverse(self, vector, transpose=False):
- """Multiplies vector by the (damped) inverse Cholesky-factor of the block.
- Args:
- vector: The vector (a Tensor or tuple of Tensors) to be multiplied.
- transpose: Bool. If true the Cholesky factor inverse is transposed
- before multiplying the vector. (Default: False)
- Returns:
- Vector left-multiplied by (damped) inverse Cholesky-factor of the block.
- """
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def tensors_to_compute_grads(self):
- """Returns the Tensor(s) with respect to which this FisherBlock needs grads.
- """
- pass
- @abc.abstractproperty
- def num_registered_towers(self):
- """Number of towers registered for this FisherBlock.
- Typically equal to the number of towers in a multi-tower setup.
- """
- pass
-class FullFB(FisherBlock):
- """FisherBlock using a full matrix estimate (no approximations).
- FullFB uses a full matrix estimate (no approximations), and should only ever
- be used for very low dimensional parameters.
- Note that this uses the naive "square the sum estimator", and so is applicable
- to any type of parameter in principle, but has very high variance.
- """
- def __init__(self, layer_collection, params):
- """Creates a FullFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- params: The parameters of this layer (Tensor or tuple of Tensors).
- """
- self._batch_sizes = []
- self._params = params
- super(FullFB, self).__init__(layer_collection)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- self._damping_func = _package_func(lambda: damping, (damping,))
- self._factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullFactor, (grads_list, self._batch_size))
- def register_matpower(self, exp):
- self._factor.register_matpower(exp, self._damping_func)
- def register_cholesky(self):
- self._factor.register_cholesky(self._damping_func)
- def register_cholesky_inverse(self):
- self._factor.register_cholesky_inverse(self._damping_func)
- def _multiply_matrix(self, matrix, vector, transpose=False):
- vector_flat = utils.tensors_to_column(vector)
- out_flat = matrix.matmul(vector_flat, adjoint=transpose)
- return utils.column_to_tensors(vector, out_flat)
- def multiply_matpower(self, vector, exp):
- matrix = self._factor.get_matpower(exp, self._damping_func)
- return self._multiply_matrix(matrix, vector)
- def multiply_cholesky(self, vector, transpose=False):
- matrix = self._factor.get_cholesky(self._damping_func)
- return self._multiply_matrix(matrix, vector, transpose=transpose)
- def multiply_cholesky_inverse(self, vector, transpose=False):
- matrix = self._factor.get_cholesky_inverse(self._damping_func)
- return self._multiply_matrix(matrix, vector, transpose=transpose)
- def full_fisher_block(self):
- """Explicitly constructs the full Fisher block."""
- return self._factor.get_cov_as_linear_operator().to_dense()
- def tensors_to_compute_grads(self):
- return self._params
- def register_additional_tower(self, batch_size):
- """Register an additional tower.
- Args:
- batch_size: The batch size, used in the covariance estimator.
- """
- self._batch_sizes.append(batch_size)
- @property
- def num_registered_towers(self):
- return len(self._batch_sizes)
- @property
- def _batch_size(self):
- return math_ops.reduce_sum(self._batch_sizes)
-class DiagonalFB(FisherBlock):
- """A base class for FisherBlocks that use diagonal approximations."""
- def register_matpower(self, exp):
- # Not needed for this. Matrix powers are computed on demand in the
- # diagonal case
- pass
- def register_cholesky(self):
- # Not needed for this. Cholesky's are computed on demand in the
- # diagonal case
- pass
- def register_cholesky_inverse(self):
- # Not needed for this. Cholesky inverses's are computed on demand in the
- # diagonal case
- pass
- def _multiply_matrix(self, matrix, vector):
- vector_flat = utils.tensors_to_column(vector)
- out_flat = matrix.matmul(vector_flat)
- return utils.column_to_tensors(vector, out_flat)
- def multiply_matpower(self, vector, exp):
- matrix = self._factor.get_matpower(exp, self._damping_func)
- return self._multiply_matrix(matrix, vector)
- def multiply_cholesky(self, vector, transpose=False):
- matrix = self._factor.get_cholesky(self._damping_func)
- return self._multiply_matrix(matrix, vector)
- def multiply_cholesky_inverse(self, vector, transpose=False):
- matrix = self._factor.get_cholesky_inverse(self._damping_func)
- return self._multiply_matrix(matrix, vector)
- def full_fisher_block(self):
- return self._factor.get_cov_as_linear_operator().to_dense()
-class NaiveDiagonalFB(DiagonalFB):
- """FisherBlock using a diagonal matrix approximation.
- This type of approximation is generically applicable but quite primitive.
- Note that this uses the naive "square the sum estimator", and so is applicable
- to any type of parameter in principle, but has very high variance.
- """
- def __init__(self, layer_collection, params):
- """Creates a NaiveDiagonalFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- params: The parameters of this layer (Tensor or tuple of Tensors).
- """
- self._params = params
- self._batch_sizes = []
- super(NaiveDiagonalFB, self).__init__(layer_collection)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- self._damping_func = _package_func(lambda: damping, (damping,))
- self._factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.NaiveDiagonalFactor, (grads_list, self._batch_size))
- def tensors_to_compute_grads(self):
- return self._params
- def register_additional_tower(self, batch_size):
- """Register an additional tower.
- Args:
- batch_size: The batch size, used in the covariance estimator.
- """
- self._batch_sizes.append(batch_size)
- @property
- def num_registered_towers(self):
- return len(self._batch_sizes)
- @property
- def _batch_size(self):
- return math_ops.reduce_sum(self._batch_sizes)
-class InputOutputMultiTower(object):
- """Mix-in class for blocks with inputs & outputs and multiple mini-batches."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.__inputs = []
- self.__outputs = []
- super(InputOutputMultiTower, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def _process_data(self, grads_list):
- """Process data into the format used by the factors.
- This function takes inputs and grads_lists data and processes it into
- one of the formats expected by the FisherFactor classes (depending on
- the value of the global configuration variable TOWER_STRATEGY).
- The initial format of self._inputs is expected to be a list of Tensors
- over towers. Similarly grads_lists is expected to be a list over sources
- of such lists.
- If TOWER_STRATEGY is "concat", 'inputs' becomes a tuple containing a single
- tensor (represented as a PartitionedTensor object) equal to the
- concatenation (across towers) of all of the elements of self._inputs. And
- similarly grads_list is formatted into a tuple (over sources) of such
- tensors (also represented as PartitionedTensors).
- If TOWER_STRATEGY is "separate", formatting of inputs and grads_list
- remains unchanged from the initial format (although possibly converting
- from lists into tuples).
- Args:
- grads_list: grads_list in its initial format (see above).
- Returns:
- inputs: self._inputs transformed into the appropriate format (see
- above).
- grads_list: grads_list transformed into the appropriate format (see
- above).
- Raises:
- ValueError: if TOWER_STRATEGY is not one of "separate" or "concat".
- """
- inputs = self._inputs
- # inputs is a list over towers of Tensors
- # grads_list is a list of list with the first index being sources and the
- # second being towers.
- if fisher_factors.TOWER_STRATEGY == "concat":
- # Merge towers together into a PartitionedTensor. We package it in
- # a singleton tuple since the factors will expect a list over towers
- inputs = (utils.PartitionedTensor(inputs),)
- # Do the same for grads_list but preserve leading sources dimension
- grads_list = tuple((utils.PartitionedTensor(grads),)
- for grads in grads_list)
- elif fisher_factors.TOWER_STRATEGY == "separate":
- inputs = tuple(inputs)
- grads_list = tuple(grads_list)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Global config variable TOWER_STRATEGY must be one of "
- "'concat' or 'separate'.")
- return inputs, grads_list
- def tensors_to_compute_grads(self):
- """Tensors to compute derivative of loss with respect to."""
- return tuple(self._outputs)
- def register_additional_tower(self, inputs, outputs):
- self._inputs.append(inputs)
- self._outputs.append(outputs)
- @property
- def num_registered_towers(self):
- result = len(self._inputs)
- assert result == len(self._outputs)
- return result
- @property
- def _inputs(self):
- return self.__inputs
- @property
- def _outputs(self):
- return self.__outputs
-class FullyConnectedDiagonalFB(InputOutputMultiTower, DiagonalFB):
- """FisherBlock for fully-connected (dense) layers using a diagonal approx.
- Estimates the Fisher Information matrix's diagonal entries for a fully
- connected layer. Unlike NaiveDiagonalFB this uses the low-variance "sum of
- squares" estimator.
- Let 'params' be a vector parameterizing a model and 'i' an arbitrary index
- into it. We are interested in Fisher(params)[i, i]. This is,
- $$Fisher(params)[i, i] = E[ v(x, y, params) v(x, y, params)^T ][i, i]
- = E[ v(x, y, params)[i] ^ 2 ]$$
- Consider fully connected layer in this model with (unshared) weight matrix
- 'w'. For an example 'x' that produces layer inputs 'a' and output
- preactivations 's',
- $$v(x, y, w) = vec( a (d loss / d s)^T )$$
- This FisherBlock tracks Fisher(params)[i, i] for all indices 'i' corresponding
- to the layer's parameters 'w'.
- """
- def __init__(self, layer_collection, has_bias=False):
- """Creates a FullyConnectedDiagonalFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- has_bias: Whether the component Kronecker factors have an additive bias.
- (Default: False)
- """
- self._has_bias = has_bias
- super(FullyConnectedDiagonalFB, self).__init__(layer_collection)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- self._factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedDiagonalFactor,
- (inputs, grads_list, self._has_bias))
- self._damping_func = _package_func(lambda: damping, (damping,))
-class ConvDiagonalFB(InputOutputMultiTower, DiagonalFB):
- """FisherBlock for 2-D convolutional layers using a diagonal approx.
- Estimates the Fisher Information matrix's diagonal entries for a convolutional
- layer. Unlike NaiveDiagonalFB this uses the low-variance "sum of squares"
- estimator.
- Let 'params' be a vector parameterizing a model and 'i' an arbitrary index
- into it. We are interested in Fisher(params)[i, i]. This is,
- $$Fisher(params)[i, i] = E[ v(x, y, params) v(x, y, params)^T ][i, i]
- = E[ v(x, y, params)[i] ^ 2 ]$$
- Consider a convoluational layer in this model with (unshared) filter matrix
- 'w'. For an example image 'x' that produces layer inputs 'a' and output
- preactivations 's',
- $$v(x, y, w) = vec( sum_{loc} a_{loc} (d loss / d s_{loc})^T )$$
- where 'loc' is a single (x, y) location in an image.
- This FisherBlock tracks Fisher(params)[i, i] for all indices 'i' corresponding
- to the layer's parameters 'w'.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- layer_collection,
- params,
- strides,
- padding,
- data_format=None,
- dilations=None):
- """Creates a ConvDiagonalFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- params: The parameters (Tensor or tuple of Tensors) of this layer. If
- kernel alone, a Tensor of shape [kernel_height, kernel_width,
- in_channels, out_channels]. If kernel and bias, a tuple of 2 elements
- containing the previous and a Tensor of shape [out_channels].
- strides: The stride size in this layer (1-D Tensor of length 4).
- padding: The padding in this layer (e.g. "SAME").
- data_format: str or None. Format of input data.
- dilations: List of 4 ints or None. Rate for dilation along all dimensions.
- Raises:
- ValueError: if strides is not length-4.
- ValueError: if dilations is not length-4.
- ValueError: if channel is not last dimension.
- """
- if len(strides) != 4:
- raise ValueError("strides must contain 4 numbers.")
- if dilations is None:
- dilations = [1, 1, 1, 1]
- if len(dilations) != 4:
- raise ValueError("dilations must contain 4 numbers.")
- if not utils.is_data_format_channel_last(data_format):
- raise ValueError("data_format must be channels-last.")
- self._strides = maybe_tuple(strides)
- self._padding = padding
- self._data_format = data_format
- self._dilations = maybe_tuple(dilations)
- self._has_bias = isinstance(params, (tuple, list))
- fltr = params[0] if self._has_bias else params
- self._filter_shape = tuple(fltr.shape.as_list())
- if len(self._filter_shape) != 4:
- raise ValueError(
- "Convolution filter must be of shape"
- " [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels].")
- super(ConvDiagonalFB, self).__init__(layer_collection)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- # Infer number of locations upon which convolution is applied.
- self._num_locations = num_conv_locations(inputs[0].shape.as_list(),
- self._strides)
- self._factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.ConvDiagonalFactor,
- (inputs, grads_list, self._filter_shape, self._strides, self._padding,
- self._data_format, self._dilations, self._has_bias))
- def damping_func():
- return self._num_locations * normalize_damping(damping,
- self._num_locations)
- damping_id = (self._num_locations, "mult", "normalize_damping", damping,
- self._num_locations)
- self._damping_func = _package_func(damping_func, damping_id)
-class KroneckerProductFB(FisherBlock):
- """A base class for blocks with separate input and output Kronecker factors.
- The Fisher block is approximated as a Kronecker product of the input and
- output factors.
- """
- def _setup_damping(self, damping, normalization=None):
- """Makes functions that compute the damping values for both factors."""
- def compute_damping():
- if normalization is not None:
- maybe_normalized_damping = normalize_damping(damping, normalization)
- else:
- maybe_normalized_damping = damping
- return compute_pi_adjusted_damping(
- self._input_factor.get_cov_as_linear_operator(),
- self._output_factor.get_cov_as_linear_operator(),
- maybe_normalized_damping**0.5)
- if normalization is not None:
- damping_id = ("compute_pi_adjusted_damping",
- "cov", self._input_factor.name,
- "cov", self._output_factor.name,
- "normalize_damping", damping, normalization, "power", 0.5)
- else:
- damping_id = ("compute_pi_adjusted_damping",
- "cov", self._input_factor.name,
- "cov", self._output_factor.name,
- damping, "power", 0.5)
- self._input_damping_func = _package_func(lambda: compute_damping()[0],
- damping_id + ("ref", 0))
- self._output_damping_func = _package_func(lambda: compute_damping()[1],
- damping_id + ("ref", 1))
- def register_matpower(self, exp):
- self._input_factor.register_matpower(exp, self._input_damping_func)
- self._output_factor.register_matpower(exp, self._output_damping_func)
- def register_cholesky(self):
- self._input_factor.register_cholesky(self._input_damping_func)
- self._output_factor.register_cholesky(self._output_damping_func)
- def register_cholesky_inverse(self):
- self._input_factor.register_cholesky_inverse(self._input_damping_func)
- self._output_factor.register_cholesky_inverse(self._output_damping_func)
- @property
- def _renorm_coeff(self):
- """Kronecker factor multiplier coefficient.
- If this FisherBlock is represented as 'FB = c * kron(left, right)', then
- this is 'c'.
- Returns:
- 0-D Tensor.
- """
- return 1.0
- def _multiply_factored_matrix(self, left_factor, right_factor, vector,
- extra_scale=1.0, transpose_left=False,
- transpose_right=False):
- reshaped_vector = utils.layer_params_to_mat2d(vector)
- reshaped_out = right_factor.matmul_right(reshaped_vector,
- adjoint=transpose_right)
- reshaped_out = left_factor.matmul(reshaped_out,
- adjoint=transpose_left)
- if extra_scale != 1.0:
- reshaped_out *= math_ops.cast(extra_scale, dtype=reshaped_out.dtype)
- return utils.mat2d_to_layer_params(vector, reshaped_out)
- def multiply_matpower(self, vector, exp):
- left_factor = self._input_factor.get_matpower(
- exp, self._input_damping_func)
- right_factor = self._output_factor.get_matpower(
- exp, self._output_damping_func)
- extra_scale = float(self._renorm_coeff)**exp
- return self._multiply_factored_matrix(left_factor, right_factor, vector,
- extra_scale=extra_scale)
- def multiply_cholesky(self, vector, transpose=False):
- left_factor = self._input_factor.get_cholesky(self._input_damping_func)
- right_factor = self._output_factor.get_cholesky(self._output_damping_func)
- extra_scale = float(self._renorm_coeff)**0.5
- return self._multiply_factored_matrix(left_factor, right_factor, vector,
- extra_scale=extra_scale,
- transpose_left=transpose,
- transpose_right=not transpose)
- def multiply_cholesky_inverse(self, vector, transpose=False):
- left_factor = self._input_factor.get_cholesky_inverse(
- self._input_damping_func)
- right_factor = self._output_factor.get_cholesky_inverse(
- self._output_damping_func)
- extra_scale = float(self._renorm_coeff)**-0.5
- return self._multiply_factored_matrix(left_factor, right_factor, vector,
- extra_scale=extra_scale,
- transpose_left=transpose,
- transpose_right=not transpose)
- def full_fisher_block(self):
- """Explicitly constructs the full Fisher block.
- Used for testing purposes. (In general, the result may be very large.)
- Returns:
- The full Fisher block.
- """
- left_factor = self._input_factor.get_cov_as_linear_operator().to_dense()
- right_factor = self._output_factor.get_cov_as_linear_operator().to_dense()
- return self._renorm_coeff * utils.kronecker_product(left_factor,
- right_factor)
-class EmbeddingKFACFB(InputOutputMultiTower, KroneckerProductFB):
- """K-FAC FisherBlock for embedding layers.
- This FisherBlock is similar to FullyConnectedKFACBasicFB, except that its
- input factor is approximated by a diagonal matrix. In the case that each
- example references exactly one embedding, this approximation is exact.
- Does not support bias parameters.
- """
- def __init__(self, layer_collection, vocab_size):
- """Creates a EmbeddingKFACFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- vocab_size: int. Size of vocabulary for this embedding layer.
- """
- self._vocab_size = vocab_size
- super(EmbeddingKFACFB, self).__init__(layer_collection)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- """Instantiate Kronecker Factors for this FisherBlock.
- Args:
- grads_list: List of list of Tensors. grads_list[i][j] is the
- gradient of the loss with respect to 'outputs' from source 'i' and
- tower 'j'. Each Tensor has shape [tower_minibatch_size, output_size].
- damping: 0-D Tensor or float. 'damping' * identity is approximately added
- to this FisherBlock's Fisher approximation.
- """
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- self._input_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.EmbeddingInputKroneckerFactor,
- (inputs, self._vocab_size))
- self._output_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedKroneckerFactor, (grads_list,))
- self._setup_damping(damping)
-class FullyConnectedKFACBasicFB(InputOutputMultiTower, KroneckerProductFB):
- """K-FAC FisherBlock for fully-connected (dense) layers.
- This uses the Kronecker-factorized approximation from the original
- K-FAC paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.05671)
- """
- def __init__(self, layer_collection, has_bias=False):
- """Creates a FullyConnectedKFACBasicFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- has_bias: Whether the component Kronecker factors have an additive bias.
- (Default: False)
- """
- self._has_bias = has_bias
- super(FullyConnectedKFACBasicFB, self).__init__(layer_collection)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- """Instantiate Kronecker Factors for this FisherBlock.
- Args:
- grads_list: List of list of Tensors. grads_list[i][j] is the
- gradient of the loss with respect to 'outputs' from source 'i' and
- tower 'j'. Each Tensor has shape [tower_minibatch_size, output_size].
- damping: 0-D Tensor or float. 'damping' * identity is approximately added
- to this FisherBlock's Fisher approximation.
- """
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- self._input_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedKroneckerFactor,
- ((inputs,), self._has_bias))
- self._output_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedKroneckerFactor,
- (grads_list,))
- self._setup_damping(damping)
-class ConvKFCBasicFB(InputOutputMultiTower, KroneckerProductFB):
- r"""FisherBlock for convolutional layers using the basic KFC approx.
- Estimates the Fisher Information matrix's blog for a convolutional
- layer.
- Consider a convolutional layer in this model with (unshared) filter matrix
- 'w'. For a minibatch that produces inputs 'a' and output preactivations 's',
- this FisherBlock estimates,
- $$F(w) = \#locations * kronecker(E[flat(a) flat(a)^T],
- E[flat(ds) flat(ds)^T])$$
- where
- $$ds = (d / ds) log p(y | x, w)$$
- #locations = number of (x, y) locations where 'w' is applied.
- where the expectation is taken over all examples and locations and flat()
- concatenates an array's leading dimensions.
- See equation 23 in https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.01407 for details.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- layer_collection,
- params,
- padding,
- strides=None,
- dilation_rate=None,
- data_format=None,
- extract_patches_fn=None):
- """Creates a ConvKFCBasicFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- params: The parameters (Tensor or tuple of Tensors) of this layer. If
- kernel alone, a Tensor of shape [..spatial_filter_shape..,
- in_channels, out_channels]. If kernel and bias, a tuple of 2 elements
- containing the previous and a Tensor of shape [out_channels].
- padding: str. Padding method.
- strides: List of ints or None. Contains [..spatial_filter_strides..] if
- 'extract_patches_fn' is compatible with tf.nn.convolution(), else
- [1, ..spatial_filter_strides, 1].
- dilation_rate: List of ints or None. Rate for dilation along each spatial
- dimension if 'extract_patches_fn' is compatible with
- tf.nn.convolution(), else [1, ..spatial_dilation_rates.., 1].
- data_format: str or None. Format of input data.
- extract_patches_fn: str or None. Name of function that extracts image
- patches. One of "extract_convolution_patches", "extract_image_patches",
- "extract_pointwise_conv2d_patches".
- """
- self._padding = padding
- self._strides = maybe_tuple(strides)
- self._dilation_rate = maybe_tuple(dilation_rate)
- self._data_format = data_format
- self._extract_patches_fn = extract_patches_fn
- self._has_bias = isinstance(params, (tuple, list))
- fltr = params[0] if self._has_bias else params
- self._filter_shape = tuple(fltr.shape.as_list())
- super(ConvKFCBasicFB, self).__init__(layer_collection)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- # Infer number of locations upon which convolution is applied.
- self._num_locations = num_conv_locations(inputs[0].shape.as_list(),
- self._strides)
- self._input_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.ConvInputKroneckerFactor,
- (inputs, self._filter_shape, self._padding, self._strides,
- self._dilation_rate, self._data_format, self._extract_patches_fn,
- self._has_bias))
- self._output_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.ConvOutputKroneckerFactor, (grads_list,))
- self._setup_damping(damping, normalization=self._num_locations)
- @property
- def _renorm_coeff(self):
- return self._num_locations
-class DepthwiseConvDiagonalFB(ConvDiagonalFB):
- """FisherBlock for depthwise_conv2d().
- Equivalent to ConvDiagonalFB applied to each input channel in isolation.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- layer_collection,
- params,
- strides,
- padding,
- rate=None,
- data_format=None):
- """Creates a DepthwiseConvKFCBasicFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- params: Tensor of shape [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels,
- channel_multiplier].
- strides: List of 4 ints. Strides along all dimensions.
- padding: str. Padding method.
- rate: List of 4 ints or None. Rate for dilation along all dimensions.
- data_format: str or None. Format of input data.
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError: If parameters contains bias.
- ValueError: If filter is not 4-D.
- ValueError: If strides is not length-4.
- ValueError: If rates is not length-2.
- ValueError: If channels are not last dimension.
- """
- if isinstance(params, (tuple, list)):
- raise NotImplementedError("Bias not yet supported.")
- if params.shape.ndims != 4:
- raise ValueError("Filter must be 4-D.")
- if len(strides) != 4:
- raise ValueError("strides must account for 4 dimensions.")
- if rate is not None:
- if len(rate) != 2:
- raise ValueError("rate must only account for spatial dimensions.")
- rate = [1, rate[0], rate[1], 1] # conv2d expects 4-element rate.
- if not utils.is_data_format_channel_last(data_format):
- raise ValueError("data_format must be channels-last.")
- super(DepthwiseConvDiagonalFB, self).__init__(
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- params=params,
- strides=strides,
- padding=padding,
- dilations=rate,
- data_format=data_format)
- # This is a hack to overwrite the same setting in ConvKFCBasicFB.__init__().
- filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier = (
- params.shape.as_list())
- self._filter_shape = (filter_height, filter_width, in_channels,
- in_channels * channel_multiplier)
- def _multiply_matrix(self, matrix, vector):
- conv2d_vector = depthwise_conv2d_filter_to_conv2d_filter(vector)
- conv2d_result = super(
- DepthwiseConvDiagonalFB, self)._multiply_matrix(matrix, conv2d_vector)
- return conv2d_filter_to_depthwise_conv2d_filter(conv2d_result)
-class DepthwiseConvKFCBasicFB(ConvKFCBasicFB):
- """FisherBlock for depthwise_conv2d().
- Equivalent to ConvKFCBasicFB applied to each input channel in isolation.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- layer_collection,
- params,
- strides,
- padding,
- rate=None,
- data_format=None):
- """Creates a DepthwiseConvKFCBasicFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- params: Tensor of shape [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels,
- channel_multiplier].
- strides: List of 4 ints. Strides along all dimensions.
- padding: str. Padding method.
- rate: List of 4 ints or None. Rate for dilation along all dimensions.
- data_format: str or None. Format of input data.
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError: If parameters contains bias.
- ValueError: If filter is not 4-D.
- ValueError: If strides is not length-4.
- ValueError: If rates is not length-2.
- ValueError: If channels are not last dimension.
- """
- if isinstance(params, (tuple, list)):
- raise NotImplementedError("Bias not yet supported.")
- if params.shape.ndims != 4:
- raise ValueError("Filter must be 4-D.")
- if len(strides) != 4:
- raise ValueError("strides must account for 4 dimensions.")
- if rate is not None:
- if len(rate) != 2:
- raise ValueError("rate must only account for spatial dimensions.")
- rate = [1, rate[0], rate[1], 1] # conv2d expects 4-element rate.
- if not utils.is_data_format_channel_last(data_format):
- raise ValueError("data_format must be channels-last.")
- super(DepthwiseConvKFCBasicFB, self).__init__(
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- params=params,
- padding=padding,
- strides=strides,
- dilation_rate=rate,
- data_format=data_format,
- extract_patches_fn="extract_image_patches")
- # This is a hack to overwrite the same setting in ConvKFCBasicFB.__init__().
- filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier = (
- params.shape.as_list())
- self._filter_shape = (filter_height, filter_width, in_channels,
- in_channels * channel_multiplier)
- def _multiply_factored_matrix(self, left_factor, right_factor, vector,
- extra_scale=1.0, transpose_left=False,
- transpose_right=False):
- conv2d_vector = depthwise_conv2d_filter_to_conv2d_filter(vector)
- conv2d_result = super(
- DepthwiseConvKFCBasicFB, self)._multiply_factored_matrix(
- left_factor, right_factor, conv2d_vector, extra_scale=extra_scale,
- transpose_left=transpose_left, transpose_right=transpose_right)
- return conv2d_filter_to_depthwise_conv2d_filter(conv2d_result)
-def depthwise_conv2d_filter_to_conv2d_filter(filter, name=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
- """Converts a convolution filter for use with conv2d.
- Transforms a filter for use with tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d() to one that's
- compatible with tf.nn.conv2d().
- Args:
- filter: Tensor of shape [height, width, in_channels, channel_multiplier].
- name: None or str. Name of Op.
- Returns:
- Tensor of shape [height, width, in_channels, out_channels].
- """
- with ops.name_scope(name, "depthwise_conv2d_filter_to_conv2d_filter",
- [filter]):
- filter = ops.convert_to_tensor(filter)
- filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier = (
- filter.shape.as_list())
- results = []
- for i in range(in_channels):
- # Slice out one in_channel's filter. Insert zeros around it to force it
- # to affect that channel and that channel alone.
- elements = []
- if i > 0:
- elements.append(
- array_ops.zeros(
- [filter_height, filter_width, i, channel_multiplier]))
- elements.append(filter[:, :, i:(i + 1), :])
- if i + 1 < in_channels:
- elements.append(
- array_ops.zeros([
- filter_height, filter_width, in_channels - (i + 1),
- channel_multiplier
- ]))
- # Concat along in_channel.
- results.append(
- array_ops.concat(elements, axis=-2, name="in_channel_%d" % i))
- # Concat along out_channel.
- return array_ops.concat(results, axis=-1, name="out_channel")
-def conv2d_filter_to_depthwise_conv2d_filter(filter, name=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
- """Converts a convolution filter for use with depthwise_conv2d.
- Transforms a filter for use with tf.nn.conv2d() to one that's
- compatible with tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(). Ignores all filters but those along
- the diagonal.
- Args:
- filter: Tensor of shape [height, width, in_channels, out_channels].
- name: None or str. Name of Op.
- Returns:
- Tensor of shape,
- [height, width, in_channels, channel_multiplier]
- Raises:
- ValueError: if out_channels is not evenly divisible by in_channels.
- """
- with ops.name_scope(name, "conv2d_filter_to_depthwise_conv2d_filter",
- [filter]):
- filter = ops.convert_to_tensor(filter)
- filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels = (
- filter.shape.as_list())
- if out_channels % in_channels != 0:
- raise ValueError("out_channels must be evenly divisible by in_channels.")
- channel_multiplier = out_channels // in_channels
- results = []
- filter = array_ops.reshape(filter, [
- filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, in_channels,
- channel_multiplier
- ])
- for i in range(in_channels):
- # Slice out output corresponding to the correct filter.
- filter_slice = array_ops.reshape(
- filter[:, :, i, i, :],
- [filter_height, filter_width, 1, channel_multiplier])
- results.append(filter_slice)
- # Concat along out_channel.
- return array_ops.concat(results, axis=-2, name="in_channels")
-def maybe_tuple(obj):
- if not isinstance(obj, list):
- return obj
- return tuple(obj)
-def num_conv_locations(input_shape, strides):
- """Returns the number of spatial locations a 2D Conv kernel is applied to.
- Args:
- input_shape: List of ints representing shape of inputs to
- tf.nn.convolution().
- strides: List of ints representing strides along spatial dimensions as
- passed in to tf.nn.convolution().
- Returns:
- A scalar |T| denoting the number of spatial locations for the Conv layer.
- """
- spatial_input_locations = np.prod(input_shape[1:-1])
- if strides is None:
- spatial_strides_divisor = 1
- else:
- spatial_strides_divisor = np.prod(strides)
- return spatial_input_locations // spatial_strides_divisor
-class InputOutputMultiTowerMultiUse(InputOutputMultiTower):
- """Adds methods for multi-use/time-step case to InputOutputMultiTower."""
- def __init__(self, num_uses=None, *args, **kwargs):
- self._num_uses = num_uses
- super(InputOutputMultiTowerMultiUse, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def _process_data(self, grads_list):
- """Process temporal/multi-use data into the format used by the factors.
- This function takes inputs and grads_lists data and processes it into
- one of the formats expected by the FisherFactor classes (depending on
- the value of the global configuration variable TOWER_STRATEGY).
- It accepts the data in one of two initial formats. The first possible
- format is where self._inputs is a list of list of Tensors. The first index
- is tower, the second is use/time-step. grads_list, meanwhile, is a list
- over sources of such lists of lists.
- The second possible data format is where self._inputs is a Tensor with
- uses/times-steps folded into the batch dimension. i.e. it is a Tensor
- of shape [num_uses * size_batch, ...] which represents a reshape of a
- Tensor of shape [num_uses, size_batch, ...]. And similarly grads_list is
- a list over sources of such Tensors.
- There are two possible formats which inputs and grads_list are transformed
- into.
- If TOWER_STRATEGY is "concat", 'inputs' becomes a tuple containing
- a single tensor (represented as a PartitionedTensor object) with all of
- the data from the towers, as well as the uses/time-steps, concatenated
- together. In this tensor the leading dimension is the batch and
- use/time-step dimensions folded together (with 'use' being the major of
- these two, so that the tensors can be thought of as reshapes of ones of
- shape [num_uses, batch_size, ...]). grads_list is similarly formatted as a
- tuple over sources of such tensors.
- If TOWER_STRATEGY is "separate" the inputs are formatted into lists of
- tensors over towers. Each of these tensors has a similar format to
- the tensor produced by the "concat" option, except that each contains
- only the data from a single tower. grads_list is similarly formatted
- into a tuple over sources of such tuples.
- Args:
- grads_list: grads_list in its initial format (see above).
- Returns:
- inputs: self._inputs transformed into the appropriate format (see
- above).
- grads_list: grads_list transformed into the appropriate format (see
- above).
- Raises:
- ValueError: If TOWER_STRATEGY is not one of "separate" or "concat".
- ValueError: If the given/initial format of self._inputs and grads_list
- isn't recognized, or doesn't agree with self._num_uses.
- """
- inputs = self._inputs
- if isinstance(inputs[0], (list, tuple)):
- num_uses = len(inputs[0])
- if self._num_uses is not None and self._num_uses != num_uses:
- raise ValueError("num_uses argument doesn't match length of inputs.")
- else:
- self._num_uses = num_uses
- # Check that all mini-batches/towers have the same number of uses
- if not all(len(input_) == num_uses for input_ in inputs):
- raise ValueError("Length of inputs argument is inconsistent across "
- "towers.")
- if fisher_factors.TOWER_STRATEGY == "concat":
- # Reverse the tower and use/time-step indices, so that use is now first,
- # and towers is second
- inputs = tuple(zip(*inputs))
- # Flatten the two dimensions
- inputs = nest.flatten(inputs)
- # Merge everything together into a PartitionedTensor. We package it in
- # a singleton tuple since the factors will expect a list over towers
- inputs = (utils.PartitionedTensor(inputs),)
- elif fisher_factors.TOWER_STRATEGY == "separate":
- # Merge together the uses/time-step dimension into PartitionedTensors,
- # but keep the leading dimension (towers) intact for the factors to
- # process individually.
- inputs = tuple(utils.PartitionedTensor(input_) for input_ in inputs)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Global config variable TOWER_STRATEGY must be one of "
- "'concat' or 'separate'.")
- else:
- inputs = tuple(inputs)
- # Now we perform the analogous processing for grads_list
- if isinstance(grads_list[0][0], (list, tuple)):
- num_uses = len(grads_list[0][0])
- if self._num_uses is not None and self._num_uses != num_uses:
- raise ValueError("num_uses argument doesn't match length of outputs, "
- "or length of outputs is inconsistent with length of "
- "inputs.")
- else:
- self._num_uses = num_uses
- if not all(len(grad) == num_uses for grads in grads_list
- for grad in grads):
- raise ValueError("Length of outputs argument is inconsistent across "
- "towers.")
- if fisher_factors.TOWER_STRATEGY == "concat":
- # Reverse the tower and use/time-step indices, so that use is now first,
- # and towers is second
- grads_list = tuple(tuple(zip(*grads)) for grads in grads_list)
- # Flatten the two dimensions, leaving the leading dimension (source)
- # intact
- grads_list = tuple(nest.flatten(grads) for grads in grads_list)
- # Merge inner dimensions together into PartitionedTensors. We package
- # them in a singleton tuple since the factors will expect a list over
- # towers
- grads_list = tuple((utils.PartitionedTensor(grads),)
- for grads in grads_list)
- elif fisher_factors.TOWER_STRATEGY == "separate":
- # Merge together the uses/time-step dimension into PartitionedTensors,
- # but keep the leading dimension (towers) intact for the factors to
- # process individually.
- grads_list = tuple(tuple(utils.PartitionedTensor(grad)
- for grad in grads)
- for grads in grads_list)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Global config variable TOWER_STRATEGY must be one of "
- "'concat' or 'separate'.")
- else:
- grads_list = tuple(tuple(grads) for grads in grads_list)
- if self._num_uses is None:
- raise ValueError("You must supply a value for the num_uses argument if "
- "the number of uses cannot be inferred from inputs or "
- "outputs arguments (e.g. if they are both given in the "
- "single Tensor format, instead of as lists of Tensors.")
- return inputs, grads_list
-class FullyConnectedMultiIndepFB(InputOutputMultiTowerMultiUse,
- KroneckerProductFB):
- """FisherBlock for fully-connected layers that share parameters.
- This class implements the "independence across time" approximation from the
- following paper:
- https://openreview.net/pdf?id=HyMTkQZAb
- """
- def __init__(self, layer_collection, has_bias=False, num_uses=None):
- """Creates a FullyConnectedMultiIndepFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: LayerCollection instance.
- has_bias: bool. If True, estimates Fisher with respect to a bias
- parameter as well as the layer's parameters.
- num_uses: int or None. Number of uses of the layer in the model's graph.
- Only required if the data is formatted with uses/time folded into the
- batch dimension (instead of uses/time being a list dimension).
- (Default: None)
- """
- self._has_bias = has_bias
- super(FullyConnectedMultiIndepFB, self).__init__(
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- num_uses=num_uses)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- self._input_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedMultiKF,
- ((inputs,), self._num_uses, self._has_bias))
- self._output_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedMultiKF, (grads_list, self._num_uses))
- self._setup_damping(damping, normalization=self._num_uses)
- @property
- def _renorm_coeff(self):
- return float(self._num_uses)
-class ConvKFCBasicMultiIndepFB(InputOutputMultiTowerMultiUse,
- KroneckerProductFB):
- """FisherBlock for 2D convolutional layers using the basic KFC approx.
- Similar to ConvKFCBasicFB except that this version supports multiple
- uses/time-steps via a standard independence approximation. Similar to the
- "independence across time" used in FullyConnectedMultiIndepFB but generalized
- in the obvious way to conv layers.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- layer_collection,
- params,
- padding,
- strides=None,
- dilation_rate=None,
- data_format=None,
- extract_patches_fn=None,
- num_uses=None):
- """Creates a ConvKFCBasicMultiIndepFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- params: The parameters (Tensor or tuple of Tensors) of this layer. If
- kernel alone, a Tensor of shape [..spatial_filter_shape..,
- in_channels, out_channels]. If kernel and bias, a tuple of 2 elements
- containing the previous and a Tensor of shape [out_channels].
- padding: str. Padding method.
- strides: List of ints or None. Contains [..spatial_filter_strides..] if
- 'extract_patches_fn' is compatible with tf.nn.convolution(), else
- [1, ..spatial_filter_strides, 1].
- dilation_rate: List of ints or None. Rate for dilation along each spatial
- dimension if 'extract_patches_fn' is compatible with
- tf.nn.convolution(), else [1, ..spatial_dilation_rates.., 1].
- data_format: str or None. Format of input data.
- extract_patches_fn: str or None. Name of function that extracts image
- patches. One of "extract_convolution_patches", "extract_image_patches",
- "extract_pointwise_conv2d_patches".
- num_uses: int or None. Number of uses of the layer in the model's graph.
- Only required if the data is formatted with uses/time folded into the
- batch dimension (instead of uses/time being a list dimension).
- (Default: None)
- """
- self._padding = padding
- self._strides = maybe_tuple(strides)
- self._dilation_rate = maybe_tuple(dilation_rate)
- self._data_format = data_format
- self._extract_patches_fn = extract_patches_fn
- self._has_bias = isinstance(params, (tuple, list))
- fltr = params[0] if self._has_bias else params
- self._filter_shape = tuple(fltr.shape.as_list())
- super(ConvKFCBasicMultiIndepFB, self).__init__(
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- num_uses=num_uses)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- # Infer number of locations upon which convolution is applied.
- self._num_locations = num_conv_locations(inputs[0].shape.as_list(),
- self._strides)
- self._input_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.ConvInputKroneckerFactor,
- (inputs, self._filter_shape, self._padding, self._strides,
- self._dilation_rate, self._data_format, self._extract_patches_fn,
- self._has_bias))
- self._output_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.ConvOutputKroneckerFactor, (grads_list,))
- self._setup_damping(damping, normalization=
- (self._num_locations * self._num_uses))
- @property
- def _renorm_coeff(self):
- return self._num_locations * self._num_uses
-class EmbeddingKFACMultiIndepFB(InputOutputMultiTowerMultiUse,
- KroneckerProductFB):
- """K-FAC FisherBlock for embedding layers used multiple times in the graph.
- Similar to EmbeddingKFACFB except that this version supports multiple uses
- of the parameter within a single model. These uses could correspond to time
- steps in an RNN architecture, but they don't have to.
- Does not support bias parameters.
- """
- def __init__(self, layer_collection, vocab_size, num_uses=None):
- """Creates a EmbeddingKFACMultiIndepFB block.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- vocab_size: int. Size of vocabulary for this embedding layer.
- num_uses: int or None. Number of uses of the layer in the model's graph.
- Only required if the data is formatted with time folded into the batch
- dimension (instead of time being a list dimension). (Default: None)
- """
- self._vocab_size = vocab_size
- super(EmbeddingKFACMultiIndepFB, self).__init__(
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- num_uses=num_uses)
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- """Instantiate Kronecker Factors for this FisherBlock.
- Args:
- grads_list: List of list of list of Tensors. grads_list[i][j][k] is the
- gradient of the loss with respect to 'outputs' from source 'i',
- tower/mini-batch 'j', and use/time-step 'k'. Each Tensor has shape
- [tower_minibatch_size, output_size].
- damping: 0-D Tensor or float. 'damping' * identity is approximately added
- to this FisherBlock's Fisher approximation.
- """
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- self._input_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.EmbeddingInputKroneckerFactor,
- (inputs, self._vocab_size))
- self._output_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedMultiKF, (grads_list, self._num_uses))
- self._setup_damping(damping, normalization=self._num_uses)
- @property
- def _renorm_coeff(self):
- return float(self._num_uses)
-class SeriesFBApproximation(enum.IntEnum):
- """See FullyConnectedSeriesFB.__init__ for description and usage."""
- option1 = 1
- option2 = 2
-class FullyConnectedSeriesFB(InputOutputMultiTowerMultiUse,
- KroneckerProductFB):
- """FisherBlock for fully-connected layers that share parameters across time.
- This class implements the "Option 1" and "Option 2" approximation from the
- following paper:
- https://openreview.net/pdf?id=HyMTkQZAb
- See the end of the appendix of the paper for a pseudo-code of the
- algorithm being implemented by multiply_matpower here. Note that we are
- using pre-computed versions of certain matrix-matrix products to speed
- things up. This is explicitly explained wherever it is done.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- layer_collection,
- has_bias=False,
- num_uses=None,
- option=SeriesFBApproximation.option2):
- """Constructs a new `FullyConnectedSeriesFB`.
- Args:
- layer_collection: The collection of all layers in the K-FAC approximate
- Fisher information matrix to which this FisherBlock belongs.
- has_bias: Whether the layer includes a bias parameter.
- num_uses: int or None. Number of time-steps over which the layer
- is used. Only required if the data is formatted with time folded into
- the batch dimension (instead of time being a list dimension).
- (Default: None)
- option: A `SeriesFBApproximation` specifying the simplifying assumption
- to be used in this block. `option1` approximates the cross-covariance
- over time as a symmetric matrix, while `option2` makes
- the assumption that training sequences are infinitely long. See section
- 3.5 of the paper for more details.
- """
- self._has_bias = has_bias
- self._option = option
- super(FullyConnectedSeriesFB, self).__init__(
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- num_uses=num_uses)
- @property
- def _num_timesteps(self):
- return self._num_uses
- @property
- def _renorm_coeff(self):
- # This should no longer be used since the multiply_X functions from the base
- # class have been overridden
- assert False
- def instantiate_factors(self, grads_list, damping):
- inputs, grads_list = self._process_data(grads_list)
- self._input_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedMultiKF,
- ((inputs,), self._num_uses, self._has_bias))
- self._input_factor.register_cov_dt1()
- self._output_factor = self._layer_collection.make_or_get_factor(
- fisher_factors.FullyConnectedMultiKF, (grads_list, self._num_uses))
- self._output_factor.register_cov_dt1()
- self._setup_damping(damping, normalization=self._num_uses)
- def register_matpower(self, exp):
- if exp != -1:
- raise NotImplementedError("FullyConnectedSeriesFB only supports inverse"
- "multiplications.")
- if self._option == SeriesFBApproximation.option1:
- self._input_factor.register_option1quants(self._input_damping_func)
- self._output_factor.register_option1quants(self._output_damping_func)
- elif self._option == SeriesFBApproximation.option2:
- self._input_factor.register_option2quants(self._input_damping_func)
- self._output_factor.register_option2quants(self._output_damping_func)
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- "Unrecognized FullyConnectedSeriesFB approximation: {}".format(
- self._option))
- def multiply_matpower(self, vector, exp):
- if exp != -1:
- raise NotImplementedError("FullyConnectedSeriesFB only supports inverse"
- "multiplications.")
- # pylint: disable=invalid-name
- Z = utils.layer_params_to_mat2d(vector)
- # Derivations were done for "batch_dim==1" case so we need to convert to
- # that orientation:
- Z = array_ops.transpose(Z)
- if self._option == SeriesFBApproximation.option1:
- # Note that \\(L_A = A0^{-1/2} * U_A and L_G = G0^{-1/2} * U_G.\\)
- L_A, psi_A = self._input_factor.get_option1quants(
- self._input_damping_func)
- L_G, psi_G = self._output_factor.get_option1quants(
- self._output_damping_func)
- def gamma(x):
- # We are assuming that each case has the same number of time-steps.
- # If this stops being the case one shouldn't simply replace this T
- # with its average value. Instead, one needs to go back to the
- # definition of the gamma function from the paper.
- T = self._num_timesteps
- return (1 - x)**2 / (T * (1 - x**2) - 2 * x * (1 - x**T))
- # \\(Y = \gamma( psi_G*psi_A^T )\\) (computed element-wise)
- # Even though Y is Z-independent we are recomputing it from the psi's
- # each since Y depends on both A and G quantities, and it is relatively
- # cheap to compute.
- Y = gamma(array_ops.reshape(psi_G, [int(psi_G.shape[0]), -1]) * psi_A)
- # \\(Z = L_G^T * Z * L_A\\)
- # This is equivalent to the following computation from the original
- # pseudo-code:
- # \\(Z = G0^{-1/2} * Z * A0^{-1/2}\\)
- # \\(Z = U_G^T * Z * U_A\\)
- Z = math_ops.matmul(L_G, math_ops.matmul(Z, L_A), transpose_a=True)
- # \\(Z = Z .* Y\\)
- Z *= Y
- # \\(Z = L_G * Z * L_A^T\\)
- # This is equivalent to the following computation from the original
- # pseudo-code:
- # \\(Z = U_G * Z * U_A^T\\)
- # \\(Z = G0^{-1/2} * Z * A0^{-1/2}\\)
- Z = math_ops.matmul(L_G, math_ops.matmul(Z, L_A, transpose_b=True))
- elif self._option == SeriesFBApproximation.option2:
- # Note that \\(P_A = A_1^T * A_0^{-1} and P_G = G_1^T * G_0^{-1}\\),
- # and \\(K_A = A_0^{-1/2} * E_A\ and\ K_G = G_0^{-1/2} * E_G.\\)
- P_A, K_A, mu_A = self._input_factor.get_option2quants(
- self._input_damping_func)
- P_G, K_G, mu_G = self._output_factor.get_option2quants(
- self._output_damping_func)
- # Our approach differs superficially from the pseudo-code in the paper
- # in order to reduce the total number of matrix-matrix multiplies.
- # In particular, the first three computations in the pseudo code are
- # \\(Z = G0^{-1/2} * Z * A0^{-1/2}\\)
- # \\(Z = Z - hPsi_G^T * Z * hPsi_A\\)
- # \\(Z = E_G^T * Z * E_A\\)
- # Noting that hPsi = C0^{-1/2} * C1 * C0^{-1/2}\\), so that
- # \\(C0^{-1/2} * hPsi = C0^{-1} * C1 * C0^{-1/2} = P^T * C0^{-1/2}\\)
- # the entire computation can be written as
- # \\(Z = E_G^T * (G0^{-1/2} * Z * A0^{-1/2}\\)
- # \\( - hPsi_G^T * G0^{-1/2} * Z * A0^{-1/2} * hPsi_A) * E_A\\)
- # \\( = E_G^T * (G0^{-1/2} * Z * A0^{-1/2}\\)
- # \\( - G0^{-1/2} * P_G * Z * P_A^T * A0^{-1/2}) * E_A\\)
- # \\( = E_G^T * G0^{-1/2} * Z * A0^{-1/2} * E_A\\)
- # \\( - E_G^T* G0^{-1/2} * P_G * Z * P_A^T * A0^{-1/2} * E_A\\)
- # \\( = K_G^T * Z * K_A - K_G^T * P_G * Z * P_A^T * K_A\\)
- # This final expression is computed by the following two lines:
- # \\(Z = Z - P_G * Z * P_A^T\\)
- Z -= math_ops.matmul(P_G, math_ops.matmul(Z, P_A, transpose_b=True))
- # \\(Z = K_G^T * Z * K_A\\)
- Z = math_ops.matmul(K_G, math_ops.matmul(Z, K_A), transpose_a=True)
- # \\(Z = Z ./ (1*1^T - mu_G*mu_A^T)\\)
- # Be careful with the outer product. We don't want to accidentally
- # make it an inner-product instead.
- tmp = 1.0 - array_ops.reshape(mu_G, [int(mu_G.shape[0]), -1]) * mu_A
- # Prevent some numerical issues by setting any 0.0 eigs to 1.0
- tmp += 1.0 * math_ops.cast(math_ops.equal(tmp, 0.0), dtype=tmp.dtype)
- Z /= tmp
- # We now perform the transpose/reverse version of the operations
- # derived above, whose derivation from the original pseudo-code is
- # analgous.
- # \\(Z = K_G * Z * K_A^T\\)
- Z = math_ops.matmul(K_G, math_ops.matmul(Z, K_A, transpose_b=True))
- # \\(Z = Z - P_G^T * Z * P_A\\)
- Z -= math_ops.matmul(P_G, math_ops.matmul(Z, P_A), transpose_a=True)
- # \\(Z = normalize (1/E[T]) * Z\\)
- # Note that this normalization is done because we compute the statistics
- # by averaging, not summing, over time. (And the gradient is presumably
- # summed over time, not averaged, and thus their scales are different.)
- Z /= math_ops.cast(self._num_timesteps, Z.dtype)
- # Convert back to the "batch_dim==0" orientation.
- Z = array_ops.transpose(Z)
- return utils.mat2d_to_layer_params(vector, Z)
- # pylint: enable=invalid-name
- def multiply_cholesky(self, vector):
- raise NotImplementedError("FullyConnectedSeriesFB does not support "
- "Cholesky computations.")
- def multiply_cholesky_inverse(self, vector):
- raise NotImplementedError("FullyConnectedSeriesFB does not support "
- "Cholesky computations.")