path: root/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/examples/convnet.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 667 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/examples/convnet.py b/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/examples/convnet.py
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index 44e01e1aeb..0000000000
--- a/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/examples/convnet.py
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-# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ==============================================================================
-r"""Train a ConvNet on MNIST using K-FAC.
-This library fits a 5-layer ConvNet on MNIST using K-FAC. The model has the
-following structure,
-- Conv Layer: 5x5 kernel, 16 output channels.
-- Max Pool: 3x3 kernel, stride 2.
-- Conv Layer: 5x5 kernel, 16 output channels.
-- Max Pool: 3x3 kernel, stride 2.
-- Linear: 10 output dims.
-After 3k~6k steps, this should reach perfect accuracy on the training set.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import numpy as np
-import tensorflow as tf
-from tensorflow.contrib.kfac.examples import mlp
-from tensorflow.contrib.kfac.examples import mnist
-from tensorflow.contrib.kfac.python.ops import optimizer as opt
-lc = tf.contrib.kfac.layer_collection
-oq = tf.contrib.kfac.op_queue
-opt = tf.contrib.kfac.optimizer
-__all__ = [
- "conv_layer",
- "max_pool_layer",
- "linear_layer",
- "build_model",
- "minimize_loss_single_machine",
- "distributed_grads_only_and_ops_chief_worker",
- "distributed_grads_and_ops_dedicated_workers",
- "train_mnist_single_machine",
- "train_mnist_distributed_sync_replicas",
- "train_mnist_multitower"
-# Inverse update ops will be run every _INVERT_EVRY iterations.
-def conv_layer(layer_id, inputs, kernel_size, out_channels):
- """Builds a convolutional layer with ReLU non-linearity.
- Args:
- layer_id: int. Integer ID for this layer's variables.
- inputs: Tensor of shape [num_examples, width, height, in_channels]. Each row
- corresponds to a single example.
- kernel_size: int. Width and height of the convolution kernel. The kernel is
- assumed to be square.
- out_channels: int. Number of output features per pixel.
- Returns:
- preactivations: Tensor of shape [num_examples, width, height, out_channels].
- Values of the layer immediately before the activation function.
- activations: Tensor of shape [num_examples, width, height, out_channels].
- Values of the layer immediately after the activation function.
- params: Tuple of (kernel, bias), parameters for this layer.
- """
- # TODO(b/67004004): Delete this function and rely on tf.layers exclusively.
- layer = tf.layers.Conv2D(
- out_channels,
- kernel_size=[kernel_size, kernel_size],
- kernel_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.01),
- padding="SAME",
- name="conv_%d" % layer_id)
- preactivations = layer(inputs)
- activations = tf.nn.relu(preactivations)
- # layer.weights is a list. This converts it a (hashable) tuple.
- return preactivations, activations, (layer.kernel, layer.bias)
-def max_pool_layer(layer_id, inputs, kernel_size, stride):
- """Build a max-pooling layer.
- Args:
- layer_id: int. Integer ID for this layer's variables.
- inputs: Tensor of shape [num_examples, width, height, in_channels]. Each row
- corresponds to a single example.
- kernel_size: int. Width and height to pool over per input channel. The
- kernel is assumed to be square.
- stride: int. Step size between pooling operations.
- Returns:
- Tensor of shape [num_examples, width/stride, height/stride, out_channels].
- Result of applying max pooling to 'inputs'.
- """
- # TODO(b/67004004): Delete this function and rely on tf.layers exclusively.
- with tf.variable_scope("pool_%d" % layer_id):
- return tf.nn.max_pool(
- inputs, [1, kernel_size, kernel_size, 1], [1, stride, stride, 1],
- padding="SAME",
- name="pool")
-def linear_layer(layer_id, inputs, output_size):
- """Builds the final linear layer for an MNIST classification problem.
- Args:
- layer_id: int. Integer ID for this layer's variables.
- inputs: Tensor of shape [num_examples, width, height, in_channels]. Each row
- corresponds to a single example.
- output_size: int. Number of output dims per example.
- Returns:
- activations: Tensor of shape [num_examples, output_size]. Values of the
- layer immediately after the activation function.
- params: Tuple of (weights, bias), parameters for this layer.
- """
- # TODO(b/67004004): Delete this function and rely on tf.layers exclusively.
- pre, _, params = mlp.fc_layer(layer_id, inputs, output_size)
- return pre, params
-def build_model(examples, labels, num_labels, layer_collection):
- """Builds a ConvNet classification model.
- Args:
- examples: Tensor of shape [num_examples, num_features]. Represents inputs of
- model.
- labels: Tensor of shape [num_examples]. Contains integer IDs to be predicted
- by softmax for each example.
- num_labels: int. Number of distinct values 'labels' can take on.
- layer_collection: LayerCollection instance. Layers will be registered here.
- Returns:
- loss: 0-D Tensor representing loss to be minimized.
- accuracy: 0-D Tensor representing model's accuracy.
- """
- # Build a ConvNet. For each layer with parameters, we'll keep track of the
- # preactivations, activations, weights, and bias.
- tf.logging.info("Building model.")
- pre0, act0, params0 = conv_layer(
- layer_id=0, inputs=examples, kernel_size=5, out_channels=16)
- act1 = max_pool_layer(layer_id=1, inputs=act0, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
- pre2, act2, params2 = conv_layer(
- layer_id=2, inputs=act1, kernel_size=5, out_channels=16)
- act3 = max_pool_layer(layer_id=3, inputs=act2, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
- flat_act3 = tf.reshape(act3, shape=[-1, int(np.prod(act3.shape[1:4]))])
- logits, params4 = linear_layer(
- layer_id=4, inputs=flat_act3, output_size=num_labels)
- loss = tf.reduce_mean(
- tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
- labels=labels, logits=logits))
- accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
- tf.cast(tf.equal(labels, tf.argmax(logits, axis=1)), dtype=tf.float32))
- with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
- tf.summary.scalar("loss", loss)
- tf.summary.scalar("accuracy", accuracy)
- # Register parameters. K-FAC needs to know about the inputs, outputs, and
- # parameters of each conv/fully connected layer and the logits powering the
- # posterior probability over classes.
- tf.logging.info("Building LayerCollection.")
- layer_collection.register_conv2d(params0, (1, 1, 1, 1), "SAME", examples,
- pre0)
- layer_collection.register_conv2d(params2, (1, 1, 1, 1), "SAME", act1, pre2)
- layer_collection.register_fully_connected(params4, flat_act3, logits)
- layer_collection.register_categorical_predictive_distribution(
- logits, name="logits")
- return loss, accuracy
-def minimize_loss_single_machine(loss,
- accuracy,
- layer_collection,
- device="/gpu:0",
- session_config=None):
- """Minimize loss with K-FAC on a single machine.
- A single Session is responsible for running all of K-FAC's ops. The covariance
- and inverse update ops are placed on `device`. All model variables are on CPU.
- Args:
- loss: 0-D Tensor. Loss to be minimized.
- accuracy: 0-D Tensor. Accuracy of classifier on current minibatch.
- layer_collection: LayerCollection instance describing model architecture.
- Used by K-FAC to construct preconditioner.
- device: string, Either '/cpu:0' or '/gpu:0'. The covariance and inverse
- update ops are run on this device.
- session_config: None or tf.ConfigProto. Configuration for tf.Session().
- Returns:
- final value for 'accuracy'.
- """
- # Train with K-FAC.
- g_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
- optimizer = opt.KfacOptimizer(
- learning_rate=0.0001,
- cov_ema_decay=0.95,
- damping=0.001,
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- placement_strategy="round_robin",
- cov_devices=[device],
- inv_devices=[device],
- momentum=0.9)
- (cov_update_thunks,
- inv_update_thunks) = optimizer.make_vars_and_create_op_thunks()
- def make_update_op(update_thunks):
- update_ops = [thunk() for thunk in update_thunks]
- return tf.group(*update_ops)
- cov_update_op = make_update_op(cov_update_thunks)
- with tf.control_dependencies([cov_update_op]):
- inverse_op = tf.cond(
- tf.equal(tf.mod(g_step, _INVERT_EVERY), 0),
- lambda: make_update_op(inv_update_thunks), tf.no_op)
- with tf.control_dependencies([inverse_op]):
- with tf.device(device):
- train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=g_step)
- tf.logging.info("Starting training.")
- with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=session_config) as sess:
- while not sess.should_stop():
- global_step_, loss_, accuracy_, _ = sess.run(
- [g_step, loss, accuracy, train_op])
- if global_step_ % _INVERT_EVERY == 0:
- tf.logging.info("global_step: %d | loss: %f | accuracy: %s",
- global_step_, loss_, accuracy_)
- return accuracy_
-def _is_gradient_task(task_id, num_tasks):
- """Returns True if this task should update the weights."""
- if num_tasks < 3:
- return True
- return 0 <= task_id < 0.6 * num_tasks
-def _is_cov_update_task(task_id, num_tasks):
- """Returns True if this task should update K-FAC's covariance matrices."""
- if num_tasks < 3:
- return False
- return 0.6 * num_tasks <= task_id < num_tasks - 1
-def _is_inv_update_task(task_id, num_tasks):
- """Returns True if this task should update K-FAC's preconditioner."""
- if num_tasks < 3:
- return False
- return task_id == num_tasks - 1
-def _num_gradient_tasks(num_tasks):
- """Number of tasks that will update weights."""
- if num_tasks < 3:
- return num_tasks
- return int(np.ceil(0.6 * num_tasks))
-def _make_distributed_train_op(
- task_id,
- num_worker_tasks,
- num_ps_tasks,
- layer_collection
- """Creates optimizer and distributed training op.
- Constructs KFAC optimizer and wraps it in `sync_replicas` optimizer. Makes
- the train op.
- Args:
- task_id: int. Integer in [0, num_worker_tasks). ID for this worker.
- num_worker_tasks: int. Number of workers in this distributed training setup.
- num_ps_tasks: int. Number of parameter servers holding variables. If 0,
- parameter servers are not used.
- layer_collection: LayerCollection instance describing model architecture.
- Used by K-FAC to construct preconditioner.
- Returns:
- sync_optimizer: `tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer` instance which wraps KFAC
- optimizer.
- optimizer: Instance of `opt.KfacOptimizer`.
- global_step: `tensor`, Global step.
- """
- tf.logging.info("Task id : %d", task_id)
- with tf.device(tf.train.replica_device_setter(num_ps_tasks)):
- global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
- optimizer = opt.KfacOptimizer(
- learning_rate=0.0001,
- cov_ema_decay=0.95,
- damping=0.001,
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- momentum=0.9)
- sync_optimizer = tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer(
- opt=optimizer,
- replicas_to_aggregate=_num_gradient_tasks(num_worker_tasks),
- total_num_replicas=num_worker_tasks)
- return sync_optimizer, optimizer, global_step
-def distributed_grads_only_and_ops_chief_worker(
- task_id, is_chief, num_worker_tasks, num_ps_tasks, master, checkpoint_dir,
- loss, accuracy, layer_collection, invert_every=10):
- """Minimize loss with a synchronous implementation of K-FAC.
- All workers perform gradient computation. Chief worker applies gradient after
- averaging the gradients obtained from all the workers. All workers block
- execution until the update is applied. Chief worker runs covariance and
- inverse update ops. Covariance and inverse matrices are placed on parameter
- servers in a round robin manner. For further details on synchronous
- distributed optimization check `tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer`.
- Args:
- task_id: int. Integer in [0, num_worker_tasks). ID for this worker.
- is_chief: `boolean`, `True` if the worker is chief worker.
- num_worker_tasks: int. Number of workers in this distributed training setup.
- num_ps_tasks: int. Number of parameter servers holding variables. If 0,
- parameter servers are not used.
- master: string. IP and port of TensorFlow runtime process. Set to empty
- string to run locally.
- checkpoint_dir: string or None. Path to store checkpoints under.
- loss: 0-D Tensor. Loss to be minimized.
- accuracy: dict mapping strings to 0-D Tensors. Additional accuracy to
- run with each step.
- layer_collection: LayerCollection instance describing model architecture.
- Used by K-FAC to construct preconditioner.
- invert_every: `int`, Number of steps between update the inverse.
- Returns:
- final value for 'accuracy'.
- Raises:
- ValueError: if task_id >= num_worker_tasks.
- """
- sync_optimizer, optimizer, global_step = _make_distributed_train_op(
- task_id, num_worker_tasks, num_ps_tasks, layer_collection)
- (cov_update_thunks,
- inv_update_thunks) = optimizer.make_vars_and_create_op_thunks()
- tf.logging.info("Starting training.")
- hooks = [sync_optimizer.make_session_run_hook(is_chief)]
- def make_update_op(update_thunks):
- update_ops = [thunk() for thunk in update_thunks]
- return tf.group(*update_ops)
- if is_chief:
- cov_update_op = make_update_op(cov_update_thunks)
- with tf.control_dependencies([cov_update_op]):
- inverse_op = tf.cond(
- tf.equal(tf.mod(global_step, invert_every), 0),
- lambda: make_update_op(inv_update_thunks),
- tf.no_op)
- with tf.control_dependencies([inverse_op]):
- train_op = sync_optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
- else:
- train_op = sync_optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
- with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(
- master=master,
- is_chief=is_chief,
- checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir,
- hooks=hooks,
- stop_grace_period_secs=0) as sess:
- while not sess.should_stop():
- global_step_, loss_, accuracy_, _ = sess.run(
- [global_step, loss, accuracy, train_op])
- tf.logging.info("global_step: %d | loss: %f | accuracy: %s", global_step_,
- loss_, accuracy_)
- return accuracy_
-def distributed_grads_and_ops_dedicated_workers(
- task_id, is_chief, num_worker_tasks, num_ps_tasks, master, checkpoint_dir,
- loss, accuracy, layer_collection):
- """Minimize loss with a synchronous implementation of K-FAC.
- Different workers are responsible for different parts of K-FAC's Ops. The
- first 60% of tasks compute gradients; the next 20% accumulate covariance
- statistics; the last 20% invert the matrices used to precondition gradients.
- The chief worker applies the gradient .
- Args:
- task_id: int. Integer in [0, num_worker_tasks). ID for this worker.
- is_chief: `boolean`, `True` if the worker is chief worker.
- num_worker_tasks: int. Number of workers in this distributed training setup.
- num_ps_tasks: int. Number of parameter servers holding variables. If 0,
- parameter servers are not used.
- master: string. IP and port of TensorFlow runtime process. Set to empty
- string to run locally.
- checkpoint_dir: string or None. Path to store checkpoints under.
- loss: 0-D Tensor. Loss to be minimized.
- accuracy: dict mapping strings to 0-D Tensors. Additional accuracy to
- run with each step.
- layer_collection: LayerCollection instance describing model architecture.
- Used by K-FAC to construct preconditioner.
- Returns:
- final value for 'accuracy'.
- Raises:
- ValueError: if task_id >= num_worker_tasks.
- """
- sync_optimizer, optimizer, global_step = _make_distributed_train_op(
- task_id, num_worker_tasks, num_ps_tasks, layer_collection)
- _, cov_update_op, inv_update_ops, _, _, _ = optimizer.make_ops_and_vars()
- train_op = sync_optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
- inv_update_queue = oq.OpQueue(inv_update_ops)
- tf.logging.info("Starting training.")
- is_chief = (task_id == 0)
- hooks = [sync_optimizer.make_session_run_hook(is_chief)]
- with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(
- master=master,
- is_chief=is_chief,
- checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir,
- hooks=hooks,
- stop_grace_period_secs=0) as sess:
- while not sess.should_stop():
- # Choose which op this task is responsible for running.
- if _is_gradient_task(task_id, num_worker_tasks):
- learning_op = train_op
- elif _is_cov_update_task(task_id, num_worker_tasks):
- learning_op = cov_update_op
- elif _is_inv_update_task(task_id, num_worker_tasks):
- # TODO(duckworthd): Running this op before cov_update_op has been run a
- # few times can result in "InvalidArgumentError: Cholesky decomposition
- # was not successful." Delay running this op until cov_update_op has
- # been run a few times.
- learning_op = inv_update_queue.next_op(sess)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Which op should task %d do?" % task_id)
- global_step_, loss_, accuracy_, _ = sess.run(
- [global_step, loss, accuracy, learning_op])
- tf.logging.info("global_step: %d | loss: %f | accuracy: %s", global_step_,
- loss_, accuracy_)
- return accuracy_
-def train_mnist_single_machine(data_dir,
- num_epochs,
- use_fake_data=False,
- device="/gpu:0"):
- """Train a ConvNet on MNIST.
- Args:
- data_dir: string. Directory to read MNIST examples from.
- num_epochs: int. Number of passes to make over the training set.
- use_fake_data: bool. If True, generate a synthetic dataset.
- device: string, Either '/cpu:0' or '/gpu:0'. The covariance and inverse
- update ops are run on this device.
- Returns:
- accuracy of model on the final minibatch of training data.
- """
- # Load a dataset.
- tf.logging.info("Loading MNIST into memory.")
- examples, labels = mnist.load_mnist(
- data_dir,
- num_epochs=num_epochs,
- batch_size=128,
- use_fake_data=use_fake_data,
- flatten_images=False)
- # Build a ConvNet.
- layer_collection = lc.LayerCollection()
- loss, accuracy = build_model(
- examples, labels, num_labels=10, layer_collection=layer_collection)
- # Fit model.
- return minimize_loss_single_machine(
- loss, accuracy, layer_collection, device=device)
-def train_mnist_multitower(data_dir, num_epochs, num_towers,
- use_fake_data=True, devices=None):
- """Train a ConvNet on MNIST.
- Training data is split equally among the towers. Each tower computes loss on
- its own batch of data and the loss is aggregated on the CPU. The model
- variables are placed on first tower. The covariance and inverse update ops
- and variables are placed on GPUs in a round robin manner.
- Args:
- data_dir: string. Directory to read MNIST examples from.
- num_epochs: int. Number of passes to make over the training set.
- num_towers: int. Number of CPUs to split inference across.
- use_fake_data: bool. If True, generate a synthetic dataset.
- devices: string, Either list of CPU or GPU. The covariance and inverse
- update ops are run on this device.
- Returns:
- accuracy of model on the final minibatch of training data.
- """
- if devices:
- device_count = {"GPU": num_towers}
- else:
- device_count = {"CPU": num_towers}
- devices = devices or [
- "/cpu:{}".format(tower_id) for tower_id in range(num_towers)
- ]
- # Load a dataset.
- tf.logging.info("Loading MNIST into memory.")
- tower_batch_size = 128
- batch_size = tower_batch_size * num_towers
- tf.logging.info(
- ("Loading MNIST into memory. Using batch_size = %d = %d towers * %d "
- "tower batch size.") % (batch_size, num_towers, tower_batch_size))
- examples, labels = mnist.load_mnist(
- data_dir,
- num_epochs=num_epochs,
- batch_size=batch_size,
- use_fake_data=use_fake_data,
- flatten_images=False)
- # Split minibatch across towers.
- examples = tf.split(examples, num_towers)
- labels = tf.split(labels, num_towers)
- # Build an MLP. Each tower's layers will be added to the LayerCollection.
- layer_collection = lc.LayerCollection()
- tower_results = []
- for tower_id in range(num_towers):
- with tf.device(devices[tower_id]):
- with tf.name_scope("tower%d" % tower_id):
- with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=(tower_id > 0)):
- tf.logging.info("Building tower %d." % tower_id)
- tower_results.append(
- build_model(examples[tower_id], labels[tower_id], 10,
- layer_collection))
- losses, accuracies = zip(*tower_results)
- # Average across towers.
- loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)
- accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(accuracies)
- # Fit model.
- session_config = tf.ConfigProto(
- allow_soft_placement=False,
- device_count=device_count,
- )
- g_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
- optimizer = opt.KfacOptimizer(
- learning_rate=0.0001,
- cov_ema_decay=0.95,
- damping=0.001,
- layer_collection=layer_collection,
- placement_strategy="round_robin",
- cov_devices=devices,
- inv_devices=devices,
- momentum=0.9)
- (cov_update_thunks,
- inv_update_thunks) = optimizer.make_vars_and_create_op_thunks()
- def make_update_op(update_thunks):
- update_ops = [thunk() for thunk in update_thunks]
- return tf.group(*update_ops)
- cov_update_op = make_update_op(cov_update_thunks)
- with tf.control_dependencies([cov_update_op]):
- inverse_op = tf.cond(
- tf.equal(tf.mod(g_step, _INVERT_EVERY), 0),
- lambda: make_update_op(inv_update_thunks), tf.no_op)
- with tf.control_dependencies([inverse_op]):
- train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=g_step)
- tf.logging.info("Starting training.")
- with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=session_config) as sess:
- while not sess.should_stop():
- global_step_, loss_, accuracy_, _ = sess.run(
- [g_step, loss, accuracy, train_op])
- if global_step_ % _INVERT_EVERY == 0:
- tf.logging.info("global_step: %d | loss: %f | accuracy: %s",
- global_step_, loss_, accuracy_)
-def train_mnist_distributed_sync_replicas(task_id,
- is_chief,
- num_worker_tasks,
- num_ps_tasks,
- master,
- data_dir,
- num_epochs,
- op_strategy,
- use_fake_data=False):
- """Train a ConvNet on MNIST using Sync replicas optimizer.
- Args:
- task_id: int. Integer in [0, num_worker_tasks). ID for this worker.
- is_chief: `boolean`, `True` if the worker is chief worker.
- num_worker_tasks: int. Number of workers in this distributed training setup.
- num_ps_tasks: int. Number of parameter servers holding variables.
- master: string. IP and port of TensorFlow runtime process.
- data_dir: string. Directory to read MNIST examples from.
- num_epochs: int. Number of passes to make over the training set.
- op_strategy: `string`, Strategy to run the covariance and inverse
- ops. If op_strategy == `chief_worker` then covariance and inverse
- update ops are run on chief worker otherwise they are run on dedicated
- workers.
- use_fake_data: bool. If True, generate a synthetic dataset.
- Returns:
- accuracy of model on the final minibatch of training data.
- Raises:
- ValueError: If `op_strategy` not in ["chief_worker", "dedicated_workers"].
- """
- # Load a dataset.
- tf.logging.info("Loading MNIST into memory.")
- examples, labels = mnist.load_mnist(
- data_dir,
- num_epochs=num_epochs,
- batch_size=128,
- use_fake_data=use_fake_data,
- flatten_images=False)
- # Build a ConvNet.
- layer_collection = lc.LayerCollection()
- with tf.device(tf.train.replica_device_setter(num_ps_tasks)):
- loss, accuracy = build_model(
- examples, labels, num_labels=10, layer_collection=layer_collection)
- # Fit model.
- checkpoint_dir = None if data_dir is None else os.path.join(data_dir, "kfac")
- if op_strategy == "chief_worker":
- return distributed_grads_only_and_ops_chief_worker(
- task_id, is_chief, num_worker_tasks, num_ps_tasks, master,
- checkpoint_dir, loss, accuracy, layer_collection)
- elif op_strategy == "dedicated_workers":
- return distributed_grads_and_ops_dedicated_workers(
- task_id, is_chief, num_worker_tasks, num_ps_tasks, master,
- checkpoint_dir, loss, accuracy, layer_collection)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Only supported op strategies are : {}, {}".format(
- "chief_worker", "dedicated_workers"))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- tf.app.run()