path: root/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/README.md
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# K-FAC: Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature
-# <font color="red", size=10><u>WARNING: </u></font>
-# ==third_party/tensorflow/contrib/kfac is deprecated. This will be==
-# ==removed on 15-07-2018. <!-- STY:begin_strip_and_replace -->Please import third_party/tensorflow_kfac.==
-# ==<!-- STY:end_strip_and_replace Please check https://github.com/tensorflow/kfac. -->==
-**K-FAC in TensorFlow** is an implementation of [K-FAC][kfac-paper], an
-approximate second-order optimization method, in TensorFlow. When applied to
-feedforward and convolutional neural networks, K-FAC can converge `>3.5x`
-faster in `>14x` fewer iterations than SGD with Momentum.
-[kfac-paper]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.05671
-## What is K-FAC?
-K-FAC, short for "Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature", is an approximation
-to the [Natural Gradient][natural_gradient] algorithm designed specifically for
-neural networks. It maintains a block-diagonal approximation to the [Fisher
-Information matrix][fisher_information], whose inverse preconditions the
-K-FAC can be used in place of SGD, Adam, and other `Optimizer` implementations.
-Experimentally, K-FAC converges `>3.5x` faster than well-tuned SGD.
-Unlike most optimizers, K-FAC exploits structure in the model itself (e.g. "What
-are the weights for layer i?"). As such, you must add some additional code while
-constructing your model to use K-FAC.
-[natural_gradient]: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/089976698300017746
-[fisher_information]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher_information#Matrix_form
-## Why should I use K-FAC?
-K-FAC can take advantage of the curvature of the optimization problem, resulting
-in **faster training**. For an 8-layer Autoencoder, K-FAC converges to the same
-loss as SGD with Momentum in 3.8x fewer seconds and 14.7x fewer updates. See how
-training loss changes as a function of number of epochs, steps, and seconds:
-## Is K-FAC for me?
-If you have a feedforward or convolutional model for classification that is
-converging too slowly, K-FAC is for you. K-FAC can be used in your model if:
-* Your model defines a posterior distribution.
-* Your model uses only fully-connected or convolutional layers (residual
- connections OK).
-* You are training on CPU or GPU.
-* You can modify model code to register layers with K-FAC.
-## How do I use K-FAC?
-Using K-FAC requires three steps:
-1. Registering layer inputs, weights, and pre-activations with a
- `LayerCollection`.
-1. Minimizing the loss with a `KfacOptimizer`.
-1. Keeping K-FAC's preconditioner updated.
-# Build model.
-w = tf.get_variable("w", ...)
-b = tf.get_variable("b", ...)
-logits = tf.matmul(x, w) + b
-loss = tf.reduce_mean(
- tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=logits))
-# Register layers.
-layer_collection = LayerCollection()
-layer_collection.register_fully_connected((w, b), x, logits)
-# Construct training ops.
-optimizer = KfacOptimizer(..., layer_collection=layer_collection)
-train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
-# Minimize loss.
-with tf.Session() as sess:
- ...
- sess.run([train_op, optimizer.cov_update_op, optimizer.inv_update_op])
-See [`examples/`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/contrib/kfac/examples/) for runnable, end-to-end illustrations.
-## Authors
-- Alok Aggarwal
-- Daniel Duckworth
-- James Martens
-- Matthew Johnson
-- Olga Wichrowska
-- Roger Grosse
+## KFAC moved to third_party/tensorflow_kfac.