path: root/tensorflow/contrib/imperative/imperative_mode.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/imperative/imperative_mode.py b/tensorflow/contrib/imperative/imperative_mode.py
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--- a/tensorflow/contrib/imperative/imperative_mode.py
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-# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# ==============================================================================
-"""Imperative mode for TensorFlow."""
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import print_function
-from tensorflow.contrib.imperative import imperative_graph
-from tensorflow.python.client import session
-from tensorflow.python.framework import errors
-from tensorflow.python.framework import importer
-from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
-class ImperativeMode(object):
- """Imperative mode execution of TensorFlow graphs.
- This class is a container for an ImperativeGraph, a session, and other
- context managers that enable imperative mode execution. The following is
- the common usage pattern:
- ```python
- server = tf.train.Server.create_local_server()
- with ImperativeMode(server.target):
- a = tf.random_normal([])
- b = tf.random_normal([])
- c = a + b
- c_val = c.value
- d = c + 1.0
- d_val = d.value
- # Expect d_val == c_val + 1.0
- ```
- ImperativeMode provides the illusion of immediate execution. It still
- constructs a graph and defers op execution. But when an op executes for
- the first time, its results are cached and the cached value is returned for
- future executions. The __exit__ method clears this graph and cached values.
- To use ImperativeMode inside a loop, the `new_step` method can be used to
- create a temporary context around the loop body to clear the cache at loop
- exit as follows:
- ```python
- server = tf.train.Server.create_local_server()
- with ImperativeMode(server.target) as mode:
- w = tf.get_variable('w', [])
- for i in range(10):
- with mode.new_step():
- x = tf.random_uniform([])
- y = tf.random_uniform([])
- z = w.assign_add(x + y)
- print(z.value)
- ```
- ImperativeMode graph does not support all TensorFlow operations and features.
- Here are the current known limitations of ImperativeMode :
- * Stateful operations returned ref-typed tensors are limited to
- TensorFlow Variables and the associated operations. Data structures such as
- queues barriers, etc. are not supported in ImperativeMode.
- * Variables created and managed via `tf.variable_scope` and the associated
- `tf.get_variable` are not supported. (These use auxiliary data structures in
- addition to the graph, which are not aware of the imperative mode execution.)
- TODO(keveman): Remove the above restrictions on ImperativeMode.
- """
- def __init__(self, target, parent_graph=None):
- """Initializes an ImperativeMode.
- Args:
- target: The TensorFlow execution engine to connect to.
- parent_graph: (Optional) An ImperativeGraph.
- Raises:
- UnimplementedError: if non-None parent_graph is not an ImperativeGraph.
- """
- self._target = target
- self._parent_graph = parent_graph
- # Create a new graph
- self._graph = imperative_graph.ImperativeGraph(
- parent_graph=self._parent_graph)
- self._default_graph = self._graph.as_default()
- # Context manager to record variable inits
- self._record_variable_inits = self._graph.record_variable_inits()
- if self._parent_graph:
- if not isinstance(self._parent_graph, imperative_graph.ImperativeGraph):
- raise errors.UnimplementedError(None, None, 'ImperativeMode needs an '
- 'ImperativeGraph')
- # Clone the `_parent_graph` in to the current graph. This is so that
- # operations used from the enclosing ImperativeMode context are
- # available in the current context.
- with self._graph.as_default(), self._graph.return_as_is():
- importer.import_graph_def(self._parent_graph.as_graph_def(), name='')
- self._session = session.Session(graph=self._graph, target=self._target)
- # Override the `_session`'s run, so that variable inits can be
- # called before the actual run.
- self._old_run = self._session.run
- self._session.run = self.run
- self._context_managers = [
- self._session.as_default(),
- self._default_graph,
- self._record_variable_inits,
- imperative_graph.add_session_attr(ops.Tensor, self._session)]
- def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Runs the variable init ops before calling the original run method."""
- self._graph.run_pending_inits(self._session)
- ret = self._old_run(*args, **kwargs)
- return ret
- def __enter__(self):
- """Enters the runtime contexts of the `_context_managers`."""
- for c in self._context_managers:
- c.__enter__()
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exec_type, exec_value, exec_tb):
- """Cleans up resources, exits the runtime contexts in reverse order."""
- # pylint: disable=protected-access
- if self._graph._variable_cleanup_ops:
- self._session.run(self._graph._variable_cleanup_ops)
- # pylint: enable=protected-access
- self._session.close()
- for c in reversed(self._context_managers):
- c.__exit__(exec_type, exec_value, exec_tb)
- def new_step(self):
- """Returns a new 'child' ImperativeMode.
- `new_step` enables running the imperative mode inside a Python loop. The
- ImperativeGraph object and the tensors created and cached during the
- execution of that graph are destroyed when the context entered with the
- object returned from this function is 'exited'. However, the operations
- in `self._graph` and any of its ancestors can be freely used as
- operands to operations in the graph contained in the object returned
- by this function.
- Returns:
- A new ImperativeMode object.
- """
- self._graph.run_pending_inits(self._session)
- return ImperativeMode(self._target, parent_graph=self._graph)