path: root/tensorflow/contrib/imperative/README.md
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-## Imperative programming in TensorFlow
-In the standard TensorFlow library, the specification of the computation is done
-statically in terms of a computation graph, and is separate from the execution
-of the graph. This model of programming is referred to as *lazy*, *deferred*,
-*dynamic*, or, *asynchronous*. This library brings imperative style programming (à
-la [NumPy](http://www.numpy.org)) to TensorFlow. Using this library, you can:
-* Write code in an imperative style: the results of the computation are available
- right after the execution of a line of code.
-* Use TensorFlow operations on tensors, and get all the benefits of GPU
- acceleration.
-* Include any Python control flow statements like `while` and `if` when
- specifying the computation.
-* Perform automatic differentiation on your code with the
- standard
- [`tf.gradients`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/train/gradient_computation#gradients) function.
-### Getting started
-This library is a thin wrapper over the standard TensorFlow Python library. The
-source code is
-[here](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/imperative). You
-can get started on Linux by installing the nightly PIP package linked off
-[the main page](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow). Please
-consult [this](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow#installation) document for other platforms and the PIP package including GPU
-### Write your first imperative TensorFlow program
-$ python
->>> import tensorflow.contrib.imperative as tf
->>> x = tf.constant([[7.], [6]])
->>> y = tf.constant([[6., 7]])
->>> tf.matmul(x, y)
-array([[ 42., 49.],
- [ 36., 42.]], dtype=float32)
-Note that this code is identical in terms of the programmer's mental model to
-the following NumPy code:
->>> import numpy as np
->>> x = np.array([[7.], [6]])
->>> y = np.array([[6., 7]])
->>> x.dot(y)
-array([[ 42., 49.],
- [ 36., 42.]])
-The library can be imported as `import tensorflow.contrib.imperative as tf`
-(contrast with importing standard TensorFlow, which is done as `import
-tensorflow as tf`). This import statement makes all of standard TensorFlow
-available in the `tf` symbol. However, it is not necessary to create a session
-object and set it up to run and fetch tensors.
-### Features
-The library provides the following additional features on top of standard
-* Tensors are automatically fetched when used in contexts that expect their
- value.
- - Printing
- ```python
- x = tf.constant(10)
- y = tf.constant(32)
- print(x + y)
- 42
- ```
- - Use in conditionals
- ```python
- x = tf.constant(30)
- if x > 4:
- print('Greater than 4')
- Greater than 4
- x = tf.random_normal([3])
- y = x * 2
- while tf.global_norm([y]) < 1000:
- y = y * 2
- print(y)
- [ -213.2868042 -511.02456665 1026.66882324]
- ```
-* Variables are automatically initialized, no need to run the
- [`tf.global_variables_initializer()`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/global_variables_initializer) operation.
- ```python
- x = tf.Variable(np.random.normal(size=[2, 2]), dtype=tf.float32)
- y = tf.constant([[1, 2.]])
- z = tf.matmul(y, x)
- print(z)
- array([[-1.231673 , 3.14744973]], dtype=float32)
- ```
-* Gradients work as expected using the standard `tf.gradients` function.
- ```python
- x = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(1, 3))
- y = tf.exp(x)
- dy = tf.gradients(y, x)
- # dy/dx should be equal to y (= exp(x))
- print(y, dy)
- (array([[ 1.79997761, 2.00581881, 2.37302414]]), [array([[ 1.79997761, 2.00581881, 2.37302414]])])
- ```
-### Caveats
-The library is implemented on top of standard TensorFlow. It still constructs a
-graph in the background and defers op execution. But when an op executes for the
-first time, its results are cached and the cached value is returned for future
-executions, thus providing imperative semantics. Because of this implementation
-choice, this library comes with the following caveats:
-* **Use inside Python loops:** A graph is constructed and kept around in
- the background, both for just executing using the standard TensorFlow runtime,
- and also for allowing automatic differentiation via `tf.gradients`. This means
- that the graph keeps growing when TensorFlow functions are called inside a
- Python loop. This library provides a `tf.new_step` method that clears the
- graph as well as the cached tensors that have been kept around for gradient
- computation. `tf.new_step` can be used as a context manager around, say, a
- training loop to clear the graph after each training step.
- ```python
- x = tf.Variable(constant_op.constant(1.0))
- for i in range(10):
- # Create a new training step
- with tf.new_step() as step:
- # Perform computation and variable updates
- step.run(tf.assign_sub(x, 0.1))
- self.assertAllClose(tf.identity(x), 1.0 - (i + 1) * 0.1)
- # The graph within this context is cleared at this point.
- ```
-* **Speed:** Redundant graph construction and caching of tensor values adds
- overheads that are not present in standard TensorFlow, where typically the
- graph is constructed once and executed multiple times. This library is
- intended as a vehicle to prototype the imperative programming model in
- TensorFlow. The runtime overheads can be alleviated with various optimizations
- to the runtime that would equally benefit the deferred execution mode as
- well.