path: root/tensorflow/contrib/estimator/python/estimator/multi_head_test.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/contrib/estimator/python/estimator/multi_head_test.py')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/estimator/python/estimator/multi_head_test.py b/tensorflow/contrib/estimator/python/estimator/multi_head_test.py
index 8d51a298b2..16177aebd5 100644
--- a/tensorflow/contrib/estimator/python/estimator/multi_head_test.py
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/estimator/python/estimator/multi_head_test.py
@@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ class MultiHeadTest(test.TestCase):
multi_head = multi_head_lib.multi_head([head1, head2])
self.assertEqual('head1_head2', multi_head.name)
- def test_predict_two_heads_logits_dict(self):
- """Tests predict with logits as dict."""
+ def test_predict_two_heads(self):
head1 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=2, name='head1')
head2 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=3, name='head2')
multi_head = multi_head_lib.multi_head([head1, head2])
@@ -159,111 +158,6 @@ class MultiHeadTest(test.TestCase):
- def test_predict_two_heads_logits_tensor(self):
- """Tests predict with logits as Tensor."""
- head1 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=2, name='head1')
- head2 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=3, name='head2')
- multi_head = multi_head_lib.multi_head([head1, head2])
- logits = np.array(
- [[-1., 1., 2., -2., 2.], [-1.5, 1., -3., 2., -2.]], dtype=np.float32)
- expected_logits1 = np.array([[-1., 1.], [-1.5, 1.]], dtype=np.float32)
- expected_logits2 = np.array([[2., -2., 2.], [-3., 2., -2.]],
- dtype=np.float32)
- expected_probabilities = {
- 'head1': _sigmoid(expected_logits1),
- 'head2': _sigmoid(expected_logits2),
- }
- spec = multi_head.create_estimator_spec(
- features={'x': np.array(((42,),), dtype=np.int32)},
- mode=model_fn.ModeKeys.PREDICT,
- logits=logits)
- self.assertItemsEqual(
- (_DEFAULT_SERVING_KEY, 'head1', 'classification/head1', 'predict/head1',
- 'head2', 'classification/head2', 'predict/head2'),
- spec.export_outputs.keys())
- # Assert predictions and export_outputs.
- with self.test_session() as sess:
- _initialize_variables(self, spec.scaffold)
- self.assertIsNone(spec.scaffold.summary_op)
- predictions = sess.run(spec.predictions)
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_logits1,
- predictions[('head1', prediction_keys.PredictionKeys.LOGITS)])
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_logits2,
- predictions[('head2', prediction_keys.PredictionKeys.LOGITS)])
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_probabilities['head1'],
- predictions[('head1', prediction_keys.PredictionKeys.PROBABILITIES)])
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_probabilities['head2'],
- predictions[('head2', prediction_keys.PredictionKeys.PROBABILITIES)])
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_probabilities['head1'],
- sess.run(spec.export_outputs[_DEFAULT_SERVING_KEY].scores))
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_probabilities['head1'],
- sess.run(spec.export_outputs['head1'].scores))
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_probabilities['head2'],
- sess.run(spec.export_outputs['head2'].scores))
- def test_predict_two_heads_logits_tensor_multi_dim(self):
- """Tests predict with multi-dimensional logits of shape [2, 2, 5]."""
- head1 = head_lib.regression_head(label_dimension=2, name='head1')
- head2 = head_lib.regression_head(label_dimension=3, name='head2')
- multi_head = multi_head_lib.multi_head([head1, head2])
- logits = np.array(
- [[[-1., 1., 2., -2., 2.], [-1., 1., 2., -2., 2.]],
- [[-1.5, 1., -3., 2., -2.], [-1.5, 1., -3., 2., -2.]]],
- dtype=np.float32)
- expected_logits1 = np.array(
- [[[-1., 1.], [-1., 1.]],
- [[-1.5, 1.], [-1.5, 1.]]],
- dtype=np.float32)
- expected_logits2 = np.array(
- [[[2., -2., 2.], [2., -2., 2.]],
- [[-3., 2., -2.], [-3., 2., -2.]]],
- dtype=np.float32)
- spec = multi_head.create_estimator_spec(
- features={'x': np.array(((42,),), dtype=np.int32)},
- mode=model_fn.ModeKeys.PREDICT,
- logits=logits)
- self.assertItemsEqual(
- (_DEFAULT_SERVING_KEY, 'head1', 'regression/head1', 'predict/head1',
- 'head2', 'regression/head2', 'predict/head2'),
- spec.export_outputs.keys())
- # Assert predictions and export_outputs.
- with self.test_session() as sess:
- _initialize_variables(self, spec.scaffold)
- self.assertIsNone(spec.scaffold.summary_op)
- predictions = sess.run(spec.predictions)
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_logits1,
- predictions[('head1', prediction_keys.PredictionKeys.PREDICTIONS)])
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_logits2,
- predictions[('head2', prediction_keys.PredictionKeys.PREDICTIONS)])
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_logits1,
- sess.run(spec.export_outputs[_DEFAULT_SERVING_KEY].value))
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_logits1,
- sess.run(spec.export_outputs['head1'].value))
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_logits2,
- sess.run(spec.export_outputs['head2'].value))
def test_eval_two_heads_with_weights(self):
head1 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=2, name='head1')
head2 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=3, name='head2')
@@ -390,84 +284,6 @@ class MultiHeadTest(test.TestCase):
# example_weight_sum = 1 * (1 + 2) + 2 * (2 + 3) = 13
self.assertAllClose(13., example_weight_sum.eval(), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
- def test_train_create_loss_logits_tensor(self):
- """Tests create_loss with logits Tensor."""
- weights1 = np.array([[1.], [2.]], dtype=np.float32)
- weights2 = np.array([[2.], [3.]])
- head1 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=2, name='head1',
- weight_column='weights1')
- head2 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=3, name='head2',
- weight_column='weights2')
- multi_head = multi_head_lib.multi_head(
- [head1, head2], head_weights=[1., 2.])
- logits = np.array([[-10., 10., 20., -20., 20.],
- [-15., 10., -30., 20., -20.]], dtype=np.float32)
- labels = {
- 'head1': np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1]], dtype=np.int64),
- 'head2': np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]], dtype=np.int64),
- }
- weighted_sum_loss, example_weight_sum, _ = multi_head.create_loss(
- features={
- 'x': np.array(((42,),), dtype=np.int32),
- 'weights1': weights1,
- 'weights2': weights2
- },
- mode=model_fn.ModeKeys.TRAIN,
- logits=logits,
- labels=labels)
- tol = 1e-3
- with self.test_session():
- # loss of the first head is [[(10 + 10) / 2], [(15 + 0) / 2]]
- # = [10, 7.5]
- # weighted_sum_loss = 1 * 10 + 2 * 7.5 = 25
- # loss of the second head is [[(20 + 20 + 20) / 3], [(30 + 0 + 0) / 3]]
- # = [20, 10]
- # weighted_sum_loss = 2 * 20 + 3 * 10 = 70
- # head-weighted merge = 1 * 25 + 2 * 70 = 165
- self.assertAllClose(165, weighted_sum_loss.eval(), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
- # example_weight_sum = 1 * (1 + 2) + 2 * (2 + 3) = 13
- self.assertAllClose(13., example_weight_sum.eval(), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
- def test_train_create_loss_logits_tensor_multi_dim(self):
- """Tests create_loss with multi-dimensional logits of shape [2, 2, 5]."""
- head1 = head_lib.regression_head(label_dimension=2, name='head1')
- head2 = head_lib.regression_head(label_dimension=3, name='head2')
- multi_head = multi_head_lib.multi_head([head1, head2])
- logits = np.array(
- [[[-1., 1., 2., -2., 2.], [-1., 1., 2., -2., 2.]],
- [[-1.5, 1.5, -2., 2., -2.], [-1.5, 1.5, -2., 2., -2.]]],
- dtype=np.float32)
- labels = {
- 'head1': np.array([[[1., 0.], [1., 0.]],
- [[1.5, 1.5], [1.5, 1.5]]], dtype=np.float32),
- 'head2': np.array([[[0., 1., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]],
- [[2., 2., 0.], [2., 2., 0.]]], dtype=np.float32),
- }
- # Loss for the first head:
- # loss1 = (1+1)^2 + (0-1)^2 + (1+1)^2 + (0-1)^2 +
- # (1.5+1.5)^2 + (1.5-1.5)^2 + (1.5+1.5)^2 + (1.5-1.5)^2
- # = 28
- # Loss for the second head:
- # loss2 = (0-2)^2 + (1+2)^2 + (0-2)^2 + (0-2)^2 + (1+2)^2 + (0-2)^2 +
- # (2+2)^2 + (2-2)^2 + (0+2)^2 + (2+2)^2 + (2-2)^2 + (0+2)^2
- # = 74
- expected_weighted_sum_loss = 28. + 74.
- weighted_sum_loss, example_weight_sum, _ = multi_head.create_loss(
- features={},
- mode=model_fn.ModeKeys.TRAIN,
- logits=logits,
- labels=labels)
- tol = 1e-3
- with self.test_session():
- self.assertAllClose(
- expected_weighted_sum_loss, weighted_sum_loss.eval(),
- rtol=tol, atol=tol)
- self.assertAllClose(
- 2. * 2. * 5., example_weight_sum.eval(), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
def test_train_one_head(self):
head1 = head_lib.multi_label_head(n_classes=2, name='head1')
multi_head = multi_head_lib.multi_head([head1])
@@ -511,7 +327,6 @@ class MultiHeadTest(test.TestCase):
six.b('{0:s}{1:.3f}'.format(expected_train_result, expected_loss)),
_assert_simple_summaries(self, {
- metric_keys.MetricKeys.LOSS: expected_loss,
metric_keys.MetricKeys.LOSS + '/head1': expected_loss,
# Average loss over examples.
metric_keys.MetricKeys.LOSS_MEAN + '/head1': expected_loss / 2,
@@ -572,7 +387,6 @@ class MultiHeadTest(test.TestCase):
six.b('{0:s}{1:.3f}'.format(expected_train_result, expected_loss)),
_assert_simple_summaries(self, {
- metric_keys.MetricKeys.LOSS: expected_loss,
metric_keys.MetricKeys.LOSS + '/head1': expected_loss_head1,
metric_keys.MetricKeys.LOSS + '/head2': expected_loss_head2,
# Average loss over examples.