path: root/tensorflow/contrib/cmake/tf_cc_ops.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/contrib/cmake/tf_cc_ops.cmake')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/cmake/tf_cc_ops.cmake b/tensorflow/contrib/cmake/tf_cc_ops.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a9b2083ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/cmake/tf_cc_ops.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# tf_cc_op_gen_main library
+ "${tensorflow_source_dir}/tensorflow/cc/ops/cc_op_gen.cc"
+ "${tensorflow_source_dir}/tensorflow/cc/ops/cc_op_gen_main.cc"
+ "${tensorflow_source_dir}/tensorflow/cc/ops/cc_op_gen.h"
+add_library(tf_cc_op_gen_main OBJECT ${tf_cc_op_gen_main_srcs})
+add_dependencies(tf_cc_op_gen_main tf_core_framework)
+target_include_directories(tf_cc_op_gen_main PRIVATE
+ ${tensorflow_source_dir}
+ ${eigen_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+# tf_protos_cc
+# tf_core_lib
+# tf_core_framework
+target_compile_options(tf_cc_op_gen_main PRIVATE
+ -fno-exceptions
+# C++11
+target_compile_features(tf_cc_op_gen_main PRIVATE
+ cxx_rvalue_references
+# tf_gen_op_wrapper_cc executables
+# # Run the op generator.
+# if name == "sendrecv_ops":
+# include_internal = "1"
+# else:
+# include_internal = "0"
+# native.genrule(
+# name=name + "_genrule",
+# outs=[out_ops_file + ".h", out_ops_file + ".cc"],
+# tools=[":" + tool],
+# cmd=("$(location :" + tool + ") $(location :" + out_ops_file + ".h) " +
+# "$(location :" + out_ops_file + ".cc) " + include_internal))
+#def tf_gen_op_wrappers_cc(name,
+# op_lib_names=[],
+# other_srcs=[],
+# other_hdrs=[],
+# pkg=""):
+# subsrcs = other_srcs
+# subhdrs = other_hdrs
+# for n in op_lib_names:
+# tf_gen_op_wrapper_cc(n, "ops/" + n, pkg=pkg)
+# subsrcs += ["ops/" + n + ".cc"]
+# subhdrs += ["ops/" + n + ".h"]
+# native.cc_library(name=name,
+# srcs=subsrcs,
+# hdrs=subhdrs,
+# deps=["//tensorflow/core:core_cpu"],
+# copts=tf_copts(),
+# alwayslink=1,)
+# create directory for ops generated files
+set(cc_ops_target_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/tensorflow/cc/ops)
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${cc_ops_target_dir}
+ ${tf_op_lib_names}
+ "user_ops"
+foreach(tf_cc_op_lib_name ${tf_cc_op_lib_names})
+ #tf_gen_op_wrapper_cc(name, out_ops_file, pkg=""):
+ # # Construct an op generator binary for these ops.
+ # tool = out_ops_file + "_gen_cc" #example ops/array_ops_gen_cc
+ # native.cc_binary(
+ # name = tool,
+ # copts = tf_copts(),
+ # linkopts = ["-lm"],
+ # linkstatic = 1, # Faster to link this one-time-use binary dynamically
+ # deps = (["//tensorflow/cc:cc_op_gen_main",
+ # pkg + ":" + name + "_op_lib"])
+ # )
+ # Using <TARGET_OBJECTS:...> to work around an issue where no ops were
+ # registered (static initializers dropped by the linker because the ops
+ # are not used explicitly in the *_gen_cc executables).
+ add_executable(${tf_cc_op_lib_name}_gen_cc
+ $<TARGET_OBJECTS:tf_cc_op_gen_main>
+ $<TARGET_OBJECTS:tf_${tf_cc_op_lib_name}>
+ $<TARGET_OBJECTS:tf_core_lib>
+ $<TARGET_OBJECTS:tf_core_framework>
+ )
+ target_include_directories(${tf_cc_op_lib_name}_gen_cc PRIVATE
+ ${tensorflow_source_dir}
+ ${eigen_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+ )
+ find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
+ target_link_libraries(${tf_cc_op_lib_name}_gen_cc PRIVATE
+ tf_protos_cc
+ re2_lib
+ )
+ target_compile_options(${tf_cc_op_lib_name}_gen_cc PRIVATE
+ -fno-exceptions
+ -lm
+ )
+ # C++11
+ target_compile_features(${tf_cc_op_lib_name}_gen_cc PRIVATE
+ cxx_rvalue_references
+ )
+ set(cc_ops_include_internal 0)
+ if(${tf_cc_op_lib_name} STREQUAL "sendrecv_ops")
+ set(cc_ops_include_internal 1)
+ endif()
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT ${cc_ops_target_dir}/${tf_cc_op_lib_name}.h
+ ${cc_ops_target_dir}/${tf_cc_op_lib_name}.cc
+ COMMAND ${tf_cc_op_lib_name}_gen_cc ${cc_ops_target_dir}/${tf_cc_op_lib_name}.h ${cc_ops_target_dir}/${tf_cc_op_lib_name}.cc ${cc_ops_include_internal}
+ DEPENDS ${tf_cc_op_lib_name}_gen_cc create_cc_ops_header_dir
+ )
+ list(APPEND tf_cc_ops_generated_files ${cc_ops_target_dir}/${tf_cc_op_lib_name}.h)
+ list(APPEND tf_cc_ops_generated_files ${cc_ops_target_dir}/${tf_cc_op_lib_name}.cc)
+# tf_cc_ops library
+add_library(tf_cc_ops OBJECT
+ ${tf_cc_ops_generated_files}
+ "${tensorflow_source_dir}/tensorflow/cc/ops/const_op.h"
+ "${tensorflow_source_dir}/tensorflow/cc/ops/const_op.cc"
+ "${tensorflow_source_dir}/tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
+target_include_directories(tf_cc_ops PRIVATE
+ ${tensorflow_source_dir}
+ ${eigen_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+# tf_protos_cc
+# tf_core_lib
+# tf_core_cpu
+# tf_models_word2vec_ops
+target_compile_options(tf_cc_ops PRIVATE
+ -fno-exceptions
+# C++11
+target_compile_features(tf_cc_ops PRIVATE
+ cxx_rvalue_references
+# name = "cc_ops",
+# op_lib_names = [
+# ...
+# ],
+# other_hdrs = [
+# "ops/const_op.h",
+# "ops/standard_ops.h",
+# ],
+# other_srcs = [
+# "ops/const_op.cc",
+# ] + glob(["ops/*_grad.cc"]),
+# pkg = "//tensorflow/core",
+#) \ No newline at end of file