path: root/tensorflow/contrib/autograph/pyct/static_analysis/reaching_definitions.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/autograph/pyct/static_analysis/reaching_definitions.py b/tensorflow/contrib/autograph/pyct/static_analysis/reaching_definitions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a84f1231c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/autograph/pyct/static_analysis/reaching_definitions.py
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+# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+"""Reaching definition analysis.
+This analysis attaches a set of a Definition objects to each symbol, one
+for each distinct definition that may reach it. The Definition objects are
+mutable and may be used by subsequent analyses to further annotate data like
+static type and value information.
+The analysis also attaches the set of the symbols defined at the entry of
+control flow statements.
+Requires activity analysis.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import gast
+from tensorflow.contrib.autograph.pyct import anno
+from tensorflow.contrib.autograph.pyct import cfg
+from tensorflow.contrib.autograph.pyct import transformer
+from tensorflow.contrib.autograph.pyct.static_analysis import annos
+class Definition(object):
+ """Definition objects describe a unique definition of a variable.
+ Subclasses of this may be used by passing an appropriate factory fuction to
+ resolve.
+ Attributes:
+ param_of: Optional[ast.AST]
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.param_of = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '%s[%d]' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
+class _NodeState(object):
+ """Abstraction for the state of the CFG walk for reaching definition analysis.
+ This is a value type. Only implements the strictly necessary operators.
+ Attributes:
+ value: Dict[qual_names.QN, Set[Definition, ...]], the defined symbols and
+ their possible definitions
+ """
+ def __init__(self, init_from=None):
+ if init_from:
+ if isinstance(init_from, _NodeState):
+ self.value = {
+ s: set(other_infos) for s, other_infos in init_from.value.items()
+ }
+ elif isinstance(init_from, dict):
+ self.value = {s: set((init_from[s],)) for s in init_from}
+ else:
+ assert False, init_from
+ else:
+ self.value = {}
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if frozenset(self.value.keys()) != frozenset(other.value.keys()):
+ return False
+ ret = all(self.value[s] == other.value[s] for s in self.value)
+ return ret
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def __or__(self, other):
+ assert isinstance(other, _NodeState)
+ result = _NodeState(self)
+ for s, other_infos in other.value.items():
+ if s in result.value:
+ result.value[s].update(other_infos)
+ else:
+ result.value[s] = set(other_infos)
+ return result
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ assert isinstance(other, set)
+ result = _NodeState(self)
+ for s in other:
+ result.value.pop(s, None)
+ return result
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'NodeState[%s]=%s' % (id(self), repr(self.value))
+class Analyzer(cfg.GraphVisitor):
+ """CFG visitor that determines reaching definitions at statement level."""
+ def __init__(self, graph, definition_factory):
+ self._definition_factory = definition_factory
+ super(Analyzer, self).__init__(graph)
+ # This allows communicating that nodes have extra reaching definitions,
+ # e.g. those that a function closes over.
+ self.extra_in = {}
+ self.gen_map = {}
+ def init_state(self, _):
+ return _NodeState()
+ def visit_node(self, node):
+ prev_defs_out = self.out[node]
+ defs_in = _NodeState(self.extra_in.get(node.ast_node, None))
+ for n in node.prev:
+ defs_in |= self.out[n]
+ if anno.hasanno(node.ast_node, anno.Static.SCOPE):
+ node_scope = anno.getanno(node.ast_node, anno.Static.SCOPE)
+ # The definition objects created by each node must be singletons because
+ # their ids are used in equality checks.
+ if node not in self.gen_map:
+ node_symbols = {}
+ for s in node_scope.modified:
+ def_ = self._definition_factory()
+ if s in node_scope.params:
+ def_.param_of = node_scope.params[s]
+ node_symbols[s] = def_
+ self.gen_map[node] = _NodeState(node_symbols)
+ gen = self.gen_map[node]
+ kill = node_scope.modified
+ defs_out = gen | (defs_in - kill)
+ else:
+ # Nodes that don't have a scope annotation are assumed not to touch any
+ # symbols.
+ # This Name node below is a literal name, e.g. False
+ # This can also happen if activity.py forgot to annotate the node with a
+ # scope object.
+ assert isinstance(
+ node.ast_node,
+ (gast.Name, gast.Break, gast.Continue, gast.Raise)), (node.ast_node,
+ node)
+ defs_out = defs_in
+ self.in_[node] = defs_in
+ self.out[node] = defs_out
+ # TODO(mdan): Move this to the superclass?
+ return prev_defs_out != defs_out
+class TreeAnnotator(transformer.Base):
+ """AST visitor that annotates each symbol name with its reaching definitions.
+ Simultaneously, the visitor runs the dataflow analysis on each function node,
+ accounting for the effect of closures. For example:
+ def foo():
+ bar = 1
+ def baz():
+ # bar = 1 reaches here
+ """
+ def __init__(self, source_info, graphs, definition_factory):
+ super(TreeAnnotator, self).__init__(source_info)
+ self.definition_factory = definition_factory
+ self.graphs = graphs
+ self.current_analyzer = None
+ self.current_cfg_node = None
+ def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
+ parent_analyzer = self.current_analyzer
+ subgraph = self.graphs[node]
+ # Preorder tree processing:
+ # 1. if this is a child function, the parent was already analyzed and it
+ # has the proper state value for the subgraph's entry
+ # 2. analyze the current function body
+ # 2. recursively walk the subtree; child functions will be processed
+ analyzer = Analyzer(subgraph, self.definition_factory)
+ if parent_analyzer is not None:
+ # Wire the state between the two subgraphs' analyzers.
+ parent_out_state = parent_analyzer.out[parent_analyzer.graph.index[node]]
+ # Exception: symbols modified in the child function are local to it
+ body_scope = anno.getanno(node, annos.NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE)
+ parent_out_state -= body_scope.modified
+ analyzer.extra_in[node.args] = parent_out_state
+ # Complete the analysis for the local function and annotate its body.
+ analyzer.visit_forward()
+ # Recursively process any remaining subfunctions.
+ self.current_analyzer = analyzer
+ # Note: not visiting name, decorator_list and returns because they don't
+ # apply to this anlysis.
+ # TODO(mdan): Should we still process the function name?
+ node.args = self.visit(node.args)
+ node.body = self.visit_block(node.body)
+ self.current_analyzer = parent_analyzer
+ return node
+ def visit_nonlocal(self, node):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def visit_global(self, node):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def visit_Name(self, node):
+ if self.current_analyzer is None:
+ # Names may appear outside function defs - for example in class
+ # definitions.
+ return node
+ analyzer = self.current_analyzer
+ cfg_node = self.current_cfg_node
+ assert cfg_node is not None, 'name node outside of any statement?'
+ qn = anno.getanno(node, anno.Basic.QN)
+ if isinstance(node.ctx, gast.Load):
+ anno.setanno(node, anno.Static.DEFINITIONS,
+ tuple(analyzer.in_[cfg_node].value.get(qn, ())))
+ else:
+ anno.setanno(node, anno.Static.DEFINITIONS,
+ tuple(analyzer.out[cfg_node].value.get(qn, ())))
+ return node
+ def _aggregate_predecessors_defined_in(self, node):
+ preds = self.current_analyzer.graph.stmt_prev[node]
+ node_defined_in = set()
+ for p in preds:
+ node_defined_in |= set(self.current_analyzer.out[p].value.keys())
+ anno.setanno(node, anno.Static.DEFINED_VARS_IN, frozenset(node_defined_in))
+ def visit_If(self, node):
+ self._aggregate_predecessors_defined_in(node)
+ return self.generic_visit(node)
+ def visit_For(self, node):
+ self._aggregate_predecessors_defined_in(node)
+ # Manually accounting for the shortcoming described in
+ # cfg.AstToCfg.visit_For.
+ parent = self.current_cfg_node
+ self.current_cfg_node = self.current_analyzer.graph.index[node.iter]
+ node.target = self.visit(node.target)
+ self.current_cfg_node = parent
+ node.iter = self.visit(node.iter)
+ node.body = self.visit_block(node.body)
+ node.orelse = self.visit_block(node.orelse)
+ return node
+ def visit_While(self, node):
+ self._aggregate_predecessors_defined_in(node)
+ return self.generic_visit(node)
+ def visit(self, node):
+ parent = self.current_cfg_node
+ if (self.current_analyzer is not None and
+ node in self.current_analyzer.graph.index):
+ self.current_cfg_node = self.current_analyzer.graph.index[node]
+ node = super(TreeAnnotator, self).visit(node)
+ self.current_cfg_node = parent
+ return node
+def resolve(node, source_info, graphs, definition_factory):
+ """Resolves reaching definitions for each symbol.
+ Args:
+ node: ast.AST
+ source_info: transformer.SourceInfo
+ graphs: Dict[ast.FunctionDef, cfg.Graph]
+ definition_factory: Callable[[], Definition]
+ Returns:
+ ast.AST
+ """
+ visitor = TreeAnnotator(source_info, graphs, definition_factory)
+ node = visitor.visit(node)
+ return node