path: root/tensorflow/contrib/autograph/core/errors.py
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1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/contrib/autograph/core/errors.py b/tensorflow/contrib/autograph/core/errors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e58745337a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/contrib/autograph/core/errors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+"""Error rewriting logic.
+Contains the functions responsible for rewriting tracebacks of errors raised
+in AutoGraph (AG) code to refer to user written code, so that errors only refer
+to the original user code.
+When 'user code' is used in comments it refers to the original source code that
+the user wrote and is converting using AutoGraph.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import contextlib
+import logging
+import sys
+import traceback
+from tensorflow.contrib.autograph.pyct.origin_info import CodeLocation
+from tensorflow.python.framework import errors_impl
+from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect
+class GraphConstructionError(Exception):
+ """Error for graph construction errors from AutoGraph generated code."""
+ def __init__(self, original_error, custom_traceback):
+ self.original_error = original_error
+ self.custom_traceback = custom_traceback
+ super(GraphConstructionError, self).__init__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ traceback_str = ''.join(traceback.format_list(self.custom_traceback))
+ return ('Traceback (most recent call last):\n' + traceback_str + '\n' + str(
+ self.original_error) + '\n')
+class TfRuntimeError(Exception):
+ """Error wrapper for runtime errors raised by AutoGraph generated code."""
+ def __init__(self, op_name, op_message, custom_traceback):
+ self.op_name = op_name
+ self.op_message = op_message
+ self.custom_traceback = custom_traceback
+ super(TfRuntimeError, self).__init__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ message = '%s\n\nCaused by op %r, defined at:\n' % (self.op_message,
+ self.op_name)
+ return message + ''.join(traceback.format_list(self.custom_traceback))
+def _rewrite_frame(source_map, cleaned_traceback, stack_frame_indices):
+ """Rewrites the stack frames at the given indices using the given source map.
+ Args:
+ source_map: Dict[CodeLocation, OriginInfo], a mapping between the user and
+ AG generated code.
+ cleaned_traceback: List[Tuple[text, text, text, text]], the current
+ traceback.
+ stack_frame_indices: Iterable[Int], frame indices to possibly rewrite if
+ there are matching source mapping keys.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ for frame_index in stack_frame_indices:
+ # (file_path, line number, function name, code)
+ file_path, line_number, _, _ = cleaned_traceback[frame_index]
+ source_map_key = CodeLocation(file_path=file_path, line_number=line_number)
+ found_mapping = source_map_key in source_map
+ if found_mapping:
+ cleaned_traceback[frame_index] = source_map[source_map_key].as_frame()
+# TODO(znado): Make more robust to name changes in the rewriting logic.
+def _remove_rewrite_frames(tb):
+ """Remove stack frames containing the error rewriting logic."""
+ cleaned_tb = []
+ for f in tb:
+ if 'ag__.rewrite_graph_construction_error' not in f[3]:
+ cleaned_tb.append(f)
+ return cleaned_tb
+def rewrite_graph_construction_error(source_map):
+ """Rewrites errors raised by non-AG APIs inside AG generated code.
+ Meant to be called from the try/except block inside each AutoGraph generated
+ function. Only rewrites the traceback frames corresponding to the function
+ that this is called from. When we raise a GraphConstructionError at the end
+ it is then caught by calling functions, where they can be responsible for
+ rewriting their own frames.
+ Args:
+ source_map: Dict[CodeLocation, OriginInfo], a mapping between the user and
+ AG generated code.
+ Raises:
+ GraphConstructionError: The rewritten underlying error.
+ Exception: The underlying error, if it could not be rewritten.
+ """
+ error_info = sys.exc_info()
+ _, original_error, e_traceback = error_info
+ assert original_error is not None
+ try:
+ _, _, _, func_name, _, _ = tf_inspect.stack()[1]
+ # The latest function call is added to the beginning of a traceback, but
+ # when rewriting the traceback of multiple function calls the previous
+ # functions' except blocks may have already rewritten their own frames so
+ # we want to copy over all of the previous frames. We may have rewritten
+ # previous frames only if the error is a GraphConstructionError.
+ if isinstance(original_error, GraphConstructionError):
+ cleaned_traceback = traceback.extract_tb(e_traceback)
+ previous_traceback = original_error.custom_traceback
+ cleaned_traceback = [cleaned_traceback[0]] + previous_traceback
+ else:
+ cleaned_traceback = traceback.extract_tb(e_traceback)
+ cleaned_traceback = _remove_rewrite_frames(cleaned_traceback)
+ current_frame_indices = []
+ # This code is meant to be called from the try/except block that wraps a
+ # function body. Here we look for all frames that came from the function
+ # that this wraps, look for any matching line numbers in the source
+ # mapping, and then rewrite them if matches are found.
+ for fi, frame in enumerate(cleaned_traceback):
+ _, _, frame_func_name, _ = frame
+ if frame_func_name == func_name:
+ current_frame_indices.append(fi)
+ break
+ if current_frame_indices:
+ _rewrite_frame(source_map, cleaned_traceback, current_frame_indices)
+ if isinstance(original_error, GraphConstructionError):
+ original_error.custom_traceback = cleaned_traceback
+ new_error = original_error
+ else:
+ new_error = GraphConstructionError(original_error, cleaned_traceback)
+ except Exception:
+ logging.exception('Error while rewriting AutoGraph error:')
+ raise original_error
+ else:
+ raise new_error
+ finally:
+ # Addresses warning https://docs.python.org/2/library/sys.html#sys.exc_info.
+ del e_traceback
+def rewrite_tf_runtime_error(error, source_map):
+ """Rewrites TensorFlow runtime errors raised by ops created in AG code.
+ Args:
+ error: error_impl.OpError, an TensorFlow error that will have its traceback
+ rewritten.
+ source_map: Dict[CodeLocation, OriginInfo], a mapping between the user and
+ AG generated code.
+ Returns:
+ A TfRuntimeError with a traceback rewritten according to the given
+ source mapping.
+ """
+ # Check for cases where we leave a user method and re-enter it in the
+ # traceback. This is done by looking at the function names when the
+ # filenames are from any files the user code is in. If we find a case where
+ # we return to a user method after leaving it then we cut out the frames in
+ # between because we assume this means these in between frames are from
+ # internal AutoGraph code that shouldn't be included.
+ #
+ # An example of this is:
+ #
+ # File "file1.py", line 57, in my_func
+ # ...
+ # File "control_flow_ops.py", line 231, in cond
+ # ...
+ # File "control_flow_ops.py", line 1039, in inner_cond
+ # ...
+ # File "file1.py", line 68, in my_func
+ # ...
+ #
+ # Where we would remove the control_flow_ops.py frames because we re-enter
+ # my_func in file1.py.
+ #
+ # The source map keys are (file_path, line_number) so get the set of all user
+ # file_paths.
+ try:
+ all_user_files = set(k.file_path for k in source_map)
+ cleaned_traceback = []
+ last_user_frame_index = None
+ last_user_user_file_path = None
+ last_user_user_fn_name = None
+ for fi, frame in enumerate(error.op.traceback):
+ frame_file_path, frame_line_number, _, _ = frame
+ src_map_key = CodeLocation(
+ file_path=frame_file_path, line_number=frame_line_number)
+ if frame_file_path in all_user_files:
+ if src_map_key in source_map:
+ original_fn_name = source_map[src_map_key].function_name
+ if (last_user_frame_index is not None and
+ last_user_user_file_path == frame_file_path):
+ if last_user_user_fn_name == original_fn_name:
+ cleaned_traceback = cleaned_traceback[:last_user_frame_index]
+ else:
+ cleaned_traceback = cleaned_traceback[:last_user_frame_index + 1]
+ last_user_user_fn_name = original_fn_name
+ else:
+ last_user_user_fn_name = None
+ last_user_frame_index = fi
+ last_user_user_file_path = frame_file_path
+ cleaned_traceback.append(frame)
+ for fi in range(len(cleaned_traceback)):
+ _rewrite_frame(source_map, cleaned_traceback, [fi])
+ op_name = error.op.name
+ op_message = error.message
+ rewritten_error = TfRuntimeError(op_name, op_message, cleaned_traceback)
+ return rewritten_error
+ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ logging.exception('Error while rewriting AutoGraph error:')
+ return error
+# TODO(znado): Add arg to enable different levels of error rewriting.
+def improved_errors(converted_function):
+ """Context manager that rewrites runtime errors.
+ This context manager will rewrite runtime errors so that their traceback
+ is relative to the original code before conversion.
+ Use with the output of to_graph, and wrap the execution of respective ops.
+ Example:
+ converted_my_func = ag.to_graph(my_func)
+ ops = converted_my_func(...)
+ with ag.improved_errors(converted_my_func):
+ sess.run(ops)
+ Args:
+ converted_function: Callable[..., Any], the output of a to_graph call
+ Yields:
+ None
+ Raises:
+ TfRuntimeError: if any OpError originates in the converted code, it will
+ be wrapped into a TfRuntimeError
+ ValueError: If converted_function is not generated by AutoGraph
+ """
+ if (getattr(converted_function, 'ag_source_map', None) is None or
+ not converted_function.ag_source_map):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'converted_function must be the result of an autograph.to_graph call')
+ try:
+ yield
+ except errors_impl.OpError as e:
+ raise rewrite_tf_runtime_error(e, converted_function.ag_source_map)