path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.cc')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.cc b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.cc
index 2166c34358..ec901af1e2 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.cc
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.cc
@@ -46,28 +46,14 @@ namespace xla {
using ::tensorflow::strings::StrAppend;
using ::tensorflow::strings::StrCat;
-string ShapeIndex::ToString() const {
- return StrCat("{", tensorflow::str_util::Join(indices_, ","), "}");
+string ShapeIndex::ToString() const { return ShapeIndexView(*this).ToString(); }
string ShapeIndexView::ToString() const {
- return StrCat("{",
- tensorflow::str_util::Join(
- tensorflow::gtl::make_range(begin_, end_), ","),
- "}");
+ return StrCat("{", tensorflow::str_util::Join(indices_, ","), "}");
bool ShapeIndexView::operator==(const ShapeIndexView& other) const {
- if (size() != other.size()) {
- return false;
- }
- for (auto it = begin(), other_it = other.begin(); it != end();
- ++it, ++other_it) {
- if (*it != *other_it) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
+ return indices_ == other.indices_;
bool ShapeIndexView::operator!=(const ShapeIndexView& other) const {
@@ -696,7 +682,7 @@ StatusOr<Shape> ParseShapeStringInternal(tensorflow::StringPiece* s) {
} else {
// Opaque, token, etc types are vacuously compatible.
- return true;
+ return lhs.element_type() == rhs.element_type();
@@ -711,7 +697,7 @@ StatusOr<Shape> ParseShapeStringInternal(tensorflow::StringPiece* s) {
} else {
// Opaque, token, etc types are vacuously compatible.
- return true;
+ return lhs.element_type() == rhs.element_type();
@@ -891,44 +877,62 @@ StatusOr<Shape> ParseShapeStringInternal(tensorflow::StringPiece* s) {
/* static */ Status ShapeUtil::ValidateShapeSize(const Shape& shape) {
VLOG(3) << "Validating shape size: " << ShapeUtil::HumanString(shape);
- auto invalid_argument =
- InvalidArgument("Shape %s size may overflow int64.",
- ShapeUtil::HumanString(shape).c_str());
if (!IsArray(shape)) {
return Status::OK();
- int64 shape_size;
- if (LayoutUtil::IsSparseArray(shape)) {
- shape_size = LayoutUtil::MaxSparseElements(shape.layout());
- if (shape_size < 0) {
- return invalid_argument;
- }
- shape_size = MultiplyWithoutOverflow(shape_size, ShapeUtil::Rank(shape));
- if (shape_size < 0) {
- return invalid_argument;
+ int64 shape_size = [&shape]() {
+ if (LayoutUtil::IsSparseArray(shape)) {
+ int64 max_sparse_elements = LayoutUtil::MaxSparseElements(shape.layout());
+ if (max_sparse_elements < 0) {
+ return max_sparse_elements;
+ }
+ int64 sparse_elements_size = MultiplyWithoutOverflow(
+ max_sparse_elements, ByteSizeOfPrimitiveType(shape.element_type()));
+ if (sparse_elements_size < 0) {
+ return sparse_elements_size;
+ }
+ int64 sparse_indices_size =
+ MultiplyWithoutOverflow(max_sparse_elements, ShapeUtil::Rank(shape));
+ if (sparse_indices_size < 0) {
+ return sparse_indices_size;
+ }
+ sparse_indices_size =
+ MultiplyWithoutOverflow(sparse_indices_size, sizeof(int64));
+ if (sparse_indices_size < 0) {
+ return sparse_indices_size;
+ }
+ // At this point, both sparse_indices_size and sparse_elements_size are
+ // non-negative, so we can easily check if adding them wraps.
+ if (static_cast<uint64>(sparse_elements_size) +
+ static_cast<uint64>(sparse_indices_size) >
+ INT64_MAX) {
+ return static_cast<int64>(-1);
+ }
- shape_size = MultiplyWithoutOverflow(shape_size, sizeof(int64));
- if (shape_size < 0) {
- return invalid_argument;
+ // This is intentionally unconditional: even if the shape is sparse, we want
+ // to verify the densified version has a reasonable size.
+ int64 dense_shape_size = 1;
+ if (shape.dimensions().empty()) {
+ return dense_shape_size;
- }
- // This is intentionally unconditional: even if the shape is sparse, we want
- // to verify the densified version has a reasonable size.
- if (shape.dimensions().empty()) {
- return Status::OK();
- }
- shape_size = 1;
- for (int64 dim : shape.dimensions()) {
- shape_size = MultiplyWithoutOverflow(shape_size, dim);
- if (shape_size < 0) {
- return invalid_argument;
+ for (int64 dim : shape.dimensions()) {
+ dense_shape_size = MultiplyWithoutOverflow(dense_shape_size, dim);
+ if (dense_shape_size < 0) {
+ return dense_shape_size;
+ }
- }
- shape_size = MultiplyWithoutOverflow(
- shape_size, ByteSizeOfPrimitiveType(shape.element_type()));
+ dense_shape_size = MultiplyWithoutOverflow(
+ dense_shape_size, ByteSizeOfPrimitiveType(shape.element_type()));
+ return dense_shape_size;
+ }();
if (shape_size < 0) {
- return invalid_argument;
+ return InvalidArgument("Shape %s size may overflow int64.",
+ ShapeUtil::HumanString(shape).c_str());
VLOG(3) << "Shape size is valid: " << shape_size;
@@ -1119,12 +1123,41 @@ Status ForEachMutableSubshapeHelper(
for (auto dim : Permute(permutation, shape.dimensions())) {
+ // If `shape` has a layout, by contract we choose a new layout such that the
+ // transpose defined by this permutation is a bitcast.
+ //
+ // Some formalism helps to understand the correct way to do this. We're going
+ // to do algebra in the group of permutations of the dimensions of `shape`.
+ //
+ // Since the order of `shape`'s dimensions is not permuted relative to itself,
+ // `shape`'s list of dimensions is isomorphic to the identity I.
+ //
+ // Let `shape`'s layout be L. A layout is a permutation which maps a
+ // minor-to-major physical layout to the order of a shape's logical dims.
+ // Therefore inverse of a layout maps from logical to physical dims, and so
+ // the physical layout of I is simply L'.I = L', where L' is the inverse of L.
+ //
+ // Let the argument `permutation` be P. This is a permutation over `shape`'s
+ // dimensions, so our return value will be a shape with dims P.I = P. Our
+ // goal is to construct a layout permutation L* that we can apply to P such
+ // that that the physical dimension ordering of the returned shape is the same
+ // as that of the original shape, namely L'.
+ //
+ // Our returned shape has dims P and layout L*, so its in-memory layout is
+ // L*'.P. Setting this equal to L' and solving for L*, we get:
+ //
+ // L*'.P = L' =>
+ // L*' = L'P' =>
+ // L* = P.L
+ //
if (shape.has_layout()) {
Layout* new_layout = new_shape.mutable_layout();
- for (auto index : Permute(permutation, shape.layout().minor_to_major())) {
+ for (auto index : ComposePermutations(
+ permutation, AsInt64Slice(shape.layout().minor_to_major()))) {
if (shape.layout().padded_dimensions_size() > 0) {
@@ -1134,6 +1167,13 @@ Status ForEachMutableSubshapeHelper(
+ // The permutation accepted by TransposeIsBitcast is the inverse of the
+ // permutation here.
+ CHECK(TransposeIsBitcast(shape, new_shape, InversePermutation(permutation)))
+ << "shape=" << HumanStringWithLayout(shape)
+ << ", new_shape=" << HumanStringWithLayout(new_shape)
+ << ", permutation={" << tensorflow::str_util::Join(permutation, ",")
+ << "}";
return new_shape;