path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/user_computation.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/user_computation.h')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/user_computation.h b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/user_computation.h
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index 0000000000..06824b01c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/user_computation.h
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+/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include <functional>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_computation.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/session.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/versioned_computation_handle.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/statusor.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/mutex.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/thread_annotations.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
+namespace xla {
+// A UserComputation is the built-up computation that users create via the
+// XLA Service interface.
+// The XLA service adds instructions to a user computation via this
+// interface. The state of the computation is stored as a SessionComputation
+// proto which holds a record of all operation-building requests received by the
+// XLA service.
+// UserComputations are lowered to HloComputations which are passed to the high
+// level compiler interface.
+class UserComputation {
+ public:
+ // Factory used when restoring a computation from serialized session
+ // computation (computation snapshot) data. Remaps any references to
+ // computation handle via the old_to_new mapping.
+ //
+ // An error will occur if the old_to_new mapping cannot resolve a reference to
+ // a computation that is present in session_computation.
+ static StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<UserComputation>> MakeWithRemapping(
+ const SessionComputation& session_computation,
+ const ComputationHandle& handle,
+ const std::map<int64, ComputationHandle>& old_to_new);
+ // Creates an empty computation with the given name and computation handle.
+ explicit UserComputation(const string& name, const ComputationHandle& handle);
+ // Enqueues a parameter-retrieving instruction onto this user computation.
+ // Returns an error status if the parameter number is already registered with
+ // different values.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddParameterInstruction(
+ const ParameterRequest& parameter_request);
+ // Enqueues a pad instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddPadInstruction(
+ const PadRequest& parameter_request);
+ // Enqueues a tracing instruction onto this user computation.
+ // Returns an error status if the operand cannot be resolved.
+ Status AddTraceInstruction(const TraceRequest& trace_request);
+ // Enqueues a random number generation instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddRngInstruction(
+ const RngRequest& rng_request);
+ // Enqueues a unary instruction onto this user computation.
+ // Returns an error status if the operand index is out of bounds.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddUnaryInstruction(
+ const UnaryOpRequest& unary_request);
+ // Enqueues a binary instruction onto this user computation.
+ // Returns an error status if the operand indices are out of bounds.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddBinaryInstruction(
+ const BinaryOpRequest& binary_request);
+ // Enqueues a ternary instruction onto this user computation.
+ // Returns an error status if the operand indices are out of bounds.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddTernaryInstruction(
+ const TernaryOpRequest& request);
+ // Enqueues a variadic instruction onto this user computation.
+ // Returns an error status if the operand indices are out of bounds.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddVariadicInstruction(
+ const VariadicOpRequest& variadic_request);
+ // Enqueues a constant instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddConstantInstruction(
+ const ConstantRequest& constant_request);
+ // Enqueues a get tuple element instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddGetTupleElementInstruction(
+ const GetTupleElementRequest& get_tuple_element_request);
+ // Enqueues a map instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddMapInstruction(
+ const MapRequest& map_request,
+ const UserComputation& to_apply_computation);
+ // Enqueues a convolution instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddConvolveInstruction(
+ const ConvolveRequest& convolve_request);
+ // Enqueues a cross replica sum instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddCrossReplicaSumInstruction(
+ const CrossReplicaSumRequest& cross_replica_sum_request);
+ // Enqueues an infeed instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddInfeedInstruction(
+ const InfeedRequest& infeed_request);
+ // Enqueues a call instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddCallInstruction(
+ const CallRequest& call_request,
+ const UserComputation& to_apply_computation);
+ // Enqueues a custom call instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddCustomCallInstruction(
+ const CustomCallRequest& custom_call_request);
+ // Enqueues a broadcast instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddBroadcastInstruction(
+ const BroadcastRequest& broadcast_request);
+ // Enqueues a reshape instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddReshapeInstruction(
+ const ReshapeRequest& reshape_request);
+ // Enqueues a slice instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddSliceInstruction(
+ const SliceRequest& slice_request);
+ // Enqueues a dynamic slice instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddDynamicSliceInstruction(
+ const DynamicSliceRequest& dynamic_slice_request);
+ // Enqueues a dynamic update slice instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddDynamicUpdateSliceInstruction(
+ const DynamicUpdateSliceRequest& dynamic_update_slice_request);
+ // Enqueues a concatenate instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddConcatenateInstruction(
+ const ConcatenateRequest& slice_request);
+ // Enqueues a convert instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddConvertInstruction(
+ const ConvertRequest& convert_request);
+ // Enqueues a reduce instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddReduceInstruction(
+ const ReduceRequest& reduce_request,
+ const UserComputation& reduction_computation);
+ // Enqueues a windowed reduce instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddReduceWindowInstruction(
+ const ReduceWindowRequest& reduce_window_request,
+ const UserComputation& reduction_computation);
+ // Enqueues a select-and-scatter instruction onto this user
+ // computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddSelectAndScatterInstruction(
+ const SelectAndScatterRequest& scatter_to_selected_window_element_request,
+ const UserComputation& select_computation,
+ const UserComputation& scatter_computation);
+ // Enqueues a reverse instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddReverseInstruction(
+ const ReverseRequest& reverse_request);
+ // Enqueues a while instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddWhileInstruction(
+ const WhileRequest& while_request,
+ const UserComputation& condition_computation,
+ const UserComputation& body_computation);
+ // Enqueues a Send instruction onto this user computation.
+ Status AddSendInstruction(const SendRequest& send_request);
+ // Enqueues a Recv instruction onto this user computation.
+ StatusOr<ComputationDataHandle> AddRecvInstruction(
+ const RecvRequest& recv_request);
+ // Returns the user-provided name of this user computation, which is provided
+ // via the XLA computation-building API.
+ const string& name() const { return name_; }
+ // Subsequent executions of this computation will compute the value
+ // represented by handle, rather than the last expression enqueued
+ // on the computation.
+ Status SetReturnValue(const ComputationDataHandle& handle);
+ // Return a versioned handle for this computation.
+ VersionedComputationHandle GetVersionedHandle() const;
+ // Return a versioned handle for this computation with a version equal to the
+ // point at which given operation was added to the computation.
+ VersionedComputationHandle GetVersionedHandleAtOperation(
+ const ComputationDataHandle& operation) const;
+ // Return a version value representing the current state of the
+ // computation.
+ VersionedComputationHandle::Version version() const;
+ // Computes and returns the program shape for the user computation -- gathers
+ // parameters and result type into a single proto. A shared_ptr is used
+ // because the returned pointer refers to an internally cached value which may
+ // be discarded by the UserComputation object. This avoid unnecessary copies.
+ //
+ // If the parameter space is not dense (i.e. there are holes in the parameter
+ // numbers provided) then an error status is returned.
+ StatusOr<std::shared_ptr<const ProgramShape>> ComputeProgramShape(
+ VersionedComputationHandle::Version version) const;
+ // Returns true if the given data handle does not depend on any
+ // parameters. That is, the value can be computed at compile time.
+ StatusOr<bool> IsConstant(const ComputationDataHandle& handle);
+ // Returns the output shape of the operation indicated by the given handle.
+ StatusOr<Shape> GetShape(const ComputationDataHandle& handle);
+ // Builds a HLO computation from the UserComputation. The parameter "resolver"
+ // is a function which returns a pointer to the HloComputation corresponding
+ // to the given ComputationHandle at the given version. The resolver is used
+ // for operations, such as map, which call other computations and need a
+ // pointer to the called HloComputation to construct the respective HLO
+ // instructions. If include_unused_computation is true, then all parameter
+ // instructions are lowered into HloInstructions even if the parameter is
+ // unused (the root of the computation is unreachable from the parameter).
+ using HloComputationResolver =
+ std::function<HloComputation*(const VersionedComputationHandle& handle)>;
+ StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<HloComputation>> BuildHloComputation(
+ VersionedComputationHandle::Version version,
+ HloComputationResolver hlo_resolver,
+ bool include_unused_parameters = true) const;
+ // Return a vector containing the embedded computations used by this
+ // UserComputation. Only embedded computations which are called directly by
+ // this UserComputation are included. That is, the transitive closure of
+ // embedded computations is not included.
+ std::vector<VersionedComputationHandle> GetEmbeddedComputations(
+ VersionedComputationHandle::Version version) const;
+ // Returns the number of OperationRequest objects in this UserComputation.
+ // The 'version' of a computation is identical to the number of
+ // OperationRequests in the UserComputation.
+ int64 request_count(VersionedComputationHandle::Version version) const {
+ return version;
+ }
+ // Returns a copy of the internal session state for this computation -- this
+ // is useful for serializing the guts of a user computation, though references
+ // to other handles (e.g. referred-to computations) must be handled with care
+ // in the serialization / de-serialization process.
+ SessionComputation CloneSessionComputation(
+ VersionedComputationHandle::Version version) const;
+ private:
+ // Warning: dangerous mutating operation that doesn't respect versioning.
+ // This is only used at initialization time when constructing from a
+ // SessionComputation a la MakeWithRemapping.
+ //
+ // Remaps references to old computations (with handle values in the keys of
+ // old_to_new) to the computation handle given in the values. This is useful
+ // when loading computations from snapshots, to finish initialization, before
+ // the user computation is released into the wild.
+ Status RemapEmbeddedComputations(
+ const std::map<int64, ComputationHandle>& old_to_new)
+ // Returns the OperationRequestion corresponding to the root (result) of the
+ // computation.
+ const OperationRequest& GetRoot(VersionedComputationHandle::Version version)
+ // Returns the OperationRequest corresponding to the given handle value.
+ StatusOr<const OperationRequest*> LookupRequest(
+ const ComputationDataHandle& handle) const
+ // Creates a new ComputationDataHandle with the next available handle value.
+ ComputationDataHandle CreateComputationDataHandle()
+ // Checks whether the parameter numbers of the parameter operations are
+ // contiguous starting from zero. Returns appropriate error status if not.
+ Status CheckParametersAreContiguous(
+ VersionedComputationHandle::Version version) const
+ // Name of the computation.
+ string name_;
+ mutable tensorflow::mutex mutex_;
+ // State of the computation as a record of all operation-building requests.
+ SessionComputation session_computation_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
+ // Mapping from parameter number to operation request containing the
+ // respective ParameterRequest.
+ std::map<int64, OperationRequest*> parameters_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
+ // The next ComputationDataHandle value to assign. Handle values are assigned
+ // sequentially.
+ int64 next_handle_value_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
+ // If handle_to_return_.has_handle() then an Execution of this Computation
+ // will compute the value represented by handle_to_return_, otherwise it will
+ // compute the value of (next_handle_value_ - 1).
+ ComputationDataHandle handle_to_return_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
+ // Memoized ProgramShape and its version. A shared_ptr is used because
+ // references to this object are returned by ComputeProgramShape.
+ mutable int64 program_shape_version_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = 0;
+ mutable std::shared_ptr<const ProgramShape> program_shape_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
+} // namespace xla