path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_graph_dumper.cc
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1 files changed, 626 insertions, 491 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_graph_dumper.cc b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_graph_dumper.cc
index acd26c4e31..c6202548f1 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_graph_dumper.cc
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_graph_dumper.cc
@@ -48,37 +48,37 @@ using ::tensorflow::Env;
using ::tensorflow::gtl::nullopt;
using ::tensorflow::gtl::optional;
using ::tensorflow::io::JoinPath;
-using ::tensorflow::strings::Appendf;
-using ::tensorflow::strings::Printf;
using ::tensorflow::strings::StrAppend;
using ::tensorflow::strings::StrCat;
using ::tensorflow::str_util::Join;
+using ::tensorflow::str_util::StringReplace;
using ::tensorflow::WriteStringToFile;
namespace xla {
namespace hlo_graph_dumper {
namespace {
-// Node color schemes, used by NodeColorAttributes.
-enum ColorScheme {
- kBlue,
- kBrown,
- kDarkBlue,
- kDarkGreen,
- kDarkRed,
- kGray,
- kGreen,
- kOrange,
- kPurple,
- kRed,
- kWhite,
- kYellow,
- // Causes the node's border to be a dashed line, and its content to be gray
- // text on a white background, suggesting that this is an "unimportant" node.
- kDashedBorder,
+// Helpers for Printf and Appendf.
+template <typename T>
+struct PrintfConvert {
+ const T& operator()(const T& t) const { return t; }
+template <>
+struct PrintfConvert<string> {
+ const char* operator()(const string& s) const { return s.c_str(); }
+// Like tensorflow::strings::Printf/Appendf, but you don't need to call c_str()
+// on strings.
+template <typename... Ts>
+string Printf(const char* fmt, const Ts&... ts) {
+ return tensorflow::strings::Printf(fmt, PrintfConvert<Ts>()(ts)...);
+template <typename... Ts>
+void Appendf(string* s, const char* fmt, const Ts&... ts) {
+ tensorflow::strings::Appendf(s, fmt, PrintfConvert<Ts>()(ts)...);
// Used to indicate how we should treat a given HLOInstruction in the graph.
// should we treat it like normal, hide it, and so on?
enum NodeFilterResult {
@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ enum NodeFilterResult {
// Style the node the same as kSomeOperandsOmitted, but also don't connect it
// to its operands, even if they're present in the graph.
+ // Same style as kSomeOperandsOmitted, but used to indicate that some of the
+ // node's *users* have been omitted.
+ kSomeUsersOmitted,
// NodeFilter is essentially a map from HloInstruction*s to NodeFilterResult.
@@ -118,11 +121,41 @@ class NodeFilter {
auto result = filter_(instr);
return result == kOmitNodeOperands || result == kSomeOperandsOmitted;
+ bool Deemphasized(const HloInstruction* instr) const {
+ auto result = filter_(instr);
+ return result == kOmitNodeOperands || result == kSomeOperandsOmitted ||
+ result == kSomeUsersOmitted;
+ }
+ bool ShowFusionSubcomputation(const HloInstruction* instr) const {
+ CHECK_EQ(instr->opcode(), HloOpcode::kFusion);
+ return Show(instr) && !SomeOrAllOperandsOmitted(instr);
+ }
std::function<NodeFilterResult(const HloInstruction* instr)> filter_;
+// Node color schemes, used by NodeColorAttributes.
+enum ColorScheme {
+ kBlue,
+ kBrown,
+ kDarkBlue,
+ kDarkGreen,
+ kDarkRed,
+ kGray,
+ kGreen,
+ kOrange,
+ kPurple,
+ kRed,
+ kWhite,
+ kYellow,
+ // Causes the node's border to be a dashed line, and its content to be gray
+ // text on a white background, suggesting that this is an "unimportant" node.
+ kDashedBorder,
// Given a ColorScheme, returns an attribute string for a node of that color.
// Sets the node's style and fill/stroke/text colors.
@@ -170,19 +203,8 @@ string NodeColorAttributes(ColorScheme color) {
// Replaces <> with &lt;&gt;, so that this string is safe(er) for use in a
// graphviz HTML-like string.
string HtmlLikeStringSanitize(tensorflow::StringPiece s) {
- return tensorflow::str_util::StringReplace(
- tensorflow::str_util::StringReplace(s, "<", "&lt;", /*replace_all=*/true),
- ">", "&gt;", /*replace_all=*/true);
-// Returns the dot graph identifier for the given instruction.
-string InstructionId(const HloInstruction* instruction) {
- return Printf("%lld", reinterpret_cast<uint64>(instruction));
-// Returns the dot graph identifier for the given computation.
-string ComputationId(const HloComputation* computation) {
- return Printf("%lld", reinterpret_cast<uint64>(computation));
+ return StringReplace(StringReplace(s, "<", "&lt;", /*replace_all=*/true), ">",
+ "&gt;", /*replace_all=*/true);
// Tries to generates a human-readable one-word description of the given
@@ -194,9 +216,15 @@ string ComputationId(const HloComputation* computation) {
// "return param0 * param1;" --> "multiply"
// "return min(param0, param1);" --> "min"
// "return max(param0, param1);" --> "max"
+// "return param0 <= param1;" --> "less-or-equal"
+// "return param0 >= param1;" --> "greater-or-equal"
+// "return param0 > param1;" --> "greater-than"
+// "return param0 < param1;" --> "less-than"
+// "return param0 == param1;" --> "equal-to"
+// "return param0 != param1;" --> "not-equal-to"
-// where param0 and param1 are effective scalars. Since all of the ops above
-// are commutative, we also support them with param0 and param1 swapped.
+// where param0 and param1 are effective scalars. For the ops that are
+// commutative, we also support them with param0 and param1 swapped.
// This is useful primarily for reduce and map nodes. These take a
// subcomputation which is almost always one of the four above, and pattern
@@ -219,6 +247,7 @@ optional<string> MatchTrivialComputation(const HloComputation* computation) {
operand1->opcode() != HloOpcode::kParameter) {
return nullopt;
// Check that the two operands of root are param0 and param1. All of the
// opcodes we recognize are commutative, so we're OK with either order.
auto n0 = operand0->parameter_number();
@@ -227,6 +256,20 @@ optional<string> MatchTrivialComputation(const HloComputation* computation) {
return nullopt;
+ // If the params are reversed, check that the operation being performed is
+ // commutative.
+ if (n0 == 1) {
+ switch (root->opcode()) {
+ case HloOpcode::kLe:
+ case HloOpcode::kGe:
+ case HloOpcode::kGt:
+ case HloOpcode::kLt:
+ return nullopt;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
// Check that the root and params are all effective scalars.
if (!ShapeUtil::IsEffectiveScalar(root->shape()) ||
!ShapeUtil::IsEffectiveScalar(operand0->shape()) ||
@@ -244,444 +287,542 @@ optional<string> MatchTrivialComputation(const HloComputation* computation) {
return "min";
case HloOpcode::kMaximum:
return "max";
+ case HloOpcode::kLe:
+ return "less-or-equal";
+ case HloOpcode::kGe:
+ return "greater-or-equal";
+ case HloOpcode::kGt:
+ return "greater-than";
+ case HloOpcode::kLt:
+ return "less-than";
+ case HloOpcode::kEq:
+ return "equal-to";
+ case HloOpcode::kNe:
+ return "not-equal-to";
return nullopt;
-// Returns the dot graph edges and nodes for the given instruction sequence.
-// Edges which extend between computations are added to the vector
-// intercomputation_edges. This is necessary because graphviz does not render
-// the graph properly unless these inter-computation edges appear after all
-// subgraph statements.
-string InstructionSequenceGraph(
- const std::list<std::unique_ptr<HloInstruction>>& instructions,
- bool show_addresses, bool show_layouts,
- std::vector<string>* intercomputation_edges,
- const HloExecutionProfile* hlo_execution_profile,
- const NodeFilter& filter) {
- string graph_body;
- for (auto& instruction : instructions) {
- if (!filter.Show(instruction.get())) {
- continue;
- }
+class HloDotDumper {
+ public:
+ HloDotDumper(const HloComputation* computation, tensorflow::StringPiece label,
+ bool show_addresses, bool show_layouts,
+ const HloExecutionProfile* profile, NodeFilter filter)
+ : computation_(computation),
+ label_(label.ToString()),
+ show_addresses_(show_addresses),
+ show_layouts_(show_layouts),
+ profile_(profile),
+ filter_(std::move(filter)) {}
+ string Dump();
- // We don't display constants as separate nodes; they're merged into their
- // users.
- if (instruction->opcode() == HloOpcode::kConstant) {
+ private:
+ // Returns the dot graph identifier for the given instruction.
+ string InstructionId(const HloInstruction* instruction) {
+ return StrCat(reinterpret_cast<uint64>(instruction));
+ }
+ // Returns the dot graph identifier for the given computation.
+ string SubcomputationId(const HloComputation* computation) {
+ return StrCat("cluster_", reinterpret_cast<uint64>(computation));
+ }
+ string Header();
+ string Footer();
+ // Maps HloComputations we should dump to their parent instruction in the
+ // outer computation.
+ std::unordered_map<const HloComputation*, const HloInstruction*>
+ SubcomputationsToDump();
+ string DumpSubcomputation(const HloComputation* subcomp,
+ const HloInstruction* parent_instr);
+ string DumpComputation(const HloComputation* comp);
+ string DumpInstruction(const HloInstruction* instr);
+ ColorScheme GetInstructionColor(const HloInstruction* instr);
+ string GetInstructionNodeShape(const HloInstruction* instr);
+ string GetInstructionNodeLabel(const HloInstruction* instr);
+ string GetInstructionNodeExtraInfo(const HloInstruction* instr);
+ string GetInstructionNodeInlinedConstants(const HloInstruction* instr);
+ void AddInstructionIncomingEdges(const HloInstruction* instr);
+ // If instr has just one computation and it's trivial (e.g. "return param0 +
+ // param1"), returns a string you can put into the node's body that names the
+ // subcomputation, e.g. "Subcomputation: <b>add</b>".
+ string GetInstructionTrivialComputationStr(const HloInstruction* instr);
+ const HloComputation* computation_; // never null
+ const string label_; // overall name for the graph
+ const bool show_addresses_;
+ const bool show_layouts_;
+ const HloExecutionProfile* profile_; // may be null
+ const NodeFilter filter_;
+ // Edges to print from Footer(). Edges come at the end because graphviz is
+ // unhappy if an edge from a subcomputation to a node in the outer computation
+ // appears before both the inner computation and the destination node are
+ // defined.
+ std::vector<string> edges_;
+string HloDotDumper::Dump() {
+ string g = Header();
+ for (const auto& kv : SubcomputationsToDump()) {
+ const HloComputation* subcomp = kv.first;
+ const HloInstruction* parent = kv.second;
+ StrAppend(&g, DumpSubcomputation(subcomp, parent));
+ }
+ StrAppend(&g, DumpComputation(computation_));
+ StrAppend(&g, Footer());
+ return g;
+string HloDotDumper::Header() {
+ // DOT graphs accept a stylesheet as a URI. So naturally, an inline
+ // stylesheet is a data URI!
+ const char* fmt = R"(digraph G {
+rankdir = TB;
+compound = true;
+label = <<b>%s</b>>;
+labelloc = t;
+ data:text/css,
+ @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,700);
+ svg text {
+ font-family: 'Roboto';
+ font-size: 12px;
+ }
+ string graph_label = StrCat(label_, "<br/>", computation_->name());
+ if (profile_ != nullptr) {
+ auto cycles = profile_->total_cycles_executed(*computation_);
+ Appendf(&graph_label, "<br/>total cycles = %lld (%s)", cycles,
+ tensorflow::strings::HumanReadableNum(cycles));
+ }
+ return Printf(fmt, graph_label);
+string HloDotDumper::Footer() { return StrCat(Join(edges_, "\n"), "\n}"); }
+std::unordered_map<const HloComputation*, const HloInstruction*>
+HloDotDumper::SubcomputationsToDump() {
+ // Dump the subcomputations of each instruction that's shown and doesn't have
+ // its operands omitted. If an instruction has just one subcomputation and
+ // it's trivial, omit it: We'll display that subcomputation inlined into the
+ // instruction's node when we draw it.
+ std::unordered_map<const HloComputation*, const HloInstruction*> to_dump;
+ for (const auto& instr : computation_->instructions()) {
+ if (!filter_.Show(instr.get()) ||
+ filter_.SomeOrAllOperandsOmitted(instr.get())) {
+ if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kFusion) {
+ to_dump[instr->fused_instructions_computation()] = instr.get();
+ }
- ColorScheme color = kYellow;
- string shape = "box";
- // Build the first line or two of the node, containing its name and opcode
- // (if the opcode isn't redundant with the name).
- string name;
- if (instruction->opcode() == HloOpcode::kParameter) {
- // If we have a parameter, put the param number in the name.
- name = StrCat("<b>Parameter ", instruction->parameter_number(),
- "</b><br/>", HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instruction->name()));
- } else if (tensorflow::StringPiece(instruction->name())
- .starts_with(
- StrCat("%", instruction->ExtendedOpcodeStr()))) {
- // The HLO instruction name contains usually the opcode, e.g. "%add.42" is
- // an add instruction. In this case we render just the name.
- name = StrCat("<b>", HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instruction->name()), "</b>");
- } else if (instruction->opcode() == HloOpcode::kFusion &&
- tensorflow::StringPiece(instruction->name())
- .starts_with(
- StrCat("%", HloOpcodeString(instruction->opcode())))) {
- // Fusion nodes are usually named e.g. "%fusion.5". We render these as
- // e.g. "%fusion.5<br/>input fusion".
- name = StrCat("<b>", HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instruction->name()),
- "</b><br/>",
- HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instruction->ToCategory()));
- } else {
- // If the name does not contain the opcode, render both.
- name = StrCat("<b>",
- HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instruction->ExtendedOpcodeStr()),
- "</b><br/>", HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instruction->name()));
- }
- if (HloOpcode::kConvolution == instruction->opcode()) {
- StrAppend(
- &name, "<br/>",
- HtmlLikeStringSanitize(
- instruction->ConvolutionDimensionNumbersToString()),
- "<br/>",
- HtmlLikeStringSanitize(window_util::ToString(instruction->window())));
- }
- if (!instruction->metadata().op_name().empty()) {
- StrAppend(&name, "<br/>",
- HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instruction->metadata().op_name()));
- }
- if (!instruction->metadata().source_file().empty() &&
- instruction->metadata().source_line() != 0) {
- StrAppend(&name, "<br/>", instruction->metadata().source_file(), ":",
- instruction->metadata().source_line());
- }
- // Pick different colors or shapes for instructions which are particularly
- // expensive (eg, dot) and those which are unusual in some way or unique
- // (eg, parameter).
- switch (instruction->opcode()) {
- // "Normal" instructions. Mostly cheap and elementwise. No call to
- // embedded computations. In this case, use default color, shape and
- // label.
- case HloOpcode::kAbs:
- case HloOpcode::kAdd:
- case HloOpcode::kCeil:
- case HloOpcode::kClamp:
- case HloOpcode::kConvert:
- case HloOpcode::kCos:
- case HloOpcode::kDivide:
- case HloOpcode::kEq:
- case HloOpcode::kExp:
- case HloOpcode::kFloor:
- case HloOpcode::kGe:
- case HloOpcode::kGt:
- case HloOpcode::kIndex:
- case HloOpcode::kIsFinite:
- case HloOpcode::kLe:
- case HloOpcode::kLog:
- case HloOpcode::kLogicalAnd:
- case HloOpcode::kLogicalNot:
- case HloOpcode::kLogicalOr:
- case HloOpcode::kLt:
- case HloOpcode::kMaximum:
- case HloOpcode::kMinimum:
- case HloOpcode::kMultiply:
- case HloOpcode::kNe:
- case HloOpcode::kNegate:
- case HloOpcode::kPower:
- case HloOpcode::kRemainder:
- case HloOpcode::kSelect:
- case HloOpcode::kSign:
- case HloOpcode::kSin:
- case HloOpcode::kSlice:
- case HloOpcode::kSort:
- case HloOpcode::kSubtract:
- case HloOpcode::kTanh:
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kRng:
- StrAppend(&name, "<br/>",
- RandomDistribution_Name(instruction->random_distribution()));
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kBroadcast:
- case HloOpcode::kTranspose:
- StrAppend(&name, "<br/>", "dims={",
- Join(instruction->dimensions(), ","), "}");
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kBitcast:
- case HloOpcode::kTuple:
- case HloOpcode::kTrace:
- color = kWhite;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kGetTupleElement:
- color = kWhite;
- StrAppend(&name, "<br/>index=", instruction->tuple_index());
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kConcatenate:
- case HloOpcode::kCopy:
- case HloOpcode::kDynamicSlice:
- case HloOpcode::kDynamicUpdateSlice:
- case HloOpcode::kPad:
- case HloOpcode::kReshape:
- case HloOpcode::kReverse:
- case HloOpcode::kUpdate:
- color = kGreen;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kConvolution:
- case HloOpcode::kDot:
- color = kDarkBlue;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kParameter:
- color = kOrange;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kBatchNormTraining:
- StrAppend(&name, " feature_index=", instruction->feature_index());
- color = kPurple;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kBatchNormGrad:
- StrAppend(&name, " feature_index=", instruction->feature_index());
- color = kPurple;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kReduce:
- StrAppend(&name, " dims=", Join(instruction->dimensions(), ","));
- color = kPurple;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kSelectAndScatter:
- case HloOpcode::kReduceWindow:
- color = kPurple;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kWhile:
- shape = "ellipse";
- color = kDarkGreen;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kMap:
- case HloOpcode::kFusion:
- color = kGray;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kSend:
- case HloOpcode::kRecv:
- case HloOpcode::kInfeed:
- case HloOpcode::kOutfeed:
- case HloOpcode::kCrossReplicaSum:
- color = kBrown;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kCall:
- color = kDarkGreen;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kCustomCall:
- color = kDarkGreen;
- StrAppend(&name, "<br/>",
- "custom_call_target=", instruction->custom_call_target());
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kReducePrecision:
- // Make ReducePrecision ops a bit more visible, since typically they
- // will be inserted as modifications to an existing graph.
- color = kRed;
- break;
- case HloOpcode::kConstant:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Constants don't get their own nodes in the graph.";
- }
- // Create instruction node with appropriate label, shape, and color.
- // label is interpreted as an HTML-like string, so newlines must be
- // delimited with <br/>, rather than \n.
- string label =
- StrCat(name, "<br/>", ShapeUtil::HumanString(instruction->shape()));
- if (show_addresses) {
- Appendf(&label, "<br/>[%p]", instruction.get());
- }
- if (show_layouts && LayoutUtil::HasLayout(instruction->shape())) {
- string layout_string;
- if (ShapeUtil::IsTuple(instruction->shape())) {
- // For tuples, emit the full shape because the layout of a tuple is not
- // represented in a single Layout field.
- layout_string = ShapeUtil::HumanStringWithLayout(instruction->shape());
- } else {
- layout_string =
- Join(instruction->shape().layout().minor_to_major(), ",");
- }
- StrAppend(&label, "<br/>layout={", layout_string, "}");
- }
- if (hlo_execution_profile != nullptr) {
- auto hlo_cycles_executed =
- hlo_execution_profile->GetProfileResult(*instruction);
- auto total_cycles_executed =
- hlo_execution_profile->total_cycles_executed(*instruction->parent());
- if (hlo_cycles_executed > 0 && total_cycles_executed > 0) {
- Appendf(&label, "<br/>%% of cycles executed=%.2f",
- (static_cast<double>(hlo_cycles_executed) /
- static_cast<double>(total_cycles_executed)) *
- 100);
+ for (const HloComputation* comp : instr->called_computations()) {
+ if (!MatchTrivialComputation(comp)) {
+ to_dump[comp] = instr.get();
+ }
+ return to_dump;
- // If this node's operands are omitted, style it accordingly.
- if (filter.SomeOrAllOperandsOmitted(instruction.get())) {
- color = kDashedBorder;
- }
+string HloDotDumper::DumpSubcomputation(const HloComputation* subcomp,
+ const HloInstruction* parent_instr) {
+ const char* computation_fmt = R"(subgraph %s {
+label = <%s>;
+labelloc = t;
+} // %s
- // If this node is highlighted, override its formatting.
- if (filter.Highlight(instruction.get())) {
- shape = "diamond";
- color = kDarkRed;
+ string id = SubcomputationId(subcomp);
+ string subcomp_label, style;
+ if (parent_instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kFusion) {
+ subcomp_label = Printf("Fused expression for <b>%s</b><br/>%s",
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(parent_instr->name()),
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(parent_instr->ToCategory()));
+ // Subcomputation's fill/stroke color is light/dark red/gray, depending on
+ // whether or not the subcomputation's fusion node is highlighted.
+ bool highlight = filter_.Highlight(parent_instr);
+ const char* fillcolor = highlight ? "#ffcdd2" : "#f5f5f5";
+ const char* strokecolor = highlight ? "#b71c1c" : "#c2c2c2";
+ style = Printf(R"(style="rounded,filled,bold"; fillcolor="%s"; color="%s")",
+ fillcolor, strokecolor);
+ } else {
+ subcomp_label = Printf("Subcomputation for <b>%s</b><br/>%s",
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(parent_instr->name()),
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(subcomp->name()));
+ style = "style=rounded; color=black;";
+ }
+ string comp_body = DumpComputation(subcomp);
+ string computation =
+ Printf(computation_fmt, id, style, subcomp_label, comp_body, id);
+ // Add an edge from the subcomputation to its parent node. If subcomp
+ // belongs to a fusion node, it's drawn in place of the fusion instruction, so
+ // there's no need to link those.
+ if (parent_instr->opcode() != HloOpcode::kFusion) {
+ const char* edge_fmt = R"(%s -> %s [ltail="%s", style="dashed"];)";
+ edges_.push_back(
+ Printf(edge_fmt, InstructionId(subcomp->root_instruction()),
+ InstructionId(parent_instr), SubcomputationId(subcomp)));
+ }
+ return computation;
+string HloDotDumper::DumpComputation(const HloComputation* comp) {
+ string g;
+ for (const auto& instr : comp->instructions()) {
+ if (!filter_.Show(instr.get())) {
+ continue;
+ StrAppend(&g, DumpInstruction(instr.get()));
+ }
+ return g;
- // Create edges from the instruction's operands to the instruction.
- if (!filter.OmitOperands(instruction.get())) {
- int64 operand_number = 0;
- for (auto* operand : instruction->operands()) {
- if (!filter.Show(operand) ||
- operand->opcode() == HloOpcode::kConstant) {
- ++operand_number;
- continue;
- }
- Appendf(&graph_body, "%s -> %s", InstructionId(operand).c_str(),
- InstructionId(instruction.get()).c_str());
- if (instruction->operand_count() > 1) {
- Appendf(&graph_body, " [headlabel=\"%lld\",labeldistance=2]",
- operand_number);
- }
- StrAppend(&graph_body, ";\n");
- ++operand_number;
- }
+string HloDotDumper::DumpInstruction(const HloInstruction* instr) {
+ // We don't display constants as separate nodes; they're merged into their
+ // users.
+ if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kConstant) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ // Omit the fusion node if its subcomputation is drawn, since the
+ // subcomputation will be drawn inline.
+ if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kFusion &&
+ filter_.ShowFusionSubcomputation(instr)) {
+ return "";
+ }
- // Fusion nodes are handled specially because they contain nested
- // expressions.
- if (instruction->opcode() == HloOpcode::kFusion) {
- string cluster_name =
- StrCat("cluster_", InstructionId(instruction.get()));
- StrAppend(&graph_body, "subgraph ", cluster_name, " {\n");
- StrAppend(&graph_body, "label=<fused expression for <b>",
- HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instruction->name()),
- "</b>>;\nstyle=\"rounded,filled\";\n"
- "color=lightgrey;\n");
- StrAppend(&graph_body,
- InstructionSequenceGraph(instruction->fused_instructions(),
- show_addresses, show_layouts,
- intercomputation_edges,
- hlo_execution_profile, NodeFilter()),
- "}\n");
- string fusion_edge = StrCat(
- InstructionId(instruction->fused_expression_root()), " -> ",
- InstructionId(instruction.get()),
- " [ style = \"dotted\", arrowsize=0.0, ltail=", cluster_name,
- " ];\n");
- intercomputation_edges->push_back(fusion_edge);
- } else {
- // If instruction has just one computation and it's trivial (e.g.
- // "return param0 + param1"), put the trivial computation type (e.g.
- // "add") into instruction's label. Otherwise, add a dotted edge
- // between the instruction and its subcomputations.
- const auto& subcomputations = instruction->called_computations();
- bool trivial_subcomputation = false;
- if (subcomputations.size() == 1) {
- optional<string> computation_type =
- MatchTrivialComputation(subcomputations.front());
- if (computation_type) {
- trivial_subcomputation = true;
- StrAppend(&label, "<br/>Subcomputation: <b>", *computation_type,
- "</b>");
- }
- }
+ ColorScheme color = GetInstructionColor(instr);
+ string node_shape = GetInstructionNodeShape(instr);
+ string node_label = GetInstructionNodeLabel(instr);
+ string extra_info = GetInstructionNodeExtraInfo(instr);
+ string inlined_constants = GetInstructionNodeInlinedConstants(instr);
+ string trivial_subcomputation = GetInstructionTrivialComputationStr(instr);
+ AddInstructionIncomingEdges(instr);
+ // Override the node's styling if it should be (de-)emphasized.
+ if (filter_.Deemphasized(instr)) {
+ color = kDashedBorder;
+ }
+ if (filter_.Highlight(instr)) {
+ node_shape = "diamond";
+ color = kDarkRed;
+ }
- if (!trivial_subcomputation) {
- for (const HloComputation* computation :
- instruction->called_computations()) {
- string cluster_name =
- StrCat("cluster_", ComputationId(computation));
- string call_edge = Printf(
- "%s -> %s [ style=dashed; ltail=%s ];\n",
- InstructionId(computation->root_instruction()).c_str(),
- InstructionId(instruction.get()).c_str(), cluster_name.c_str());
- intercomputation_edges->push_back(call_edge);
- }
- }
- }
+ // Build the text that will be displayed inside the node.
+ string node_body = node_label;
+ for (const string& s :
+ {trivial_subcomputation, extra_info, inlined_constants}) {
+ if (!s.empty()) {
+ StrAppend(&node_body, "<br/>", s);
+ }
- // Inline constant operands into the node.
- for (int64 i = 0; i < instruction->operand_count(); ++i) {
- const HloInstruction* operand = instruction->operand(i);
- if (operand->opcode() != HloOpcode::kConstant) {
- continue;
- }
+ return Printf("%s [label=<%s>, shape=%s, %s];\n", InstructionId(instr),
+ node_body, node_shape, NodeColorAttributes(color));
- StrAppend(&label, "<br/><b>operand ", i, "</b> = ");
- if (ShapeUtil::IsEffectiveScalar(operand->shape())) {
- auto elem_idx = IndexUtil::LinearIndexToMultidimensionalIndex(
- operand->shape(), /*linear_index=*/0);
- StrAppend(&label, ShapeUtil::HumanString(operand->shape()), "{",
- operand->literal().GetAsString(elem_idx), "}");
- } else {
- if (tensorflow::StringPiece(operand->name()).starts_with("%constant")) {
- StrAppend(&label, operand->name());
- } else {
- StrAppend(&label, "constant ", operand->name());
- }
- }
+string HloDotDumper::GetInstructionNodeInlinedConstants(
+ const HloInstruction* instr) {
+ auto stringify_constant = [](const HloInstruction* constant) {
+ if (ShapeUtil::IsEffectiveScalar(constant->shape())) {
+ auto elem_idx = IndexUtil::LinearIndexToMultidimensionalIndex(
+ constant->shape(), /*linear_index=*/0);
+ return Printf("%s{%s}", ShapeUtil::HumanString(constant->shape()),
+ constant->literal().GetAsString(elem_idx));
+ }
+ if (tensorflow::StringPiece(constant->name()).starts_with("%constant")) {
+ return constant->name();
+ return StrCat("constant ", constant->name());
+ };
- Appendf(&graph_body, "%s [label=<%s>, shape=%s, %s];\n",
- InstructionId(instruction.get()).c_str(), label.c_str(),
- shape.c_str(), NodeColorAttributes(color).c_str());
+ // Special case: If instr is a parameter to a fusion node, check whether the
+ // corresponding operand to the fusion node is a constant.
+ if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kParameter && instr->IsFused()) {
+ const HloInstruction* fusion = instr->fusion_instruction();
+ const HloInstruction* operand = fusion->operand(instr->parameter_number());
+ if (operand->opcode() != HloOpcode::kConstant) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return stringify_constant(operand);
- return graph_body;
+ std::vector<string> lines;
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < instr->operand_count(); ++i) {
+ const HloInstruction* operand = instr->operand(i);
+ if (operand->opcode() != HloOpcode::kConstant) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ lines.push_back(
+ Printf("<b>operand %lld</b> = %s", i, stringify_constant(operand)));
+ }
+ return Join(lines, "<br/>");
-// DOT graphs accept a stylesheet as a URL. So naturally, an inline stylesheet
-// is a data URI!
-// We don't perform any escaping on this string, so be careful not to use double
-// quotes inside.
-static const char* dot_stylesheet = R"(
-@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,700);
-svg text {
- font-family: 'Roboto';
- font-size: 12px;
+ColorScheme HloDotDumper::GetInstructionColor(const HloInstruction* instr) {
+ // Pick different colors or shapes for instructions which are particularly
+ // expensive (eg, dot) and those which are unusual in some way or unique
+ // (eg, parameter).
+ switch (instr->opcode()) {
+ case HloOpcode::kAbs:
+ case HloOpcode::kAdd:
+ case HloOpcode::kCeil:
+ case HloOpcode::kClamp:
+ case HloOpcode::kConvert:
+ case HloOpcode::kCos:
+ case HloOpcode::kDivide:
+ case HloOpcode::kEq:
+ case HloOpcode::kExp:
+ case HloOpcode::kFloor:
+ case HloOpcode::kGe:
+ case HloOpcode::kGt:
+ case HloOpcode::kIndex:
+ case HloOpcode::kIsFinite:
+ case HloOpcode::kLe:
+ case HloOpcode::kLog:
+ case HloOpcode::kLogicalAnd:
+ case HloOpcode::kLogicalNot:
+ case HloOpcode::kLogicalOr:
+ case HloOpcode::kLt:
+ case HloOpcode::kMaximum:
+ case HloOpcode::kMinimum:
+ case HloOpcode::kMultiply:
+ case HloOpcode::kNe:
+ case HloOpcode::kNegate:
+ case HloOpcode::kPower:
+ case HloOpcode::kRemainder:
+ case HloOpcode::kSelect:
+ case HloOpcode::kSign:
+ case HloOpcode::kSin:
+ case HloOpcode::kSlice:
+ case HloOpcode::kSort:
+ case HloOpcode::kSubtract:
+ case HloOpcode::kTanh:
+ case HloOpcode::kRng:
+ case HloOpcode::kBroadcast:
+ case HloOpcode::kTranspose:
+ return kYellow;
+ case HloOpcode::kBitcast:
+ case HloOpcode::kTuple:
+ case HloOpcode::kTrace:
+ case HloOpcode::kGetTupleElement:
+ return kWhite;
+ case HloOpcode::kConcatenate:
+ case HloOpcode::kCopy:
+ case HloOpcode::kDynamicSlice:
+ case HloOpcode::kDynamicUpdateSlice:
+ case HloOpcode::kPad:
+ case HloOpcode::kReshape:
+ case HloOpcode::kReverse:
+ case HloOpcode::kUpdate:
+ return kGreen;
+ case HloOpcode::kConvolution:
+ case HloOpcode::kDot:
+ return kDarkBlue;
+ case HloOpcode::kReducePrecision:
+ return kRed;
+ case HloOpcode::kParameter:
+ return kOrange;
+ case HloOpcode::kBatchNormTraining:
+ case HloOpcode::kBatchNormGrad:
+ case HloOpcode::kReduce:
+ case HloOpcode::kSelectAndScatter:
+ case HloOpcode::kReduceWindow:
+ return kPurple;
+ case HloOpcode::kMap:
+ case HloOpcode::kFusion:
+ return kGray;
+ case HloOpcode::kSend:
+ case HloOpcode::kRecv:
+ case HloOpcode::kInfeed:
+ case HloOpcode::kOutfeed:
+ case HloOpcode::kCrossReplicaSum:
+ return kBrown;
+ case HloOpcode::kCustomCall:
+ case HloOpcode::kWhile:
+ case HloOpcode::kCall:
+ return kDarkGreen;
+ case HloOpcode::kConstant:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Constants don't get their own nodes in the graph.";
+ }
-string ComputationToDotGraph(const HloComputation& computation,
- const string& label, bool show_addresses,
- bool show_layouts,
- const HloExecutionProfile* hlo_execution_profile,
- const NodeFilter& filter) {
- string graph_label = StrCat(label, "<br/>", computation.name());
- if (hlo_execution_profile != nullptr) {
- auto cycles = hlo_execution_profile->total_cycles_executed(computation);
- Appendf(&graph_label, "<br/>total cycles = %lld (%s)", cycles,
- tensorflow::strings::HumanReadableNum(cycles).c_str());
- }
- string graph = Printf(
- R"(digraph G {
- graph_label.c_str(), dot_stylesheet);
+string HloDotDumper::GetInstructionNodeShape(const HloInstruction* instr) {
+ // Give while loops a different shape so they're easier to pick out.
+ switch (instr->opcode()) {
+ case HloOpcode::kWhile:
+ return "ellipse";
+ default:
+ return "rect";
+ }
- // Dump the subcomputations of each instruction that's shown and doesn't have
- // its operands omitted. If an instruction has just one subcomputation and
- // it's trivial, omit it: We'll display that subcomputation inlined into the
- // instruction's node when we draw it.
- std::unordered_set<const HloComputation*> computations_to_dump;
- for (const auto& instr : computation.instructions()) {
- if (!filter.Show(instr.get()) || filter.OmitOperands(instr.get())) {
- continue;
+string HloDotDumper::GetInstructionNodeLabel(const HloInstruction* instr) {
+ // If we have a parameter, put the param number in the name.
+ if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kParameter) {
+ return Printf("<b>Parameter %lld</b>", instr->parameter_number());
+ }
+ // The HLO instruction name contains usually the opcode, e.g. "%add.42" is
+ // an add instruction. In this case we render just the name.
+ if (tensorflow::StringPiece(instr->name())
+ .starts_with(StrCat("%", HloOpcodeString(instr->opcode())))) {
+ return Printf("<b>%s</b>", HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instr->name()));
+ }
+ // If the name does not contain the opcode, render both.
+ return Printf("<b>%s</b><br/>%s",
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instr->ExtendedOpcodeStr()),
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(instr->name()));
+string HloDotDumper::GetInstructionNodeExtraInfo(const HloInstruction* instr) {
+ string opcode_specific_info = [&]() -> string {
+ switch (instr->opcode()) {
+ case HloOpcode::kRng:
+ return RandomDistribution_Name(instr->random_distribution());
+ case HloOpcode::kConvolution:
+ return StrCat(
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(
+ instr->ConvolutionDimensionNumbersToString()),
+ "<br/>",
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(window_util::ToString(instr->window())));
+ case HloOpcode::kBroadcast:
+ case HloOpcode::kTranspose:
+ case HloOpcode::kReduce:
+ return Printf("dims={%s}", Join(instr->dimensions(), ","));
+ case HloOpcode::kGetTupleElement:
+ return Printf("index=%lld", instr->tuple_index());
+ case HloOpcode::kBatchNormTraining:
+ case HloOpcode::kBatchNormGrad:
+ return Printf("feature_index=%lld", instr->feature_index());
+ case HloOpcode::kCustomCall:
+ return Printf("custom_call_target=%s", instr->custom_call_target());
+ default:
+ return "";
- if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kFusion) {
- computations_to_dump.insert(instr->fused_instructions_computation());
+ }();
+ std::vector<string> lines;
+ if (!opcode_specific_info.empty()) {
+ lines.push_back(opcode_specific_info);
+ }
+ // Some instructions have giant tuples as their shapes, so truncate the HLO's
+ // shape to kMaxShapeLen characters.
+ constexpr int kMaxShapeLen = 64;
+ string instr_shape = ShapeUtil::HumanString(instr->shape());
+ if (instr_shape.length() > kMaxShapeLen) {
+ instr_shape =
+ StrCat(tensorflow::StringPiece(instr_shape).substr(0, kMaxShapeLen - 3),
+ "...");
+ }
+ lines.push_back(instr_shape);
+ if (show_addresses_) {
+ lines.push_back(Printf("[%p]", instr));
+ }
+ if (show_layouts_ && LayoutUtil::HasLayout(instr->shape())) {
+ string layout_str;
+ if (ShapeUtil::IsTuple(instr->shape())) {
+ // For tuples, emit the full shape because the layout of a tuple is not
+ // represented in a single Layout field.
+ layout_str = ShapeUtil::HumanStringWithLayout(instr->shape());
+ } else {
+ layout_str = Join(instr->shape().layout().minor_to_major(), ",");
+ }
+ lines.push_back(Printf("layout={%s}", layout_str));
+ }
+ if (profile_ != nullptr) {
+ double hlo_cycles_executed = profile_->GetProfileResult(*instr);
+ double total_cycles_executed =
+ profile_->total_cycles_executed(*instr->parent());
+ if (hlo_cycles_executed > 0 && total_cycles_executed > 0) {
+ lines.push_back(
+ Printf("%% of cycles executed=%.2f",
+ 100 * hlo_cycles_executed / total_cycles_executed));
+ }
+ return Join(lines, "<br/>");
- const auto& subcomputations = instr->called_computations();
- if (subcomputations.size() != 1 ||
- !MatchTrivialComputation(subcomputations.front())) {
- for (const HloComputation* computation : instr->called_computations()) {
- computations_to_dump.insert(computation);
- }
+void HloDotDumper::AddInstructionIncomingEdges(const HloInstruction* instr) {
+ auto add_edge = [&](const HloInstruction* from, const HloInstruction* to,
+ int64 operand_num) {
+ // Fusion nodes' subcomputations are displayed inline, so if 'from' is a
+ // fusion node and the node's subcomputation is shown, we draw our edge
+ // starting at the fusion node's root instead of at the fusion node itself.
+ if (from->opcode() == HloOpcode::kFusion &&
+ filter_.ShowFusionSubcomputation(from)) {
+ from = from->fused_expression_root();
+ }
+ if (!filter_.Show(from) || from->opcode() == HloOpcode::kConstant) {
+ return;
+ string edge = Printf("%s -> %s", InstructionId(from), InstructionId(to));
+ if (instr->operand_count() > 1) {
+ Appendf(&edge, R"( [headlabel="%lld",labeldistance=2])", operand_num);
+ }
+ StrAppend(&edge, ";");
+ edges_.push_back(edge);
+ };
+ // Add edges from instr's operands to instr. Parameters within fusion
+ // expressions are handled specially -- we draw an edge from the corresponding
+ // operand on the fusion node itself to the parameter.
+ if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kParameter && instr->IsFused()) {
+ const HloInstruction* fusion = instr->fusion_instruction();
+ add_edge(fusion->operand(instr->parameter_number()), instr,
+ /*operand_num=*/0);
+ } else {
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < instr->operand_count(); ++i) {
+ add_edge(instr->operand(i), instr, i);
+ }
+ }
+string HloDotDumper::GetInstructionTrivialComputationStr(
+ const HloInstruction* instr) {
+ // called_computations() on a fusion node "inherits" any called computations
+ // of the fused root, which isn't what we want. Just ignore fusion nodes
+ // here; they're handled separately.
+ if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kFusion) {
+ return "";
- // Emit embedded computations as subgraph clusters.
- std::vector<string> intercomputation_edges;
- for (const HloComputation* embedded :
- computation.MakeEmbeddedComputationsList()) {
- if (!computations_to_dump.count(embedded)) {
+ std::vector<string> lines;
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < instr->called_computations().size(); ++i) {
+ optional<string> computation_type =
+ MatchTrivialComputation(instr->called_computations()[i]);
+ if (!computation_type) {
- // Don't pass our filter down into the subcomputation -- always render the
- // whole thing.
- string graph_body = InstructionSequenceGraph(
- embedded->instructions(), show_addresses, show_layouts,
- &intercomputation_edges, hlo_execution_profile, NodeFilter());
- Appendf(&graph,
- "subgraph cluster_%s "
- "{\nstyle=rounded;label=<<b>%s</b>>;labelloc=t;\n%s}\n",
- ComputationId(embedded).c_str(), embedded->name().c_str(),
- graph_body.c_str());
- }
- StrAppend(&graph,
- InstructionSequenceGraph(computation.instructions(), show_addresses,
- show_layouts, &intercomputation_edges,
- hlo_execution_profile, filter));
- // Edges between computations (subgraph clusters) must be emitted last for the
- // graph to be rendered properly for some reason.
- StrAppend(&graph, Join(intercomputation_edges, "\n"), "}\n");
- return graph;
+ if (instr->called_computations().size() == 1) {
+ lines.push_back(Printf("Subcomputation: <b>%s</b>",
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(*computation_type)));
+ } else {
+ lines.push_back(Printf("Subcomputation %lld: <b>%s</b>", i,
+ HtmlLikeStringSanitize(*computation_type)));
+ }
+ }
+ return Join(lines, "<br/>");
tensorflow::mutex& RendererMutex() {
@@ -750,14 +891,6 @@ class FileGraphRenderer : public GraphRendererInterface {
// Gets a NodeFilter that includes roughly all instructions whose distance from
// root is <= radius.
-// It's confusing to draw a node and include only some of its operands. So if
-// some but not all of a node's operands are <= radius units away from the root,
-// we include the other operands (unless there are a lot of them, as often in a
-// tuple node). These additional operands may have as inputs other nodes
-// already present in the graph, but we don't draw those edges unless *all* of
-// the inputs are present. (Otherwise we'd have the same problem we were trying
-// to solve in the first place!)
NodeFilter MakeNodeFilter(const HloInstruction* root, int64 radius) {
// First, find the neighborhood of nodes with distance from root <= radius.
// These nodes are our initial set of "normal" nodes.
@@ -788,14 +921,25 @@ NodeFilter MakeNodeFilter(const HloInstruction* root, int64 radius) {
- // If you're looking at node X, it's probably not interesting that node Y
- // also happens to use the same constant, so we don't traverse into
- // constants' users.
- if (instr->opcode() != HloOpcode::kConstant) {
- for (const HloInstruction* user : instr->users()) {
- if (!nodes.count(user)) {
- worklist.push_back({user, depth + 1});
- }
+ // Traverse into instr's users, unless:
+ //
+ // - there are a ton of them, in which case they're probably not
+ // interesting (and anyway, rendering them all would make the graph
+ // unreadable), or
+ // - instr is a constant, in which case its users are probably not
+ // interesting.
+ if (instr->opcode() == HloOpcode::kConstant) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ constexpr int kMaxUsersToRender = 16;
+ if (instr->user_count() > kMaxUsersToRender) {
+ // If we're going to skip this node's users, style it as such.
+ nodes[instr] = kSomeUsersOmitted;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (const HloInstruction* user : instr->users()) {
+ if (!nodes.count(user)) {
+ worklist.push_back({user, depth + 1});
@@ -804,43 +948,27 @@ NodeFilter MakeNodeFilter(const HloInstruction* root, int64 radius) {
return nodes.count(instr) > 0;
- // If a node has some but not all of its operands omitted, add the operands to
- // the map with type kOmitNodeOperands. Unless the node has a lot of
- // operands, in which case just mark the node as "some operands omitted".
- std::vector<const HloInstruction*> extra_operands;
+ // Mark nodes which don't have all of their operands present as "some operands
+ // omitted".
for (auto& kv : nodes) {
const HloInstruction* instr = kv.first;
NodeFilterResult& filter_result = kv.second;
const auto& operands = instr->operands();
- // Mark nodes with many operands and some omitted as "some operands omitted"
- // and carry on -- don't add their omitted operands to extra_operands.
- if (operands.size() > 4) {
- if (std::any_of(operands.begin(), operands.end(), is_displayed) &&
- !std::all_of(operands.begin(), operands.end(), is_displayed)) {
- filter_result = kSomeOperandsOmitted;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (std::any_of(operands.begin(), operands.end(), is_displayed)) {
- for (const HloInstruction* operand : operands) {
- if (!is_displayed(operand)) {
- extra_operands.push_back(operand);
- }
- }
+ // Mark nodes with some omitted as "some operands omitted".
+ if (std::any_of(operands.begin(), operands.end(), is_displayed) &&
+ !std::all_of(operands.begin(), operands.end(), is_displayed)) {
+ filter_result = kSomeOperandsOmitted;
- for (const HloInstruction* instr : extra_operands) {
- nodes[instr] = kOmitNodeOperands;
- }
- // Some of the nodes in extra_operands may now have all of their inputs
- // present in nodes. We can promote these to normal nodes.
- for (const HloInstruction* instr : extra_operands) {
- const auto& operands = instr->operands();
- if (std::all_of(operands.begin(), operands.end(), is_displayed)) {
- nodes[instr] = kNormalNode;
+ // Promote nodes with type kSomeUsersOmitted to kNormalNode if all of their
+ // users made it into the graph by other means.
+ for (auto& kv : nodes) {
+ const auto& users = kv.first->users();
+ if (kv.second == kSomeUsersOmitted &&
+ std::all_of(users.begin(), users.end(), is_displayed)) {
+ kv.second = kNormalNode;
@@ -862,6 +990,10 @@ NodeFilter MakeNodeFilter(const HloInstruction* root, int64 radius) {
if (it != nodes.end()) {
return it->second;
+ // Show all nodes in subcomputations.
+ if (instr->parent() != root->parent()) {
+ return kNormalNode;
+ }
return kHideNode;
@@ -886,10 +1018,12 @@ string DumpGraph(const HloComputation& computation, const string& label,
graph_url = FileGraphRenderer().RenderGraph(
graph, GraphRendererInterface::TF_GRAPHDEF, debug_options);
} else {
- graph = ComputationToDotGraph(computation, label,
- debug_options.xla_hlo_graph_addresses(),
- debug_options.xla_hlo_graph_layout(),
- hlo_execution_profile, NodeFilter());
+ graph =
+ HloDotDumper(&computation, label,
+ /*show_addresses=*/debug_options.xla_hlo_graph_addresses(),
+ /*show_layouts=*/debug_options.xla_hlo_graph_layout(),
+ hlo_execution_profile, NodeFilter())
+ .Dump();
graph_url = GetGraphRenderer()->RenderGraph(
graph, GraphRendererInterface::DOT_GRAPH, debug_options);
@@ -903,11 +1037,12 @@ string DumpNeighborhoodAround(const HloInstruction& node, int radius) {
string label =
StrCat("Neighborhood of ", radius, " nodes around ", node.name());
NodeFilter filter = MakeNodeFilter(&node, radius);
- string graph = ComputationToDotGraph(
- *node.parent(), label,
- /*show_addresses=*/debug_options.xla_hlo_graph_addresses(),
- /*show_layouts=*/debug_options.xla_hlo_graph_layout(),
- /*hlo_execution_profile=*/nullptr, filter);
+ string graph =
+ HloDotDumper(node.parent(), label,
+ /*show_addresses=*/debug_options.xla_hlo_graph_addresses(),
+ /*show_layouts=*/debug_options.xla_hlo_graph_layout(),
+ /*profile=*/nullptr, filter)
+ .Dump();
return GetGraphRenderer()->RenderGraph(
graph, GraphRendererInterface::DOT_GRAPH, debug_options);