path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/gemm_thunk.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/gemm_thunk.cc')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/gemm_thunk.cc b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/gemm_thunk.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98a8a4a2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/gemm_thunk.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/gemm_thunk.h"
+#include <functional>
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/stream_executor_no_cuda.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
+namespace se = ::perftools::gputools;
+namespace xla {
+namespace gpu {
+using Index = BufferAllocation::Index;
+namespace {
+// This struct contains the metadata of a matrix, e.g., its base address and
+// dimensions.
+struct MatrixDescriptor {
+ MatrixDescriptor(se::DeviceMemoryBase matrix_data, bool needs_transpose,
+ int64 matrix_num_rows, int64 matrix_num_cols)
+ : data(matrix_data),
+ transpose(needs_transpose),
+ num_rows(matrix_num_rows),
+ num_cols(matrix_num_cols) {}
+ se::DeviceMemoryBase data;
+ bool transpose; // Whether this matrix needs to be transposed.
+ int64 num_rows;
+ int64 num_cols;
+// Performs a gemm call on lhs_matrix and rhs_matrix and stores the result to
+// output_matrix.
+template <typename Element>
+tensorflow::Status DoGemm(MatrixDescriptor lhs_matrix,
+ MatrixDescriptor rhs_matrix,
+ MatrixDescriptor output_matrix, se::Stream* stream) {
+ DCHECK(!output_matrix.transpose);
+ se::DeviceMemory<Element> lhs_data(lhs_matrix.data);
+ se::DeviceMemory<Element> rhs_data(rhs_matrix.data);
+ se::DeviceMemory<Element> output_data(output_matrix.data);
+ bool launch_ok =
+ stream
+ ->ThenBlasGemm(
+ lhs_matrix.transpose ? se::blas::Transpose::kTranspose
+ : se::blas::Transpose::kNoTranspose,
+ rhs_matrix.transpose ? se::blas::Transpose::kTranspose
+ : se::blas::Transpose::kNoTranspose,
+ output_matrix.num_rows, output_matrix.num_cols,
+ lhs_matrix.transpose
+ ? lhs_matrix.num_rows
+ : lhs_matrix.num_cols, // Size of the reduce dimension.
+ /*alpha=*/1.0,
+ lhs_data,
+ lhs_matrix.num_rows, // The leading dimension of LHS.
+ rhs_data,
+ rhs_matrix.num_rows, // The leading dimension of RHS.
+ /*beta=*/0.0, &output_data,
+ output_matrix
+ .num_rows) // The leading dimension of the output matrix.
+ .ok();
+ if (!launch_ok) {
+ return InternalError("Unable to launch cuBLAS gemm on stream %p", stream);
+ }
+ return tensorflow::Status::OK();
+// Return, if the given type is a valid Gemm elemental type, the executor for
+// that type, else null.
+// TODO(b/27202055): consider more element types.
+std::function<tensorflow::Status(MatrixDescriptor, MatrixDescriptor,
+ MatrixDescriptor, se::Stream*)>
+FindGemmExecutor(PrimitiveType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case F32:
+ return &DoGemm<float>;
+ case F64:
+ return &DoGemm<double>;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+} // namespace
+GemmThunk::GemmThunk(Index lhs_buffer, Index rhs_buffer, Index output_buffer,
+ const Shape& lhs_shape, const Shape& rhs_shape,
+ const Shape& output_shape, bool transpose_lhs,
+ bool transpose_rhs, const HloInstruction* hlo_instruction)
+ : Thunk(Kind::kGemm, hlo_instruction),
+ lhs_buffer_(lhs_buffer),
+ rhs_buffer_(rhs_buffer),
+ output_buffer_(output_buffer),
+ lhs_shape_(lhs_shape),
+ rhs_shape_(rhs_shape),
+ output_shape_(output_shape),
+ transpose_lhs_(transpose_lhs),
+ transpose_rhs_(transpose_rhs) {}
+tensorflow::Status GemmThunk::ExecuteOnStream(
+ const BufferAllocations& buffer_allocations, se::Stream* stream) {
+ VLOG(2) << "Executing a GemmThunk";
+ auto executor = FindGemmExecutor(output_shape_.element_type());
+ DCHECK(executor != nullptr);
+ se::DeviceMemoryBase lhs_data =
+ buffer_allocations.GetDeviceAddress(lhs_buffer_);
+ se::DeviceMemoryBase rhs_data =
+ buffer_allocations.GetDeviceAddress(rhs_buffer_);
+ se::DeviceMemoryBase output_data =
+ buffer_allocations.GetDeviceAddress(output_buffer_);
+ // BLAS gemm reduces rows of LHS and columns of RHS. The Dot operator between
+ // matrices reduces dimension 1 of LHS and dimension 0 of RHS regardless of
+ // their layout. Therefore, we should treat dimension 0 as row and dimension 1
+ // as column when mapping a matrix Dot to BLAS gemm.
+ int64 output_num_rows = output_shape_.dimensions(0);
+ int64 output_num_cols = output_shape_.dimensions(1);
+ // BLAS gemm expects the inputs and the output are in column-major order.
+ // Therefore, we need to convert dot between row-major matrices to that
+ // between column-major matrices. The key insight for the conversion is that,
+ // in linear storage, matrix M in column-major order is identical to the
+ // tranpose of M in row-major order. In other words,
+ //
+ // column-major(M) = row-major(M^T).
+ //
+ // Leveraging this insight, we can perform dot between row-major matrices as
+ // follows.
+ //
+ // row-major(C)
+ // = row-major(A x B) = column-major((A x B)^T) = column-major(B^T x A^T)
+ // = gemm(column-major(B^T), column-major(A^T))
+ // = gemm(row-major(B), row-major(A))
+ //
+ // Although we do not modify the content of A and B in linear memory, we
+ // should use the dimensions of B^T and A^T when calling gemm. For example,
+ // the leading dimension of the LHS matrix of gemm is the number of rows in
+ // B^T and thus the number of columns in B.
+ auto make_descriptor = [this](se::DeviceMemoryBase data, const Shape& shape,
+ bool transpose) -> MatrixDescriptor {
+ bool is_row_major = shape.layout().minor_to_major(0) != 0;
+ bool layout_mismatch = shape.layout().minor_to_major(0) !=
+ output_shape_.layout().minor_to_major(0);
+ return MatrixDescriptor(data, transpose ^ layout_mismatch,
+ shape.dimensions(is_row_major),
+ shape.dimensions(!is_row_major));
+ };
+ const MatrixDescriptor lhs_descriptor =
+ make_descriptor(lhs_data, lhs_shape_, transpose_lhs_);
+ const MatrixDescriptor rhs_descriptor =
+ make_descriptor(rhs_data, rhs_shape_, transpose_rhs_);
+ if (output_shape_.layout().minor_to_major(0) == 0) {
+ return executor(
+ lhs_descriptor, rhs_descriptor,
+ MatrixDescriptor(output_data, false, output_num_rows, output_num_cols),
+ stream);
+ } else {
+ return executor(
+ rhs_descriptor, lhs_descriptor,
+ MatrixDescriptor(output_data, false, output_num_cols, output_num_rows),
+ stream);
+ }
+} // namespace gpu
+} // namespace xla