path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal_test.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal_test.cc')
1 files changed, 1872 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal_test.cc b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8f919950f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1872 @@
+/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/shape_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/array3d.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/array4d.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/layout_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/test.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/casts.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status_test_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
+namespace xla {
+namespace {
+using tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice;
+using ::testing::ElementsAre;
+using ::testing::HasSubstr;
+class LiteralUtilTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ LiteralUtilTest() {
+ Array4D<float> arr4d({
+ // clang-format off
+ { // i0=0
+ { // i1=0
+ {1, 2, 3}, // i2=0
+ {4, 5, 6}, // i2=1
+ {7, 8, 9}, // i2=2
+ },
+ { // i1=1
+ {11, 12, 13},
+ {14, 15, 16},
+ {17, 18, 19},
+ },
+ },
+ { // i0=1
+ { // i1=0
+ {101, 102, 103},
+ {104, 105, 106},
+ {107, 108, 109},
+ },
+ { // i1=1
+ {201, 202, 203}, // i2=0
+ {204, 205, 206}, // i2=1
+ {207, 208, 209}, // i2=2
+ },
+ },
+ // clang-format on
+ });
+ layout_r2_dim0major_ = LayoutUtil::MakeLayout({1, 0});
+ layout_r2_dim0minor_ = LayoutUtil::MakeLayout({0, 1});
+ layout_r3_dim0major_ = LayoutUtil::MakeLayout({2, 1, 0});
+ layout_r3_dim0minor_ = LayoutUtil::MakeLayout({0, 1, 2});
+ layout_r4_dim0major_ = LayoutUtil::MakeLayout({3, 2, 1, 0});
+ layout_r4_dim0minor_ = LayoutUtil::MakeLayout({0, 1, 2, 3});
+ literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0major_ =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR4FromArray4DWithLayout<float>(arr4d,
+ layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0minor_ =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR4FromArray4DWithLayout<float>(arr4d,
+ layout_r4_dim0minor_);
+ }
+ Layout layout_r2_dim0major_;
+ Layout layout_r2_dim0minor_;
+ Layout layout_r3_dim0major_;
+ Layout layout_r3_dim0minor_;
+ Layout layout_r4_dim0major_;
+ Layout layout_r4_dim0minor_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0major_;
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0minor_;
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralScalarToString) {
+ auto true_lit = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(true);
+ ASSERT_EQ("true", true_lit->ToString());
+ auto false_lit = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(false);
+ ASSERT_EQ("false", false_lit->ToString());
+ auto u32_lit = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<uint32>(42);
+ ASSERT_EQ("42", u32_lit->ToString());
+ auto s32_lit = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(-999);
+ ASSERT_EQ("-999", s32_lit->ToString());
+ auto f32_lit = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(3.14f);
+ ASSERT_EQ("3.14", f32_lit->ToString());
+ auto f16_lit = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<half>(static_cast<half>(0.5f));
+ ASSERT_EQ("0.5", f16_lit->ToString());
+ auto c64_lit = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<complex64>({3.14f, 2.78f});
+ ASSERT_EQ("(3.14, 2.78)", c64_lit->ToString());
+ auto bf16_lit = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bfloat16>(static_cast<bfloat16>(0.5f));
+ ASSERT_EQ("0.5", bf16_lit->ToString());
+ // 3.14 will be truncated to 3.125 in bfloat16 format.
+ auto bf16_lit_truncated =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bfloat16>(static_cast<bfloat16>(3.14f));
+ ASSERT_EQ("3.125", bf16_lit_truncated->ToString());
+ auto bf16_lit_truncated2 =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bfloat16>(static_cast<bfloat16>(9.001f));
+ ASSERT_EQ("9", bf16_lit_truncated2->ToString());
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralVectorToString) {
+ auto pred_vec = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<bool>({true, false, true});
+ ASSERT_EQ("{101}", pred_vec->ToString());
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, R2ToString) {
+ const auto literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR2({{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}});
+ const string expected = R"(s32[3,2] {
+ { 1, 2 },
+ { 3, 4 },
+ { 5, 6 }
+ ASSERT_EQ(expected, literal->ToString());
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, R3ToString) {
+ const auto literal =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR3({{{1}, {2}}, {{3}, {4}}, {{5}, {6}}});
+ const string expected = R"(s32[3,2,1] {
+{ { 1 },
+ { 2 } },
+{ { 3 },
+ { 4 } },
+{ { 5 },
+ { 6 } }
+ ASSERT_EQ(expected, literal->ToString());
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, TupleToString) {
+ auto scalar = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar.get(), matrix.get()});
+ const string expected = R"((f32[], f32[2,2]) (
+f32[2,2] {
+ { 1, 2 },
+ { 3, 4 }
+ ASSERT_EQ(expected, tuple->ToString());
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CreateR3FromArray3d) {
+ // clang-format off
+ Array3D<float> array_3d({
+ {{1.0f, 2.0f},
+ {3.0f, 4.0f},
+ {5.0f, 6.0f}},
+ {{7.0f, 8.0f},
+ {9.0f, 10.0f},
+ {11.0f, 12.0f}},
+ });
+ // clang-format on
+ auto literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR3FromArray3D(array_3d);
+ EXPECT_THAT(literal->shape().dimensions(), ElementsAre(2, 3, 2));
+ string result = literal->ToString();
+ const string expected = R"(f32[2,3,2] {
+{ { 1, 2 },
+ { 3, 4 },
+ { 5, 6 } },
+{ { 7, 8 },
+ { 9, 10 },
+ { 11, 12 } }
+ ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CreateSparse) {
+ std::vector<int64> dimensions = {8, 8, 8};
+ Array2D<int64> indices = {
+ {3, 4, 5},
+ {1, 2, 3},
+ {2, 3, 4},
+ {3, 5, 6},
+ };
+ std::vector<int64> values = {7, 8, 9, 10};
+ auto literal = LiteralUtil::CreateSparse<int64>(
+ dimensions, SparseIndexArray(indices.n1() + 3, indices), values);
+ Array2D<int64> expected_indices = {
+ {1, 2, 3},
+ {2, 3, 4},
+ {3, 4, 5},
+ {3, 5, 6},
+ };
+ std::vector<int64> expected_values = {8, 9, 7, 10};
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal->sparse_indices()->data(),
+ ArraySlice<int64>(expected_indices.data(),
+ expected_indices.num_elements()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal->data<int64>(), ArraySlice<int64>(expected_values));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralR4F32ProjectedStringifies) {
+ // clang-format off
+ auto literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR4Projected<float>({
+ {1, 2},
+ {1001, 1002},
+ {2001, 2002},
+ }, /*projection_p=*/1, /*projection_z=*/2);
+ // clang-format on
+ EXPECT_THAT(literal->shape().dimensions(), ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 2));
+ string result = literal->ToString();
+ const string expected = R"(f32[1,2,3,2] {
+ { /*i0=0*/
+ { /*i1=0*/
+ {1, 2},
+ {1001, 1002},
+ {2001, 2002}
+ },
+ { /*i1=1*/
+ {1, 2},
+ {1001, 1002},
+ {2001, 2002}
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralR4F32Stringifies) {
+ EXPECT_THAT(literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0major_->shape().dimensions(),
+ ElementsAre(2, 2, 3, 3));
+ string result = literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0major_->ToString();
+ const string expected = R"(f32[2,2,3,3] {
+ { /*i0=0*/
+ { /*i1=0*/
+ {1, 2, 3},
+ {4, 5, 6},
+ {7, 8, 9}
+ },
+ { /*i1=1*/
+ {11, 12, 13},
+ {14, 15, 16},
+ {17, 18, 19}
+ }
+ },
+ { /*i0=1*/
+ { /*i1=0*/
+ {101, 102, 103},
+ {104, 105, 106},
+ {107, 108, 109}
+ },
+ { /*i1=1*/
+ {201, 202, 203},
+ {204, 205, 206},
+ {207, 208, 209}
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(expected, result);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, EachCellR2F32) {
+ // clang-format off
+ auto literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({
+ {3.1f, 4.2f},
+ {9.3f, 12.4f},
+ });
+ // clang-format on
+ std::vector<std::tuple<int64, int64, string>> seen;
+ literal->EachCellAsString(
+ [&seen](ArraySlice<int64> indices, const string& value) {
+ seen.emplace_back(indices[0], indices[1], value);
+ });
+ using Elem = std::tuple<int64, int64, string>;
+ std::vector<Elem> expected = {Elem(0, 0, "3.1"), Elem(0, 1, "4.2"),
+ Elem(1, 0, "9.3"), Elem(1, 1, "12.4")};
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected, seen);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ScalarEquality) {
+ // Test equality with scalars.
+ auto f32_42 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(42.0);
+ auto f32_42_clone = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(42.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*f32_42, *f32_42);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*f32_42, *f32_42_clone);
+ auto f32_123 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(123.0);
+ EXPECT_NE(*f32_42, *f32_123);
+ auto f64_42 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<double>(42.0);
+ EXPECT_NE(*f32_42, *f64_42);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, NonScalarEquality) {
+ // Test equality with nonscalars.
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto matrix_clone = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto matrix_different =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{4.0, 3.0}, {1.0, 2.0}});
+ auto vector_literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<float>({1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0});
+ auto scalar = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ Literal nil(ShapeUtil::MakeNil());
+ EXPECT_EQ(*matrix, *matrix);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*matrix, *matrix_clone);
+ EXPECT_NE(*matrix, *matrix_different);
+ EXPECT_NE(*matrix, *vector_literal);
+ EXPECT_NE(*matrix, *scalar);
+ EXPECT_NE(*matrix, nil);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nil, nil);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, TokenEquality) {
+ auto token0 = LiteralUtil::CreateToken();
+ auto token1 = LiteralUtil::CreateToken();
+ auto scalar = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*token0, *token1);
+ EXPECT_NE(*token0, *scalar);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({token0.get()}),
+ *LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({token0.get()}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({token0.get(), scalar.get()}),
+ *LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({token1.get(), scalar.get()}));
+ EXPECT_NE(*LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({token0.get(), scalar.get()}),
+ *LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar.get(), token1.get()}));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, DifferentLayoutEquality) {
+ // Test equality with literals which have different layouts.
+ auto colmajor =
+ MakeUnique<Literal>(ShapeUtil::MakeShapeWithLayout(F32, {2, 2}, {0, 1}));
+ colmajor->Set<float>({0, 0}, 1.0);
+ colmajor->Set<float>({0, 1}, 2.0);
+ colmajor->Set<float>({1, 0}, 3.0);
+ colmajor->Set<float>({1, 1}, 4.0);
+ auto rowmajor =
+ MakeUnique<Literal>(ShapeUtil::MakeShapeWithLayout(F32, {2, 2}, {1, 0}));
+ rowmajor->Set<float>({0, 0}, 1.0);
+ rowmajor->Set<float>({0, 1}, 2.0);
+ rowmajor->Set<float>({1, 0}, 3.0);
+ rowmajor->Set<float>({1, 1}, 4.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*rowmajor, *colmajor);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, TupleEquality) {
+ // Test equality with tuples.
+ auto scalar = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto tuple1 = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar.get(), matrix.get()});
+ // Tuple with the same elements. One element is shared with the original
+ // tuple, the other is a clone of the element in the original tuple.
+ auto scalar_clone = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ auto tuple2 = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar_clone.get(), matrix.get()});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*tuple1, *tuple2);
+ // Tuple with elements reversed.
+ auto reversed_tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({matrix.get(), scalar.get()});
+ EXPECT_NE(*tuple1, *reversed_tuple);
+ // Tuple with different value.
+ auto scalar_42 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(42.0);
+ auto different_tuple =
+ LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar_42.get(), matrix.get()});
+ EXPECT_NE(*tuple1, *different_tuple);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, C64Equality) {
+ // Test equality with tuples.
+ auto vector = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<complex64>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ // Tuple with the same elements. One element is shared with the original
+ // tuple, the other is a clone of the element in the original tuple.
+ auto vector_clone =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR1<complex64>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*vector, *vector_clone);
+ auto vector_reversed =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR1<complex64>({{3.0, 4.0}, {1.0, 2.0}});
+ EXPECT_NE(*vector, *vector_reversed);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, IsAllTuple) {
+ auto element1 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(0.0);
+ auto element2 = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}});
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({element1.get(), element1.get()});
+ // Tuples should always return false for IsAll.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tuple->IsAll(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tuple->IsAll(1));
+// Verifies that CreateFromShape works for tuples.
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CreateFromShapeTuple) {
+ auto scalar = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(0.0);
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<int32>({{0, 0}, {0, 0}});
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar.get(), matrix.get()});
+ auto x = Literal::CreateFromShape(tuple->shape());
+ EXPECT_EQ(*tuple, *x);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, IsAll) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(false)->IsAll(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(true)->IsAll(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(false)->IsAll(1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(false)->IsAll(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(true)->IsAll(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(true)->IsAll(2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(true)->IsAll(-1));
+ // We shouldn't reinterpret int8_min as an unsigned type and then decide that
+ // it is equal to 255.
+ auto int8_min = std::numeric_limits<int8>::min();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<uint8>(255)->IsAll(int8_min));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(42.0)->IsAll(42));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(42.0001)->IsAll(42));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int>({100, 100, 100})->IsAll(100));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<double>({100, 100, 100.001})->IsAll(100));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint64>({{8, 8}, {8, 8}})->IsAll(8));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint64>({{8, 8}, {8, 9}})->IsAll(8));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint64>({{9, 8}, {8, 8}})->IsAll(8));
+ half h8(8.0f);
+ half h9(9.0f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<half>({{h8}, {h8}})->IsAll(8));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<half>({{h8}, {h9}})->IsAll(8));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<half>({{h9}, {h8}})->IsAll(8));
+ bfloat16 b8(8.0f);
+ bfloat16 b9(9.0f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<bfloat16>({{b8}, {b8}})->IsAll(8));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<bfloat16>({{b8}, {b9}})->IsAll(8));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<bfloat16>({{b9}, {b8}})->IsAll(8));
+ // 9.001 will be truncated to 9.0
+ bfloat16 b91(9.001f);
+ bfloat16 b90(9.00f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<bfloat16>({{b91}, {b90}})->IsAll(9.0));
+ complex64 c8_9 = {8, 9};
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<complex64>({{c8_9}, {c8_9}})->IsAll(8));
+ auto uint64_max = std::numeric_limits<uint64>::max();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint64>(
+ {{uint64_max, uint64_max}, {uint64_max, uint64_max}})
+ ->IsAll(-1));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, IsAllFloat) {
+ // IsAllFloat always returns false when the literal is not floating-point.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(false)->IsAllFloat(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int8>(0)->IsAllFloat(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<uint8>(0)->IsAllFloat(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int>(0)->IsAllFloat(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(0)->IsAllFloat(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(.5)->IsAllFloat(.5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(-.5)->IsAllFloat(-.5));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(-.5)->IsAllFloat(-.49));
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{0, 0, 0}, {0, .1, 0}})->IsAllFloat(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{.5, .5, .5}, {.5, .5, .5}})
+ ->IsAllFloat(.5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<double>(0)->IsAllFloat(0));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<double>(.5)->IsAllFloat(.5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<double>(-.5)->IsAllFloat(-.5));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<double>(-.5)->IsAllFloat(-.49));
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<double>({{0, 0, 0}, {0, .1, 0}})->IsAllFloat(0));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, IsAllComplex) {
+ // IsAllComplex always returns false when the literal is not complex.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bool>(false)->IsAllComplex(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int8>(0)->IsAllComplex(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<uint8>(0)->IsAllComplex(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int>(0)->IsAllComplex(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(0)->IsAllComplex(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR0<double>(0)->IsAllComplex(0));
+ complex64 c8_9 = {8, 9};
+ complex64 c7_9 = {7, 9};
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<complex64>({{c8_9}, {c8_9}})
+ ->IsAllComplex({8.0f, 9.0f}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<complex64>({{c7_9}, {c8_9}})
+ ->IsAllComplex({8.0f, 9.0f}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<complex64>({{c8_9}, {c7_9}})
+ ->IsAllComplex({8.0f, 9.0f}));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, IsAllFirst) {
+ // IsAllComplex always returns false when the literal is not complex.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<bool>({false, true})->IsAllFirst());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<bool>({false, false})->IsAllFirst());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int8>({1, 1, 2})->IsAllFirst());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int8>({5, 5, 5, 5})->IsAllFirst());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<uint8>({1, 1, 2})->IsAllFirst());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int32>({5, 5, 5, 5})->IsAllFirst());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int32>({1, 1, 2})->IsAllFirst());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<uint32>({5, 5, 5, 5})->IsAllFirst());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(LiteralUtil::CreateR1<uint32>({1, 1, 2})->IsAllFirst());
+ complex64 c8_9 = {8, 9};
+ complex64 c7_9 = {7, 9};
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LiteralUtil::CreateR2<complex64>({{c8_9}, {c8_9}})->IsAllFirst());
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<complex64>({{c7_9}, {c8_9}})->IsAllFirst());
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, IsZero) {
+ auto scalar_zero = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(0.0f);
+ auto scalar_one = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(scalar_zero->IsZero({}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(scalar_one->IsZero({}));
+ auto array = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint32>({{1, 2, 0, 3}, {1, 0, 1, 2}});
+ EXPECT_FALSE(array->IsZero({0, 1}));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(array->IsZero({0, 2}));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(array->IsZero({1, 1}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(array->IsZero({1, 2}));
+ auto complex_zero = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<complex64>(0.0f);
+ auto complex_nonzero = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<complex64>(0.5f);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(complex_zero->IsZero({}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(complex_nonzero->IsZero({}));
+template <typename T>
+class LiteralUtilTestTemplated : public ::testing::Test {};
+using TestedTypes = ::testing::Types<float, int32, uint32, complex64>;
+TYPED_TEST_CASE(LiteralUtilTestTemplated, TestedTypes);
+TYPED_TEST(LiteralUtilTestTemplated, Relayout2x2) {
+ // Make a non-integer for floating point types.
+ TypeParam half = TypeParam(1) / TypeParam(2);
+ auto data = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<TypeParam>({{half, 2}, {3, 4}});
+ const Layout layout01 = LayoutUtil::MakeLayout({0, 1});
+ const Layout layout10 = LayoutUtil::MakeLayout({1, 0});
+ auto data01 = data->Relayout(layout01);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LayoutUtil::Equal(data01->shape().layout(), layout01));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*data, *data01);
+ auto data10 = data->Relayout(layout10);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(LayoutUtil::Equal(data10->shape().layout(), layout10));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*data, *data10);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ReshapeR0) {
+ auto original = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.7f);
+ auto reshape = original->Reshape(/*dimensions=*/{}).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*original, *reshape);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ReshapeR4) {
+ // clang-format off
+ // F32[1x3x2x4]
+ auto original = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<float>({{
+ {{10, 11, 12, 13}, {14, 15, 16, 17}},
+ {{18, 19, 20, 21}, {22, 23, 24, 25}},
+ {{26, 27, 28, 29}, {30, 31, 32, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ // F32[1x3x4x2]
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR3WithLayout<float>({
+ {{10, 11}, {12, 13}, {14, 15}, {16, 17}},
+ {{18, 19}, {20, 21}, {22, 23}, {24, 25}},
+ {{26, 27}, {28, 29}, {30, 31}, {32, 33}},
+ }, layout_r3_dim0major_);
+ // clang-format on
+ auto reshape = original->Reshape({3, 4, 2}).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*expected, *reshape);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ReshapeR4Dim0Minor) {
+ // clang-format off
+ // F32[1x3x2x4]
+ auto original = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<float>({{
+ {{10, 11, 12, 13}, {14, 15, 16, 17}},
+ {{18, 19, 20, 21}, {22, 23, 24, 25}},
+ {{26, 27, 28, 29}, {30, 31, 32, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0minor_);
+ // F32[1x3x4x2]
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR3WithLayout<float>({
+ {{10, 11}, {12, 13}, {14, 15}, {16, 17}},
+ {{18, 19}, {20, 21}, {22, 23}, {24, 25}},
+ {{26, 27}, {28, 29}, {30, 31}, {32, 33}},
+ }, layout_r3_dim0major_);
+ // clang-format on
+ auto reshape = original->Reshape({3, 4, 2}).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*expected, *reshape);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, TransposeR0) {
+ auto original = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.7f);
+ auto reshape = original->Transpose(/*permutation=*/{});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*original, *reshape);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, TransposeR4) {
+ // clang-format off
+ // F32[1x3x2x4]
+ auto original = LiteralUtil::CreateR4<float>({{
+ {{10, 11, 12, 13}, {14, 15, 16, 17}},
+ {{18, 19, 20, 21}, {22, 23, 24, 25}},
+ {{26, 27, 28, 29}, {30, 31, 32, 33}},
+ }});
+ // clang-format on
+ auto reshape = original->Transpose(/*permutation=*/{2, 3, 0, 1});
+ reshape->EachCell<float>([&](ArraySlice<int64> indices, float value) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(value, original->Get<float>(
+ {indices[2], indices[3], indices[0], indices[1]}));
+ });
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, TestR4RelayoutEquivalence) {
+ // Tests that using Relayout on an array is equivalent to creating it in the
+ // target layout in the first place.
+ auto dim0minor_relaid_to_dim0major =
+ literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0minor_->Relayout(layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0major_, *dim0minor_relaid_to_dim0major);
+ auto dim0major_relaid_to_dim0minor =
+ literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0major_->Relayout(layout_r4_dim0minor_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*literal_r4_2x2x3x3_dim0minor_, *dim0major_relaid_to_dim0minor);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, TestR2LinearLayout) {
+ // Test expected memory layout of R2 dim0-minor (column-major) literal.
+ auto mat_dim0minor = LiteralUtil::CreateR2WithLayout<int32>(
+ {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, layout_r2_dim0minor_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mat_dim0minor->element_count(), 6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(mat_dim0minor->data<int32>(), ElementsAre(1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6));
+ // Test expected memory layout when using Relayout to row major.
+ auto relaid_mat_to_dim0major = mat_dim0minor->Relayout(layout_r2_dim0major_);
+ EXPECT_THAT(relaid_mat_to_dim0major->data<int32>(),
+ ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
+ // Test expected memory layout of R2 created with dim0-major (row-major).
+ auto mat_dim0major = LiteralUtil::CreateR2WithLayout<int32>(
+ {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, layout_r2_dim0major_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mat_dim0major->element_count(), 6);
+ EXPECT_THAT(mat_dim0major->data<int32>(), ElementsAre(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6));
+ // Test expected memory layout when using Relayout to column major.
+ auto relaid_mat_to_dim0minor = mat_dim0major->Relayout(layout_r2_dim0minor_);
+ EXPECT_THAT(relaid_mat_to_dim0minor->data<int32>(),
+ ElementsAre(1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, TestR3LinearLayout) {
+ // Test expected memory layout of R3 dim0-minor (column-major) literal.
+ Array3D<int> arr3d(
+ // clang-format off
+ {
+ {
+ {1, 2, 3},
+ {4, 5, 6},
+ },
+ {
+ {7, 8, 9},
+ {10, 11, 12},
+ },
+ }); // clang-format on
+ auto lit_dim0minor = LiteralUtil::CreateR3FromArray3DWithLayout<int>(
+ arr3d, layout_r3_dim0minor_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lit_dim0minor->element_count(), 12);
+ std::vector<int> expected_dim0minor{1, 7, 4, 10, 2, 8, 5, 11, 3, 9, 6, 12};
+ EXPECT_THAT(lit_dim0minor->data<int32>(),
+ testing::ElementsAreArray(expected_dim0minor));
+ // Test expected memory layout when using Relayout to row major.
+ auto relaid_lit_to_dim0major = lit_dim0minor->Relayout(layout_r3_dim0major_);
+ std::vector<int> expected_dim0major{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
+ EXPECT_THAT(relaid_lit_to_dim0major->data<int32>(),
+ testing::ElementsAreArray(expected_dim0major));
+ // Test expected memory layout of R3 created with dim0-major (row-major).
+ auto lit_dim0major = LiteralUtil::CreateR3FromArray3DWithLayout<int>(
+ arr3d, layout_r3_dim0major_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lit_dim0major->element_count(), 12);
+ EXPECT_THAT(lit_dim0major->data<int32>(),
+ testing::ElementsAreArray(expected_dim0major));
+ // Test expected memory layout when using Relayout to column major.
+ auto relaid_lit_to_dim0minor = lit_dim0major->Relayout(layout_r3_dim0minor_);
+ EXPECT_THAT(relaid_lit_to_dim0minor->data<int32>(),
+ testing::ElementsAreArray(expected_dim0minor));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, SliceR0S32) {
+ auto input = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(1);
+ auto result = input->Slice({}, {});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*input, *result);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, SliceR1F32) {
+ auto input = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<float>({1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0});
+ auto result = input->Slice({3}, {4});
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<float>({4.0});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*expected, *result);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, SliceR2U32) {
+ auto input_3x4 = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint32>(
+ {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}});
+ auto result = input_3x4->Slice({0, 2}, {2, 4});
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint32>({{3, 4}, {7, 8}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*expected, *result);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, SliceR3U32Full) {
+ auto input_2x3x2 = LiteralUtil::CreateR3<uint32>(
+ {{{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}}, {{7, 8}, {9, 10}, {11, 12}}});
+ auto result = input_2x3x2->Slice({0, 0, 0}, {2, 3, 2});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*input_2x3x2, *result);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateR1S64) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S64, {1}));
+ output.PopulateR1<int64>({77});
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int64>({77});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateR1U64) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(U64, {2}));
+ output.PopulateR1<uint64>({{77, 88}});
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<uint64>({{77, 88}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateR1C64) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(C64, {1}));
+ output.PopulateR1<complex64>({{77, 88}});
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<complex64>({{77, 88}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateR2C64) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(C64, {2, 2}));
+ output.PopulateR2<complex64>({{{7, 8}, {9, 10}}, {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}});
+ auto expected =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<complex64>({{{7, 8}, {9, 10}}, {{1, 2}, {3, 4}}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR0BF16) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(BF16, {}));
+ bfloat16 h(0.25f);
+ output.PopulateWithValue<bfloat16>(h);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<bfloat16>(h);
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR1BF16) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(BF16, {3}));
+ bfloat16 h(0.5f);
+ output.PopulateWithValue<bfloat16>(h);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<bfloat16>({h, h, h});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR2BF16) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(BF16, {2, 2}));
+ bfloat16 h(2.0f);
+ output.PopulateWithValue<bfloat16>(h);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<bfloat16>({{h, h}, {h, h}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR0F32) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {}));
+ output.PopulateWithValue<float>(2.5f);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(2.5f);
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR1S64) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S64, {3}));
+ output.PopulateWithValue<int64>(-7);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int64>({-7, -7, -7});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR2U64) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(U64, {2, 2}));
+ output.PopulateWithValue<uint64>(42);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint64>({{42, 42}, {42, 42}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR2C64) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(C64, {2, 2}));
+ output.PopulateWithValue<complex64>({4, 2});
+ auto expected =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<complex64>({{{4, 2}, {4, 2}}, {{4, 2}, {4, 2}}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR0F16) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F16, {}));
+ half h(0.25f);
+ output.PopulateWithValue<half>(h);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<half>(h);
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR1F16) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F16, {3}));
+ half h(0.5f);
+ output.PopulateWithValue<half>(h);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<half>({h, h, h});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateWithValueR2F16) {
+ Literal output(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F16, {2, 2}));
+ half h(2.0f);
+ output.PopulateWithValue<half>(h);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<half>({{h, h}, {h, h}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ReplicateR2U32) {
+ auto input = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<uint32>(
+ {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}});
+ auto output = input->Replicate<uint32>(3);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR3<uint32>(
+ {{{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}},
+ {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}},
+ {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {9, 10, 11, 12}}});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*output, *expected);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopySliceFrom) {
+ const int64 dimensions[] = {17, 15, 34, 21};
+ const int64 layouts[][4] = {
+ {3, 2, 1, 0}, {0, 2, 1, 3}, {0, 1, 2, 3}, {2, 0, 3, 1}, {1, 3, 0, 2}};
+ for (const auto& layout : layouts) {
+ Shape shape = ShapeUtil::MakeShapeWithLayout(
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<uint32>(), dimensions, layout);
+ auto source = Literal::CreateFromShape(shape);
+ const int64 zero_base[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+ const int64 step[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
+ uint32 seqnr = 0;
+ auto init_proc = [&](ArraySlice<int64> indexes) {
+ source->Set(indexes, ++seqnr);
+ return true;
+ };
+ ShapeUtil::ForEachIndex(source->shape(), zero_base, dimensions, step,
+ init_proc);
+ auto blank = Literal::CreateFromShape(shape);
+ const int64 src_base[] = {3, 1, 5, 7};
+ const int64 dest_base[] = {6, 4, 12, 2};
+ const int64 copy_size[] = {7, 8, 11, 9};
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(blank->CopySliceFrom(*source, src_base, dest_base, copy_size));
+ std::vector<int64> source_indexes(TF_ARRAYSIZE(dimensions), 0);
+ std::vector<int64> blank_indexes(TF_ARRAYSIZE(dimensions), 0);
+ bool matched = true;
+ auto check_proc = [&](ArraySlice<int64> indexes) {
+ std::copy(indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), source_indexes.begin());
+ std::transform(source_indexes.begin(), source_indexes.end(), src_base,
+ source_indexes.begin(), std::plus<int64>());
+ std::copy(indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), blank_indexes.begin());
+ std::transform(blank_indexes.begin(), blank_indexes.end(), dest_base,
+ blank_indexes.begin(), std::plus<int64>());
+ auto bval = blank->Get<uint32>(blank_indexes);
+ matched = (bval != 0 && bval == source->Get<uint32>(source_indexes));
+ return matched;
+ };
+ ShapeUtil::ForEachIndex(source->shape(), zero_base, copy_size, step,
+ check_proc);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matched);
+ }
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyFromScalars) {
+ auto zero = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<uint32>(0);
+ auto nine = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<uint32>(9);
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(zero->CopyFrom(*nine));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*zero, *nine);
+ auto vect = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<uint32>({3, 4, 9, 12, 5, 17, 21});
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(zero->CopySliceFrom(*vect, {5}, {}, {}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(zero->Get<uint32>({}), 17);
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(vect->CopySliceFrom(*zero, {}, {4}, {}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(vect->Get<uint32>({4}), 17);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyFromAndToZeroElement) {
+ const Shape empty_r1_shape = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {0});
+ const auto const_nine = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<float>({9});
+ const auto const_empty = Literal::CreateFromShape(empty_r1_shape);
+ {
+ // Source contains dimension with zero elements.
+ const auto empty = Literal::CreateFromShape(empty_r1_shape);
+ auto nine = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<float>({9});
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(nine->CopySliceFrom(*empty, {0}, {0}, {0}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*nine, *const_nine);
+ }
+ {
+ // Copy 0 element to destination with zero elements.
+ const auto empty = Literal::CreateFromShape(empty_r1_shape);
+ auto nine = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<float>({9});
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(empty->CopySliceFrom(*nine, {0}, {0}, {0}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*empty, *const_empty);
+ }
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyFromNilShape) {
+ Literal nil_literal0(ShapeUtil::MakeNil());
+ Literal nil_literal1(ShapeUtil::MakeNil());
+ // This doesn't actually do any copying, but it should succeed.
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(nil_literal0.CopyFrom(nil_literal1));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyFromArrays) {
+ auto scalar_42 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(42.0);
+ auto scalar_123 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(123.0);
+ EXPECT_NE(*scalar_42, *scalar_123);
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(scalar_42->CopyFrom(*scalar_123, /*dest_shape_index=*/{},
+ /*src_shape_index=*/{}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*scalar_42, *scalar_123);
+ EXPECT_EQ(scalar_42->Get<float>({}), 123.0f);
+ auto matrix_1234 = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto matrix_5678 = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{5.0, 6.0}, {7.0, 8.0}});
+ EXPECT_NE(*matrix_1234, *matrix_5678);
+ EXPECT_EQ(matrix_1234->Get<float>({0, 0}), 1.0f);
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(matrix_1234->CopyFrom(*matrix_5678, /*dest_shape_index=*/{},
+ /*src_shape_index=*/{}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*matrix_1234, *matrix_5678);
+ EXPECT_EQ(matrix_1234->Get<float>({0, 0}), 5.0f);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyFromTuples) {
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ Literal nil_literal(ShapeUtil::MakeNil());
+ auto nested_tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {matrix.get(),
+ LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(42).get(),
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR1<double>({23.0, 44.0}).get(), &nil_literal})
+ .get()});
+ // Create a tuple the same shape as the inner tuple of nested_tuple but with
+ // different values..
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(-5).get(),
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR1<double>({2.0, 4.0}).get(), &nil_literal});
+ EXPECT_EQ(*matrix, LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple, {0}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(nested_tuple->Get<int32>({}, {1, 0}), 42);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nested_tuple->Get<double>({0}, {1, 1}), 23.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nested_tuple->Get<double>({1}, {1, 1}), 44.0);
+ // Overwrite the inner tuple element of nested_tuple with the contents of
+ // 'tuple'.
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(nested_tuple->CopyFrom(*tuple, /*dest_shape_index=*/{1},
+ /*src_shape_index=*/{}));
+ // The matrix element should be unchanged.
+ EXPECT_EQ(*matrix, LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple, {0}));
+ // The tuple element should have been copied from 'tuple'.
+ EXPECT_EQ(nested_tuple->Get<int32>({}, {1, 0}), -5);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nested_tuple->Get<double>({0}, {1, 1}), 2.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nested_tuple->Get<double>({1}, {1, 1}), 4.0);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyBetweenSameTuple) {
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(-2).get(),
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(4).get()});
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<int32>({}, {0}), -2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<int32>({}, {1}), 4);
+ // Copy from one element to the other.
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(tuple->CopyFrom(*tuple, /*dest_shape_index=*/{1},
+ /*src_shape_index=*/{0}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<int32>({}, {0}), -2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<int32>({}, {1}), -2);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyFromDifferentShapes) {
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto vector = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<float>({5.0, 7.0});
+ Status status = matrix->CopyFrom(*vector);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(),
+ HasSubstr("Destination subshape incompatible"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, F16) {
+ // Verify that the internal data views are consistent and that they
+ // are in little endian format
+ // TODO - modify if we make the data format machine endianess dependent
+ auto m1 = Literal::CreateFromShape(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F16, {2, 2}));
+ Literal* l1 = m1.get();
+ const char* d1 = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(l1->data<half>().data());
+ EXPECT_EQ(d1[0], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d1[1], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d1[2], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d1[3], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d1[4], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d1[5], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d1[6], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d1[7], 0);
+ half h1(1.0f);
+ half h2(2.0f);
+ auto m2 = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<half>({{h1, h2}, {h2, h1}});
+ Literal* l2 = m2.get();
+ const char* d2 = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(l2->data<half>().data());
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2[0], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2[1], 0x3C);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2[2], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2[3], 0x40);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2[4], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2[5], 0x40);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2[6], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d2[7], 0x3C);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, Populate) {
+ struct PopulateData {
+ std::vector<int64> dimensions;
+ std::vector<int64> layout;
+ } populate_data[] = {
+ {{}, {}},
+ {{0}, {0}},
+ {{16}, {0}},
+ {{2, 0}, {1, 0}},
+ {{4, 16}, {1, 0}},
+ {{21, 12}, {0, 1}},
+ {{6, 11, 17}, {2, 0, 1}},
+ {{6, 11, 5, 17}, {3, 2, 0, 1}},
+ };
+ for (const auto& data : populate_data) {
+ Shape shape = ShapeUtil::MakeShapeWithLayout(
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<uint32>(), data.dimensions,
+ data.layout);
+ auto literal = MakeUnique<Literal>(shape);
+ auto generator = [&](ArraySlice<int64> indexes) -> uint32 {
+ // Offsets from linear index just to avoid R0 literals to be initialized
+ // with zero.
+ return IndexUtil::MultidimensionalIndexToLinearIndex(literal->shape(),
+ indexes) +
+ 17;
+ };
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(literal->Populate<uint32>(generator));
+ std::vector<int64> zero_base(data.dimensions.size(), 0);
+ std::vector<int64> step(data.dimensions.size(), 1);
+ bool matched = true;
+ auto check_function = [&](ArraySlice<int64> indexes) {
+ auto value = literal->Get<uint32>(indexes);
+ matched = matched && (value == generator(indexes));
+ return matched;
+ };
+ ShapeUtil::ForEachIndex(literal->shape(), zero_base, data.dimensions, step,
+ check_function);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matched);
+ }
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, PopulateParallel) {
+ struct PopulateData {
+ std::vector<int64> dimensions;
+ std::vector<int64> layout;
+ } populate_data[] = {
+ {{}, {}},
+ {{0}, {0}},
+ {{16}, {0}},
+ {{2, 0}, {1, 0}},
+ {{4, 16}, {1, 0}},
+ {{21, 12}, {0, 1}},
+ {{6, 11, 17}, {2, 0, 1}},
+ {{6, 11, 5, 17}, {3, 2, 0, 1}},
+ };
+ for (const auto& data : populate_data) {
+ Shape shape = ShapeUtil::MakeShapeWithLayout(
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<uint32>(), data.dimensions,
+ data.layout);
+ auto literal = MakeUnique<Literal>(shape);
+ auto generator = [&](ArraySlice<int64> indexes) -> uint32 {
+ // Offsets from linear index just to avoid R0 literals to be initialized
+ // with zero.
+ return IndexUtil::MultidimensionalIndexToLinearIndex(literal->shape(),
+ indexes) +
+ 17;
+ };
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(literal->PopulateParallel<uint32>(generator));
+ std::vector<int64> zero_base(data.dimensions.size(), 0);
+ std::vector<int64> step(data.dimensions.size(), 1);
+ bool matched = true;
+ auto check_function = [&](ArraySlice<int64> indexes) {
+ auto value = literal->Get<uint32>(indexes);
+ matched = matched && (value == generator(indexes));
+ return matched;
+ };
+ ShapeUtil::ForEachIndex(literal->shape(), zero_base, data.dimensions, step,
+ check_function);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(matched);
+ }
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ConvertR4) {
+ // clang-format off
+ auto original = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<int8>({{
+ {{10, 11, 12, 13}, {14, 15, 16, 17}},
+ {{18, 19, 20, 21}, {22, 23, 24, 25}},
+ {{26, 27, 28, 29}, {30, 31, 32, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<uint32>({{
+ {{10, 11, 12, 13}, {14, 15, 16, 17}},
+ {{18, 19, 20, 21}, {22, 23, 24, 25}},
+ {{26, 27, 28, 29}, {30, 31, 32, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ // clang-format on
+ TF_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(std::unique_ptr<Literal> converted,
+ original->Convert(U32));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*expected, *converted);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ConvertIfTypesMatch) {
+ // clang-format off
+ auto s8 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<int8>({{
+ {{10, 0, 12, 0}, {0, 15, 0, 17}},
+ {{0, 19, 0, 21}, {22, 0, 24, 0}},
+ {{26, 0, 28, 0}, {0, 31, 0, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto s32 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<int32>({{
+ {{10, 0, 12, 0}, {0, 15, 0, 17}},
+ {{0, 19, 0, 21}, {22, 0, 24, 0}},
+ {{26, 0, 28, 0}, {0, 31, 0, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto u32 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<uint32>({{
+ {{10, 0, 12, 0}, {0, 15, 0, 17}},
+ {{0, 19, 0, 21}, {22, 0, 24, 0}},
+ {{26, 0, 28, 0}, {0, 31, 0, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto s64 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<int64>({{
+ {{10, 0, 12, 0}, {0, 15, 0, 17}},
+ {{0, 19, 0, 21}, {22, 0, 24, 0}},
+ {{26, 0, 28, 0}, {0, 31, 0, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto u64 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<uint64>({{
+ {{10, 0, 12, 0}, {0, 15, 0, 17}},
+ {{0, 19, 0, 21}, {22, 0, 24, 0}},
+ {{26, 0, 28, 0}, {0, 31, 0, 33}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto pred = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<bool>({{
+ {{true, false, true, false}, {false, true, false, true}},
+ {{false, true, false, true}, {true, false, true, false}},
+ {{true, false, true, false}, {false, true, false, true}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto int32_pred = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<int32>({{
+ {{1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}},
+ {{0, 1, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 0}},
+ {{1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto f16 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<half>({{
+ {{half(10.0), half(0.0), half(12.0), half(0.0)},
+ {half(0.0), half(15.0), half(0.0), half(17.0)}},
+ {{half(0.0), half(19.0), half(0.0), half(21.0)},
+ {half(22.0), half(0.0), half(24.0), half(0.0)}},
+ {{half(26.0), half(0.0), half(28.0), half(0.0)},
+ {half(0.0), half(31.0), half(0.0), half(33.0)}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto bf16 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<bfloat16>({{
+ {{bfloat16(10.0), bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(12.0), bfloat16(0.0)},
+ {bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(15.0), bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(17.0)}},
+ {{bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(19.0), bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(21.0)},
+ {bfloat16(22.0), bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(24.0), bfloat16(0.0)}},
+ {{bfloat16(26.0), bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(28.0), bfloat16(0.0)},
+ {bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(31.0), bfloat16(0.0), bfloat16(33.0)}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto f32 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<float>({{
+ {{10.0f, 0.0f, 12.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f, 17.0f}},
+ {{0.0f, 19.0f, 0.0f, 21.0f}, {22.0f, 0.0f, 24.0f, 0.0f}},
+ {{26.0f, 0.0f, 28.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 31.0f, 0.0f, 33.0f}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto f64 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<double>({{
+ {{10.0, 0.0, 12.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 15.0, 0.0, 17.0}},
+ {{0.0, 19.0, 0.0, 21.0}, {22.0, 0.0, 24.0, 0.0}},
+ {{26.0, 0.0, 28.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 31.0, 0.0, 33.0}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ auto c64 = LiteralUtil::CreateR4WithLayout<complex64>({{
+ {{10.0f, 0.0f, 12.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f, 17.0f}},
+ {{0.0f, 19.0f, 0.0f, 21.0f}, {22.0f, 0.0f, 24.0f, 0.0f}},
+ {{26.0f, 0.0f, 28.0f, 0.0f}, {0.0f, 31.0f, 0.0f, 33.0f}},
+ }}, layout_r4_dim0major_);
+ // clang-format on
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> conv;
+ conv = s8->Convert(U32).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *u32);
+ conv = s8->Convert(S32).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *s32);
+ conv = s8->Convert(U64).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *u64);
+ conv = s8->Convert(S64).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *s64);
+ conv = s8->Convert(PRED).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *pred);
+ conv = bf16->Convert(S32).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *s32);
+ conv = bf16->Convert(F32).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *f32);
+ conv = pred->Convert(S32).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *int32_pred);
+ conv = f32->Convert(S32).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *s32);
+ conv = f64->Convert(S32).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *s32);
+ conv = s32->Convert(F32).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *f32);
+ conv = f32->Convert(F16).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *f16);
+ conv = f64->Convert(F16).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *f16);
+ conv = s32->Convert(F16).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *f16);
+ conv = u32->Convert(F16).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *f16);
+ conv = s32->Convert(C64).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *c64);
+ conv = f16->Convert(C64).ConsumeValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_EQ(*conv, *c64);
+ EXPECT_EQ(s32->Convert(TUPLE).status().code(),
+ tensorflow::error::UNIMPLEMENTED);
+ EXPECT_EQ(s32->Convert(S16).status().code(),
+ tensorflow::error::UNIMPLEMENTED);
+ EXPECT_EQ(s32->Convert(U16).status().code(),
+ tensorflow::error::UNIMPLEMENTED);
+ EXPECT_EQ(c64->Convert(F32).status().code(),
+ tensorflow::error::UNIMPLEMENTED);
+ EXPECT_EQ(c64->Convert(S32).status().code(),
+ tensorflow::error::UNIMPLEMENTED);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, BitcastConvert) {
+ auto original = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<uint32>(
+ {tensorflow::bit_cast<uint32>(2.5f),
+ tensorflow::bit_cast<uint32>(-42.25f),
+ tensorflow::bit_cast<uint32>(100.f), 0xbeef});
+ auto expected = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<float>(
+ {2.5f, -42.25f, 100.0f, tensorflow::bit_cast<float>(0xbeef)});
+ TF_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(std::unique_ptr<Literal> converted,
+ original->BitcastConvert(F32));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, BitcastConvertBetweenInvalidTypes) {
+ auto literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<uint32>(1234);
+ Status status = literal->BitcastConvert(F64).status();
+ EXPECT_NE(Status::OK(), status);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tensorflow::str_util::StrContains(status.error_message(),
+ "bit widths are different"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyFromProto_Bool) {
+ LiteralProto p;
+ p.mutable_shape()->set_element_type(PRED);
+ for (int len = 0; len < 25; ++len) {
+ p.mutable_shape()->clear_dimensions();
+ p.mutable_shape()->add_dimensions(len);
+ LayoutUtil::SetToDefaultLayout(p.mutable_shape());
+ p.clear_preds();
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ p.add_preds((i % 2) == (len % 2));
+ }
+ TF_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(std::unique_ptr<Literal> literal,
+ Literal::CreateFromProto(p));
+ ASSERT_EQ(len, literal->data<bool>().size());
+ int i = 0;
+ for (bool value : literal->data<bool>()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ((i % 2) == (len % 2), value);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+// Note that f16 is currently stored in a byte array in little endian byte order
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ToProto_f16) {
+ half h1(1.0f);
+ half h2(2.0f);
+ auto m = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<half>({{h1, h2}, {h2, h1}});
+ Literal* l = m.get();
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(l->shape()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, l->data<half>().size());
+ LiteralProto p = l->ToProto();
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(p.shape()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(8, p.f16s().size());
+ const char* d = p.f16s().data();
+ EXPECT_EQ(d[0], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d[1], 0x3C);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d[2], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d[3], 0x40);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d[4], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d[5], 0x40);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d[6], 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(d[7], 0x3C);
+// Note that f16 is currently stored in a byte array in little endian byte order
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CopyFromProto_f16) {
+ half h1(1.0f);
+ half h2(2.0f);
+ const char half_vals[8] = {0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x3C};
+ LiteralProto p;
+ p.mutable_shape()->set_element_type(F16);
+ p.mutable_shape()->clear_dimensions();
+ p.mutable_shape()->add_dimensions(4);
+ LayoutUtil::SetToDefaultLayout(p.mutable_shape());
+ p.clear_f16s();
+ p.set_f16s(half_vals, 8);
+ TF_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(std::unique_ptr<Literal> literal,
+ Literal::CreateFromProto(p));
+ auto r = literal->data<half>();
+ ASSERT_EQ(4, r.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(h1, r[0]);
+ ASSERT_EQ(h2, r[1]);
+ ASSERT_EQ(h2, r[2]);
+ ASSERT_EQ(h1, r[3]);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralSliceTest) {
+ auto scalar = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar.get(), matrix.get()});
+ auto nested_tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({tuple.get(), scalar.get()});
+ Literal nil(ShapeUtil::MakeNil());
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*scalar, {}), *scalar);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*matrix, {}), *matrix);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*tuple, {}), *tuple);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple, {}), *nested_tuple);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(nil, {}), nil);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*tuple, {0}), *scalar);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*tuple, {1}), *matrix);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple, {0}), *tuple);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple, {0, 0}), *scalar);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple, {0, 1}), *matrix);
+ EXPECT_EQ(LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple, {1}), *scalar);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, MutatingLiteralSlice) {
+ auto scalar = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar.get(), matrix.get()});
+ auto nested_tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({tuple.get(), scalar.get()});
+ // Verify that changing the underlying data beneath the view changes the
+ // data of the view itself.
+ const auto nested_tuple_view = LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple);
+ nested_tuple->Get<float>(/*multi_index=*/{}, /*shape_index=*/{0, 0}),
+ 1.0f);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nested_tuple_view.Get<float>(/*multi_index=*/{},
+ /*shape_index=*/{0, 0}),
+ 1.0f);
+ nested_tuple->Set<float>(/*multi_index=*/{}, /*shape_index=*/{0, 0}, 555.0f);
+ nested_tuple->Get<float>(/*multi_index=*/{}, /*shape_index=*/{0, 0}),
+ 555.0f);
+ EXPECT_EQ(nested_tuple_view.Get<float>(/*multi_index=*/{},
+ /*shape_index=*/{0, 0}),
+ 555.0f);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralSliceOfALiteralSlice) {
+ auto scalar = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ auto matrix = LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({scalar.get(), matrix.get()});
+ auto nested_tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple({tuple.get(), scalar.get()});
+ const auto nested_tuple_view = LiteralSlice(*nested_tuple);
+ const auto tuple_view = LiteralSlice(nested_tuple_view, /*view_root=*/{0});
+ const auto matrix_view = LiteralSlice(tuple_view, /*view_root=*/{1});
+ EXPECT_EQ(matrix_view,
+ *LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}}));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, BorrowingLiteralFromOneBufferPtr) {
+ std::vector<int64> int64_values = {1, 2, 3};
+ const Shape literal_shape = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S64, {3});
+ BorrowingLiteral literal(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(int64_values.data()),
+ literal_shape);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<int64>({0}), 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<int64>({1}), 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<int64>({2}), 3);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, BorrowingLiteralFromMultipleBufferPtrs) {
+ std::vector<int64> one_two_three = {1, 2, 3};
+ const Shape one_two_three_shape = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S64, {3});
+ std::vector<int64> hundred = {100};
+ const Shape hundred_shape = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S64, {1});
+ std::vector<const char*> src_buf_ptrs;
+ src_buf_ptrs.emplace_back(
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(one_two_three.data()));
+ src_buf_ptrs.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(hundred.data()));
+ auto literal_tuple = BorrowingLiteral(
+ src_buf_ptrs,
+ ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape({one_two_three_shape, hundred_shape}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal_tuple.Get<int64>(/*multi_index=*/{0}, /*shape_index=*/{0}),
+ 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal_tuple.Get<int64>(/*multi_index=*/{0}, /*shape_index=*/{1}),
+ 100);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal_tuple.Get<int64>(/*multi_index=*/{1}, /*shape_index=*/{0}),
+ 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal_tuple.Get<int64>(/*multi_index=*/{2}, /*shape_index=*/{0}),
+ 3);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralMove) {
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> matrix =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ Literal literal(std::move(*matrix));
+ ShapeUtil::Equal(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {2, 2}), literal.shape()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({0, 0}), 1.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({0, 1}), 2.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({1, 0}), 3.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({1, 1}), 4.0);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, DecomposeTuple) {
+ Literal nil_literal(ShapeUtil::MakeNil());
+ auto nested_tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {LiteralUtil::CreateR2<int32>({{1, 2}, {3, 4}}).get(),
+ LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(42).get(),
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR1<double>({23.0, 44.0}).get(), &nil_literal})
+ .get(),
+ &nil_literal});
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ShapeUtil::IsNil(nested_tuple->shape()));
+ std::vector<Literal> elements = nested_tuple->DecomposeTuple();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ShapeUtil::IsNil(nested_tuple->shape()));
+ ASSERT_EQ(elements.size(), 3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ShapeUtil::Compatible(elements[0].shape(),
+ ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S32, {2, 2})));
+ EXPECT_EQ(elements[0].Get<int32>({0, 0}), 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(elements[0].Get<int32>({0, 1}), 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(elements[0].Get<int32>({1, 0}), 3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(elements[0].Get<int32>({1, 1}), 4);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ShapeUtil::Compatible(
+ elements[1].shape(),
+ ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape({ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S32, {}),
+ ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F64, {2}),
+ ShapeUtil::MakeNil()})));
+ EXPECT_EQ(elements[1].Get<int32>({}, /*shape_index=*/{0}), 42);
+ EXPECT_EQ(elements[1].Get<double>({0}, /*shape_index=*/{1}), 23.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(elements[1].Get<double>({1}, /*shape_index=*/{1}), 44.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ShapeUtil::Compatible(elements[2].shape(), ShapeUtil::MakeNil()));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, DecomposeEmptyTuple) {
+ Literal nil_literal(ShapeUtil::MakeNil());
+ std::vector<Literal> elements = nil_literal.DecomposeTuple();
+ EXPECT_EQ(elements.size(), 0);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, MoveIntoTuple) {
+ std::vector<Literal> elements;
+ elements.push_back(std::move(*LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0)));
+ elements.push_back(std::move(*LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int32>({4, 8})));
+ elements.push_back(std::move(*LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(42).get(),
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR1<double>({23.0, 44.0}).get()})
+ ));
+ Literal literal = Literal::MoveIntoTuple(&elements);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ShapeUtil::IsTuple(literal.shape()));
+ ASSERT_EQ(ShapeUtil::TupleElementCount(literal.shape()), 3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({}, /*shape_index=*/{0}), 1.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<int32>({0}, /*shape_index=*/{1}), 4);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<int32>({1}, /*shape_index=*/{1}), 8);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<int32>({}, /*shape_index=*/{2, 0}), 42);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<double>({0}, /*shape_index=*/{2, 1}), 23.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<double>({1}, /*shape_index=*/{2, 1}), 44.0);
+ for (const Literal& element : elements) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ShapeUtil::IsNil(element.shape()));
+ }
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, MoveIntoEmptyTuple) {
+ Literal literal = Literal::MoveIntoTuple({});
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ShapeUtil::IsTuple(literal.shape()));
+ ASSERT_EQ(ShapeUtil::TupleElementCount(literal.shape()), 0);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralMoveAssignment) {
+ Literal literal;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ShapeUtil::Equal(ShapeUtil::MakeNil(), literal.shape()));
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> matrix =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ literal = std::move(*matrix);
+ ShapeUtil::Equal(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {2, 2}), literal.shape()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({0, 0}), 1.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({0, 1}), 2.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({1, 0}), 3.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(literal.Get<float>({1, 1}), 4.0);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, LiteralSliceCopy) {
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> matrix =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ const auto matrix_view = LiteralSlice(*matrix);
+ LiteralSlice matrix_view_copy(matrix_view);
+ EXPECT_EQ(matrix_view_copy.Get<float>({0, 0}), 1.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(matrix_view_copy.Get<float>({0, 1}), 2.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(matrix_view_copy.Get<float>({1, 0}), 3.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(matrix_view_copy.Get<float>({1, 1}), 4.0);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, GetSetTuple) {
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(42.0).get(),
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<float>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}}).get()});
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<float>(/*multi_index=*/{}, /*shape_index=*/{0}), 42.0);
+ tuple->Set<float>(/*multi_index=*/{}, /*shape_index=*/{0}, -5.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<float>(/*multi_index=*/{}, /*shape_index=*/{0}), -5.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<float>(/*multi_index=*/{1, 0}, /*shape_index=*/{1}),
+ 3.0);
+ tuple->Set<float>(/*multi_index=*/{1, 0}, /*shape_index=*/{1}, -4.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<float>(/*multi_index=*/{1, 0}, /*shape_index=*/{1}),
+ -4.0);
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, CreateFromShapeZeroInitialized) {
+ // Literals constructed using CreateFromShape should be zero initialized.
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> scalar_f32 =
+ Literal::CreateFromShape(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(scalar_f32->Get<float>({}), 0.0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(scalar_f32->IsAll(0));
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> vector_s32 =
+ Literal::CreateFromShape(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S32, {3}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(vector_s32->Get<int32>({0}), 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(vector_s32->Get<int32>({1}), 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(vector_s32->Get<int32>({2}), 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(vector_s32->IsAll(0));
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> tuple =
+ Literal::CreateFromShape(ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(
+ {ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F64, {}), ShapeUtil::MakeShape(PRED, {2}),
+ ShapeUtil::MakeShape(U64, {2, 1}), ShapeUtil::MakeShape(C64, {})}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<double>({}, {0}), 0.0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<bool>({0}, {1}), false);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<bool>({1}, {1}), false);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<uint64>({0, 0}, {2}), 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<uint64>({1, 0}, {2}), 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(tuple->Get<complex64>({}, {3}), complex64(0.0f, 0.0f));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, ProtoRoundTrip) {
+ // Test serializing then deserializing a Literal through a proto.
+ auto one_f32 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(1.0);
+ auto two_f32 = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<float>(2.0);
+ auto vector_int8 = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int8>({-128, 0, 2, 4, 7, 56, 127});
+ auto vector_c64 = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<complex64>({{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}});
+ auto vector_bfloat16 = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<bfloat16>(
+ {bfloat16{-1.0}, bfloat16{2.0}, bfloat16{-3.0}});
+ auto vector_half =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR1<half>({half{10.0}, half{20.0}, half{-30.0}});
+ auto matrix_pred =
+ LiteralUtil::CreateR2<bool>({{true, false, true}, {false, false, true}});
+ auto tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {one_f32.get(), vector_half.get(), matrix_pred.get(), matrix_pred.get()});
+ Literal nil_literal(ShapeUtil::MakeNil());
+ auto nested_tuple = LiteralUtil::MakeTuple(
+ {tuple.get(), vector_bfloat16.get(), tuple.get(), &nil_literal});
+ auto to_from_proto = [](const Literal& literal) -> Literal {
+ return std::move(*Literal::CreateFromProto(literal.ToProto()).ValueOrDie());
+ };
+ EXPECT_EQ(*one_f32, to_from_proto(*one_f32));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*vector_c64, to_from_proto(*vector_c64));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*vector_bfloat16, to_from_proto(*vector_bfloat16));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*matrix_pred, to_from_proto(*matrix_pred));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*tuple, to_from_proto(*tuple));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*nested_tuple, to_from_proto(*nested_tuple));
+ EXPECT_EQ(nil_literal, to_from_proto(nil_literal));
+ EXPECT_NE(*one_f32, *two_f32);
+ EXPECT_NE(*one_f32, to_from_proto(*two_f32));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, InvalidProtoNoValues) {
+ // Proto contains a shape, but no values.
+ LiteralProto proto;
+ *proto.mutable_shape() = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {3});
+ Status status = Literal::CreateFromProto(proto).status();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(),
+ HasSubstr("Expected 3 elements in LiteralProto"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, InvalidProtoNoShape) {
+ // Proto contains values, but no shape.
+ LiteralProto proto;
+ proto.add_preds(false);
+ proto.add_preds(true);
+ proto.add_preds(false);
+ Status status = Literal::CreateFromProto(proto).status();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(), HasSubstr("LiteralProto has no shape"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, InvalidProtoWrongContainer) {
+ // Proto contains values in wrong container.
+ LiteralProto proto;
+ *proto.mutable_shape() = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {3});
+ proto.add_preds(false);
+ proto.add_preds(true);
+ proto.add_preds(false);
+ Status status = Literal::CreateFromProto(proto).status();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(),
+ HasSubstr("Expected 3 elements in LiteralProto"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, InvalidProtoTooFewValues) {
+ // Proto contains too few values.
+ LiteralProto proto;
+ *proto.mutable_shape() = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {42, 2});
+ proto.add_f32s(1.0);
+ proto.add_f32s(2.0);
+ proto.add_f32s(3.0);
+ Status status = Literal::CreateFromProto(proto).status();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(),
+ HasSubstr("Expected 84 elements in LiteralProto"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, InvalidProtoTooManyValues) {
+ // Proto contains too many values.
+ LiteralProto proto;
+ *proto.mutable_shape() = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S32, {2});
+ proto.add_s32s(42);
+ proto.add_s32s(-10);
+ proto.add_s32s(100);
+ Status status = Literal::CreateFromProto(proto).status();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(),
+ HasSubstr("Expected 2 elements in LiteralProto"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, InvalidProtoMissingLayout) {
+ // Proto shape missing layout.
+ LiteralProto proto;
+ *proto.mutable_shape() = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(PRED, {2, 2});
+ LayoutUtil::ClearLayout(proto.mutable_shape());
+ proto.add_preds(true);
+ proto.add_preds(false);
+ proto.add_preds(true);
+ proto.add_preds(false);
+ Status status = Literal::CreateFromProto(proto).status();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(), HasSubstr("LiteralProto has no layout"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, InvalidProtoTooFewTupleElements) {
+ // Proto has the too few tuple elements.
+ LiteralProto proto;
+ *proto.mutable_shape() = ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(
+ {ShapeUtil::MakeShape(PRED, {2}), ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {})});
+ LiteralProto* element0 = proto.add_tuple_literals();
+ *element0->mutable_shape() =
+ ShapeUtil::GetTupleElementShape(proto.shape(), 0);
+ element0->add_preds(false);
+ element0->add_preds(true);
+ Status status = Literal::CreateFromProto(proto).status();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(), HasSubstr("Expected 2 tuple elements"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, InvalidProtoTooManyTupleElements) {
+ // Proto has the too many tuple elements.
+ LiteralProto proto;
+ *proto.mutable_shape() = ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(
+ {ShapeUtil::MakeShape(PRED, {2}), ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {})});
+ LiteralProto* element0 = proto.add_tuple_literals();
+ *element0->mutable_shape() =
+ ShapeUtil::GetTupleElementShape(proto.shape(), 0);
+ element0->add_preds(false);
+ element0->add_preds(true);
+ LiteralProto* element1 = proto.add_tuple_literals();
+ *element1->mutable_shape() =
+ ShapeUtil::GetTupleElementShape(proto.shape(), 1);
+ element1->add_f32s(42.0);
+ LiteralProto* element2 = proto.add_tuple_literals();
+ *element2->mutable_shape() = ShapeUtil::MakeShape(F32, {});
+ element2->add_f32s(123.0);
+ Status status = Literal::CreateFromProto(proto).status();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok());
+ ASSERT_THAT(status.error_message(), HasSubstr("Expected 2 tuple elements"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, SortSparseElements) {
+ auto literal = LiteralUtil::CreateSparse<float>({10, 10, 10},
+ SparseIndexArray(10, 3), {});
+ literal->AppendSparseElement<float>({2, 3, 4}, 2.0);
+ literal->AppendSparseElement<float>({3, 4, 5}, 3.0);
+ literal->AppendSparseElement<float>({1, 2, 3}, 1.0);
+ literal->SortSparseElements();
+ ASSERT_EQ(literal->ToString(false),
+ "f32[10,10,10]{[1, 2, 3]: 1, [2, 3, 4]: 2, [3, 4, 5]: 3}");
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, GetSparseElementAsString) {
+ std::vector<int64> dimensions = {10, 10, 10};
+ SparseIndexArray indices(10, {{1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5}});
+ LiteralUtil::CreateSparse<bool>(dimensions, indices, {true, false, true})
+ ->GetSparseElementAsString(1),
+ "false");
+ ASSERT_EQ(LiteralUtil::CreateSparse<int64>(dimensions, indices, {1, 2, 3})
+ ->GetSparseElementAsString(1),
+ tensorflow::strings::StrCat(int64{2}));
+ LiteralUtil::CreateSparse<double>(dimensions, indices, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0})
+ ->GetSparseElementAsString(1),
+ tensorflow::strings::StrCat(double{2.0}));
+ ASSERT_EQ(LiteralUtil::CreateSparse<half>(dimensions, indices,
+ {half{1.0}, half{2.0}, half{3.0}})
+ ->GetSparseElementAsString(1),
+ tensorflow::strings::StrCat(static_cast<float>(half{2.0})));
+ LiteralUtil::CreateSparse<complex64>(
+ dimensions, indices,
+ std::vector<complex64>{{1.0, 2.0}, {3.0, 4.0}, {5.0, 6.0}})
+ ->GetSparseElementAsString(1),
+ tensorflow::strings::StrCat("(", float{3.0}, ", ", float{4.0}, ")"));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, BroadcastVectorToMatrix0) {
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int64>({1, 2});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> broadcasted_literal,
+ literal->Broadcast(
+ /*result_shape=*/ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S64, {2, 2}),
+ /*dimensions=*/{0}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*broadcasted_literal,
+ *LiteralUtil::CreateR2<int64>({{1, 1}, {2, 2}}));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, BroadcastVectorToMatrix1) {
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR1<int64>({1, 2});
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> broadcasted_literal,
+ literal->Broadcast(
+ /*result_shape=*/ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S64, {2, 2}),
+ /*dimensions=*/{1}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*broadcasted_literal,
+ *LiteralUtil::CreateR2<int64>({{1, 2}, {1, 2}}));
+TEST_F(LiteralUtilTest, BroadcastScalarToMatrix) {
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> literal = LiteralUtil::CreateR0<int32>(9);
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> broadcasted_literal,
+ literal->Broadcast(
+ /*result_shape=*/ShapeUtil::MakeShape(S32, {2, 2}),
+ /*dimensions=*/{}));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*broadcasted_literal,
+ *LiteralUtil::CreateR2<int32>({{9, 9}, {9, 9}}));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace xla