path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal.h
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1 files changed, 1152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal.h b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd67dfa8d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1152 @@
+/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include <functional>
+#include <initializer_list>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <vector>
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/array2d.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/array3d.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/array4d.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/index_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/layout_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/primitive_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/ptr_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/sparse_index_array.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/status_macros.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/types.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/bitmap.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/array_slice.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/protobuf.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
+namespace xla {
+// Forward declare Literal and LiteralSlice class to be used by the creation
+// methods in the base class.
+class Literal;
+class LiteralSlice;
+// Abstract base class for literals.
+class LiteralBase {
+ public:
+ virtual ~LiteralBase() = 0;
+ // Literals are equal if they have compatible shapes and the same data
+ // values. Layout is not compared.
+ bool operator==(const LiteralBase& other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const LiteralBase& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
+ // Returns the shape of the literal.
+ const Shape& shape() const { return root_piece().subshape(); }
+ // Serialize to proto.
+ LiteralProto ToProto() const;
+ // Returns an ArraySlice of the array for this literal for the given NativeT
+ // (e.g., float). CHECKs if the subshape of the literal at the given
+ // ShapeIndex is not array. See primitive_util.h for the mapping from XLA type
+ // to native type.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> data(
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ // Returns a const pointer to the sparse index array. Returns nullptr if the
+ // literal is not a sparse array.
+ const SparseIndexArray* sparse_indices(
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ // Returns a const pointer to (or size of) the underlying buffer holding the
+ // array at the given shape index. CHECKs if the subshape of the literal at
+ // the given ShapeIndex is not array.
+ const void* untyped_data(const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ int64 size_bytes(const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ // Returns this literal's data as a string. This literal must be a rank-1 U8
+ // array.
+ string GetR1U8AsString() const;
+ // Returns a string representation of the literal value.
+ // Warning: this function can take minutes for multi-million element Literals.
+ string ToString(bool print_layout = false) const;
+ // Gets an element in the literal at the given index. The multi_index is
+ // CHECKed against the dimension sizes.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ NativeT Get(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index) const;
+ // Overloads of Get for array literals. CHECKs if the literal is not
+ // array-shaped and dense.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ NativeT Get(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index) const;
+ // Returns the element value at index (0, ..., 0), however many zeroes are
+ // required for that index.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ NativeT GetFirstElement() const;
+ // As Get(), but determines the correct type and converts the value
+ // into text.
+ string GetAsString(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ // As GetSparseElement(), but determines the correct type and converts the
+ // value into text.
+ string GetSparseElementAsString(int64 sparse_element_number,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ // As Get(), but determines the correct type and converts the value into
+ // int64. This literal must be an array.
+ StatusOr<int64> GetIntegralAsS64(
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index) const;
+ // Returns the multi-index of the element in a sparse literal at the given
+ // sparse element number. The sparse element number is the position with in
+ // the sparse array's list of (index, value) pairs, and is checked against the
+ // total number of (index, value) pairs in the sparse array.
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> GetSparseIndex(
+ int64 sparse_element_number, const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ // Returns the value of the element in a sparse literal at the given sparse
+ // element number. The sparse element number is the position with in the
+ // sparse array's list of (index, value) pairs, and is checked against the
+ // total number of (index, value) pairs in the sparse array.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ NativeT GetSparseElement(int64 sparse_element_number,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ // Invokes the "per cell" callback for each element in the provided
+ // literal with the element's indices and a string representation of
+ // the element's value.
+ //
+ // This function is useful if you want a polymorphic representation
+ // of the tensor's elements (turning it to a string for something
+ // like representation in a protobuf).
+ //
+ // This literal must have a dense layout.
+ void EachCellAsString(
+ const std::function<void(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indices,
+ const string& value)>& per_cell) const;
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void EachCell(std::function<void(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indices,
+ NativeT value)>
+ per_cell) const;
+ // Returns whether every element in this literal is equal to value.
+ //
+ // value is an int8 because we expect this to be called with small
+ // compile-time constants (0, -1, etc.) and so that whatever value you pass
+ // can be represented exactly by floating-point types as small as 16 bits.
+ //
+ // If value doesn't fit in this literal's type, returns false. Values of 1/0
+ // are considered equal to true/false; other values are not considered equal
+ // to true. Also if this literal is not array-shaped false is returned.
+ bool IsAll(int8 value) const;
+ // Like IsAll(const Literal&, int8), except we check whether the literal is
+ // equal to a particular floating-point number.
+ //
+ // If the literal is not a floating-point value, this always returns false.
+ //
+ // This casts value to the type of literal, then compares using ==. The usual
+ // admonishments about floating-point equality checks apply. We expect you to
+ // use this to check for values that can be expressed precisely as a float,
+ // e.g. -0.5. Also if this literal is not array-shaped false is returned.
+ bool IsAllFloat(float value) const;
+ // Like IsAll(const Literal&, int8), except we check whether the literal is
+ // equal to a particular complex number.
+ //
+ // If the literal is not a complex value, this always returns false.
+ //
+ // This casts value to the type of literal, then compares using ==. The usual
+ // admonishments about floating-point equality checks apply. We expect you to
+ // use this to check for complex values that can be expressed precisely as
+ // float pairs e.g. (-0.5, 1.0).
+ //
+ // This literal must have a dense layout.
+ bool IsAllComplex(complex64 value) const;
+ // Literal consists entirely of the first element of the literal.
+ bool IsAllFirst() const;
+ // Returns whether this literal is zero at the specified index. This literal
+ // must be an array with a dense layout.
+ bool IsZero(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indices) const;
+ // Returns the count of the elements in the array at the given shape index in
+ // this literal.
+ int64 element_count(const ShapeIndex& index = {}) const {
+ return ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(ShapeUtil::GetSubshape(shape(), index));
+ }
+ // Returns the count of the elements in the sparse array at the given shape
+ // index in this literal, which will be no larger than
+ // LayoutUtil::MaxSparseElements(SetSubshape(shape(), index).layout()).
+ int64 sparse_element_count() const;
+ // Compute a hash for this literal. This literal must not be a sparse tensor
+ // or a tuple containing a sparse tensor.
+ size_t Hash() const;
+ // Converts this literal to the given shape. Returns an error is the
+ // conversion is not possible.
+ //
+ // round_f32_to_bf16: if true, converting F32 elements to BF16 uses rounding
+ // instead of truncation; otherwise, truncation is used.
+ //
+ // TODO(b/69266521): remove the round_to_bfloat16 flag when rounding becomes
+ // the default behavior.
+ StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Literal>> ConvertToShape(
+ const Shape& dest_shape, bool round_f32_to_bf16 = false) const;
+ // Converts this literal to another primitive type using a bitcast
+ // conversion. The to and from primitive types must have the same bit
+ // width. Returns an error if the conversion is not possible. This literal
+ // must be array-shaped.
+ StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Literal>> BitcastConvert(
+ PrimitiveType primitive_dest_type) const;
+ // Converts this literal to another primitive type. Returns an error if the
+ // conversion is not possible. This literal must be array-shaped.
+ StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Literal>> Convert(
+ PrimitiveType primitive_dest_type) const;
+ // Clones the underlying buffers into a new Literal, or new
+ // std::unique_ptr<Literal>.
+ Literal Clone() const;
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> CloneToUnique() const;
+ // TODO(b/67651157): The methods below which perform computation on Literals
+ // (Reshape, Slice, etc) should be moved elsewhere, and perhaps combined with
+ // evaluator code which operates on Literals.
+ //
+ // Creates a new value that has the equivalent value as this
+ // literal, but conforms to new_layout; e.g. a literal matrix that was in {0,
+ // 1} minor-to-major dimension layout can be re-layed-out as {1, 0}
+ // minor-to-major dimension layout and the value in the cell at any given
+ // logical index (i0, i1) will be the same.
+ //
+ // For tuple shaped literals, shape_index should be used to select the inner
+ // array that the new layout applies to.
+ //
+ // Note: this is useful when the client wants to ensure that a value placed in
+ // the XLA allocation tracker has a particular layout; for efficiency
+ // purposes or avoiding unimplemented operation/layout combinations.
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> Relayout(const Layout& new_layout,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {}) const;
+ // An overload of Relayout which changes the layout of the entire shape rather
+ // than being limited to a single array within the shape.
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> Relayout(const Shape& shape_with_layout) const;
+ // Creates a new literal by reshaping this literal to have the given
+ // dimensions. The total number of elements must not change; The
+ // implementation currently only supports monotonic dim0-major layouts.
+ // This literal must be an array.
+ StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Literal>> Reshape(
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions) const;
+ // Creates a new literal by broadcasting this literal with `dimensions` to
+ // yield a literal of shape `result_shape`.
+ StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Literal>> Broadcast(
+ const Shape& result_shape,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions) const;
+ // Creates a new literal by reordering the dimensions of this literal.
+ // The given `permutation` must be a permutation of the dimension numbers
+ // in the original literal, and it specifies the order of the new dimensions
+ // in the result literal (i.e., new_order[i] = old_order[permutation[i]]).
+ // For example, a transpose call on a literal of shape [3 x 8 x 4] and
+ // `permutation` = {2, 0, 1} returns a new literal of shape [4 x 3 x 8].
+ // This literal must be an array.
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> Transpose(
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> permutation) const;
+ // Creates a sub-array from this literal by extracting the indices
+ // [start_index, limit_index) of each dimension. The result literal has the
+ // same rank and layout as for the given literal. The number of indices in
+ // start_indices and limit_indices must be the rank of the literal, and the
+ // indices follow the order of the dimensions.
+ // This literal must be an array.
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> Slice(
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> start_indices,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> limit_indices) const;
+ // Creates a literal with a prepended dimension with bound "times"; e.g. a
+ // f32[3x2] with times=4 will produce a f32[4x3x2] with the 3x2 from this
+ // literal replicated four times.
+ // This literal must be an array.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> Replicate(int64 times) const;
+ // Creates a new Literal object with the shape specified as parameter.
+ // The content of the literal values is the default value of the primitive
+ // type of literal itself (0 for numeric types, and false for predicates).
+ //
+ // Note: It's an antipattern to use this method then immediately call
+ // Literal::Populate on the result (since that results in zero initialization,
+ // then reinitialization. Conside if a call to MakeUnique<Literal>(shape),
+ // followed by the call to Literal::Populate can be used instead.
+ static std::unique_ptr<Literal> CreateFromShape(const Shape& shape);
+ protected:
+ // A data structure representing a subshape at a particular ShapeIndex within
+ // the literal. For array-shaped ShapeIndexes, this data structure holds the
+ // pointer to the memory allocated for the array data.
+ class Piece {
+ public:
+ // Returns the buffer holding the array data for this piece as an array
+ // slice. This piece must be array-shaped.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> data() const;
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ tensorflow::gtl::MutableArraySlice<NativeT> data();
+ // Returns the buffer holding the array data for this piece as a void*. This
+ // piece must be array-shaped.
+ void* untyped_data();
+ const void* untyped_data() const;
+ // Gets or sets an element in the array at the given index. The multi_index
+ // is CHECKed against the dimension sizes of the array. This piece must be
+ // array-shaped.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ NativeT Get(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> index) const;
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void Set(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> index, NativeT value);
+ // Gets/sets the buffer holding the array data.
+ char* buffer() const { return buffer_; }
+ void set_buffer(char* buffer) { buffer_ = buffer; }
+ // The array of multi-indices that provide the locations of non-zero
+ // elements in a sparse array. Only used if
+ // LayoutUtil::IsSparseArray(shape()) is true.
+ SparseIndexArray* sparse_indices() const { return sparse_indices_; }
+ void set_sparse_indices(SparseIndexArray* sparse_indices) {
+ sparse_indices_ = sparse_indices;
+ }
+ // Gets or sets the subshape of this piece. This reference points to a
+ // subshape within the shape in the containing Literal (Literal::shape_).
+ const Shape& subshape() const { return *subshape_; }
+ void set_subshape(const Shape* subshape) { subshape_ = subshape; }
+ // Returns the size in bytes of the buffer holding the array data.
+ int64 size_bytes() const { return ShapeUtil::ByteSizeOf(subshape()); }
+ // Returns the number of elements in this piece's array.
+ int64 element_count() const {
+ // If this is a sparse array, use the number of elements represented by
+ // the indices in the associated SparseIndexArray.
+ return LayoutUtil::IsSparseArray(subshape())
+ ? sparse_indices()->index_count()
+ : ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(subshape());
+ }
+ // Returns the child piece at 'index' of this piece.
+ Piece& child(int64 index) { return children_[index]; }
+ // Adds a child piece to this piece's children.
+ void emplace_back(Piece child_piece) {
+ children_.emplace_back(std::move(child_piece));
+ }
+ // Returns the size of children pieces of this piece.
+ int64 children_size() { return children_.size(); }
+ // Visitor functions that recursively traverses the piece and calls the
+ // given function at each child piece. The function has the type:
+ // void (const ShapeIndex& index, const Piece& piece)
+ template <typename Fn>
+ void ForEachSubpiece(const Fn& func) const {
+ ShapeIndex index;
+ return ForEachHelper(
+ [&func](const ShapeIndex& index, const Piece& piece) {
+ func(index, piece);
+ return Status::OK();
+ },
+ *this, &index)
+ .IgnoreError();
+ }
+ // Same as above, but the function has the type:
+ // Status (const ShapeIndex& index, const Piece& piece)
+ // The first non-OK return value is returned by the function.
+ template <typename Fn>
+ Status ForEachSubpieceWithStatus(const Fn& func) const {
+ ShapeIndex index;
+ return ForEachHelper(func, *this, &index);
+ }
+ // Same as above, but the function has the type:
+ // Bool (const ShapeIndex& index, const Piece& piece)
+ // The first non-true return value is returned by the function.
+ template <typename Fn>
+ bool ForEachSubpieceWithBool(const Fn& func) const {
+ ShapeIndex index;
+ return ForEachHelperBool(func, *this, &index);
+ }
+ // Same as above, but the function has the type:
+ // Void (const ShapeIndex& index, Piece& piece)
+ template <typename Fn>
+ void ForEachMutableSubpiece(const Fn& func) {
+ ShapeIndex index;
+ return ForEachMutableHelper(
+ [&func](const ShapeIndex& index, Piece* piece) {
+ func(index, piece);
+ return Status::OK();
+ },
+ const_cast<xla::LiteralBase::Piece*>(this), &index)
+ .IgnoreError();
+ }
+ // Same as above, but the function has the type:
+ // Status (const ShapeIndex& index, Piece& piece)
+ // The first non-OK return value is returned by the function.
+ template <typename Fn>
+ Status ForEachMutableSubpieceWithStatus(const Fn& func) {
+ ShapeIndex index;
+ return ForEachMutableHelper(
+ func, const_cast<xla::LiteralBase::Piece*>(this), &index);
+ }
+ // Returns true if this piece and 'other' contain the same data. This piece
+ // and 'other' must be array-shaped and compatible.
+ bool EqualElements(const Piece& other) const;
+ // Writes the shape and data (if array-shaped) into the given proto.
+ void WriteToProto(LiteralProto* proto) const;
+ // Copy the data from 'src' into this piece's buffer. Shapes of this piece
+ // and src must be compatible.
+ Status CopyFrom(const Piece& src);
+ // Copies the data from the given proto into this piece. The shape of this
+ // piece must be equal (not just compatible) to the shape of the proto.
+ Status CopyFromProto(const LiteralProto& proto);
+ // Sorts the elements in a sparse array.
+ void SortSparseElements();
+ private:
+ // Helpers for traversing the piece via ForEachSubpiece rooted at 'index'.
+ // The first non-OK (or non-true) value is returned by the function.
+ // The callable 'func' has the same signature as described above in
+ // ForEachSubpiece*.
+ template <typename Fn>
+ Status ForEachHelper(const Fn& func, const Piece& piece,
+ ShapeIndex* index) const {
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(func(*index, piece));
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < piece.children_.size(); ++i) {
+ index->push_back(i);
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ForEachHelper(func, piece.children_[i], index));
+ index->pop_back();
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ template <typename Fn>
+ bool ForEachHelperBool(const Fn& func, const Piece& piece,
+ ShapeIndex* index) const {
+ if (!func(*index, piece)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < piece.children_.size(); ++i) {
+ index->push_back(i);
+ if (!ForEachHelperBool(func, piece.children_[i], index)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ index->pop_back();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename Fn>
+ Status ForEachMutableHelper(const Fn& func, Piece* piece,
+ ShapeIndex* index) {
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(func(*index, piece));
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < piece->children_.size(); ++i) {
+ index->push_back(i);
+ ForEachMutableHelper(func, &piece->children_[i], index));
+ index->pop_back();
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+ }
+ // Recursive helper for EqualElements.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ bool EqualElementsInternal(const Piece& other,
+ std::vector<int64>* multi_index) const;
+ // Helper for SortSparseElements that has the element type as a template
+ // parameter.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void SortSparseElementsInternal();
+ // For array-shaped pieces, this is the buffer holding the literal data.
+ char* buffer_ = nullptr;
+ // For sparse arrays, this is the array of indices.
+ SparseIndexArray* sparse_indices_ = nullptr;
+ // The shape of piece. This points into the shape of the containing Literal
+ // (Literal::shape_).
+ const Shape* subshape_ = nullptr;
+ // Children pieces for tuple shaped pieces.
+ std::vector<Piece> children_ = {};
+ }; // class Piece
+ const Piece& piece(const ShapeIndex& shape_index) const {
+ Piece* piece = &const_cast<Piece&>(root_piece());
+ for (const auto i : shape_index) {
+ DCHECK_GE(i, 0);
+ DCHECK_LT(i, piece->children_size());
+ piece = &piece->child(i);
+ }
+ return *piece;
+ }
+ // Returns the piece at the root of the shape.
+ virtual const Piece& root_piece() const = 0;
+ // LiteralSlice and Literal must access Pieces of other Literals.
+ friend class Literal;
+ friend class LiteralSlice;
+ friend class BorrowingLiteral;
+ private:
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ std::unique_ptr<Literal> SliceInternal(
+ const Shape& result_shape,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> start_indices) const;
+// Class representing literal values in XLA.
+// The underlying buffer and shape is always owned by this class.
+class Literal : public LiteralBase {
+ public:
+ Literal() : Literal(ShapeUtil::MakeNil()) {}
+ // Create a literal of the given shape. The literal is allocated sufficient
+ // memory to hold the shape. Memory is uninitialized.
+ explicit Literal(const Shape& shape);
+ virtual ~Literal();
+ // Literals are moveable, but not copyable. To copy a literal use
+ // Literal::Clone or Literal::CloneToUnique. This prevents inadvertent copies
+ // of literals which can be expensive.
+ Literal(const Literal& other) = delete;
+ Literal& operator=(const Literal& other) = delete;
+ Literal(Literal&& other);
+ // 'allocate_arrays' indicates whether to allocate memory for the arrays in
+ // the shape. If false, buffer pointers inside of the Literal::Pieces are set
+ // to nullptr.
+ Literal(const Shape& shape, bool allocate_arrays);
+ Literal& operator=(Literal&& other);
+ // TODO(b/67651157): Remove this accessor. Literal users should not be able to
+ // mutate the shape as this can produce malformed Literals.
+ Shape* mutable_shape_do_not_use() { return shape_.get(); }
+ // Returns a MutableArraySlice view of the array for this literal for the
+ // given NativeT (e.g., float). CHECKs if the subshape of the literal at the
+ // given ShapeIndex is not array. See primitive_util.h for the mapping from
+ // XLA type to native type.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ tensorflow::gtl::MutableArraySlice<NativeT> data(
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {});
+ // Unhide const method from parent class.
+ using LiteralBase::data;
+ // Returns a pointer to the sparse index array. Returns nullptr if the literal
+ // is not a sparse array.
+ SparseIndexArray* sparse_indices(const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {});
+ // Returns a pointer to the underlying buffer holding the array at the given
+ // shape index. CHECKs if the subshape of the literal at the given ShapeIndex
+ // is not array.
+ void* untyped_data(const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {});
+ // Unhide const method from parent class.
+ using LiteralBase::untyped_data;
+ // Populates a literal with a sparse layout with the given indices and values.
+ // Each index in the indices array is CHECKed against the dimensions in the
+ // literal's shape. If sort is true, then the indices and values will be
+ // sorted. If sort is false, then the indices and values are assumed to
+ // already be in sorted order. See CreateSparse for an example of how data
+ // are populated.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void PopulateSparse(SparseIndexArray indices,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values,
+ bool sort = true);
+ // Copy values from 'src_literal' rooted at 'src_shape_index' into this
+ // literal rooted at 'dest_shape_index'. The subshape of this literal rooted
+ // at 'dest_shape_index' must be compatible with the subshape of 'src_literal'
+ // rooted at 'src_shape_index', but need not be arrays.
+ Status CopyFrom(const LiteralSlice& src_literal,
+ const ShapeIndex& dest_shape_index = {},
+ const ShapeIndex& src_shape_index = {});
+ // Returns a vector containing the tuple elements of this Literal as separate
+ // Literals. This Literal must be tuple-shaped and can be a nested tuple. The
+ // elements are moved into the new Literals; no data is copied. Upon return
+ // this Literal is set to a nil shape (empty tuple)
+ std::vector<Literal> DecomposeTuple();
+ // Similar to CopyFrom, but with move semantincs. The subshape of this literal
+ // rooted at 'dest_shape_index' must be *equal* to the shape 'src_literal'
+ // (layouts and shapes must match), but need not be arrays. The memory
+ // allocated in this literal for the subshape at dest_shape_index is
+ // deallocated, and the respective buffers are replaced with those in
+ // src_literal. Upon return, src_literal is set to a nil shape (empty tuple).
+ Status MoveFrom(Literal&& src_literal,
+ const ShapeIndex& dest_shape_index = {});
+ // Copies the values from src_literal, starting at src_base shape indexes,
+ // to this literal, starting at dest_base, where the copy size in each
+ // dimension is specified by copy_size.
+ // The src_literal and this literal must have the same primitive type,
+ // src_base+copy_size must fit the source literal dimensions, as well as
+ // dest_base+copy_size must fit the destination literal dimensions.
+ // Note: if either src_literal or this literal contains dimensions with zero
+ // element, then copy_size must be 0 in these dimensions while the
+ // corresponding base indices being 0.
+ // This literal and 'src_literal' must be arrays.
+ Status CopySliceFrom(const LiteralSlice& src_literal,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> src_base,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dest_base,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> copy_size);
+ // Copies one element from src_literal[src_index] to (*this)[dest_index].
+ Status CopyElementFrom(const LiteralSlice& src_literal,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> src_index,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dest_index);
+ // Sets an element in the literal at the given index. The multi_index is
+ // CHECKed against the dimension sizes.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void Set(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index, NativeT value);
+ // Overloads of Set for array literals. CHECKs if the literal is not
+ // array-shaped and dense.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void Set(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index, NativeT value);
+ // Appends the given element to the literal. If the elements are not appended
+ // in sorted order, then SortSparseElements should be called before calling
+ // other methods. This literal must have a sparse layout.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void AppendSparseElement(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ NativeT value, const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {});
+ // Sorts the elements in a sparse array.
+ void SortSparseElements(const ShapeIndex& shape_index = {});
+ // As Set(), but truncates `value` to the literal element type before storing.
+ // This literal must be an array.
+ Status SetIntegralAsS64(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ int64 value);
+ // Populate this literal with the given values. Examples:
+ //
+ // // Populate with floats.
+ // Array2D<float> float_values = ...
+ // literal.PopulateR2FromArray2D(values);
+ //
+ // // Populate with int32s.
+ // literal.PopulateR2<int32>({{1, 2}, {3, 4}});
+ //
+ // The shape and element type of this literal must match given values. For
+ // example, in the call above to literal.PopulateR2(), 'literal' must be a 2x2
+ // array of S32.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void PopulateR1(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values);
+ void PopulateR1(const tensorflow::core::Bitmap& values);
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void PopulateR2(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<NativeT>> values);
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void PopulateFromArray(const Array<NativeT>& values);
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void PopulateR2FromArray2D(const Array2D<NativeT>& values);
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void PopulateR3FromArray3D(const Array3D<NativeT>& values);
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void PopulateR4FromArray4D(const Array4D<NativeT>& values);
+ // Populates literal values by calling the generator function for every cell
+ // in this literal object.
+ //
+ // generator must be a callable of the type
+ // NativeT(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indexes) or compatible.
+ //
+ // This literal must have a dense layout.
+ template <typename NativeT, typename FnType>
+ Status Populate(const FnType& generator);
+ // A parallel version of Populate(). This can be used if the generator is
+ // thread-safe and the values for the shape's different elements are
+ // independent.
+ template <typename NativeT, typename FnType>
+ Status PopulateParallel(const FnType& generator);
+ // Fills this literal with the given value.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ void PopulateWithValue(NativeT value);
+ // This operation is the inverse of DecomposeTuple. The given elements are
+ // moved into the tuple elements of a new tuple-shaped Literal which is
+ // returned. Upon return, each of the Literals in 'elements' is set to a nil
+ // shape (empty tuple).
+ static Literal MoveIntoTuple(
+ tensorflow::gtl::MutableArraySlice<Literal> elements);
+ // Serialize from a proto.
+ static StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Literal>> CreateFromProto(
+ const LiteralProto& proto);
+ private:
+ // Recursively sets the subshapes and buffers of all subpieces rooted at
+ // 'piece'. If 'allocate_array' is true, memory is allocated for the arrays in
+ // the shape.
+ void SetPiece(const Shape& shape, Piece* piece, bool allocate_arrays);
+ // Returns the piece at the given ShapeIndex.
+ Piece& piece(const ShapeIndex& shape_index) {
+ return const_cast<Piece&>(LiteralBase::piece(shape_index));
+ }
+ Piece& root_piece() const override { return *root_piece_; };
+ // Internal template helper for the Literal::CopySliceFrom(), matching its
+ // arguments one by one.
+ template <typename NativeT>
+ Status CopySliceFromInternal(const LiteralBase& src_literal,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> src_base,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dest_base,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> copy_size);
+ // Utility structure which is used to create the optimal configuration for
+ // a ShapeUtil::ForEachIndex() scan across two literals.
+ struct StrideConfig {
+ StrideConfig(const Shape& source_shape, const Shape& dest_shape,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions);
+ // The dimensions of the stride operation. Essentially every dimension
+ // will be iterated from base[i] to base[i]+dimensions[i], in step[i]
+ // steps.
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> dimensions;
+ DimensionVector base;
+ DimensionVector step;
+ int64 minor_dimension = 0;
+ // The size of the strides for source and destination. One of the two
+ // (the one looping through its most minor dimension) will be 1, while
+ // the other will be the stride size at the dimension matching the other
+ // shape most minor dimension being scanned.
+ int64 dest_stride = 1;
+ int64 source_stride = 1;
+ // The size of the inner loop on the most minor dimension.
+ int64 minor_loop_size = 1;
+ };
+ // Literal class always owns the shape. The parent class borrows this shape.
+ std::unique_ptr<Shape> shape_;
+ Piece* root_piece_ = nullptr;
+ // Implementation details shared between Populate() and PopulateParallel()
+ template <typename NativeT, typename FnType>
+ Status PopulateInternal(const FnType& generator, bool parallel);
+ // Deallocate the buffers held by this literal.
+ void DeallocateBuffers();
+ friend class LiteralBase;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Literal& literal);
+// A read-only view of a Literal. A LiteralSlice contains pointers to shape and
+// literal buffers always owned by others.
+class LiteralSlice : public LiteralBase {
+ public:
+ LiteralSlice() : LiteralBase() {}
+ // Implicit conversion constructors.
+ LiteralSlice(const LiteralBase& literal);
+ LiteralSlice(const LiteralBase& literal, const ShapeIndex& view_root);
+ private:
+ const Piece& root_piece() const override { return *root_piece_; };
+ const Piece* root_piece_; // Not owned.
+// A read-only Literal where the underlying buffers are never owned by this
+// class.
+class BorrowingLiteral : public LiteralBase {
+ public:
+ BorrowingLiteral() : LiteralBase() {}
+ // 'src_buf_ptr' is not owned by this class and must outlive the
+ // lifetime of this class. It points to an appropirately sized buffer with
+ // data interpretered as indicated by 'shape'.
+ // This constructor is only used for array shapes.
+ BorrowingLiteral(const char* src_buf_ptr, const Shape& shape);
+ // Similar as above, except to be used for constructing non-nested tuples.
+ BorrowingLiteral(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<const char*> src_buf_ptrs,
+ const Shape& shape);
+ // TODO(b/79707221): adding constructors for nested tuples as well.
+ private:
+ // Recursively builds the subtree for the given piece and sets the subshapes
+ // of the given piece with the given shape.
+ void BuildPieceSubtree(const Shape& shape, Piece* piece);
+ // Accessor for the root piece of this literal.
+ const Piece& root_piece() const override { return root_piece_; };
+ Piece root_piece_;
+ // Shape of this literal. Stored as unique_ptr so such that the (default)
+ // move construction of this class would be trivially correct: the pointer to
+ // Shape root_piece_ stores will still point to the correct address.
+ std::unique_ptr<Shape> shape_;
+template <typename NativeT>
+tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> LiteralBase::Piece::data() const {
+ CHECK(ShapeUtil::IsArray(subshape())) << ShapeUtil::HumanString(subshape());
+ CHECK_EQ(subshape().element_type(),
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>())
+ << "Attempting to access "
+ << PrimitiveType_Name(primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>())
+ << " type, but literal element type is "
+ << PrimitiveType_Name(subshape().element_type());
+ return tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT>(
+ reinterpret_cast<const NativeT*>(buffer()), element_count());
+template <typename NativeT>
+tensorflow::gtl::MutableArraySlice<NativeT> LiteralBase::Piece::data() {
+ CHECK(ShapeUtil::IsArray(subshape())) << ShapeUtil::HumanString(subshape());
+ CHECK_EQ(subshape().element_type(),
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>())
+ << "Attempting to access "
+ << PrimitiveType_Name(primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>())
+ << " type, but literal element type is "
+ << PrimitiveType_Name(subshape().element_type());
+ return tensorflow::gtl::MutableArraySlice<NativeT>(
+ reinterpret_cast<NativeT*>(buffer()), element_count());
+template <typename NativeT>
+NativeT LiteralBase::Piece::Get(
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index) const {
+ CHECK(LayoutUtil::IsDenseArray(subshape()));
+ return data<NativeT>()[IndexUtil::MultidimensionalIndexToLinearIndex(
+ subshape(), multi_index)];
+template <typename NativeT>
+void LiteralBase::Piece::Set(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ NativeT value) {
+ CHECK(LayoutUtil::IsDenseArray(subshape()));
+ data<NativeT>()[IndexUtil::MultidimensionalIndexToLinearIndex(
+ subshape(), multi_index)] = value;
+template <typename NativeT>
+tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> LiteralBase::data(
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index) const {
+ return piece(shape_index).data<NativeT>();
+template <typename NativeT>
+tensorflow::gtl::MutableArraySlice<NativeT> Literal::data(
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index) {
+ return piece(shape_index).data<NativeT>();
+template <typename NativeT>
+inline NativeT LiteralBase::Get(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index) const {
+ return piece(shape_index).Get<NativeT>(multi_index);
+template <typename NativeT>
+inline NativeT LiteralBase::Get(
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index) const {
+ return root_piece().Get<NativeT>(multi_index);
+template <typename NativeT>
+inline void Literal::Set(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index, NativeT value) {
+ return piece(shape_index).Set<NativeT>(multi_index, value);
+template <typename NativeT>
+inline void Literal::Set(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index,
+ NativeT value) {
+ return root_piece().Set<NativeT>(multi_index, value);
+template <typename NativeT>
+NativeT LiteralBase::GetFirstElement() const {
+ return data<NativeT>().at(0);
+template <typename NativeT>
+NativeT LiteralBase::GetSparseElement(int64 sparse_element_number,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index) const {
+ LayoutUtil::IsSparseArray(ShapeUtil::GetSubshape(shape(), shape_index)));
+ return data<NativeT>(shape_index)[sparse_element_number];
+template <typename NativeT>
+void Literal::AppendSparseElement(
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> multi_index, NativeT value,
+ const ShapeIndex& shape_index) {
+ Piece& p = piece(shape_index);
+ const Shape& subshape = p.subshape();
+ CHECK(LayoutUtil::IsSparseArray(subshape));
+ int64 rank = ShapeUtil::Rank(subshape);
+ CHECK_EQ(multi_index.size(), rank);
+ int64 last_element = p.sparse_indices()->index_count();
+ CHECK_LT(last_element, LayoutUtil::MaxSparseElements(subshape.layout()));
+ p.sparse_indices()->Append(multi_index);
+ CHECK_LT(last_element, p.data<NativeT>().size());
+ p.data<NativeT>()[last_element] = value;
+template <typename NativeT>
+void LiteralBase::EachCell(
+ std::function<void(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indices,
+ NativeT value)>
+ per_cell) const {
+ if (ShapeUtil::IsZeroElementArray(shape())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::vector<int64> indices(ShapeUtil::Rank(shape()), 0);
+ do {
+ per_cell(indices, Get<NativeT>(indices));
+ } while (IndexUtil::BumpIndices(shape(), &indices));
+template <typename NativeT>
+inline void Literal::PopulateR1(tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values) {
+ CHECK(ShapeUtil::IsArray(shape()));
+ CHECK_EQ(ShapeUtil::Rank(shape()), 1);
+ CHECK_EQ(ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(shape()), values.size());
+ CHECK_EQ(shape().element_type(),
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>());
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
+ Set({i}, values[i]);
+ }
+template <typename NativeT>
+void Literal::PopulateR2(
+ std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<NativeT>> values) {
+ CHECK(ShapeUtil::IsArray(shape()));
+ CHECK_EQ(ShapeUtil::Rank(shape()), 2);
+ CHECK_EQ(shape().element_type(),
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>());
+ const int64 dim0_size = values.size();
+ const int64 dim1_size = values.begin()->size();
+ CHECK_EQ(dim0_size, shape().dimensions(0));
+ CHECK_EQ(dim1_size, shape().dimensions(1));
+ int64 dim0 = 0;
+ for (auto inner_list : values) {
+ int64 dim1 = 0;
+ for (auto value : inner_list) {
+ Set({dim0, dim1}, value);
+ ++dim1;
+ }
+ CHECK_EQ(dim1_size, dim1);
+ ++dim0;
+ }
+template <typename NativeT>
+void Literal::PopulateFromArray(const Array<NativeT>& values) {
+ CHECK(ShapeUtil::IsArray(shape()));
+ CHECK_EQ(shape().element_type(),
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>());
+ CHECK_EQ(ShapeUtil::Rank(shape()), values.num_dimensions());
+ for (int dim = 0; dim < values.num_dimensions(); ++dim) {
+ CHECK_EQ(values.dim(dim), shape().dimensions(dim));
+ }
+ values.Each([this](tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indices,
+ NativeT value) { this->Set(indices, value); });
+template <typename NativeT>
+void Literal::PopulateR2FromArray2D(const Array2D<NativeT>& values) {
+ PopulateFromArray(values);
+template <typename NativeT>
+void Literal::PopulateR3FromArray3D(const Array3D<NativeT>& values) {
+ PopulateFromArray(values);
+template <typename NativeT>
+void Literal::PopulateR4FromArray4D(const Array4D<NativeT>& values) {
+ PopulateFromArray(values);
+template <typename NativeT>
+void Literal::PopulateSparse(SparseIndexArray indices,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<NativeT> values,
+ bool sort) {
+ CHECK(LayoutUtil::IsSparseArray(shape()));
+ int rank = ShapeUtil::Rank(shape());
+ CHECK_EQ(indices.rank(), rank);
+ int64 max_elements = LayoutUtil::MaxSparseElements(shape().layout());
+ CHECK_LE(indices.max_indices(), max_elements);
+ int64 num_elements = values.size();
+ CHECK_LE(num_elements, max_elements);
+ CHECK_EQ(num_elements, indices.index_count());
+ auto root_data = root_piece().data<NativeT>();
+ // Piece::data() returns an ArraySlice of size equal to the number of indices
+ // in the SparseIndexArray. So there is no need to adjust the size of the data
+ // here. It is enough to just copy the incoming values into the data buffer.
+ std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), root_data.begin());
+ *this->root_piece().sparse_indices() = std::move(indices);
+ if (sort) {
+ auto root_data = this->root_piece().data<NativeT>();
+ this->root_piece().sparse_indices()->SortWithValues(root_data);
+ }
+ DCHECK(this->root_piece().sparse_indices()->Validate(shape()));
+template <typename NativeT, typename FnType>
+Status Literal::PopulateInternal(const FnType& generator, bool parallel) {
+ const Shape& this_shape = shape();
+ const int64 rank = ShapeUtil::Rank(this_shape);
+ TF_RET_CHECK(LayoutUtil::IsDenseArray(this_shape));
+ TF_RET_CHECK(this_shape.element_type() ==
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>());
+ tensorflow::gtl::MutableArraySlice<NativeT> literal_data = data<NativeT>();
+ if (rank > 0) {
+ StrideConfig stride_config(this_shape, this_shape,
+ AsInt64Slice(this_shape.dimensions()));
+ int64 minor_dimension_size =
+ ShapeUtil::GetDimension(this_shape, stride_config.minor_dimension);
+ auto init_function = [&](tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indexes) {
+ DimensionVector minor_scan_indexes(rank, 0);
+ const int64 index =
+ IndexUtil::MultidimensionalIndexToLinearIndex(shape(), indexes);
+ std::copy(indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), minor_scan_indexes.begin());
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < minor_dimension_size; ++i) {
+ minor_scan_indexes[stride_config.minor_dimension] = i;
+ literal_data.at(index + i) = generator(minor_scan_indexes);
+ }
+ };
+ if (parallel) {
+ ShapeUtil::ForEachIndexParallel(this_shape, stride_config.base,
+ stride_config.dimensions,
+ stride_config.step, init_function);
+ } else {
+ ShapeUtil::ForEachIndex(
+ this_shape, stride_config.base, stride_config.dimensions,
+ stride_config.step,
+ [&init_function](tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> indexes) {
+ init_function(indexes);
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ // For scalars.
+ literal_data.at(0) = generator({});
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+template <typename NativeT, typename FnType>
+Status Literal::Populate(const FnType& generator) {
+ return PopulateInternal<NativeT>(generator, /*parallel=*/false);
+template <typename NativeT, typename FnType>
+Status Literal::PopulateParallel(const FnType& generator) {
+ return PopulateInternal<NativeT>(generator, /*parallel=*/true);
+template <typename NativeT>
+void Literal::PopulateWithValue(NativeT value) {
+ CHECK(ShapeUtil::IsArray(shape()));
+ CHECK_EQ(shape().element_type(),
+ primitive_util::NativeToPrimitiveType<NativeT>());
+ for (NativeT& element : data<NativeT>()) {
+ element = value;
+ }
+template <typename NativeT>
+std::unique_ptr<Literal> LiteralBase::Replicate(int64 times) const {
+ DimensionVector bounds = {times};
+ bounds.reserve(shape().dimensions_size() + 1);
+ for (int64 bound : shape().dimensions()) {
+ bounds.push_back(bound);
+ }
+ auto literal =
+ MakeUnique<Literal>(ShapeUtil::MakeShape(shape().element_type(), bounds));
+ int64 elements = ShapeUtil::ElementsIn(literal->shape());
+ if (elements == 0) {
+ return literal;
+ }
+ DimensionVector output_indices(bounds.size(), 0);
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<int64> input_indices = output_indices;
+ input_indices.remove_prefix(1);
+ bool done = false;
+ while (!done) {
+ const auto element = Get<NativeT>(input_indices);
+ literal->Set<NativeT>(output_indices, element);
+ done = true;
+ for (int n = 0; n < output_indices.size(); ++n) {
+ ++output_indices[n];
+ if (output_indices[n] < bounds[n]) {
+ done = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ output_indices[n] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return literal;
+} // namespace xla