path: root/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/math.cc
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1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/math.cc b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/math.cc
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index 0000000000..0221de7672
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+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/math.cc
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+/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/math.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/constants.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/status_macros.h"
+namespace xla {
+XlaOp Sqrt(XlaOp operand) { return Pow(operand, ScalarLike(operand, 0.5)); }
+XlaOp Rsqrt(XlaOp operand) { return Pow(operand, ScalarLike(operand, -0.5)); }
+XlaOp Square(XlaOp operand) { return operand * operand; }
+XlaOp Reciprocal(XlaOp operand) { return ScalarLike(operand, 1.0) / operand; }
+namespace {
+// Polynomials for computing erf/erfc. Originally from cephes.
+// Note we use float for compatibility across devices, at the cost of some
+// precision for 64 bit computations.
+// Coefficients are in descending order.
+std::array<float, 9> kErfcPCoefficient = {
+ 2.46196981473530512524E-10, 5.64189564831068821977E-1,
+ 7.46321056442269912687E0, 4.86371970985681366614E1,
+ 1.96520832956077098242E2, 5.26445194995477358631E2,
+ 9.34528527171957607540E2, 1.02755188689515710272E3,
+ 5.57535335369399327526E2};
+std::array<float, 9> kErfcQCoefficient = {
+ 1.00000000000000000000E0, 1.32281951154744992508E1,
+ 8.67072140885989742329E1, 3.54937778887819891062E2,
+ 9.75708501743205489753E2, 1.82390916687909736289E3,
+ 2.24633760818710981792E3, 1.65666309194161350182E3,
+ 5.57535340817727675546E2};
+std::array<float, 6> kErfcRCoefficient = {
+ 5.64189583547755073984E-1, 1.27536670759978104416E0,
+ 5.01905042251180477414E0, 6.16021097993053585195E0,
+ 7.40974269950448939160E0, 2.97886665372100240670E0};
+std::array<float, 7> kErfcSCoefficient = {
+ 1.00000000000000000000E0, 2.26052863220117276590E0,
+ 9.39603524938001434673E0, 1.20489539808096656605E1,
+ 1.70814450747565897222E1, 9.60896809063285878198E0,
+ 3.36907645100081516050E0};
+std::array<float, 5> kErfTCoefficient = {
+ 9.60497373987051638749E0, 9.00260197203842689217E1,
+ 2.23200534594684319226E3, 7.00332514112805075473E3,
+ 5.55923013010394962768E4};
+std::array<float, 6> kErfUCoefficient = {
+ 1.00000000000000000000E0, 3.35617141647503099647E1,
+ 5.21357949780152679795E2, 4.59432382970980127987E3,
+ 2.26290000613890934246E4, 4.92673942608635921086E4};
+} // namespace
+// Evaluate the polynomial given coefficients and `x`.
+// N.B. Coefficients should be supplied in decreasing order.
+XlaOp EvaluatePolynomial(XlaOp x,
+ tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<float> coefficients) {
+ XlaOp poly = ScalarLike(x, 0.0);
+ for (float c : coefficients) {
+ poly = poly * x + ScalarLike(x, c);
+ }
+ return poly;
+// Compute an approximation of the error function complement (1 - erf(x)).
+XlaOp Erfc(XlaOp x) {
+ XlaOp abs_x = Abs(x);
+ XlaOp z = Exp(-x * x);
+ XlaOp pp = EvaluatePolynomial(abs_x, kErfcPCoefficient);
+ XlaOp pq = EvaluatePolynomial(abs_x, kErfcQCoefficient);
+ XlaOp pr = EvaluatePolynomial(abs_x, kErfcRCoefficient);
+ XlaOp ps = EvaluatePolynomial(abs_x, kErfcSCoefficient);
+ XlaOp y = Select(Lt(abs_x, ScalarLike(x, 8.0)), z * pp / pq, z * pr / ps);
+ return Select(Lt(x, ScalarLike(x, 0.0)), ScalarLike(x, 2.0) - y, y);
+// Compute a polynomial approximation of the error function.
+XlaOp Erf(XlaOp x) {
+ XlaOp z = x * x;
+ XlaOp pt = EvaluatePolynomial(z, kErfTCoefficient);
+ XlaOp pu = EvaluatePolynomial(z, kErfUCoefficient);
+ return x * pt / pu;
+// Approximation for the inverse error function from
+// Giles, M., "Approximating the erfinv function".
+// The approximation has the form:
+// w = -log((1 - x) * (1 + x))
+// if ( w < 5 ) {
+// w = w - 2.5
+// p = sum_{i=1}^n lq[i]*w^i
+// } else {
+// w = sqrt(w) - 3
+// p = sum_{i=1}^n gq[i]*w^i
+// }
+// return p*x
+XlaOp ErfInv(XlaOp x) {
+ XlaBuilder* b = x.builder();
+ return b->ReportErrorOrReturn([&]() -> StatusOr<XlaOp> {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Shape shape, b->GetShape(x));
+ constexpr int kDegree = 9;
+ constexpr std::array<float, 9> w_less_than_5_constants = {
+ 2.81022636e-08f, 3.43273939e-07f, -3.5233877e-06f,
+ -4.39150654e-06f, 0.00021858087f, -0.00125372503f,
+ -0.00417768164f, 0.246640727f, 1.50140941f};
+ constexpr std::array<float, 9> w_greater_than_5_constants = {
+ -0.000200214257f, 0.000100950558f, 0.00134934322f,
+ -0.00367342844f, 0.00573950773f, -0.0076224613f,
+ 0.00943887047f, 1.00167406f, 2.83297682f};
+ auto one = ScalarLike(x, 1.0);
+ auto w = -Log((one - x) * (one + x));
+ auto lt = Lt(w, ScalarLike(x, 5.0));
+ auto coefficient = [&](int i) {
+ return Select(lt,
+ Broadcast(ScalarLike(x, w_less_than_5_constants[i]),
+ AsInt64Slice(shape.dimensions())),
+ Broadcast(ScalarLike(x, w_greater_than_5_constants[i]),
+ AsInt64Slice(shape.dimensions())));
+ };
+ w = Select(lt, w - ScalarLike(x, 2.5), Sqrt(w) - ScalarLike(x, 3.0));
+ auto p = coefficient(0);
+ for (int i = 1; i < kDegree; ++i) {
+ p = coefficient(i) + p * w;
+ }
+ return p * x;
+ });
+namespace {
+// Coefficients for the Lanczos approximation of the gamma function. The
+// coefficients are uniquely determined by the choice of g and n (kLanczosGamma
+// and kLanczosCoefficients.size() + 1). The coefficients below correspond to
+// [7, 9]. [5, 7], [7, 9], [9, 10], and [607/128.0, 15] were evaluated and [7,
+// 9] seemed to be the least sensitive to the quality of the log function. In
+// particular, [5, 7] is the only choice where -1.5e-5 <= lgamma(2) <= 1.5e-5
+// for a particularly inaccurate log function.
+static constexpr double kLanczosGamma = 7; // aka g
+static constexpr double kBaseLanczosCoeff = 0.99999999999980993227684700473478;
+static constexpr std::array<double, 8> kLanczosCoefficients = {
+ 676.520368121885098567009190444019, -1259.13921672240287047156078755283,
+ 771.3234287776530788486528258894, -176.61502916214059906584551354,
+ 12.507343278686904814458936853, -0.13857109526572011689554707,
+ 9.984369578019570859563e-6, 1.50563273514931155834e-7};
+} // namespace
+// Compute the Lgamma function using Lanczos' approximation from "A Precision
+// Approximation of the Gamma Function". SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
+// series B. Vol. 1:
+// lgamma(z + 1) = (log(2) + log(pi)) / 2 + (z + 1/2) * log(t(z)) - t(z) + A(z)
+// t(z) = z + kLanczosGamma + 1/2
+// A(z) = kBaseLanczosCoeff + sigma(k = 1, n, kLanczosCoefficients[i] / (z + k))
+XlaOp Lgamma(XlaOp input) {
+ XlaOp one_half = ScalarLike(input, 0.5);
+ XlaOp one = ScalarLike(input, 1);
+ XlaOp pi = ScalarLike(input, M_PI);
+ XlaOp log_pi = ScalarLike(input, std::log(M_PI));
+ XlaOp log_sqrt_two_pi = ScalarLike(input, (std::log(2) + std::log(M_PI)) / 2);
+ XlaOp lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half = ScalarLike(input, kLanczosGamma + 0.5);
+ XlaOp log_lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half =
+ ScalarLike(input, std::log(kLanczosGamma + 0.5));
+ XlaOp base_lanczos_coeff = ScalarLike(input, kBaseLanczosCoeff);
+ // If the input is less than 0.5 use Gauss's reflection formula:
+ // gamma(x) = pi / sin(pi * x) * gamma(1 - x)
+ XlaOp need_to_reflect = Lt(Real(input), one_half);
+ XlaOp z = Select(need_to_reflect, -input, input - one);
+ XlaOp x = base_lanczos_coeff;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kLanczosCoefficients.size(); ++i) {
+ XlaOp lanczos_coefficient = ScalarLike(input, kLanczosCoefficients[i]);
+ XlaOp index = ScalarLike(input, i);
+ x = x + lanczos_coefficient / (z + index + one);
+ }
+ // To improve accuracy on platforms with less-precise log implementations,
+ // compute log(lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half) at compile time and use log1p on
+ // the device.
+ // log(t) = log(kLanczosGamma + 0.5 + z)
+ // = log(kLanczosGamma + 0.5) + log1p(z / (kLanczosGamma + 0.5))
+ XlaOp t = lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half + z;
+ XlaOp log_t =
+ log_lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half + Log1p(z / lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half);
+ XlaOp log_y = log_sqrt_two_pi + (z + one_half) * log_t - t + Log(x);
+ XlaOp reflection = log_pi - Log(Sin(pi * input)) - log_y;
+ XlaOp result = Select(need_to_reflect, reflection, log_y);
+ return result;
+// Compute the Digamma function using Lanczos' approximation from "A Precision
+// Approximation of the Gamma Function". SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
+// series B. Vol. 1:
+// digamma(z + 1) = log(t(z)) + A'(z) / A(z) - kLanczosGamma / t(z)
+// t(z) = z + kLanczosGamma + 1/2
+// A(z) = kBaseLanczosCoeff + sigma(k = 1, n, kLanczosCoefficients[i] / (z + k))
+// A'(z) = sigma(k = 1, n, kLanczosCoefficients[i] / (z + k) / (z + k))
+XlaOp Digamma(XlaOp input) {
+ XlaOp zero = ScalarLike(input, 0);
+ XlaOp one_half = ScalarLike(input, 0.5);
+ XlaOp one = ScalarLike(input, 1);
+ XlaOp pi = ScalarLike(input, M_PI);
+ XlaOp lanczos_gamma = ScalarLike(input, kLanczosGamma);
+ XlaOp lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half = ScalarLike(input, kLanczosGamma + 0.5);
+ XlaOp log_lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half =
+ ScalarLike(input, std::log(kLanczosGamma + 0.5));
+ XlaOp base_lanczos_coeff = ScalarLike(input, kBaseLanczosCoeff);
+ // If the input is less than 0.5 use Gauss's reflection formula:
+ // digamma(x) = digamma(1 - x) - pi * cot(pi * x)
+ XlaOp need_to_reflect = Lt(Real(input), one_half);
+ XlaOp z = Select(need_to_reflect, -input, input - one);
+ XlaOp num = zero;
+ XlaOp denom = base_lanczos_coeff;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kLanczosCoefficients.size(); ++i) {
+ XlaOp lanczos_coefficient = ScalarLike(input, kLanczosCoefficients[i]);
+ XlaOp index = ScalarLike(input, i);
+ num = num - lanczos_coefficient / ((z + index + one) * (z + index + one));
+ denom = denom + lanczos_coefficient / (z + index + one);
+ }
+ // To improve accuracy on platforms with less-precise log implementations,
+ // compute log(lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half) at compile time and use log1p on
+ // the device.
+ // log(t) = log(kLanczosGamma + 0.5 + z)
+ // = log(kLanczosGamma + 0.5) + log1p(z / (kLanczosGamma + 0.5))
+ XlaOp t = lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half + z;
+ XlaOp log_t =
+ log_lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half + Log1p(z / lanczos_gamma_plus_one_half);
+ XlaOp y = log_t + num / denom - lanczos_gamma / t;
+ XlaOp reflection = y - pi * Cos(pi * input) / Sin(pi * input);
+ XlaOp result = Select(need_to_reflect, reflection, y);
+ return result;
+// Trigonometric functions.
+// acos(x) = 2 * atan(sqrt(1 - x^2) / (1 + x))
+XlaOp Acos(XlaOp x) {
+ return ScalarLike(x, 2.0) *
+ Atan2(Sqrt(ScalarLike(x, 1.0) - x * x), ScalarLike(x, 1.0) + x);
+// asin(x) = 2 * atan(x / (1 + sqrt(1 - x^2)))
+XlaOp Asin(XlaOp x) {
+ return ScalarLike(x, 2.0) *
+ Atan2(x, ScalarLike(x, 1.0) + Sqrt(ScalarLike(x, 1.0) - x * x));
+XlaOp Atan(XlaOp x) { return Atan2(x, ScalarLike(x, 1.0)); }
+XlaOp Tan(XlaOp x) { return Sin(x) / Cos(x); }
+// Hyperbolic trigonometric functions.
+// acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x^2 - 1))
+// = log(x + sqrt((x+1)*(x-1)))
+XlaOp Acosh(XlaOp x) {
+ return Log(x + Sqrt((x + ScalarLike(x, 1.0)) * (x - ScalarLike(x, 1.0))));
+// asinh(x) = log(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1))
+XlaOp Asinh(XlaOp x) { return Log(x + Sqrt(x * x + ScalarLike(x, 1.0))); }
+// atanh(x) = 0.5 * log((1 + x) / (1 - x))
+XlaOp Atanh(XlaOp x) {
+ return Log((ScalarLike(x, 1.0) + x) / (ScalarLike(x, 1.0) - x)) *
+ ScalarLike(x, 0.5);
+XlaOp Cosh(XlaOp x) { return (Exp(x) + Exp(-x)) * ScalarLike(x, 0.5); }
+XlaOp Sinh(XlaOp x) { return (Exp(x) - Exp(-x)) * ScalarLike(x, 0.5); }
+} // namespace xla