path: root/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/python/xla.py
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diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/python/xla.py b/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/python/xla.py
index 2fc47dffb8..3626de375e 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/python/xla.py
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/python/xla.py
@@ -15,11 +15,12 @@
"""Experimental library that exposes XLA operations directly in TensorFlow.
It is sometimes useful to be able to build HLO programs directly from
-TensorFlow. This file provides Tensorflow operators that map as closely as
-possible to HLO operators.
+TensorFlow. This file provides Tensorflow operators that mirror the semantics of
+HLO operators as closely as possible.
-There is no promise of backward or forward compatibility for operators defined
-in this module.
+Note: There is no promise of backward or forward compatibility for operators
+defined in this module. This is primarily because the underlying HLO operators
+do not promise backward or forward compatibility.
from __future__ import absolute_import
@@ -27,11 +28,298 @@ from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from tensorflow.compiler.tf2xla.ops import gen_xla_ops
+from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
+from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
+from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import bitwise_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_math_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import random_ops
+# TODO(phawkins): provide wrappers for all XLA operators. Currently the missing
+# ops include:
+# infeed/outfeed (available via tf.contrib.tpu)
+# collectives, e.g., cross-replica-sum (available via tf.contrib.tpu)
+# conditional
+# gather/scatter
+# collapse
+# This file reuses builtin names (following XLA's names, so we can call things
+# like xla.max), so we capture the builtin versions here.
+# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
+_max = max
+_min = min
+_slice = slice # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+constant = constant_op.constant
+# Unary operators.
+# For most arithmetic operators there is a TensorFlow operator
+# that exactly corresponds to each XLA operator. Rather than defining
+# XLA-specific variants, we reuse the corresponding TensorFlow operator.
+# TODO(phawkins): It would be even better to have TensorFlow operators that 1:1
+# wrap every HLO operator, because that would allow us to be confident that the
+# semantics match.
+def _unary_op(fn):
+ """Wrapper that restricts `fn` to have the correct signature."""
+ def unary_op_wrapper(x, name=None):
+ return fn(x, name=name)
+ return unary_op_wrapper
+abs = _unary_op(math_ops.abs)
+# TODO(phawkins): implement clz.
+conj = _unary_op(math_ops.conj)
+cos = _unary_op(math_ops.cos)
+ceil = _unary_op(math_ops.ceil)
+digamma = _unary_op(math_ops.digamma)
+erf = _unary_op(math_ops.erf)
+erfc = _unary_op(math_ops.erfc)
+# TODO(phawkins): implement erfinv
+exp = _unary_op(math_ops.exp)
+expm1 = _unary_op(math_ops.expm1)
+floor = _unary_op(math_ops.floor)
+imag = _unary_op(math_ops.imag)
+is_finite = _unary_op(math_ops.is_finite)
+lgamma = _unary_op(math_ops.lgamma)
+log = _unary_op(math_ops.log)
+log1p = _unary_op(math_ops.log1p)
+logical_not = _unary_op(math_ops.logical_not)
+neg = _unary_op(math_ops.neg)
+real = _unary_op(math_ops.real)
+# TODO(phawkins): unlike xla::Round, this rounds to even instead of zero for
+# numbers halfway between two integers.
+round = _unary_op(math_ops.round)
+sin = _unary_op(math_ops.sin)
+sign = _unary_op(math_ops.sign)
+tanh = _unary_op(math_ops.tanh)
+# Binary operators
+# The main difference between TensorFlow and XLA binary ops is the broadcasting
+# semantics. TensorFlow uses Numpy-style broadcasting semantics, whereas XLA
+# requires an explicit specification of which dimensions to broadcast if the
+# arguments have different ranks.
+def _broadcasting_binary_op(fn):
+ """Wraps a binary Tensorflow operator and performs XLA-style broadcasting."""
+ def broadcasting_binary_op_wrapper(x, y, broadcast_dims=None, name=None):
+ """Inner wrapper function."""
+ broadcast_dims = broadcast_dims or []
+ broadcast_dims = ops.convert_to_tensor(broadcast_dims, dtypes.int64)
+ # Rather than relying on having static shape information in the TensorFlow
+ # graph, we use an XlaBroadcastHelper op that can compute the correct shapes
+ # at JIT compilation time.
+ x, y = gen_xla_ops.xla_broadcast_helper(x, y, broadcast_dims)
+ return fn(x, y, name=name)
+ return broadcasting_binary_op_wrapper
+# Map from TF signed types to TF unsigned types.
+ dtypes.int8: dtypes.uint8,
+ dtypes.int16: dtypes.uint16,
+ dtypes.int32: dtypes.uint32,
+ dtypes.int64: dtypes.uint64,
+# Map from TF unsigned types to TF signed types.
+ dtypes.uint8: dtypes.int8,
+ dtypes.uint16: dtypes.int16,
+ dtypes.uint32: dtypes.int32,
+ dtypes.uint64: dtypes.int64,
+def _shift_right_logical_helper(x, y, name=None):
+ """Performs an integer right logical shift irrespective of input type."""
+ assert y.dtype == x.dtype
+ dtype = x.dtype
+ signed = dtype in _SIGNED_TO_UNSIGNED_TABLE
+ if signed:
+ unsigned_dtype = _SIGNED_TO_UNSIGNED_TABLE[dtype]
+ x = math_ops.cast(x, unsigned_dtype)
+ y = math_ops.cast(y, unsigned_dtype)
+ output = bitwise_ops.right_shift(x, y, name=name)
+ if signed:
+ output = math_ops.cast(output, dtype)
+ return output
+def _shift_right_arithmetic_helper(x, y, name=None):
+ """Performs an integer right arithmetic shift irrespective of input type."""
+ assert y.dtype == x.dtype
+ dtype = x.dtype
+ unsigned = dtype in _UNSIGNED_TO_SIGNED_TABLE
+ if unsigned:
+ signed_dtype = _UNSIGNED_TO_SIGNED_TABLE[dtype]
+ x = math_ops.cast(x, signed_dtype)
+ y = math_ops.cast(y, signed_dtype)
+ output = bitwise_ops.right_shift(x, y, name=name)
+ if unsigned:
+ output = math_ops.cast(output, dtype)
+ return output
+add = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.add)
+sub = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.sub)
+mul = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.mul)
+div = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.div)
+rem = _broadcasting_binary_op(gen_math_ops.mod)
+max = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.maximum)
+min = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.minimum)
+atan2 = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.atan2)
+complex = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.complex)
+logical_and = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.logical_and)
+logical_or = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.logical_or)
+logical_xor = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.logical_xor)
+eq = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.equal)
+ne = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.not_equal)
+ge = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.greater_equal)
+gt = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.greater)
+le = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.less_equal)
+lt = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.less)
+pow = _broadcasting_binary_op(math_ops.pow)
+shift_left = _broadcasting_binary_op(bitwise_ops.left_shift)
+shift_right_logical = _broadcasting_binary_op(_shift_right_logical_helper)
+shift_right_arithmetic = _broadcasting_binary_op(_shift_right_arithmetic_helper)
+def _binary_op(fn):
+ """Wrapper that restricts `fn` to have the correct signature."""
+ def binary_op_wrapper(x, y, name=None):
+ return fn(x, y, name=name)
+ return binary_op_wrapper
+transpose = _binary_op(array_ops.transpose)
+rev = _binary_op(array_ops.reverse)
+bitcast_convert_type = array_ops.bitcast
+def broadcast(x, dims, name=None):
+ x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x)
+ shape = array_ops.concat(
+ [constant_op.constant(dims),
+ array_ops.shape(x)], axis=0)
+ return array_ops.broadcast_to(x, shape, name=name)
+def clamp(a, x, b, name=None):
+ return min(max(a, x, name=name), b, name=name)
+concatenate = array_ops.concat
+def conv(lhs,
+ rhs,
+ window_strides,
+ padding,
+ lhs_dilation,
+ rhs_dilation,
+ dimension_numbers,
+ feature_group_count=1,
+ precision_config=None,
+ name=None):
+ """Wraps the XLA ConvGeneralDilated operator.
+ ConvGeneralDilated is the most general form of XLA convolution and is
+ documented at
+ https://www.tensorflow.org/performance/xla/operation_semantics#conv_convolution
+ Args:
+ lhs: the input tensor
+ rhs: the kernel tensor
+ window_strides: the inter-window strides
+ padding: the padding to apply at the start and end of each input dimensions
+ lhs_dilation: dilation to apply between input elements
+ rhs_dilation: dilation to apply between kernel elements
+ dimension_numbers: a `ConvolutionDimensionNumbers` proto.
+ feature_group_count: number of feature groups for grouped convolution.
+ precision_config: a `PrecisionConfigProto` proto.
+ name: an optional name for the operator
+ Returns:
+ A tensor representing the output of the convolution.
+ """
+ precision_config_proto = ""
+ if precision_config:
+ precision_config_proto = precision_config.SerializeToString()
+ return gen_xla_ops.xla_conv(
+ lhs,
+ rhs,
+ window_strides=window_strides,
+ padding=padding,
+ lhs_dilation=lhs_dilation,
+ rhs_dilation=rhs_dilation,
+ feature_group_count=feature_group_count,
+ dimension_numbers=dimension_numbers.SerializeToString(),
+ precision_config=precision_config_proto,
+ name=name)
+convert_element_type = math_ops.cast
+def dot(lhs, rhs, name=None):
+ return math_ops.tensordot(lhs, rhs, axes=1, name=name)
+def dot_general(lhs, rhs, dimension_numbers, precision_config=None, name=None):
+ precision_config_proto = ""
+ if precision_config:
+ precision_config_proto = precision_config.SerializeToString()
+ return gen_xla_ops.xla_dot(
+ lhs,
+ rhs,
+ dimension_numbers=dimension_numbers.SerializeToString(),
+ precision_config=precision_config_proto,
+ name=name)
+def dynamic_slice(x, starts, sizes, name=None):
+ # TODO(phawkins): the Slice operator lowers to DynamicSlice if `starts` is not
+ # a compile-time constant. This doesn't exactly mimic the semantics of dynamic
+ # slice if the slice is out of bounds.
+ return array_ops.slice(x, starts, sizes, name=name)
-# TODO(phawkins): provide wrappers for all XLA operators.
dynamic_update_slice = gen_xla_ops.xla_dynamic_update_slice
+# TODO(phawkins): generalize tf.pad to support interior padding, and then remove
+# the XLA-specific pad operator.
+pad = gen_xla_ops.xla_pad
+def random_normal(mu, sigma, dims, name=None):
+ mu = ops.convert_to_tensor(mu)
+ return random_ops.random_normal(
+ dims, mean=mu, stddev=sigma, dtype=mu.dtype, name=name)
+def random_uniform(minval, maxval, dims, name=None):
+ minval = ops.convert_to_tensor(minval)
+ return random_ops.random_uniform(
+ dims, minval, maxval, dtype=minval.dtype, name=name)
+recv = gen_xla_ops.xla_recv
+reduce = gen_xla_ops.xla_reduce
def reduce_window(operand,
@@ -61,22 +349,38 @@ def reduce_window(operand,
window_strides = window_strides or [1] * len(window_dimensions)
padding = padding or [(0, 0)] * len(window_dimensions)
- padding_low = [x for (x, _) in padding]
- padding_high = [y for (_, y) in padding]
return gen_xla_ops.xla_reduce_window(
- operand,
- init,
- reducer,
- window_dimensions,
- window_strides,
- padding_low,
- padding_high,
+ input=operand,
+ init_value=init,
+ window_dimensions=window_dimensions,
+ window_strides=window_strides,
+ padding=padding,
+ computation=reducer,
-recv = gen_xla_ops.xla_recv
+def reshape(x, new_sizes, dimensions=None, name=None):
+ if dimensions is not None:
+ x = array_ops.transpose(x, dimensions)
+ x = array_ops.reshape(x, new_sizes, name=name)
+ return x
+def select(condition, x, y, name=None):
+ return array_ops.where(condition, x, y, name)
+select_and_scatter = gen_xla_ops.xla_select_and_scatter
send = gen_xla_ops.xla_send
-sort = gen_xla_ops.xla_sort
+def slice(x, start_dims, limit_dims, strides):
+ spec = [
+ _slice(start, limit, stride)
+ for (start, limit, stride) in zip(start_dims, limit_dims, strides)
+ ]
+ return x[tuple(spec)]
+sort = gen_xla_ops.xla_sort
while_loop = gen_xla_ops.xla_while