path: root/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/triangular_solve.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/triangular_solve.cc')
1 files changed, 535 insertions, 569 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/triangular_solve.cc b/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/triangular_solve.cc
index b4503601f9..e405f8dfaa 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/triangular_solve.cc
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/triangular_solve.cc
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/batch_dot.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/util.h"
-#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/constants.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/numeric.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_client/xla_builder.h"
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/literal.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/status_macros.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/statusor.h"
@@ -29,619 +32,582 @@ limitations under the License.
namespace tensorflow {
-xla::StatusOr<xla::XlaOp> TriangularSolve(xla::XlaBuilder* builder,
- const xla::XlaOp& a, xla::XlaOp b,
- bool left_side, bool lower,
- bool transpose_a, bool conjugate_a,
- int64 block_size) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape a_shape, builder->GetShape(a));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape b_shape, builder->GetShape(b));
- if (xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(a_shape) != xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(b_shape)) {
- return errors::InvalidArgument(
- "Arguments to TriangularSolve have different ranks: ",
- xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(a_shape), " vs. ",
- xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(b_shape));
- }
- const int ndims = xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(a_shape);
- if (ndims < 2) {
- return errors::InvalidArgument(
- "Arguments to TriangularSolve must have rank >= 2: ", ndims);
- }
- // The batch dimensions must be equal.
- std::vector<int64> batch_dimensions;
- for (int i = 0; i < ndims - 2; ++i) {
- int64 a_size = a_shape.dimensions(i);
- int64 b_size = b_shape.dimensions(i);
- if (a_size != b_size) {
+xla::XlaOp TriangularSolve(xla::XlaOp a, xla::XlaOp b, bool left_side,
+ bool lower, bool transpose_a, bool conjugate_a,
+ int64 block_size) {
+ xla::XlaBuilder* builder = a.builder();
+ return builder->ReportErrorOrReturn([&]() -> xla::StatusOr<xla::XlaOp> {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape a_shape, builder->GetShape(a));
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape b_shape, builder->GetShape(b));
+ if (xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(a_shape) != xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(b_shape)) {
return errors::InvalidArgument(
- "Batch dimensions of arguments to TriangularSolve must be equal: ",
- xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(a_shape), " vs ",
+ "Arguments to TriangularSolve have different ranks: ",
+ xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(a_shape), " vs. ",
- batch_dimensions.push_back(a_size);
- }
- if (xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(a_shape, -1) !=
- xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(a_shape, -2)) {
- return errors::InvalidArgument(
- "The 'a' arguments to TriangularSolve must be square matrices: ",
- xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(a_shape));
- }
- const int64 m = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -2);
- const int64 n = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -1);
- if ((left_side ? m : n) != xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(a_shape, -1)) {
- return errors::InvalidArgument(
- "Arguments to TriangularSolve have incompatible matrix shapes: ",
- xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(a_shape), " vs ",
- xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(b_shape));
- }
- if (block_size < 1) {
- return errors::InvalidArgument(
- "block_size argument to TriangularSolve must be >= 1; got ",
- block_size);
- }
- std::map<int, xla::XlaComputation> base_computations;
- auto get_base_triangular_solve =
- [&](int k) -> xla::StatusOr<xla::XlaComputation*> {
- xla::XlaComputation& computation = base_computations[k];
- if (computation.IsNull()) {
- std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> sub = builder->CreateSubBuilder(
- tensorflow::strings::StrCat("trsm_base_", k));
- auto a_param = sub->Parameter(
- 0,
- xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(
- b_shape.element_type(),
- PrependMajorDims(sub.get(), batch_dimensions, {k, k})),
- "a");
- std::array<int64, 2> b_lastd;
- if (left_side) {
- b_lastd = {k, n};
- } else {
- b_lastd = {m, k};
- }
- auto b_param = sub->Parameter(
- 1,
- xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(
- b_shape.element_type(),
- PrependMajorDims(sub.get(), batch_dimensions, b_lastd)),
- "b");
- // We use a left-looking or right-looking subroutine on the block diagonal
- // in the lower=true cases, while falling back to a recursive call in
- // others. The left-looking and right-looking subroutines are written with
- // a While loop and so yields much faster compile times. Moreover, they
- // can give higher performance on smaller (sub)problems.
- if (left_side && lower) {
- TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(TriangularSolveLeftLooking(sub.get(), a_param,
- b_param, transpose_a,
- conjugate_a)
- .status());
- } else if (!left_side && lower) {
- TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(TriangularSolveRightLooking(sub.get(), a_param,
- b_param, transpose_a,
- conjugate_a)
- .status());
- } else {
- TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(TriangularSolve(sub.get(), a_param, b_param,
- left_side, lower, transpose_a,
- conjugate_a,
- /*block_size=*/1)
- .status());
+ const int ndims = xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(a_shape);
+ if (ndims < 2) {
+ return errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Arguments to TriangularSolve must have rank >= 2: ", ndims);
+ }
+ // The batch dimensions must be equal.
+ std::vector<int64> batch_dimensions;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ndims - 2; ++i) {
+ int64 a_size = a_shape.dimensions(i);
+ int64 b_size = b_shape.dimensions(i);
+ if (a_size != b_size) {
+ return errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Batch dimensions of arguments to TriangularSolve must be equal: ",
+ xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(a_shape), " vs ",
+ xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(b_shape));
+ batch_dimensions.push_back(a_size);
+ }
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(computation, sub->Build());
+ if (xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(a_shape, -1) !=
+ xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(a_shape, -2)) {
+ return errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "The 'a' arguments to TriangularSolve must be square matrices: ",
+ xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(a_shape));
- return &computation;
- };
- xla::XlaOp output = Zeros(builder, b_shape);
- // Right-looking blocked triangular solve.
- // For an explanation of the algorithm, see the TRSM discussion in:
- // Goto, Kazushige, and Robert Van De Geijn. "High-performance implementation
- // of the level-3 BLAS." ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 35.1
- // (2008): 4.
- // In the code comments below, T = lambda x: np.swapaxes(x, -1, -2) if
- // conjugate_a is False, or T = lambda x: np.conj(np.swapaxes(x, -1, -2)) if
- // conjugate_a is True.
- if (!left_side && lower == transpose_a) {
- // for i in range(0, a.shape[-1], block_size):
- for (int64 i = 0; i < n; i += block_size) {
- int64 k = std::min(block_size, n - i);
- // output[..., :, i:i+k] = triangular_solve(
- // a[..., i:i+k, i:i+k], b[..., :, i:i+k], ..., block_size=1)
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, i}, {i + k, i + k}));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {0, i}, {m, i + k}));
- xla::XlaOp update;
- if (k > 1) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::XlaComputation * solve,
- get_base_triangular_solve(k));
- update = builder->Call(*solve, {a_slice, b_slice});
- } else {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice_conj,
- MaybeConjugate(builder, a_slice, conjugate_a));
- update = builder->Div(b_slice, a_slice_conj);
+ const int64 m = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -2);
+ const int64 n = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -1);
+ if ((left_side ? m : n) != xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(a_shape, -1)) {
+ return errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "Arguments to TriangularSolve have incompatible matrix shapes: ",
+ xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(a_shape), " vs ",
+ xla::ShapeUtil::HumanString(b_shape));
+ }
+ if (block_size < 1) {
+ return errors::InvalidArgument(
+ "block_size argument to TriangularSolve must be >= 1; got ",
+ block_size);
+ }
+ std::map<int, xla::XlaComputation> base_computations;
+ auto get_base_triangular_solve =
+ [&](int k) -> xla::StatusOr<xla::XlaComputation*> {
+ xla::XlaComputation& computation = base_computations[k];
+ if (computation.IsNull()) {
+ std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> sub = builder->CreateSubBuilder(
+ tensorflow::strings::StrCat("trsm_base_", k));
+ auto a_param = xla::Parameter(
+ sub.get(), 0,
+ xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(b_shape.element_type(),
+ ConcatVectors(batch_dimensions, {k, k})),
+ "a");
+ std::array<int64, 2> b_lastd;
+ if (left_side) {
+ b_lastd = {k, n};
+ } else {
+ b_lastd = {m, k};
+ }
+ auto b_param = xla::Parameter(
+ sub.get(), 1,
+ xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(b_shape.element_type(),
+ ConcatVectors(batch_dimensions, b_lastd)),
+ "b");
+ // We use a left-looking or right-looking subroutine on the block
+ // diagonal in the lower=true cases, while falling back to a recursive
+ // call in others. The left-looking and right-looking subroutines are
+ // written with a While loop and so yields much faster compile times.
+ // Moreover, they can give higher performance on smaller (sub)problems.
+ if (left_side && lower) {
+ TriangularSolveLeftLooking(a_param, b_param, transpose_a,
+ conjugate_a);
+ } else if (!left_side && lower) {
+ TriangularSolveRightLooking(a_param, b_param, transpose_a,
+ conjugate_a);
+ } else {
+ TriangularSolve(a_param, b_param, left_side, lower, transpose_a,
+ conjugate_a,
+ /*block_size=*/1);
+ }
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(computation, sub->Build());
- output, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, output, update, {0, i}));
- // if i + k < a.shape[-1]:
- // a_slice_2 = a[..., i+k:, i:i+k] if lower else a[..., i:i+k, i+k:]
- // a_slice_2 = T(a_slice_2) if transpose_a else a_slice_2
- // b[..., :, i+k:] -= np.matmul(output[..., :, i:i+k], a_slice_2)
- if (i + k < n) {
- xla::XlaOp a_slice_2;
+ return &computation;
+ };
+ xla::XlaOp output = xla::ZerosLike(b);
+ // Right-looking blocked triangular solve.
+ // For an explanation of the algorithm, see the TRSM discussion in:
+ // Goto, Kazushige, and Robert Van De Geijn. "High-performance
+ // implementation of the level-3 BLAS." ACM Transactions on Mathematical
+ // Software (TOMS) 35.1 (2008): 4.
+ // In the code comments below, T = lambda x: np.swapaxes(x, -1, -2) if
+ // conjugate_a is False, or T = lambda x: np.conj(np.swapaxes(x, -1, -2)) if
+ // conjugate_a is True.
+ if (!left_side && lower == transpose_a) {
+ // for i in range(0, a.shape[-1], block_size):
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < n; i += block_size) {
+ int64 k = std::min(block_size, n - i);
+ // output[..., :, i:i+k] = triangular_solve(
+ // a[..., i:i+k, i:i+k],
+ // b[..., :, i:i+k] - np.matmul(output[..., :, :i],
+ // a[..., :i, i:i+k]),
+ // ..., block_size=1)
+ auto a_slice = SliceInMinorDims(a, {i, i}, {i + k, i + k});
+ auto b_slice = SliceInMinorDims(b, {0, i}, {m, i + k});
+ // Note that we multiply with the full output, since this is faster
+ // than slicing, and output[..., :, i:] = 0
+ xla::XlaOp a_prev;
if (lower) {
- a_slice_2, SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i + k, i}, {n, i + k}));
+ a_prev = SliceInMinorDims(a, {i, 0}, {i + k, n});
} else {
- a_slice_2, SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, i + k}, {i + k, n}));
+ a_prev = SliceInMinorDims(a, {0, i}, {n, i + k});
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_update,
- BatchDot(builder, update, a_slice_2,
- /*transpose_x=*/false,
- /*transpose_y=*/transpose_a,
- /*conjugate_x=*/false,
- /*conjugate_y=*/conjugate_a));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice_2,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {0, i + k}, {m, n}));
- b_update = builder->Sub(b_slice_2, b_update);
- b, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, b, b_update, {0, i + k}));
+ auto prev_contribution = BatchDot(output, a_prev,
+ /*transpose_x=*/false,
+ /*transpose_y=*/transpose_a,
+ /*conjugate_x=*/false,
+ /*conjugate_y=*/conjugate_a);
+ auto to_solve = b_slice - prev_contribution;
+ xla::XlaOp update;
+ if (k > 1) {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::XlaComputation * solve,
+ get_base_triangular_solve(k));
+ update = xla::Call(builder, *solve, {a_slice, to_solve});
+ } else {
+ auto a_slice_conj = MaybeConjugate(a_slice, conjugate_a);
+ update = to_solve / a_slice_conj;
+ }
+ output = UpdateSliceInMinorDims(output, update, {0, i});
- }
- } else if (left_side && lower != transpose_a) {
- // for i in range(0, a.shape[-1], block_size):
- for (int64 i = 0; i < m; i += block_size) {
- int64 k = std::min(block_size, m - i);
- // output[..., i:i+k, :] = triangular_solve(
- // a[..., i:i+k, i:i+k], b[..., i:i+k, :], ..., block_size=1)
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, i}, {i + k, i + k}));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {i, 0}, {i + k, n}));
- xla::XlaOp update;
- if (k > 1) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::XlaComputation * solve,
- get_base_triangular_solve(k));
- update = builder->Call(*solve, {a_slice, b_slice});
- } else {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice_conj,
- MaybeConjugate(builder, a_slice, conjugate_a));
- update = builder->Div(b_slice, a_slice_conj);
- }
- output, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, output, update, {i, 0}));
- // if i + k < a.shape[-1]:
- // a_slice_2 = a[..., i+k:, i:i+k] if lower else a[..., i:i+k, i+k:]
- // a_slice_2 = T(a_slice_2) if transpose_a else a_slice_2
- // b[..., i+k:, :] -= np.matmul(a_slice_2, output[..., i:i+k, :])
- if (i + k < m) {
- xla::XlaOp a_slice_2;
+ } else if (left_side && lower != transpose_a) {
+ // for i in range(0, a.shape[-1], block_size):
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < m; i += block_size) {
+ int64 k = std::min(block_size, m - i);
+ // output[..., i:i+k, :] = triangular_solve(
+ // a[..., i:i+k, i:i+k],
+ // b[..., i:i+k, :] - np.matmul(a[..., i:i+k, :i],
+ // output[..., :i, :]),
+ // ..., block_size=1)
+ auto a_slice = SliceInMinorDims(a, {i, i}, {i + k, i + k});
+ auto b_slice = SliceInMinorDims(b, {i, 0}, {i + k, n});
+ xla::XlaOp a_prev;
if (lower) {
- a_slice_2, SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i + k, i}, {m, i + k}));
+ a_prev = SliceInMinorDims(a, {i, 0}, {i + k, m});
} else {
- a_slice_2, SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, i + k}, {i + k, m}));
+ a_prev = SliceInMinorDims(a, {0, i}, {m, i + k});
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_update, BatchDot(builder, a_slice_2, update,
- /*transpose_x=*/transpose_a,
- /*transpose_y=*/false,
- /*conjugate_x=*/conjugate_a,
- /*conjugate_y=*/false));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice_2,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {i + k, 0}, {m, n}));
- b_update = builder->Sub(b_slice_2, b_update);
- b, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, b, b_update, {i + k, 0}));
- }
- }
- } else if (!left_side && lower != transpose_a) {
- // for i in reversed(range(0, a.shape[-1], block_size)):
- const int64 last_blk_ix = xla::RoundUpToNearest(n, block_size) - block_size;
- for (int64 i = last_blk_ix; i >= 0; i -= block_size) {
- int64 k = std::min(block_size, n - i);
- // output[..., :, i:i+k] triangular_solve(
- // a[..., i:i+k, i:i+k], b[..., :, i:i+k], ..., block_size=1)
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, i}, {i + k, i + k}));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {0, i}, {m, i + k}));
- xla::XlaOp update;
- if (k > 1) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::XlaComputation * solve,
- get_base_triangular_solve(k));
- update = builder->Call(*solve, {a_slice, b_slice});
- } else {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice_conj,
- MaybeConjugate(builder, a_slice, conjugate_a));
- update = builder->Div(b_slice, a_slice_conj);
+ auto prev_contribution = BatchDot(a_prev, output,
+ /*transpose_x=*/transpose_a,
+ /*transpose_y=*/false,
+ /*conjugate_x=*/conjugate_a,
+ /*conjugate_y=*/false);
+ auto to_solve = b_slice - prev_contribution;
+ xla::XlaOp update;
+ if (k > 1) {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::XlaComputation * solve,
+ get_base_triangular_solve(k));
+ update = xla::Call(builder, *solve, {a_slice, to_solve});
+ } else {
+ auto a_slice_conj = MaybeConjugate(a_slice, conjugate_a);
+ update = to_solve / a_slice_conj;
+ }
+ output = UpdateSliceInMinorDims(output, update, {i, 0});
- output, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, output, update, {0, i}));
- // if i - k >= 0:
- // a_slice_2 = a[..., i:i+k, :i] if lower else a[..., :i, i:i+k]
- // a_slice_2 = T(a_slice_2) if transpose_a else a_slice_2
- // b[..., :, :i] -= np.matmul(out[..., :, i:i+k], a_slice_2)
- if (i - k >= 0) {
- xla::XlaOp a_slice_2;
+ } else if (!left_side && lower != transpose_a) {
+ // for i in reversed(range(0, a.shape[-1], block_size)):
+ const int64 last_blk_ix =
+ xla::RoundUpToNearest(n, block_size) - block_size;
+ for (int64 i = last_blk_ix; i >= 0; i -= block_size) {
+ int64 k = std::min(block_size, n - i);
+ // output[..., :, i:i+k] = triangular_solve(
+ // a[..., i:i+k, i:i+k],
+ // b[..., :, i:i+k] - np.matmul(output[..., :, :i],
+ // a[..., :i, i:i+k]),\
+ // ..., block_size=1)
+ auto a_slice = SliceInMinorDims(a, {i, i}, {i + k, i + k});
+ auto b_slice = SliceInMinorDims(b, {0, i}, {m, i + k});
+ xla::XlaOp a_prev;
if (lower) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(a_slice_2,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, 0}, {i + k, i}));
+ a_prev = SliceInMinorDims(a, {0, i}, {n, i + k});
} else {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(a_slice_2,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {0, i}, {i, i + k}));
+ a_prev = SliceInMinorDims(a, {i, 0}, {i + k, n});
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_update,
- BatchDot(builder, update, a_slice_2,
- /*transpose_x=*/false,
- /*transpose_y=*/transpose_a,
- /*conjugate_x=*/false,
- /*conjugate_y=*/conjugate_a));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice_2,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {0, 0}, {m, i}));
- b_update = builder->Sub(b_slice_2, b_update);
- b, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, b, b_update, {0, 0}));
- }
- }
- } else { // left_side && lower == transpose_a
- // for i in reversed(range(0, a.shape[-1], block_size)):
- const int64 last_blk_ix = xla::RoundUpToNearest(m, block_size) - block_size;
- for (int64 i = last_blk_ix; i >= 0; i -= block_size) {
- int64 k = std::min(block_size, m - i);
- // output[..., i:i+k, :] triangular_solve(
- // a[..., i:i+k, i:i+k], b[..., i:i+k, :], ..., block_size=1)
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, i}, {i + k, i + k}));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {i, 0}, {i + k, n}));
- xla::XlaOp update;
- if (k > 1) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::XlaComputation * solve,
- get_base_triangular_solve(k));
- update = builder->Call(*solve, {a_slice, b_slice});
- } else {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice_conj,
- MaybeConjugate(builder, a_slice, conjugate_a));
- update = builder->Div(b_slice, a_slice_conj);
+ auto prev_contribution = BatchDot(output, a_prev,
+ /*transpose_x=*/false,
+ /*transpose_y=*/transpose_a,
+ /*conjugate_x=*/false,
+ /*conjugate_y=*/conjugate_a);
+ auto to_solve = b_slice - prev_contribution;
+ xla::XlaOp update;
+ if (k > 1) {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::XlaComputation * solve,
+ get_base_triangular_solve(k));
+ update = xla::Call(builder, *solve, {a_slice, to_solve});
+ } else {
+ auto a_slice_conj = MaybeConjugate(a_slice, conjugate_a);
+ update = to_solve / a_slice_conj;
+ }
+ output = UpdateSliceInMinorDims(output, update, {0, i});
- output, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, output, update, {i, 0}));
- // if i - k >= 0:
- // a_slice_2 = a[..., i:i+k, :i] if lower else a[..., :i, i:i+k]
- // a_slice_2 = T(a_slice_2) if transpose_a else a_slice_2
- // b[..., :i, :] -= np.matmul(a_slice_2, out[..., i:i+k, :])
- if (i - k >= 0) {
- xla::XlaOp a_slice_2;
+ } else { // left_side && lower == transpose_a
+ // for i in reversed(range(0, a.shape[-1], block_size)):
+ const int64 last_blk_ix =
+ xla::RoundUpToNearest(m, block_size) - block_size;
+ for (int64 i = last_blk_ix; i >= 0; i -= block_size) {
+ int64 k = std::min(block_size, m - i);
+ // output[..., i:i+k, :] = triangular_solve(
+ // a[..., i:i+k, i:i+k],
+ // b[..., i:i+k, :] - np.matmul(a[..., i:i+k, :i],
+ // output[..., :i, :]),
+ // ..., block_size=1)
+ auto a_slice = SliceInMinorDims(a, {i, i}, {i + k, i + k});
+ auto b_slice = SliceInMinorDims(b, {i, 0}, {i + k, n});
+ xla::XlaOp a_prev;
if (lower) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(a_slice_2,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, 0}, {i + k, i}));
+ a_prev = SliceInMinorDims(a, {0, i}, {m, i + k});
} else {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(a_slice_2,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {0, i}, {i, i + k}));
+ a_prev = SliceInMinorDims(a, {i, 0}, {i + k, m});
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_update, BatchDot(builder, a_slice_2, update,
- /*transpose_x=*/transpose_a,
- /*transpose_y=*/false,
- /*conjugate_x=*/conjugate_a,
- /*conjugate_y=*/false));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice_2,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {0, 0}, {i, n}));
- b_update = builder->Sub(b_slice_2, b_update);
- b, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, b, b_update, {0, 0}));
+ auto prev_contribution = BatchDot(a_prev, output,
+ /*transpose_x=*/transpose_a,
+ /*transpose_y=*/false,
+ /*conjugate_x=*/conjugate_a,
+ /*conjugate_y=*/false);
+ auto to_solve = b_slice - prev_contribution;
+ xla::XlaOp update;
+ if (k > 1) {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::XlaComputation * solve,
+ get_base_triangular_solve(k));
+ update = xla::Call(builder, *solve, {a_slice, to_solve});
+ } else {
+ auto a_slice_conj = MaybeConjugate(a_slice, conjugate_a);
+ update = to_solve / a_slice_conj;
+ }
+ output = UpdateSliceInMinorDims(output, update, {i, 0});
- }
- return output;
+ return output;
+ });
-xla::StatusOr<xla::XlaOp> TriangularSolveLeftLooking(xla::XlaBuilder* builder,
- const xla::XlaOp& a,
- const xla::XlaOp& b,
- bool transpose_a,
- bool conjugate_a) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape a_shape, builder->GetShape(a));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape b_shape, builder->GetShape(b));
- const int64 m = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -2);
- const int64 n = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -1);
- const int64 ndims = xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(a_shape);
- std::vector<int64> batch_dimensions;
- for (int i = 0; i < ndims - 2; ++i) {
- int64 a_size = a_shape.dimensions(i);
- batch_dimensions.push_back(a_size);
- }
- // The main computation is performed in a While loop.
- // Allocate the output and set its first or last row,
- // output = np.zeros_like(b)
- // if transpose_a:
- // output[..., m-1:, :] = b[..., m-1:, :] / a[..., m-1:, m-1:]
- // else:
- // output[..., :1, :] = b[..., :1, :] / a[..., :1, :1]
- xla::XlaOp output = Zeros(builder, b_shape);
- {
- auto i = transpose_a ? m - 1 : 0;
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, a, {i, i}, {i + 1, i + 1}));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_slice,
- SliceInMinorDims(builder, b, {i, 0}, {i + 1, n}));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_slice_conj,
- MaybeConjugate(builder, a_slice, conjugate_a));
- auto update = builder->Div(b_slice, a_slice_conj);
- output, UpdateSliceInMinorDims(builder, output, update, {i, 0}));
- }
- // Construct the initial loop carry tuple,
- // if transpose_a:
- // init = (m-2, output, a, b)
- // else:
- // init = (1, output, a, b)
- std::vector<xla::Shape> tuple_shapes = {
- // The loop iteration counter is a scalar, incremented each iteration.
- xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::S32, {}),
- // The output has the shape of b, with one row updated each iteration.
- b_shape,
- // The coefficient matrix a is a loop invariant.
- a_shape,
- // The right-hand-side matrix b is a loop invariant.
- b_shape};
- xla::Shape tuple_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(tuple_shapes);
- auto init_i = builder->ConstantR0<int32>(transpose_a ? m - 2 : 1);
- auto init = builder->Tuple({init_i, output, a, b});
- // Construct the loop condition function,
- // def cond_fun(loop_carry):
- // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
- // return i >= 0 if transpose_a else i < m
- std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> condb =
- builder->CreateSubBuilder("TriangularSolveLeftLookingWhileCond");
- {
- auto i = condb->GetTupleElement(
- condb->Parameter(0, tuple_shape,
- "TriangularSolveLeftLookingWhileTuple"),
- 0);
+xla::XlaOp TriangularSolveLeftLooking(xla::XlaOp a, xla::XlaOp b,
+ bool transpose_a, bool conjugate_a) {
+ xla::XlaBuilder* builder = a.builder();
+ return builder->ReportErrorOrReturn([&]() -> xla::StatusOr<xla::XlaOp> {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape a_shape, builder->GetShape(a));
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape b_shape, builder->GetShape(b));
+ const int64 m = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -2);
+ const int64 n = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -1);
+ const int64 ndims = xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(a_shape);
+ std::vector<int64> batch_dimensions;
+ int64 num_batches = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ndims - 2; ++i) {
+ int64 a_size = a_shape.dimensions(i);
+ batch_dimensions.push_back(a_size);
+ num_batches = num_batches * a_size;
+ }
+ // Rescale the input to be unit triangular
+ auto diag = Diagonal(a);
+ xla::XlaOp scaled_a;
+ std::vector<int64> broadcast_dimensions(ndims - 1);
+ std::iota(broadcast_dimensions.begin(), broadcast_dimensions.end(), 0);
if (transpose_a) {
- condb->Ge(i, condb->ConstantR0<int32>(0));
+ scaled_a = Div(a, diag, broadcast_dimensions);
} else {
- condb->Lt(i, condb->ConstantR0<int32>(m));
+ // Broadcast over the rows
+ broadcast_dimensions[ndims - 2] = ndims - 1;
+ scaled_a = Div(a, diag, broadcast_dimensions);
- }
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto cond, condb->Build());
- // Construct the loop body function,
- // def body_fun(loop_carry):
- // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
- // if transpose_a:
- // a_row = np.swapaxes(a[..., i+1:, i:i+1], -1 -2)
- // else:
- // a_row = a[..., i:i+1, :i]
- // result_row = b[..., i:i+1, :] - np.matmul(a_row, output[..., :, :])
- // output[..., i:i+1, :] = result_row / a[..., i:i+1, i:i+1]
- // if transpose_a:
- // return (i - 1, output, a, b)
- // else:
- // return (i + 1, output, a, b)
- // We have to do some extra FLOPs propagating zeros in the matrix multiply
- // because we can't have the size of its arguments depend on the loop counter.
- std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> bodyb =
- builder->CreateSubBuilder("TriangularSolveLeftLookingWhileBody");
- {
- auto input_tuple = bodyb->Parameter(0, tuple_shape,
- "TriangularSolveLeftLookingWhileTuple");
- // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
- auto i = bodyb->GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 0);
- auto body_out = bodyb->GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 1);
- auto body_a = bodyb->GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 2);
- auto body_b = bodyb->GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 3);
- auto zero = bodyb->ConstantR0<int32>(0);
+ // The main computation is performed in a While loop.
- // We'd like to implement this:
- // if transpose_a:
- // a_row = T(a[..., i+1:, i:i+1])
- // result_row = (b[..., i:i+1, :]
- // - np.matmul(a_row, body_out[..., i+1:, :]))
- // else:
- // result_row = (b[..., i:i+1, :]
- // - np.matmul(a[..., i:i+1, :i], body_out[..., :i, :]))
- // But since we can't have intermediate array sizes depend on the loop
- // counter, we instead exploit the fact that we initialized the output to
- // all zeros and use that as zero-padding (doing unnecessary FLOPs).
- xla::XlaOp a_row;
- if (transpose_a) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(a_row, DynamicSliceInMinorDims(bodyb.get(), body_a,
- {zero, i}, {m, 1}));
- } else {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(a_row, DynamicSliceInMinorDims(bodyb.get(), body_a,
- {i, zero}, {1, m}));
+ // Allocate the output and set its first or last row,
+ // output = np.zeros_like(b)
+ // if transpose_a:
+ // output[..., m-1:, :] = b[..., m-1:, :] / a[..., m-1:, m-1:]
+ // else:
+ // output[..., :1, :] = b[..., :1, :] / a[..., :1, :1]
+ xla::XlaOp output = xla::ZerosLike(b);
+ {
+ auto i = transpose_a ? m - 1 : 0;
+ auto a_slice = SliceInMinorDims(scaled_a, {i, i}, {i + 1, i + 1});
+ auto b_slice = SliceInMinorDims(b, {i, 0}, {i + 1, n});
+ auto a_slice_conj = MaybeConjugate(a_slice, conjugate_a);
+ auto update = b_slice / a_slice_conj;
+ output = UpdateSliceInMinorDims(output, update, {i, 0});
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_update, BatchDot(bodyb.get(), a_row, body_out,
- /*transpose_x=*/transpose_a,
- /*transpose_y=*/false,
- /*conjugate_x=*/conjugate_a,
- /*conjugate_y=*/false));
- auto result_row_slice,
- DynamicSliceInMinorDims(bodyb.get(), body_b, {i, zero}, {1, n}));
- auto result_row = bodyb->Sub(result_row_slice, b_update);
- // body_out[..., i:i+1, :] = result_row / a[..., i:i+1, i:i+1]
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_elt, DynamicSliceInMinorDims(bodyb.get(), body_a,
- {i, i}, {1, 1}));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_elt_conj,
- MaybeConjugate(bodyb.get(), a_elt, conjugate_a));
- auto div_result = bodyb->Div(result_row, a_elt_conj);
- DynamicUpdateSliceInMinorDims(bodyb.get(), body_out,
- div_result, {i, zero}));
+ // Construct the initial loop carry tuple,
// if transpose_a:
- // return (i - 1, body_out, a, b)
+ // init = (m-2, output, a, b)
// else:
- // return (i + 1, body_out, a, b)
- auto next_i = bodyb->Add(i, bodyb->ConstantR0<int32>(transpose_a ? -1 : 1));
- bodyb->Tuple({next_i, body_out, body_a, body_b});
- }
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto body, bodyb->Build());
- // Construct the While loop and return the result,
- // return while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init)[1]
- auto triangular_solve_left_looking_while = builder->While(cond, body, init);
- return builder->GetTupleElement(triangular_solve_left_looking_while, 1);
+ // init = (1, output, a, b)
+ std::vector<xla::Shape> tuple_shapes = {
+ // The loop iteration counter is a scalar, incremented each iteration.
+ xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::S32, {}),
+ // The output has the shape of b, with one row updated each iteration.
+ b_shape,
+ // The coefficient matrix a is a loop invariant.
+ a_shape,
+ // The right-hand-side matrix b is a loop invariant.
+ b_shape};
+ xla::Shape tuple_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(tuple_shapes);
+ auto init_i = xla::ConstantR0<int32>(builder, transpose_a ? m - 2 : 1);
+ auto init = xla::Tuple(builder, {init_i, output, scaled_a, b});
+ // Construct the loop condition function,
+ // def cond_fun(loop_carry):
+ // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
+ // return i >= 0 if transpose_a else i < m
+ std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> condb =
+ builder->CreateSubBuilder("TriangularSolveLeftLookingWhileCond");
+ {
+ auto i = xla::GetTupleElement(
+ xla::Parameter(condb.get(), 0, tuple_shape,
+ "TriangularSolveLeftLookingWhileTuple"),
+ 0);
+ if (transpose_a) {
+ xla::Ge(i, xla::ConstantR0<int32>(condb.get(), 0));
+ } else {
+ xla::Lt(i, xla::ConstantR0<int32>(condb.get(), m));
+ }
+ }
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto cond, condb->Build());
+ // Construct the loop body function,
+ // def body_fun(loop_carry):
+ // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
+ // if transpose_a:
+ // a_row = np.swapaxes(a[..., i+1:, i:i+1], -1 -2)
+ // else:
+ // a_row = a[..., i:i+1, :i]
+ // result_row = b[..., i:i+1, :] - np.matmul(a_row, output[..., :, :])
+ // output[..., i:i+1, :] = result_row / a[..., i:i+1, i:i+1]
+ // if transpose_a:
+ // return (i - 1, output, a, b)
+ // else:
+ // return (i + 1, output, a, b)
+ // We have to do some extra FLOPs propagating zeros in the matrix multiply
+ // because we can't have the size of its arguments depend on the loop
+ // counter.
+ std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> bodyb =
+ builder->CreateSubBuilder("TriangularSolveLeftLookingWhileBody");
+ {
+ auto input_tuple = xla::Parameter(bodyb.get(), 0, tuple_shape,
+ "TriangularSolveLeftLookingWhileTuple");
+ // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
+ auto i = xla::GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 0);
+ auto body_out = xla::GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 1);
+ auto body_a = xla::GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 2);
+ auto body_b = xla::GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 3);
+ auto zero = xla::ConstantR0<int32>(bodyb.get(), 0);
+ // We'd like to implement this:
+ // if transpose_a:
+ // a_row = T(a[..., i+1:, i:i+1])
+ // result_row = (b[..., i:i+1, :]
+ // - np.matmul(a_row, body_out[..., i+1:, :]))
+ // else:
+ // result_row = (b[..., i:i+1, :]
+ // - np.matmul(a[..., i:i+1, :i], body_out[..., :i, :]))
+ // But since we can't have intermediate array sizes depend on the loop
+ // counter, we instead exploit the fact that we initialized the output to
+ // all zeros and use that as zero-padding (doing unnecessary FLOPs).
+ xla::XlaOp a_row;
+ if (transpose_a) {
+ a_row = DynamicSliceInMinorDims(body_a, {zero, i}, {m, 1});
+ } else {
+ a_row = DynamicSliceInMinorDims(body_a, {i, zero}, {1, m});
+ }
+ auto b_update = BatchDot(a_row, body_out,
+ /*transpose_x=*/transpose_a,
+ /*transpose_y=*/false,
+ /*conjugate_x=*/conjugate_a,
+ /*conjugate_y=*/false);
+ auto result_row_slice =
+ DynamicSliceInMinorDims(body_b, {i, zero}, {1, n});
+ auto result_row = result_row_slice - b_update;
+ // body_out[..., i:i+1, :] = result_row
+ body_out = DynamicUpdateSliceInMinorDims(body_out, result_row, {i, zero});
+ // if transpose_a:
+ // return (i - 1, body_out, a, b)
+ // else:
+ // return (i + 1, body_out, a, b)
+ auto next_i = xla::Add(
+ i, xla::ConstantR0<int32>(bodyb.get(), transpose_a ? -1 : 1));
+ xla::Tuple(bodyb.get(), {next_i, body_out, body_a, body_b});
+ }
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto body, bodyb->Build());
+ // Construct the While loop and return the result,
+ // return while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init)[1]
+ auto triangular_solve_left_looking_while = xla::While(cond, body, init);
+ output = xla::GetTupleElement(triangular_solve_left_looking_while, 1);
+ auto scaling = MaybeConjugate(diag, conjugate_a);
+ // Broadcast over the columns
+ broadcast_dimensions[ndims - 2] = ndims - 2;
+ return Div(output, scaling, broadcast_dimensions);
+ });
-xla::StatusOr<xla::XlaOp> TriangularSolveRightLooking(xla::XlaBuilder* builder,
- const xla::XlaOp& a,
- const xla::XlaOp& b,
- bool transpose_a,
- bool conjugate_a) {
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape a_shape, builder->GetShape(a));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape b_shape, builder->GetShape(b));
- const int64 m = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -2);
- const int64 n = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -1);
- const int64 ndims = xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(a_shape);
- std::vector<int64> batch_dimensions;
- for (int i = 0; i < ndims - 2; ++i) {
- int64 a_size = a_shape.dimensions(i);
- batch_dimensions.push_back(a_size);
- }
- // The main computation is performed in a While loop.
- xla::XlaOp output = Zeros(builder, b_shape);
- // Construct the initial loop carry tuple,
- // if transpose_a:
- // init = (0, output, a, b)
- // else:
- // init = (n-1, output, a, b)
- std::vector<xla::Shape> tuple_shapes = {
- // The loop iteration counter is a scalar, incremented each iteration.
- xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::S32, {}),
- // The output has the shape of b, with one row updated each iteration.
- b_shape,
- // The coefficient matrix a is a loop invariant.
- a_shape,
- // The right-hand-side matrix b is a loop invariant.
- b_shape};
- xla::Shape tuple_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(tuple_shapes);
- auto init_i = builder->ConstantR0<int32>(transpose_a ? 0 : n - 1);
- auto init = builder->Tuple({init_i, output, a, b});
- // Construct the loop condition function,
- // def cond_fun(loop_carry):
- // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
- // return i < n if transpose_a else i >= 0
- std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> condb =
- builder->CreateSubBuilder("TriangularSolveRightLookingWhileCond");
- {
- auto i = condb->GetTupleElement(
- condb->Parameter(0, tuple_shape,
- "TriangularSolveRightLookingWhileTuple"),
- 0);
+xla::XlaOp TriangularSolveRightLooking(xla::XlaOp a, xla::XlaOp b,
+ bool transpose_a, bool conjugate_a) {
+ xla::XlaBuilder* builder = a.builder();
+ return builder->ReportErrorOrReturn([&]() -> xla::StatusOr<xla::XlaOp> {
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape a_shape, builder->GetShape(a));
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(xla::Shape b_shape, builder->GetShape(b));
+ const int64 m = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -2);
+ const int64 n = xla::ShapeUtil::GetDimension(b_shape, -1);
+ const int64 ndims = xla::ShapeUtil::Rank(a_shape);
+ std::vector<int64> batch_dimensions;
+ int64 num_batches = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ndims - 2; ++i) {
+ int64 a_size = a_shape.dimensions(i);
+ batch_dimensions.push_back(a_size);
+ num_batches = num_batches * a_size;
+ }
+ // Rescale the input to be unit triangular
+ auto diag = Diagonal(a);
+ xla::XlaOp scaled_a;
+ std::vector<int64> broadcast_dimensions(ndims - 1);
+ std::iota(broadcast_dimensions.begin(), broadcast_dimensions.end(), 0);
if (transpose_a) {
- condb->Lt(i, condb->ConstantR0<int32>(n));
+ // Broadcast over the rows
+ broadcast_dimensions[ndims - 2] = ndims - 1;
+ scaled_a = Div(a, diag, broadcast_dimensions);
} else {
- condb->Ge(i, condb->ConstantR0<int32>(0));
+ scaled_a = Div(a, diag, broadcast_dimensions);
- }
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto cond, condb->Build());
- // Construct the loop body function,
- // def body_fun(loop_carry):
- // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
- // if transpose_a:
- // a_row = np.swapaxes(a[..., :, i:i+1], -1 -2)
- // else:
- // a_row = a[..., :, i:i+1]
- // result_row = b[..., :, i:i+1] - np.matmul(output, a_row)
- // output[..., :, i:i+1] = result_row / a[..., i:i+1, i:i+1]
- // if transpose_a:
- // return (i - 1, output, a, b)
- // else:
- // return (i + 1, output, a, b)
- // We have to do some extra FLOPs propagating zeros in the matrix multiply
- // because we can't have the size of its arguments depend on the loop counter.
- std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> bodyb =
- builder->CreateSubBuilder("TriangularSolveRightLookingWhileBody");
- {
- auto input_tuple = bodyb->Parameter(
- 0, tuple_shape, "TriangularSolveRightLookingWhileTuple");
- // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
- auto i = bodyb->GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 0);
- auto body_out = bodyb->GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 1);
- auto body_a = bodyb->GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 2);
- auto body_b = bodyb->GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 3);
- auto zero = bodyb->ConstantR0<int32>(0);
- // We'd like to implement b[..., :, i:i+1] - np.matmul(output, a[..., :,
- // i:i+1]) But since we can't have intermediate array sizes depend on the
- // loop counter, we instead exploit the fact that we initialized the output
- // to all zeros and use that as zero-padding (doing unnecessary FLOPs).
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto b_update, BatchDot(bodyb.get(), body_out, body_a,
- /*transpose_x=*/false,
- /*transpose_y=*/transpose_a,
- /*conjugate_x=*/false,
- /*conjugate_y=*/conjugate_a));
- // result = b - np.matmul(output, a)
- auto result = bodyb->Sub(body_b, b_update);
- // result_row = result[..., :, i:i+1]
- auto result_row,
- DynamicSliceInMinorDims(bodyb.get(), result, {zero, i}, {m, 1}));
- // body_out[..., :, i:i+1] = result_row / a[..., i:i+1, i:i+1]
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_ii, DynamicSliceInMinorDims(bodyb.get(), body_a,
- {i, i}, {1, 1}));
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto a_ii_conj,
- MaybeConjugate(bodyb.get(), a_ii, conjugate_a));
- auto div_result = bodyb->Div(result_row, a_ii_conj);
- DynamicUpdateSliceInMinorDims(bodyb.get(), body_out,
- div_result, {zero, i}));
+ // The main computation is performed in a While loop.
+ xla::XlaOp output = xla::ZerosLike(b);
+ // Construct the initial loop carry tuple,
// if transpose_a:
- // return (i + 1, body_out, a, b)
+ // init = (0, output, a, b)
// else:
- // return (i - 1, body_out, a, b)
- auto next_i = bodyb->Add(i, bodyb->ConstantR0<int32>(transpose_a ? 1 : -1));
- bodyb->Tuple({next_i, body_out, body_a, body_b});
- }
- TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto body, bodyb->Build());
- // Construct the While loop and return the result,
- // return while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init)[1]
- auto triangular_solve_left_looking_while = builder->While(cond, body, init);
- return builder->GetTupleElement(triangular_solve_left_looking_while, 1);
+ // init = (n-1, output, a, b)
+ std::vector<xla::Shape> tuple_shapes = {
+ // The loop iteration counter is a scalar, incremented each iteration.
+ xla::ShapeUtil::MakeShape(xla::S32, {}),
+ // The output has the shape of b, with one row updated each iteration.
+ b_shape,
+ // The coefficient matrix a is a loop invariant.
+ a_shape,
+ // The right-hand-side matrix b is a loop invariant.
+ b_shape};
+ xla::Shape tuple_shape = xla::ShapeUtil::MakeTupleShape(tuple_shapes);
+ auto init_i = xla::ConstantR0<int32>(builder, transpose_a ? 0 : n - 1);
+ auto init = xla::Tuple(builder, {init_i, output, scaled_a, b});
+ // Construct the loop condition function,
+ // def cond_fun(loop_carry):
+ // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
+ // return i < n if transpose_a else i >= 0
+ std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> condb =
+ builder->CreateSubBuilder("TriangularSolveRightLookingWhileCond");
+ {
+ auto i = xla::GetTupleElement(
+ xla::Parameter(condb.get(), 0, tuple_shape,
+ "TriangularSolveRightLookingWhileTuple"),
+ 0);
+ if (transpose_a) {
+ xla::Lt(i, xla::ConstantR0<int32>(condb.get(), n));
+ } else {
+ xla::Ge(i, xla::ConstantR0<int32>(condb.get(), 0));
+ }
+ }
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto cond, condb->Build());
+ // Construct the loop body function,
+ // def body_fun(loop_carry):
+ // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
+ // if transpose_a:
+ // a_row = np.swapaxes(a[..., :, i:i+1], -1, -2)
+ // else:
+ // a_row = a[..., :, i:i+1]
+ // result_row = b[..., :, i:i+1] - np.matmul(output, a_row)
+ // output[..., :, i:i+1] = result_row / a[..., i:i+1, i:i+1]
+ // if transpose_a:
+ // return (i - 1, output, a, b)
+ // else:
+ // return (i + 1, output, a, b)
+ // We have to do some extra FLOPs propagating zeros in the matrix multiply
+ // because we can't have the size of its arguments depend on the loop
+ // counter.
+ std::unique_ptr<xla::XlaBuilder> bodyb =
+ builder->CreateSubBuilder("TriangularSolveRightLookingWhileBody");
+ {
+ auto input_tuple = xla::Parameter(
+ bodyb.get(), 0, tuple_shape, "TriangularSolveRightLookingWhileTuple");
+ // i, output, a, b = loop_carry
+ auto i = xla::GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 0);
+ auto body_out = xla::GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 1);
+ auto body_a = xla::GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 2);
+ auto body_b = xla::GetTupleElement(input_tuple, 3);
+ auto zero = xla::ConstantR0<int32>(bodyb.get(), 0);
+ // result = b - np.matmul(output, a)
+ // result_row = result[..., :, i:i+1]
+ auto body_b_slice = DynamicSliceInMinorDims(body_b, {zero, i}, {m, 1});
+ xla::XlaOp a_slice;
+ if (transpose_a) {
+ a_slice = DynamicSliceInMinorDims(body_a, {i, zero}, {1, n});
+ } else {
+ a_slice = DynamicSliceInMinorDims(body_a, {zero, i}, {n, 1});
+ }
+ auto b_update = body_b_slice - BatchDot(body_out, a_slice,
+ /*transpose_x=*/false,
+ /*transpose_y=*/transpose_a,
+ /*conjugate_x=*/false,
+ /*conjugate_y=*/conjugate_a);
+ // body_out[..., :, i:i+1] = b_update
+ body_out = DynamicUpdateSliceInMinorDims(body_out, b_update, {zero, i});
+ // if transpose_a:
+ // return (i + 1, body_out, a, b)
+ // else:
+ // return (i - 1, body_out, a, b)
+ auto next_i = xla::Add(
+ i, xla::ConstantR0<int32>(bodyb.get(), transpose_a ? 1 : -1));
+ xla::Tuple(bodyb.get(), {next_i, body_out, body_a, body_b});
+ }
+ TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto body, bodyb->Build());
+ // Construct the While loop and return the result,
+ // return while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init)[1]
+ auto triangular_solve_left_looking_while = xla::While(cond, body, init);
+ output = xla::GetTupleElement(triangular_solve_left_looking_while, 1);
+ auto scaling = MaybeConjugate(diag, conjugate_a);
+ // Broadcast over the rows
+ broadcast_dimensions[ndims - 2] = ndims - 1;
+ return Div(output, scaling, broadcast_dimensions);
+ });
} // namespace tensorflow