path: root/tensorflow/compiler/tests/lstm_test.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/compiler/tests/lstm_test.py')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/tests/lstm_test.py b/tensorflow/compiler/tests/lstm_test.py
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index 0000000000..9ffeb6c2a2
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+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/tests/lstm_test.py
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+# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+"""Tests for the LSTM cell and layer."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from tensorflow.compiler.tests import lstm
+from tensorflow.compiler.tests import xla_test
+from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
+from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
+from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import gradients_impl
+from tensorflow.python.ops import init_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
+from tensorflow.python.ops import variables
+from tensorflow.python.platform import flags as flags_lib
+from tensorflow.python.platform import test
+flags = flags_lib
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 128,
+ 'Inputs are fed in batches of this size, for both '
+ 'inference and training. Larger values cause the matmul '
+ 'in each LSTM cell to have higher dimensionality.')
+flags.DEFINE_integer('seq_length', 60,
+ 'Length of the unrolled sequence of LSTM cells in a layer.'
+ 'Larger values cause more LSTM matmuls to be run.')
+flags.DEFINE_integer('num_inputs', 1024,
+ 'Dimension of inputs that are fed into each LSTM cell.')
+flags.DEFINE_integer('num_nodes', 1024, 'Number of nodes in each LSTM cell.')
+flags.DEFINE_string('device', 'gpu',
+ 'TensorFlow device to assign ops to, e.g. "gpu", "cpu". '
+ 'For details see documentation for tf.Graph.device.')
+flags.DEFINE_string('dump_graph_dir', '', 'If non-empty, dump graphs in '
+ '*.pbtxt format to this directory.')
+def _DumpGraph(graph, basename):
+ if FLAGS.dump_graph_dir:
+ name = os.path.join(FLAGS.dump_graph_dir, basename + '.pbtxt')
+ with open(name, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(str(graph.as_graph_def()))
+def _Sigmoid(x):
+ return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x))
+def _Clip(x):
+ return np.maximum(np.minimum(x, 1.), -1.)
+class LSTMTest(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # The tests for a single LSTM cell and LSTM layer use these values as
+ # inputs. We always set the dimensionality of num_inputs=1; thus batch_size
+ # actually represents the different input cases.
+ self._inputs = np.array([[-1.], [-.5], [0.], [.5], [1.]], np.float32)
+ self._batch_size = len(self._inputs)
+ def _NextC(self, inputs, weight, m_prev, c_prev):
+ """Returns the next c states of an LSTM cell."""
+ x = (inputs + m_prev) * weight
+ return _Clip(_Clip(_Sigmoid(x) * c_prev) + _Clip(_Sigmoid(x) * np.tanh(x)))
+ def _NextM(self, inputs, weight, m_prev, c_prev):
+ """Returns the next m states of an LSTM cell."""
+ x = (inputs + m_prev) * weight
+ return _Clip(_Sigmoid(x) * self._NextC(inputs, weight, m_prev, c_prev))
+ def _RunLSTMCell(self, basename, init_weights, m_prev_scalar, c_prev_scalar,
+ pad_scalar):
+ with self.test_session() as sess:
+ num_inputs = 1
+ num_nodes = 1
+ weights = init_weights(lstm.LSTMCellWeightsShape(num_inputs, num_nodes))
+ m_prev = constant_op.constant([[m_prev_scalar]] * self._batch_size)
+ c_prev = constant_op.constant([[c_prev_scalar]] * self._batch_size)
+ x = constant_op.constant(self._inputs)
+ pad = constant_op.constant([[pad_scalar]] * self._batch_size)
+ m, c = lstm.LSTMCell(weights, m_prev, c_prev, x, pad)
+ _DumpGraph(sess.graph, 'lstm_cell_%s_%d_%d_%d' %
+ (basename, m_prev_scalar, c_prev_scalar, pad_scalar))
+ # Initialize variables and run the unrolled LSTM step.
+ sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer())
+ return sess.run([m, c])
+ def testLSTMCell(self):
+ # Run with all-0 weights, no padding.
+ m, c = self._RunLSTMCell('zeros', init_ops.zeros_initializer(), 0., 0., 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(m, [[0.]] * self._batch_size)
+ self.assertAllClose(c, [[0.]] * self._batch_size)
+ m, c = self._RunLSTMCell('zeros', init_ops.zeros_initializer(), 0., 1., 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(m, [[.25]] * self._batch_size)
+ self.assertAllClose(c, [[.5]] * self._batch_size)
+ m, c = self._RunLSTMCell('zeros', init_ops.zeros_initializer(), 1., 0., 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(m, [[.0]] * self._batch_size)
+ self.assertAllClose(c, [[.0]] * self._batch_size)
+ m, c = self._RunLSTMCell('zeros', init_ops.zeros_initializer(), 1., 1., 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(m, [[.25]] * self._batch_size)
+ self.assertAllClose(c, [[.5]] * self._batch_size)
+ # Run with all-1 weights, no padding.
+ for m_prev in [0., 1.]:
+ for c_prev in [0., 1.]:
+ m, c = self._RunLSTMCell('ones',
+ init_ops.ones_initializer(), m_prev, c_prev,
+ 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(m, self._NextM(self._inputs, 1., m_prev, c_prev))
+ self.assertAllClose(c, self._NextC(self._inputs, 1., m_prev, c_prev))
+ # Run with random weights.
+ for weight in np.random.rand(3):
+ weight_tf = constant_op.constant(weight, dtypes.float32)
+ random_weight = lambda shape, w=weight_tf: array_ops.fill(shape, w)
+ # No padding.
+ for m_prev in [0., 1.]:
+ for c_prev in [0., 1.]:
+ m, c = self._RunLSTMCell('random', random_weight, m_prev, c_prev, 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(m,
+ self._NextM(self._inputs, weight, m_prev, c_prev))
+ self.assertAllClose(c,
+ self._NextC(self._inputs, weight, m_prev, c_prev))
+ # Set padding.
+ for m_prev in [0., 1.]:
+ for c_prev in [0., 1.]:
+ m, c = self._RunLSTMCell('random', random_weight, m_prev, c_prev, 1.)
+ self.assertAllClose(m, [[m_prev]] * self._batch_size)
+ self.assertAllClose(c, [[c_prev]] * self._batch_size)
+ def testLSTMLayerErrors(self):
+ num_inputs = 1
+ num_nodes = 1
+ seq_length = 3
+ weights = array_ops.zeros(lstm.LSTMCellWeightsShape(num_inputs, num_nodes))
+ m = constant_op.constant([[0.]] * self._batch_size)
+ c = constant_op.constant([[0.]] * self._batch_size)
+ x_seq = [constant_op.constant(self._inputs)] * seq_length
+ pad = constant_op.constant([[0.]] * self._batch_size)
+ with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(ValueError, 'length of x_seq'):
+ lstm.LSTMLayer('lstm', weights, m, c, x_seq, [pad])
+ with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(ValueError, 'length of x_seq'):
+ lstm.LSTMLayer('lstm', weights, m, c, x_seq, [pad] * 2)
+ with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(ValueError, 'length of x_seq'):
+ lstm.LSTMLayer('lstm', weights, m, c, x_seq, [pad] * 4)
+ def _RunLSTMLayer(self, basename, init_weights, m_init_scalar, c_init_scalar,
+ pad_scalar):
+ with self.test_session() as sess:
+ num_inputs = 1
+ num_nodes = 1
+ seq_length = 3
+ weights = init_weights(lstm.LSTMCellWeightsShape(num_inputs, num_nodes))
+ m_init = constant_op.constant([[m_init_scalar]] * self._batch_size)
+ c_init = constant_op.constant([[c_init_scalar]] * self._batch_size)
+ x_seq = [constant_op.constant(self._inputs)] * seq_length
+ pad_seq = [constant_op.constant([[pad_scalar]] * self._batch_size)
+ ] * seq_length
+ out_seq = lstm.LSTMLayer('lstm', weights, m_init, c_init, x_seq, pad_seq)
+ _DumpGraph(sess.graph, 'lstm_layer_%s_%d_%d_%d' %
+ (basename, m_init_scalar, c_init_scalar, pad_scalar))
+ # Initialize variables and run the unrolled LSTM layer.
+ sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer())
+ return sess.run(out_seq)
+ def testLSTMLayer(self):
+ # Run with all-0 weights, no padding.
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('zeros', init_ops.zeros_initializer(), 0., 0., 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(o, [[[0.]] * self._batch_size] * 3)
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('zeros', init_ops.zeros_initializer(), 0., 1., 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(o, [[[.25]] * self._batch_size,
+ [[.125]] * self._batch_size,
+ [[.0625]] * self._batch_size])
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('zeros', init_ops.zeros_initializer(), 1., 0., 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(o, [[[0.]] * self._batch_size] * 3)
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('zeros', init_ops.zeros_initializer(), 1., 1., 0.)
+ self.assertAllClose(o, [[[.25]] * self._batch_size,
+ [[.125]] * self._batch_size,
+ [[.0625]] * self._batch_size])
+ # Run with all-1 weights, no padding.
+ weight1 = 1.
+ for m_init in [0., 1.]:
+ for c_init in [0., 1.]:
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('ones',
+ init_ops.ones_initializer(), m_init, c_init, 0.)
+ m0 = self._NextM(self._inputs, weight1, m_init, c_init)
+ c0 = self._NextC(self._inputs, weight1, m_init, c_init)
+ self.assertAllClose(o[0], m0)
+ m1 = self._NextM(self._inputs, weight1, m0, c0)
+ c1 = self._NextC(self._inputs, weight1, m0, c0)
+ self.assertAllClose(o[1], m1)
+ m2 = self._NextM(self._inputs, weight1, m1, c1)
+ self.assertAllClose(o[2], m2)
+ # Run with random weights.
+ for weight in np.random.rand(3):
+ weight_tf = constant_op.constant(weight, dtypes.float32)
+ random_weight = lambda shape, w=weight_tf: array_ops.fill(shape, w)
+ # No padding.
+ for m_init in [0., 1.]:
+ for c_init in [0., 1.]:
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('random', random_weight, m_init, c_init, 0.)
+ m0 = self._NextM(self._inputs, weight, m_init, c_init)
+ c0 = self._NextC(self._inputs, weight, m_init, c_init)
+ self.assertAllClose(o[0], m0)
+ m1 = self._NextM(self._inputs, weight, m0, c0)
+ c1 = self._NextC(self._inputs, weight, m0, c0)
+ self.assertAllClose(o[1], m1)
+ m2 = self._NextM(self._inputs, weight, m1, c1)
+ self.assertAllClose(o[2], m2)
+ # Set padding.
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('random', random_weight, 0., 0., 1.)
+ self.assertAllClose(o, [[[0.]] * self._batch_size] * 3)
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('random', random_weight, 0., 1., 1.)
+ self.assertAllClose(o, [[[0.]] * self._batch_size] * 3)
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('random', random_weight, 1., 0., 1.)
+ self.assertAllClose(o, [[[1.]] * self._batch_size] * 3)
+ o = self._RunLSTMLayer('random', random_weight, 1., 1., 1.)
+ self.assertAllClose(o, [[[1.]] * self._batch_size] * 3)
+class LSTMBenchmark(test.Benchmark):
+ """Mcro-benchmarks for a single layer of LSTM cells."""
+ def _LayerBuilder(self, do_training):
+ out_seq, weights = lstm.BuildLSTMLayer(FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.seq_length,
+ FLAGS.num_inputs, FLAGS.num_nodes)
+ name, fetches = ('lstm_layer_inference', out_seq)
+ if do_training:
+ # Not a real loss function, but good enough for benchmarking backprop.
+ loss = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.add_n(out_seq))
+ dw = gradients_impl.gradients(loss, weights)
+ name, fetches = ('lstm_layer_training', dw)
+ _DumpGraph(ops.get_default_graph(),
+ '%s_%d_%d_%d_%d' % (name, FLAGS.batch_size, FLAGS.seq_length,
+ FLAGS.num_inputs, FLAGS.num_nodes))
+ return name, fetches
+ def benchmarkLayerInference(self):
+ xla_test.Benchmark(self, lambda: self._LayerBuilder(False), False,
+ FLAGS.device)
+ def benchmarkLayerInferenceXLA(self):
+ xla_test.Benchmark(self, lambda: self._LayerBuilder(False), True,
+ FLAGS.device)
+ def benchmarkLayerTraining(self):
+ xla_test.Benchmark(self, lambda: self._LayerBuilder(True), False,
+ FLAGS.device)
+ def benchmarkLayerTrainingXLA(self):
+ xla_test.Benchmark(self, lambda: self._LayerBuilder(True), True,
+ FLAGS.device)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test.main()