path: root/tensorflow/compiler/jit/encapsulate_subgraphs_pass_test.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/compiler/jit/encapsulate_subgraphs_pass_test.cc')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/jit/encapsulate_subgraphs_pass_test.cc b/tensorflow/compiler/jit/encapsulate_subgraphs_pass_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c85882e0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/jit/encapsulate_subgraphs_pass_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/encapsulate_subgraphs_pass.h"
+#include "tensorflow/cc/framework/ops.h"
+#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/framework/function_testlib.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/equal_graph_def.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_def_builder.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status_test_util.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/platform/test.h"
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace {
+bool EqualFunctionDef(const FunctionDef& a, const FunctionDef& b,
+ string* diff) {
+ // TODO(phawkins) use a more sophisticated equality test.
+ if (a.DebugString() != b.DebugString()) {
+ if (diff) {
+ *diff = strings::StrCat("Definition mismatch for function ",
+ a.signature().name(), ", expected:\n",
+ a.DebugString());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool EqualFunctionDefLibrary(const FunctionDefLibrary& expected,
+ const FunctionDefLibrary& actual, string* diff) {
+ std::unordered_map<string, const FunctionDef*> actual_index;
+ for (const FunctionDef& function : actual.function()) {
+ actual_index[function.signature().name()] = &function;
+ }
+ for (const FunctionDef& expected_function : expected.function()) {
+ auto it = actual_index.find(expected_function.signature().name());
+ if (it == actual_index.end()) {
+ if (diff) {
+ *diff = strings::StrCat("Did not find expected function '",
+ expected_function.signature().name(), "'");
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!EqualFunctionDef(expected_function, *it->second, diff)) return false;
+ actual_index.erase(it);
+ }
+ if (!actual_index.empty()) {
+ if (diff != nullptr) {
+ *diff = strings::StrCat("Found unexpected function '",
+ actual_index.begin()->second->signature().name(),
+ "'");
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+#define TF_EXPECT_FUNCTIONDEFLIBRARY_EQ(expected, actual) \
+ do { \
+ string diff; \
+ EXPECT_TRUE(EqualFunctionDefLibrary(actual, expected, &diff)) \
+ << diff << "\nActual: " << actual.DebugString(); \
+ } while (false)
+REGISTER_OP("InputTest").Output("o: float");
+REGISTER_OP("UnaryTest").Input("a: float").Output("o: float");
+ .Input("a: float")
+ .Input("b: float")
+ .Output("o: float");
+ .Input("inputs: N * T")
+ .Output("sum: T")
+ .Attr("N: int >= 1")
+ .Attr("T: numbertype")
+ .SetIsCommutative()
+ .SetIsAggregate();
+Node* Input(const GraphDefBuilder::Options& opts) {
+ return ops::SourceOp("InputTest", opts);
+Node* Unary(ops::NodeOut a, const GraphDefBuilder::Options& opts) {
+ return ops::UnaryOp("UnaryTest", a, opts);
+Node* Binary(ops::NodeOut a, ops::NodeOut b,
+ const GraphDefBuilder::Options& opts) {
+ return ops::BinaryOp("BinaryTest", a, b, opts);
+Node* AddNLike(std::vector<ops::NodeOut> inputs,
+ const GraphDefBuilder::Options& opts) {
+ if (opts.HaveError()) return nullptr;
+ NodeBuilder node_builder(opts.GetNameForOp("AddN"), "AddNLikeTest",
+ opts.op_registry());
+ node_builder.Input(inputs);
+ return opts.FinalizeBuilder(&node_builder);
+Node* ArgOp(int index, DataType type, const GraphDefBuilder::Options& opts) {
+ return ops::SourceOp("_Arg",
+ opts.WithAttr("T", type).WithAttr("index", index));
+Node* RetOp(int index, ops::NodeOut a, const GraphDefBuilder::Options& opts) {
+ if (opts.HaveError()) return nullptr;
+ NodeBuilder node_builder(opts.GetNameForOp("Retval"), "_Retval",
+ opts.op_registry());
+ node_builder.Input(a).Attr("index", index);
+ return opts.FinalizeBuilder(&node_builder);
+Status Encapsulate(GraphDef* graphdef, FunctionDefLibrary* library) {
+ Status s;
+ // Convert the GraphDef to a Graph
+ std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryDefinition> lib_def(
+ new FunctionLibraryDefinition(OpRegistry::Global(), *library));
+ GraphConstructorOptions options;
+ options.allow_internal_ops = true;
+ std::unique_ptr<Graph> graph(new Graph(lib_def.get()));
+ s = ConvertGraphDefToGraph(options, *graphdef, graph.get());
+ if (!s.ok()) return s;
+ std::unique_ptr<Graph> graph_out;
+ s = EncapsulateSubgraphsInFunctions("_encapsulate", *graph,
+ /* rewrite_subgraph_fn= */ {},
+ /* parallel_checking= */ false,
+ &graph_out, lib_def.get());
+ if (!s.ok()) return s;
+ GraphDef graphdef_out;
+ graph_out->ToGraphDef(&graphdef_out);
+ graphdef->Swap(&graphdef_out);
+ *library = lib_def->ToProto();
+ return s;
+// If there are no marked nodes, funcification should be a no-op.
+TEST(EncapsulateSubgraphsTest, NoFunctions) {
+ GraphDefBuilder builder(GraphDefBuilder::kFailImmediately);
+ Node* a = Input(builder.opts().WithName("A"));
+ Node* b = Input(builder.opts().WithName("B"));
+ Node* c = Unary(a, builder.opts().WithName("C"));
+ Binary(b, c, builder.opts().WithName("D"));
+ GraphDef graphdef_in;
+ FunctionDefLibrary library_in;
+ builder.ToGraphDef(&graphdef_in);
+ *library_in.add_function() = test::function::XTimesTwo();
+ GraphDef graphdef_out = graphdef_in;
+ FunctionDefLibrary library_out = library_in;
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(Encapsulate(&graphdef_out, &library_out));
+ TF_EXPECT_GRAPH_EQ(graphdef_in, graphdef_out);
+ TF_EXPECT_FUNCTIONDEFLIBRARY_EQ(library_in, library_out);
+// Test with one function to transform.
+TEST(EncapsulateSubgraphsTest, OneFunction) {
+ FunctionDefLibrary library;
+ GraphDef graphdef;
+ {
+ *library.add_function() = test::function::XTimesTwo();
+ GraphDefBuilder b1(GraphDefBuilder::kFailImmediately);
+ Node* a = Input(b1.opts().WithName("A"));
+ Node* b = Input(b1.opts().WithName("B"));
+ // Give nodes 'c' and 'd' names that collide after lowercasing.
+ Node* c = Unary(a, b1.opts().WithName("C").WithAttr("_encapsulate", "F1"));
+ Node* d = Binary(b, c, b1.opts().WithName("c").WithControlInput(c).WithAttr(
+ "_encapsulate", "F1"));
+ Binary(a, d, b1.opts().WithName("E"));
+ b1.ToGraphDef(&graphdef);
+ }
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(Encapsulate(&graphdef, &library));
+ FunctionDefLibrary library_expected;
+ GraphDef graphdef_expected;
+ *library_expected.add_function() = test::function::XTimesTwo();
+ *library_expected.add_function() = FunctionDefHelper::Create(
+ "F1", {"input__0:float", "input__1:float"}, {"output__2:float"}, {},
+ {
+ {{"C"}, "UnaryTest", {"input__0"}},
+ {{"c"}, "BinaryTest", {"input__1", "C:o:0"}, {}, {"C"}},
+ },
+ {{"output__2", "c:o:0"}});
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryDefinition> lib_def(
+ new FunctionLibraryDefinition(OpRegistry::Global(), library_expected));
+ GraphDefBuilder b2(GraphDefBuilder::kFailImmediately, lib_def.get());
+ Node* a = Input(b2.opts().WithName("A"));
+ Node* b = Input(b2.opts().WithName("B"));
+ NodeBuilder node_builder("F1", "F1", lib_def.get());
+ node_builder.Input(a).Input(b);
+ Node* call = b2.opts().FinalizeBuilder(&node_builder);
+ Binary(a, call, b2.opts().WithName("E"));
+ b2.ToGraphDef(&graphdef_expected);
+ }
+ // If there are no marked nodes, funcification should be a no-op.
+ TF_EXPECT_GRAPH_EQ(graphdef_expected, graphdef);
+ TF_EXPECT_FUNCTIONDEFLIBRARY_EQ(library_expected, library);
+// Test with two functions to transform.
+TEST(EncapsulateSubgraphsTest, TwoFunctions) {
+ FunctionDefLibrary library;
+ GraphDef graphdef;
+ {
+ *library.add_function() = test::function::XTimesTwo();
+ GraphDefBuilder b1(GraphDefBuilder::kFailImmediately);
+ Node* a = Input(b1.opts().WithName("A"));
+ Node* b = Input(b1.opts().WithName("B"));
+ Node* control = Input(b1.opts().WithName("Control"));
+ Node* c =
+ Unary(a, b1.opts().WithName("C").WithControlInput(control).WithAttr(
+ "_encapsulate", "F1"));
+ Node* d =
+ Binary(b, c, b1.opts().WithName("D").WithControlInput(control).WithAttr(
+ "_encapsulate", "F2"));
+ Binary(a, d, b1.opts().WithName("E"));
+ b1.ToGraphDef(&graphdef);
+ }
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(Encapsulate(&graphdef, &library));
+ FunctionDefLibrary library_expected;
+ GraphDef graphdef_expected;
+ *library_expected.add_function() = test::function::XTimesTwo();
+ *library_expected.add_function() = FunctionDefHelper::Create(
+ "F1", {"input__0:float"}, {"output__1:float"}, {},
+ {
+ {{"C"}, "UnaryTest", {"input__0"}},
+ },
+ {{"output__1", "C:o:0"}});
+ *library_expected.add_function() = FunctionDefHelper::Create(
+ "F2", {"input__0:float", "input__1:float"}, {"output__2:float"}, {},
+ {
+ {{"D"}, "BinaryTest", {"input__0", "input__1"}},
+ },
+ {{"output__2", "D:o:0"}});
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<FunctionLibraryDefinition> lib_def(
+ new FunctionLibraryDefinition(OpRegistry::Global(), library_expected));
+ GraphDefBuilder b2(GraphDefBuilder::kFailImmediately, lib_def.get());
+ Node* a = Input(b2.opts().WithName("A"));
+ Node* b = Input(b2.opts().WithName("B"));
+ Node* control = Input(b2.opts().WithName("Control"));
+ NodeBuilder nb("F1", "F1", lib_def.get());
+ nb.Input(a).ControlInput(control);
+ Node* call1 = b2.opts().FinalizeBuilder(&nb);
+ NodeBuilder nb2("F2", "F2", lib_def.get());
+ nb2.Input(b).Input(call1).ControlInput(control);
+ Node* call2 = b2.opts().FinalizeBuilder(&nb2);
+ Binary(a, call2, b2.opts().WithName("E"));
+ b2.ToGraphDef(&graphdef_expected);
+ }
+ // If there are no marked nodes, funcification should be a no-op.
+ TF_EXPECT_GRAPH_EQ(graphdef_expected, graphdef);
+ TF_EXPECT_FUNCTIONDEFLIBRARY_EQ(library_expected, library);
+// Returns a vector of node names in 'graph', sorted by name.
+std::vector<string> GraphNodes(const Graph& graph) {
+ std::vector<string> nodes;
+ for (const auto& node : graph.nodes()) {
+ if (!node->IsSource() && !node->IsSink()) {
+ nodes.push_back(node->name());
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
+ return nodes;
+// Returns a sorted vector of (src, dst) edges in 'graph'.
+std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> GraphEdges(const Graph& graph) {
+ std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> edges;
+ for (const Edge* edge : graph.edges()) {
+ if (edge->src()->IsSource() || edge->dst()->IsSink()) continue;
+ edges.emplace_back(
+ strings::StrCat(edge->src()->name(), ":", edge->src_output()),
+ strings::StrCat(edge->dst()->name(), ":", edge->dst_input()));
+ }
+ std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());
+ return edges;
+TEST(EncapsulateSubgraphsTest, InputDeduplication) {
+ Scope root = Scope::NewRootScope().ExitOnError().WithDevice(
+ "/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0");
+ auto x = ops::Placeholder(root.WithOpName("x"), DT_FLOAT);
+ auto add1 = ops::Add(root.WithOpName("add1"), x, x);
+ add1.node()->AddAttr("_cluster", "cluster1");
+ auto add2 = ops::Add(root.WithOpName("add2"), add1, add1);
+ add2.node()->AddAttr("_cluster", "cluster2");
+ auto out = ops::Mul(root.WithOpName("mul"), add1, add2);
+ Graph graph_before_encapsulation(OpRegistry::Global());
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(root.ToGraph(&graph_before_encapsulation));
+ FunctionLibraryDefinition library(OpRegistry::Global(), {});
+ std::unique_ptr<Graph> graph;
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(EncapsulateSubgraphsInFunctions(
+ "_cluster", graph_before_encapsulation, /*rewrite_subgraph_fn=*/{},
+ /*parallel_checking=*/false, &graph, &library));
+ std::vector<string> expected_nodes = {"cluster1", "cluster2", "mul", "x"};
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_nodes, GraphNodes(*graph));
+ std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> expected_edges = {
+ {"cluster1:0", "cluster2:0"},
+ {"cluster1:0", "mul:0"},
+ {"cluster2:0", "mul:1"},
+ {"x:0", "cluster1:0"}};
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_edges, GraphEdges(*graph));
+TEST(EncapsulateSubgraphsTest, ParallelChecking) {
+ Scope root = Scope::NewRootScope().ExitOnError().WithDevice(
+ "/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0");
+ auto x1 = ops::Placeholder(root.WithOpName("x1"), DT_FLOAT);
+ auto x2 = ops::Placeholder(root.WithOpName("x2"), DT_FLOAT);
+ auto add1 = ops::Add(root.WithOpName("add1"), x1, x2);
+ add1.node()->AddAttr("_cluster", "cluster1");
+ auto add2 = ops::Add(root.WithOpName("add2"), add1, x2);
+ add2.node()->AddAttr("_cluster", "cluster1");
+ auto out = ops::Mul(root.WithOpName("mul"), x1, add2);
+ Graph graph_before_encapsulation(OpRegistry::Global());
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(root.ToGraph(&graph_before_encapsulation));
+ FunctionLibraryDefinition library(OpRegistry::Global(), {});
+ std::unique_ptr<Graph> graph;
+ TF_ASSERT_OK(EncapsulateSubgraphsInFunctions(
+ "_cluster", graph_before_encapsulation, /*rewrite_subgraph_fn=*/{},
+ /*parallel_checking=*/true, &graph, &library));
+ std::vector<string> expected_nodes = {
+ "add1", "add2", "cluster1", "cluster1_parallel_check/_0",
+ "mul", "x1", "x2"};
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_nodes, GraphNodes(*graph));
+ std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> expected_edges = {
+ {"add1:0", "add2:0"},
+ {"add2:0", "cluster1_parallel_check/_0:0"},
+ {"cluster1:0", "cluster1_parallel_check/_0:1"},
+ {"cluster1_parallel_check/_0:0", "mul:1"},
+ {"x1:0", "add1:0"},
+ {"x1:0", "cluster1:0"},
+ {"x1:0", "mul:0"},
+ {"x2:0", "add1:1"},
+ {"x2:0", "add2:1"},
+ {"x2:0", "cluster1:1"},
+ };
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_edges, GraphEdges(*graph));
+} // namespace
+} // namespace tensorflow