path: root/tensorflow/compiler/jit/deadness_analysis.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/compiler/jit/deadness_analysis.cc')
1 files changed, 566 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/jit/deadness_analysis.cc b/tensorflow/compiler/jit/deadness_analysis.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d81e5fe900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/jit/deadness_analysis.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+/* Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include "tensorflow/compiler/jit/deadness_analysis.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/algorithm.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/graph/tensor_id.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/flatset.h"
+#include "tensorflow/core/lib/hash/hash.h"
+// We map every output produced by each node in the TensorFlow graph (including
+// control dependence) into an instance of the Predicate class. Instances of
+// Predicate denote logical formulas and mapping a node `n` to a predicate
+// `pred` implies that `n` is executed whenver `pred` is true. Then we can
+// deduce mismatching liveness in the inputs to node by comparing the predicate
+// those inputs are mapped to.
+// Loops are handled pessimistically -- we map Merge nodes with backedges to
+// uninterpreted symbols (the same kind we use to represent Switch and _Recv).
+// Predicate equality has to hold over all possible assignments to these
+// uninterpreted symbols.
+namespace tensorflow {
+namespace {
+// Represents a logical predicate, used as described in the algorithm overview
+// above.
+class Predicate {
+ public:
+ enum class Kind { kAnd, kOr, kNot, kSymbol };
+ virtual string ToString() const = 0;
+ int64 hash() const { return hash_; }
+ virtual Kind kind() const = 0;
+ virtual ~Predicate() {}
+ protected:
+ explicit Predicate(int64 hash) : hash_(hash) {}
+ private:
+ const int64 hash_;
+int64 HashPredicateSequence(Predicate::Kind kind,
+ gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> preds) {
+ int64 hash = ::tensorflow::hash<Predicate::Kind>()(kind);
+ for (Predicate* pred : preds) {
+ hash = Hash64Combine(hash, pred->hash());
+ }
+ return hash;
+// Represents a logical conjunction of a set of predicates.
+class AndPredicate : public Predicate {
+ public:
+ explicit AndPredicate(std::vector<Predicate*> operands)
+ : Predicate(HashPredicateSequence(Kind::kAnd, operands)),
+ operands_(std::move(operands)) {}
+ string ToString() const override {
+ if (operands().empty()) {
+ return "#true";
+ }
+ std::vector<string> operands_str;
+ std::transform(operands().begin(), operands().end(),
+ std::back_inserter(operands_str),
+ [](Predicate* pred) { return pred->ToString(); });
+ return strings::StrCat("(", str_util::Join(operands_str, " & "), ")");
+ }
+ Kind kind() const override { return Kind::kAnd; }
+ const gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> operands() const { return operands_; }
+ private:
+ std::vector<Predicate*> operands_;
+// Represents a logical disjunction of a set of predicates.
+class OrPredicate : public Predicate {
+ public:
+ explicit OrPredicate(std::vector<Predicate*> operands)
+ : Predicate(HashPredicateSequence(Kind::kOr, operands)),
+ operands_(std::move(operands)) {}
+ string ToString() const override {
+ if (operands().empty()) {
+ return "#false";
+ }
+ std::vector<string> operands_str;
+ std::transform(operands().begin(), operands().end(),
+ std::back_inserter(operands_str),
+ [](Predicate* pred) { return pred->ToString(); });
+ return strings::StrCat("(", str_util::Join(operands_str, " | "), ")");
+ }
+ Kind kind() const override { return Kind::kOr; }
+ const gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> operands() const { return operands_; }
+ private:
+ std::vector<Predicate*> operands_;
+// Represents a logical negation of a set of predicates.
+class NotPredicate : public Predicate {
+ public:
+ explicit NotPredicate(Predicate* operand)
+ : Predicate(HashPredicateSequence(Kind::kNot, {operand})),
+ operand_(operand) {}
+ string ToString() const override {
+ return strings::StrCat("~", operand()->ToString());
+ }
+ Kind kind() const override { return Kind::kNot; }
+ Predicate* operand() const { return operand_; }
+ private:
+ Predicate* operand_;
+// Represents an uninterpreted symbol in a logical predicate.
+// Two predicates are equivalent iff they are equivalent for all assignments to
+// the symbols contained in them.
+class SymbolPredicate : public Predicate {
+ public:
+ explicit SymbolPredicate(TensorId tensor_id, bool must_be_true)
+ : Predicate(Hash(tensor_id, must_be_true)),
+ tensor_id_(std::move(tensor_id)),
+ must_be_true_(must_be_true) {}
+ string ToString() const override { return tensor_id_.ToString(); }
+ Kind kind() const override { return Kind::kSymbol; }
+ // If `must_be_true()` is true this SymbolPredicate represents the proposition
+ // "tensor_id() is live and evaluates to true".
+ //
+ // If `must_be_true()` is false then this SymbolPredicate represents the
+ // proposition "tensor_id() is live (and may evalutate to any value)"
+ TensorId tensor_id() const { return tensor_id_; }
+ bool must_be_true() const { return must_be_true_; }
+ private:
+ TensorId tensor_id_;
+ bool must_be_true_;
+ static int64 Hash(const TensorId tensor_id, bool must_be_true) {
+ return Hash64Combine(
+ ::tensorflow::hash<bool>()(must_be_true),
+ Hash64Combine(::tensorflow::hash<Predicate::Kind>()(Kind::kSymbol),
+ TensorId::Hasher{}(tensor_id)));
+ }
+// Creates and owns Predicate instances. Simplifies predicates as it creates
+// them.
+class PredicateFactory {
+ public:
+ Predicate* MakeAndPredicate(gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> operands) {
+ return MakeAndOrImpl(operands, /*is_and=*/true);
+ }
+ Predicate* MakeOrPredicate(gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> operands) {
+ return MakeAndOrImpl(operands, /*is_and=*/false);
+ }
+ Predicate* MakeNotPredicate(Predicate* pred) {
+ SignatureForNot signature = pred;
+ auto it = interned_not_instances_.find(signature);
+ if (it == interned_not_instances_.end()) {
+ std::unique_ptr<Predicate> new_pred = Make<NotPredicate>(pred);
+ Predicate* new_pred_ptr = new_pred.get();
+ interned_not_instances_.emplace(signature, std::move(new_pred));
+ return new_pred_ptr;
+ } else {
+ return it->second.get();
+ }
+ }
+ Predicate* MakeSymbolPredicate(TensorId tensor_id, bool must_be_true) {
+ SignatureForSymbol signature = {tensor_id, must_be_true};
+ auto it = interned_symbol_instances_.find(signature);
+ if (it == interned_symbol_instances_.end()) {
+ std::unique_ptr<Predicate> new_pred =
+ Make<SymbolPredicate>(tensor_id, must_be_true);
+ Predicate* new_pred_ptr = new_pred.get();
+ interned_symbol_instances_.emplace(std::move(signature),
+ std::move(new_pred));
+ return new_pred_ptr;
+ } else {
+ return it->second.get();
+ }
+ }
+ Predicate* MakeTrue() { return MakeAndPredicate({}); }
+ Predicate* MakeFalse() { return MakeOrPredicate({}); }
+ private:
+ template <typename PredicateT, typename... Args>
+ std::unique_ptr<Predicate> Make(Args&&... args) {
+ return std::unique_ptr<PredicateT>(
+ new PredicateT(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ }
+ Predicate* MakeAndOrImpl(gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> operands, bool is_and);
+ // Predicate instances are interned, meaning that there is only a single
+ // instance of a Predicate object with a given content. This makes checking
+ // for structural equality super-cheap -- we can just compare pointers.
+ //
+ // We intern predicates by maintaining a map from the content of a Predicate
+ // to the only instance of said predicate we allow to exist in the
+ // interned_and_or_instances_, interned_not_instances_ and
+ // interned_symbol_instances_ fields. These maps also double up as storage
+ // for the owning pointers to predicate instances.
+ using SignatureForAndOr =
+ std::pair<Predicate::Kind, gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*>>;
+ using SignatureForNot = Predicate*;
+ using SignatureForSymbol = std::pair<SafeTensorId, bool>;
+ struct HashSignatureForAndOr {
+ size_t operator()(const SignatureForAndOr& signature) const {
+ size_t hash = ::tensorflow::hash<Predicate::Kind>()(signature.first);
+ for (Predicate* p : signature.second) {
+ hash = Hash64Combine(hash, ::tensorflow::hash<Predicate*>()(p));
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ };
+ struct HashSignatureForSymbol {
+ size_t operator()(const SignatureForSymbol& signature) const {
+ return Hash64Combine(SafeTensorId::Hasher()(signature.first),
+ ::tensorflow::hash<bool>()(signature.second));
+ }
+ };
+ gtl::FlatMap<SignatureForAndOr, std::unique_ptr<Predicate>,
+ HashSignatureForAndOr>
+ interned_and_or_instances_;
+ gtl::FlatMap<SignatureForNot, std::unique_ptr<Predicate>>
+ interned_not_instances_;
+ gtl::FlatMap<SignatureForSymbol, std::unique_ptr<Predicate>,
+ HashSignatureForSymbol>
+ interned_symbol_instances_;
+// Common code to create AndPredicate or OrPredicate instances.
+Predicate* PredicateFactory::MakeAndOrImpl(gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> operands,
+ bool is_and) {
+ Predicate::Kind pred_kind =
+ is_and ? Predicate::Kind::kAnd : Predicate::Kind::kOr;
+ gtl::FlatSet<Predicate*> simplified_ops_set;
+ std::vector<Predicate*> simplified_ops;
+ for (Predicate* op : operands) {
+ // Simplify A&A => A and A|A => A.
+ if (!simplified_ops_set.insert(op).second) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (op->kind() == pred_kind) {
+ // "Inline" the operands of an inner And/Or into the parent And/Or.
+ gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> operands =
+ is_and ? dynamic_cast<AndPredicate*>(op)->operands()
+ : dynamic_cast<OrPredicate*>(op)->operands();
+ for (Predicate* subop : operands) {
+ if (simplified_ops_set.insert(subop).second) {
+ simplified_ops.push_back(subop);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ simplified_ops.push_back(op);
+ }
+ }
+ if (simplified_ops.size() == 1) {
+ return simplified_ops[0];
+ }
+ // Simplify "A&~A=>False" and "A|~A=>True".
+ gtl::FlatSet<Predicate*> negated_ops;
+ for (Predicate* op : simplified_ops) {
+ if (op->kind() == Predicate::Kind::kNot) {
+ negated_ops.insert(dynamic_cast<NotPredicate&>(*op).operand());
+ }
+ }
+ for (Predicate* op : simplified_ops) {
+ if (negated_ops.count(op)) {
+ return is_and ? MakeFalse() : MakeTrue();
+ }
+ }
+ std::stable_sort(
+ simplified_ops.begin(), simplified_ops.end(),
+ [](Predicate* a, Predicate* b) { return a->hash() < b->hash(); });
+ auto it = interned_and_or_instances_.find({pred_kind, simplified_ops});
+ if (it == interned_and_or_instances_.end()) {
+ simplified_ops.shrink_to_fit();
+ // NB! Because we'll use a non-owning reference to simplified_ops in the
+ // key for interned_and_or_instances_ we need to be careful to std::move()
+ // it all the way through.
+ gtl::ArraySlice<Predicate*> operands_slice = simplified_ops;
+ std::unique_ptr<Predicate> new_pred =
+ is_and ? Make<AndPredicate>(std::move(simplified_ops))
+ : Make<OrPredicate>(std::move(simplified_ops));
+ Predicate* new_pred_ptr = new_pred.get();
+ CHECK(interned_and_or_instances_
+ .emplace(SignatureForAndOr(pred_kind, operands_slice),
+ std::move(new_pred))
+ .second);
+ return new_pred_ptr;
+ } else {
+ return it->second.get();
+ }
+class DeadnessAnalysisImpl : public DeadnessAnalysis {
+ public:
+ explicit DeadnessAnalysisImpl(const Graph* graph)
+ : graph_(*graph), vlog_(VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {}
+ Status Populate();
+ bool HasInputsWithMismatchingDeadness(const Node& node) override;
+ void Print() const override;
+ private:
+ enum class EdgeKind { kDataAndControl, kDataOnly, kControlOnly };
+ std::vector<Predicate*> GetIncomingPreds(Node* n, EdgeKind edge_kind);
+ void SetPred(Node* n, int output_idx, Predicate* pred) {
+ predicate_map_.insert({TensorId(n->name(), output_idx), pred}).second);
+ }
+ void SetPred(Node* n, gtl::ArraySlice<int> output_idxs, Predicate* pred) {
+ for (int output_idx : output_idxs) {
+ SetPred(n, output_idx, pred);
+ }
+ }
+ Status HandleSwitch(Node* n);
+ Status HandleMerge(Node* n);
+ Status HandleRecv(Node* n);
+ Status HandleGeneric(Node* n);
+ const Graph& graph_;
+ gtl::FlatMap<TensorId, Predicate*, TensorId::Hasher> predicate_map_;
+ PredicateFactory predicate_factory_;
+ bool vlog_;
+TensorId InputEdgeToTensorId(const Edge* e) {
+ return TensorId(e->src()->name(), e->src_output());
+std::vector<Predicate*> DeadnessAnalysisImpl::GetIncomingPreds(
+ Node* n, DeadnessAnalysisImpl::EdgeKind edge_kind) {
+ std::vector<Predicate*> incoming_preds;
+ for (const Edge* in_edge : n->in_edges()) {
+ bool should_process =
+ edge_kind == EdgeKind::kDataAndControl ||
+ (in_edge->IsControlEdge() && edge_kind == EdgeKind::kControlOnly) ||
+ (!in_edge->IsControlEdge() && edge_kind == EdgeKind::kDataOnly);
+ if (should_process) {
+ auto it = predicate_map_.find(InputEdgeToTensorId(in_edge));
+ CHECK(it != predicate_map_.end());
+ incoming_preds.push_back(it->second);
+ }
+ }
+ return incoming_preds;
+Status DeadnessAnalysisImpl::HandleSwitch(Node* n) {
+ std::vector<Predicate*> input_preds =
+ GetIncomingPreds(n, EdgeKind::kDataAndControl);
+ const Edge* pred_edge;
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(n->input_edge(1, &pred_edge));
+ Predicate* true_switch = predicate_factory_.MakeSymbolPredicate(
+ TensorId(pred_edge->src()->name(), pred_edge->src_output()),
+ /*must_be_true=*/true);
+ Predicate* false_switch = predicate_factory_.MakeNotPredicate(true_switch);
+ // Output 0 is alive iff all inputs are alive and the condition is false.
+ input_preds.push_back(false_switch);
+ SetPred(n, 0, predicate_factory_.MakeAndPredicate(input_preds));
+ input_preds.pop_back();
+ // Output 1 is alive iff all inputs are alive and the condition is true.
+ input_preds.push_back(true_switch);
+ SetPred(n, 1, predicate_factory_.MakeAndPredicate(input_preds));
+ input_preds.pop_back();
+ // Control is alive iff any inputs are alive.
+ SetPred(n, Graph::kControlSlot,
+ predicate_factory_.MakeAndPredicate(input_preds));
+ return Status::OK();
+Status DeadnessAnalysisImpl::HandleMerge(Node* n) {
+ // Merge ignores deadness of its control inputs. A merge that isn't the
+ // target of a backedge has is alive iff any of its data inputs are. We treat
+ // the liveness of a merge that is the target of a backedge symbolically.
+ bool has_backedge = std::any_of(
+ n->in_edges().begin(), n->in_edges().end(), [](const Edge* e) {
+ return !e->IsControlEdge() && e->src()->IsNextIteration();
+ });
+ Predicate* input_data_pred =
+ has_backedge ? predicate_factory_.MakeSymbolPredicate(
+ TensorId(n->name(), 0), /*must_be_true=*/false)
+ : predicate_factory_.MakeOrPredicate(
+ GetIncomingPreds(n, EdgeKind::kDataOnly));
+ SetPred(n, {0, 1, Graph::kControlSlot}, input_data_pred);
+ return Status::OK();
+Status DeadnessAnalysisImpl::HandleRecv(Node* n) {
+ // In addition to being alive or dead based on the inputs, a _Recv can also
+ // acquire a dead signal from a _Send.
+ std::vector<Predicate*> input_preds =
+ GetIncomingPreds(n, EdgeKind::kDataAndControl);
+ input_preds.push_back(predicate_factory_.MakeSymbolPredicate(
+ TensorId(n->name(), 0), /*must_be_true=*/false));
+ SetPred(n, {0, Graph::kControlSlot},
+ predicate_factory_.MakeAndPredicate(input_preds));
+ return Status::OK();
+Status DeadnessAnalysisImpl::HandleGeneric(Node* n) {
+ // Generally nodes are alive iff all their inputs are alive.
+ Predicate* pred = predicate_factory_.MakeAndPredicate(
+ GetIncomingPreds(n, EdgeKind::kDataAndControl));
+ for (int output_idx = 0; output_idx < n->num_outputs(); output_idx++) {
+ SetPred(n, output_idx, pred);
+ }
+ SetPred(n, Graph::kControlSlot, pred);
+ return Status::OK();
+Status DeadnessAnalysisImpl::Populate() {
+ std::vector<Node*> rpo;
+ GetReversePostOrder(graph_, &rpo, /*stable_comparator=*/{},
+ /*edge_filter=*/[](const Edge& edge) {
+ return !edge.src()->IsNextIteration();
+ });
+ // This an abstract interpretation over the deadness propagation semantics of
+ // the graph executor.
+ for (Node* n : rpo) {
+ if (n->IsSwitch()) {
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(HandleSwitch(n));
+ } else if (n->IsMerge()) {
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(HandleMerge(n));
+ } else if (n->IsControlTrigger()) {
+ SetPred(n, Graph::kControlSlot, predicate_factory_.MakeTrue());
+ } else if (n->IsRecv() || n->IsHostRecv()) {
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(HandleRecv(n));
+ } else {
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(HandleGeneric(n));
+ }
+ }
+ return Status::OK();
+bool DeadnessAnalysisImpl::HasInputsWithMismatchingDeadness(const Node& node) {
+ CHECK(!node.IsMerge());
+ if (vlog_) {
+ VLOG(2) << "HasInputsWithMismatchingDeadness(" << node.name() << ")";
+ }
+ Predicate* pred = nullptr;
+ for (const Edge* edge : node.in_edges()) {
+ auto it = predicate_map_.find(InputEdgeToTensorId(edge));
+ CHECK(it != predicate_map_.end());
+ if (vlog_) {
+ VLOG(2) << " " << InputEdgeToTensorId(edge).ToString() << ": "
+ << it->second->ToString();
+ }
+ // Today we just compare the predicates for equality (with some
+ // canonicalization/simplification happening before) but we could be more
+ // sophisticated here if need be. Comparing pointers is sufficient because
+ // we intern Predicate instances by their content.
+ if (pred != nullptr && pred != it->second) {
+ if (vlog_) {
+ VLOG(2) << "HasInputsWithMismatchingDeadness(" << node.name()
+ << ") -> true";
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ pred = it->second;
+ }
+ if (vlog_) {
+ VLOG(2) << "HasInputsWithMismatchingDeadness(" << node.name()
+ << ") -> false";
+ }
+ return false;
+void DeadnessAnalysisImpl::Print() const {
+ std::vector<TensorId> tensor_ids;
+ for (const auto& kv_pair : predicate_map_) {
+ tensor_ids.push_back(kv_pair.first);
+ }
+ std::sort(tensor_ids.begin(), tensor_ids.end());
+ for (TensorId tensor_id : tensor_ids) {
+ auto it = predicate_map_.find(tensor_id);
+ CHECK(it != predicate_map_.end()) << tensor_id.ToString();
+ VLOG(2) << tensor_id.ToString() << " -> " << it->second->ToString();
+ }
+} // namespace
+DeadnessAnalysis::~DeadnessAnalysis() {}
+/*static*/ Status DeadnessAnalysis::Run(
+ const Graph& graph, std::unique_ptr<DeadnessAnalysis>* result) {
+ std::unique_ptr<DeadnessAnalysisImpl> analysis(
+ new DeadnessAnalysisImpl(&graph));
+ TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(analysis->Populate());
+ if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
+ analysis->Print();
+ }
+ *result = std::move(analysis);
+ return Status::OK();
+} // namespace tensorflow