diff options
8 files changed, 102 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 47bdd5d018..48a4594da6 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -86,9 +86,6 @@ while true; do
# Retry
-write_action_env_to_bazelrc "PYTHON_BIN_PATH" "$PYTHON_BIN_PATH"
-# TODO(ngiraldo): allow the user to optionally set PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH and NUMPY_INCLUDE_PATH
## Set up MKL related environment settings
if false; then # Disable building with MKL for now
@@ -246,7 +243,7 @@ fi
# Invoke python_config and set up symlinks to python includes
-./util/python/python_config.sh "$PYTHON_BIN_PATH"
+./util/python/python_config.sh --setup "$PYTHON_BIN_PATH"
# Append CC optimization flags to bazel.rc
echo >> tools/bazel.rc
diff --git a/tensorflow/opensource_only/python.build.tpl b/tensorflow/opensource_only/python.build.tpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 157834df4b..0000000000
--- a/tensorflow/opensource_only/python.build.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- name = "python_headers",
- hdrs = select({
- "windows" : [
- "python_include_windows",
- ],
- "//conditions:default" : [
- "python_include",
- ],
- }),
- includes = select({
- "windows" : [
- "python_include_windows",
- ],
- "//conditions:default" : [
- "python_include",
- ],
- }),
- name = "numpy_headers",
- hdrs = select({
- "windows" : [
- "numpy_include_windows",
- ],
- "//conditions:default" : [
- "numpy_include",
- ],
- }),
- includes = select({
- "windows" : [
- "numpy_include_windows",
- ],
- "//conditions:default" : [
- "numpy_include",
- ],
- }),
- name = "windows",
- values = {"cpu": "x64_windows"},
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
diff --git a/tensorflow/opensource_only/python_configure.BUILD b/tensorflow/opensource_only/python_configure.BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/tensorflow/opensource_only/python_configure.BUILD
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tensorflow/opensource_only/python_configure.bzl.tpl b/tensorflow/opensource_only/python_configure.bzl.tpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ba5d1539..0000000000
--- a/tensorflow/opensource_only/python_configure.bzl.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-"""Repository rule for Python autoconfiguration.
-`python_configure` depends on the following environment variables:
- * `NUMPY_INCLUDE_PATH`: Location of Numpy libraries.
- * `PYTHON_BIN_PATH`: location of python binary.
- * `PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH`: Location of python binaries.
-def _tpl(repository_ctx, tpl, substitutions={}, out=None):
- if not out:
- out = tpl
- repository_ctx.template(
- out,
- Label("//third_party/py:%s.tpl" % tpl),
- substitutions)
-def _python_configure_warning(msg):
- """Output warning message during auto configuration."""
- yellow = "\033[1;33m"
- no_color = "\033[0m"
- print("\n%sPython Configuration Warning:%s %s\n" % (yellow, no_color, msg))
-def _python_configure_fail(msg):
- """Output failure message when auto configuration fails."""
- red = "\033[0;31m"
- no_color = "\033[0m"
- fail("\n%sPython Configuration Error:%s %s\n" % (red, no_color, msg))
-def _get_env_var(repository_ctx, name, default = None, enable_warning = True):
- """Find an environment variable in system path."""
- if name in repository_ctx.os.environ:
- return repository_ctx.os.environ[name]
- if default != None:
- if enable_warning:
- _python_configure_warning(
- "'%s' environment variable is not set, using '%s' as default" % (name, default))
- return default
- _python_configure_fail("'%s' environment variable is not set" % name)
-def _is_windows(repository_ctx):
- """Returns true if the host operating system is windows."""
- os_name = repository_ctx.os.name.lower()
- if os_name.find("windows") != -1:
- return True
- return False
-def _symlink_genrule_for_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir, dest_dir, genrule_name):
- """returns a genrule to symlink all files in a directory."""
- # Get the list of files under this directory
- find_result = None
- line_break = None
- if _is_windows(repository_ctx):
- line_break = '\r\n'
- find_result = repository_ctx.execute([
- "dir", src_dir, "/b", "/s", "/a-d",
- ])
- else:
- line_break = '\n'
- find_result = repository_ctx.execute([
- "find", src_dir, "-follow", "-type", "f",
- ])
- # Create a list with the src_dir stripped to use for outputs.
- dest_files = find_result.stdout.replace(src_dir, '').split(line_break)
- src_files = find_result.stdout.split(line_break)
- command = []
- command_windows = []
- outs = []
- outs_windows = []
- for i in range(len(dest_files)):
- if dest_files[i] != "":
- command.append('ln -s ' + src_files[i] + ' $(@D)/' +
- dest_dir + dest_files[i])
- # ln -sf is actually implemented as copying in msys since creating
- # symbolic links is privileged on Windows. But copying is too slow, so
- # invoke mklink to create junctions on Windows.
- command_windows.append('mklink /J ' + src_files[i] + ' $(@D)/' +
- dest_dir + dest_files[i])
- outs.append(' "' + dest_dir + dest_files[i] + '",')
- outs_windows.append(' "' + dest_dir + '_windows' +
- dest_files[i] + '",')
- genrule = _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name, ' && '.join(command),
- '\n'.join(outs))
- genrule_windows = _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name + '_windows',
- "cmd /c \"" + ' && '.join(command_windows) + "\"",
- '\n'.join(outs_windows))
- return genrule + '\n' + genrule_windows
-def _genrule(src_dir, genrule_name, command, outs):
- """Returns a string with a genrule.
- Genrule executes the given command and produces the given outputs.
- """
- return (
- 'genrule(\n' +
- ' name = "' +
- genrule_name + '",\n' +
- ' outs = [\n' +
- outs +
- ' ],\n' +
- ' cmd = """\n' +
- command +
- ' """,\n' +
- ')\n'
- )
-def _check_python_bin(repository_ctx, python_bin):
- """Checks the python bin path."""
- cmd = '[[ -x "%s" ]] && [[ ! -d "%s" ]]' % (python_bin, python_bin)
- result = repository_ctx.execute(["bash", "-c", cmd])
- if result.return_code == 1:
- _python_configure_fail(
- "PYTHON_BIN_PATH is not executable. Is it the python binary?")
-def _get_python_include(repository_ctx, python_bin):
- """Gets the python include path."""
- result = repository_ctx.execute([python_bin, "-c",
- 'from __future__ import print_function;' +
- 'from distutils import sysconfig;' +
- 'print(sysconfig.get_python_inc())'])
- if result == "":
- _python_configure_fail(
- "Problem getting python include path. Is distutils installed?")
- return result.stdout.splitlines()[0]
-def _get_numpy_include(repository_ctx, python_bin):
- """Gets the numpy include path."""
- result = repository_ctx.execute([python_bin, "-c",
- 'from __future__ import print_function;' +
- 'import numpy;' +
- ' print(numpy.get_include());'])
- if result == "":
- _python_configure_fail(
- "Problem getting numpy include path. Is numpy installed?")
- return result.stdout.splitlines()[0]
-def _create_python_repository(repository_ctx):
- """Creates the repository containing files set up to build with Python."""
- python_include = None
- numpy_include = None
- # If local checks were requested, the python and numpy include will be auto
- # detected on the host config (using _PYTHON_BIN_PATH).
- if repository_ctx.attr.local_checks:
- python_bin = _get_env_var(repository_ctx, _PYTHON_BIN_PATH)
- _check_python_bin(repository_ctx, python_bin)
- python_include = _get_python_include(repository_ctx, python_bin)
- numpy_include = _get_numpy_include(repository_ctx, python_bin) + '/numpy'
- else:
- # Otherwise, we assume user provides all paths (via ENV or attrs)
- python_include = _get_env_var(repository_ctx, _PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH,
- repository_ctx.attr.python_include)
- numpy_include = _get_env_var(repository_ctx, _NUMPY_INCLUDE_PATH,
- repository_ctx.attr.numpy_include) + '/numpy'
- python_include_rule = _symlink_genrule_for_dir(
- repository_ctx, python_include, 'python_include', 'python_include')
- numpy_include_rule = _symlink_genrule_for_dir(
- repository_ctx, numpy_include, 'numpy_include', 'numpy_include')
- _tpl(repository_ctx, "BUILD", {
- "%{PYTHON_INCLUDE_GENRULE}": python_include_rule,
- "%{NUMPY_INCLUDE_GENRULE}": numpy_include_rule,
- })
-def _python_autoconf_impl(repository_ctx):
- """Implementation of the python_autoconf repository rule."""
- _create_python_repository(repository_ctx)
-python_configure = repository_rule(
- implementation = _python_autoconf_impl,
- attrs = {
- "local_checks": attr.bool(mandatory = False, default = True),
- "python_include": attr.string(mandatory = False),
- "numpy_include": attr.string(mandatory = False),
- },
- environ = [
- ],
-"""Detects and configures the local Python.
-Add the following to your WORKSPACE FILE:
-python_configure(name = "local_config_python")
- name: A unique name for this workspace rule.
diff --git a/tensorflow/workspace.bzl b/tensorflow/workspace.bzl
index 5ab91b69a1..8a858fb62a 100644
--- a/tensorflow/workspace.bzl
+++ b/tensorflow/workspace.bzl
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ load("//third_party/sycl:sycl_configure.bzl", "sycl_configure")
load("@io_bazel_rules_closure//closure/private:java_import_external.bzl", "java_import_external")
load("@io_bazel_rules_closure//closure:defs.bzl", "filegroup_external")
load("@io_bazel_rules_closure//closure:defs.bzl", "webfiles_external")
-load("//third_party/py:python_configure.bzl", "python_configure")
# Parse the bazel version string from `native.bazel_version`.
@@ -120,7 +119,6 @@ def tf_workspace(path_prefix="", tf_repo_name=""):
- python_configure(name="local_config_python")
if path_prefix:
print("path_prefix was specified to tf_workspace but is no longer used " +
"and will be removed in the future.")
diff --git a/third_party/py/numpy/BUILD b/third_party/py/numpy/BUILD
index be8332572b..1d461505a6 100644
--- a/third_party/py/numpy/BUILD
+++ b/third_party/py/numpy/BUILD
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ py_library(
srcs_version = "PY2AND3",
name = "headers",
- actual = "@local_config_python//:numpy_headers",
+ hdrs = glob(["numpy_include/**/*.h"]),
+ data = ["//util/python:python_checked"],
+ includes = ["numpy_include"],
diff --git a/util/python/BUILD b/util/python/BUILD
index 96daf9947a..29688b875d 100644
--- a/util/python/BUILD
+++ b/util/python/BUILD
@@ -2,7 +2,31 @@ licenses(["restricted"])
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "python_headers",
- actual = "@local_config_python//:python_headers",
+ hdrs = glob([
+ "python_include/**/*.h",
+ ]),
+ data = [":python_checked"],
+ includes = ["python_include"],
+ name = "python_check",
+ srcs = [
+ "python_config.sh",
+ "configure_files",
+ ],
+ outs = [
+ "python_checked",
+ ],
+ cmd = "OUTPUTDIR=\"$(@D)/\"; $(location :python_config.sh) --check && touch $$OUTPUTDIR/python_checked",
+ local = 1,
+ name = "configure_files",
+ data = glob([
+ "*",
+ ]),
diff --git a/util/python/python_config.sh b/util/python/python_config.sh
index d5762ad456..4b18bf3578 100755
--- a/util/python/python_config.sh
+++ b/util/python/python_config.sh
@@ -26,9 +26,23 @@ else
+" $script_path/util/python/python_lib"\
+" $script_path/third_party/py/numpy/numpy_include"
function main {
- setup_python "$1"
- exit 0
+ argument="$1"
+ shift
+ case $argument in
+ --check)
+ check_python
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --setup)
+ setup_python "$1"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ esac
function python_path {
@@ -79,7 +93,6 @@ END
function setup_python {
- # TODO(ngiraldo): move most of these checks to root configure
if [ -z "$PYTHON_BIN_PATH" ]; then
echo "PYTHON_BIN_PATH was not provided. Did you run configure?"
exit 1
@@ -95,7 +108,12 @@ function setup_python {
exit 1
- # TODO(ngiraldo): confirm if these checks are really necessary, remove if not
+ local python_include="$("${PYTHON_BIN_PATH}" -c 'from __future__ import print_function; from distutils import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_python_inc());')"
+ if [ "$python_include" == "" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\nERROR: Problem getting python include path. Is distutils installed?"
+ exit 1
+ fi
if [ -z "$PYTHON_LIB_PATH" ]; then
local python_lib_path
# Split python_path into an array of paths, this allows path containing spaces
@@ -131,12 +149,35 @@ function setup_python {
exit 1
+ local numpy_include=$("${PYTHON_BIN_PATH}" -c 'from __future__ import print_function; import numpy; print(numpy.get_include());')
+ if [ "$numpy_include" == "" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\nERROR: Problem getting numpy include path. Is numpy installed?"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ for x in $EXPECTED_PATHS; do
+ if [ -e "$x" ]; then
+ rm -rf "$x"
+ fi
+ done
+# ln -sf is actually implemented as copying in msys since creating symbolic
+# links is privileged on Windows. But copying is too slow, so invoke mklink
+# to create junctions on Windows.
+ if is_windows; then
+ cmd /c "mklink /J util\\python\\python_include \"${python_include}\""
+ cmd /c "mklink /J util\\python\\python_lib \"${python_lib}\""
+ cmd /c "mklink /J third_party\\py\\numpy\\numpy_include \"${numpy_include}\""
+ else
+ ln -sf "${python_include}" util/python/python_include
+ ln -sf "${python_lib}" util/python/python_lib
+ ln -sf "${numpy_include}" third_party/py/numpy/numpy_include
+ fi
# Convert python path to Windows style before writing into bazel.rc
if is_windows; then
- # TODO(ngiraldo): move all below to root configure
# Write tools/bazel.rc
echo "# Autogenerated by configure: DO NOT EDIT" > tools/bazel.rc
sed -e "s/\$PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION/$python_major_version/g" \
@@ -156,4 +197,29 @@ function is_windows() {
+function check_python {
+ for x in $EXPECTED_PATHS; do
+ if [ ! -e "$x" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\nERROR: Cannot find '${x}'. Did you run configure?\n\n" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Don't check symbolic link on Windows
+ if ! is_windows && [ ! -L "${x}" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\nERROR: '${x}' is not a symbolic link. Internal error.\n\n" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if is_windows; then
+ # In msys, readlink <path> doesn't work, because no symbolic link on
+ # Windows. readlink -f <path> returns the real path of a junction.
+ true_path=$(readlink -f "${x}")
+ else
+ true_path=$(readlink "${x}")
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${true_path}" ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\nERROR: '${x}' does not refer to an existing directory: ${true_path}. Do you need to rerun configure?\n\n" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
main "$@"