diff options
9 files changed, 330 insertions, 322 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/tests/build_defs.bzl b/tensorflow/compiler/tests/build_defs.bzl
index 114793352e..b8583c9bdb 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/tests/build_defs.bzl
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/tests/build_defs.bzl
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
load("@local_config_cuda//cuda:build_defs.bzl", "cuda_is_configured")
load("//tensorflow/compiler/tests:plugin.bzl", "plugins")
+ "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl",
+ "tf_cuda_tests_tags",
def all_backends():
b = ["cpu"] + plugins.keys()
@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ def tf_xla_py_test(
- backend_tags += ["requires-gpu-sm35"]
+ backend_tags += tf_cuda_tests_tags()
elif backend in plugins:
backend_args += [
"--test_device=" + plugins[backend]["device"],
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/BUILD b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/BUILD
index 64b9683628..cbee4db06e 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/BUILD
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/BUILD
@@ -68,9 +68,7 @@ cc_library(
# srcs = [
# "partition_assignment_test.cc",
# ],
-# tags = [
-# "requires-gpu-sm35",
-# ],
+# tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
# deps = [
# ":partition_assignment",
# "//tensorflow/core:stream_executor_no_cuda",
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/tests/BUILD b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/tests/BUILD
index db4a33dc56..5da6f232d5 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/tests/BUILD
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/tests/BUILD
@@ -25,15 +25,17 @@ filegroup(
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_cc_test")
+ "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl",
+ "tf_cuda_tests_tags",
name = "gpu_codegen_test",
testonly = True,
srcs = ["gpu_codegen_test.cc"],
hdrs = ["gpu_codegen_test.h"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -48,9 +50,7 @@ cc_library(
name = "gpu_copy_test",
srcs = ["gpu_copy_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -67,9 +67,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_ftz_test",
srcs = ["gpu_ftz_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -79,9 +77,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_index_test",
srcs = ["gpu_index_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -102,9 +98,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_infeed_test",
srcs = ["infeed_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -125,9 +119,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_kernel_tiling_test",
srcs = ["gpu_kernel_tiling_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -142,7 +134,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_ldg_test",
srcs = ["gpu_ldg_test.cc"],
- tags = ["requires-gpu-sm35"],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -159,9 +151,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_noalias_test",
srcs = ["gpu_noalias_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -178,9 +168,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_fusion_test",
srcs = ["gpu_fusion_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -194,9 +182,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_unrolling_test",
srcs = ["gpu_unrolling_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -211,9 +197,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "gpu_alignment_test",
testonly = True,
srcs = ["gpu_alignment_test.cc"],
- tags = [
- "requires-gpu-sm35",
- ],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/BUILD b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/BUILD
index 30e3077edb..b49db029e2 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/BUILD
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/BUILD
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ load("//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:build_defs.bzl", "generate_backend_suites"
load("//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:build_defs.bzl", "generate_backend_test_macros")
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_cc_binary")
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_cc_test")
+ "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl",
+ "tf_cuda_tests_tags",
# Generate test_suites for all backends, named "${backend}_tests".
@@ -1797,7 +1801,7 @@ xla_test(
name = "llvm_compiler_test",
srcs = ["llvm_compiler_test.cc"],
- tags = ["requires-gpu-sm35"],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
@@ -2096,7 +2100,7 @@ tf_cc_test(
name = "sample_file_test",
srcs = ["sample_file_test.cc"],
data = ["isolated_convolution.hlo"],
- tags = ["requires-gpu-sm35"],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/build_defs.bzl b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/build_defs.bzl
index 53f2c3bfbf..cc65a8939a 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/build_defs.bzl
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests/build_defs.bzl
@@ -3,256 +3,266 @@
load("@local_config_cuda//cuda:build_defs.bzl", "cuda_is_configured")
load("//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:plugin.bzl", "plugins")
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_cc_test")
+ "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl",
+ "tf_cuda_tests_tags",
all_backends = ["cpu", "gpu"] + plugins.keys()
def filter_backends(backends):
- """Removes "gpu" from a backend list if CUDA is not enabled.
- This allows us to simply hardcode lists including "gpu" here and in the
- BUILD file, without causing failures when CUDA isn't enabled.'
- Args:
- backends: A list of backends to filter.
- Returns:
- The filtered list of backends.
- """
- if cuda_is_configured():
- return backends
- else:
- return [backend for backend in backends if backend != "gpu"]
-def xla_test(name,
- srcs,
- deps,
- xla_test_library_deps=[],
- backends=[],
- blacklisted_backends=[],
- args=[],
- tags=[],
- copts=[],
- data=[],
- backend_tags={},
- backend_args={},
- **kwargs):
- """Generates cc_test targets for the given XLA backends.
- This rule generates a cc_test target for one or more XLA backends and also a
- platform-agnostic cc_library rule. The arguments are identical to cc_test with
- two additions: 'backends' and 'backend_args'. 'backends' specifies the
- backends to generate tests for ("cpu", "gpu"), and
- 'backend_args'/'backend_tags' specifies backend-specific args parameters to
- use when generating the cc_test.
- The name of the cc_tests are the provided name argument with the backend name
- appended, and the cc_library target name is the provided name argument with
- "_lib" appended. For example, if name parameter is "foo_test", then the cpu
- test target will be "foo_test_cpu" and the cc_library target is "foo_lib".
- The cc_library target can be used to link with other plugins outside of
- xla_test.
- The build rule also defines a test suite ${name} which includes the tests for
- each of the supported backends.
- Each generated cc_test target has a tag indicating which backend the test is
- for. This tag is of the form "xla_${BACKEND}" (eg, "xla_cpu"). These
- tags can be used to gather tests for a particular backend into a test_suite.
- Examples:
- # Generates the targets: foo_test_cpu and foo_test_gpu.
- xla_test(
- name = "foo_test",
- srcs = ["foo_test.cc"],
- backends = ["cpu", "gpu"],
- deps = [...],
- )
+ """Removes "gpu" from a backend list if CUDA is not enabled.
- # Generates the targets: bar_test_cpu and bar_test_gpu. bar_test_cpu
- # includes the additional arg "--special_cpu_flag".
- xla_test(
- name = "bar_test",
- srcs = ["bar_test.cc"],
- backends = ["cpu", "gpu"],
- backend_args = {"cpu": ["--special_cpu_flag"]}
- deps = [...],
- )
+ This allows us to simply hardcode lists including "gpu" here and in the
+ BUILD file, without causing failures when CUDA isn't enabled.'
- The build rule defines the preprocessor macro XLA_TEST_BACKEND_${BACKEND}
- to the value 1 where ${BACKEND} is the uppercase name of the backend.
- Args:
- name: Name of the target.
- srcs: Sources for the target.
- deps: Dependencies of the target.
- xla_test_library_deps: If set, the generated test targets will depend on the
- respective cc_libraries generated by the xla_test_library rule.
- backends: A list of backends to generate tests for. Supported values: "cpu",
- "gpu". If this list is empty, the test will be generated for all supported
- backends.
- blacklisted_backends: A list of backends to NOT generate tests for.
- args: Test arguments for the target.
- tags: Tags for the target.
- copts: Additional copts to pass to the build.
- data: Additional data to pass to the build.
- backend_tags: A dict mapping backend name to list of additional tags to
- use for that target.
- backend_args: A dict mapping backend name to list of additional args to
- use for that target.
- **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to native.cc_test.
- """
- test_names = []
- if not backends:
- backends = all_backends
- backends = [backend for backend in backends
- if backend not in blacklisted_backends]
- native.cc_library(
- name="%s_lib" % name,
- srcs=srcs,
- copts=copts,
- testonly=True,
- deps=deps + ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:test_macros_header"],
- )
- for backend in filter_backends(backends):
- test_name = "%s_%s" % (name, backend)
- this_backend_tags = ["xla_%s" % backend]
- this_backend_copts = []
- this_backend_args = backend_args.get(backend, [])
- this_backend_data = []
- if backend == "cpu":
- backend_deps = ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/service:cpu_plugin"]
- backend_deps += ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:test_macros_cpu"]
- elif backend == "gpu":
- backend_deps = ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/service:gpu_plugin"]
- backend_deps += ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:test_macros_gpu"]
- this_backend_tags += ["requires-gpu-sm35"]
- elif backend in plugins:
- backend_deps = []
- backend_deps += plugins[backend]["deps"]
- this_backend_copts += plugins[backend]["copts"]
- this_backend_tags += plugins[backend]["tags"]
- this_backend_args += plugins[backend]["args"]
- this_backend_data += plugins[backend]["data"]
- else:
- fail("Unknown backend %s" % backend)
- if xla_test_library_deps:
- for lib_dep in xla_test_library_deps:
- backend_deps += ["%s_%s" % (lib_dep, backend)]
- tf_cc_test(
- name=test_name,
- srcs=srcs,
- tags=tags + backend_tags.get(backend, []) + this_backend_tags,
- extra_copts=copts + ["-DXLA_TEST_BACKEND_%s=1" % backend.upper()] +
- this_backend_copts,
- args=args + this_backend_args,
- deps=deps + backend_deps,
- data=data + this_backend_data,
- **kwargs)
- test_names.append(test_name)
- native.test_suite(name=name, tests=test_names)
-def xla_test_library(name,
- srcs,
- hdrs=[],
- deps=[],
- backends=[]):
- """Generates cc_library targets for the given XLA backends.
- This rule forces the sources to be compiled for each backend so that the
- backend specific macros could expand correctly. It's useful when test targets
- in different directories referring to the same sources but test with different
- arguments.
- Examples:
- # Generates the targets: foo_test_library_cpu and foo_test_gpu.
- xla_test_library(
- name = "foo_test_library",
- srcs = ["foo_test.cc"],
- backends = ["cpu", "gpu"],
- deps = [...],
- )
- # Then use the xla_test rule to generate test targets:
- xla_test(
- name = "foo_test",
- srcs = [],
- backends = ["cpu", "gpu"],
- deps = [...],
- xla_test_library_deps = [":foo_test_library"],
- )
+ Args:
+ backends: A list of backends to filter.
- Args:
- name: Name of the target.
- srcs: Sources for the target.
- hdrs: Headers for the target.
- deps: Dependencies of the target.
- backends: A list of backends to generate libraries for.
- Supported values: "cpu", "gpu". If this list is empty, the
- library will be generated for all supported backends.
- """
- if not backends:
- backends = all_backends
- for backend in filter_backends(backends):
- this_backend_copts = []
- if backend in ["cpu", "gpu"]:
- backend_deps = ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:test_macros_%s" % backend]
- elif backend in plugins:
- backend_deps = plugins[backend]["deps"]
- this_backend_copts += plugins[backend]["copts"]
+ Returns:
+ The filtered list of backends.
+ """
+ if cuda_is_configured():
+ return backends
- fail("Unknown backend %s" % backend)
+ return [backend for backend in backends if backend != "gpu"]
+def xla_test(
+ name,
+ srcs,
+ deps,
+ xla_test_library_deps = [],
+ backends = [],
+ blacklisted_backends = [],
+ args = [],
+ tags = [],
+ copts = [],
+ data = [],
+ backend_tags = {},
+ backend_args = {},
+ **kwargs):
+ """Generates cc_test targets for the given XLA backends.
+ This rule generates a cc_test target for one or more XLA backends and also a
+ platform-agnostic cc_library rule. The arguments are identical to cc_test with
+ two additions: 'backends' and 'backend_args'. 'backends' specifies the
+ backends to generate tests for ("cpu", "gpu"), and
+ 'backend_args'/'backend_tags' specifies backend-specific args parameters to
+ use when generating the cc_test.
+ The name of the cc_tests are the provided name argument with the backend name
+ appended, and the cc_library target name is the provided name argument with
+ "_lib" appended. For example, if name parameter is "foo_test", then the cpu
+ test target will be "foo_test_cpu" and the cc_library target is "foo_lib".
+ The cc_library target can be used to link with other plugins outside of
+ xla_test.
+ The build rule also defines a test suite ${name} which includes the tests for
+ each of the supported backends.
+ Each generated cc_test target has a tag indicating which backend the test is
+ for. This tag is of the form "xla_${BACKEND}" (eg, "xla_cpu"). These
+ tags can be used to gather tests for a particular backend into a test_suite.
+ Examples:
+ # Generates the targets: foo_test_cpu and foo_test_gpu.
+ xla_test(
+ name = "foo_test",
+ srcs = ["foo_test.cc"],
+ backends = ["cpu", "gpu"],
+ deps = [...],
+ )
+ # Generates the targets: bar_test_cpu and bar_test_gpu. bar_test_cpu
+ # includes the additional arg "--special_cpu_flag".
+ xla_test(
+ name = "bar_test",
+ srcs = ["bar_test.cc"],
+ backends = ["cpu", "gpu"],
+ backend_args = {"cpu": ["--special_cpu_flag"]}
+ deps = [...],
+ )
+ The build rule defines the preprocessor macro XLA_TEST_BACKEND_${BACKEND}
+ to the value 1 where ${BACKEND} is the uppercase name of the backend.
+ Args:
+ name: Name of the target.
+ srcs: Sources for the target.
+ deps: Dependencies of the target.
+ xla_test_library_deps: If set, the generated test targets will depend on the
+ respective cc_libraries generated by the xla_test_library rule.
+ backends: A list of backends to generate tests for. Supported values: "cpu",
+ "gpu". If this list is empty, the test will be generated for all supported
+ backends.
+ blacklisted_backends: A list of backends to NOT generate tests for.
+ args: Test arguments for the target.
+ tags: Tags for the target.
+ copts: Additional copts to pass to the build.
+ data: Additional data to pass to the build.
+ backend_tags: A dict mapping backend name to list of additional tags to
+ use for that target.
+ backend_args: A dict mapping backend name to list of additional args to
+ use for that target.
+ **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to native.cc_test.
+ """
+ test_names = []
+ if not backends:
+ backends = all_backends
+ backends = [
+ backend
+ for backend in backends
+ if backend not in blacklisted_backends
+ ]
- name = "%s_%s" % (name, backend),
+ name = "%s_lib" % name,
srcs = srcs,
+ copts = copts,
testonly = True,
- hdrs = hdrs,
- copts = ["-DXLA_TEST_BACKEND_%s=1" % backend.upper()]
- + this_backend_copts,
- deps = deps + backend_deps,
+ deps = deps + ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:test_macros_header"],
-def generate_backend_suites(backends=[]):
- if not backends:
- backends = all_backends
- for backend in filter_backends(backends):
- native.test_suite(name="%s_tests" % backend,
- tags = ["xla_%s" % backend])
-def generate_backend_test_macros(backends=[]):
- if not backends:
- backends = all_backends
- for backend in filter_backends(backends):
- manifest = ""
- if backend in plugins:
- manifest = plugins[backend]["disabled_manifest"]
- native.cc_library(
- name="test_macros_%s" % backend,
- testonly = True,
- srcs = ["test_macros.cc"],
- hdrs = ["test_macros.h"],
- copts = [
- "-DXLA_PLATFORM=\\\"%s\\\"" % backend.upper(),
- "-DXLA_DISABLED_MANIFEST=\\\"%s\\\"" % manifest,
- ],
- deps = [
- "//tensorflow/compiler/xla:types",
- "//tensorflow/core:lib",
- "//tensorflow/core:regexp_internal",
- "//tensorflow/core:test",
- ])
+ for backend in filter_backends(backends):
+ test_name = "%s_%s" % (name, backend)
+ this_backend_tags = ["xla_%s" % backend]
+ this_backend_copts = []
+ this_backend_args = backend_args.get(backend, [])
+ this_backend_data = []
+ if backend == "cpu":
+ backend_deps = ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/service:cpu_plugin"]
+ backend_deps += ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:test_macros_cpu"]
+ elif backend == "gpu":
+ backend_deps = ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/service:gpu_plugin"]
+ backend_deps += ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:test_macros_gpu"]
+ this_backend_tags += tf_cuda_tests_tags()
+ elif backend in plugins:
+ backend_deps = []
+ backend_deps += plugins[backend]["deps"]
+ this_backend_copts += plugins[backend]["copts"]
+ this_backend_tags += plugins[backend]["tags"]
+ this_backend_args += plugins[backend]["args"]
+ this_backend_data += plugins[backend]["data"]
+ else:
+ fail("Unknown backend %s" % backend)
+ if xla_test_library_deps:
+ for lib_dep in xla_test_library_deps:
+ backend_deps += ["%s_%s" % (lib_dep, backend)]
+ tf_cc_test(
+ name = test_name,
+ srcs = srcs,
+ tags = tags + backend_tags.get(backend, []) + this_backend_tags,
+ extra_copts = copts + ["-DXLA_TEST_BACKEND_%s=1" % backend.upper()] +
+ this_backend_copts,
+ args = args + this_backend_args,
+ deps = deps + backend_deps,
+ data = data + this_backend_data,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ test_names.append(test_name)
+ native.test_suite(name = name, tests = test_names)
+def xla_test_library(
+ name,
+ srcs,
+ hdrs = [],
+ deps = [],
+ backends = []):
+ """Generates cc_library targets for the given XLA backends.
+ This rule forces the sources to be compiled for each backend so that the
+ backend specific macros could expand correctly. It's useful when test targets
+ in different directories referring to the same sources but test with different
+ arguments.
+ Examples:
+ # Generates the targets: foo_test_library_cpu and foo_test_gpu.
+ xla_test_library(
+ name = "foo_test_library",
+ srcs = ["foo_test.cc"],
+ backends = ["cpu", "gpu"],
+ deps = [...],
+ )
+ # Then use the xla_test rule to generate test targets:
+ xla_test(
+ name = "foo_test",
+ srcs = [],
+ backends = ["cpu", "gpu"],
+ deps = [...],
+ xla_test_library_deps = [":foo_test_library"],
+ )
+ Args:
+ name: Name of the target.
+ srcs: Sources for the target.
+ hdrs: Headers for the target.
+ deps: Dependencies of the target.
+ backends: A list of backends to generate libraries for.
+ Supported values: "cpu", "gpu". If this list is empty, the
+ library will be generated for all supported backends.
+ """
+ if not backends:
+ backends = all_backends
+ for backend in filter_backends(backends):
+ this_backend_copts = []
+ if backend in ["cpu", "gpu"]:
+ backend_deps = ["//tensorflow/compiler/xla/tests:test_macros_%s" % backend]
+ elif backend in plugins:
+ backend_deps = plugins[backend]["deps"]
+ this_backend_copts += plugins[backend]["copts"]
+ else:
+ fail("Unknown backend %s" % backend)
+ native.cc_library(
+ name = "%s_%s" % (name, backend),
+ srcs = srcs,
+ testonly = True,
+ hdrs = hdrs,
+ copts = ["-DXLA_TEST_BACKEND_%s=1" % backend.upper()] +
+ this_backend_copts,
+ deps = deps + backend_deps,
+ )
+def generate_backend_suites(backends = []):
+ if not backends:
+ backends = all_backends
+ for backend in filter_backends(backends):
+ native.test_suite(
+ name = "%s_tests" % backend,
+ tags = ["xla_%s" % backend],
+ )
+def generate_backend_test_macros(backends = []):
+ if not backends:
+ backends = all_backends
+ for backend in filter_backends(backends):
+ manifest = ""
+ if backend in plugins:
+ manifest = plugins[backend]["disabled_manifest"]
+ native.cc_library(
+ name = "test_macros_%s" % backend,
+ testonly = True,
+ srcs = ["test_macros.cc"],
+ hdrs = ["test_macros.h"],
+ copts = [
+ "-DXLA_PLATFORM=\\\"%s\\\"" % backend.upper(),
+ "-DXLA_DISABLED_MANIFEST=\\\"%s\\\"" % manifest,
+ ],
+ deps = [
+ "//tensorflow/compiler/xla:types",
+ "//tensorflow/core:lib",
+ "//tensorflow/core:regexp_internal",
+ "//tensorflow/core:test",
+ ],
+ )
diff --git a/tensorflow/compiler/xrt/tests/BUILD b/tensorflow/compiler/xrt/tests/BUILD
index 09ab4ed95f..b6dcfc4eb9 100644
--- a/tensorflow/compiler/xrt/tests/BUILD
+++ b/tensorflow/compiler/xrt/tests/BUILD
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ package(
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_cuda_cc_test", "tf_cc_test")
+ "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl",
+ "tf_cuda_tests_tags",
name = "raw_api_test_lib",
@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ tf_cuda_cc_test(
size = "medium",
srcs = [],
args = ["--xla_test_device=XLA_GPU"],
- tags = ["requires-gpu-sm35"],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD b/tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD
index ef176a7de6..7aa1169061 100644
--- a/tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD
+++ b/tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ load(
+ "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config_root.bzl",
+ "tf_cuda_tests_tags",
@@ -1106,7 +1110,7 @@ tf_cuda_cc_test(
name = "depthwise_conv_ops_test",
size = "small",
srcs = ["depthwise_conv_ops_test.cc"],
- tags = ["requires-gpu-sm35"],
+ tags = tf_cuda_tests_tags(),
deps = [
diff --git a/tensorflow/core/platform/default/build_config_root.bzl b/tensorflow/core/platform/default/build_config_root.bzl
index 3a012c23fd..37475feebe 100644
--- a/tensorflow/core/platform/default/build_config_root.bzl
+++ b/tensorflow/core/platform/default/build_config_root.bzl
@@ -3,64 +3,64 @@
# be separate to avoid cyclic references.
def tf_cuda_tests_tags():
- return ["requires-gpu"]
+ return ["requires-gpu", "local", "gpu"]
def tf_sycl_tests_tags():
- return ["requires-gpu"]
+ return ["requires-gpu", "local", "gpu"]
def tf_additional_plugin_deps():
- return select({
- str(Label("//tensorflow:with_xla_support")): [
- str(Label("//tensorflow/compiler/jit"))
- ],
- "//conditions:default": [],
- })
+ return select({
+ str(Label("//tensorflow:with_xla_support")): [
+ str(Label("//tensorflow/compiler/jit")),
+ ],
+ "//conditions:default": [],
+ })
def tf_additional_xla_deps_py():
- return []
+ return []
def tf_additional_grpc_deps_py():
- return []
+ return []
def tf_additional_license_deps():
- return select({
- str(Label("//tensorflow:with_xla_support")): ["@llvm//:LICENSE.TXT"],
- "//conditions:default": [],
- })
+ return select({
+ str(Label("//tensorflow:with_xla_support")): ["@llvm//:LICENSE.TXT"],
+ "//conditions:default": [],
+ })
def tf_additional_verbs_deps():
- return select({
- str(Label("//tensorflow:with_verbs_support")): [
- str(Label("//tensorflow/contrib/verbs:verbs_server_lib")),
- str(Label("//tensorflow/contrib/verbs:grpc_verbs_client")),
- ],
- "//conditions:default": [],
- })
+ return select({
+ str(Label("//tensorflow:with_verbs_support")): [
+ str(Label("//tensorflow/contrib/verbs:verbs_server_lib")),
+ str(Label("//tensorflow/contrib/verbs:grpc_verbs_client")),
+ ],
+ "//conditions:default": [],
+ })
def tf_additional_mpi_deps():
- return select({
- str(Label("//tensorflow:with_mpi_support")): [
- str(Label("//tensorflow/contrib/mpi:mpi_server_lib")),
- ],
- "//conditions:default": [],
- })
+ return select({
+ str(Label("//tensorflow:with_mpi_support")): [
+ str(Label("//tensorflow/contrib/mpi:mpi_server_lib")),
+ ],
+ "//conditions:default": [],
+ })
def tf_additional_gdr_deps():
- return select({
- str(Label("//tensorflow:with_gdr_support")): [
- str(Label("//tensorflow/contrib/gdr:gdr_server_lib")),
- ],
- "//conditions:default": [],
- })
+ return select({
+ str(Label("//tensorflow:with_gdr_support")): [
+ str(Label("//tensorflow/contrib/gdr:gdr_server_lib")),
+ ],
+ "//conditions:default": [],
+ })
-def if_static(extra_deps, otherwise=[]):
- return select({
- str(Label("//tensorflow:framework_shared_object")): otherwise,
- "//conditions:default": extra_deps,
- })
+def if_static(extra_deps, otherwise = []):
+ return select({
+ str(Label("//tensorflow:framework_shared_object")): otherwise,
+ "//conditions:default": extra_deps,
+ })
-def if_dynamic_kernels(extra_deps, otherwise=[]):
- return select({
- str(Label("//tensorflow:dynamic_loaded_kernels")): extra_deps,
- "//conditions:default": otherwise,
- })
+def if_dynamic_kernels(extra_deps, otherwise = []):
+ return select({
+ str(Label("//tensorflow:dynamic_loaded_kernels")): extra_deps,
+ "//conditions:default": otherwise,
+ })
diff --git a/third_party/toolchains/BUILD b/third_party/toolchains/BUILD
index 4303751452..7256a7d96e 100644
--- a/third_party/toolchains/BUILD
+++ b/third_party/toolchains/BUILD
@@ -32,6 +32,6 @@ platform(
remote_execution_properties = """
properties: {
name: "container-image"
- value:"docker://gcr.io/asci-toolchain/nosla-cuda9.0-cudnn7-ubuntu14.04@sha256:ae58329b961e7c17d89725bf8fd72dfbd5850f4f3313de58e0cafbf5b0343735"
+ value:"docker://gcr.io/asci-toolchain/nosla-cuda9.0-cudnn7-ubuntu14.04@sha256:06b585f42eed3b2030e9566b8f88f48d7472fa0f47e59765bc115376c8801bdf"