path: root/third_party
diff options
authorGravatar Michael Case <mikecase@google.com>2017-10-25 17:45:38 -0700
committerGravatar TensorFlower Gardener <gardener@tensorflow.org>2017-10-25 17:55:36 -0700
commit6149fecbdba96fea5460915cf2fad5ac163de091 (patch)
treea23099fd97cbff99b3864099d15f7b2263c0f396 /third_party
parent03e2af6a819c5b45102c0f4b2a1a5f1f01c1a43e (diff)
Internal Change
PiperOrigin-RevId: 173478239
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party')
3 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/flatbuffers/BUILD b/third_party/flatbuffers/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbdf19f205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/flatbuffers/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0
+ name = "all_files",
+ srcs = glob(
+ ["**/*"],
+ exclude = [
+ "**/METADATA",
+ "**/OWNERS",
+ ],
+ ),
+ visibility = ["//tensorflow:__subpackages__"],
diff --git a/third_party/flatbuffers/build_defs.bzl b/third_party/flatbuffers/build_defs.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae8d7feebe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/flatbuffers/build_defs.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+# Description:
+# BUILD rules for generating flatbuffer files.
+flatc_path = "@flatbuffers//:flatc"
+ "--no-union-value-namespacing",
+ "--gen-object-api",
+def flatbuffer_library_public(name,
+ srcs,
+ outs,
+ language_flag,
+ out_prefix="",
+ includes=[],
+ include_paths=[],
+ flatc_args=DEFAULT_FLATC_ARGS,
+ reflection_name="",
+ reflection_visiblity=None,
+ output_to_bindir=False):
+ '''Generates code files for reading/writing the given flatbuffers in the requested language using the public compiler.
+ Args:
+ name: Rule name.
+ srcs: Source .fbs files. Sent in order to the compiler.
+ outs: Output files from flatc.
+ language_flag: Target language flag. One of [-c, -j, -js].
+ out_prefix: Prepend this path to the front of all generated files except on
+ single source targets. Usually is a directory name.
+ includes: Optional, list of filegroups of schemas that the srcs depend on.
+ include_paths: Optional, list of paths the includes files can be found in.
+ flatc_args: Optional, list of additional arguments to pass to flatc.
+ reflection_name: Optional, if set this will generate the flatbuffer
+ reflection binaries for the schemas.
+ reflection_visiblity: The visibility of the generated reflection Fileset.
+ output_to_bindir: Passed to genrule for output to bin directory.
+ Outs:
+ filegroup(name): all generated source files.
+ Fileset([reflection_name]): (Optional) all generated reflection binaries.
+ '''
+ include_paths_cmd = ["-I %s" % (s) for s in include_paths]
+ # '$(@D)' when given a single source target will give the appropriate
+ # directory. Appending 'out_prefix' is only necessary when given a build
+ # target with multiple sources.
+ output_directory = (
+ ("-o $(@D)/%s" % (out_prefix)) if len(srcs) > 1 else ("-o $(@D)"))
+ genrule_cmd = " ".join([
+ "for f in $(SRCS); do",
+ "$(location %s)" % (flatc_path),
+ " ".join(flatc_args),
+ " ".join(include_paths_cmd),
+ language_flag,
+ output_directory,
+ "$$f;",
+ "done",
+ ])
+ native.genrule(
+ name=name,
+ srcs=srcs,
+ outs=outs,
+ output_to_bindir=output_to_bindir,
+ tools=includes + [flatc_path,],
+ cmd=genrule_cmd,
+ message="Generating flatbuffer files for %s:" % (name),)
+ if reflection_name:
+ reflection_genrule_cmd = " ".join([
+ "for f in $(SRCS); do",
+ "$(location %s)" % (flatc_path),
+ "-b --schema",
+ " ".join(flatc_args),
+ " ".join(include_paths_cmd),
+ language_flag,
+ output_directory,
+ "$$f;",
+ "done",
+ ])
+ reflection_outs = [
+ (out_prefix + "%s.bfbs") % (s.replace(".fbs", "").split("/")[-1]) for s in srcs
+ ]
+ native.genrule(
+ name= "%s_srcs" % reflection_name,
+ srcs=srcs,
+ outs=reflection_outs,
+ output_to_bindir=output_to_bindir,
+ tools=includes + [flatc_path,],
+ cmd=reflection_genrule_cmd,
+ message="Generating flatbuffer reflection binary for %s:" % (name),)
+ native.Fileset(
+ name=reflection_name,
+ out="%s_out" % reflection_name,
+ entries=[
+ native.FilesetEntry(files=reflection_outs),
+ ],
+ visibility=reflection_visiblity
+ )
+def flatbuffer_cc_library(name, srcs, srcs_filegroup_name="",
+ out_prefix="", includes=[], include_paths=[],
+ flatc_args=DEFAULT_FLATC_ARGS,
+ visibility=None, srcs_filegroup_visibility=None,
+ gen_reflections=False):
+ '''A cc_library with the generated reader/writers for the given flatbuffer definitions.
+ Args:
+ name: Rule name.
+ srcs: Source .fbs files. Sent in order to the compiler.
+ srcs_filegroup_name: Name of the output filegroup that holds srcs. Pass this
+ filegroup into the `includes` parameter of any other
+ flatbuffer_cc_library that depends on this one's schemas.
+ out_prefix: Prepend this path to the front of all generated files. Usually
+ is a directory name.
+ includes: Optional, list of filegroups of schemas that the srcs depend on.
+ include_paths: Optional, list of paths the includes files can be found in.
+ flatc_args: Optional list of additional arguments to pass to flatc
+ (e.g. --gen-mutable).
+ visibility: The visibility of the generated cc_library. By default, use the
+ default visibility of the project.
+ srcs_filegroup_visibility: The visibility of the generated srcs filegroup.
+ By default, use the value of the visibility parameter above.
+ gen_reflections: Optional, if true this will generate the flatbuffer
+ reflection binaries for the schemas.
+ Outs:
+ filegroup([name]_srcs): all generated .h files.
+ filegroup(srcs_filegroup_name if specified, or [name]_includes if not):
+ Other flatbuffer_cc_library's can pass this in for their `includes`
+ parameter, if they depend on the schemas in this library.
+ Fileset([name]_reflection): (Optional) all generated reflection binaries.
+ cc_library([name]): library with sources and flatbuffers deps.
+ Remarks:
+ ** Because the genrule used to call flatc does not have any trivial way of
+ computing the output list of files transitively generated by includes and
+ --gen-includes (the default) being defined for flatc, the --gen-includes
+ flag will not work as expected. The way around this is to add a dependency
+ to the flatbuffer_cc_library defined alongside the flatc included Fileset.
+ For example you might define:
+ flatbuffer_cc_library(
+ name = "my_fbs",
+ srcs = [ "schemas/foo.fbs" ],
+ includes = [ "//third_party/bazz:bazz_fbs_includes" ],
+ )
+ In which foo.fbs includes a few files from the Fileset defined at
+ //third_party/bazz:bazz_fbs_includes. When compiling the library that
+ includes foo_generated.h, and therefore has my_fbs as a dependency, it
+ will fail to find any of the bazz *_generated.h files unless you also
+ add bazz's flatbuffer_cc_library to your own dependency list, e.g.:
+ cc_library(
+ name = "my_lib",
+ deps = [
+ ":my_fbs",
+ "//third_party/bazz:bazz_fbs"
+ ],
+ )
+ Happy dependent Flatbuffering!
+ '''
+ output_headers = [
+ (out_prefix + "%s_generated.h") % (s.replace(".fbs", "").split("/")[-1]) for s in srcs
+ ]
+ reflection_name = "%s_reflection" % name if gen_reflections else ""
+ flatbuffer_library_public(name="%s_srcs" % (name),
+ srcs=srcs,
+ outs=output_headers,
+ language_flag="-c",
+ out_prefix=out_prefix,
+ includes=includes,
+ include_paths=include_paths,
+ flatc_args=flatc_args,
+ reflection_name=reflection_name,
+ reflection_visiblity=visibility,)
+ native.cc_library(name=name,
+ hdrs=output_headers,
+ srcs=output_headers,
+ features=[
+ "-parse_headers",
+ ],
+ deps=[
+ "@flatbuffers//:runtime_cc",
+ ],
+ includes=["."],
+ linkstatic=1,
+ visibility=visibility)
+ # A filegroup for the `srcs`. That is, all the schema files for this
+ # Flatbuffer set.
+ native.filegroup(
+ name = srcs_filegroup_name if srcs_filegroup_name else "%s_includes" % (name),
+ srcs = srcs,
+ visibility=srcs_filegroup_visibility if srcs_filegroup_visibility != None else visibility)
diff --git a/third_party/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.BUILD b/third_party/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a426db0c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0
+ "-fexceptions",
+ "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough",
+# Public flatc library to compile flatbuffer files at runtime.
+ name = "flatbuffers",
+ srcs = [
+ "include/flatbuffers/code_generators.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/reflection_generated.h",
+ "src/code_generators.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_fbs.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_general.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_text.cpp",
+ "src/idl_parser.cpp",
+ "src/reflection.cpp",
+ "src/util.cpp",
+ ],
+ hdrs = [
+ "include/flatbuffers/base.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/flexbuffers.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/hash.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/idl.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/reflection.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/stl_emulation.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/util.h",
+ ],
+ includes = ["include/"],
+# Public flatc compiler library.
+ name = "flatc_library",
+ srcs = [
+ "grpc/src/compiler/config.h",
+ "grpc/src/compiler/go_generator.h",
+ "grpc/src/compiler/schema_interface.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/base.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/code_generators.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/flatc.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/flexbuffers.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/hash.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/idl.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/reflection.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/reflection_generated.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/stl_emulation.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/util.h",
+ "src/code_generators.cpp",
+ "src/flatc.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_fbs.cpp",
+ "src/idl_parser.cpp",
+ "src/reflection.cpp",
+ "src/util.cpp",
+ ],
+ hdrs = [
+ "include/flatbuffers/base.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/code_generators.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/flatc.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/idl.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/reflection.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/stl_emulation.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/util.h",
+ ],
+ includes = [
+ "grpc/",
+ "include/",
+ ],
+# Public flatc compiler.
+ name = "flatc",
+ srcs = [
+ "grpc/src/compiler/cpp_generator.cc",
+ "grpc/src/compiler/cpp_generator.h",
+ "grpc/src/compiler/go_generator.cc",
+ "grpc/src/compiler/go_generator.h",
+ "grpc/src/compiler/schema_interface.h",
+ "src/flatc_main.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_cpp.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_general.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_go.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_grpc.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_js.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_json_schema.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_php.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_python.cpp",
+ "src/idl_gen_text.cpp",
+ ],
+ includes = [
+ "grpc/",
+ "include/",
+ ],
+ deps = [
+ ":flatc_library",
+ ],
+ name = "runtime_cc_srcs",
+ srcs = [
+ "include/flatbuffers/base.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/stl_emulation.h",
+ "include/flatbuffers/util.h",
+ ],
+ name = "runtime_cc",
+ hdrs = ["runtime_cc_srcs"],
+ includes = ["include"],
+ linkstatic = 1,