path: root/tensorflow
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authorGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower <gardener@tensorflow.org>2016-12-13 11:25:33 -0800
committerGravatar TensorFlower Gardener <gardener@tensorflow.org>2016-12-13 11:42:57 -0800
commit6191fdca49e8322dcfbf5ce30e15eeb7d2fdbee8 (patch)
tree84a2cf1767ecead3a5e8251dbaa4c0da87141eae /tensorflow
parentaf318c946db96ba4265ab4bc26541f8619270628 (diff)
Update generated Python Op docs.
Change: 141917242
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow')
8 files changed, 856 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/contrib.opt.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/contrib.opt.md
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index 0000000000..12d789af83
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+<!-- This file is machine generated: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+# Optimization (contrib)
+opt: A module containing optimization routines.
+## Other Functions and Classes
+- - -
+### `class tf.contrib.opt.ExternalOptimizerInterface` {#ExternalOptimizerInterface}
+Base class for interfaces with external optimization algorithms.
+Subclass this and implement `_minimize` in order to wrap a new optimization
+`ExternalOptimizerInterface` should not be instantiated directly; instead use
+e.g. `ScipyOptimizerInterface`.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.ExternalOptimizerInterface.__init__(loss, var_list=None, equalities=None, inequalities=None, **optimizer_kwargs)` {#ExternalOptimizerInterface.__init__}
+Initialize a new interface instance.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`loss`</b>: A scalar `Tensor` to be minimized.
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: Optional list of `Variable` objects to update to minimize
+ `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.
+* <b>`equalities`</b>: Optional list of equality constraint scalar `Tensor`s to be
+ held equal to zero.
+* <b>`inequalities`</b>: Optional list of inequality constraint scalar `Tensor`s
+ to be kept nonnegative.
+* <b>`**optimizer_kwargs`</b>: Other subclass-specific keyword arguments.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.ExternalOptimizerInterface.minimize(session=None, feed_dict=None, fetches=None, step_callback=None, loss_callback=None)` {#ExternalOptimizerInterface.minimize}
+Minimize a scalar `Tensor`.
+Variables subject to optimization are updated in-place at the end of
+Note that this method does *not* just return a minimization `Op`, unlike
+`Optimizer.minimize()`; instead it actually performs minimization by
+executing commands to control a `Session`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`session`</b>: A `Session` instance.
+* <b>`feed_dict`</b>: A feed dict to be passed to calls to `session.run`.
+* <b>`fetches`</b>: A list of `Tensor`s to fetch and supply to `loss_callback`
+ as positional arguments.
+* <b>`step_callback`</b>: A function to be called at each optimization step;
+ arguments are the current values of all optimization variables
+ flattened into a single vector.
+* <b>`loss_callback`</b>: A function to be called every time the loss and gradients
+ are computed, with evaluated fetches supplied as positional arguments.
+- - -
+### `class tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer` {#MovingAverageOptimizer}
+Optimizer wrapper that maintains a moving average of parameters.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.__init__(opt, average_decay=0.9999, num_updates=None, sequential_update=True)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new MovingAverageOptimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`opt`</b>: A tf.Optimizer that will be used to compute and apply gradients.
+* <b>`average_decay`</b>: Float. Decay to use to maintain the moving averages
+ of trained variables.
+ See tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage for details.
+* <b>`num_updates`</b>: Optional count of number of updates applied to variables.
+ See tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage for details.
+* <b>`sequential_update`</b>: Bool. If False, will compute the moving average at the
+ same time as the model is updated, potentially doing
+ benign data races.
+ If True, will update the moving average after gradient
+ updates.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.apply_gradients}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.compute_gradients(loss, var_list=None, gate_gradients=1, aggregation_method=None, colocate_gradients_with_ops=False, grad_loss=None)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.compute_gradients}
+Compute gradients of `loss` for the variables in `var_list`.
+This is the first part of `minimize()`. It returns a list
+of (gradient, variable) pairs where "gradient" is the gradient
+for "variable". Note that "gradient" can be a `Tensor`, an
+`IndexedSlices`, or `None` if there is no gradient for the
+given variable.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`loss`</b>: A Tensor containing the value to minimize.
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: Optional list of `tf.Variable` to update to minimize
+ `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key `GraphKey.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.
+* <b>`gate_gradients`</b>: How to gate the computation of gradients. Can be
+* <b>`aggregation_method`</b>: Specifies the method used to combine gradient terms.
+ Valid values are defined in the class `AggregationMethod`.
+* <b>`colocate_gradients_with_ops`</b>: If True, try colocating gradients with
+ the corresponding op.
+* <b>`grad_loss`</b>: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of (gradient, variable) pairs. Variable is always present, but
+ gradient can be `None`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`TypeError`</b>: If `var_list` contains anything else than `Variable` objects.
+* <b>`ValueError`</b>: If some arguments are invalid.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.get_name()` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.get_name}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.get_slot(var, name)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.get_slot}
+Return a slot named `name` created for `var` by the Optimizer.
+Some `Optimizer` subclasses use additional variables. For example
+`Momentum` and `Adagrad` use variables to accumulate updates. This method
+gives access to these `Variable` objects if for some reason you need them.
+Use `get_slot_names()` to get the list of slot names created by the
+##### Args:
+* <b>`var`</b>: A variable passed to `minimize()` or `apply_gradients()`.
+* <b>`name`</b>: A string.
+##### Returns:
+ The `Variable` for the slot if it was created, `None` otherwise.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.get_slot_names()` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.get_slot_names}
+Return a list of the names of slots created by the `Optimizer`.
+See `get_slot()`.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of strings.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=None, var_list=None, gate_gradients=1, aggregation_method=None, colocate_gradients_with_ops=False, name=None, grad_loss=None)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.minimize}
+Add operations to minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`.
+This method simply combines calls `compute_gradients()` and
+`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying
+them call `compute_gradients()` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead
+of using this function.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`loss`</b>: A `Tensor` containing the value to minimize.
+* <b>`global_step`</b>: Optional `Variable` to increment by one after the
+ variables have been updated.
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: Optional list of `Variable` objects to update to minimize
+ `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.
+* <b>`gate_gradients`</b>: How to gate the computation of gradients. Can be
+* <b>`aggregation_method`</b>: Specifies the method used to combine gradient terms.
+ Valid values are defined in the class `AggregationMethod`.
+* <b>`colocate_gradients_with_ops`</b>: If True, try colocating gradients with
+ the corresponding op.
+* <b>`name`</b>: Optional name for the returned operation.
+* <b>`grad_loss`</b>: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`.
+##### Returns:
+ An Operation that updates the variables in `var_list`. If `global_step`
+ was not `None`, that operation also increments `global_step`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`ValueError`</b>: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.swapping_saver(var_list=None, name='swapping_saver', **kwargs)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.swapping_saver}
+Create a saver swapping moving averages and variables.
+You should use this saver during training. It will save the moving averages
+of the trained parameters under the original parameter names. For
+evaluations or inference you should use a regular saver and it will
+automatically use the moving averages for the trained variable.
+You must call this function after all variables have been created and after
+you have called Optimizer.minimize().
+##### Args:
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: List of variables to save, as per `Saver()`.
+ If set to None, will save all the variables that have been
+ created before this call.
+* <b>`name`</b>: The name of the saver.
+* <b>`**kwargs`</b>: Keyword arguments of `Saver()`.
+##### Returns:
+ A `tf.Saver` object.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`RuntimeError`</b>: If apply_gradients or minimize has not been called before.
+- - -
+### `class tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface` {#ScipyOptimizerInterface}
+Wrapper allowing `scipy.optimize.minimize` to operate a `tf.Session`.
+vector = tf.Variable([7., 7.], 'vector')
+# Make vector norm as small as possible.
+loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(vector))
+optimizer = ScipyOptimizerInterface(loss, options={'maxiter': 100})
+with tf.Session() as session:
+ optimizer.minimize(session)
+# The value of vector should now be [0., 0.].
+Example with constraints:
+vector = tf.Variable([7., 7.], 'vector')
+# Make vector norm as small as possible.
+loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(vector))
+# Ensure the vector's y component is = 1.
+equalities = [vector[1] - 1.]
+# Ensure the vector's x component is >= 1.
+inequalities = [vector[0] - 1.]
+# Our default SciPy optimization algorithm, L-BFGS-B, does not support
+# general constraints. Thus we use SLSQP instead.
+optimizer = ScipyOptimizerInterface(
+ loss, equalities=equalities, inequalities=inequalities, method='SLSQP')
+with tf.Session() as session:
+ optimizer.minimize(session)
+# The value of vector should now be [1., 1.].
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface.__init__(loss, var_list=None, equalities=None, inequalities=None, **optimizer_kwargs)` {#ScipyOptimizerInterface.__init__}
+Initialize a new interface instance.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`loss`</b>: A scalar `Tensor` to be minimized.
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: Optional list of `Variable` objects to update to minimize
+ `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.
+* <b>`equalities`</b>: Optional list of equality constraint scalar `Tensor`s to be
+ held equal to zero.
+* <b>`inequalities`</b>: Optional list of inequality constraint scalar `Tensor`s
+ to be kept nonnegative.
+* <b>`**optimizer_kwargs`</b>: Other subclass-specific keyword arguments.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface.minimize(session=None, feed_dict=None, fetches=None, step_callback=None, loss_callback=None)` {#ScipyOptimizerInterface.minimize}
+Minimize a scalar `Tensor`.
+Variables subject to optimization are updated in-place at the end of
+Note that this method does *not* just return a minimization `Op`, unlike
+`Optimizer.minimize()`; instead it actually performs minimization by
+executing commands to control a `Session`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`session`</b>: A `Session` instance.
+* <b>`feed_dict`</b>: A feed dict to be passed to calls to `session.run`.
+* <b>`fetches`</b>: A list of `Tensor`s to fetch and supply to `loss_callback`
+ as positional arguments.
+* <b>`step_callback`</b>: A function to be called at each optimization step;
+ arguments are the current values of all optimization variables
+ flattened into a single vector.
+* <b>`loss_callback`</b>: A function to be called every time the loss and gradients
+ are computed, with evaluated fetches supplied as positional arguments.
+- - -
+### `class tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer` {#VariableClippingOptimizer}
+Wrapper optimizer that clips the norm of specified variables after update.
+This optimizer delegates all aspects of gradient calculation and application
+to an underlying optimizer. After applying gradients, this optimizer then
+clips the variable to have a maximum L2 norm along specified dimensions.
+NB: this is quite different from clipping the norm of the gradients.
+Multiple instances of `VariableClippingOptimizer` may be chained to specify
+different max norms for different subsets of variables.
+This is more efficient at serving-time than using normalization during
+embedding lookup, at the expense of more expensive training and fewer
+guarantees about the norms.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.__init__(opt, vars_to_clip_dims, max_norm, use_locking=False, colocate_clip_ops_with_vars=False, name='VariableClipping')` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new clip-norm optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`opt`</b>: The actual optimizer that will be used to compute and apply the
+ gradients. Must be one of the Optimizer classes.
+* <b>`vars_to_clip_dims`</b>: A dict with keys as Variables and values as lists
+ of dimensions along which to compute the L2-norm. See
+ `tf.clip_by_norm` for more details.
+* <b>`max_norm`</b>: The L2-norm to clip to, for all variables specified.
+* <b>`use_locking`</b>: If `True` use locks for clip update operations.
+* <b>`colocate_clip_ops_with_vars`</b>: If `True`, try colocating the clip norm
+ ops with the corresponding variable.
+* <b>`name`</b>: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying
+ gradients. Defaults to "VariableClipping".
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None)` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.apply_gradients}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.compute_gradients(*args, **kwargs)` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.compute_gradients}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.get_slot(*args, **kwargs)` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.get_slot}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.get_slot_names(*args, **kwargs)` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.get_slot_names}
diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.md
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+Wrapper optimizer that clips the norm of specified variables after update.
+This optimizer delegates all aspects of gradient calculation and application
+to an underlying optimizer. After applying gradients, this optimizer then
+clips the variable to have a maximum L2 norm along specified dimensions.
+NB: this is quite different from clipping the norm of the gradients.
+Multiple instances of `VariableClippingOptimizer` may be chained to specify
+different max norms for different subsets of variables.
+This is more efficient at serving-time than using normalization during
+embedding lookup, at the expense of more expensive training and fewer
+guarantees about the norms.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.__init__(opt, vars_to_clip_dims, max_norm, use_locking=False, colocate_clip_ops_with_vars=False, name='VariableClipping')` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new clip-norm optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`opt`</b>: The actual optimizer that will be used to compute and apply the
+ gradients. Must be one of the Optimizer classes.
+* <b>`vars_to_clip_dims`</b>: A dict with keys as Variables and values as lists
+ of dimensions along which to compute the L2-norm. See
+ `tf.clip_by_norm` for more details.
+* <b>`max_norm`</b>: The L2-norm to clip to, for all variables specified.
+* <b>`use_locking`</b>: If `True` use locks for clip update operations.
+* <b>`colocate_clip_ops_with_vars`</b>: If `True`, try colocating the clip norm
+ ops with the corresponding variable.
+* <b>`name`</b>: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying
+ gradients. Defaults to "VariableClipping".
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None)` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.apply_gradients}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.compute_gradients(*args, **kwargs)` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.compute_gradients}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.get_slot(*args, **kwargs)` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.get_slot}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.VariableClippingOptimizer.get_slot_names(*args, **kwargs)` {#VariableClippingOptimizer.get_slot_names}
diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.train.MonitoredSession.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.train.MonitoredSession.md
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--- a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.train.MonitoredSession.md
+++ b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard1/tf.train.MonitoredSession.md
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Session-like object that handles initialization, recovery and hooks.
Example usage:
saver_hook = CheckpointSaverHook(...)
summary_hook = SummaryHook(...)
@@ -34,20 +35,25 @@ Exit: At the `close()`, the monitored session does following things in order:
* calls `hook.end()`
* closes the queue runners and the session
-* surpresses `OutOfRange` error which indicates that all inputs have been
- processed if the monitored_session is used as a context.
+* suppresses `OutOfRange` error which indicates that all inputs have been
+ processed if the monitored_session is used as a context
How to set `tf.Session` arguments:
* In most cases you can set session arguments as follows:
- ```python
- MonitoredSession(
- session_creator=ChiefSessionCreator(master=..., config=...))
- ```
+ session_creator=ChiefSessionCreator(master=..., config=...))
* In distributed setting for a non-chief worker, you can use following:
- ```python
- MonitoredSession(
- session_creator=WorkerSessionCreator(master=..., config=...))
- ```
+ session_creator=WorkerSessionCreator(master=..., config=...))
See `MonitoredTrainingSession` for an example usage based on chief or worker.
diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard2/tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard2/tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface.md
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+Wrapper allowing `scipy.optimize.minimize` to operate a `tf.Session`.
+vector = tf.Variable([7., 7.], 'vector')
+# Make vector norm as small as possible.
+loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(vector))
+optimizer = ScipyOptimizerInterface(loss, options={'maxiter': 100})
+with tf.Session() as session:
+ optimizer.minimize(session)
+# The value of vector should now be [0., 0.].
+Example with constraints:
+vector = tf.Variable([7., 7.], 'vector')
+# Make vector norm as small as possible.
+loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(vector))
+# Ensure the vector's y component is = 1.
+equalities = [vector[1] - 1.]
+# Ensure the vector's x component is >= 1.
+inequalities = [vector[0] - 1.]
+# Our default SciPy optimization algorithm, L-BFGS-B, does not support
+# general constraints. Thus we use SLSQP instead.
+optimizer = ScipyOptimizerInterface(
+ loss, equalities=equalities, inequalities=inequalities, method='SLSQP')
+with tf.Session() as session:
+ optimizer.minimize(session)
+# The value of vector should now be [1., 1.].
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface.__init__(loss, var_list=None, equalities=None, inequalities=None, **optimizer_kwargs)` {#ScipyOptimizerInterface.__init__}
+Initialize a new interface instance.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`loss`</b>: A scalar `Tensor` to be minimized.
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: Optional list of `Variable` objects to update to minimize
+ `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.
+* <b>`equalities`</b>: Optional list of equality constraint scalar `Tensor`s to be
+ held equal to zero.
+* <b>`inequalities`</b>: Optional list of inequality constraint scalar `Tensor`s
+ to be kept nonnegative.
+* <b>`**optimizer_kwargs`</b>: Other subclass-specific keyword arguments.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface.minimize(session=None, feed_dict=None, fetches=None, step_callback=None, loss_callback=None)` {#ScipyOptimizerInterface.minimize}
+Minimize a scalar `Tensor`.
+Variables subject to optimization are updated in-place at the end of
+Note that this method does *not* just return a minimization `Op`, unlike
+`Optimizer.minimize()`; instead it actually performs minimization by
+executing commands to control a `Session`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`session`</b>: A `Session` instance.
+* <b>`feed_dict`</b>: A feed dict to be passed to calls to `session.run`.
+* <b>`fetches`</b>: A list of `Tensor`s to fetch and supply to `loss_callback`
+ as positional arguments.
+* <b>`step_callback`</b>: A function to be called at each optimization step;
+ arguments are the current values of all optimization variables
+ flattened into a single vector.
+* <b>`loss_callback`</b>: A function to be called every time the loss and gradients
+ are computed, with evaluated fetches supplied as positional arguments.
diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard7/tf.contrib.opt.ExternalOptimizerInterface.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard7/tf.contrib.opt.ExternalOptimizerInterface.md
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+Base class for interfaces with external optimization algorithms.
+Subclass this and implement `_minimize` in order to wrap a new optimization
+`ExternalOptimizerInterface` should not be instantiated directly; instead use
+e.g. `ScipyOptimizerInterface`.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.ExternalOptimizerInterface.__init__(loss, var_list=None, equalities=None, inequalities=None, **optimizer_kwargs)` {#ExternalOptimizerInterface.__init__}
+Initialize a new interface instance.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`loss`</b>: A scalar `Tensor` to be minimized.
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: Optional list of `Variable` objects to update to minimize
+ `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.
+* <b>`equalities`</b>: Optional list of equality constraint scalar `Tensor`s to be
+ held equal to zero.
+* <b>`inequalities`</b>: Optional list of inequality constraint scalar `Tensor`s
+ to be kept nonnegative.
+* <b>`**optimizer_kwargs`</b>: Other subclass-specific keyword arguments.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.ExternalOptimizerInterface.minimize(session=None, feed_dict=None, fetches=None, step_callback=None, loss_callback=None)` {#ExternalOptimizerInterface.minimize}
+Minimize a scalar `Tensor`.
+Variables subject to optimization are updated in-place at the end of
+Note that this method does *not* just return a minimization `Op`, unlike
+`Optimizer.minimize()`; instead it actually performs minimization by
+executing commands to control a `Session`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`session`</b>: A `Session` instance.
+* <b>`feed_dict`</b>: A feed dict to be passed to calls to `session.run`.
+* <b>`fetches`</b>: A list of `Tensor`s to fetch and supply to `loss_callback`
+ as positional arguments.
+* <b>`step_callback`</b>: A function to be called at each optimization step;
+ arguments are the current values of all optimization variables
+ flattened into a single vector.
+* <b>`loss_callback`</b>: A function to be called every time the loss and gradients
+ are computed, with evaluated fetches supplied as positional arguments.
diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard8/tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes/shard8/tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.md
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+Optimizer wrapper that maintains a moving average of parameters.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.__init__(opt, average_decay=0.9999, num_updates=None, sequential_update=True)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new MovingAverageOptimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`opt`</b>: A tf.Optimizer that will be used to compute and apply gradients.
+* <b>`average_decay`</b>: Float. Decay to use to maintain the moving averages
+ of trained variables.
+ See tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage for details.
+* <b>`num_updates`</b>: Optional count of number of updates applied to variables.
+ See tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage for details.
+* <b>`sequential_update`</b>: Bool. If False, will compute the moving average at the
+ same time as the model is updated, potentially doing
+ benign data races.
+ If True, will update the moving average after gradient
+ updates.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.apply_gradients}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.compute_gradients(loss, var_list=None, gate_gradients=1, aggregation_method=None, colocate_gradients_with_ops=False, grad_loss=None)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.compute_gradients}
+Compute gradients of `loss` for the variables in `var_list`.
+This is the first part of `minimize()`. It returns a list
+of (gradient, variable) pairs where "gradient" is the gradient
+for "variable". Note that "gradient" can be a `Tensor`, an
+`IndexedSlices`, or `None` if there is no gradient for the
+given variable.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`loss`</b>: A Tensor containing the value to minimize.
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: Optional list of `tf.Variable` to update to minimize
+ `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key `GraphKey.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.
+* <b>`gate_gradients`</b>: How to gate the computation of gradients. Can be
+* <b>`aggregation_method`</b>: Specifies the method used to combine gradient terms.
+ Valid values are defined in the class `AggregationMethod`.
+* <b>`colocate_gradients_with_ops`</b>: If True, try colocating gradients with
+ the corresponding op.
+* <b>`grad_loss`</b>: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of (gradient, variable) pairs. Variable is always present, but
+ gradient can be `None`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`TypeError`</b>: If `var_list` contains anything else than `Variable` objects.
+* <b>`ValueError`</b>: If some arguments are invalid.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.get_name()` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.get_name}
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.get_slot(var, name)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.get_slot}
+Return a slot named `name` created for `var` by the Optimizer.
+Some `Optimizer` subclasses use additional variables. For example
+`Momentum` and `Adagrad` use variables to accumulate updates. This method
+gives access to these `Variable` objects if for some reason you need them.
+Use `get_slot_names()` to get the list of slot names created by the
+##### Args:
+* <b>`var`</b>: A variable passed to `minimize()` or `apply_gradients()`.
+* <b>`name`</b>: A string.
+##### Returns:
+ The `Variable` for the slot if it was created, `None` otherwise.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.get_slot_names()` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.get_slot_names}
+Return a list of the names of slots created by the `Optimizer`.
+See `get_slot()`.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of strings.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=None, var_list=None, gate_gradients=1, aggregation_method=None, colocate_gradients_with_ops=False, name=None, grad_loss=None)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.minimize}
+Add operations to minimize `loss` by updating `var_list`.
+This method simply combines calls `compute_gradients()` and
+`apply_gradients()`. If you want to process the gradient before applying
+them call `compute_gradients()` and `apply_gradients()` explicitly instead
+of using this function.
+##### Args:
+* <b>`loss`</b>: A `Tensor` containing the value to minimize.
+* <b>`global_step`</b>: Optional `Variable` to increment by one after the
+ variables have been updated.
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: Optional list of `Variable` objects to update to minimize
+ `loss`. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`.
+* <b>`gate_gradients`</b>: How to gate the computation of gradients. Can be
+* <b>`aggregation_method`</b>: Specifies the method used to combine gradient terms.
+ Valid values are defined in the class `AggregationMethod`.
+* <b>`colocate_gradients_with_ops`</b>: If True, try colocating gradients with
+ the corresponding op.
+* <b>`name`</b>: Optional name for the returned operation.
+* <b>`grad_loss`</b>: Optional. A `Tensor` holding the gradient computed for `loss`.
+##### Returns:
+ An Operation that updates the variables in `var_list`. If `global_step`
+ was not `None`, that operation also increments `global_step`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`ValueError`</b>: If some of the variables are not `Variable` objects.
+- - -
+#### `tf.contrib.opt.MovingAverageOptimizer.swapping_saver(var_list=None, name='swapping_saver', **kwargs)` {#MovingAverageOptimizer.swapping_saver}
+Create a saver swapping moving averages and variables.
+You should use this saver during training. It will save the moving averages
+of the trained parameters under the original parameter names. For
+evaluations or inference you should use a regular saver and it will
+automatically use the moving averages for the trained variable.
+You must call this function after all variables have been created and after
+you have called Optimizer.minimize().
+##### Args:
+* <b>`var_list`</b>: List of variables to save, as per `Saver()`.
+ If set to None, will save all the variables that have been
+ created before this call.
+* <b>`name`</b>: The name of the saver.
+* <b>`**kwargs`</b>: Keyword arguments of `Saver()`.
+##### Returns:
+ A `tf.Saver` object.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>`RuntimeError`</b>: If apply_gradients or minimize has not been called before.
diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/index.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/index.md
index 49c3734b5f..9a25ccd7d2 100644
--- a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/index.md
+++ b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/index.md
@@ -1040,6 +1040,12 @@
* [`softmax_cross_entropy`](../../api_docs/python/contrib.losses.md#softmax_cross_entropy)
* [`sparse_softmax_cross_entropy`](../../api_docs/python/contrib.losses.md#sparse_softmax_cross_entropy)
+* **[Optimization (contrib)](../../api_docs/python/contrib.opt.md)**:
+ * [`ExternalOptimizerInterface`](../../api_docs/python/contrib.opt.md#ExternalOptimizerInterface)
+ * [`MovingAverageOptimizer`](../../api_docs/python/contrib.opt.md#MovingAverageOptimizer)
+ * [`ScipyOptimizerInterface`](../../api_docs/python/contrib.opt.md#ScipyOptimizerInterface)
+ * [`VariableClippingOptimizer`](../../api_docs/python/contrib.opt.md#VariableClippingOptimizer)
* **[RNN and Cells (contrib)](../../api_docs/python/contrib.rnn.md)**:
* [`AttentionCellWrapper`](../../api_docs/python/contrib.rnn.md#AttentionCellWrapper)
* [`BasicLSTMCell`](../../api_docs/python/contrib.rnn.md#BasicLSTMCell)
diff --git a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/train.md b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/train.md
index 0c2e2d5e60..6b6683d92e 100644
--- a/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/train.md
+++ b/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/train.md
@@ -3558,6 +3558,7 @@ inialize/restore.
Session-like object that handles initialization, recovery and hooks.
Example usage:
saver_hook = CheckpointSaverHook(...)
summary_hook = SummaryHook(...)
@@ -3591,20 +3592,25 @@ Exit: At the `close()`, the monitored session does following things in order:
* calls `hook.end()`
* closes the queue runners and the session
-* surpresses `OutOfRange` error which indicates that all inputs have been
- processed if the monitored_session is used as a context.
+* suppresses `OutOfRange` error which indicates that all inputs have been
+ processed if the monitored_session is used as a context
How to set `tf.Session` arguments:
* In most cases you can set session arguments as follows:
- ```python
- MonitoredSession(
- session_creator=ChiefSessionCreator(master=..., config=...))
- ```
+ session_creator=ChiefSessionCreator(master=..., config=...))
* In distributed setting for a non-chief worker, you can use following:
- ```python
- MonitoredSession(
- session_creator=WorkerSessionCreator(master=..., config=...))
- ```
+ session_creator=WorkerSessionCreator(master=..., config=...))
See `MonitoredTrainingSession` for an example usage based on chief or worker.