path: root/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph/tf-graph-scene.html
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph/tf-graph-scene.html
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph/tf-graph-scene.html')
1 files changed, 475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph/tf-graph-scene.html b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph/tf-graph-scene.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34c2d3dc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph/tf-graph-scene.html
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
+<link rel="import" href="tf-graph-style.html">
+<link rel="import" href="tf-graph-minimap.html">
+<script src="../tf-graph-common/lib/layout.js"></script>
+<script src="../../bower_components/dagre/dist/dagre.core.js"></script>
+ A module that takes graph-hierarchy as input and produce
+ a svg dom using dagre and d3.
+<dom-module id="tf-graph-scene">
+<style include="tf-graph-style">
+ :host {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ }
+ .titleContainer {
+ position: relative;
+ }
+ .title {
+ position: absolute;
+ }
+ .auxTitle {
+ position: absolute;
+ }
+ #minimap {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 20px;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ }
+<div class="titleContainer">
+ <div id="title" class="title">Main Graph</div>
+ <div id="auxTitle" class="auxTitle">Auxiliary nodes</div>
+<svg id="svg">
+ <defs>
+ <!-- Arrow head for edge paths. -->
+ <marker id="arrowhead" markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10"
+ refX="9" refY="5" orient="auto">
+ <path d="M 0,0 L 10,5 L 0,10 C 3,7 3,3 0,0"/>
+ </marker>
+ <marker id="ref-arrowhead" markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10"
+ refX="1" refY="5" orient="auto">
+ <path d="M 10,0 L 0,5 L 10,10 C 7,7 7,3 10,0"/>
+ </marker>
+ <!-- Arrow head for annotation edge paths. -->
+ <marker id="annotation-arrowhead" markerWidth="5" markerHeight="5"
+ refX="5" refY="2.5" orient="auto">
+ <path d="M 0,0 L 5,2.5 L 0,5 L 0,0"/>
+ </marker>
+ <marker id="ref-annotation-arrowhead" markerWidth="5" markerHeight="5"
+ refX="0" refY="2.5" orient="auto">
+ <path d="M 5,0 L 0,2.5 L 5,5 L 5,0"/>
+ </marker>
+ <!-- Template for an Op node ellipse. -->
+ <ellipse id="op-node-stamp"
+ rx="7.5" ry="3" stroke="inherit" fill="inherit" />
+ <!-- Template for an Op node annotation ellipse (smaller). -->
+ <ellipse id="op-node-annotation-stamp"
+ rx="5" ry="2" stroke="inherit" fill="inherit" />
+ <!-- Vertically stacked series of Op nodes when unexpanded. -->
+ <g id="op-series-vertical-stamp">
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-stamp" x="8" y="9" />
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-stamp" x="8" y="6" />
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-stamp" x="8" y="3" />
+ </g>
+ <!-- Horizontally stacked series of Op nodes when unexpanded. -->
+ <g id="op-series-horizontal-stamp">
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-stamp" x="16" y="4" />
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-stamp" x="12" y="4" />
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-stamp" x="8" y="4" />
+ </g>
+ <!-- Horizontally stacked series of Op nodes for annotation. -->
+ <g id="op-series-annotation-stamp">
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-annotation-stamp" x="9" y="2" />
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-annotation-stamp" x="7" y="2" />
+ <use xlink:href="#op-node-annotation-stamp" x="5" y="2" />
+ </g>
+ <!--
+ Where the linearGradient for each node is stored. Used when coloring
+ by proportions of devices.
+ -->
+ <g id="linearGradients"></g>
+ </defs>
+ <!-- Make a large rectangle that fills the svg space so that
+ zoom events get captured on safari -->
+ <rect fill="white" width="10000" height="10000"></rect>
+ <g id="root"></g>
+<tf-graph-minimap id="minimap"></tf-graph-minimap>
+ is: 'tf-graph-scene',
+ properties: {
+ graphHierarchy: Object,
+ name: String,
+ colorBy: {
+ type: String,
+ observer: '_colorByChanged'
+ },
+ /** @type {d3_zoom} d3 zoom object */
+ _zoom: Object,
+ highlightedNode: {
+ type: String,
+ observer: '_highlightedNodeChanged'
+ },
+ selectedNode: {
+ type: String,
+ observer: '_selectedNodeChanged'
+ },
+ /** Keeps track of if the graph has been zoomed/panned since loading */
+ _zoomed: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ observer: '_onZoomChanged',
+ value: false
+ },
+ /** Keeps track of the starting coordinates of a graph zoom/pan */
+ _zoomStartCoords: {
+ type: Array,
+ value: null
+ },
+ /** Keeps track of the current coordinates of a graph zoom/pan */
+ _zoomCoords: {
+ type: Array,
+ value: null
+ },
+ /** Maximum distance of a zoom event for it to be interpreted as a click */
+ _maxZoomDistanceForClick: {
+ type: Number,
+ value: 20
+ },
+ /**
+ * @type {d3.scale.ordinal}
+ * Scale mapping from template name to a number between 0 and N-1
+ * where N is the number of different template names.
+ */
+ templateIndex: Object,
+ /**
+ * @type {tf.scene.Minimap}
+ * A minimap object to notify for zoom events.
+ */
+ minimap: Object,
+ /*
+ * Dictionary for easily stylizing nodes when state changes.
+ * _nodeGroupIndex[nodeName] = d3_selection of the nodeGroup
+ */
+ _nodeGroupIndex: {
+ type: Object,
+ value: function() { return {}; }
+ },
+ /*
+ * Dictionary for easily stylizing annotation nodes when state changes.
+ * _annotationGroupIndex[nodeName][hostNodeName] =
+ * d3_selection of the annotationGroup
+ */
+ _annotationGroupIndex: {
+ type: Object,
+ value: function() { return {}; }
+ },
+ /*
+ * Dictionary for easily stylizing edges when state changes.
+ * _edgeGroupIndex[edgeName] = d3_selection of the edgeGroup
+ */
+ _edgeGroupIndex: {
+ type: Object,
+ value: function() { return {}; }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Max font size for metanode label strings.
+ */
+ maxMetanodeLabelLengthFontSize: {
+ type: Number,
+ value: 9
+ },
+ /**
+ * Min font size for metanode label strings.
+ */
+ minMetanodeLabelLengthFontSize: {
+ type: Number,
+ value: 6
+ },
+ /**
+ * Metanode label strings longer than this are given smaller fonts.
+ */
+ maxMetanodeLabelLengthLargeFont: {
+ type: Number,
+ value: 11
+ },
+ /**
+ * Metanode label strings longer than this are truncated with ellipses.
+ */
+ maxMetanodeLabelLength: {
+ type: Number,
+ value: 18
+ },
+ progress: Object
+ },
+ observers: [
+ '_buildAndFit(graphHierarchy)'
+ ],
+ getNode: function(nodeName) {
+ return this.graphHierarchy.getRenderNodeByName(nodeName);
+ },
+ isNodeExpanded: function(node) {
+ return node.expanded;
+ },
+ setNodeExpanded: function(renderNode) {
+ this._build(this.graphHierarchy);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Resets the state of the component. Called whenever the whole graph
+ * (dataset) changes.
+ */
+ _resetState: function() {
+ // Reset the state of the component.
+ this._nodeGroupIndex = {};
+ this._annotationGroupIndex = {};
+ this._edgeGroupIndex = {};
+ this._updateLabels(false);
+ // Remove all svg elements under the 'root' svg group.
+ d3.select(this.$.svg).select('#root').selectAll('*').remove();
+ // And the defs.
+ d3.select(this.$.svg).select('defs #linearGradients')
+ .selectAll('*').remove();
+ },
+ /** Main method for building the scene */
+ _build: function(graphHierarchy) {
+ if (!graphHierarchy) { return; } //handle untruthy input
+ var templateNames = d3.keys(graphHierarchy.hierarchy.templates);
+ this.templateIndex = d3.scale.ordinal()
+ .domain(templateNames)
+ .range(d3.range(0, templateNames.length));
+ tf.time('tf-graph-scene (layout):', function() {
+ // layout the scene for this meta / series node
+ tf.graph.layout.scene(graphHierarchy.root, this);
+ }.bind(this));
+ tf.time('tf-graph-scene (build scene):', function() {
+ tf.graph.scene.buildGroup(d3.select(this.$.root), graphHierarchy.root, this);
+ tf.graph.scene.addGraphClickListener(this.$.svg, this);
+ }.bind(this));
+ // Update the minimap again when the graph is done animating.
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ this.minimap.update();
+ }.bind(this), tf.graph.layout.PARAMS.animation.duration);
+ },
+ ready: function() {
+ this._zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
+ .on('zoomend', function() {
+ if (this._zoomStartCoords) {
+ // Calculate the total distance dragged during the zoom event.
+ // If it is sufficiently small, then fire an event indicating
+ // that zooming has ended. Otherwise wait to fire the zoom end
+ // event, so that a mouse click registered as part of this zooming
+ // is ignored (as this mouse click was part of a zooming, and should
+ // not be used to indicate an actual click on the graph).
+ var dragDistance = Math.sqrt(
+ Math.pow(this._zoomStartCoords[0] - this._zoomCoords[0], 2) +
+ Math.pow(this._zoomStartCoords[1] - this._zoomCoords[1], 2));
+ if (dragDistance < this._maxZoomDistanceForClick) {
+ this._fireEnableClick();
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(this._fireEnableClick.bind(this), 50);
+ }
+ }
+ this._zoomStartCoords = null;
+ }.bind(this))
+ .on('zoom', function() {
+ // Store the coordinates of the zoom event
+ this._zoomCoords = d3.event.translate;
+ // If this is the first zoom event after a zoom-end, then
+ // store the coordinates as the start coordinates as well,
+ // and fire an event to indicate that zooming has started.
+ // This doesn't use the zoomstart event, as d3 sends this
+ // event on mouse-down, even if there has been no dragging
+ // done to translate the graph around.
+ if (!this._zoomStartCoords) {
+ this._zoomStartCoords = this._zoomCoords.slice();
+ this.fire('disable-click');
+ }
+ this._zoomed = true;
+ d3.select(this.$.root).attr('transform',
+ 'translate(' + d3.event.translate + ')' +
+ 'scale(' + d3.event.scale + ')');
+ // Notify the minimap.
+ this.minimap.zoom(d3.event.translate, d3.event.scale);
+ }.bind(this));
+ d3.select(this.$.svg).call(this._zoom)
+ .on('dblclick.zoom', null);
+ d3.select(window).on('resize', function() {
+ // Notify the minimap that the user's window was resized.
+ // The minimap will figure out the new dimensions of the main svg
+ // and will use the existing translate and scale params.
+ this.minimap.zoom();
+ }.bind(this));
+ // Initialize the minimap.
+ this.minimap = this.$.minimap.init(this.$.svg, this.$.root, this._zoom,
+ tf.graph.layout.PARAMS.minimap.size,
+ tf.graph.layout.PARAMS.subscene.meta.labelHeight);
+ },
+ _buildAndFit: function(graphHierarchy) {
+ this._resetState();
+ this._build(graphHierarchy);
+ // Fit to screen after the graph is done animating.
+ setTimeout(this.fit.bind(this), tf.graph.layout.PARAMS.animation.duration);
+ },
+ _updateLabels: function(showLabels) {
+ var titleStyle = this.getElementsByClassName('title')[0].style;
+ var auxTitleStyle = this.getElementsByClassName('auxTitle')[0].style;
+ var core = this.getElementsByClassName(tf.graph.scene.Class.Scene.CORE)[0];
+ // Only show labels if the graph is fully loaded.
+ if (showLabels && core && this.progress && this.progress.value === 100) {
+ var aux =
+ this.getElementsByClassName(tf.graph.scene.Class.Scene.INEXTRACT)[0] ||
+ this.getElementsByClassName(tf.graph.scene.Class.Scene.OUTEXTRACT)[0];
+ var coreX = core.getCTM().e;
+ var auxX = aux ? aux.getCTM().e : null;
+ titleStyle.display = 'inline';
+ titleStyle.left = coreX + 'px';
+ if (auxX !== null && auxX !== coreX) {
+ auxTitleStyle.display = 'inline';
+ auxTitleStyle.left = auxX + 'px';
+ } else {
+ auxTitleStyle.display = 'none';
+ }
+ } else {
+ titleStyle.display='none';
+ auxTitleStyle.display = 'none';
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Called whenever the user changed the 'color by' option in the
+ * UI controls.
+ */
+ _colorByChanged: function() {
+ // We iterate through each svg node and update its state.
+ _.each(this._nodeGroupIndex, function(nodeGroup, nodeName) {
+ this._updateNodeState(nodeName);
+ }, this);
+ // Notify also the minimap.
+ this.minimap.update();
+ },
+ fit: function() {
+ tf.graph.scene.fit(this.$.svg, this.$.root, this._zoom, function() {
+ this._zoomed = false;
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ isNodeSelected: function(n) {
+ return n === this.selectedNode;
+ },
+ isNodeHighlighted: function(n) {
+ return n === this.highlightedNode;
+ },
+ addAnnotationGroup: function(a, d, selection) {
+ var an = a.node.name;
+ this._annotationGroupIndex[an] = this._annotationGroupIndex[an] || {};
+ this._annotationGroupIndex[an][d.node.name] = selection;
+ },
+ getAnnotationGroupsIndex: function(a) {
+ return this._annotationGroupIndex[a];
+ },
+ removeAnnotationGroup: function(a, d) {
+ delete this._annotationGroupIndex[a.node.name][d.node.name];
+ },
+ addNodeGroup: function(n, selection) {
+ this._nodeGroupIndex[n] = selection;
+ },
+ getNodeGroup: function(n) {
+ return this._nodeGroupIndex[n];
+ },
+ removeNodeGroup: function(n) {
+ delete this._nodeGroupIndex[n];
+ },
+ addEdgeGroup: function(n, selection) {
+ this._edgeGroupIndex[e] = selection;
+ },
+ getEdgeGroup: function(e) {
+ return this._edgeGroupIndex[e];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update node and annotation node of the given name.
+ * @param {String} n node name
+ */
+ _updateNodeState: function(n) {
+ var node = this.getNode(n);
+ var nodeGroup = this.getNodeGroup(n);
+ if (nodeGroup) {
+ tf.graph.scene.node.stylize(nodeGroup, node, this);
+ }
+ var annotationGroupIndex = this.getAnnotationGroupsIndex(n);
+ _.each(annotationGroupIndex, function(aGroup, hostName) {
+ tf.graph.scene.node.stylize(aGroup, node, this,
+ tf.graph.scene.Class.Annotation.NODE);
+ }, this);
+ },
+ _selectedNodeChanged: function(selectedNode, oldSelectedNode) {
+ if (selectedNode === oldSelectedNode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (selectedNode) {
+ this._updateNodeState(selectedNode);
+ }
+ if (oldSelectedNode) {
+ this._updateNodeState(oldSelectedNode);
+ }
+ if (!selectedNode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update the minimap to reflect the highlighted (selected) node.
+ this.minimap.update();
+ var node = this.graphHierarchy.hierarchy.node(selectedNode);
+ var nodeParents = [];
+ // Create list of all metanode parents of the selected node.
+ while (node.parentNode != null
+ && node.parentNode.name != tf.graph.ROOT_NAME) {
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ nodeParents.push(node.name);
+ }
+ // Ensure each parent metanode is built and expanded.
+ var topParentNodeToBeExpanded;
+ _.forEachRight(nodeParents, function(parentName) {
+ this.graphHierarchy.buildSubhierarchy(parentName);
+ var renderNode = this.graphHierarchy.getRenderNodeByName(parentName);
+ if (renderNode.node.isGroupNode && !renderNode.expanded) {
+ renderNode.expanded = true;
+ if (!topParentNodeToBeExpanded) {
+ topParentNodeToBeExpanded = renderNode;
+ }
+ }
+ }, this);
+ // If any expansion was needed to display this selected node, then
+ // inform the scene of the top-most expansion.
+ if (topParentNodeToBeExpanded) {
+ this.setNodeExpanded(topParentNodeToBeExpanded);
+ this._zoomed = true;
+ }
+ if (tf.graph.scene.panToNode(selectedNode, this.$.svg, this.$.root,
+ this._zoom)) {
+ this._zoomed = true;
+ }
+ },
+ _highlightedNodeChanged: function(highlightedNode, oldHighlightedNode) {
+ if (highlightedNode === oldHighlightedNode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (highlightedNode) {
+ this._updateNodeState(highlightedNode);
+ }
+ if (oldHighlightedNode) {
+ this._updateNodeState(oldHighlightedNode);
+ }
+ },
+ _onZoomChanged: function() {
+ this._updateLabels(!this._zoomed);
+ },
+ _fireEnableClick: function() {
+ this.fire('enable-click');
+ },